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Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
as of June 30, 2023 (Unaudited), and December 31, 2022,
and for the six-month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
I. Independent Auditor’s Review Report ---------------------------------------------------1
II. Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (Attachment):
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position--------------------4
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income -------------6
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity -------------------8
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows ---------------------------9
Notes to Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements-----------------------10
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as
“Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. DTTL and each DTTL
member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of each other. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more.
Deloitte Anjin LLC
9F., One IFC,
10, Gukjegeumyung-ro,
Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul
07326, Korea
Tel: +82 (2) 6676 1000
Fax: +82 (2) 6674 2114
Independent Auditor’s Review Report
(English Translation of a Report Originally Issued in Korean)
To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of
Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.:
August 10, 2023
Report on the Reviewed Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Hyundai
Capital Services, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Group”). The condensed consolidated interim financial
statements consist of the condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position as of June 30,
2023, and the related condensed consolidated interim statements of comprehensive income for the
three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, and the condensed consolidated
interim statements of changes in equity and condensed consolidated interim statements of cash flows
for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, all expressed in Korean won, and a summary
of material accounting policies and other explanatory information
Management’s Responsibility for the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
The Group’s management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the accompanying
condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with Korean International
Financial Reporting Standard (“K-IFRS”) 1034, Interim Financial Reporting, and for such internal
control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of condensed consolidated
interim financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Independent Accountant’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the accompanying condensed consolidated interim
financial statements based on our reviews.
We conducted our reviews in accordance with the standards for review of condensed consolidated
interim financial statements in the Republic of Korea. A review of condensed interim financial
statements consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope
than an audit conducted in accordance with Korean Standards on Auditing and consequently does not
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be
identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Review Conclusion
Based on our reviews, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the
accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Group are not presented
fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with K-IFRS 1034, Interim Financial Reporting.
- 2 -
The consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022, and the related consolidated
statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for
the year then ended have been audited by Deloitte Anjin Accounting Corporation, in accordance with
the auditing standards generally accepted in the Republic of Korea (not presented herein), whose report
dated March 7, 2023, expressed an unqualified opinion. The accompanying condensed consolidated
interim statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022, presented for comparative purposes,
is not different, in all material respects, from the above audited consolidated statement of financial
Seoul, Korea
August 10, 2023
Notice to Readers
This report is effective as of August 10, 2023, the review report date. Certain subsequent events or
circumstances, which may occur between the review report date and the time of reading this report, could
have a material impact on the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements and notes
thereto. Accordingly, the readers of the review report should understand that there is a possibility that the
above review report may have to be revised to reflect the impact of such subsequent events or circumstances,
if any.
- 3 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial
Statements (Attachment)
As of June 30, 2023
"We, Hyundai Capital Services, Inc., provided the condensed
consolidated interim financial statements attached.”
Representative Director Mok Jin-Won
Headquarters: Sejongdae-ro 14, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Phone: 1588-2114
- 4 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position (Unaudited)
As of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022
Account Notes June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Ⅰ. Cash and due from other
financial institutions
3,860,966,057,942 2,958,893,560,226
1. Cash and cash equivalents 4,28,32 1,306,712,622,431 1,747,627,400,546
2. Due from banks 4 353,911,866,923 225,628,606,464
3. Short-term financial investments 5 2,200,341,568,588 985,637,553,216
Ⅱ. Securities 1,808,779,374,937 1,757,348,209,778
1. Investments in associates and
joint ventures
8 1,656,391,551,191 1,603,253,639,209
2. Measured at fair value through
profit or loss (“FVTPL”)
6,32 107,819,248,556 91,254,422,087
3. Measured at fair value through
other comprehensive income
7,32 44,568,575,190 62,840,148,482
Ⅲ. Loans receivable 9,31,32 9,034,603,283,357 9,942,936,560,239
1. Loans receivable 9,388,590,911,844 10,349,558,596,471
Allowance for doubtful accounts (353,987,628,487) (406,622,036,232)
Ⅳ. Installment financial assets 9,31,32 15,732,397,323,987 14,720,775,655,919
1. Automobile installment financing
15,919,023,390,598 14,896,414,361,932
Allowance for doubtful accounts (186,687,354,076) (175,718,794,545)
2. Durable goods installment
financing receivables
593,419 851,220
Allowance for doubtful accounts (593,419) (851,220)
3. Mortgage installment financing
75,966,657 95,560,101
Allowance for doubtful accounts (14,679,192) (15,471,569)
Ⅴ. Lease receivables 9,32 2,017,726,700,102 2,044,891,135,936
1. Finance lease receivables 2,053,182,566,109 2,082,226,283,687
Allowance for doubtful accounts (37,359,373,211) (39,304,772,727)
2. Canceled lease receivables 6,799,563,853 20,761,887,403
Allowance for doubtful accounts (4,896,056,649) (18,792,262,427)
Ⅵ. Leased assets 10 5,745,114,518,132 5,538,085,730,243
1. Operating lease assets 7,819,634,146,986 7,397,072,179,332
Accumulated depreciation (2,046,324,245,566) (1,827,987,709,713)
Accumulated impairment losses (33,659,233,917) (39,183,318,678)
2. Canceled lease assets 8,298,258,103 11,110,144,804
Accumulated impairment losses (2,834,407,474) (2,925,565,502)
Ⅶ. Property and equipment 12 197,441,100,883 209,331,200,159
1. Land 79,121,040,878 79,121,040,878
2. Building 112,009,551,682 112,009,551,682
Accumulated depreciation (28,465,778,671) (27,055,862,803)
3. Vehicles 5,675,449,030 5,827,810,016
Accumulated depreciation (3,520,464,975) (3,334,502,561)
4. Fixture and furniture 183,129,500,154 194,801,004,574
Accumulated depreciation (153,333,104,757) (153,643,254,523)
5. Other tangible asset 1,003,789,514 1,003,789,514
6. Construction in progress 1,821,118,028 601,623,382
VIII. Right-of-use assets 11 60,867,194,191 68,535,878,392
1. Right-of-use assets 82,912,978,771 84,076,416,357
Accumulated depreciation (22,045,784,580) (15,540,537,965)
- 5 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position (Unaudited)
As of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022
Account Notes June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
IX. Other assets 1,451,539,851,211 1,406,656,543,694
1. Non-trade receivables 32 173,255,713,938 118,150,975,711
Allowance for doubtful
9 (10,465,775,051) (12,304,363,578)
2. Accrued revenues 32 202,394,597,806 212,693,624,941
Allowance for doubtful
9 (17,840,521,619) (18,230,453,666)
3. Advance payments 145,820,712,866 97,029,925,485
4. Prepaid expenses 116,480,112,617 100,854,628,813
5. Intangible assets 13 112,974,134,105 113,843,321,599
6. Derivative assets 17,31,32 678,180,784,875 729,859,529,931
7. Leasehold deposits 32 27,958,977,388 27,415,016,828
8. Net defined benefit assets 15 22,781,114,286 37,344,337,630
Total assets 39,909,435,404,742 38,647,454,474,586
Ⅰ. Borrowed funds 14,32 32,360,218,280,738 31,399,156,390,686
1. Borrowings 3,313,513,444,210 3,034,898,660,480
2. Bonds issued 29,046,704,836,528 28,364,257,730,206
Ⅱ. Other liabilities 1,751,846,598,422 1,618,627,054,676
1. Non-trade payables 32 537,580,689,229 484,879,935,121
2. Accrued expenses 32 155,014,952,822 152,810,096,860
3. Unearned revenue 41,767,993,789 35,522,346,709
4. Withholdings 32 254,815,140,404 212,740,488,327
5. Derivative liabilities 17,31,32 69,329,041,616 52,521,697,742
6. Lease liabilities 11 58,564,504,383 64,268,569,924
7. Current tax liabilities 39,030,602,813 47,134,385,532
8. Employee benefit liabilities 15 11,369,654,261 10,661,154,601
9. Deposits received 32 263,995,490,334 246,258,081,825
10. Deferred income tax
237,429,209,103 233,987,028,902
11. Provisions 16 82,949,080,668 77,816,974,753
12. Other liabilities 239,000 26,294,380
Total liabilities 34,112,064,879,160 33,017,783,445,362
I. Equity attributable to the
owners of the Company
5,797,370,525,582 5,629,671,029,224
1. Issued capital 496,537,175,000 496,537,175,000
2. Capital surplus 388,612,881,398 388,612,881,398
3. Accumulated other
comprehensive income
57,968,724,656 78,615,610,511
4. Retained earnings 18 4,854,251,744,528 4,665,905,362,315
II. Non-controlling interests - -
Total equity 5,797,370,525,582 5,629,671,029,224
Total liabilities and equity 39,909,435,404,742 38,647,454,474,586
“See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
- 6 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)
For the Three-Month and Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
Account Notes
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
I. Operating revenue 1,226,351,234,696 2,519,884,564,437 1,282,748,564,044 2,222,631,612,512
1. Interest income 19 24,929,465,756 52,809,942,374 5,590,876,146 12,315,613,461
2. Gain on valuation and sale of
(240,467,503) 1,398,565,880 581,245,221 809,499,278
3. Income on loans 19,20 215,477,529,368 454,849,493,694 224,081,313,378 432,844,128,680
4. Income on installment financial assets 19,20 203,998,749,244 395,170,891,845 150,689,227,825 300,306,304,216
5. Income on leases 19,20,21 609,291,957,332 1,162,749,576,605 397,001,271,474 772,701,542,549
6. Gain on sale of loans 28,039,007,260 32,176,149,393 24,471,877,839 24,474,034,552
7. Gain on foreign currency transactions 36,457,113,084 40,594,028,384 6,868,435,937 10,920,258,431
8. Dividend income - 706,958,300 - 635,114,400
9. Other operating income 22 108,397,880,155 379,428,957,962 473,464,316,224 667,625,116,945
II. Operating expenses 1,090,131,445,102 2,286,853,138,310 1,149,892,759,050 1,953,577,872,796
1. Interest expense 19 264,069,934,288 518,997,869,221 159,989,001,904 307,551,109,406
2. Lease expense 20,21 491,349,418,993 940,531,492,588 307,488,424,004 587,445,873,619
3. Loss on valuation and sale of
- - 41,429,343 41,429,343
4. Expenses of allowance for doubtful
9 46,382,525,316 112,736,518,186 53,437,421,420 85,171,083,553
5. Loss on sale of loans 571,068,260 1,169,338,018 2,206,587,006 2,258,657,109
6. Loss on foreign currency transactions 74,124,370,079 304,620,308,358 428,982,810,474 598,448,490,006
7. General and administrative expenses 23 169,677,476,234 333,680,351,425 169,782,382,305 322,512,551,984
8. Other operating expenses 22 43,956,651,932 75,117,260,514 27,964,702,594 50,148,677,776
III. Operating income 136,219,789,594 233,031,426,127 132,855,804,994 269,053,739,716
IV. Non-operating income 20,537,698,975 46,054,279,254 29,834,778,655 60,606,862,780
1. Share in net income of associates and
joint ventures using the equity
8 18,140,781,112 41,518,882,784 28,077,640,127 56,393,994,212
2. Gain on sale of property and
28,541,350 77,906,046 7,007,947 23,431,589
3. Gain on sale of non-current assets
held for sale
- - 22,385,600 220,695,600
4. Other 2,368,376,513 4,457,490,424 1,727,744,981 3,968,741,379
V. Non-operating expenses (3,720,264,154) 33,060,035,940 567,619,380 4,099,419,767
1. Share in net loss of associates and joint
ventures using the equity method
8 (3,791,740,532) 32,987,448,992 465,528,325 3,803,468,204
2. Loss on sale of property and equipment 63,250 410,944 89,323,587 89,323,587
3. Loss on sale of intangible assets 18,480,000 18,480,000 - 75,660,000
4. Donation 50,871,624 51,357,554 11,557,968 129,421,325
5. Other 2,061,504 2,338,450 1,209,500 1,546,651
- 7 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)
For the Three-Month and Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
Account Notes
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
VI. Profit before income taxes 160,477,752,723 246,025,669,441 162,122,964,269 325,561,182,729
VII. Income taxes 24 37,083,676,429 57,679,287,228 42,311,783,019 80,977,111,228
VIII. Profit for the period 123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501
IX. Other comprehensive income
(loss), net of income taxes
26 (19,936,704,594) (20,646,885,855) (3,498,550,184) 62,326,795,332
1. Items that will never be reclassified
to profit or loss
(5,974,366,829) (11,745,533,546) (17,068,607,025) (8,017,033,704)
(1) Remeasurements of defined
benefit plans
(3,632,805,834) (7,376,987,772) (10,737,402,929) (6,473,827,568)
(2) Net change in unrealized gains
and losses on equity securities
measured at FVOCI
(2,341,560,995) (4,368,545,774) (6,331,204,096) (1,543,206,136)
2. Items that are or may be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
(13,962,337,765) (8,901,352,309) 13,570,056,841 70,343,829,036
(1) Share in other comprehensive
income (loss) of associates and joint
ventures using the equity method
(9,850,311,618) 41,944,006,427 8,041,614,390 29,719,063,081
(2) Net change in effective portion
of cash flow hedges
(3,128,537,564) (49,008,515,818) (4,514,152,865) 31,883,289,233
(3) Overseas project conversion
profit or loss
(957,108,703) (2,203,301,084) 10,402,004,488 9,232,630,051
(4) Net change in unrealized gains
and losses on debt securities
measured at FVOCI
(26,379,880) 366,458,166 (359,409,172) (491,153,329)
X. Total comprehensive income for
the period
103,457,371,700 167,699,496,358 116,312,631,066 306,910,866,833
1. Profit attributable to: 123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501
(1) Equity attributable to the owners
of the Company
123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501
(2) Non-controlling interests - - - -
2. Total comprehensive income
attributed to:
103,457,371,700 167,699,496,358 116,312,631,066 306,910,866,833
(1) Equity attributable to the owners
of the Company
103,457,371,700 167,699,496,358 116,312,631,066 306,910,866,833
(2) Non-controlling interests - - - -
XI. Equity attributable to the
earnings of the owners of the
Company per share
1. Basic and diluted earnings per share
1,243 1,897 1,207 2,463
“See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
- 8 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)
For the Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
Account Equity attributable to the owners of the Company Total equity
Issued capital Capital surplus Accumulated other
comprehensive income
Retained earnings
Additional paid-in
Other capital
Balance as of January 1, 2022 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 92,761,963,177 4,228,818,740,222 5,206,730,759,797
Total comprehensive income (loss):
1. Profit for the period - - - - 244,584,071,501 244,584,071,501
2. Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes
(1) Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of
associates and joint ventures using the equity method
- - - 29,719,063,081 - 29,719,063,081
(2) Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges - - - 31,883,289,233 - 31,883,289,233
(3) Overseas project conversion profit or loss - - - 9,232,630,050 - 9,232,630,050
(4) Remeasurements of defined benefit plans - - - (6,473,827,568) - (6,473,827,568)
(5) Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity
securities measured at FVOCI
- - - (1,543,206,136) - (1,543,206,136)
(6) Net change in unrealized valuation gains and losses on
debt securities measured at FVOCI
- - - (491,153,328) - (491,153,328)
Total - - - 62,326,795,332 244,584,071,501 306,910,866,833
Transaction with owners of the Group:
1. Annual dividends - - - - - -
June 30, 2022 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 155,088,758,509 4,473,402,811,723 5,513,641,626,630
Balance as of January 1, 2023 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 78,615,610,511 4,665,905,362,315 5,629,671,029,224
Total comprehensive income (loss):
1. Profit for the period - - - - 188,346,382,213 188,346,382,213
2. Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes
(1) Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of
associates and joint ventures using the equity method
- - - 41,944,006,427 - 41,944,006,427
(2) Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges - - - (49,008,515,818) - (49,008,515,818)
(3) Overseas project conversion profit or loss - - - (2,203,301,084) - (2,203,301,084)
(4) Remeasurements of defined benefit plans - - - (7,376,987,772) - (7,376,987,772)
(5) Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity
securities measured at FVOCI
- - - (4,368,545,774) - (4,368,545,774)
(6) Net change in unrealized valuation gains and losses on
debt securities measured at FVOCI
- - - 366,458,166 - 366,458,166
Total - - - (20,646,885,855) 188,346,382,213 167,699,496,358
Transaction with owners of the Group:
1. Annual dividends - - - - - -
June 30, 2023 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 57,968,724,656 4,854,251,744,528 5,797,370,525,582
“See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
- 9 -
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
For the Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
Account Notes 2023 2022
I. Cash flows from operating activities (1,362,101,482,109) (574,186,052,600)
Cash generated from operations 27 (862,130,119,662) (219,892,852,633)
Interest received 49,130,863,719 11,558,956,819
Interest paid (493,483,600,843) (283,477,592,265)
Dividends received 706,958,300 635,114,400
Income taxes paid (56,325,583,623) (83,009,678,921)
II. Cash flows from investing activities (75,174,082,692) (147,371,109,209)
Dividends received from investments
in associates and joint ventures
70,000,000 -
Acquisition of investments in
associates and joint ventures
(38,990,122,263) (75,680,070,526)
Acquisition of securities measured at
(17,710,215,185) (29,375,110,100)
Disposal of securities measured at
2,158,988,609 3,233,385,240
Acquisition of securities measured at
- (25,100,000,000)
Disposal of securities measured at
13,757,142,857 -
Acquisition of vehicles (143,993,968) -
Disposal of vehicles 189,670,000 90,591,744
Acquisition of fixture and furniture (4,928,009,831) (1,131,122,868)
Disposal of fixture and furniture 30,822,003 25,450,299
Acquisition of construction in
(13,212,769,110) (3,333,793,386)
Acquisition of intangible assets (24,365,909,665) (21,574,598,591)
Disposal of intangible assets 840,000,000 5,791,000,000
Increase in leasehold deposits (2,140,238,343) (3,652,081,363)
Decrease in leasehold deposits 1,775,372,204 3,335,240,342
Cash inflows from other investing
7,495,180,000 -
III. Cash flows from financing activities 27 996,360,786,686 1,010,137,615,388
Proceeds from borrowings 1,055,348,761,515 1,157,242,413,250
Repayments of borrowings (781,641,760,000) (1,580,000,020,000)
Proceeds from bonds issued 4,951,181,738,795 5,776,583,731,472
Repayments of bonds issued (4,485,251,145,602) (4,371,529,240,263)
Net increase in derivatives as hedging
266,443,834,134 34,752,289,639
Repayments of lease liabilities (9,720,642,156) (6,911,558,710)
IV. Cash changes on foreign currency
- -
V. Net increase in cash and cash
equivalents (I+II+III+ IV)
(440,914,778,115) 288,580,453,579
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of the period
27 1,747,627,400,546 509,170,276,567
VII. Cash and cash equivalents at the
end of the period
27 1,306,712,622,431 797,750,730,146
“See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
- 10 -
Notes to Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
From January 1, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023
From January 1, 2022, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022
Hyundai Capital Services, Inc. (the “Company”) was established on December 22, 1993,
to engage in installment financing, facilities leasing and new technology financing. The
Company changed its trade name from Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. to Hyundai Financial
Services Co. on April 21, 1995, and changed its trade name once again to Hyundai Capital
Services, Inc. on December 30, 1998.
In accordance with the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Company is
incorporated into Hyundai Motor Company Group. As of June 30, 2023, the Company’s
operations are headquartered at Sejongdae-ro 14, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea. Its major shareholders
are Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation with 59.68% and 40.10% ownership,
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared in accordance with
K-IFRS No. 1110, and include the Company and its subsidiaries, including Autopia 65th Asset-
Backed Securitization (“ABS”) Special-Purpose Company (“SPC”) with trust for the
securitization, and other subsidiaries as summarized below (hereinafter, the “Group”).
Investments in Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. and eight other associates and joint
ventures are accounted for using the equity method.
(1) The Group’s subsidiaries
Subsidiaries as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows:
Classification Business
Industry Ownership
June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
SPCs(*1) Korea Asset securitization
Autopia 65th SPCs,
Autopia 66th SPCs,
Autopia 67th SPCs,
Autopia 68th SPCs,
Autopia 69th SPCs,
Autopia 70th SPCs,
Autopia 71st SPCs,
Autopia 72nd SPCs,
Autopia 73rd SPCs,
Autopia 74th SPCs,
Autopia 75th SPCs,
Autopia 76th SPCs
Autopia 65th SPCs,
Autopia 66th SPCs,
Autopia 67th SPCs,
Autopia 68th SPCs,
Autopia 69th SPCs,
Autopia 70th SPCs,
Autopia 71st SPCs,
Autopia 72nd SPCs,
Autopia 73rd SPCs,
Autopia 74th SPCs,
Autopia 75th SPCs
Korea Other financial
- Zavurov First Co., Ltd. Zavurov First Co., Ltd.
Limited liability
Germany Management
consultancy activities 100.00
Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH
Limited liability
India Management
consultancy activities 100.00
Hyundai Capital India Private
Hyundai Capital India Private
Limited liability
Brazil Management
consultancy activities 100.00
Hyundai Capital Brasil LTDA Hyundai Capital Brasil LTDA
Joint stock
Australia Management
consultancy activities 100.00
Hyundai Capital Australia Pty
Hyundai Capital Australia Pty
- 11 -
Classification Business
Industry Ownership
June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Limited liability
Indonesia Management
consultancy activities
100.00 PT. Hyundai Capital Indonesia PT. Hyundai Capital Indonesia
Korea Investments trusts 100.00 Specified money trusts (18 trusts) Specified money trusts (21 trusts)
(*1) ABS SPCs are established for asset liquidation purposes. Although the Company owns less
than 50% of the shares of subsidiaries, it is considered that the Group has control over the
companies as it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investees
and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investees.
(*2) It is established to finance real estate projects. Although the Company owns less than 50% of
the shares of subsidiary, it is considered that the Group has control over the company as it is
exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability
to affect those returns through its power over the investee.
(*3) Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH holds 100% ownership interests of Hyundai Capital Services
Limited Liability Company in Russia.
(*4) The Company directly owns 99.50% of shares; however, it was written in 100% by adding
the portions indirectly owned through the president of the subsidiary according to the local laws.
(2) Changes in subsidiaries
No subsidiaries were excluded from the Group’s condensed consolidated interim financial
statements, except for changes in specified money trust accounts in which the Group invests,
during the period ended June 30, 2023, and the subsidiaries newly included into the condensed
consolidated interim financial statements are as follows:
2) Subsidiaries newly included in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements during
the period ended June 30, 2023:
Subsidiaries Reason
Autopia 76th
SPCs SPC (investments trusts) established during the period in
relation to new asset securitization vehicles
2) Subsidiaries excluded in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements during the
period ended June 30, 2023:
Subsidiaries Reason
- -
(3) Key financial information of subsidiaries as of June 30, 2023, is summarized as follows:
(Unit: Millions Korean won)
Company Asset Liability Equity Operating
Net income
income (expense)
Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH 22,627 1,569 21,058 2,876 (559) (2,901)
Hyundai Capital India Private Limited 923 171 752 718 26 57
Hyundai Capital Brasil LTDA 486 - 486 699 94 98
Hyundai Capital Australia Pty Limited 15,807 115 15,692 691 (382) (284)
PT. Hyundai Capital Indonesia 1,047 52 995 388 41 47
Autopia ABS SPCs 5,347,194 5,335,698 11,496 111,042 (1,866) (9,504)
Zavurov First Co., Ltd 10,845 10,845 - 211 - -
Specified money trusts (18 trusts) 782,866 - 782,866 2,766 2,766 2,766
- 12 -
(4) Nature of risks related to structured entities consolidated into the Group
As of June 30, 2023, the Company provides guarantees to the counterparties of currency
swaps in relation to asset-backed securitized notes issued by Autopia 68th, 69th and 76th ABS
SPCs, structured entities that the Group consolidates. These guarantees would require the
Company to reimburse the swap counterparties for losses they incur if these structured entities
do not perform in accordance with the contractual terms of the swaps.
(1) Statement of compliance
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (“K-IFRSs”).
These consolidated interim financial statements were prepared in accordance with K-IFRS No.
1034, Interim Financial Reporting, as part of the period covered by the Group’s K-IFRS annual
financial statements. Selected explanatory notes reflect the events and the transactions that are
significant to understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of the
Group since the last annual financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31,
(2) Use of estimates and judgments
1) Uncertainties in assumptions and estimates of the management
K-IFRSs requires, in the preparation of consolidated interim financial statements, the use
of estimates and assumptions based on management's best judgment regarding the application
of accounting policies and the reporting amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses at
the end of the interim reporting period. If the estimates and assumptions based on management's
best judgment differ from the actual circumstances, the reported results may differ from the
actual results.
The Group, taking into account the potential credit risk arising from uncertain external and
internal financial environments, as well as rapid economic depression, recalculated forward-
looking information and incorporated these factors into the calculation of the expected credit
loss (“ECL”) allowance. The Group has been closely monitoring the impact of these
uncertainties on the global economy, its business and its financial position.
In preparing these consolidated interim financial statements, the judgments made by the
management in applying the Group’s accounting policies and estimates were the same as those
that were applied to the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December
31, 2022, except for the changes described in Note 3. (1).
2) Measurement of fair value
The Group is establishing fair value assessment policies and procedures. These policies
and procedures include the operation of the assessment department responsible for reviewing
all significant fair value measurements, including fair value classified as Level 3 of the fair
value hierarchy, and the results are reported directly to the financial executive.
- 13 -
The Group regularly reviews significant unobservable inputs and valuation adjustments. If
third-party information, such as broker quotes or pricing services, is used in measuring fair
values, then the Group assesses the evidence obtained from the third parties to support the
conclusion that such valuations meet the requirements of K-IFRSs, including the level in the
fair value hierarchy.
When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Group uses market observable
data as far as possible. Fair values are categorized into different levels in a fair value hierarchy
based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows:
□ Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets accessible for identical assets or
liabilities at the measurement date.
□ Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for
the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.
□ Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that is not based on observable market data
(unobservable inputs).
If the inputs used in measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability might be categorized
in different levels of the fair value hierarchy, then the fair value measurement is categorized in
its entirety in the same level of the fair value hierarchy as the lowest-level input that is
significant to the entire measurement. The Group recognizes transfers between levels of the fair
value hierarchy at the end of the reporting period during which the change has occurred.
Further information about the assumptions made in measuring fair values is included in
Note 32.
The Group applies the same accounting policies used to make the annual financial
statements on the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022, except for the points described
hereunder. The changes on the accounting policies described below will be reflected in the
annual financial statements ended on December 31, 2023.
(1) Changes in accounting policies
The Group newly applied the established, amendments and interpretation standards to be
applied on January 1, 2023, and the application of the standards does not make significant
influence on the financial statements.
- K-IFRS 1001 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ and IFRS Practice Statement 2 ‘Making
Materiality Judgements’ - Disclosure of Accounting Policies (Amendments)
The amendment changes the requirements of K-IFRS 1001 concerning the disclosure of
accounting policies, replacing the term ‘significant accounting policies’ with ‘Material
accounting policy information.’ Information on accounting policies is material if expected as
reasonable for the main users of financial statements to general purpose to make an influence
on decisions made on the basis of those financial statements when other information included
thereto is taken into account together.
The paragraphs on K-IFRS 1001 are amended to clarify that immaterial transactions, other
events or situations and related accounting policies are not material and not required to be
disclosed. The accounting policies may be material even though the amount is immaterial due
to the nature of the trades, other events or situations related. All information on the accounting
policies related to the trades, other events or situations are not material as they are.
- 14 -
- K-IFRS 1001 ‘Financial Statements Representation’ (Amendments): Disclosure of assessed profit
or loss on financial liabilities with strings of execution price adjustment
The amendments defines the issuer to disclose the assessed profit or loss (limited to the
case included into profit and loss of the period) incurred from its conversion right or bond with
a warrant (or financial liabilities inclusive of them) during the period when entire or a part of
financial products with such strings dependent on stock price fluctuation is categorized into
financial liabilities according to paragraph (2) in definition on financial liabilities in paragraph
11 on K-IFRS 1032, ‘Financial Product: Representation.’
- K-IFRS 1008 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’ (Amendments)-
Definition of Accounting Estimates.
The amendments replaces the definition on changes of accounting estimates with definition
on accounting estimates. According to new definition, accounting estimates are “Currency
amounts in financial statements influenced with measurement uncertainty.”
Definition on changes of accounting estimates was deleted, but the concept on changes of
accounting estimates was retained by clarifying the following in K-IFRSs.
· A change in accounting estimate that results from new information or new developments
is not the correction of an error.
· The effects of a change in an input or a measurement technique used to develop an
accounting estimate are changes in accounting estimates if they do not result from the
correction of prior-period errors.
- K-IFRS 1012, Income Taxes - Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a
Single Transaction (Amendments)
The amendments reduce the scope of the initial recognition exception. Under the
amendment, an entity does not apply the initial recognition exemption for transactions that give
rise to equal taxable and deductible temporary differences.
Depending on the applicable tax law, equal taxable and deductible temporary differences
may arise on initial recognition of an asset and liability in a transaction that is not a business
combination and affects neither accounting nor taxable profit. For example, this may arise upon
recognition of a lease liability and the corresponding right-of-use asset applying K-IFRS 1116
at the commencement date of a lease.
Following the amendment to K-IFRS 1012, an entity is required to recognize the related
deferred tax asset and liability, with the recognition of any deferred tax asset being subject to
the recoverability criteria in K-IFRS 1012.
The amendments apply to transactions that occur on or after the beginning of the earliest
comparative period presented. In addition, at the beginning of the earliest comparative period,
an entity recognizes:
ㆍ A deferred tax asset (to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available
against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized) and a deferred tax liability
for all deductible and taxable temporary differences associated with:
- Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities
- Decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilities and the corresponding
amounts recognized as part of the cost of the related asset
- 15 -
ㆍ The cumulative effect of initially applying the amendments as an adjustment to the
opening balance of retained earnings (or other component of equity, as appropriate) at that date.
(2) New accounting standards issued but not yet effective
A number of new standards and amendments are issued as of June 30, 2023, but not yet
effective from the annual period beginning after January 1, 2023, and earlier adoption is
allowed. The following are newly required standards and amendments that the Group decided
not to early adopt in preparation of these consolidated interim financial statements.
- K-IFRS 1001 ‘Financial Statements Representation’ (Amendments): Classification on the current
liabilities and non-current liabilities
The amendments clarifies that the classification of the current liabilities and non-current
liabilities is based on the enterprises’ rights existing at the end of the period and emphasizes
that it is regardless of expecting the execution of the right to defer paying for the liabilities.
Also, it describes the existence of the said right when the borrowing commitments are complied
at the end of the period and clarifies the definition on the payment to transfer the cash, share
products, other assets or services to the trading partners.
The amendments defines that only the specific conditions (‘Covenants’) under the contract
to be complied with before ending of the report makes influence on the corporate’s rights to
defer the payment on liabilities 12 months, plus after the reporting terms. The covenants make
an impact on the survival of the rights at the ending of the report status quo, even though the
compliance with the covenants is assessed only after the ending of the report.
It defines that the covenants to be complied with only after the ending of the report do not
make influence on the rights of deferment of payment. However, the risks of redemption within
12 months after ending of the report shall be disclosed for the users of financial statements to
recognize them when the corporate’s rights of deferring the payment are varied dependently on
the covenants to be complied with within 12 months after ending of the report. Such
information shall include the information on the covenants (nature of covenants, and the timing
of compliance of covenants), book value of related liabilities and facts and situations those
explicit the difficulties in covenants’ compliance.
The retrospective and early adoption of amendments is allowed from the fiscal year
beginning first since January 1, 2024.
We consider that the amendments will not make material influence on the financial
- 16 -
Restricted accounts in due from banks as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as
(Unit: M Korean won)
Financial institution June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Restrictions
Nonghyup Bank and one other 15,700 15,700 Loans secured by saving
Hana Bank and two others 10 10 Key money deposits for
checking account received
Citi Bank and seven others(*1) 237,393 162,657 Deposits in trust of ABS
Total 253,103 178,367
(*1) Deposits in trust of ABS SPCs include cash and cash equivalent asset of W71,793 million
and W153,257 million Korean Won as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022.
Short-term financial investments as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Acquisition cost June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Debt securities:
Commercial paper 487,279 493,526 511,071
Bank debenture 118,917 121,896 60,855
Electronic short-term bonds 35,217 35,571 -
Government and public bonds 1,535,546 1,549,349 413,712
Total 2,176,959 2,200,342 985,638
For liquidity management, the Group holds floating money in excess of immediate funding
needs. These excess funds are invested in short-term, highly liquid and investment-grade
money market instruments, which provide liquidity for the Group’s short-term funding needs
and flexibility in the use of other funding sources.
- 20 -
Securities measured at FVTPL as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Debt securities(*1):
Multi-Asset KDB Ocean Value-Up Private Fund Special Asset Trust 8(*3) 3,684 3,890
KB Capital Auto 3rd asset-backed securities (“ABS”) special-purpose
company (“SPC”) (Subordinate tranche) (*2)
3,000 3,000
KB Capital Auto 4th asset-backed securities (“ABS”) special-purpose
company (“SPC”) (Subordinate tranche) (*2)
1,800 1,800
JB Woori Capital Auto 23rd ABS SPC (Subordinate tranche)(*2) 1,800 1,800
Mirae Asset NPL Special Investment Type Private Collective Real Estate
Trust 8(*3)
1,120 1,253
VIP Power Plus-S two-year General Private Collective Investment Trust 5
1,943 1,762
Yujin SS&D Opportunity General Private Collective Investment Trust 1-1 17,749 12,509
Preferred stock of 57 of Korea Corporate Restructuring Real Estate Fund 10,460 10,441
Auto Edition non-guaranteed 3rd Private Collective Investment 1-1 11,191 11,059
Woori Card Auto 2nd Book-off ABS (Mezzanine tranche) 12,950 12,765
Woori Card Auto 2nd Book-off ABS (Subordinate tranche) 16,336 16,650
Auto Edition non-guaranteed 4th Private Collective Investment 1-1 8,001 8,010
Genesis Environment Energy Enterprise 5th General Private Collective
3,944 4,723
Hana KAMCO Main Industry Supportive General Private Collective
Investment Trust 1
5,576 1,592
Hills Spring Investment Cooperative 1(*3) 1,200 -
Shinhan M&A-ESG Investment Cooperative(*3) 102 -
Maston MPIP General Private Collective Real Estate Investment Trust (*3) 463 -
Hana Alternative Investment PCBO General Private Collective Investment
Trust 1
6,500 -
Total 107,819 91,254
(*1) The fair values of the debt securities are quoted from an independent valuation service
provider, using the valuation technique based on the net asset value (“NAV”) approach or the
dividend discount model or the option evaluation model as of June 30, 2023, and December 31,
(*2) It is measured at acquisition cost as the information is not enough for fair value
(*3) Fair value was not estimated in quarterly and half-year statement because its acquisition
price, which is less than W5 billion, does not make important influence on the financial
- 21 -
(1) Securities measured at FVOCI as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Equity securities(*1)
Listed equity securities 19,722 23,006
Unlisted equity securities 15,173 17,651
Subtotal 34,895 40,657
Debt securities
Government and public
1,564 778
Corporate bonds 8,110 21,405
Subtotal 9,674 22,183
Total 44,569 62,840
(*1) The equity securities held by the Group for the purposes of strategic alliance and others
are designated as securities measured at FVOCI.
(2) Equity securities measured as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Number of
(in shares)
June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Listed equity securities
NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. 1,365,930 2.25 13,960 16,664
NICE Holdings Co., Ltd. 491,620 1.30 5,762 6,342
Subtotal 19,722 23,006
Unlisted equity securities
HYUNDAI M Partners Co., Ltd.(*1) 1,700,000 9.29 14,673 17,151
Korea Credit Service(*2,3) 100,000 3.57 500 500
Subtotal 15,173 17,651
Total 34,895 40,657
(*1) The fair value of unlisted equity securities is estimated at the appraisal value quoted from
an independent valuation service provider.
(*2) It is measured at acquisition cost as the information is not enough for fair value
(*3) Data-based Medium Interest Rate Market Innovation Preparatory Corporation has
changed its name to Korea Credit Service.
- 22 -
(3) Debt securities measured as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Issuer June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Government and
public bonds(*1)
Urban railway bonds and local development bonds 1,564 778
Corporate bonds(*2)
KB Capital Auto 3rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine
1,426 1,376
KB Capital Auto 4th ABS SPC (Mezzanine
2,786 2,696
JB Woori Capital Auto 23rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine
1,393 1,348
Deutsche Financial Auto 5th ABS - 1,205
K-Car Capital Auto 2nd ABS(*3) 2,505 14,780
Subtotal 8,110 21,405
Total 9,674 22,183
(*1) The fair values of urban railway bonds and local development bonds were calculated
based on trading prices provided by securities companies as of the end of reporting period.
(*2) The fair values of KB Capital Auto 3rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche), KB Capital Auto
4th ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche), JB Woori Capital Auto 23rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine
tranche) and K-Car Capital Auto 2nd ABS are quoted from an independent valuation service
(*3) Fair value was not estimated in quarterly and half-year statement because its acquisition
price which is less than W5 billion does not make important influence on the financial
- 23 -
Details of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures as of June 30, 2023, and
December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(1) The ownership percentages and other details of investee companies
1) June 30, 2023
Company Ownership
Business place Date of
Korea Credit Bureau(*1) 7.00 Korea 2023.06.30 Credit information service
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 29.99 UK 2023.06.30 Credit finance business
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd.
46.00 China 2023.06.30 Credit finance business
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 20.00 Canada 2023.06.30 Credit finance business
50.00 Brazil 2023.06.30 Credit finance business
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA
50.00 Brazil 2023.06.30 Insurance brokerage
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 49.00 Germany 2023.06.30 Credit finance business
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd.(*3) 40.00 China 2023.06.30 Lease
Hyundai Capital France(*3) 50.00 France 2023.06.30 Credit finance business
(*1) While the Group holds less than 20% of the voting rights, the equity security method is
used to assess because it exercises significant influence through representation on the board of
directors or equivalent governing body of the investee.
(*2) Both the Group and the other participants have rights to purchase or sell all shares held by
the parties in the cases of termination of the joint venture agreement, violation of any Brazilian
Law or others. The Group judged that the rights are not substantive as of June 30, 2023.
(*3) It corresponds to the joint ventures.
- 24 -
Company Ownership
Business place Date of
Korea Credit Bureau(*1) 7.00 Korea 2022.12.31 Credit information service
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 29.99 UK 2022.12.31 Credit finance business
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd.
46.00 China 2022.12.31 Credit finance business
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 20.00 Canada 2022.12.31 Credit finance business
50.00 Brazil 2022.12.31 Credit finance business
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA(*2,3) 50.00 Brazil 2022.12.31 Insurance brokerage
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 49.00 Germany 2022.12.31 Credit finance business
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd.(*3) 40.00 China 2022.12.31 Lease
Hyundai Capital France(*3,4) 50.00 France 2022.12.31 Credit finance business
(*1) While the Group holds less than 20% of the voting rights, the equity security method is
used to assess because it exercises significant influence through representation on the board of
directors or equivalent governing body of the investee.
(*2) Both the Group and the other participants have rights to purchase or sell all shares held by
the parties in the cases of termination of the joint venture agreement, violation of any Brazilian
Law or others. The Group judged that the rights are not substantive as of December 31, 2022.
(*3) It corresponds to the joint ventures.
(*4) Newly acquisitioned the share of the French corporate (Hyundai Capital France) during
the prior period. The subscription price was W75,191 million for 50% of share.
- 25 -
(2) Condensed financial information on main associates and joint ventures, and adjustment to
book value on the investments in associates and joint ventures
1) June 30, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023
Asset Liability Capital stock Total equity
Net asset
share amount Goodwill Book value
Korea Credit Bureau 137,431 70,291 10,000 67,140 4,700 1,037 5,737
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 7,521,061 6,984,517 96,055 536,544 160,909 - 160,909
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 3,027,230 1,571,108 708,965 1,456,122 669,816 - 669,816
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 7,428,856 6,832,578 346,758 596,278 119,256 2,547 121,803
1,398,521 1,257,441 91,529 141,080 70,540 - 70,540
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 1,820 1,970 617 (150) - - -
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 11,949,297 10,920,933 14,282 1,028,364 488,481 10,774 499,255
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 83,993 61,897 50,603 22,096 8,838 - 8,838
Hyundai Capital France 2,813,763 2,575,940 219,666 237,823 118,909 585 119,494
(Unit: M Korean won)
Six-month period ended June 30, 2023
income (loss)
sive income
Dividends paid
Korea Credit Bureau 79,279 305 - 12,744 - 12,744 1,000
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 173,201 168,976 103,674 45,833 52,221 98,054 165,551
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 128,551 127,210 35,631 26,498 (3,897) 22,601 -
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 432,864 423,344 363,212 30,805 30,875 61,680 -
BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 106,117 106,117 60,761 15,185 15,010 30,195 -
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 383 - - (29) (50) (79) -
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 604,442 101,563 70,572 19,501 46,373 65,874 -
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 2,364 85 - (2,097) 14 (2,083) -
Hyundai Capital France 42,443 33,307 21,430 1,621 7,040 8,661 -
- 26 -
2) December 31, 2022, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
December 31, 2022
Asset Liability Capital stock Total equity
Net asset
share amount Goodwill Book value
Korea Credit Bureau 155,165 100,065 10,000 55,100 3,857 1,037 4,894
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 6,315,709 5,711,668 96,055 604,041 181,152 - 181,152
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 4,044,066 2,610,546 708,965 1,433,520 659,419 - 659,419
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 6,087,398 5,552,800 346,758 534,598 106,920 2,404 109,324
1,159,664 1,048,948 91,529 110,716 55,358 - 55,358
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 1,408 1,514 617 (106) - - -
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 9,448,406 8,405,237 14,282 1,043,169 497,892 10,218 508,110
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 95,666 71,485 50,603 24,181 9,672 - 9,672
Hyundai Capital France 1,956,470 1,801,224 140,666 155,246 77,621 (2,298) 75,323
(Unit: M Korean won)
Six-month period ended June 30, 2022
Interest income Interest
income (loss)
sive income
Dividends paid
Korea Credit Bureau 69,450 71 410 9,874 - 9,874 -
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 102,606 98,988 28,622 47,557 (12,081) 35,476 -
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 200,212 198,831 76,051 41,417 49,024 90,441 -
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 353,695 346,662 283,387 49,653 48,680 98,333 -
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 448,467 51,619 10,766 13,097 9,135 22,233 -
BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 80,793 80,793 43,516 13,601 13,686 27,287 -
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 221 - - (29) (12) (40) -
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 5,579 47 - (8,865) 1,352 (7,514) -
Hyundai Capital France 9,873 9,873 (187) 325 (3,086) (2,762) -
(3) Details on the Equity method of the investee companies
1) The six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Company Opening balance Addition Gain(losses) on
valuation using
equity method
gain(losses) on equity
securities under equity
Closing balance
Korea Credit Bureau 4,894 - 912 - (69) 5,737
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 181,152 - 13,746 15,661 (49,650) 160,909
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co.,
659,419 - 12,190 (1,793) - 669,816
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 109,324 - 6,161 6,318 - 121,803
55,358 - 7,677 7,505 - 70,540
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA - - - - - -
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 508,110 - (32,149) 23,294 - 499,255
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 9,672 - (839) 5 - 8,838
Hyundai Capital France 75,323 38,990 834 4,347 - 119,494
Total 1,603,252 38,990 8,532 55,337 (49,719) 1,656,392
- 27 -
2) The six-month period ended June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Company Opening balance Addition Gain(losses) on
valuation using
equity method
gain(losses) on equity
securities under equity
Closing balance
Korea Credit Bureau 4,876 - (257) - - 4,619
Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 162,061 - 14,262 (3,623) - 172,700
Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co.,
639,404 - 19,051 22,551 - 681,006
Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 90,794 - 9,930 9,922 - 110,646
Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 484,718 - 6,174 4,535 - 495,427
38,781 - 6,812 6,843 - 52,436
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA - - - - - -
BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 16,961 - (3,545) 540 - 13,956
Hyundai Capital France - 75,680 163 (1,561) - 74,282
Total 1,437,595 75,680 52,590 39,207 - 1,605,072
(4) Suspension on recognition of loss in an equity security method
The accumulated unreflected equity security changes not recognized due to the suspension of
the equity security method on June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, status quo as follows:
1) June 30, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Unreflected loss of
equity method
Accumulated unreflected
loss of equity method
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA (14) (67)
2) December 31, 2022, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Unreflected loss of
equity method on
June 30, 2022
Accumulated unreflected
loss of equity method on
December 31, 2022
Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA (20) (53)
- 28 -
(1) Financial receivables (except for other assets) measured at amortized costs as of June 30,
2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
1)June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Bonds principal balance
Deferred loan
fees and costs
(Initial direct fees
deferred by the
Present value
Allowance for
doubtful accounts
Carrying amount
Loans receivable:
Loans 9,354,465 35,949 (1,823) (353,988) 9,034,603
Installment financial assets:
Automobile 16,281,025 (362,002) - (186,687) 15,732,336
Durable goods 1 - - (1) -
Mortgage 75 1 - (15) 61
Subtotal 16,281,101 (362,001) - (186,703) 15,732,397
Lease receivables:
Finance lease
2,053,526 (344) - (37,359) 2,015,823
Canceled lease
6,800 - - (4,896) 1,904
Subtotal 2,060,326 (344) - (42,255) 2,017,727
Total 27,695,892 (326,396) (1,823) (582,946) 26,784,727
2)December 31, 2022
Classification Bonds principal balance
Deferred loan
fees and costs
(Initial direct fees
deferred by the
Present value
Allowance for
doubtful accounts
Carrying amount
Loans receivable:
Loans 10,322,399 28,605 (1,445) (406,622) 9,942,937
Installment financial assets:
Automobile 15,311,921 (415,506) - (175,719) 14,720,696
Durable goods 1 - - (1) -
Mortgage 95 - - (15) 80
Subtotal 15,312,017 (415,506) - (175,735) 14,720,776
Lease receivables:
Finance lease
2,082,530 (304) - (39,305) 2,042,921
Canceled lease
20,762 - - (18,792) 1,970
Subtotal 2,103,292 (304) - (58,097) 2,044,891
Total 27,737,708 (387,205) (1,445) (640,454) 26,708,604
- 30 -
(2) The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in allowance for doubtful accounts, including ECL allowance for doubtful accounts
for other assets, for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Loans receivable Installment financial assets Lease receivables
Other assets Total
Lifetime ECLs Purchased or
originated credit-
impaired financial
Lifetime ECLs 12-month
Lifetime ECLs
Not credit
Not credit
Not credit
Opening balance 77,265 143,906 174,901 10,550 70,625 57,998 47,112 13,333 8,975 35,789 30,535 670,989
Movements between the three
Transferred to 12-month ECLs 40,431 (38,870) (1,561) - 31,679 (30,549) (1,130) 4,056 (3,060) (996) - -
Transferred to lifetime ECLs (9,089) 11,381 (2,292) - (4,083) 5,993 (1,911) (1,213) 1,586 (372) - -
Transferred to credit-impaired
financial assets
(1,542) (9,038) 10,580 - (437) (1,830) 2,267 (92) (316) 408 - -
Disposals - - (29,740) (1,102) - - (4,097) - - - - (34,939)
Charge-offs - - (111,281) (3,433) - - (33,149) - - (15,656) (2,700) (166,219)
Recoveries - - 21,081 8,819 - - 6,245 - - 2 600 36,747
Unwinding of discounts - - (7,533) (38) - - (386) - - (105) - (8,062)
Provision (reversal) of doubtful
(23,947) (9,145) 110,965 (7,280) 2,609 3,914 35,833 (1,653) 384 1,185 (129) 112,736
Closing balance 83,118 98,234 165,120 7,516 100,393 35,526 50,784 14,431 7,569 20,255 28,306 611,252
The Group is collecting receivables that were previously charged off as of June 30, 2023, but have not lost their claim to debt-related persons due to
incomplete extinctive prescription under related laws or non-recovery of bonds after charged off of debt or other reasons. The contractual amount of such
receivables written off, but not yet collected, as of June 30, 2023, was W379,421 million.
- 31 -
2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Loans receivable Installment financial assets Lease receivables
Other assets Total
Lifetime ECLs Purchased or
financial assets
Lifetime ECLs 12-month
Lifetime ECLs
Not credit
Not credit
Not credit
Opening balance 99,276 115,532 146,611 14,587 59,191 50,488 41,640 14,298 8,119 46,202 28,620 624,564
Movements between the three
Transferred to 12-month ECLs 23,687 (21,817) (1,870) - 11,132 (10,473) (659) 3,071 (1,536) (1,535) - -
Transferred to lifetime ECLs (16,314) 18,740 (2,426) - (7,311) 8,918 (1,607) (1,253) 1,675 (422) - -
Transferred to credit impaired
financial assets
(1,228) (5,168) 6,396 - (190) (1,447) 1,637 (45) (164) 209 - -
Disposals - - (2,431) (771) - - (226) - - - - (3,428)
Charge-offs - - (75,293) (3,632) - - (24,114) - - (16,014) (612) (119,665)
Recoveries - - 20,041 11,902 - - 6,340 - - 1 704 38,988
Unwinding of discounts - - (7,306) (96) - - (307) - - (101) - (7,810)
Provision (reversal) of doubtful
(5,042) 13,303 60,021 (10,767) (914) 4,962 18,362 (2,246) 254 8,213 (975) 85,171
Closing balance 100,379 120,590 143,743 11,223 61,908 52,448 41,066 13,825 8,348 36,553 27,737 617,820
The Group is collecting receivables that were previously charged off as of June 30, 2022, but have not lost their claim to debt-related persons due to
incomplete extinctive prescription under related laws or non-recovery of bonds after charged off of debt or other reasons. The contractual amount of
such receivables written off, but not yet collected, as of June 30, 2022, was W304,386 million.
- 32 -
(1) Detailed composition of leased assets
Detailed composition of leased assets as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, is as
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Operating leased
7,819,634 (2,046,324) (33,659) 5,739,651 7,397,072 (1,827,988) (39,183) 5,529,901
Canceled leased
8,298 - (2,834) 5,464 11,110 - (2,926) 8,184
Total 7,827,932 (2,046,324) (36,493) 5,745,115 7,408,182 (1,827,988) (42,109) 5,538,085
(2) Reconciliation of changes in leased assets
The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amounts of
operating leased assets on June 30, 2023 and 2022:
1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening balance Addition Disposal Depreciation Reversal of
Closing balance
Vehicles 5,529,901 1,005,465 (270,852) (530,387) 5,524 5,739,651
2) The six-month period ended June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening balance Addition Disposal Depreciation Reversal of
Closing balance
Vehicles 4,547,755 1,188,809 (163,474) (437,664) 4,156 5,139,582
- 33 -
(1) Detailed composition of leases
Amounts recognized for leases in the consolidated interim financial statements as of June
30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Right-of-use assets:
Building 57,464 64,781
Vehicles - 17
Fixture and furniture 3,403 3,738
Total 60,867 68,536
Lease liabilities
Lease liabilities(*1) 58,565 64,269
(*1) The weighted-average incremental borrowing rate on the weighted average the Group
used when recognizing and measuring the lease liabilities as of June 30, 2023, was 4.34%.
(2) Reconciliation of changes in right-of-use assets
The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amount of the right-
of-use assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening
Addition Depreciation Cancellation or
Closing balance
Building 64,781 3,218 (10,453) (82) 57,464
Vehicles 17 - (17) - -
Fixture and
3,738 - (335) - 3,403
Total 68,536 3,218 (10,805) (82) 60,867
- 34 -
2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening
Addition Depreciation Cancellation or
Closing balance
Building 13,474 8,583 (6,948) (69) 15,040
Vehicles 157 - (73) - 84
Fixture and
725 - (621) - 104
Total 14,356 8,583 (7,642) (69) 15,228
(3) Expenses on lease
The following table presents expenses on lease liabilities recognized in the consolidated
interim statements of comprehensive income for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023
and 2022:
June 30, 2023(*1) June 30, 2022(*1)
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Interest expense from lease liabilities (belongs to interest
666 1,348 91 158
Lease payment for leases of low-value items (belongs to
general and administrative expenses)
101 212 97 154
(*1) The Group had no income from variable lease payment or subleasing right-of-use
assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.
(4) Total cash outflows for lease liabilities
Total cash outflows for lease liabilities for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023
and 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Total cash outflows for lease liabilities 9,933 7,066
- 35 -
The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amounts of
property and equipment for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
(1) The six-month period ended June 30, 2023
Classification Opening
Addition Transfer Disposal Depreciation Others Conversion
Land 79,121 - - - - - - 79,121
Building 84,953 - - - (1,409) - - 83,544
Vehicles 2,493 144 - (141) (341) - - 2,155
Fixture and
41,159 2,300 55 (2) (6,237) (7,496) 17 29,796
Other tangible asset 1,004 - - - - - - 1,004
Construction in
601 1,275 (55) - - - - 1,821
Total 209,331 3,719 - (143) (7,987) (7,496) 17 197,441
(2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022
Classification Opening balance Addition Transfer Disposal Depreciation Conversion
Land 79,121 - - - - - 79,121
Building 88,318 - - - (1,418) - 86,900
Vehicles 3,226 - - (175) (370) - 2,681
Fixture and
21,933 802 3,712 (7) (4,708) 12 21,744
Other tangible asset 1,004 - - - - - 1,004
Construction in
3,187 3,434 (3,712) - - - 2,909
Total 196,789 4,236 - (182) (6,496) 12 194,359
- 36 -
The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amounts of
intangible assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
(1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023
Classification Opening
Addition Transfer Disposal Amortization Conversion
Software development
70,386 24 8,252 - (12,830) - 65,832
Memberships 22,834 - - (858) - (11) 21,965
Other intangible assets 11,854 848 - - (1,855) (4) 10,843
Intangible assets under
8,769 13,817 (8,252) - - - 14,334
Total 113,843 14,689 - (858) (14,685) (15) 112,974
(2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022
Classification Opening
Addition Transfer Disposal Amortization Conversion
Software development
61,584 30 11,324 - (12,069) - 60,869
Memberships 24,165 2,562 - (5,646) - 7 21,088
Other intangible assets 12,933 142 160 - (1,892) - 11,343
Intangible assets under
9,759 13,102 (11,484) - - - 11,377
Total 108,441 15,836 - (5,646) (13,961) 7 104,677
- 37 -
Borrowings as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Lender Annual interest
rate (%)
Maturity June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Short-term borrowings:
Shinhan Bank and three
4.14%–4.50% 2023.07.18–2023.08.18 350,000 280,000
General loans Hana Bank and five
3.66%–6.59% 2023.07.05–2024.05.02 355,500 356,000
Subtotal 705,500 636,000
Current portion of long-term borrowings:
High Investment
Securities and four
1.55%–4.27% 2023.09.14–2024.03.15 530,000 530,000
General loans Nonghyup Bank and
nine others
2.06%–5.94% 2023.07.03–2024.06.24 910,274 451,552
Subtotal 1,440,274 981,552
Long- term borrowings:
High Investment
1.65% 2024.09.13 10,000 20,000
General loans ING Bank and ten others 2.50%–5.93% 2024.07.10–2028.03.31 1,157,739 1,397,347
Subtotal 1,167,739 1,417,347
Total 3,313,513 3,034,899
(2)Bonds issued
Classification Annual interest
rate (%)
Maturity June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Bonds issued (short term):
Short-term bond issued 4.00%–6.09% 2023.07.25–2023.12.08 450,000 450,000
Less: Discount on bonds (554) (613)
Subtotal 449,446 449,387
Current portion of bonds issued:
Bonds issued 0.96%–5.81% 2023.07.03–2024.06.28 9,291,369 8,370,422
Less: Discount on bonds (2,412) (2,412)
Subtotal 9,288,957 8,368,010
Bonds issued (long term):
Bonds issued 1.00%–6.39% 2024.07.01–2032.03.29 19,337,123 19,578,411
Less: Discount on bonds (28,821) (31,550)
Subtotal 19,308,302 19,546,861
Total 29,046,705 28,364,258
- 38 -
(1) Defined contribution plans
The Group recognized W1,209 million and W1,129 million in the condensed consolidated
interim statements of comprehensive income for retirement benefits based on the defined
contribution plan for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.
(2) Defined benefit plans
1) Characteristics of the defined benefit plan
The Group operates a defined benefit plan on a final wage basis. The plan assets are
mainly composed of interest rate guaranteed-type instruments and, therefore, are exposed to
the risk of declining interest rates.
2) Reconciliation of changes in the present value of defined benefit obligations
The following table presents a reconciliation of changes in the present value of defined
benefit obligations for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Opening balance 111,525 108,110
Current service costs 5,829 5,968
Interest expense 2,896 1,552
Actuarial losses (gains):
Experienced adjustment 6,448 23,544
Changes in financial assumptions 2,156 (15,951)
Benefits paid (4,152) (6,469)
Closing balance 124,702 116,754
- 39 -
3) Reconciliation of changes in the fair value of plan assets
The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the fair value of plan assets for
the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Opening balance 148,870 121,833
Expected return on plan assets 3,890 1,753
Actuarial losses (gains) (1,129) (948)
Benefits paid (4,148) (6,449)
Closing balance 147,483 116,189
(3) Other long-term employee benefit plans
The following table presents a reconciliation of changes in the other long-term benefit liability
for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Opening balance 10,661 10,072
Current service costs 351 354
Interest expense 247 131
Actuarial losses (gains) 754 1,864
Benefits paid (643) (1,157)
Closing balance 11,370 11,264
- 40 -
The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the provisions for the six-
month periods ended June 30, 2023, and 2022:
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
ts (*1)
es (*2)
Litigations Total
s (*2)
Litigations Total
Opening balance 2,644 67,674 7,499 - 77,817 211 59,543 5,921 21 65,696
Provision (reversal)
of liability provisions
246 5,365 (941) 4 4,674 282 7,779 (989) (21) 7,051
Provisions made for
AROs and
capitalized to related
- - 184 - 184 - - 736 - 736
Unwinding of
- - 274 - 274 - - 82 - 82
Closing balance 2,890 73,039 7,016 4 82,949 493 67,322 5,750 - 73,565
(*1) The Group facilitates credits with limits, under which the Group provides commitments to
extend credits. Provision is made for estimated losses arising from unused loan commitments.
(*2) The Group facilitates certain installment financial receivable products, which the Company
guarantees for consumers with residual value of used automobiles. The Group also contracts
with third-party guarantor to guarantee residual value of automobiles returned by consumers.
Provision is made for estimated expected losses arising from these residual value guarantees.
(*3) The Group recognizes provisions for AROs, which represent the estimated costs to restore
the existing leased properties, which are discounted to the present value using the appropriate
discount rate at the end of the reporting period. Disbursements of such costs are expected to
occur at the end of the lease contract. In order to estimate expected restoration expense, the
average actual costs incurred for the past three years and five-year average inflation rate are used.
- 41 -
(1) Trading derivatives
The following table presents the trading derivatives of the Group as of June 30, 2023, and
December 31, 2022.
ⓛ June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Unpaid
Carrying amount Account
Asset Liability
Interest rate swap 160,000 - 872 Derivative liability
② December 31, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Unpaid
Carrying amount Account
Asset Liability
Interest rate swap 200,000 - 1,518 Derivative liability
(2) Derivatives designated and qualifying as hedging instruments for cash flow and fair value
In the normal course of business, the Group enters into derivative contracts to manage its
exposures to changes in future cash flows and fair value arising from volatilities in interest rate
and foreign currency exchange rates with its borrowings, bonds issued and loans. The Group
primarily uses interest rate swaps and currency swaps to manage exposures to fluctuations in
future cash flows and fair value due to interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk. There was
no change in overall hedge strategy of the Group.
The Group applies cash flow and fair value hedge accounting and the hedging relationship
is affected by interest rate benchmark reform. The Group currently enters into an interest rate
swap contract and designates it as a hedging instrument for cash flow hedge accounting to
avoid the volatility in cash flows of borrowing due to changes of the interest rate benchmark,
the six-month USD London InterBank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). However, the USD LIBOR
interest rate will be replaced by the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) based on
actual transactions for specific periods (1M, 3M, 6M and 12M) from July 2023. The Group
assumes that interest rate benchmarks do not change due to interest rate benchmarks reform in
this hedging relationship. The Group is closely monitoring market and industry discussions
regarding applicable alternative base interest rates on exposed interest rate benchmarks. This
uncertainty is no longer expected when the exposed interest rate benchmark is replaced by an
applicable interest rate.
Financial instruments related to LIBOR that are scheduled to reach maturity after July 2023
and those which have not been converted to alternative interest rate benchmarks as of June 30,
2023, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Interest rate
Currency Book value of non-
derivative financial liability
Nominal value of hedging
USD 3M LIBOR USD 39,384 35,622
- 42 -
1) Details of hedged items as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
ⓛ June 30, 2023
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to recognize
ineffective portion
to risk hedge
Accumulated other
Asset Liability
Cash flow risk hedging:
Interest rate risk - 3,400,000 Borrowings and
bonds issued
(74,400) 57,137
Foreign exchange
101,285 8,369,837 Loan, borrowings
and bonds issued
(552,996) (68,481)
Total 101,285 11,769,837 (627,396) (11,344)
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to recognize
ineffective portion
to risk hedge
Accumulated fair
value risk hedging
Asset Liability
Fair value risk hedging
Fair value risk - 320,000 Borrowings and
bonds issued
(7,084) 4,346
② December 31, 2022
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to recognize
ineffective portion
to risk hedge
Accumulated other
Asset Liability
Cash flow risk hedging:
Interest rate risk - 3,740,000 Borrowings and bonds
(107,125) 75,197
Foreign exchange
29,726 8,357,902 Loan, borrowings and
bonds issued
(602,076) (37,533)
Total 29,726 12,097,902 (709,201) 37,664
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to recognize
ineffective portion
to risk hedge
Accumulated fair
value risk hedging
Asset Liability
Fair value risk hedging:
Fair value risk - 445,000 Borrowings and bonds
11,953 11,953
- 43 -
2) Details of derivatives for hedge as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
① June 30, 2023
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to recognize
ineffective portion
of risk hedge
Asset Liability
Cash flow risk hedging:
Interest rate swap 3,400,000 72,812 254 Derivative
Currency swap 8,471,122 605,369 63,178 566,016
Total 11,871,122 678,181 63,432 643,000
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to recognize
ineffective portion
of risk hedge
Asset Liability
Fair value risk hedging
Interest rate swap 320,000 - 5,025 Derivative
(*1) Notional principal amount represents Korean won equivalent amounts of foreign
currencies for Korean won-to-foreign currency transactions and receiving foreign currencies
for foreign currency-to-foreign currency transactions that are translated with the benchmark
foreign currency exchange rate disclosed by the Bank of Korea as of the reporting date.
② December 31, 2022
Classification Unpaid
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to
portion of risk
Asset Liability
Cash flow risk hedging:
Interest rate swap 3,740,000 103,714 387 Derivative
Currency swap 8,387,628 626,146 42,466 619,783
Total 12,127,628 729,860 42,853 730,533
Carrying amount
Changes in fair
value to
portion of risk
Asset Liability
Fair value risk hedging
Interest rate swap 445,000 - 8,150 Derivative
(*1) Notional principal amount represents Korean won equivalent amounts of foreign
currencies for Korean won-to-foreign currency transactions and receiving foreign currencies
for foreign currency-to-foreign currency transactions that are translated with the benchmark
foreign currency exchange rate disclosed by the Bank of Korea as of the reporting date.
- 44 -
3) Changes in effective portion recognized in other comprehensive income related to derivatives
for hedges for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows:
① June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening balance Changes in fair
Reclassified to
profit or loss
Before tax 49,690 194,860 (259,515) (14,965)
Income tax effects (12,026) 3,621
After tax 37,664 (11,344)
② June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening balance Changes in fair
Reclassified to
profit or loss
Before tax 50,437 641,145 (599,083) 92,499
Income tax effects (12,207) (22,385)
After tax 38,230 70,114
The Group is expected to be exposed to the variability in future cash flows and fair value arising
from hedged items designated as cash flow and fair value hedges, until March 29, 2032. There
was no cash flow hedge discontinued on June 30, 2023 and 2022.
The ineffective portions recognized in profit and loss related to cash flow hedge for the six-month
periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are W-2,299 million and W10,514 million, respectively.
The loss recognized on the fair value hedge is W3,959 million and W1,488 million on June 30,
2023, and 2022, respectively.
- 45 -
(1) Bad Debt Reserve
According to Article 11 of the Regulation on Supervision of Credit-Specialized Financial
Business, the Group makes bad debt reserve if there is a shortfall in provisions prepared in
accordance with K-IFRSs. The amount required by the regulation is 130% of the minimum
amount specified in the Credit-Specialized Financial Business, but less than the total outstanding
amount of the loans.
The bad debt reserve is a discretionary reserve and any excess amount beyond legally
required reserve can be reversed. If there is an accumulated deficit, the reserve is made only after
when there is no accumulated deficit balance.
Details of bad debt reserve as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Appropriated bad debt reserve 225,291 193,208
Expected bad debt reserve 32,097 32,083
Bad debt reserve (*1) 257,388 225,291
(*1) Bad debt reserve as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, represents the amount
which reflects the expected provision for bad debt reserve to appropriated bad debt reserve at
the beginning of the year.
(2) Provision for regulatory reserve and profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad debt
The provision for bad debt reserve and profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad
debt reserve for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Profit for the period 188,346 244,584
Deduction: Provision for bad debt reserve
32,097 45,539
Profit for the period adjusted with provision
for bad debt reserve (*2)
156,249 199,045
Basic and diluted earnings per share adjusted
with provision for bad debt reserve (in Korean
1,573 2,004
(*1) Provision for bad debt reserve represents excessive reserves expected to be made for the six-
month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.
(*2) Profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad debt reserve is not the data according to
K-IFRSs, and the information is estimated by assuming the case of reflecting the bad debt reserve
before considering the corporate tax effect to the net income of the period.
- 46 -
(3) Retained earnings
Retained earnings as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Legal reserves:
Earned surplus reserve 176,286 176,286
Discretionary reserves:
Bad debt reserve 225,291 193,208
Reserve for electronic financial transactions 100 100
Reserve for business rationalization 74 74
Subtotal 225,465 193,382
Retained earnings before appropriation 4,452,501 4,296,237
Total 4,854,252 4,665,905
Net interest income for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
Interest income:
Interest income recognized using the effective
interest method:
Due from other financial institutions 24,406 51,665 5,268 11,395
Securities measured at FVOCI 174 430 149 211
Loans receivable 211,534 447,359 219,895 424,493
Installment financial assets 198,768 385,176 145,842 290,528
Lease receivables (*1) 35,930 70,656 31,611 62,304
Other (*2) 349 715 174 710
Subtotal 471,161 956,001 402,939 789,641
Interest expense:
Borrowings 33,309 65,389 14,770 29,984
Bonds issued 227,395 447,070 143,591 274,517
Other (*2) 3,367 6,539 1,627 3,050
Subtotal 264,071 518,998 159,988 307,551
Net interest income 207,090 437,003 242,951 482,090
(*1) Including amortization of unearned revenue for security deposits received for leases
using the effective interest method.
(*2) Including amortization of present value discounts using the effective interest method.
- 47 -
Net fee income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
Fee income:
Loans receivable 3,943 7,490 4,187 8,351
Installment financial assets 5,230 9,995 4,848 9,779
Lease receivables 31,684 61,970 31,358 62,143
Subtotal 40,857 79,455 40,393 80,273
Fee expenses:
Lease expense 46,713 90,560 44,473 85,030
Net fee expense (5,856) (11,105) (4,080) (4,757)
Net lease income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
Income on leases(*1):
Income on operating leases 330,169 647,070 269,826 524,917
Gain on sale of lease assets 153,862 270,082 12,747 22,914
Fee income on operating leases 57,647 112,972 51,459 100423
Subtotal 541,678 1,030,124 334,032 648,254
Lease expense(*1):
Lease asset depreciation 264,849 530,387 228,784 437,664
Loss on sale of lease assets 149,563 260,846 5,899 11,456
Reversal of impairment losses on lease
(2,793) (5,615) (2,034) (4,265)
Fee expenses on operating leases 30,682 59,261 28,212 53,298
Other expenses 2,335 5,092 2,154 4,262
Subtotal 444,636 849,971 263,015 502,415
Net lease income 97,042 180,153 71,017 145,839
(*1) Excluding net interest income and net fee income regarding lease.
- 48 -
Other operating income and expenses for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30,
2023 and 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
Other operating income:
Gain on valuation of derivatives 17,509 246,795 434,007 559,404
Gain on derivatives transactions 54,731 61,680 8,543 50,131
Gain on valuation of short-term financial
12,747 23,382 (1) -
Gain on purchased loan 1,197 3,365 1,812 4,831
Shared services income 242 838 963 2,392
Other fee and commission 4,757 8,937 5,457 10,100
Advisory fee 13,208 26,395 12,397 26,403
Reversal of liability provision 983 1,332 165 1,049
Others 3,023 6,705 10,122 13,315
Total 108,397 379,429 473,465 667,625
Other operating expenses:
Loss on valuation of derivatives 32,587 43,785 11,885 18,782
Loss on derivatives transactions 1,728 2,077 - 1,406
Shared services expense 270 866 760 2,003
Indirect financing cost 2,914 5,784 2,649 5,059
Provision of liability provision 2,757 6,007 5,543 8,099
Others 3,700 16,598 7,127 14,800
Total 43,956 75,117 27,964 50,149
- 50 -
General and administrative expenses for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30,
2023 and 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
Salaries 59,020 115,796 64,698 119,101
Severance benefits 3,014 6,044 3,940 7,316
Employee benefits 10,389 23,506 11,053 21,209
Advertising 6,676 12,394 8,961 17,074
Sales promotion 23,773 45,889 20,427 38,507
Rents 5,719 10,874 5,037 9,295
Utilities 2,071 4,318 1,729 3,673
Communication 2,688 5,325 2,970 5,778
Travel and transportation 1,340 2,562 1,130 1,954
Professional and other service fees 12,565 22,686 12,519 24,246
Outsourcing service charges 9,096 17,422 7,479 14,000
Commissions and charges 5,524 9,899 4,961 10,188
Depreciation 8,669 18,791 7,010 14,137
Amortization 7,387 14,685 7,039 13,961
Other 11,747 23,489 10,828 22,074
Total 169,678 333,680 169,781 322,513
- 51 -
Income taxes are calculated by adjusting the adjustments recognized in the six-month period
ended June 30, 2023, related to the previous corporate tax burden, the amount of deferred tax
changes due to temporary differences occurring and extinguishing, and the income tax expense
related to items other than profit or loss. The average effective tax rate for the six-month periods
ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 (income before corporate tax expense/tax deduction), is 23.4%
and 24.9%, respectively.
(1) Basic earnings per share
Basic earnings per share attributable to common stock of equity holders for the three-month and
six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows:
(Unit: Korean won, share)
June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated
Profit for the period attributable to
common stock (in Korean won) (A)
123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501
Weighted-average number of
outstanding common stocks (B)
99,307,435 99,307,435 99,307,435 99,307,435
Basic earnings per share (in Korean
1,243 1,897 1,207 2,463
(2) Diluted earnings per share
There are no potential common stocks as of June 30, 2023 and 2022. Therefore, the diluted
earnings per share is equal to basic earnings per share.
- 52 -
Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income for the six-month periods ended
June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows:
(1) June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening
Income tax
Reclassified to
profit or loss
Other changes
Net change in unrealized gains
and losses on equity securities
measured at FVOCI
17,788 - (5,763) 1,395 13,420
Net change in unrealized gains
and losses on valuation of debt
securities measured at FVOCI
(601) (34) 517 (117) (235)
Share on other comprehensive
profit of associates and joint
44,743 - 55,335 (13,391) 86,687
Net change in effective portion of
cash flow hedges
37,664 (259,515) 194,860 15,647 (11,344)
Overseas project conversion
profit or loss
(5,151) - (2,204) - (7,355)
Remeasurements of defined
benefit plans
(15,827) - (9,732) 2,355 (23,204)
Total 78,616 (259,549) 233,013 5,889 57,969
(2) June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening
Income tax
Reclassified to
profit or loss
Other changes
Net change in unrealized gains
and losses on equity securities
measured at FVOCI
22,524 - (2,036) 493 20,981
Net change in unrealized gains
and losses on valuation of debt
securities measured at FVOCI
(24) (57) (591) 157 (515)
Share on other comprehensive
profit of associates and joint
54,866 - 39,207 (9,488) 84,585
Net change in effective portion of
cash flow hedges
38,230 (599,083) 641,145 (10,178) 70,114
Overseas project conversion
profit or loss
(6,205) - 9,232 - 3,027
Remeasurements of defined
benefit plans
(16,629) - (8,541) 2,067 (23,103)
Total 92,762 (599,140) 678,416 (16,949) 155,089
- 53 -
(1) Cash and cash equivalents
Details of cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Ordinary deposits (*1) 133,643 185,741
Checking deposits 2,385 3,104
Other cash equivalents (*2) 1,170,685 1,558,782
Total 1,306,713 1,747,627
(*1) Related to the asset securitization trades, ordinary deposits include the deposits limited for
use in W71,793 million and W153,257 million at the suspended accounts of Autopia SPCs as
of June 20, 2023, and December 31, 2022, respectively.
(*2) Other cash equivalents include demand deposits, as well as money market deposit account
(“MMDA”), money market wrap (“MMW”), money market trust (“MMT”) and time deposits
with maturities of three months or less from the acquisition date that are readily convertible to
known amounts of cash, which are subject to insignificant risk of changes in their fair value,
and are used by the Group in the management of its short-term commitments.
- 54 -
(2) Cash generated from operations
Cash generated from operations for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Profit for the period 188,346 244,584
Gain on valuation of short-term financial investments (23,382) -
Loss on valuation of short-term financial investments - 738
Gain on assessment of securities measured at FVTPL (1,014) (327)
Gain on disposal of securities measured at FVOCI (367) (483)
Gain on loans receivable (deferred loan withholding profit
or loss and cash discount difference depreciation)
11,456 18,025
Gain on installment finance (deferred loan withholding
profit or loss depreciation)
45,050 45,147
Income on leases (deferred loan withholding profit or loss
12,304 10,930
Gain on foreign currency conversion (40,175) (8,551)
Dividend income (707) (635)
Gain on valuation of derivatives (246,795) (559,404)
Gain on trade of derivatives (61,680) -
Gain on investments in associates and joint ventures (41,519) (56,394)
Gain on tangible asset disposal (78) (23)
Gain on intangible asset disposal - (221)
- 55 -
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Impairment loss on debt securities measured at FVOCI - 41
Net interest expense 466,188 295,235
Lease expense 524,771 433,400
Expenses of Allowance for doubtful accounts 112,737 85,171
Loss on foreign currency conversion 242,931 548,317
Severance benefits 6,044 6,891
Reversal of impairment loss on debt securities measured at
(18) -
Other long-term employee salaries 1,352 2,349
Depreciation 18,791 14,137
Amortization 14,685 13,961
Loss on valuation of derivatives 43,785 18,782
Loss on trade of derivatives 2,077 -
Loss on investments in associates and joint ventures 32,987 3,803
Transfer to provision 4,675 7,050
Loss on tangible asset disposal - 89
Loss on intangible asset disposal 18 76
Gain on repayments of bonds issued (73) -
Loss on lease cancellation 187 1,214
Income taxes 57,679 80,977
Loss on fair value risk hedge 6,933 -
Gain on fair value risk hedge - (9,202)
Subtotal 1,188,842 951,093
Changes on assets and liabilities due to business activities:
Increase in due from other financial institutions (128,283) (10,497)
Decrease (increase) in short-term financial investments (1,191,322) 126,960
Increase in securities measured at FVOCI (380) (116)
Decrease (increase) in loans receivable 828,450 (676,764)
Increase in installment financial assets (1,099,026) (30,235)
Increase in finance lease receivables (127,586) (128,587)
Decrease in canceled lease receivables 6,731 6,899
Increase in operating lease assets (734,612) (1,025,335)
- 56 -
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022
Decrease in canceled lease assets 138,611 137,482
Decrease (increase) in non-trade receivables (7,097) 9,222
Decrease (increase) in accrued revenues 13,329 (3,690)
Increase in advance payments (48,791) (39,535)
Increase in prepaid expenses (23,101) (22,687)
Increase in non-trade payables 75,708 190,268
Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses (2,443) 9,039
Decrease in unearned revenue (4,827) (38)
Increase in withholdings 42,075 38,519
Increase in deposits received 23,893 4,701
Severance payments (4) (20)
Decrease in other long-term employee benefits (643) (1,158)
Subtotal (2,239,318) (1,415,572)
Total (862,130) (219,893)
- 57 -
(3) Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
Changes in liabilities and related assets arising from financing activities for the six-month
periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows:
1) June 30, 2023
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening
Net cash flows
Non-cash changes
Changes in
Changes in
fair value
Borrowings 3,034,899 273,707 2,048 2,741 118 3,313,513
Bonds issued 28,364,258 465,931 203,333 4,191 8,992 29,046,705
Net derivative liabilities held to
hedge borrowed funds
(678,386) 266,444 (205,452) 63,655 (59,603) (613,342)
Lease liabilities 64,269 (9,721) - - 4,017 58,565
Total liabilities on financing
30,785,040 996,361 (71) 70,587 (46,476) 31,805,441
2) June 30, 2022
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification Opening
Net cash flows
Non-cash changes
Changes in
Changes in
fair value
Borrowings 3,288,512 (422,758) 15,914 (3,004) 217 2,878,881
Bonds issued 25,230,568 1,405,054 524,938 (6,199) 9,283 27,163,644
Net derivative liabilities held to
hedge borrowed funds
(395,922) 34,752 (540,780) (42,083) - (944,033)
Lease liabilities 13,239 (6,912) - - 8,194 14,521
Total liabilities on financing
28,136,397 1,010,136 72 (51,286) 17,694 29,113,013
- 58 -
(1) Line of credit commitments
As of June 30, 2023, the Group has line of credit commitments from Shinhan Bank and other
banks with up to W48,500 million in the aggregate. The Group also has revolving credit facility
agreements up to USD 320 million, JPY 89,000 million, EUR 400 million and W2,465,000
million with Kookmin Bank and other financial institutions.
The Group is exposed to interest rate benchmarks (USD 3M LIBOR and Korean won Certificate
of Deposit (“CD”) interest rate) subject to interest rate benchmarks reform. Among the Group's
contract, the limit related to USD 3M LIBOR and Korean won CD rate is USD 200 million, and
W1,705,000 million, respectively. The USD LIBOR interest rate will be replaced by the Secured
Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) based on actual transactions from July 2023. The Group
added the clause for the provisions to the current commitments for the USD LIBOR discontinued
in calculation. For the CD interest rate, the calculation discontinuation is not planned and the
transfer clause was not added as the transfer was not forced differently with the USD LIBOR.
The Group is closely monitoring market and industry discussions regarding applicable
alternative base interest rates on exposed interest rate benchmarks. This uncertainty is no longer
expected when the exposed interest rate benchmark is replaced by an applicable interest rate.
The Group offers line of credit commitments to a number of customers. The unused amounts of
line of credit are W663,200 million as of June 30, 2023.
(2) Guarantees
Details of guarantees provided to the Group as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as
(Unit: M Korean won)
Guarantor Details June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Seoul Guarantee
Insurance Co., Ltd.
Guarantee for debt collection
deposit and others
54,094 38,549
The Group has residual value guarantee insurance policies with DB INSURANCE CO., LTD.
and other insurance carrier, which cover losses resulting from defaults in mortgage loans where
unpaid amounts exceed the recoverable amounts from the collateral of the loans and cover
losses resulting from sales of off-lease vehicles returned where the expected residual values
exceed the recoverable amounts at the end of the lease terms. Loans and leases insured by the
policies and residual value guaranteed by the insurance policies as of June 30, 2023, and
December 31, 2022, are as follows:
(Unit: M Korean won)
Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Loans and leases insured 361,740 433,731
Residual value guaranteed by the insurance policies 88,046 111,571

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2023_KO 현대캐피탈  주식회사와 그 종속기업에 대한 연결재무제표 입니다.2023_KO 현대캐피탈  주식회사와 그 종속기업에 대한 연결재무제표 입니다.
2023_KO 현대캐피탈 주식회사와 그 종속기업에 대한 연결재무제표 입니다.
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2023_KO 현대캐피탈 주식회사와 그 종속기업에 대한 연결재무제표 입니다.
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  • 1. HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as of June 30, 2023 (Unaudited), and December 31, 2022, and for the six-month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 (Unaudited) ATTACHMENT : INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REVIEW REPORT HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
  • 2. Contents I. Independent Auditor’s Review Report ---------------------------------------------------1 II. Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (Attachment): Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position--------------------4 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income -------------6 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity -------------------8 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows ---------------------------9 Notes to Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements-----------------------10
  • 3. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. DTTL and each DTTL member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of each other. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more. Deloitte Anjin LLC 9F., One IFC, 10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul 07326, Korea Tel: +82 (2) 6676 1000 Fax: +82 (2) 6674 2114 www.deloitteanjin.co.kr Independent Auditor’s Review Report (English Translation of a Report Originally Issued in Korean) To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.: August 10, 2023 Report on the Reviewed Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Hyundai Capital Services, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Group”). The condensed consolidated interim financial statements consist of the condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position as of June 30, 2023, and the related condensed consolidated interim statements of comprehensive income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, and the condensed consolidated interim statements of changes in equity and condensed consolidated interim statements of cash flows for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, all expressed in Korean won, and a summary of material accounting policies and other explanatory information Management’s Responsibility for the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements The Group’s management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with Korean International Financial Reporting Standard (“K-IFRS”) 1034, Interim Financial Reporting, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of condensed consolidated interim financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Independent Accountant’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements based on our reviews. We conducted our reviews in accordance with the standards for review of condensed consolidated interim financial statements in the Republic of Korea. A review of condensed interim financial statements consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Korean Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Review Conclusion Based on our reviews, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Group are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with K-IFRS 1034, Interim Financial Reporting.
  • 4. - 2 - Others The consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022, and the related consolidated statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended have been audited by Deloitte Anjin Accounting Corporation, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the Republic of Korea (not presented herein), whose report dated March 7, 2023, expressed an unqualified opinion. The accompanying condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022, presented for comparative purposes, is not different, in all material respects, from the above audited consolidated statement of financial position. Seoul, Korea August 10, 2023 Notice to Readers This report is effective as of August 10, 2023, the review report date. Certain subsequent events or circumstances, which may occur between the review report date and the time of reading this report, could have a material impact on the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements and notes thereto. Accordingly, the readers of the review report should understand that there is a possibility that the above review report may have to be revised to reflect the impact of such subsequent events or circumstances, if any.
  • 5. - 3 - - Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (Attachment) HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES As of June 30, 2023 "We, Hyundai Capital Services, Inc., provided the condensed consolidated interim financial statements attached.” Representative Director Mok Jin-Won Headquarters: Sejongdae-ro 14, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Phone: 1588-2114
  • 6. - 4 - - Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position (Unaudited) As of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022 HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (Unit: Korean won) Account Notes June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Assets Ⅰ. Cash and due from other financial institutions 3,860,966,057,942 2,958,893,560,226 1. Cash and cash equivalents 4,28,32 1,306,712,622,431 1,747,627,400,546 2. Due from banks 4 353,911,866,923 225,628,606,464 3. Short-term financial investments 5 2,200,341,568,588 985,637,553,216 Ⅱ. Securities 1,808,779,374,937 1,757,348,209,778 1. Investments in associates and joint ventures 8 1,656,391,551,191 1,603,253,639,209 2. Measured at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”) 6,32 107,819,248,556 91,254,422,087 3. Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (“FVOCI”) 7,32 44,568,575,190 62,840,148,482 Ⅲ. Loans receivable 9,31,32 9,034,603,283,357 9,942,936,560,239 1. Loans receivable 9,388,590,911,844 10,349,558,596,471 Allowance for doubtful accounts (353,987,628,487) (406,622,036,232) Ⅳ. Installment financial assets 9,31,32 15,732,397,323,987 14,720,775,655,919 1. Automobile installment financing receivables 15,919,023,390,598 14,896,414,361,932 Allowance for doubtful accounts (186,687,354,076) (175,718,794,545) 2. Durable goods installment financing receivables 593,419 851,220 Allowance for doubtful accounts (593,419) (851,220) 3. Mortgage installment financing receivables 75,966,657 95,560,101 Allowance for doubtful accounts (14,679,192) (15,471,569) Ⅴ. Lease receivables 9,32 2,017,726,700,102 2,044,891,135,936 1. Finance lease receivables 2,053,182,566,109 2,082,226,283,687 Allowance for doubtful accounts (37,359,373,211) (39,304,772,727) 2. Canceled lease receivables 6,799,563,853 20,761,887,403 Allowance for doubtful accounts (4,896,056,649) (18,792,262,427) Ⅵ. Leased assets 10 5,745,114,518,132 5,538,085,730,243 1. Operating lease assets 7,819,634,146,986 7,397,072,179,332 Accumulated depreciation (2,046,324,245,566) (1,827,987,709,713) Accumulated impairment losses (33,659,233,917) (39,183,318,678) 2. Canceled lease assets 8,298,258,103 11,110,144,804 Accumulated impairment losses (2,834,407,474) (2,925,565,502) Ⅶ. Property and equipment 12 197,441,100,883 209,331,200,159 1. Land 79,121,040,878 79,121,040,878 2. Building 112,009,551,682 112,009,551,682 Accumulated depreciation (28,465,778,671) (27,055,862,803) 3. Vehicles 5,675,449,030 5,827,810,016 Accumulated depreciation (3,520,464,975) (3,334,502,561) 4. Fixture and furniture 183,129,500,154 194,801,004,574 Accumulated depreciation (153,333,104,757) (153,643,254,523) 5. Other tangible asset 1,003,789,514 1,003,789,514 6. Construction in progress 1,821,118,028 601,623,382 VIII. Right-of-use assets 11 60,867,194,191 68,535,878,392 1. Right-of-use assets 82,912,978,771 84,076,416,357 Accumulated depreciation (22,045,784,580) (15,540,537,965) (Continued)
  • 7. - 5 - - Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position (Unaudited) As of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022 HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (Unit: Korean won) Account Notes June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 IX. Other assets 1,451,539,851,211 1,406,656,543,694 1. Non-trade receivables 32 173,255,713,938 118,150,975,711 Allowance for doubtful accounts 9 (10,465,775,051) (12,304,363,578) 2. Accrued revenues 32 202,394,597,806 212,693,624,941 Allowance for doubtful accounts 9 (17,840,521,619) (18,230,453,666) 3. Advance payments 145,820,712,866 97,029,925,485 4. Prepaid expenses 116,480,112,617 100,854,628,813 5. Intangible assets 13 112,974,134,105 113,843,321,599 6. Derivative assets 17,31,32 678,180,784,875 729,859,529,931 7. Leasehold deposits 32 27,958,977,388 27,415,016,828 8. Net defined benefit assets 15 22,781,114,286 37,344,337,630 Total assets 39,909,435,404,742 38,647,454,474,586 Liabilities Ⅰ. Borrowed funds 14,32 32,360,218,280,738 31,399,156,390,686 1. Borrowings 3,313,513,444,210 3,034,898,660,480 2. Bonds issued 29,046,704,836,528 28,364,257,730,206 Ⅱ. Other liabilities 1,751,846,598,422 1,618,627,054,676 1. Non-trade payables 32 537,580,689,229 484,879,935,121 2. Accrued expenses 32 155,014,952,822 152,810,096,860 3. Unearned revenue 41,767,993,789 35,522,346,709 4. Withholdings 32 254,815,140,404 212,740,488,327 5. Derivative liabilities 17,31,32 69,329,041,616 52,521,697,742 6. Lease liabilities 11 58,564,504,383 64,268,569,924 7. Current tax liabilities 39,030,602,813 47,134,385,532 8. Employee benefit liabilities 15 11,369,654,261 10,661,154,601 9. Deposits received 32 263,995,490,334 246,258,081,825 10. Deferred income tax liabilities 237,429,209,103 233,987,028,902 11. Provisions 16 82,949,080,668 77,816,974,753 12. Other liabilities 239,000 26,294,380 Total liabilities 34,112,064,879,160 33,017,783,445,362 Equity I. Equity attributable to the owners of the Company 5,797,370,525,582 5,629,671,029,224 1. Issued capital 496,537,175,000 496,537,175,000 2. Capital surplus 388,612,881,398 388,612,881,398 3. Accumulated other comprehensive income 26 57,968,724,656 78,615,610,511 4. Retained earnings 18 4,854,251,744,528 4,665,905,362,315 II. Non-controlling interests - - Total equity 5,797,370,525,582 5,629,671,029,224 Total liabilities and equity 39,909,435,404,742 38,647,454,474,586 (Concluded) “See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
  • 8. - 6 - - Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited) For the Three-Month and Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (Unit: Korean won) Account Notes June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated I. Operating revenue 1,226,351,234,696 2,519,884,564,437 1,282,748,564,044 2,222,631,612,512 1. Interest income 19 24,929,465,756 52,809,942,374 5,590,876,146 12,315,613,461 2. Gain on valuation and sale of securities (240,467,503) 1,398,565,880 581,245,221 809,499,278 3. Income on loans 19,20 215,477,529,368 454,849,493,694 224,081,313,378 432,844,128,680 4. Income on installment financial assets 19,20 203,998,749,244 395,170,891,845 150,689,227,825 300,306,304,216 5. Income on leases 19,20,21 609,291,957,332 1,162,749,576,605 397,001,271,474 772,701,542,549 6. Gain on sale of loans 28,039,007,260 32,176,149,393 24,471,877,839 24,474,034,552 7. Gain on foreign currency transactions 36,457,113,084 40,594,028,384 6,868,435,937 10,920,258,431 8. Dividend income - 706,958,300 - 635,114,400 9. Other operating income 22 108,397,880,155 379,428,957,962 473,464,316,224 667,625,116,945 II. Operating expenses 1,090,131,445,102 2,286,853,138,310 1,149,892,759,050 1,953,577,872,796 1. Interest expense 19 264,069,934,288 518,997,869,221 159,989,001,904 307,551,109,406 2. Lease expense 20,21 491,349,418,993 940,531,492,588 307,488,424,004 587,445,873,619 3. Loss on valuation and sale of securities - - 41,429,343 41,429,343 4. Expenses of allowance for doubtful accounts 9 46,382,525,316 112,736,518,186 53,437,421,420 85,171,083,553 5. Loss on sale of loans 571,068,260 1,169,338,018 2,206,587,006 2,258,657,109 6. Loss on foreign currency transactions 74,124,370,079 304,620,308,358 428,982,810,474 598,448,490,006 7. General and administrative expenses 23 169,677,476,234 333,680,351,425 169,782,382,305 322,512,551,984 8. Other operating expenses 22 43,956,651,932 75,117,260,514 27,964,702,594 50,148,677,776 III. Operating income 136,219,789,594 233,031,426,127 132,855,804,994 269,053,739,716 IV. Non-operating income 20,537,698,975 46,054,279,254 29,834,778,655 60,606,862,780 1. Share in net income of associates and joint ventures using the equity method 8 18,140,781,112 41,518,882,784 28,077,640,127 56,393,994,212 2. Gain on sale of property and equipment 28,541,350 77,906,046 7,007,947 23,431,589 3. Gain on sale of non-current assets held for sale - - 22,385,600 220,695,600 4. Other 2,368,376,513 4,457,490,424 1,727,744,981 3,968,741,379 V. Non-operating expenses (3,720,264,154) 33,060,035,940 567,619,380 4,099,419,767 1. Share in net loss of associates and joint ventures using the equity method 8 (3,791,740,532) 32,987,448,992 465,528,325 3,803,468,204 2. Loss on sale of property and equipment 63,250 410,944 89,323,587 89,323,587 3. Loss on sale of intangible assets 18,480,000 18,480,000 - 75,660,000 4. Donation 50,871,624 51,357,554 11,557,968 129,421,325 5. Other 2,061,504 2,338,450 1,209,500 1,546,651 (Continued)
  • 9. - 7 - - Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited) For the Three-Month and Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (Unit: Korean won) Account Notes June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated VI. Profit before income taxes 160,477,752,723 246,025,669,441 162,122,964,269 325,561,182,729 VII. Income taxes 24 37,083,676,429 57,679,287,228 42,311,783,019 80,977,111,228 VIII. Profit for the period 123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501 IX. Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes 26 (19,936,704,594) (20,646,885,855) (3,498,550,184) 62,326,795,332 1. Items that will never be reclassified to profit or loss (5,974,366,829) (11,745,533,546) (17,068,607,025) (8,017,033,704) (1) Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (3,632,805,834) (7,376,987,772) (10,737,402,929) (6,473,827,568) (2) Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity securities measured at FVOCI (2,341,560,995) (4,368,545,774) (6,331,204,096) (1,543,206,136) 2. Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (13,962,337,765) (8,901,352,309) 13,570,056,841 70,343,829,036 (1) Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of associates and joint ventures using the equity method (9,850,311,618) 41,944,006,427 8,041,614,390 29,719,063,081 (2) Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges (3,128,537,564) (49,008,515,818) (4,514,152,865) 31,883,289,233 (3) Overseas project conversion profit or loss (957,108,703) (2,203,301,084) 10,402,004,488 9,232,630,051 (4) Net change in unrealized gains and losses on debt securities measured at FVOCI (26,379,880) 366,458,166 (359,409,172) (491,153,329) X. Total comprehensive income for the period 103,457,371,700 167,699,496,358 116,312,631,066 306,910,866,833 1. Profit attributable to: 123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501 (1) Equity attributable to the owners of the Company 123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501 (2) Non-controlling interests - - - - 2. Total comprehensive income attributed to: 103,457,371,700 167,699,496,358 116,312,631,066 306,910,866,833 (1) Equity attributable to the owners of the Company 103,457,371,700 167,699,496,358 116,312,631,066 306,910,866,833 (2) Non-controlling interests - - - - XI. Equity attributable to the earnings of the owners of the Company per share 25 1. Basic and diluted earnings per share (“EPS”) 1,243 1,897 1,207 2,463 (Concluded) “See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
  • 10. - 8 - - Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity (Unaudited) For the Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (Unit: Korean won) Account Equity attributable to the owners of the Company Total equity Issued capital Capital surplus Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) Retained earnings Additional paid-in capital Other capital surplus Balance as of January 1, 2022 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 92,761,963,177 4,228,818,740,222 5,206,730,759,797 Total comprehensive income (loss): 1. Profit for the period - - - - 244,584,071,501 244,584,071,501 2. Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes (1) Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of associates and joint ventures using the equity method - - - 29,719,063,081 - 29,719,063,081 (2) Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges - - - 31,883,289,233 - 31,883,289,233 (3) Overseas project conversion profit or loss - - - 9,232,630,050 - 9,232,630,050 (4) Remeasurements of defined benefit plans - - - (6,473,827,568) - (6,473,827,568) (5) Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity securities measured at FVOCI - - - (1,543,206,136) - (1,543,206,136) (6) Net change in unrealized valuation gains and losses on debt securities measured at FVOCI - - - (491,153,328) - (491,153,328) Total - - - 62,326,795,332 244,584,071,501 306,910,866,833 Transaction with owners of the Group: 1. Annual dividends - - - - - - June 30, 2022 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 155,088,758,509 4,473,402,811,723 5,513,641,626,630 Balance as of January 1, 2023 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 78,615,610,511 4,665,905,362,315 5,629,671,029,224 Total comprehensive income (loss): 1. Profit for the period - - - - 188,346,382,213 188,346,382,213 2. Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes (1) Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of associates and joint ventures using the equity method - - - 41,944,006,427 - 41,944,006,427 (2) Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges - - - (49,008,515,818) - (49,008,515,818) (3) Overseas project conversion profit or loss - - - (2,203,301,084) - (2,203,301,084) (4) Remeasurements of defined benefit plans - - - (7,376,987,772) - (7,376,987,772) (5) Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity securities measured at FVOCI - - - (4,368,545,774) - (4,368,545,774) (6) Net change in unrealized valuation gains and losses on debt securities measured at FVOCI - - - 366,458,166 - 366,458,166 Total - - - (20,646,885,855) 188,346,382,213 167,699,496,358 Transaction with owners of the Group: 1. Annual dividends - - - - - - June 30, 2023 496,537,175,000 369,339,066,885 19,273,814,513 57,968,724,656 4,854,251,744,528 5,797,370,525,582 “See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
  • 11. - 9 - Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) For the Six-Month Periods Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (Unit: Korean won) Account Notes 2023 2022 I. Cash flows from operating activities (1,362,101,482,109) (574,186,052,600) Cash generated from operations 27 (862,130,119,662) (219,892,852,633) Interest received 49,130,863,719 11,558,956,819 Interest paid (493,483,600,843) (283,477,592,265) Dividends received 706,958,300 635,114,400 Income taxes paid (56,325,583,623) (83,009,678,921) II. Cash flows from investing activities (75,174,082,692) (147,371,109,209) Dividends received from investments in associates and joint ventures 70,000,000 - Acquisition of investments in associates and joint ventures (38,990,122,263) (75,680,070,526) Acquisition of securities measured at FVTPL (17,710,215,185) (29,375,110,100) Disposal of securities measured at FVTPL 2,158,988,609 3,233,385,240 Acquisition of securities measured at FVOCI - (25,100,000,000) Disposal of securities measured at FVOCI 13,757,142,857 - Acquisition of vehicles (143,993,968) - Disposal of vehicles 189,670,000 90,591,744 Acquisition of fixture and furniture (4,928,009,831) (1,131,122,868) Disposal of fixture and furniture 30,822,003 25,450,299 Acquisition of construction in progress (13,212,769,110) (3,333,793,386) Acquisition of intangible assets (24,365,909,665) (21,574,598,591) Disposal of intangible assets 840,000,000 5,791,000,000 Increase in leasehold deposits (2,140,238,343) (3,652,081,363) Decrease in leasehold deposits 1,775,372,204 3,335,240,342 Cash inflows from other investing activities 7,495,180,000 - III. Cash flows from financing activities 27 996,360,786,686 1,010,137,615,388 Proceeds from borrowings 1,055,348,761,515 1,157,242,413,250 Repayments of borrowings (781,641,760,000) (1,580,000,020,000) Proceeds from bonds issued 4,951,181,738,795 5,776,583,731,472 Repayments of bonds issued (4,485,251,145,602) (4,371,529,240,263) Net increase in derivatives as hedging instruments 266,443,834,134 34,752,289,639 Repayments of lease liabilities (9,720,642,156) (6,911,558,710) IV. Cash changes on foreign currency conversion - - V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (I+II+III+ IV) (440,914,778,115) 288,580,453,579 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 27 1,747,627,400,546 509,170,276,567 VII. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 27 1,306,712,622,431 797,750,730,146 “See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated interim financial statements.”
  • 12. - 10 - HYUNDAI CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. Notes to Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements From January 1, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 From January 1, 2022, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022 1. THE PARENT ENTITY: Hyundai Capital Services, Inc. (the “Company”) was established on December 22, 1993, to engage in installment financing, facilities leasing and new technology financing. The Company changed its trade name from Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. to Hyundai Financial Services Co. on April 21, 1995, and changed its trade name once again to Hyundai Capital Services, Inc. on December 30, 1998. In accordance with the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Company is incorporated into Hyundai Motor Company Group. As of June 30, 2023, the Company’s operations are headquartered at Sejongdae-ro 14, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea. Its major shareholders are Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation with 59.68% and 40.10% ownership, respectively. The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared in accordance with K-IFRS No. 1110, and include the Company and its subsidiaries, including Autopia 65th Asset- Backed Securitization (“ABS”) Special-Purpose Company (“SPC”) with trust for the securitization, and other subsidiaries as summarized below (hereinafter, the “Group”). Investments in Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. and eight other associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method. (1) The Group’s subsidiaries Subsidiaries as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: Classification Business place Industry Ownership (%) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 SPCs(*1) Korea Asset securitization vehicles 0.50 Autopia 65th SPCs, Autopia 66th SPCs, Autopia 67th SPCs, Autopia 68th SPCs, Autopia 69th SPCs, Autopia 70th SPCs, Autopia 71st SPCs, Autopia 72nd SPCs, Autopia 73rd SPCs, Autopia 74th SPCs, Autopia 75th SPCs, Autopia 76th SPCs Autopia 65th SPCs, Autopia 66th SPCs, Autopia 67th SPCs, Autopia 68th SPCs, Autopia 69th SPCs, Autopia 70th SPCs, Autopia 71st SPCs, Autopia 72nd SPCs, Autopia 73rd SPCs, Autopia 74th SPCs, Autopia 75th SPCs Structured entity(*2) Korea Other financial services - Zavurov First Co., Ltd. Zavurov First Co., Ltd. Limited liability companies(*3) Germany Management consultancy activities 100.00 Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH Limited liability companies India Management consultancy activities 100.00 Hyundai Capital India Private Limited Hyundai Capital India Private Limited Limited liability companies Brazil Management consultancy activities 100.00 Hyundai Capital Brasil LTDA Hyundai Capital Brasil LTDA Joint stock company Australia Management consultancy activities 100.00 Hyundai Capital Australia Pty Limited Hyundai Capital Australia Pty Limited
  • 13. - 11 - Classification Business place Industry Ownership (%) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Limited liability companies(*4) Indonesia Management consultancy activities 100.00 PT. Hyundai Capital Indonesia PT. Hyundai Capital Indonesia Investments trusts Korea Investments trusts 100.00 Specified money trusts (18 trusts) Specified money trusts (21 trusts) (*1) ABS SPCs are established for asset liquidation purposes. Although the Company owns less than 50% of the shares of subsidiaries, it is considered that the Group has control over the companies as it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investees and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investees. (*2) It is established to finance real estate projects. Although the Company owns less than 50% of the shares of subsidiary, it is considered that the Group has control over the company as it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. (*3) Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH holds 100% ownership interests of Hyundai Capital Services Limited Liability Company in Russia. (*4) The Company directly owns 99.50% of shares; however, it was written in 100% by adding the portions indirectly owned through the president of the subsidiary according to the local laws. (2) Changes in subsidiaries No subsidiaries were excluded from the Group’s condensed consolidated interim financial statements, except for changes in specified money trust accounts in which the Group invests, during the period ended June 30, 2023, and the subsidiaries newly included into the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are as follows: 2) Subsidiaries newly included in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements during the period ended June 30, 2023: Subsidiaries Reason Autopia 76th SPCs SPC (investments trusts) established during the period in relation to new asset securitization vehicles 2) Subsidiaries excluded in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements during the period ended June 30, 2023: Subsidiaries Reason - - (3) Key financial information of subsidiaries as of June 30, 2023, is summarized as follows: (Unit: Millions Korean won) Company Asset Liability Equity Operating revenue Net income (loss) Total comprehensive income (expense) Hyundai Capital Europe GmbH 22,627 1,569 21,058 2,876 (559) (2,901) Hyundai Capital India Private Limited 923 171 752 718 26 57 Hyundai Capital Brasil LTDA 486 - 486 699 94 98 Hyundai Capital Australia Pty Limited 15,807 115 15,692 691 (382) (284) PT. Hyundai Capital Indonesia 1,047 52 995 388 41 47 Autopia ABS SPCs 5,347,194 5,335,698 11,496 111,042 (1,866) (9,504) Zavurov First Co., Ltd 10,845 10,845 - 211 - - Specified money trusts (18 trusts) 782,866 - 782,866 2,766 2,766 2,766
  • 14. - 12 - (4) Nature of risks related to structured entities consolidated into the Group As of June 30, 2023, the Company provides guarantees to the counterparties of currency swaps in relation to asset-backed securitized notes issued by Autopia 68th, 69th and 76th ABS SPCs, structured entities that the Group consolidates. These guarantees would require the Company to reimburse the swap counterparties for losses they incur if these structured entities do not perform in accordance with the contractual terms of the swaps. 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION: (1) Statement of compliance The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (“K-IFRSs”). These consolidated interim financial statements were prepared in accordance with K-IFRS No. 1034, Interim Financial Reporting, as part of the period covered by the Group’s K-IFRS annual financial statements. Selected explanatory notes reflect the events and the transactions that are significant to understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of the Group since the last annual financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022. (2) Use of estimates and judgments 1) Uncertainties in assumptions and estimates of the management K-IFRSs requires, in the preparation of consolidated interim financial statements, the use of estimates and assumptions based on management's best judgment regarding the application of accounting policies and the reporting amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses at the end of the interim reporting period. If the estimates and assumptions based on management's best judgment differ from the actual circumstances, the reported results may differ from the actual results. The Group, taking into account the potential credit risk arising from uncertain external and internal financial environments, as well as rapid economic depression, recalculated forward- looking information and incorporated these factors into the calculation of the expected credit loss (“ECL”) allowance. The Group has been closely monitoring the impact of these uncertainties on the global economy, its business and its financial position. In preparing these consolidated interim financial statements, the judgments made by the management in applying the Group’s accounting policies and estimates were the same as those that were applied to the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022, except for the changes described in Note 3. (1). 2) Measurement of fair value The Group is establishing fair value assessment policies and procedures. These policies and procedures include the operation of the assessment department responsible for reviewing all significant fair value measurements, including fair value classified as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, and the results are reported directly to the financial executive.
  • 15. - 13 - The Group regularly reviews significant unobservable inputs and valuation adjustments. If third-party information, such as broker quotes or pricing services, is used in measuring fair values, then the Group assesses the evidence obtained from the third parties to support the conclusion that such valuations meet the requirements of K-IFRSs, including the level in the fair value hierarchy. When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Group uses market observable data as far as possible. Fair values are categorized into different levels in a fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows: □ Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets accessible for identical assets or liabilities at the measurement date. □ Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. □ Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that is not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). If the inputs used in measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability might be categorized in different levels of the fair value hierarchy, then the fair value measurement is categorized in its entirety in the same level of the fair value hierarchy as the lowest-level input that is significant to the entire measurement. The Group recognizes transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy at the end of the reporting period during which the change has occurred. Further information about the assumptions made in measuring fair values is included in Note 32. 3. MATERIALACCOUNTING POLICIES: The Group applies the same accounting policies used to make the annual financial statements on the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022, except for the points described hereunder. The changes on the accounting policies described below will be reflected in the annual financial statements ended on December 31, 2023. (1) Changes in accounting policies The Group newly applied the established, amendments and interpretation standards to be applied on January 1, 2023, and the application of the standards does not make significant influence on the financial statements. - K-IFRS 1001 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ and IFRS Practice Statement 2 ‘Making Materiality Judgements’ - Disclosure of Accounting Policies (Amendments) The amendment changes the requirements of K-IFRS 1001 concerning the disclosure of accounting policies, replacing the term ‘significant accounting policies’ with ‘Material accounting policy information.’ Information on accounting policies is material if expected as reasonable for the main users of financial statements to general purpose to make an influence on decisions made on the basis of those financial statements when other information included thereto is taken into account together. The paragraphs on K-IFRS 1001 are amended to clarify that immaterial transactions, other events or situations and related accounting policies are not material and not required to be disclosed. The accounting policies may be material even though the amount is immaterial due to the nature of the trades, other events or situations related. All information on the accounting policies related to the trades, other events or situations are not material as they are.
  • 16. - 14 - - K-IFRS 1001 ‘Financial Statements Representation’ (Amendments): Disclosure of assessed profit or loss on financial liabilities with strings of execution price adjustment The amendments defines the issuer to disclose the assessed profit or loss (limited to the case included into profit and loss of the period) incurred from its conversion right or bond with a warrant (or financial liabilities inclusive of them) during the period when entire or a part of financial products with such strings dependent on stock price fluctuation is categorized into financial liabilities according to paragraph (2) in definition on financial liabilities in paragraph 11 on K-IFRS 1032, ‘Financial Product: Representation.’ - K-IFRS 1008 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’ (Amendments)- Definition of Accounting Estimates. The amendments replaces the definition on changes of accounting estimates with definition on accounting estimates. According to new definition, accounting estimates are “Currency amounts in financial statements influenced with measurement uncertainty.” Definition on changes of accounting estimates was deleted, but the concept on changes of accounting estimates was retained by clarifying the following in K-IFRSs. · A change in accounting estimate that results from new information or new developments is not the correction of an error. · The effects of a change in an input or a measurement technique used to develop an accounting estimate are changes in accounting estimates if they do not result from the correction of prior-period errors. - K-IFRS 1012, Income Taxes - Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction (Amendments) The amendments reduce the scope of the initial recognition exception. Under the amendment, an entity does not apply the initial recognition exemption for transactions that give rise to equal taxable and deductible temporary differences. Depending on the applicable tax law, equal taxable and deductible temporary differences may arise on initial recognition of an asset and liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and affects neither accounting nor taxable profit. For example, this may arise upon recognition of a lease liability and the corresponding right-of-use asset applying K-IFRS 1116 at the commencement date of a lease. Following the amendment to K-IFRS 1012, an entity is required to recognize the related deferred tax asset and liability, with the recognition of any deferred tax asset being subject to the recoverability criteria in K-IFRS 1012. The amendments apply to transactions that occur on or after the beginning of the earliest comparative period presented. In addition, at the beginning of the earliest comparative period, an entity recognizes: ㆍ A deferred tax asset (to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized) and a deferred tax liability for all deductible and taxable temporary differences associated with: - Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities - Decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilities and the corresponding amounts recognized as part of the cost of the related asset
  • 17. - 15 - ㆍ The cumulative effect of initially applying the amendments as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings (or other component of equity, as appropriate) at that date. (2) New accounting standards issued but not yet effective A number of new standards and amendments are issued as of June 30, 2023, but not yet effective from the annual period beginning after January 1, 2023, and earlier adoption is allowed. The following are newly required standards and amendments that the Group decided not to early adopt in preparation of these consolidated interim financial statements. - K-IFRS 1001 ‘Financial Statements Representation’ (Amendments): Classification on the current liabilities and non-current liabilities The amendments clarifies that the classification of the current liabilities and non-current liabilities is based on the enterprises’ rights existing at the end of the period and emphasizes that it is regardless of expecting the execution of the right to defer paying for the liabilities. Also, it describes the existence of the said right when the borrowing commitments are complied at the end of the period and clarifies the definition on the payment to transfer the cash, share products, other assets or services to the trading partners. The amendments defines that only the specific conditions (‘Covenants’) under the contract to be complied with before ending of the report makes influence on the corporate’s rights to defer the payment on liabilities 12 months, plus after the reporting terms. The covenants make an impact on the survival of the rights at the ending of the report status quo, even though the compliance with the covenants is assessed only after the ending of the report. It defines that the covenants to be complied with only after the ending of the report do not make influence on the rights of deferment of payment. However, the risks of redemption within 12 months after ending of the report shall be disclosed for the users of financial statements to recognize them when the corporate’s rights of deferring the payment are varied dependently on the covenants to be complied with within 12 months after ending of the report. Such information shall include the information on the covenants (nature of covenants, and the timing of compliance of covenants), book value of related liabilities and facts and situations those explicit the difficulties in covenants’ compliance. The retrospective and early adoption of amendments is allowed from the fiscal year beginning first since January 1, 2024. We consider that the amendments will not make material influence on the financial statements.
  • 18. - 16 - 4. DUE FROM BANKS: Restricted accounts in due from banks as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Financial institution June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Restrictions Nonghyup Bank and one other 15,700 15,700 Loans secured by saving accounts Hana Bank and two others 10 10 Key money deposits for checking account received Citi Bank and seven others(*1) 237,393 162,657 Deposits in trust of ABS SPCs Total 253,103 178,367 (*1) Deposits in trust of ABS SPCs include cash and cash equivalent asset of W71,793 million and W153,257 million Korean Won as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022. 5. SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS: Short-term financial investments as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Acquisition cost June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Debt securities: Commercial paper 487,279 493,526 511,071 Bank debenture 118,917 121,896 60,855 Electronic short-term bonds 35,217 35,571 - Government and public bonds 1,535,546 1,549,349 413,712 Total 2,176,959 2,200,342 985,638 For liquidity management, the Group holds floating money in excess of immediate funding needs. These excess funds are invested in short-term, highly liquid and investment-grade money market instruments, which provide liquidity for the Group’s short-term funding needs and flexibility in the use of other funding sources.
  • 19. - 20 - 6. SECURITIES MEASURED AT FVTPL: Securities measured at FVTPL as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Debt securities(*1): Multi-Asset KDB Ocean Value-Up Private Fund Special Asset Trust 8(*3) 3,684 3,890 KB Capital Auto 3rd asset-backed securities (“ABS”) special-purpose company (“SPC”) (Subordinate tranche) (*2) 3,000 3,000 KB Capital Auto 4th asset-backed securities (“ABS”) special-purpose company (“SPC”) (Subordinate tranche) (*2) 1,800 1,800 JB Woori Capital Auto 23rd ABS SPC (Subordinate tranche)(*2) 1,800 1,800 Mirae Asset NPL Special Investment Type Private Collective Real Estate Trust 8(*3) 1,120 1,253 VIP Power Plus-S two-year General Private Collective Investment Trust 5 (*3) 1,943 1,762 Yujin SS&D Opportunity General Private Collective Investment Trust 1-1 17,749 12,509 Preferred stock of 57 of Korea Corporate Restructuring Real Estate Fund 10,460 10,441 Auto Edition non-guaranteed 3rd Private Collective Investment 1-1 11,191 11,059 Woori Card Auto 2nd Book-off ABS (Mezzanine tranche) 12,950 12,765 Woori Card Auto 2nd Book-off ABS (Subordinate tranche) 16,336 16,650 Auto Edition non-guaranteed 4th Private Collective Investment 1-1 8,001 8,010 Genesis Environment Energy Enterprise 5th General Private Collective Company(*3) 3,944 4,723 Hana KAMCO Main Industry Supportive General Private Collective Investment Trust 1 5,576 1,592 Hills Spring Investment Cooperative 1(*3) 1,200 - Shinhan M&A-ESG Investment Cooperative(*3) 102 - Maston MPIP General Private Collective Real Estate Investment Trust (*3) 463 - Hana Alternative Investment PCBO General Private Collective Investment Trust 1 6,500 - Total 107,819 91,254 (*1) The fair values of the debt securities are quoted from an independent valuation service provider, using the valuation technique based on the net asset value (“NAV”) approach or the dividend discount model or the option evaluation model as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022. (*2) It is measured at acquisition cost as the information is not enough for fair value measurement. (*3) Fair value was not estimated in quarterly and half-year statement because its acquisition price, which is less than W5 billion, does not make important influence on the financial statements.
  • 20. - 21 - 7. SECURITIES MEASURED AT FVOCI: (1) Securities measured at FVOCI as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Equity securities(*1) Listed equity securities 19,722 23,006 Unlisted equity securities 15,173 17,651 Subtotal 34,895 40,657 Debt securities Government and public bonds 1,564 778 Corporate bonds 8,110 21,405 Subtotal 9,674 22,183 Total 44,569 62,840 (*1) The equity securities held by the Group for the purposes of strategic alliance and others are designated as securities measured at FVOCI. (2) Equity securities measured as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Number of shares (in shares) Ownership (%) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Listed equity securities NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. 1,365,930 2.25 13,960 16,664 NICE Holdings Co., Ltd. 491,620 1.30 5,762 6,342 Subtotal 19,722 23,006 Unlisted equity securities HYUNDAI M Partners Co., Ltd.(*1) 1,700,000 9.29 14,673 17,151 Korea Credit Service(*2,3) 100,000 3.57 500 500 Subtotal 15,173 17,651 Total 34,895 40,657 (*1) The fair value of unlisted equity securities is estimated at the appraisal value quoted from an independent valuation service provider. (*2) It is measured at acquisition cost as the information is not enough for fair value measurement. (*3) Data-based Medium Interest Rate Market Innovation Preparatory Corporation has changed its name to Korea Credit Service.
  • 21. - 22 - (3) Debt securities measured as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Issuer June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Government and public bonds(*1) Urban railway bonds and local development bonds 1,564 778 Corporate bonds(*2) KB Capital Auto 3rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche)(*3) 1,426 1,376 KB Capital Auto 4th ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche)(*3) 2,786 2,696 JB Woori Capital Auto 23rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche)(*3) 1,393 1,348 Deutsche Financial Auto 5th ABS - 1,205 K-Car Capital Auto 2nd ABS(*3) 2,505 14,780 Subtotal 8,110 21,405 Total 9,674 22,183 (*1) The fair values of urban railway bonds and local development bonds were calculated based on trading prices provided by securities companies as of the end of reporting period. (*2) The fair values of KB Capital Auto 3rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche), KB Capital Auto 4th ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche), JB Woori Capital Auto 23rd ABS SPC (Mezzanine tranche) and K-Car Capital Auto 2nd ABS are quoted from an independent valuation service provider. (*3) Fair value was not estimated in quarterly and half-year statement because its acquisition price which is less than W5 billion does not make important influence on the financial statements.
  • 22. - 23 - 8. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES: Details of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (1) The ownership percentages and other details of investee companies 1) June 30, 2023 Company Ownership (%) Business place Date of financial statements Industry Korea Credit Bureau(*1) 7.00 Korea 2023.06.30 Credit information service Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 29.99 UK 2023.06.30 Credit finance business Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. (*3) 46.00 China 2023.06.30 Credit finance business Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 20.00 Canada 2023.06.30 Credit finance business BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A.(*2) 50.00 Brazil 2023.06.30 Credit finance business Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA (*2,3) 50.00 Brazil 2023.06.30 Insurance brokerage Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 49.00 Germany 2023.06.30 Credit finance business BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd.(*3) 40.00 China 2023.06.30 Lease Hyundai Capital France(*3) 50.00 France 2023.06.30 Credit finance business (*1) While the Group holds less than 20% of the voting rights, the equity security method is used to assess because it exercises significant influence through representation on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the investee. (*2) Both the Group and the other participants have rights to purchase or sell all shares held by the parties in the cases of termination of the joint venture agreement, violation of any Brazilian Law or others. The Group judged that the rights are not substantive as of June 30, 2023. (*3) It corresponds to the joint ventures.
  • 23. - 24 - 2)December31,2022 Company Ownership (%) Business place Date of financial statements Industry Korea Credit Bureau(*1) 7.00 Korea 2022.12.31 Credit information service Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 29.99 UK 2022.12.31 Credit finance business Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. (*3) 46.00 China 2022.12.31 Credit finance business Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 20.00 Canada 2022.12.31 Credit finance business BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A.(*2) 50.00 Brazil 2022.12.31 Credit finance business Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA(*2,3) 50.00 Brazil 2022.12.31 Insurance brokerage Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 49.00 Germany 2022.12.31 Credit finance business BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd.(*3) 40.00 China 2022.12.31 Lease Hyundai Capital France(*3,4) 50.00 France 2022.12.31 Credit finance business (*1) While the Group holds less than 20% of the voting rights, the equity security method is used to assess because it exercises significant influence through representation on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the investee. (*2) Both the Group and the other participants have rights to purchase or sell all shares held by the parties in the cases of termination of the joint venture agreement, violation of any Brazilian Law or others. The Group judged that the rights are not substantive as of December 31, 2022. (*3) It corresponds to the joint ventures. (*4) Newly acquisitioned the share of the French corporate (Hyundai Capital France) during the prior period. The subscription price was W75,191 million for 50% of share.
  • 24. - 25 - (2) Condensed financial information on main associates and joint ventures, and adjustment to book value on the investments in associates and joint ventures 1) June 30, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Company June 30, 2023 Asset Liability Capital stock Total equity Net asset share amount Goodwill Book value Korea Credit Bureau 137,431 70,291 10,000 67,140 4,700 1,037 5,737 Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 7,521,061 6,984,517 96,055 536,544 160,909 - 160,909 Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 3,027,230 1,571,108 708,965 1,456,122 669,816 - 669,816 Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 7,428,856 6,832,578 346,758 596,278 119,256 2,547 121,803 BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 1,398,521 1,257,441 91,529 141,080 70,540 - 70,540 Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 1,820 1,970 617 (150) - - - Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 11,949,297 10,920,933 14,282 1,028,364 488,481 10,774 499,255 BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 83,993 61,897 50,603 22,096 8,838 - 8,838 Hyundai Capital France 2,813,763 2,575,940 219,666 237,823 118,909 585 119,494 (Unit: M Korean won) Company Six-month period ended June 30, 2023 Operating revenue Interest income Interest expense Net income(loss) Other comprehensive income (loss) Total comprehen- sive income (expense) Dividends paid Korea Credit Bureau 79,279 305 - 12,744 - 12,744 1,000 Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 173,201 168,976 103,674 45,833 52,221 98,054 165,551 Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 128,551 127,210 35,631 26,498 (3,897) 22,601 - Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 432,864 423,344 363,212 30,805 30,875 61,680 - BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 106,117 106,117 60,761 15,185 15,010 30,195 - Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 383 - - (29) (50) (79) - Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 604,442 101,563 70,572 19,501 46,373 65,874 - BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 2,364 85 - (2,097) 14 (2,083) - Hyundai Capital France 42,443 33,307 21,430 1,621 7,040 8,661 -
  • 25. - 26 - 2) December 31, 2022, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Company December 31, 2022 Asset Liability Capital stock Total equity Net asset share amount Goodwill Book value Korea Credit Bureau 155,165 100,065 10,000 55,100 3,857 1,037 4,894 Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 6,315,709 5,711,668 96,055 604,041 181,152 - 181,152 Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 4,044,066 2,610,546 708,965 1,433,520 659,419 - 659,419 Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 6,087,398 5,552,800 346,758 534,598 106,920 2,404 109,324 BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 1,159,664 1,048,948 91,529 110,716 55,358 - 55,358 Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 1,408 1,514 617 (106) - - - Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 9,448,406 8,405,237 14,282 1,043,169 497,892 10,218 508,110 BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 95,666 71,485 50,603 24,181 9,672 - 9,672 Hyundai Capital France 1,956,470 1,801,224 140,666 155,246 77,621 (2,298) 75,323 (Unit: M Korean won) Company Six-month period ended June 30, 2022 Operating revenue Interest income Interest expense Net income(loss) Other comprehensive income (loss) Total comprehen- sive income (expense) Dividends paid Korea Credit Bureau 69,450 71 410 9,874 - 9,874 - Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 102,606 98,988 28,622 47,557 (12,081) 35,476 - Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 200,212 198,831 76,051 41,417 49,024 90,441 - Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 353,695 346,662 283,387 49,653 48,680 98,333 - Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 448,467 51,619 10,766 13,097 9,135 22,233 - BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 80,793 80,793 43,516 13,601 13,686 27,287 - Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA 221 - - (29) (12) (40) - BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 5,579 47 - (8,865) 1,352 (7,514) - Hyundai Capital France 9,873 9,873 (187) 325 (3,086) (2,762) - (3) Details on the Equity method of the investee companies 1) The six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Company Opening balance Addition Gain(losses) on valuation using equity method Unrealized gain(losses) on equity securities under equity method Dividends received Closing balance Korea Credit Bureau 4,894 - 912 - (69) 5,737 Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 181,152 - 13,746 15,661 (49,650) 160,909 Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 659,419 - 12,190 (1,793) - 669,816 Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 109,324 - 6,161 6,318 - 121,803 BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 55,358 - 7,677 7,505 - 70,540 Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA - - - - - - Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 508,110 - (32,149) 23,294 - 499,255 BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 9,672 - (839) 5 - 8,838 Hyundai Capital France 75,323 38,990 834 4,347 - 119,494 Total 1,603,252 38,990 8,532 55,337 (49,719) 1,656,392
  • 26. - 27 - 2) The six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Company Opening balance Addition Gain(losses) on valuation using equity method Unrealized gain(losses) on equity securities under equity method Dividends received Closing balance Korea Credit Bureau 4,876 - (257) - - 4,619 Hyundai Capital Services UK Ltd. 162,061 - 14,262 (3,623) - 172,700 Beijing Hyundai Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 639,404 - 19,051 22,551 - 681,006 Hyundai Capital Canada Inc. 90,794 - 9,930 9,922 - 110,646 Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH 484,718 - 6,174 4,535 - 495,427 BANCO HYUNDAI CAPITAL BRASIL S.A. 38,781 - 6,812 6,843 - 52,436 Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA - - - - - - BAIC Hyundai Leasing Co. Ltd. 16,961 - (3,545) 540 - 13,956 Hyundai Capital France - 75,680 163 (1,561) - 74,282 Total 1,437,595 75,680 52,590 39,207 - 1,605,072 (4) Suspension on recognition of loss in an equity security method The accumulated unreflected equity security changes not recognized due to the suspension of the equity security method on June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, status quo as follows: 1) June 30, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Unreflected loss of equity method Accumulated unreflected loss of equity method Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA (14) (67) 2) December 31, 2022, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Unreflected loss of equity method on June 30, 2022 Accumulated unreflected loss of equity method on December 31, 2022 Hyundai Corretora de Seguros LTDA (20) (53)
  • 27. - 28 - 9. FINANCIAL RECEIVABLES: (1) Financial receivables (except for other assets) measured at amortized costs as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: 1)June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Bonds principal balance Deferred loan fees and costs (Initial direct fees deferred by the lessor) Present value discounts Allowance for doubtful accounts Carrying amount Loans receivable: Loans 9,354,465 35,949 (1,823) (353,988) 9,034,603 Installment financial assets: Automobile 16,281,025 (362,002) - (186,687) 15,732,336 Durable goods 1 - - (1) - Mortgage 75 1 - (15) 61 Subtotal 16,281,101 (362,001) - (186,703) 15,732,397 Lease receivables: Finance lease receivables: 2,053,526 (344) - (37,359) 2,015,823 Canceled lease receivables: 6,800 - - (4,896) 1,904 Subtotal 2,060,326 (344) - (42,255) 2,017,727 Total 27,695,892 (326,396) (1,823) (582,946) 26,784,727 2)December 31, 2022 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Bonds principal balance Deferred loan fees and costs (Initial direct fees deferred by the lessor) Present value discounts Allowance for doubtful accounts Carrying amount Loans receivable: Loans 10,322,399 28,605 (1,445) (406,622) 9,942,937 Installment financial assets: Automobile 15,311,921 (415,506) - (175,719) 14,720,696 Durable goods 1 - - (1) - Mortgage 95 - - (15) 80 Subtotal 15,312,017 (415,506) - (175,735) 14,720,776 Lease receivables: Finance lease receivables 2,082,530 (304) - (39,305) 2,042,921 Canceled lease receivables 20,762 - - (18,792) 1,970 Subtotal 2,103,292 (304) - (58,097) 2,044,891 Total 27,737,708 (387,205) (1,445) (640,454) 26,708,604
  • 28. - 30 - (2) The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in allowance for doubtful accounts, including ECL allowance for doubtful accounts for other assets, for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: 1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Loans receivable Installment financial assets Lease receivables Other assets Total 12-month ECL Lifetime ECLs Purchased or originated credit- impaired financial assets 12-month ECL Lifetime ECLs 12-month ECL Lifetime ECLs Not credit impaired Credit impaired Not credit impaired Credit impaired Not credit impaired Credit impaired Opening balance 77,265 143,906 174,901 10,550 70,625 57,998 47,112 13,333 8,975 35,789 30,535 670,989 Movements between the three stages Transferred to 12-month ECLs 40,431 (38,870) (1,561) - 31,679 (30,549) (1,130) 4,056 (3,060) (996) - - Transferred to lifetime ECLs (9,089) 11,381 (2,292) - (4,083) 5,993 (1,911) (1,213) 1,586 (372) - - Transferred to credit-impaired financial assets (1,542) (9,038) 10,580 - (437) (1,830) 2,267 (92) (316) 408 - - Disposals - - (29,740) (1,102) - - (4,097) - - - - (34,939) Charge-offs - - (111,281) (3,433) - - (33,149) - - (15,656) (2,700) (166,219) Recoveries - - 21,081 8,819 - - 6,245 - - 2 600 36,747 Unwinding of discounts - - (7,533) (38) - - (386) - - (105) - (8,062) Provision (reversal) of doubtful accounts (23,947) (9,145) 110,965 (7,280) 2,609 3,914 35,833 (1,653) 384 1,185 (129) 112,736 Closing balance 83,118 98,234 165,120 7,516 100,393 35,526 50,784 14,431 7,569 20,255 28,306 611,252 The Group is collecting receivables that were previously charged off as of June 30, 2023, but have not lost their claim to debt-related persons due to incomplete extinctive prescription under related laws or non-recovery of bonds after charged off of debt or other reasons. The contractual amount of such receivables written off, but not yet collected, as of June 30, 2023, was W379,421 million.
  • 29. - 31 - 2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Loans receivable Installment financial assets Lease receivables Other assets Total 12-month ECL Lifetime ECLs Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets 12-month ECL Lifetime ECLs 12-month ECL Lifetime ECLs Not credit impaired Credit impaired Not credit impaired Credit impaired Not credit impaired Credit impaired Opening balance 99,276 115,532 146,611 14,587 59,191 50,488 41,640 14,298 8,119 46,202 28,620 624,564 Movements between the three stages: Transferred to 12-month ECLs 23,687 (21,817) (1,870) - 11,132 (10,473) (659) 3,071 (1,536) (1,535) - - Transferred to lifetime ECLs (16,314) 18,740 (2,426) - (7,311) 8,918 (1,607) (1,253) 1,675 (422) - - Transferred to credit impaired financial assets (1,228) (5,168) 6,396 - (190) (1,447) 1,637 (45) (164) 209 - - Disposals - - (2,431) (771) - - (226) - - - - (3,428) Charge-offs - - (75,293) (3,632) - - (24,114) - - (16,014) (612) (119,665) Recoveries - - 20,041 11,902 - - 6,340 - - 1 704 38,988 Unwinding of discounts - - (7,306) (96) - - (307) - - (101) - (7,810) Provision (reversal) of doubtful accounts (5,042) 13,303 60,021 (10,767) (914) 4,962 18,362 (2,246) 254 8,213 (975) 85,171 Closing balance 100,379 120,590 143,743 11,223 61,908 52,448 41,066 13,825 8,348 36,553 27,737 617,820 The Group is collecting receivables that were previously charged off as of June 30, 2022, but have not lost their claim to debt-related persons due to incomplete extinctive prescription under related laws or non-recovery of bonds after charged off of debt or other reasons. The contractual amount of such receivables written off, but not yet collected, as of June 30, 2022, was W304,386 million.
  • 30. - 32 - 10. LEASED ASSETS: (1) Detailed composition of leased assets Detailed composition of leased assets as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, is as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Acquisition cost Accumulated depreciation Accumulated impairment losses Carrying amount Acquisition cost Accumulated depreciation Accumulated impairment losses Carrying amount Operating leased assets 7,819,634 (2,046,324) (33,659) 5,739,651 7,397,072 (1,827,988) (39,183) 5,529,901 Canceled leased assets 8,298 - (2,834) 5,464 11,110 - (2,926) 8,184 Total 7,827,932 (2,046,324) (36,493) 5,745,115 7,408,182 (1,827,988) (42,109) 5,538,085 (2) Reconciliation of changes in leased assets The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amounts of operating leased assets on June 30, 2023 and 2022: 1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Addition Disposal Depreciation Reversal of impairment Closing balance Vehicles 5,529,901 1,005,465 (270,852) (530,387) 5,524 5,739,651 2) The six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Addition Disposal Depreciation Reversal of impairment Closing balance Vehicles 4,547,755 1,188,809 (163,474) (437,664) 4,156 5,139,582
  • 31. - 33 - 11. LESSEE: (1) Detailed composition of leases Amounts recognized for leases in the consolidated interim financial statements as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Right-of-use assets: Building 57,464 64,781 Vehicles - 17 Fixture and furniture 3,403 3,738 Total 60,867 68,536 Lease liabilities Lease liabilities(*1) 58,565 64,269 (*1) The weighted-average incremental borrowing rate on the weighted average the Group used when recognizing and measuring the lease liabilities as of June 30, 2023, was 4.34%. (2) Reconciliation of changes in right-of-use assets The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amount of the right- of-use assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: 1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Addition Depreciation Cancellation or termination Closing balance Building 64,781 3,218 (10,453) (82) 57,464 Vehicles 17 - (17) - - Fixture and furniture 3,738 - (335) - 3,403 Total 68,536 3,218 (10,805) (82) 60,867
  • 32. - 34 - 2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Addition Depreciation Cancellation or termination Closing balance Building 13,474 8,583 (6,948) (69) 15,040 Vehicles 157 - (73) - 84 Fixture and furniture 725 - (621) - 104 Total 14,356 8,583 (7,642) (69) 15,228 (3) Expenses on lease The following table presents expenses on lease liabilities recognized in the consolidated interim statements of comprehensive income for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification June 30, 2023(*1) June 30, 2022(*1) 3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated Interest expense from lease liabilities (belongs to interest expense) 666 1,348 91 158 Lease payment for leases of low-value items (belongs to general and administrative expenses) 101 212 97 154 (*1) The Group had no income from variable lease payment or subleasing right-of-use assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022. (4) Total cash outflows for lease liabilities Total cash outflows for lease liabilities for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Total cash outflows for lease liabilities 9,933 7,066
  • 33. - 35 - 12. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT: The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amounts of property and equipment for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: (1) The six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Opening balance Addition Transfer Disposal Depreciation Others Conversion difference Closing balance Land 79,121 - - - - - - 79,121 Building 84,953 - - - (1,409) - - 83,544 Vehicles 2,493 144 - (141) (341) - - 2,155 Fixture and furniture 41,159 2,300 55 (2) (6,237) (7,496) 17 29,796 Other tangible asset 1,004 - - - - - - 1,004 Construction in progress 601 1,275 (55) - - - - 1,821 Total 209,331 3,719 - (143) (7,987) (7,496) 17 197,441 (2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Opening balance Addition Transfer Disposal Depreciation Conversion difference Closing balance Land 79,121 - - - - - 79,121 Building 88,318 - - - (1,418) - 86,900 Vehicles 3,226 - - (175) (370) - 2,681 Fixture and furniture 21,933 802 3,712 (7) (4,708) 12 21,744 Other tangible asset 1,004 - - - - - 1,004 Construction in progress 3,187 3,434 (3,712) - - - 2,909 Total 196,789 4,236 - (182) (6,496) 12 194,359
  • 34. - 36 - 13. INTANGIBLE ASSETS: The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amounts of intangible assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: (1)The six-month period ended June 30, 2023 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Opening balance Addition Transfer Disposal Amortization Conversion difference Closing balance Software development costs 70,386 24 8,252 - (12,830) - 65,832 Memberships 22,834 - - (858) - (11) 21,965 Other intangible assets 11,854 848 - - (1,855) (4) 10,843 Intangible assets under construction 8,769 13,817 (8,252) - - - 14,334 Total 113,843 14,689 - (858) (14,685) (15) 112,974 (2)The six-month period ended June 30, 2022 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Opening balance Addition Transfer Disposal Amortization Conversion difference Closing balance Software development costs 61,584 30 11,324 - (12,069) - 60,869 Memberships 24,165 2,562 - (5,646) - 7 21,088 Other intangible assets 12,933 142 160 - (1,892) - 11,343 Intangible assets under construction 9,759 13,102 (11,484) - - - 11,377 Total 108,441 15,836 - (5,646) (13,961) 7 104,677
  • 35. - 37 - 14. BORROWED FUNDS: Borrowings as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (1)Borrowings (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Lender Annual interest rate (%) Maturity June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Short-term borrowings: Commercial paper Shinhan Bank and three others 4.14%–4.50% 2023.07.18–2023.08.18 350,000 280,000 General loans Hana Bank and five others 3.66%–6.59% 2023.07.05–2024.05.02 355,500 356,000 Subtotal 705,500 636,000 Current portion of long-term borrowings: Commercial paper High Investment Securities and four others 1.55%–4.27% 2023.09.14–2024.03.15 530,000 530,000 General loans Nonghyup Bank and nine others 2.06%–5.94% 2023.07.03–2024.06.24 910,274 451,552 Subtotal 1,440,274 981,552 Long- term borrowings: Commercial paper High Investment Securities 1.65% 2024.09.13 10,000 20,000 General loans ING Bank and ten others 2.50%–5.93% 2024.07.10–2028.03.31 1,157,739 1,397,347 Subtotal 1,167,739 1,417,347 Total 3,313,513 3,034,899 (2)Bonds issued (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Annual interest rate (%) Maturity June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Bonds issued (short term): Short-term bond issued 4.00%–6.09% 2023.07.25–2023.12.08 450,000 450,000 Less: Discount on bonds (554) (613) Subtotal 449,446 449,387 Current portion of bonds issued: Bonds issued 0.96%–5.81% 2023.07.03–2024.06.28 9,291,369 8,370,422 Less: Discount on bonds (2,412) (2,412) Subtotal 9,288,957 8,368,010 Bonds issued (long term): Bonds issued 1.00%–6.39% 2024.07.01–2032.03.29 19,337,123 19,578,411 Less: Discount on bonds (28,821) (31,550) Subtotal 19,308,302 19,546,861 Total 29,046,705 28,364,258
  • 36. - 38 - 15. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT LIABILITIES: (1) Defined contribution plans The Group recognized W1,209 million and W1,129 million in the condensed consolidated interim statements of comprehensive income for retirement benefits based on the defined contribution plan for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. (2) Defined benefit plans 1) Characteristics of the defined benefit plan The Group operates a defined benefit plan on a final wage basis. The plan assets are mainly composed of interest rate guaranteed-type instruments and, therefore, are exposed to the risk of declining interest rates. 2) Reconciliation of changes in the present value of defined benefit obligations The following table presents a reconciliation of changes in the present value of defined benefit obligations for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Opening balance 111,525 108,110 Current service costs 5,829 5,968 Interest expense 2,896 1,552 Actuarial losses (gains): Experienced adjustment 6,448 23,544 Changes in financial assumptions 2,156 (15,951) Benefits paid (4,152) (6,469) Closing balance 124,702 116,754
  • 37. - 39 - 3) Reconciliation of changes in the fair value of plan assets The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the fair value of plan assets for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Opening balance 148,870 121,833 Expected return on plan assets 3,890 1,753 Actuarial losses (gains) (1,129) (948) Benefits paid (4,148) (6,449) Closing balance 147,483 116,189 (3) Other long-term employee benefit plans The following table presents a reconciliation of changes in the other long-term benefit liability for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Opening balance 10,661 10,072 Current service costs 351 354 Interest expense 247 131 Actuarial losses (gains) 754 1,864 Benefits paid (643) (1,157) Closing balance 11,370 11,264
  • 38. - 40 - 16. PROVISIONS: The following tables present a reconciliation of changes in the provisions for the six- month periods ended June 30, 2023, and 2022: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Unused loan commitmen ts (*1) Residual value guarante es (*2) Asset retirement obligations (“AROs”) (*3) Litigations Total Unused loan commit ments (*1) Residual value guarantee s (*2) Asset retirement obligations (“AROs”) (*3) Litigations Total Opening balance 2,644 67,674 7,499 - 77,817 211 59,543 5,921 21 65,696 Provision (reversal) of liability provisions 246 5,365 (941) 4 4,674 282 7,779 (989) (21) 7,051 Provisions made for AROs and capitalized to related asset - - 184 - 184 - - 736 - 736 Unwinding of interests - - 274 - 274 - - 82 - 82 Closing balance 2,890 73,039 7,016 4 82,949 493 67,322 5,750 - 73,565 (*1) The Group facilitates credits with limits, under which the Group provides commitments to extend credits. Provision is made for estimated losses arising from unused loan commitments. (*2) The Group facilitates certain installment financial receivable products, which the Company guarantees for consumers with residual value of used automobiles. The Group also contracts with third-party guarantor to guarantee residual value of automobiles returned by consumers. Provision is made for estimated expected losses arising from these residual value guarantees. (*3) The Group recognizes provisions for AROs, which represent the estimated costs to restore the existing leased properties, which are discounted to the present value using the appropriate discount rate at the end of the reporting period. Disbursements of such costs are expected to occur at the end of the lease contract. In order to estimate expected restoration expense, the average actual costs incurred for the past three years and five-year average inflation rate are used.
  • 39. - 41 - 17. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND HEDGE ACCOUNTING: (1) Trading derivatives The following table presents the trading derivatives of the Group as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022. ⓛ June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Unpaid commitments Carrying amount Account Asset Liability Interest rate swap 160,000 - 872 Derivative liability ② December 31, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Unpaid commitments Carrying amount Account Asset Liability Interest rate swap 200,000 - 1,518 Derivative liability (2) Derivatives designated and qualifying as hedging instruments for cash flow and fair value hedges In the normal course of business, the Group enters into derivative contracts to manage its exposures to changes in future cash flows and fair value arising from volatilities in interest rate and foreign currency exchange rates with its borrowings, bonds issued and loans. The Group primarily uses interest rate swaps and currency swaps to manage exposures to fluctuations in future cash flows and fair value due to interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk. There was no change in overall hedge strategy of the Group. The Group applies cash flow and fair value hedge accounting and the hedging relationship is affected by interest rate benchmark reform. The Group currently enters into an interest rate swap contract and designates it as a hedging instrument for cash flow hedge accounting to avoid the volatility in cash flows of borrowing due to changes of the interest rate benchmark, the six-month USD London InterBank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). However, the USD LIBOR interest rate will be replaced by the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) based on actual transactions for specific periods (1M, 3M, 6M and 12M) from July 2023. The Group assumes that interest rate benchmarks do not change due to interest rate benchmarks reform in this hedging relationship. The Group is closely monitoring market and industry discussions regarding applicable alternative base interest rates on exposed interest rate benchmarks. This uncertainty is no longer expected when the exposed interest rate benchmark is replaced by an applicable interest rate. Financial instruments related to LIBOR that are scheduled to reach maturity after July 2023 and those which have not been converted to alternative interest rate benchmarks as of June 30, 2023, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Interest rate benchmark Currency Book value of non- derivative financial liability Nominal value of hedging instrument USD 3M LIBOR USD 39,384 35,622
  • 40. - 42 - 1) Details of hedged items as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: ⓛ June 30, 2023 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion to risk hedge Accumulated other comprehensive income Asset Liability Cash flow risk hedging: Interest rate risk - 3,400,000 Borrowings and bonds issued (74,400) 57,137 Foreign exchange risk 101,285 8,369,837 Loan, borrowings and bonds issued (552,996) (68,481) Total 101,285 11,769,837 (627,396) (11,344) (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion to risk hedge Accumulated fair value risk hedging adjustment Asset Liability Fair value risk hedging Fair value risk - 320,000 Borrowings and bonds issued (7,084) 4,346 ② December 31, 2022 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion to risk hedge Accumulated other comprehensive income Asset Liability Cash flow risk hedging: Interest rate risk - 3,740,000 Borrowings and bonds issued (107,125) 75,197 Foreign exchange risk 29,726 8,357,902 Loan, borrowings and bonds issued (602,076) (37,533) Total 29,726 12,097,902 (709,201) 37,664 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion to risk hedge Accumulated fair value risk hedging adjustment Asset Liability Fair value risk hedging: Fair value risk - 445,000 Borrowings and bonds issued 11,953 11,953
  • 41. - 43 - 2) Details of derivatives for hedge as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: ① June 30, 2023 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Unpaid commitments (*1) Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion of risk hedge Asset Liability Cash flow risk hedging: Interest rate swap 3,400,000 72,812 254 Derivative assets (liability) 76,984 Currency swap 8,471,122 605,369 63,178 566,016 Total 11,871,122 678,181 63,432 643,000 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Unpaid commitments (*1) Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion of risk hedge Asset Liability Fair value risk hedging Interest rate swap 320,000 - 5,025 Derivative liabilities 3,125 (*1) Notional principal amount represents Korean won equivalent amounts of foreign currencies for Korean won-to-foreign currency transactions and receiving foreign currencies for foreign currency-to-foreign currency transactions that are translated with the benchmark foreign currency exchange rate disclosed by the Bank of Korea as of the reporting date. ② December 31, 2022 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Unpaid commitments (*1) Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion of risk hedge Asset Liability Cash flow risk hedging: Interest rate swap 3,740,000 103,714 387 Derivative assets (liabilities) 110,750 Currency swap 8,387,628 626,146 42,466 619,783 Total 12,127,628 729,860 42,853 730,533 (Unit:MKoreanwon) Classification Unpaid commitments (*1) Carrying amount Account Changes in fair value to recognize ineffective portion of risk hedge Asset Liability Fair value risk hedging Interest rate swap 445,000 - 8,150 Derivative liabilities (8,150) (*1) Notional principal amount represents Korean won equivalent amounts of foreign currencies for Korean won-to-foreign currency transactions and receiving foreign currencies for foreign currency-to-foreign currency transactions that are translated with the benchmark foreign currency exchange rate disclosed by the Bank of Korea as of the reporting date.
  • 42. - 44 - 3) Changes in effective portion recognized in other comprehensive income related to derivatives for hedges for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: ① June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Changes in fair value Reclassified to profit or loss Closing balance Before tax 49,690 194,860 (259,515) (14,965) Income tax effects (12,026) 3,621 After tax 37,664 (11,344) ② June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Changes in fair value Reclassified to profit or loss Closing balance Before tax 50,437 641,145 (599,083) 92,499 Income tax effects (12,207) (22,385) After tax 38,230 70,114 The Group is expected to be exposed to the variability in future cash flows and fair value arising from hedged items designated as cash flow and fair value hedges, until March 29, 2032. There was no cash flow hedge discontinued on June 30, 2023 and 2022. The ineffective portions recognized in profit and loss related to cash flow hedge for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are W-2,299 million and W10,514 million, respectively. The loss recognized on the fair value hedge is W3,959 million and W1,488 million on June 30, 2023, and 2022, respectively.
  • 43. - 45 - 18. EQUITY: (1) Bad Debt Reserve According to Article 11 of the Regulation on Supervision of Credit-Specialized Financial Business, the Group makes bad debt reserve if there is a shortfall in provisions prepared in accordance with K-IFRSs. The amount required by the regulation is 130% of the minimum amount specified in the Credit-Specialized Financial Business, but less than the total outstanding amount of the loans. The bad debt reserve is a discretionary reserve and any excess amount beyond legally required reserve can be reversed. If there is an accumulated deficit, the reserve is made only after when there is no accumulated deficit balance. Details of bad debt reserve as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Appropriated bad debt reserve 225,291 193,208 Expected bad debt reserve 32,097 32,083 Bad debt reserve (*1) 257,388 225,291 (*1) Bad debt reserve as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, represents the amount which reflects the expected provision for bad debt reserve to appropriated bad debt reserve at the beginning of the year. (2) Provision for regulatory reserve and profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad debt reserve The provision for bad debt reserve and profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad debt reserve for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Profit for the period 188,346 244,584 Deduction: Provision for bad debt reserve (*1) 32,097 45,539 Profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad debt reserve (*2) 156,249 199,045 Basic and diluted earnings per share adjusted with provision for bad debt reserve (in Korean won) 1,573 2,004 (*1) Provision for bad debt reserve represents excessive reserves expected to be made for the six- month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022. (*2) Profit for the period adjusted with provision for bad debt reserve is not the data according to K-IFRSs, and the information is estimated by assuming the case of reflecting the bad debt reserve before considering the corporate tax effect to the net income of the period.
  • 44. - 46 - (3) Retained earnings Retained earnings as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Legal reserves: Earned surplus reserve 176,286 176,286 Discretionary reserves: Bad debt reserve 225,291 193,208 Reserve for electronic financial transactions 100 100 Reserve for business rationalization 74 74 Subtotal 225,465 193,382 Retained earnings before appropriation 4,452,501 4,296,237 Total 4,854,252 4,665,905 19. NET INTEREST INCOME: Net interest income for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated Interest income: Interest income recognized using the effective interest method: Due from other financial institutions 24,406 51,665 5,268 11,395 Securities measured at FVOCI 174 430 149 211 Loans receivable 211,534 447,359 219,895 424,493 Installment financial assets 198,768 385,176 145,842 290,528 Lease receivables (*1) 35,930 70,656 31,611 62,304 Other (*2) 349 715 174 710 Subtotal 471,161 956,001 402,939 789,641 Interest expense: Borrowings 33,309 65,389 14,770 29,984 Bonds issued 227,395 447,070 143,591 274,517 Other (*2) 3,367 6,539 1,627 3,050 Subtotal 264,071 518,998 159,988 307,551 Net interest income 207,090 437,003 242,951 482,090 (*1) Including amortization of unearned revenue for security deposits received for leases using the effective interest method. (*2) Including amortization of present value discounts using the effective interest method.
  • 45. - 47 - 20. NET FEE INCOME: Net fee income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated Fee income: Loans receivable 3,943 7,490 4,187 8,351 Installment financial assets 5,230 9,995 4,848 9,779 Lease receivables 31,684 61,970 31,358 62,143 Subtotal 40,857 79,455 40,393 80,273 Fee expenses: Lease expense 46,713 90,560 44,473 85,030 Net fee expense (5,856) (11,105) (4,080) (4,757) 21. NET LEASE INCOME: Net lease income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated Income on leases(*1): Income on operating leases 330,169 647,070 269,826 524,917 Gain on sale of lease assets 153,862 270,082 12,747 22,914 Fee income on operating leases 57,647 112,972 51,459 100423 Subtotal 541,678 1,030,124 334,032 648,254 Lease expense(*1): Lease asset depreciation 264,849 530,387 228,784 437,664 Loss on sale of lease assets 149,563 260,846 5,899 11,456 Reversal of impairment losses on lease assets (2,793) (5,615) (2,034) (4,265) Fee expenses on operating leases 30,682 59,261 28,212 53,298 Other expenses 2,335 5,092 2,154 4,262 Subtotal 444,636 849,971 263,015 502,415 Net lease income 97,042 180,153 71,017 145,839 (*1) Excluding net interest income and net fee income regarding lease.
  • 46. - 48 - 22. OTHER OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES: Other operating income and expenses for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated Other operating income: Gain on valuation of derivatives 17,509 246,795 434,007 559,404 Gain on derivatives transactions 54,731 61,680 8,543 50,131 Gain on valuation of short-term financial investments 12,747 23,382 (1) - Gain on purchased loan 1,197 3,365 1,812 4,831 Shared services income 242 838 963 2,392 Other fee and commission 4,757 8,937 5,457 10,100 Advisory fee 13,208 26,395 12,397 26,403 Reversal of liability provision 983 1,332 165 1,049 Others 3,023 6,705 10,122 13,315 Total 108,397 379,429 473,465 667,625 Other operating expenses: Loss on valuation of derivatives 32,587 43,785 11,885 18,782 Loss on derivatives transactions 1,728 2,077 - 1,406 Shared services expense 270 866 760 2,003 Indirect financing cost 2,914 5,784 2,649 5,059 Provision of liability provision 2,757 6,007 5,543 8,099 Others 3,700 16,598 7,127 14,800 Total 43,956 75,117 27,964 50,149
  • 47. - 50 - 23. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: General and administrative expenses for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated Salaries 59,020 115,796 64,698 119,101 Severance benefits 3,014 6,044 3,940 7,316 Employee benefits 10,389 23,506 11,053 21,209 Advertising 6,676 12,394 8,961 17,074 Sales promotion 23,773 45,889 20,427 38,507 Rents 5,719 10,874 5,037 9,295 Utilities 2,071 4,318 1,729 3,673 Communication 2,688 5,325 2,970 5,778 Travel and transportation 1,340 2,562 1,130 1,954 Professional and other service fees 12,565 22,686 12,519 24,246 Outsourcing service charges 9,096 17,422 7,479 14,000 Commissions and charges 5,524 9,899 4,961 10,188 Depreciation 8,669 18,791 7,010 14,137 Amortization 7,387 14,685 7,039 13,961 Other 11,747 23,489 10,828 22,074 Total 169,678 333,680 169,781 322,513
  • 48. - 51 - 24. INCOME TAXES: Income taxes are calculated by adjusting the adjustments recognized in the six-month period ended June 30, 2023, related to the previous corporate tax burden, the amount of deferred tax changes due to temporary differences occurring and extinguishing, and the income tax expense related to items other than profit or loss. The average effective tax rate for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 (income before corporate tax expense/tax deduction), is 23.4% and 24.9%, respectively. 25. EARNINGS PER SHAREEPS: (1) Basic earnings per share Basic earnings per share attributable to common stock of equity holders for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows: (Unit: Korean won, share) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Three months Accumulated Three months Accumulated Profit for the period attributable to common stock (in Korean won) (A) 123,394,076,294 188,346,382,213 119,811,181,250 244,584,071,501 Weighted-average number of outstanding common stocks (B) 99,307,435 99,307,435 99,307,435 99,307,435 Basic earnings per share (in Korean won)(A/B) 1,243 1,897 1,207 2,463 (2) Diluted earnings per share There are no potential common stocks as of June 30, 2023 and 2022. Therefore, the diluted earnings per share is equal to basic earnings per share.
  • 49. - 52 - 26. ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME: Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: (1) June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Changes Income tax effects Closing balance Reclassified to profit or loss adjustment Other changes Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity securities measured at FVOCI 17,788 - (5,763) 1,395 13,420 Net change in unrealized gains and losses on valuation of debt securities measured at FVOCI (601) (34) 517 (117) (235) Share on other comprehensive profit of associates and joint ventures 44,743 - 55,335 (13,391) 86,687 Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges 37,664 (259,515) 194,860 15,647 (11,344) Overseas project conversion profit or loss (5,151) - (2,204) - (7,355) Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (15,827) - (9,732) 2,355 (23,204) Total 78,616 (259,549) 233,013 5,889 57,969 (2) June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Changes Income tax effects Closing balance Reclassified to profit or loss adjustment Other changes Net change in unrealized gains and losses on equity securities measured at FVOCI 22,524 - (2,036) 493 20,981 Net change in unrealized gains and losses on valuation of debt securities measured at FVOCI (24) (57) (591) 157 (515) Share on other comprehensive profit of associates and joint ventures 54,866 - 39,207 (9,488) 84,585 Net change in effective portion of cash flow hedges 38,230 (599,083) 641,145 (10,178) 70,114 Overseas project conversion profit or loss (6,205) - 9,232 - 3,027 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (16,629) - (8,541) 2,067 (23,103) Total 92,762 (599,140) 678,416 (16,949) 155,089
  • 50. - 53 - 27. SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION: (1) Cash and cash equivalents Details of cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Ordinary deposits (*1) 133,643 185,741 Checking deposits 2,385 3,104 Other cash equivalents (*2) 1,170,685 1,558,782 Total 1,306,713 1,747,627 (*1) Related to the asset securitization trades, ordinary deposits include the deposits limited for use in W71,793 million and W153,257 million at the suspended accounts of Autopia SPCs as of June 20, 2023, and December 31, 2022, respectively. (*2) Other cash equivalents include demand deposits, as well as money market deposit account (“MMDA”), money market wrap (“MMW”), money market trust (“MMT”) and time deposits with maturities of three months or less from the acquisition date that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash, which are subject to insignificant risk of changes in their fair value, and are used by the Group in the management of its short-term commitments.
  • 51. - 54 - (2) Cash generated from operations Cash generated from operations for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, is as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Profit for the period 188,346 244,584 Adjustments: Gain on valuation of short-term financial investments (23,382) - Loss on valuation of short-term financial investments - 738 Gain on assessment of securities measured at FVTPL (1,014) (327) Gain on disposal of securities measured at FVOCI (367) (483) Gain on loans receivable (deferred loan withholding profit or loss and cash discount difference depreciation) 11,456 18,025 Gain on installment finance (deferred loan withholding profit or loss depreciation) 45,050 45,147 Income on leases (deferred loan withholding profit or loss depreciation) 12,304 10,930 Gain on foreign currency conversion (40,175) (8,551) Dividend income (707) (635) Gain on valuation of derivatives (246,795) (559,404) Gain on trade of derivatives (61,680) - Gain on investments in associates and joint ventures (41,519) (56,394) Gain on tangible asset disposal (78) (23) Gain on intangible asset disposal - (221)
  • 52. - 55 - (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Impairment loss on debt securities measured at FVOCI - 41 Net interest expense 466,188 295,235 Lease expense 524,771 433,400 Expenses of Allowance for doubtful accounts 112,737 85,171 Loss on foreign currency conversion 242,931 548,317 Severance benefits 6,044 6,891 Reversal of impairment loss on debt securities measured at FVOCI (18) - Other long-term employee salaries 1,352 2,349 Depreciation 18,791 14,137 Amortization 14,685 13,961 Loss on valuation of derivatives 43,785 18,782 Loss on trade of derivatives 2,077 - Loss on investments in associates and joint ventures 32,987 3,803 Transfer to provision 4,675 7,050 Loss on tangible asset disposal - 89 Loss on intangible asset disposal 18 76 Gain on repayments of bonds issued (73) - Loss on lease cancellation 187 1,214 Income taxes 57,679 80,977 Loss on fair value risk hedge 6,933 - Gain on fair value risk hedge - (9,202) Subtotal 1,188,842 951,093 Changes on assets and liabilities due to business activities: Increase in due from other financial institutions (128,283) (10,497) Decrease (increase) in short-term financial investments (1,191,322) 126,960 Increase in securities measured at FVOCI (380) (116) Decrease (increase) in loans receivable 828,450 (676,764) Increase in installment financial assets (1,099,026) (30,235) Increase in finance lease receivables (127,586) (128,587) Decrease in canceled lease receivables 6,731 6,899 Increase in operating lease assets (734,612) (1,025,335)
  • 53. - 56 - (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 June 30, 2022 Decrease in canceled lease assets 138,611 137,482 Decrease (increase) in non-trade receivables (7,097) 9,222 Decrease (increase) in accrued revenues 13,329 (3,690) Increase in advance payments (48,791) (39,535) Increase in prepaid expenses (23,101) (22,687) Increase in non-trade payables 75,708 190,268 Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses (2,443) 9,039 Decrease in unearned revenue (4,827) (38) Increase in withholdings 42,075 38,519 Increase in deposits received 23,893 4,701 Severance payments (4) (20) Decrease in other long-term employee benefits (643) (1,158) Subtotal (2,239,318) (1,415,572) Total (862,130) (219,893)
  • 54. - 57 - (3) Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities Changes in liabilities and related assets arising from financing activities for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows: 1) June 30, 2023 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Net cash flows Non-cash changes Closing balance Changes in foreign exchange rates Changes in fair value Other changes Borrowings 3,034,899 273,707 2,048 2,741 118 3,313,513 Bonds issued 28,364,258 465,931 203,333 4,191 8,992 29,046,705 Net derivative liabilities held to hedge borrowed funds (678,386) 266,444 (205,452) 63,655 (59,603) (613,342) Lease liabilities 64,269 (9,721) - - 4,017 58,565 Total liabilities on financing activities 30,785,040 996,361 (71) 70,587 (46,476) 31,805,441 2) June 30, 2022 (Unit: M Korean won) Classification Opening balance Net cash flows Non-cash changes Closing balance Changes in foreign exchange rates Changes in fair value Other changes Borrowings 3,288,512 (422,758) 15,914 (3,004) 217 2,878,881 Bonds issued 25,230,568 1,405,054 524,938 (6,199) 9,283 27,163,644 Net derivative liabilities held to hedge borrowed funds (395,922) 34,752 (540,780) (42,083) - (944,033) Lease liabilities 13,239 (6,912) - - 8,194 14,521 Total liabilities on financing activities 28,136,397 1,010,136 72 (51,286) 17,694 29,113,013
  • 55. - 58 - 28. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES: (1) Line of credit commitments As of June 30, 2023, the Group has line of credit commitments from Shinhan Bank and other banks with up to W48,500 million in the aggregate. The Group also has revolving credit facility agreements up to USD 320 million, JPY 89,000 million, EUR 400 million and W2,465,000 million with Kookmin Bank and other financial institutions. The Group is exposed to interest rate benchmarks (USD 3M LIBOR and Korean won Certificate of Deposit (“CD”) interest rate) subject to interest rate benchmarks reform. Among the Group's contract, the limit related to USD 3M LIBOR and Korean won CD rate is USD 200 million, and W1,705,000 million, respectively. The USD LIBOR interest rate will be replaced by the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) based on actual transactions from July 2023. The Group added the clause for the provisions to the current commitments for the USD LIBOR discontinued in calculation. For the CD interest rate, the calculation discontinuation is not planned and the transfer clause was not added as the transfer was not forced differently with the USD LIBOR. The Group is closely monitoring market and industry discussions regarding applicable alternative base interest rates on exposed interest rate benchmarks. This uncertainty is no longer expected when the exposed interest rate benchmark is replaced by an applicable interest rate. The Group offers line of credit commitments to a number of customers. The unused amounts of line of credit are W663,200 million as of June 30, 2023. (2) Guarantees Details of guarantees provided to the Group as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Guarantor Details June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Seoul Guarantee Insurance Co., Ltd. Guarantee for debt collection deposit and others 54,094 38,549 The Group has residual value guarantee insurance policies with DB INSURANCE CO., LTD. and other insurance carrier, which cover losses resulting from defaults in mortgage loans where unpaid amounts exceed the recoverable amounts from the collateral of the loans and cover losses resulting from sales of off-lease vehicles returned where the expected residual values exceed the recoverable amounts at the end of the lease terms. Loans and leases insured by the policies and residual value guaranteed by the insurance policies as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, are as follows: (Unit: M Korean won) Classification June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Loans and leases insured 361,740 433,731 Residual value guaranteed by the insurance policies 88,046 111,571