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The Official Publication of the Washington Building Congress | May/June 2009
 Working with Uncle Sam 
Long Term Benefits of Pursuing Federal Contracts  p.4
| May/June 20094
Feature Article
Pursuing Federal
Construction Projects
Provides Long Term
Benefits to Contractors
by David Carrithers	
ompanies looking to break in to the federal marketplace
should make it a long term decision, not just a move to
get by during a recession.
That’s the opinion of Bill Sweetser, who spent 20 years
building a business that focused exclusively on public con-
struction, while other firms chased more glamorous private
sector work. Sweetser is now retired, but the company he
founded, Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc., has grown
to become a $250 million-a-year builder that is still busy,
despite the recession.
“What drives success as a federal contractor is a long term
commitment, experience and capabilities that fit contract
requirements, demonstrated quality of work, reasonable and
cooperative behavior, past and present performance of meeting
commitments, a history of few surprises and experience helping
customers,” explained Sweetser.
Sweetser cites several reasons for his claim about the long
term benefits of federal contracting:
The federal government is huge, with well over $100 billion•	
earmarked for construction projects each year, even before the
economic stimulus bill was passed;
It is a stable market—federal construction does not fluctuate as•	
dramatically as the commercial market can, particularly during
economic downturns;
Federal construction offers diverse opportunities for a wide array of•	
contractors, from huge projects like the Pentagon to small renova-
tion and retrofit projects;
Federal contracts are regulated by the FAR (Federal Acquisition•	
Regulation), where requirements are spelled out in great detail;
Awards are made based on very strict procedures that are profes-•	
sionally administered;
It is fair—contracting agents look after the best interests of the•	
federal government and those of the contractors.
The Washington Building Congress | www.wbcnet.org 5
Feature Article
“If you’ve got a company that has been making a liv-
ing in the private sector, you would be well served to put
emphasis on federal work,” urged Sweetser. He said that
what drives success as a federal contractor are both tangible
and intangible — a long term commitment to being a federal
contractor; experience and capabilities that fit contract
requirements; demonstrated quality of work; reasonable and
cooperative behavior; and past and present performance of
meeting commitments, a history of few surprises, and expe-
rience helping customers.
Sweetser emphasized that working for the federal govern-
ment is not easy, and that there are unique considerations that
federal contractors have to think about. He also stressed the
need to have talented proposal writers. He also urged people
interested in federal contracting to consider adding partners
who can strengthen their teams. In order for partnerships to
work, he said, “the most important thing you want to think
about is mutual trust.”
Sweetser also encouraged contractors to build relationships
with contracting officers.
To get started, Sweetser offered several immediate suggestions:
Talk to government procurement officers to learn about the process•	
and specific contract opportunities;
Go to federal procurement seminars;•	
Consider teaming with someone working for the federal government;•	
For subcontractors and suppliers, he suggested going to general•	
contractors’ Web sites and registering their companies and their
areas of expertise;
Find a surety because all federal work has to be bonded.•	
“If you are going to work for the federal government,”
Sweetser said, “this is a good time to start. The stimulus pack-
age is going to put pressure on contracting officers to spend
money quickly.”
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Yields
Direction for Federal Work
The recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009 provides a good starting point for companies looking
to begin or ramp up their federal construction efforts. A sig-
nificant portion of the plan—about $134 billion—is earmarked
for construction spending. Additionally, an estimated $8.7 bil-
lion will be available to states for school construction by way of
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s State Stabili-
zation Funds. Exactly how and when the money will be spent is
outlined at www.recovery.gov.
The largest single category of construction spend-
ing—$49.3 billion—is for transportation infrastructure. Of
that, $27.5 billion will be allocated for highway and bridge
One of the Act’s primary goals, according to the White
House, is to “Revive the renewable energy industry and provide
the capital over the next three years to eventually double
domestic renewable energy capacity.” To that goal, $29.8 billion
will be spent on energy and technology.
$29.5 billion will be spent on building infrastructure, a
category of great interest to many commercial contractors. The
funds are divided among six primary programs:
$5.6 billion for GSA (General Services Administration) federal build-1.	
ings and facilities
$7.12 for military construction2.	
$1 billion for VA (Veterans Affairs) construction3.	
$8.04 billion for housing facilities4.	
$7.74 billion for other facilities5.	
An additional $8.7 billion will be funded through separate aspects6.	
of the bill for K-12 and higher education school construction
All of the GSA funds will be distributed for existing
project backlog. The same is true of the military construction
funds, with the exception of $120 million to be distributed
by DOE (Department of Energy) on a discretionary basis for
energy efficiency upgrades
$8.04 billion will be spent on new construction of hous-
ing facilities and $7.74 billion to fund other facilities, more
than half of which—$4.53 billion—will be used to fund
existing project backlogs. The remaining $3.21 billion in
funding will be distributed by agencies on a discretionary
basis, for new or existing projects. This includes $2 billion
from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
for community health centers.
“Every day is a good day to work for the federal government,” explains Bill
Sweetser, retired founder of Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc.
| May/June 20096
Feature Article
Another $21.4 billion in funds will be allocated to water
and environmental infrastructure. The funds are divided
among programs supporting clean water, water resources and
environmental cleanup. In addition, $4.3 billion in funds
will go toward workforce development and safety. Most of
that—$4 billion—is for training and employment services.
Getting Started in Federal Construction
Getting starting working for the federal government is not easy.
Like anything else in business, you have to build relationships and
trust with the people who could potentially buy your services.
Federal procurement officers encourage contractors to con-
tact them. First, however, they should take these three steps:
Identify your product or service by federal supply classification•	
code (FSC) or product service code (PSC) on the government’s Web
site (http://fpdcapp.gsa.gov/pls/fpdsweb/PscWiz)
Identify your North American Industry Classification Codes—as•	
many as apply since this is a primary way government search
engines find contractors (http://www.census.gov/eped/www/naics.
Determine SBA size standard (there is a separate size standard for•	
each NAICS) (http://www.sba.gov/services/contractingopportuni-
Most proposed DOD and federal contracting activities
above $25,000 in contract value are posted at FEDBIZOPPS
(www.fedbizopps.gov). However, not all government contract
opportunities are listed on FEDBIZOPPS, and projects under
$25,000 are never listed, so procurement officers encourage
contractors to contact each government installation’s facility
manager to enquire about their projects.
Moreover, contractors should start with a narrow field
of vision. Trying to go after all federal work is an impossible
task for any size business, so contractors are urged to explore
opportunities at one agency—the Naval Facilities Engineering
Command (NAVFAC) for instance—or even to try to establish
relationships with one venue, like the Bethesda Naval Hospi-
tal, where millions of federal dollars are being spent on new
construction projects.
Another very early step for someone interested in federal
contracting is to register on the Central Contractor Registra-
tion (www.ccr.gov), a search engine tool for a variety of federal
agencies to locate small businesses.
The Benefits of Teaming
One effective way to jump start the process is to team with
another contractor who has experience in federal construction.
The only way to do this is to make an offer that is a win-win
for both parties, either by providing expertise that is unique
to the other party or access to markets or contracts that is not
available to them.
A common way of doing this is through a joint venture
or partnership between large contractors with capabilities
and experience and small businesses that have access to
government contracts. The government actively encourages
these partnerships, through programs like their 8(a) business
development and the Mentor-Protégé program. The details
of how these programs work are explained at www.sba.gov.
The federal government makes it quite clear, however, that
the joint ventures have to provide benefits to both large and
small firms, and that each has to contribute their fair share
of the work.
Contracting With the Federal Government
There are many ways to participate in federal contracting—as
prime contractor, subcontractor, via set-aside programs, in joint
ventures or other teaming arrangements. Regardless of how
you approach the project, there are essentially two ways the
federal government contracts for services—sealed bidding and
competitive negotiation.
“In a sealed bidding acquisition, the agency must award
to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest responsive
bid (price). In contrast, competitive negotiation is a more flex-
ible process that enables the agency to conduct discussions,
evaluate offers, and award the contract using price and other
factors,” according to Carl L. Vacketta of DLA Piper US
LLP, of Washington.
While lowest responsive bids are typically the way contrac-
tors with less government experience get federal contracts,
competitive negotiation is far more satisfactory.
“If you show you have better people and a better process
you can win an RFP without the lowest price,” explained
Sweetser. “The federal government believes in that,” he added.
“The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) -- codified
at Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations -- contains
the uniform policies and procedures for acquisitions by all
federal agencies. It implements or addresses nearly every
procurement-related statute or executive policy. In doing
so, the FAR reaches every stage of the acquisition process,”
added Vacketta.
To learn more about federal contracting, visit www.cce-inc.
com/whitepapers.html and download “Federal Construction as
a Long Term Business Growth Strategy.”
David Carrithers
David Carrithers is vice president, marketing
at Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc., a
construction services and solution contrac-
tor headquartered in Vienna Virginia.

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Working With Uncle Sam: Washington Building Congress

  • 1. Inside    Industry Report................................2 Pursuing Federal Contracts.............4 Social Networking...........................7 Construction Industry Bankruptcies...................................10 Member Projects............................14 New Members................................15 WBC Calendar............................. 16 The Official Publication of the Washington Building Congress | May/June 2009  Working with Uncle Sam  Long Term Benefits of Pursuing Federal Contracts  p.4
  • 2. | May/June 20094 Feature Article Pursuing Federal Construction Projects Provides Long Term Benefits to Contractors by David Carrithers C ompanies looking to break in to the federal marketplace should make it a long term decision, not just a move to get by during a recession. That’s the opinion of Bill Sweetser, who spent 20 years building a business that focused exclusively on public con- struction, while other firms chased more glamorous private sector work. Sweetser is now retired, but the company he founded, Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc., has grown to become a $250 million-a-year builder that is still busy, despite the recession. “What drives success as a federal contractor is a long term commitment, experience and capabilities that fit contract requirements, demonstrated quality of work, reasonable and cooperative behavior, past and present performance of meeting commitments, a history of few surprises and experience helping customers,” explained Sweetser. Sweetser cites several reasons for his claim about the long term benefits of federal contracting: The federal government is huge, with well over $100 billion• earmarked for construction projects each year, even before the economic stimulus bill was passed; It is a stable market—federal construction does not fluctuate as• dramatically as the commercial market can, particularly during economic downturns; Federal construction offers diverse opportunities for a wide array of• contractors, from huge projects like the Pentagon to small renova- tion and retrofit projects; Federal contracts are regulated by the FAR (Federal Acquisition• Regulation), where requirements are spelled out in great detail; Awards are made based on very strict procedures that are profes-• sionally administered; It is fair—contracting agents look after the best interests of the• federal government and those of the contractors.
  • 3. The Washington Building Congress | www.wbcnet.org 5 Feature Article “If you’ve got a company that has been making a liv- ing in the private sector, you would be well served to put emphasis on federal work,” urged Sweetser. He said that what drives success as a federal contractor are both tangible and intangible — a long term commitment to being a federal contractor; experience and capabilities that fit contract requirements; demonstrated quality of work; reasonable and cooperative behavior; and past and present performance of meeting commitments, a history of few surprises, and expe- rience helping customers. Sweetser emphasized that working for the federal govern- ment is not easy, and that there are unique considerations that federal contractors have to think about. He also stressed the need to have talented proposal writers. He also urged people interested in federal contracting to consider adding partners who can strengthen their teams. In order for partnerships to work, he said, “the most important thing you want to think about is mutual trust.” Sweetser also encouraged contractors to build relationships with contracting officers. To get started, Sweetser offered several immediate suggestions: Talk to government procurement officers to learn about the process• and specific contract opportunities; Go to federal procurement seminars;• Consider teaming with someone working for the federal government;• For subcontractors and suppliers, he suggested going to general• contractors’ Web sites and registering their companies and their areas of expertise; Find a surety because all federal work has to be bonded.• “If you are going to work for the federal government,” Sweetser said, “this is a good time to start. The stimulus pack- age is going to put pressure on contracting officers to spend money quickly.” American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Yields Direction for Federal Work The recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides a good starting point for companies looking to begin or ramp up their federal construction efforts. A sig- nificant portion of the plan—about $134 billion—is earmarked for construction spending. Additionally, an estimated $8.7 bil- lion will be available to states for school construction by way of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s State Stabili- zation Funds. Exactly how and when the money will be spent is outlined at www.recovery.gov. The largest single category of construction spend- ing—$49.3 billion—is for transportation infrastructure. Of that, $27.5 billion will be allocated for highway and bridge construction. One of the Act’s primary goals, according to the White House, is to “Revive the renewable energy industry and provide the capital over the next three years to eventually double domestic renewable energy capacity.” To that goal, $29.8 billion will be spent on energy and technology. $29.5 billion will be spent on building infrastructure, a category of great interest to many commercial contractors. The funds are divided among six primary programs: $5.6 billion for GSA (General Services Administration) federal build-1. ings and facilities $7.12 for military construction2. $1 billion for VA (Veterans Affairs) construction3. $8.04 billion for housing facilities4. $7.74 billion for other facilities5. An additional $8.7 billion will be funded through separate aspects6. of the bill for K-12 and higher education school construction All of the GSA funds will be distributed for existing project backlog. The same is true of the military construction funds, with the exception of $120 million to be distributed by DOE (Department of Energy) on a discretionary basis for energy efficiency upgrades $8.04 billion will be spent on new construction of hous- ing facilities and $7.74 billion to fund other facilities, more than half of which—$4.53 billion—will be used to fund existing project backlogs. The remaining $3.21 billion in funding will be distributed by agencies on a discretionary basis, for new or existing projects. This includes $2 billion from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for community health centers. “Every day is a good day to work for the federal government,” explains Bill Sweetser, retired founder of Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc.
  • 4. | May/June 20096 Feature Article Another $21.4 billion in funds will be allocated to water and environmental infrastructure. The funds are divided among programs supporting clean water, water resources and environmental cleanup. In addition, $4.3 billion in funds will go toward workforce development and safety. Most of that—$4 billion—is for training and employment services. Getting Started in Federal Construction Getting starting working for the federal government is not easy. Like anything else in business, you have to build relationships and trust with the people who could potentially buy your services. Federal procurement officers encourage contractors to con- tact them. First, however, they should take these three steps: Identify your product or service by federal supply classification• code (FSC) or product service code (PSC) on the government’s Web site (http://fpdcapp.gsa.gov/pls/fpdsweb/PscWiz) Identify your North American Industry Classification Codes—as• many as apply since this is a primary way government search engines find contractors (http://www.census.gov/eped/www/naics. html) Determine SBA size standard (there is a separate size standard for• each NAICS) (http://www.sba.gov/services/contractingopportuni- ties/sizestandardstopics/index.html) Most proposed DOD and federal contracting activities above $25,000 in contract value are posted at FEDBIZOPPS (www.fedbizopps.gov). However, not all government contract opportunities are listed on FEDBIZOPPS, and projects under $25,000 are never listed, so procurement officers encourage contractors to contact each government installation’s facility manager to enquire about their projects. Moreover, contractors should start with a narrow field of vision. Trying to go after all federal work is an impossible task for any size business, so contractors are urged to explore opportunities at one agency—the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) for instance—or even to try to establish relationships with one venue, like the Bethesda Naval Hospi- tal, where millions of federal dollars are being spent on new construction projects. Another very early step for someone interested in federal contracting is to register on the Central Contractor Registra- tion (www.ccr.gov), a search engine tool for a variety of federal agencies to locate small businesses. The Benefits of Teaming One effective way to jump start the process is to team with another contractor who has experience in federal construction. The only way to do this is to make an offer that is a win-win for both parties, either by providing expertise that is unique to the other party or access to markets or contracts that is not available to them. A common way of doing this is through a joint venture or partnership between large contractors with capabilities and experience and small businesses that have access to government contracts. The government actively encourages these partnerships, through programs like their 8(a) business development and the Mentor-Protégé program. The details of how these programs work are explained at www.sba.gov. The federal government makes it quite clear, however, that the joint ventures have to provide benefits to both large and small firms, and that each has to contribute their fair share of the work. Contracting With the Federal Government There are many ways to participate in federal contracting—as prime contractor, subcontractor, via set-aside programs, in joint ventures or other teaming arrangements. Regardless of how you approach the project, there are essentially two ways the federal government contracts for services—sealed bidding and competitive negotiation. “In a sealed bidding acquisition, the agency must award to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest responsive bid (price). In contrast, competitive negotiation is a more flex- ible process that enables the agency to conduct discussions, evaluate offers, and award the contract using price and other factors,” according to Carl L. Vacketta of DLA Piper US LLP, of Washington. While lowest responsive bids are typically the way contrac- tors with less government experience get federal contracts, competitive negotiation is far more satisfactory. “If you show you have better people and a better process you can win an RFP without the lowest price,” explained Sweetser. “The federal government believes in that,” he added. “The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) -- codified at Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations -- contains the uniform policies and procedures for acquisitions by all federal agencies. It implements or addresses nearly every procurement-related statute or executive policy. In doing so, the FAR reaches every stage of the acquisition process,” added Vacketta. To learn more about federal contracting, visit www.cce-inc. com/whitepapers.html and download “Federal Construction as a Long Term Business Growth Strategy.” David Carrithers David Carrithers is vice president, marketing at Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc., a construction services and solution contrac- tor headquartered in Vienna Virginia. www.CentennialNOW.com dcarrithers@cce-inc.com