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Corporate Learning in 2016
Ten trends
shaping the
Josh Bersin
Principal, Bersin by Deloitte
February, 2016
Corporate Learning in 2016
The ten trends shaping learning for 2016
The New World of Work: Learning at the Center
1. Economics: The Learning Curve is the Earning Curve
2. Growth of Corporate L&D: Faster than Ever
3. Shift in the Learning Mix: Content and Curation as King
4. Managing Content: Today’s New Challenge
5. Design Thinking: Triumph of Experience over Instruction
6. 21st Century Career Management: A New Opportunity
7. Leadership Rewired: Rethink Leadership Strategy
8. Modernizing L&D: Transformation of the Function
9. Training Measurement: Shift toward People Analytics
10. The New CLO: Chief Culture, Change, and Career Officer
Culture and engagement
Leadership gaps
Learning and development
HR Skills and capability
Workforce capability
Performance management
HR and people analytics
Simplifying work
Machines as talent
People data everywhere
2015 Deloitte Human Capital Trends
Importance of trends to business
“Our candidates
today are not looking
for a career…
They’re looking for
an experience.”
Careers have changed and so have people
Surveyed Millennials also …
60% think
7 months of work
means they’re “loyal”
2/3 want to be “creative”
at work in their job
80% want to give
appraisals to the boss
Their “team mates”
are the most important
people at work
Expect feedback
weekly and
What are these
companies doing?
Glassdoor ratings of employer recommendations — 200,000+ respondents
Engagement appears to be a global challenge
Culture, value, leadership, and career (The Big Four)
The issues that matter to employees
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Year founded (age)
Compensation & benefits
Work life balance
Career opportunities
Senior leadership
Culture and values
Correlation of employment factors to glassdoor recommendations as place to work
Culture and leadership are 3X more important
than salary in your employment brand.
Career development and learning are almost
2X more important than comp, benefits,
and work environment.
Training is key to Millennial engagement
Millennials are desperate for development
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Greater vacation allowance
Retirement funding
Free private healthcare
Cash bonuses
Flexible working hours
Training and development
The alliance: Millennials in the workforce
For Millennials, “Training and development” is the most coveted job benefit
Source: KPCB
Percent indicating job benefit in first place
Sources: Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2014 and 2015
The overwhelmed employee
The “average” US worker now
spends 25% of their day
reading or answering emails
Fewer than 16% of companies have
a program to “simplify work” or help
employees deal with stress.
More than 80% of all
companies rate their business
“highly complex” or “complex”
for employees.
The average mobile
phone user checks their
device 150 times a day.
The “average” US worker works
47 hours and 49% work 50 hours
or more per week, with 20% at
60+ hours per week
40% of the US population believes
it is impossible to succeed at work
and have a balanced family life.
Productivity is suffering — is technology helping?
US productivity last ten years
1 billion
100 million
Twitter users
Performance management
The process is broken
Only 12% of companies believe their
existing performance management
process is “worth the time put into it.”
— Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015
We are here
The industrial
of teams
<1950s 1960s-80s Today1990s
Andrew Carnegie
Henry Ford
Netflix, Google,
Facebook, Amazon
Jack Welch
Peter Drucker
Howard Schulz
Steve Jobs
Profit, growth,
financial engineering
Customer service,
employees as leaders
Mission, purpose,
Industrial age
people as workers
Management by
Servant leadership
work together
Empower the
The corporation
is king
The executives
are king
The teams and
team leaders are kings
The people are
Historic perspective on performance and management
The evolution of management thinking
Trend 1: Economics
The learning curve is the
earning curve
Why skills matter so much
Shift to a service and IP-based economy
The economics of learning
Income inequality drives demand
Top 1%
8% of wealth
18% of wealth
US economy in 1980
Top 1%
20% of wealth
12% of wealth
US economy in 2012
“Over 300 years of economic history,
the principal and most enduring
mechanism for distribution of wealth
and reduction in inequality is the
diffusion of skills and knowledge.”
Why learning is so important to employees
The learning curve is the earning curve
1975 2014
“In 2015, only 50 percent of college graduates were
working in the field they studied and over a third
indicated they would have chosen a different major.
Nearly 40 percent of college graduates believed that
their school did not prepare them well for employment.”
— GSV 2020 Report
“By 2020, India is expected to have more college
graduates (200 million) than the entire US Workforce.”
—GSV 2020 Report
Education leads to employment
US education falling short
Trend 2: Growth of
Corporate L&D
Faster than ever
L&D spending has grown in double digits for
four years in a row
Leadership development spending grew by
14% YTY in 2014, highest growth in decade
Learning technology (LMS) spending grew by
21% in 2014, representing a major “technology
replacement” cycle beginning
More than $6.4 billion of financing invested in
education and training companies in 2015 (up
from 3.2 Billion in 2011)
The corporate learning market
A hot growth marketplace
Consumerization of education has arrived
MOOCs are explosive
400+ universities. 2,400+ courses.
16-18 million students.
Harvard has an in-house course production studio with over 50 staff, including
specialists in instructional design, production, research, technical operations,
and program support
35 Million people have enrolled in
MOOCs in the last four years, with 2015
enrollments doubling 2014
Self-authored video (ie. Snapchat) is now
>55% of all internet traffic (KP Internet
Trends 12/2015)
India alone is estimated to be a $3-4 billion
market for corporate learning and MOOCs
Expert and user authored video is taking over
Explosive growth in video content
Using MOOCs Advanced media (video, gaming,
2015 2016
Growth 130%
Companies rapidly maturing their approaches
(% of companies rating their practices “excellent”)
Source: Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016, n=7,000
Digital content everywhere
Companies are adopting MOOCs and video
Trend 3: Shift in the
learning mix
Content and curation
as king
Virtual ILT
Online self-study
On the Job
ILT shrinking in volume,
growing in importance
Online and collaborative
learning Is finally working
OTJ and apprenticeship
is growing rapidly
Today only 16% of L&D spending is allocated to instructor
delivery, vs. 21% in 2011 and 33% in 2006”
Bersin Corporate Learning Factbook® 2015
Shifting resources away from ILT, toward online and on the job
Huge shift in content strategy
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Corporate documentation
User generated materials
Formal training - outside provider
Peers, friends, personal networks
Formal training - company provided
Coaching by supervisor
On the job mentoring, projects, rotation
On the job experience
Which learning approaches drive the greatest business value in your organization?
Informal learning
Managers expect on-the-job learning
© Bersin & Associates, High-Impact Learning Practices® n=1,100, www.bersin.com/hilp
Cheesecake Factory
Video expert authored learning
Adaptive learning platforms
Emergence of adaptive learning
Spaced learning, gaming, and adaptive learning
Game based safety training
Walmart associates log into the system daily and spend a
couple of minutes receiving safety culture content, often in
the form of questions.
The system provides instant feedback, so associates know
which questions they get right and where they need
The system also shows associates how they measure up
against their peers.
The next time associates log in, the system remembers their
responses and asks questions to reinforce information they
know, to ensure learning progresses, behaviors improve and
associates don’t forget what they learned previously.
58% improvement in safety measures in the first year.
# Top 22 best practices Impact Area
1 Coaching: formal or well established coaching programs for employees. 48% Performance management
2 Consolidating staffing requirements across the organization 42% Sourcing and recruiting
3 Ability of current workforce planning process to identify current and future talent gaps 38% Workforce planning
4 Competencies maintained through annual maintenance process 34% Competency management
5 Staffing metrics: measuring time to hire, cost to hire, and quality of hire 33% Sourcing and recruiting
6 Cascading goals: aligning goals to manager or corporate goals 33% Performance management
7 Development planning: creating consistent development plans across the organization 33% Performance management
8 Establishing goals: establishing clear and measurable goals for all employees in organization 32% Performance management
9 Job functional competencies well established and used throughout the organization 32% Competency management
10 Competencies used in recruiting process for assessment and interviewing 32% Competency management
11 Managed recruiting process: carefully monitoring and tracking interview process 31% Sourcing and recruiting
12 Assessing performance: delivering an annual performance appraisal and evaluation 30% Performance management
13 Internal sourcing: internal job postings, career planning, and promotion to recruit from within 29% Sourcing and recruiting
14 Leadership competencies well established and used across the organization 29% Competency management
15 Performance based compensation: consistently linking compensation to performance ratings 27% Performance management
16 Competencies used in performance management for assessment, review, and development 27% Performance management
17 Developmental training: training tied to developmental goals of individuals & organization 27% Learning and development
18 Competencies used in leadership development programs for training 24% Competency management
19 Pre-hire assessment: assessing candidates against competencies for a position 23% Competency management
20 Employer brand: using web, collateral, and marketing to position well for recruiting 22% Sourcing and recruiting
21 University recruiting: working with educational institutions to obtain qualified candidates 22% Sourcing and recruiting
22 Maturity level of leadership development: Strategic Leadership Development (level 4) 21% Leadership development
Bersin & Associates
High-Impact Talent
Management, 2007
Coaching is the process most
highly correlated with impact.
Coaching and development model
Data proves coaching pays off
Many companies are desperately looking for ways to build
leaders from Millennials
Mentors and mentor programs are often among the
hottest programs to build new leadership
When asked “how would you like to learn to lead,” more
than 60% of Millennials surveyed say “I’d like a mentor.”
Salesforce found that 95% of leaders who have mentors
were promoted within 18 months
What millennials likely want (and need)
The mentor next door
Collaboration with educational
Apprenticeship programs
2015 2016
Rapid rise in programs to build new career skills (Nursing, Technology, IT)
Need for new career management
Apprenticeship programs
Money + videp = today
Mobile, video learning changing LMS market
Trend 4: Managing Content
Today’s new challenge
Social networking
Virtual worlds
Stretch assignments
of practice
Case studies
Visual aids
Corp websites
Performance support
procedures Newsletters
Business process
Role playing
Classroom Conferences
Lunch ‘n learns
Chalk talks
Job rotations
Project post-mortems
Role models
Job shadows
After action
Customer data
Reports Memos
Business performance data
CRM records
Content explosion
80% of utilization use 1% of the
learning programs
The “Long Tail” of content usage in training
People cannot absorb all we give them
Typical learning portfolio: Lots of waste
The Future of Corporate Learning - Ten Disruptive Trends
Run the business WIN in the market
to you
Off the
IT Training
Desktop Skills
General Management Skills
Project Management
Sales Techniques
Customer Service Techniques
ERP Rollout
Call Center Application Training
Product Introduction
Your secret sauce
Business critical
Skills, competencies,
and processes for
your company
10% 20%
Focus here
Training Investment Model®
“The Blended Learning Book,” by Josh Bersin
Training investment model
Need for portfolio analysis
A modern learning architecture
Emergence of “self-discovery” platforms
for learning
New platforms to curate content
Let the learners decide
Trend 5: Design thinking
Triumph of experience over
Design thinking comes to HR
Learning and engagement merge
Telstra, Nike, Bank of America, Decker’s Brands
CommonWealth Bank of Australia — Sidekick Project
Trend 6: 21st Century
career management
A new opportunity
Careers today are different
21st Century careers: No longer for life
People change jobs: average tenure at work is <4 years
Part time and contingent: “Uberization of Work:
• 55 Million people (32%) in the US work part-time, contingent, or as
Skilled workers in high demand:
• 30% of Tech workers believe they could get a better job within 60 days if
they looked (Dice)
This means:
• Without a facilitated talent mobility strategy good people will likely leave
• Alumni networks, external mentoring, job rotation inside and outside the
company are all important today
Career development means
upward progression
Career development means
growth through new experiences
New positions
are offered to me when I am ready
I seek out and assess myself
against new positions and jobs
Development funding focuses
on senior leaders
Development funding is applied to
all roles and functions
My manager decides
when I am ready for a new position
I decide when I’m ready to move, with
support from the organization.
My manager helps me with career
when he or she has time
My manager, mentor, and others
help me find job opportunities
Taking a new assignment can be risky if I
fail or the project fails
Moving to new positions is respected and
considered key to everyone’s growth
Career management today
Building the new career
Open positions &
Annual goals
Plan (IDP)
A method for bringing the talent system together
The talent mobility formula
Back office, operational, contingent employees
Senior management
First line management
Senior specialists
Functional specialists/front-line employees
Middle management
Career management
The traditional view
Back office, operational, contingent employees
Senior management
First line management
Senior specialists
Functional specialists/front-line employees
Middle management
Career management
The reality
Part time
Open job descriptions,
levels, and job demands
Job assessments online
for self-assessment and
Professional career
counselors in HR
Career explorer tools
are available for all
Wide variety of online
learning for technical,
professional, and
managerial growth
Apprenticeship model
adopted internally
Cross functional
projects are valued as
Line / Staff / Line / Staff
transitions are valued
and managed carefully
Development includes
industry, company, and
functional training
Career Resource
Center available
All external positions
are posted internally
Internal candidates
given fair or preference
to external
“Job rotation” programs
into and out of
functions are valued
Specialist roles are
valued, rewarded,
Storytelling celebrating
career paths of varied
“HIPO” programs are
not sacrosanct as the
only way to get ahead
Clear and agile goal
Managers rewarded for
“talent production” not only
“talent consumption”
Managers measured by
engagement and
progression of team
Learning funded and
valued by top
Tolerance of failure
without blaming the
“Career Advisor” or
“sponsor” separate
from manager
Return guaranteed
for risky
Network building
rewarded for
progression and
Managers rewarded for
coaching and
Design thinking about
lifecycle of employee in
a role for first 2 years
Onboarding and
performance support
valued part of manager
and L&D role
Professional Ladder
separate from
Management Ladder
Rewards for New
Assignments and
stretch assignments
Inclusive culture
enables anyone to take
any job
Making mistakes is
valued as learning and
discussed openly
Tolerance of staff who are
“incompetent” and
new at job
Promotions and Salary
Increases for Non-
Management Jobs
Meritocracy as culture
of reward and growth
PM process focuses on
development and
All jobs defined
around similar
competency model
Active mentoring
program with internal
and external mentors
Mentoring is valued,
institutionalized, rewarded,
and mentor development
programs exist
Multi-year management
or career development
programs exist and are
Social and video
sharing tools are used
for learning
Job Seeking Career Advice Management Culture
L&D and Talent Mgt. Job Transition Culture and Reward Systems
Career management in the digital age
New culture of management
• Identify career
• Maintain profiles
• Demonstrate
• Socialize
• Create internal
• Share
• Define job
• Provide
• Assess potential
• Identify
• Provide candid
• Share talent
• Provide tools &
• Develop career
• Facilitate
• Offer career
• Offer Career
• Integrate with
talent mgmt
• Develop
Infrastructure —
• Create culture
of mobility
• Communicate
• Create
Only 11% of companies surveyed have a clear strategy for career development
Talent mobility takes a complete commitment
Career explorer
Career portal
Employee profile
Job assessments
Improve employee mobility
New tools and approaches
Example of career management solution
After a 3 month program, the following
was achieved:
50% reduction in voluntary attrition
46% strongly agree with Transcom
cares about my career (compared to
29% in April)
16% reduction in involuntary attrition
Absenteeism decreased from 16.12%
to 12.13%
93% would recommend Transcom as
employer (an increase from 86.6%)
76% have had a career conversation
with their team leader within the last
week (compared to 43% in April)
Innovative approach to development
Pushing employees to learn
Trend 7: Leadership
Rethink leadership strategy
Percent of companies rating
leadership “important” jumped
from 87% in 2015 to 89% in
Percent of companies rating the
problem “urgent” jumped from
51% to 57% from 2015 to 2016.
The problem is getting more urgent Yet progress is uneven and inconsistent
61% of companies are revamping
or just revamped their leadership
program in the last year and 30%
are doing it this year.
Yet 38% have no plans and 21%
have no leadership development
programs at all.
Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends
Leadership trends in 2016
Deloitte 2016 Human Capital Trends n=7,000
Inconsistent Management Training
Content Available • No Development Process • Benefit to Employees
Level 1
Structured Leadership Training
Core Competencies • Well-Defined Curriculum • Developing Individuals
Level 2
Focused Leadership Development
Culture-Setting • Future-Focused • Developing Organization
Level 3
Strategic Leadership Development
Championed by Executives • Talent Management Integration
Level 4
Leadership rewired
Why is the leadership market so broken?
Inconsistent investment
Level 4 companies spend 4X level 1
Global skills and experiences in leadership
Leadership programs for all levels (new, mid-
level, senior)
Experiential leadership programs
Targeted Millennial leadership programs
2016 2015
Maturity growth in global and experiential programs,
but not enough focus on Millennials
(% companies who are “excellent” at these areas)
Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016, n=7,000
of Millennials
tell us they are
receiving no
at all.
Focus areas
Weakest area seems to be Millennial programs
New model for leaders
Creativity, not planning
Quick decision-making
Getting closer to customers
Globalization, diversity
Continuous change
Manage unexpectedness
Agility, not control
“We have to push young
professionals into
leadership positions
before they’re ready.”
Global Pharma
The concept of a HIPO
or “readiness” has now
become obsolete.”
Global Tech Company
21st Century leadership models
Leading in a network of teams
The Future of Corporate Learning - Ten Disruptive Trends
solutions only
play here
Leadership rewired
Leadership as a “system”
Essential Talent Activities
Standalone disconnected staffing, training, and performance practices
Level 1
Critical Talent Growth
Critical talent segments, focus on hiring, training, performance
Level 2
Managed Talent Relationships
Workforce planning, development planning, leadership development integrated
into talent strategy
Level 3
Inclusive Talent System
Talent strategies integrated with inclusion, diversity, and culture
Level 4
The New Bersin by Deloitte Talent Management Maturity Model
Source: Bersin by Deloitte, 2015.
Talent management has changed
Inclusion and diversity are key
Trend 8: Modernizing L&D
Transformation of the function
Level 1: Incidental Training
Source of Ad-hoc Job Support | Mentoring & Apprenticeship | Emerging Need for Professional Training | SME Focused
Level 2: Training & Development Excellence
Source of Designed Instruction | Evolving Governance & Operations
Improving L&D Core Processes | Program Focused
Level 3: Talent & Performance Improvement
Source of Talent Development & Performance. Consulting | Integrated with HR/TM
Development Planning | Career Models | Leadership vs. Professional
Level 4: Organizational Capability
Source of Business Performance Capability & Learning Agility
Executive Driven | Cultural & Systemic Focus
Training &
Job Shadowing
Formal Design,
Talent Driven
High-Impact Learning Organization® Maturity Model
Evolution of the L&D Function
The “full stack” L&D professionalLMS
Design Thinking
Employee Engagement
Learning experience
Social systems
Performance SupportContent tools
Product Management
Professional Development
Content Management GamificationMetadata Taxonomies
UI Design
Instructional design
Mobile app design
Adaptive Learning
Spaced learning
Digital HR hits L&D
The new skills and roles for L&D
Design thinking and product management for learning
The need for learning product management
Trend 9: Training
Shift toward
people analytics
The Future of Corporate Learning - Ten Disruptive Trends
Learning measurement is business measurement
Rethink what you measure
Recruiting &
Comp and
Learning &
Engagement &
Sales Revenue
Product Mix
Errors, and Fraud
Groundbreaking new insights and tools for
managers to make better decisions (not HR)
Data management, Analytics, IT,
and Business Consulting Expertise
Meeting Time
Network Analysis
Sentiment, Heart
rate, Voice
The new world of people analytics
Operational reporting
Reactive reporting of operational & compliance measures •
Focus on data accuracy, consistency & timeliness
Level 1
Advanced reporting
Proactive reporting for decision-making • Analysis of trends
& benchmarks • Customizable, self-service dashboards
Level 2
Advanced analytics
Statistical analysis to help solve business problems • Identification of
& actionable solutions • Centralized staffing & integrated data
Level 3
Predictive analytics
Development of predictive models • Scenario planning • Integration
with business & workforce planning • Data governance model
Level 4BersinbyDeloitte
What our research discovered
Bersin by Deloitte Talent Analytics Maturity Model
What will reduce fraud?
How do we improve client retention?
How do we develop leaders in China?
How to manage unplanned absences?
Trend 10: The New CLO
The Chief Learning Officer
is also…
The Chief Capability Officer
The Chief Culture Officer
The Chief Change Officer
The Chief Engagement Officer
The Chief Career Officer
The bold CLO
Be bold
2016 Global Human Capital Trends
The new organization: Different by design
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The Future of Corporate Learning - Ten Disruptive Trends

  • 1. Corporate Learning in 2016 Ten trends shaping the future Josh Bersin Principal, Bersin by Deloitte February, 2016
  • 2. Corporate Learning in 2016 The ten trends shaping learning for 2016 The New World of Work: Learning at the Center 1. Economics: The Learning Curve is the Earning Curve 2. Growth of Corporate L&D: Faster than Ever 3. Shift in the Learning Mix: Content and Curation as King 4. Managing Content: Today’s New Challenge 5. Design Thinking: Triumph of Experience over Instruction 6. 21st Century Career Management: A New Opportunity 7. Leadership Rewired: Rethink Leadership Strategy 8. Modernizing L&D: Transformation of the Function 9. Training Measurement: Shift toward People Analytics 10. The New CLO: Chief Culture, Change, and Career Officer
  • 3. Culture and engagement Leadership gaps Learning and development HR Skills and capability 87% 86% 86% 80% Workforce capability Performance management HR and people analytics Simplifying work Machines as talent People data everywhere 71% 57% 52% 80% 75% 75% % VERY IMPORTANT 50% 51% 40% 39% 35% 34% 29% 26% 20% 14% 2015 Deloitte Human Capital Trends Importance of trends to business
  • 4. “Our candidates today are not looking for a career… They’re looking for an experience.” Careers have changed and so have people
  • 5. Surveyed Millennials also … 60% think 7 months of work means they’re “loyal” 2/3 want to be “creative” at work in their job 80% want to give performance appraisals to the boss Their “team mates” are the most important people at work Expect feedback weekly and progression annually
  • 6. Average 3.1 What are these companies doing? Glassdoor ratings of employer recommendations — 200,000+ respondents Engagement appears to be a global challenge
  • 7. Culture, value, leadership, and career (The Big Four) The issues that matter to employees 0.00 0.12 0.13 0.22 0.28 0.30 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Year founded (age) Compensation & benefits Work life balance Career opportunities Senior leadership Culture and values Correlation of employment factors to glassdoor recommendations as place to work Culture and leadership are 3X more important than salary in your employment brand. Career development and learning are almost 2X more important than comp, benefits, and work environment.
  • 8. Training is key to Millennial engagement Millennials are desperate for development 6% 6% 8% 14% 19% 22% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Greater vacation allowance Retirement funding Free private healthcare Cash bonuses Flexible working hours Training and development The alliance: Millennials in the workforce For Millennials, “Training and development” is the most coveted job benefit Source: KPCB Percent indicating job benefit in first place
  • 9. Sources: Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2014 and 2015 The overwhelmed employee The “average” US worker now spends 25% of their day reading or answering emails Fewer than 16% of companies have a program to “simplify work” or help employees deal with stress. More than 80% of all companies rate their business “highly complex” or “complex” for employees. The average mobile phone user checks their device 150 times a day. The “average” US worker works 47 hours and 49% work 50 hours or more per week, with 20% at 60+ hours per week 40% of the US population believes it is impossible to succeed at work and have a balanced family life.
  • 10. Productivity is suffering — is technology helping? US productivity last ten years 1 billion smartphones i-Phone launched 100 million Twitter users
  • 11. Performance management The process is broken Only 12% of companies believe their existing performance management process is “worth the time put into it.” — Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015
  • 12. We are here The industrial corporation Hierarchical leadership Collaborative management Networks of teams <1950s 1960s-80s Today1990s Andrew Carnegie Henry Ford Netflix, Google, Facebook, Amazon Jack Welch Peter Drucker Howard Schulz Steve Jobs Profit, growth, financial engineering Customer service, employees as leaders Mission, purpose, sustainability Operational efficiency 2020 Purpose,meaning, andempowerment? Industrial age people as workers Management by objective Servant leadership work together Empower the team The corporation is king The executives are king The teams and team leaders are kings The people are king(s) Historic perspective on performance and management The evolution of management thinking
  • 13. Trend 1: Economics The learning curve is the earning curve
  • 14. Why skills matter so much Shift to a service and IP-based economy
  • 15. The economics of learning Income inequality drives demand Top 1% 8% of wealth Bottom 50% 18% of wealth US economy in 1980 Levelofearnings Top 1% 20% of wealth Bottom 50% 12% of wealth US economy in 2012 Levelofearnings
  • 16. “Over 300 years of economic history, the principal and most enduring mechanism for distribution of wealth and reduction in inequality is the diffusion of skills and knowledge.” Why learning is so important to employees The learning curve is the earning curve
  • 17. 1975 2014 “In 2015, only 50 percent of college graduates were working in the field they studied and over a third indicated they would have chosen a different major. Nearly 40 percent of college graduates believed that their school did not prepare them well for employment.” — GSV 2020 Report “By 2020, India is expected to have more college graduates (200 million) than the entire US Workforce.” —GSV 2020 Report Education leads to employment US education falling short
  • 18. Trend 2: Growth of Corporate L&D Faster than ever
  • 19. L&D spending has grown in double digits for four years in a row Leadership development spending grew by 14% YTY in 2014, highest growth in decade Learning technology (LMS) spending grew by 21% in 2014, representing a major “technology replacement” cycle beginning More than $6.4 billion of financing invested in education and training companies in 2015 (up from 3.2 Billion in 2011) The corporate learning market A hot growth marketplace
  • 20. Consumerization of education has arrived MOOCs are explosive 400+ universities. 2,400+ courses. 16-18 million students. Harvard has an in-house course production studio with over 50 staff, including specialists in instructional design, production, research, technical operations, and program support
  • 21. 35 Million people have enrolled in MOOCs in the last four years, with 2015 enrollments doubling 2014 Self-authored video (ie. Snapchat) is now >55% of all internet traffic (KP Internet Trends 12/2015) India alone is estimated to be a $3-4 billion market for corporate learning and MOOCs Expert and user authored video is taking over Explosive growth in video content
  • 22. 12% 6% 26% 13% Using MOOCs Advanced media (video, gaming, mobile) 2015 2016 110% Growth 130% Growth Companies rapidly maturing their approaches (% of companies rating their practices “excellent”) Source: Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016, n=7,000 Digital content everywhere Companies are adopting MOOCs and video
  • 23. Trend 3: Shift in the learning mix Content and curation as king
  • 24. 77% 53% 32% 4% 6% 13% 10% 15% 26% 4% 14% 15% 5% 10% 13% 2009 2012 2015 ILT Virtual ILT Online self-study On the Job Collaboration ILT shrinking in volume, growing in importance Online and collaborative learning Is finally working OTJ and apprenticeship is growing rapidly Today only 16% of L&D spending is allocated to instructor delivery, vs. 21% in 2011 and 33% in 2006” Bersin Corporate Learning Factbook® 2015 Shifting resources away from ILT, toward online and on the job Huge shift in content strategy
  • 25. 3% 4% 8% 14% 28% 33% 36% 60% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Corporate documentation User generated materials Formal training - outside provider Peers, friends, personal networks Formal training - company provided Coaching by supervisor On the job mentoring, projects, rotation On the job experience Which learning approaches drive the greatest business value in your organization? Informal learning Managers expect on-the-job learning © Bersin & Associates, High-Impact Learning Practices® n=1,100, www.bersin.com/hilp
  • 26. Cheesecake Factory Video expert authored learning
  • 28. Spaced learning, gaming, and adaptive learning Game based safety training Walmart associates log into the system daily and spend a couple of minutes receiving safety culture content, often in the form of questions. The system provides instant feedback, so associates know which questions they get right and where they need improvement. The system also shows associates how they measure up against their peers. The next time associates log in, the system remembers their responses and asks questions to reinforce information they know, to ensure learning progresses, behaviors improve and associates don’t forget what they learned previously. 58% improvement in safety measures in the first year.
  • 29. # Top 22 best practices Impact Area 1 Coaching: formal or well established coaching programs for employees. 48% Performance management 2 Consolidating staffing requirements across the organization 42% Sourcing and recruiting 3 Ability of current workforce planning process to identify current and future talent gaps 38% Workforce planning 4 Competencies maintained through annual maintenance process 34% Competency management 5 Staffing metrics: measuring time to hire, cost to hire, and quality of hire 33% Sourcing and recruiting 6 Cascading goals: aligning goals to manager or corporate goals 33% Performance management 7 Development planning: creating consistent development plans across the organization 33% Performance management 8 Establishing goals: establishing clear and measurable goals for all employees in organization 32% Performance management 9 Job functional competencies well established and used throughout the organization 32% Competency management 10 Competencies used in recruiting process for assessment and interviewing 32% Competency management 11 Managed recruiting process: carefully monitoring and tracking interview process 31% Sourcing and recruiting 12 Assessing performance: delivering an annual performance appraisal and evaluation 30% Performance management 13 Internal sourcing: internal job postings, career planning, and promotion to recruit from within 29% Sourcing and recruiting 14 Leadership competencies well established and used across the organization 29% Competency management 15 Performance based compensation: consistently linking compensation to performance ratings 27% Performance management 16 Competencies used in performance management for assessment, review, and development 27% Performance management 17 Developmental training: training tied to developmental goals of individuals & organization 27% Learning and development 18 Competencies used in leadership development programs for training 24% Competency management 19 Pre-hire assessment: assessing candidates against competencies for a position 23% Competency management 20 Employer brand: using web, collateral, and marketing to position well for recruiting 22% Sourcing and recruiting 21 University recruiting: working with educational institutions to obtain qualified candidates 22% Sourcing and recruiting 22 Maturity level of leadership development: Strategic Leadership Development (level 4) 21% Leadership development Bersin & Associates High-Impact Talent Management, 2007 Coaching is the process most highly correlated with impact. Coaching and development model Data proves coaching pays off
  • 30. Many companies are desperately looking for ways to build leaders from Millennials Mentors and mentor programs are often among the hottest programs to build new leadership When asked “how would you like to learn to lead,” more than 60% of Millennials surveyed say “I’d like a mentor.” Salesforce found that 95% of leaders who have mentors were promoted within 18 months What millennials likely want (and need) The mentor next door
  • 31. 12% 15% 26% 24% Collaboration with educational institutions Apprenticeship programs 2015 2016 60% growth 120% growth Rapid rise in programs to build new career skills (Nursing, Technology, IT) Need for new career management Apprenticeship programs
  • 32. Money + videp = today Mobile, video learning changing LMS market
  • 33. Trend 4: Managing Content Today’s new challenge
  • 34. Blogs Ratings Mentoring Wiki’s Video Podcasts Discussion boards Social networking Tagging Micro-blogs Virtual worlds Stretch assignments Communities of practice Collaboration Search Simulations Surveys Whitepapers Case studies Articles Visual aids Presentations Books Corp websites Manuals Performance support Product demonstrations Instructions Observations Journaling Standard operating procedures Newsletters Corporate communications Marketing collateral Business process documentation Programs Role playing Classroom Conferences eLearning Coaching Webinars Lunch ‘n learns Chalk talks Onboarding Debates Consulting Lectures Experiments Labs Teaching Courses Workshops Interviews Feedback Mistakes Successes Job rotations Peers Project post-mortems Meetings Role models Job shadows After action reviews Customer data Goals Play Conversations Dialogue Reports Memos Appraisals Business performance data CRM records Proposals Content explosion
  • 35. 80% of utilization use 1% of the learning programs The “Long Tail” of content usage in training People cannot absorb all we give them Typical learning portfolio: Lots of waste
  • 37. Run the business WIN in the market Custom to you Off the shelf IT Training Desktop Skills General Management Skills Project Management Sales Techniques Customer Service Techniques ERP Rollout Call Center Application Training Product Introduction Your secret sauce Business critical Skills, competencies, and processes for your company 40% 10% 20% 30% Focus here Outsource Training Investment Model® “The Blended Learning Book,” by Josh Bersin Training investment model Need for portfolio analysis
  • 39. Emergence of “self-discovery” platforms for learning New platforms to curate content Let the learners decide
  • 40. Trend 5: Design thinking Triumph of experience over instruction
  • 42. Learning and engagement merge Telstra, Nike, Bank of America, Decker’s Brands
  • 43. CommonWealth Bank of Australia — Sidekick Project
  • 44. Trend 6: 21st Century career management A new opportunity
  • 45. Careers today are different 21st Century careers: No longer for life People change jobs: average tenure at work is <4 years Part time and contingent: “Uberization of Work: • 55 Million people (32%) in the US work part-time, contingent, or as contractors Skilled workers in high demand: • 30% of Tech workers believe they could get a better job within 60 days if they looked (Dice) This means: • Without a facilitated talent mobility strategy good people will likely leave • Alumni networks, external mentoring, job rotation inside and outside the company are all important today
  • 46. Career development means upward progression Career development means growth through new experiences New positions are offered to me when I am ready I seek out and assess myself against new positions and jobs Development funding focuses on senior leaders Development funding is applied to all roles and functions My manager decides when I am ready for a new position I decide when I’m ready to move, with support from the organization. My manager helps me with career when he or she has time My manager, mentor, and others help me find job opportunities Taking a new assignment can be risky if I fail or the project fails Moving to new positions is respected and considered key to everyone’s growth Career management today Building the new career
  • 47. Desired competencies (knowledge, behavior, skills) Open positions & opportunities Individual needs/desires Vision Strategic initiatives Desired business outcomes Values Mission Organization needs Mobility Strengths Development needs Career aspirations Annual goals Succession management Career development Individual Development Plan (IDP) Strategic competencies Workforce planning Performance management Development planning A method for bringing the talent system together The talent mobility formula
  • 48. Back office, operational, contingent employees Top Management Senior management First line management SMES (Consultants) Senior specialists Functional specialists/front-line employees Middle management Career management The traditional view
  • 49. Back office, operational, contingent employees Top Management Senior management First line management SMES (Consultants) Senior specialists Functional specialists/front-line employees Middle management Career management The reality Contract hire Job intern Developmental assignment Lateral promotion Stretch assignment External assignment Upward promotion Lateral assignment New assignment Part time loan New candidate New leader Exec succession
  • 50. Open job descriptions, levels, and job demands Job assessments online for self-assessment and development Professional career counselors in HR Career explorer tools are available for all employees Wide variety of online learning for technical, professional, and managerial growth Apprenticeship model adopted internally Cross functional projects are valued as development Line / Staff / Line / Staff transitions are valued and managed carefully Development includes industry, company, and functional training Career Resource Center available All external positions are posted internally Internal candidates given fair or preference to external “Job rotation” programs into and out of functions are valued Specialist roles are valued, rewarded, celebrated Storytelling celebrating career paths of varied types “HIPO” programs are not sacrosanct as the only way to get ahead Clear and agile goal setting Managers rewarded for “talent production” not only “talent consumption” Managers measured by engagement and progression of team Learning funded and valued by top management Tolerance of failure without blaming the people “Career Advisor” or “sponsor” separate from manager Return guaranteed for risky assignments Network building rewarded for progression and leadership Managers rewarded for coaching and development Design thinking about lifecycle of employee in a role for first 2 years Onboarding and performance support valued part of manager and L&D role Professional Ladder separate from Management Ladder Rewards for New Assignments and stretch assignments Inclusive culture enables anyone to take any job Making mistakes is valued as learning and discussed openly Tolerance of staff who are “incompetent” and new at job Promotions and Salary Increases for Non- Management Jobs Meritocracy as culture of reward and growth PM process focuses on development and coaching All jobs defined around similar competency model Active mentoring program with internal and external mentors Mentoring is valued, institutionalized, rewarded, and mentor development programs exist Multi-year management or career development programs exist and are honored Social and video sharing tools are used for learning Job Seeking Career Advice Management Culture L&D and Talent Mgt. Job Transition Culture and Reward Systems Career management in the digital age New culture of management
  • 51. • Identify career goals • Maintain profiles • Demonstrate values • Socialize interests • Create internal network • Share specializations Employee • Define job profiles • Provide coaching • Assess potential • Identify development opportunities • Provide candid feedback • Share talent openly Manager • Provide tools & resources • Develop career models • Facilitate process • Offer career coaching • Offer Career development training • Integrate with talent mgmt HR • Develop Infrastructure — process, technology, people • Create culture of mobility • Communicate expectations • Create transparent marketplace Company Only 11% of companies surveyed have a clear strategy for career development Talent mobility takes a complete commitment
  • 52. Career explorer Career portal Employee profile Job assessments Improve employee mobility New tools and approaches
  • 53. Fuel50 Example of career management solution Results After a 3 month program, the following was achieved: 50% reduction in voluntary attrition 46% strongly agree with Transcom cares about my career (compared to 29% in April) 16% reduction in involuntary attrition Absenteeism decreased from 16.12% to 12.13% 93% would recommend Transcom as employer (an increase from 86.6%) 76% have had a career conversation with their team leader within the last week (compared to 43% in April)
  • 54. Innovative approach to development Pushing employees to learn
  • 55. Trend 7: Leadership Rewired Rethink leadership strategy
  • 56. Percent of companies rating leadership “important” jumped from 87% in 2015 to 89% in 2016. Percent of companies rating the problem “urgent” jumped from 51% to 57% from 2015 to 2016. The problem is getting more urgent Yet progress is uneven and inconsistent 61% of companies are revamping or just revamped their leadership program in the last year and 30% are doing it this year. Yet 38% have no plans and 21% have no leadership development programs at all. Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Leadership trends in 2016 Deloitte 2016 Human Capital Trends n=7,000
  • 57. Inconsistent Management Training Content Available • No Development Process • Benefit to Employees Level 1 Structured Leadership Training Core Competencies • Well-Defined Curriculum • Developing Individuals Level 2 Focused Leadership Development Culture-Setting • Future-Focused • Developing Organization Level 3 Strategic Leadership Development Championed by Executives • Talent Management Integration Level 4 BersinbyDeloitte 25% 38% 28% 10% Leadership rewired Why is the leadership market so broken?
  • 58. Inconsistent investment Level 4 companies spend 4X level 1
  • 59. 8% 15% 9% 6% 13% 20% 15% 7% Global skills and experiences in leadership program Leadership programs for all levels (new, mid- level, senior) Experiential leadership programs Targeted Millennial leadership programs 2016 2015 Maturity growth in global and experiential programs, but not enough focus on Millennials (% companies who are “excellent” at these areas) Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016, n=7,000 70% of Millennials tell us they are receiving no leadership development at all. Focus areas Weakest area seems to be Millennial programs
  • 60. New model for leaders Creativity, not planning Quick decision-making Getting closer to customers Globalization, diversity Continuous change Manage unexpectedness Agility, not control “We have to push young professionals into leadership positions before they’re ready.” Global Pharma The concept of a HIPO or “readiness” has now become obsolete.” Global Tech Company 21st Century leadership models Leading in a network of teams
  • 62. Training solutions only play here Leadership rewired Leadership as a “system”
  • 63. Essential Talent Activities Standalone disconnected staffing, training, and performance practices Level 1 Critical Talent Growth Critical talent segments, focus on hiring, training, performance Level 2 Managed Talent Relationships Workforce planning, development planning, leadership development integrated into talent strategy Level 3 Inclusive Talent System Talent strategies integrated with inclusion, diversity, and culture Level 4 BersinbyDeloitte 10% 19% 59% 12% The New Bersin by Deloitte Talent Management Maturity Model Source: Bersin by Deloitte, 2015. Talent management has changed Inclusion and diversity are key
  • 64. Trend 8: Modernizing L&D Transformation of the function
  • 65. Level 1: Incidental Training Source of Ad-hoc Job Support | Mentoring & Apprenticeship | Emerging Need for Professional Training | SME Focused Level 2: Training & Development Excellence Source of Designed Instruction | Evolving Governance & Operations Improving L&D Core Processes | Program Focused Level 3: Talent & Performance Improvement Source of Talent Development & Performance. Consulting | Integrated with HR/TM Development Planning | Career Models | Leadership vs. Professional Level 4: Organizational Capability Source of Business Performance Capability & Learning Agility Executive Driven | Cultural & Systemic Focus Utilitarian Training & Job Shadowing Formal Design, Architecture Talent Driven Learning Cultural Continuous Career High-Impact Learning Organization® Maturity Model Evolution of the L&D Function
  • 66. The “full stack” L&D professionalLMS Design Thinking X-API Employee Engagement Analytics Learning experience design Video Social systems MOOCs Performance SupportContent tools Product Management Professional Development Coaching Content Management GamificationMetadata Taxonomies UI Design Instructional design Mobile app design Career management Adaptive Learning Spaced learning Culture Neuroscience Digital HR hits L&D The new skills and roles for L&D
  • 67. Design thinking and product management for learning The need for learning product management
  • 68. Trend 9: Training measurement Shift toward people analytics
  • 70. Learning measurement is business measurement Rethink what you measure
  • 71. Recruiting & Workforce Planning Comp and Benefits, Rewards Performance Succession Engagement Learning & Leadership HRMS Employee Data Engagement & Assessment + Sales Revenue Productivity Customer Retention Product Mix Accidents, Errors, and Fraud Quality Downtime Losses Groundbreaking new insights and tools for managers to make better decisions (not HR) Data management, Analytics, IT, and Business Consulting Expertise + = Location, Travel, Meeting Time Organizational Network Analysis Sentiment, Heart rate, Voice + This is NOT HR ANALYTICS! The new world of people analytics
  • 72. Operational reporting Reactive reporting of operational & compliance measures • Focus on data accuracy, consistency & timeliness Level 1 Advanced reporting Proactive reporting for decision-making • Analysis of trends & benchmarks • Customizable, self-service dashboards Level 2 Advanced analytics Statistical analysis to help solve business problems • Identification of issues & actionable solutions • Centralized staffing & integrated data Level 3 Predictive analytics Development of predictive models • Scenario planning • Integration with business & workforce planning • Data governance model Level 4BersinbyDeloitte 56% 30% 10% 4% What our research discovered Bersin by Deloitte Talent Analytics Maturity Model
  • 74. How do we improve client retention?
  • 75. How do we develop leaders in China?
  • 76. How to manage unplanned absences?
  • 77. Trend 10: The New CLO
  • 78. The Chief Learning Officer is also… The Chief Capability Officer The Chief Culture Officer The Chief Change Officer The Chief Engagement Officer The Chief Career Officer You: The bold CLO
  • 80. 2016 Global Human Capital Trends The new organization: Different by design www.deloitte.com/hctrends
  • 81. This publication contains general information only and Deloitte is not, by means of this publication, rendering accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. Deloitte shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this publication. As used in this document, "Deloitte" means Deloitte Consulting LLP, a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Copyright © 2016 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Editor's Notes

  1. The findings The name of this trend—“people analytics”—brings together HR and business data to improve and inform management, business, and HR decisions throughout the company. While HR organizations have been talking about building analytics teams for several years, in 2016 we see a major leap forward in capabilities.   Why is this? Driven by competitive pressures and the greater availability of more integrated systems, organizations are aggressively building people analytics teams, buying analytics offerings, and developing analytics solutions. First, companies are rapidly adopting more integrated cloud-based HR systems, enabling them to examine HR data in an integrated way for the first time. Nearly 40 percent of all global firms are either replacing or plan to replace their core HR systems over the next two years. Second, people with analytics backgrounds are coming into HR. Third, nearly every ERP vendor and talent management provider now offers off-the-shelf analytics tools, and many include embedded models. Experienced consultants are sharing ideas and bringing expertise to companies new to the domain. Finally, CEOs are pressing their CHROs to build this capability   What’s needed? We expect the trend toward analytics-driven HR to continue gathering strength over the coming year. As this happens, analytics will penetrate deeper within HR, extending beyond talent acquisition to learning and development and operations. However, providing great data and insights is only part of the solution. The real value is in turning that insight into change that delivers business value, which requires sound change management practices.
  2. Rewrote Lady Gaga Video and used “Can I get some Hands”- which is a cheesesteak culture. Used to have a culture of “no cell phones” in front of guest, in Kitchen we don’t allow it for safety reasons. They do this at the end of their shift, beginning of shift. “New Restaurant Openings” – we send 50 high performers to open a new restaurant. Hype. Tiger Team – stocks, sets up new systems, builds an amazing community. New restaurant which is opening can keep all this info. How we roll the perfect strawberry for a cheesecake. “learning channel” to look for videos. If we embed video into training, they get credit for it. They’re all excited to be publishing this. Right now we’re doing a video on culture, and we want the consistency across all sites, so we’re created the “you’re so cheesecake” channel – “why you’re so cheesecake” I take pride in the food that I make for every guest.
  3. What are you using – are you using these?
  4. The findings Data and analytics are key to solving many of the top challenges we identify in these trends: engagement, leadership, learning, and recruitment. Still too few organizations are actively implementing people analytics capabilities to address complex business and talent needs. Three in four companies (75 percent) believe using people analytics is important, but just 8 percent believe their organizations are “strong” in this area—almost no change over 2014.   Why is this? Leading companies are using analytics to gain a competitive advantage by understanding all elements of the workforce, including to: Understand and predict retention Boost employee engagement Expand talent sources and improve quality of hires Profile high performers in sales and customer service Yet, our survey confirms that most organizations have been slow to get started, showing very little progress in implementing analytics. In fact, this year’s study shows that there has been little year-over-year improvement in analytics capabilities. What’s needed? People analytics, a capability built over years, is one of the biggest differentiating factors for high-performing HR organizations today. Without early, substantial investments, it is difficult to get traction. Companies must therefore make a serious commitment to this discipline, search for robust solutions from their core system vendors, and hire people into HR who have an interest and background in analytics and statistics.
  5. (c) Bersin and Associates
  6. The full Human Capital Trends 2016 report goes much deeper. You’ll find stories of how leading companies are leveraging these trends for competitive advantage. And if this all seems overwhelming, we’ve incorporated practical advice for companies and HR leaders on where to start.   Our advice is straightforward: [Josh, I need your help here, too.]