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SGM 3585/3685: Project Description
Include a detailed description of your internship project and a
high-level plan for its implementation. The project must be
specific and entrepreneurial/innovative. You will be working
on a project to create something new and valuable for your
partner organization.
Project name, description, and purpose
Description of the issue, need or work to be achieved
“Be Your Own Boss Bowl Competition," Competition for all
temple student and alumni to participate.
Research the events, write out all the reports of the resource to
get in touch with the alumni and other staff at Temple.
Promoting “Business Plan Competition” BYOBB. Having a
marketing plan for this event that will attract past alumni to get
connected with the events.
Company and People involved (include intern, company
supervisor, and course instructor)
Who will be the critical path contacts for this project?
Company: Temple University
Supervisor: Erin Mcshea
People involved: Ellen, Lindsay, Clark, and Jake
The supervisor and staff will provide help for the project and
identify the issues and step for the project and the goal to
The Alumni at Temple University
Goal to be achieved
Use SMART Goal language and descriptors
Increase Alumni to participate in the competition
Specific: Reach how many numbers of alumni to participate
into the competition.
Measurable: research the #s of past alumni participants.
Historical data breakdown
Achievable: Having a marketing plan, do as much promotion as
possible, post to the social media.
Result: does it increase the alumni to participate.
Time-Bound: will be finished at the end of the semester.
The current State of Organization
Description of the current state of the organization as it relates
to the project.
Director, Student
For the current stage of the organization is mostly
undergraduate student in fox and some undergraduate from
other temple school.
So, for now, is to get more Alumni.
Work plan schedule (include timeline + milestones + tasks)
Thursday – 9-3
Work Schedule every Thur-9-3 and Fri 9-3
Oct.25, 26:
doing research, review the competition, information overview,
Identify ways to reach the alumni staff, and research on what
resource is available for promoting the events.
review what has been done,
putting together all the research information and marketing
drafting of the material, send email to the alumni, drafting the
poster, social media.
finalized the full report
Milestones & Metrics
Milestones to be met and metrics used to measure success.
1: putting information together and organize the past data of the
2: Identify how to contact the alumni, and resource from each
school and each audience.
3: get the participation goal
4: creating a marketing plan
5: execute the plan
Additional Stakeholders
Who can impact the results of this project and who will be
affected by the project?
Temple representative
Supervisor: Erin Mcshea
Director: Ellen Weber
Alumni relation staff: Jim Cawley, Lisa, Ellen Mitchell/
Alumni operator: Amanda, Eliza and Regina
Resources Available
What resources are available that will contribute to this project?
Temple website
· The website page for the competition.
· Marketing resource from past year.
· Historical data.
· Supervisor, student staff, and all the director of the events.
Resources Needed
What resources are still needed to begin and complete the
The number of all the past participant.
Additional Notes
Other relevant information.
Meeting Schedule with Supervisor
Plan of communication and meeting schedule with the company
Final Project: Best Practices Guide
Students will create a Best Practices Guide for future employees
holding their position and working
on the same or a similar project. Creativity is encouraged and
the format, tone, graphic design, and
other details of your guide should reflect the personality of your
partner company and the type of
project you worked on. The guide will integrate a summary of
the current project from its inception
to completion with a guide that can be used by for companies to
potentially replicate the project or
projects like it in the future.
You should be creating one of two types of guides:
1) Guide for future employees of your partner company who
will be doing the same project.
2) Guide for people who will do similar projects for other
Your guide must include all of the following components:
1) Background on the project—please be sure your project's
purpose, what the original goals were, how you identified
timeline/metrics, and a summary of what the timeline/metrics
2) Company/industry Information and/or Other Relevant
Companies/Industries—Tell us about your partner company,
why the project worked for your company (or why it would need
to be changed going forward) and other companies/industries
where your project would be relevant
3) "How-To's" and "Best Practices"—Include a guide for
someone else doing this or a similar project. Include important
how-to steps and instructional information as well as best
practices you've learned from going through the project.
There are no strict font/format guidelines for this assignment,
however it must have a cover page and be 4-6 pages in
length (at least 4 pages of text content).
The Internship project that I am taking is creating a
marketing plan for cross-campus promotion for IEI’s big
business plan competition, “The Be Your Own Boss Bowl”
Personal/Professional Experience
Personal/Professional Experience
The experience I had so far is starting to understand what is
explicitly the events; I will need to do research first to start
making a plan for the events. I will first find the description of
it, what are the eligibility and benefit of the participant, how to
apply and get help, what are the past winner. And then I need to
research all the information about how to connect with alumni
from each Temple school. For example like the department area,
phone number, email and social media to reach out. And last I
created the promotion idea. I started to reach out for the alumni
relation staff In the school to get more information. The
positive side of the experience is the learning process of
research; research help me gain organizing skills which I will
organize everything In a report, to better view and
understanding. Also, it increases knowledge of reading and
writing skills. Another positive side is to promote your critical
thinking; I will need to think about how to promote and how to
reach out to your primary audience. The last positive side is
communication. I will reach out for the staff to communicate
with them to get the best result. The challenging part might be
not everything you search for can be found on the internet, for
example like the numbers of past participant. I have Learned
professionally in gaining numerous tangible and intangible
benefit from these experience. The tangible benefit is
communication skills, learning about correct research paper
writing methods. Second Is critical thinking skills for an
example like having the ability to understand information from
other research studies and evaluate the data directly, problem-
solving skills. The last one is technical skills, learn to set up
and conduct research studies and computer skills to analyze
research data.
Project Status
The status of my current 100-hour project is finding the
location, phone number and email of the relation staff of each
school and writing an email to reach out for them to promote
the BYOBB competition. The biggest successes are I had
already finished the research process and gain all the
information that I needed for the next step. I had to list
everything in the word document to be better to view. Now I am
writing an email to the alumni relation staff and wanted them to
help me with promoting the competition to the alumni from each
school, not only in Fox Business School. The challenge might
be everything going to be in good shape, or there might be a
conflict that might occur later in the project. The mild stone I
met in the list of the project evaluation template is putting
information together and organize the past data of the events.
Identify how to contact the alumni, and resource from each
school and each audience. Reach the participation goal. I did
not meet any unexpected challenge so far, because the
supervisor had explained very well for all the detail for the
project and she will be there to help all the time. So at this
points, everything is smooth and works very well.
Goals for Remaining Weeks
The priorities for my project is making a marketing plan.
The importance of milestone is when doingan research is self-
reading and learning, more in-depth understanding of the
subject, finding the important things connected to the topic and
understand the media biases surrounding the subject. It also
expands my views about how individuals related to the subject
being research. The second milestone is public relations when
you need to finish the key activities before making a plan for
the marketing. The third one is advertising; this continues as I
implement my marketing plan, I will need to set a milestone for
those key ads. Social media, email, and a poster will be one of
the significant steps to reach out to the alumni. In this project, I
need to determine my target audience and set goals, outline
strategies. The ways that I measure for success is quality of
work. It is essential for each job position is not about how fast
you can be it is about how well you can do. The quality of one
project often affects another, so it's important that I track
quality and make adjustments to future project accordingly. If I
deliver a reliable product, It will be beneficial for the audience
I reach out.
The project I am doing right now is a great experience for
research intern or marketing intern. So it will be beneficial for
me to gain experience in this area.
Recap of Original Project
The project is “Be Your Own Boss Bowl Competition”.
The main purpose of this project is a marketing plan for all
Temple student and Temple Alumni to get connected with the
event, It’s started by doing research of the events, information
overview. Putting information together and organize the past
data of the events. Identify how to connect the alumni, find the
alumni relation staff from each school. Stored information about
the BYOBB, and some marketing resource from past years,
historical data and all the contact information in a word
document and produce a marketing plan.
On this project I learned is research skills, it presents an
original thesis, or purpose statement about a topic and develops
that thesis with information gathered from a variety of sources.
This skill will help me gain knowledge about how the
professionals who work in the business industry produce similar
type their products on the mass scale. It helps me having the
ability to draw meaning, interpret the data that I have a search.
The other I learn is time management is important too when
working on a project I should always manage my time well and
have a contingency if there was anything to go wrong
potentially jeopardizing my project. Also, I learn organizing
skills, for example like goal setting, decision making, project
management, making a schedule and creating & keeping the
deadline. In this project, I need to determine my target audience
and set goals, outline strategies. The last part is I gain
marketing skills, I will need to use my creativity and
imagination to form the plan for the project. The
challenge part is that there might be some data you can’t find
through the research, so you might need to find another way of
knowing the data.
This project will help “BYOBB” attract more alumni to
participate, also the student at Temple. Getting people to notice
the events and how the events will benefit the audience. Help
people understand everything from the report I collect, so
people don’t waste time on doing research again, this report
really helps time-saving. The report I have was the description
of the events, so people will have knowledge of the overall
events. I also apply the eligibility, this demonstrates on who
will be able to participate. And then there’s a description of
how to apply for the competition, where to get help, this helps
the audience learns by themselves so there will be fewer people
asking a similar question. I also organize some past winner, this
will help people understand what are some winner, this really
helps them having the idea that there is the participant from
each school and some alumni who also win the competition.
This will help gain participant. I have included some alumni
relation staff contact information and alumni association from
each school at Temple University. I also include some social
media that is followed by most alumni. The last part is
promotion Idea for the events, like posting on social media,
sending an email and creating a poster to alumni reunion or
other events, so it will really get some attention to attract
alumni. By doing this research report, it will be less work for
other coworkers who are also doing this project. By having a
good marketing plan, it will lead to a good feedback from the
audience and have more participant. The more participant the
more it will benefit the events.

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SGM 35853685 Project DescriptionInclude a detailed descripti.docx

  • 1. SGM 3585/3685: Project Description Include a detailed description of your internship project and a high-level plan for its implementation. The project must be specific and entrepreneurial/innovative. You will be working on a project to create something new and valuable for your partner organization. Project name, description, and purpose Description of the issue, need or work to be achieved “Be Your Own Boss Bowl Competition," Competition for all temple student and alumni to participate. Research the events, write out all the reports of the resource to get in touch with the alumni and other staff at Temple. Promoting “Business Plan Competition” BYOBB. Having a marketing plan for this event that will attract past alumni to get connected with the events. Company and People involved (include intern, company supervisor, and course instructor) Who will be the critical path contacts for this project? Company: Temple University Supervisor: Erin Mcshea People involved: Ellen, Lindsay, Clark, and Jake The supervisor and staff will provide help for the project and identify the issues and step for the project and the goal to achieve. The Alumni at Temple University
  • 2. Goal to be achieved Use SMART Goal language and descriptors Increase Alumni to participate in the competition Specific: Reach how many numbers of alumni to participate into the competition. Measurable: research the #s of past alumni participants. Historical data breakdown Achievable: Having a marketing plan, do as much promotion as possible, post to the social media. Result: does it increase the alumni to participate. Time-Bound: will be finished at the end of the semester. The current State of Organization Description of the current state of the organization as it relates to the project. Director, Student For the current stage of the organization is mostly undergraduate student in fox and some undergraduate from other temple school. So, for now, is to get more Alumni. Timeline Work plan schedule (include timeline + milestones + tasks) Thursday – 9-3 Friday-9-3 Work Schedule every Thur-9-3 and Fri 9-3
  • 3. Oct.25, 26: doing research, review the competition, information overview, Identify ways to reach the alumni staff, and research on what resource is available for promoting the events. Nov.1: review what has been done, Nov.8,9: putting together all the research information and marketing plan. Nov.22,23: drafting of the material, send email to the alumni, drafting the poster, social media. Dec.6,7: finalized the full report Milestones & Metrics Milestones to be met and metrics used to measure success. 1: putting information together and organize the past data of the events. 2: Identify how to contact the alumni, and resource from each school and each audience. 3: get the participation goal 4: creating a marketing plan 5: execute the plan
  • 4. Additional Stakeholders Who can impact the results of this project and who will be affected by the project? Temple representative Supervisor: Erin Mcshea Director: Ellen Weber Alumni relation staff: Jim Cawley, Lisa, Ellen Mitchell/ Alumni operator: Amanda, Eliza and Regina Resources Available What resources are available that will contribute to this project? Temple website · The website page for the competition. · Marketing resource from past year. · Historical data. · Supervisor, student staff, and all the director of the events. Resources Needed What resources are still needed to begin and complete the project? The number of all the past participant. Additional Notes
  • 5. Other relevant information. Meeting Schedule with Supervisor Plan of communication and meeting schedule with the company supervisor Prompt Final Project: Best Practices Guide Students will create a Best Practices Guide for future employees holding their position and working on the same or a similar project. Creativity is encouraged and the format, tone, graphic design, and other details of your guide should reflect the personality of your partner company and the type of project you worked on. The guide will integrate a summary of the current project from its inception to completion with a guide that can be used by for companies to potentially replicate the project or projects like it in the future. You should be creating one of two types of guides: 1) Guide for future employees of your partner company who will be doing the same project. 2) Guide for people who will do similar projects for other companies Your guide must include all of the following components: 1) Background on the project—please be sure your project's
  • 6. purpose, what the original goals were, how you identified timeline/metrics, and a summary of what the timeline/metrics were 2) Company/industry Information and/or Other Relevant Companies/Industries—Tell us about your partner company, why the project worked for your company (or why it would need to be changed going forward) and other companies/industries where your project would be relevant 3) "How-To's" and "Best Practices"—Include a guide for someone else doing this or a similar project. Include important how-to steps and instructional information as well as best practices you've learned from going through the project. There are no strict font/format guidelines for this assignment, however it must have a cover page and be 4-6 pages in length (at least 4 pages of text content). ________________________________ The Internship project that I am taking is creating a marketing plan for cross-campus promotion for IEI’s big business plan competition, “The Be Your Own Boss Bowl” (BYOBB). Personal/Professional Experience Personal/Professional Experience The experience I had so far is starting to understand what is explicitly the events; I will need to do research first to start making a plan for the events. I will first find the description of
  • 7. it, what are the eligibility and benefit of the participant, how to apply and get help, what are the past winner. And then I need to research all the information about how to connect with alumni from each Temple school. For example like the department area, phone number, email and social media to reach out. And last I created the promotion idea. I started to reach out for the alumni relation staff In the school to get more information. The positive side of the experience is the learning process of research; research help me gain organizing skills which I will organize everything In a report, to better view and understanding. Also, it increases knowledge of reading and writing skills. Another positive side is to promote your critical thinking; I will need to think about how to promote and how to reach out to your primary audience. The last positive side is communication. I will reach out for the staff to communicate with them to get the best result. The challenging part might be not everything you search for can be found on the internet, for example like the numbers of past participant. I have Learned professionally in gaining numerous tangible and intangible benefit from these experience. The tangible benefit is communication skills, learning about correct research paper writing methods. Second Is critical thinking skills for an example like having the ability to understand information from other research studies and evaluate the data directly, problem- solving skills. The last one is technical skills, learn to set up and conduct research studies and computer skills to analyze research data. Project Status The status of my current 100-hour project is finding the location, phone number and email of the relation staff of each school and writing an email to reach out for them to promote the BYOBB competition. The biggest successes are I had already finished the research process and gain all the information that I needed for the next step. I had to list
  • 8. everything in the word document to be better to view. Now I am writing an email to the alumni relation staff and wanted them to help me with promoting the competition to the alumni from each school, not only in Fox Business School. The challenge might be everything going to be in good shape, or there might be a conflict that might occur later in the project. The mild stone I met in the list of the project evaluation template is putting information together and organize the past data of the events. Identify how to contact the alumni, and resource from each school and each audience. Reach the participation goal. I did not meet any unexpected challenge so far, because the supervisor had explained very well for all the detail for the project and she will be there to help all the time. So at this points, everything is smooth and works very well. Goals for Remaining Weeks The priorities for my project is making a marketing plan. The importance of milestone is when doingan research is self- reading and learning, more in-depth understanding of the subject, finding the important things connected to the topic and understand the media biases surrounding the subject. It also expands my views about how individuals related to the subject being research. The second milestone is public relations when you need to finish the key activities before making a plan for
  • 9. the marketing. The third one is advertising; this continues as I implement my marketing plan, I will need to set a milestone for those key ads. Social media, email, and a poster will be one of the significant steps to reach out to the alumni. In this project, I need to determine my target audience and set goals, outline strategies. The ways that I measure for success is quality of work. It is essential for each job position is not about how fast you can be it is about how well you can do. The quality of one project often affects another, so it's important that I track quality and make adjustments to future project accordingly. If I deliver a reliable product, It will be beneficial for the audience I reach out. The project I am doing right now is a great experience for research intern or marketing intern. So it will be beneficial for me to gain experience in this area. Recap of Original Project The project is “Be Your Own Boss Bowl Competition”. The main purpose of this project is a marketing plan for all Temple student and Temple Alumni to get connected with the event, It’s started by doing research of the events, information
  • 10. overview. Putting information together and organize the past data of the events. Identify how to connect the alumni, find the alumni relation staff from each school. Stored information about the BYOBB, and some marketing resource from past years, historical data and all the contact information in a word document and produce a marketing plan. On this project I learned is research skills, it presents an original thesis, or purpose statement about a topic and develops that thesis with information gathered from a variety of sources. This skill will help me gain knowledge about how the professionals who work in the business industry produce similar type their products on the mass scale. It helps me having the ability to draw meaning, interpret the data that I have a search. The other I learn is time management is important too when working on a project I should always manage my time well and have a contingency if there was anything to go wrong potentially jeopardizing my project. Also, I learn organizing skills, for example like goal setting, decision making, project management, making a schedule and creating & keeping the deadline. In this project, I need to determine my target audience and set goals, outline strategies. The last part is I gain marketing skills, I will need to use my creativity and imagination to form the plan for the project. The challenge part is that there might be some data you can’t find through the research, so you might need to find another way of knowing the data. This project will help “BYOBB” attract more alumni to participate, also the student at Temple. Getting people to notice the events and how the events will benefit the audience. Help people understand everything from the report I collect, so people don’t waste time on doing research again, this report really helps time-saving. The report I have was the description of the events, so people will have knowledge of the overall events. I also apply the eligibility, this demonstrates on who will be able to participate. And then there’s a description of
  • 11. how to apply for the competition, where to get help, this helps the audience learns by themselves so there will be fewer people asking a similar question. I also organize some past winner, this will help people understand what are some winner, this really helps them having the idea that there is the participant from each school and some alumni who also win the competition. This will help gain participant. I have included some alumni relation staff contact information and alumni association from each school at Temple University. I also include some social media that is followed by most alumni. The last part is promotion Idea for the events, like posting on social media, sending an email and creating a poster to alumni reunion or other events, so it will really get some attention to attract alumni. By doing this research report, it will be less work for other coworkers who are also doing this project. By having a good marketing plan, it will lead to a good feedback from the audience and have more participant. The more participant the more it will benefit the events.