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REVIEWS                                                                                           Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 11/12  June 2010

                        Pharmacophore modeling and

                        applications in drug discovery:
                        challenges and recent advances
                        Sheng-Yong Yang
                        State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, West China Medical School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China

                        Pharmacophore approaches have become one of the major tools in drug discovery after the past
                        century’s development. Various ligand-based and structure-based methods have been developed for
                        improved pharmacophore modeling and have been successfully and extensively applied in virtual
                        screening, de novo design and lead optimization. Despite these successes, pharmacophore approaches
                        have not reached their expected full capacity, particularly in facing the demand for reducing the current
                        expensive overall cost associated with drug discovery and development. Here, the challenges of
                        pharmacophore modeling and applications in drug discovery are discussed and recent advances and
                        latest developments are described, which provide useful clues to the further development and
                        application of pharmacophore approaches.

                        Introduction                                                                     lead optimization and multitarget drug design (Fig. 1). A variety of
                        The concept of pharmacophore was first introduced in 1909 by                      automated tools for pharmacophore modeling and applications
                        Ehrlich [1], who defined the pharmacophore as ‘a molecular                        appeared constantly after the advances in computational chem-
                        framework that carries (phoros) the essential features responsible               istry in the past 20 years; these pharmacophore modeling tools,
                        for a drug’s (pharmacon) biological activity’. After a century’s                 together with their inventor(s) and typical characteristics, are
                        development, the basic pharmacophore concept still remains                       summarized in Supplementary Table S1. Many successful stories
                        unchanged, but its intentional meaning and application range                     of pharmacophore approaches in facilitating drug discovery have
                        have been expanded considerably. According to the very recent                    been reported in recent years [6,7]. The pharmacophore approach,
                        definition by IUPAC [2], a pharmacophore model is ‘an ensemble                    however, still faces many challenges that limit its capability to
                        of steric and electronic features that is necessary to ensure the                reach its expected potential, particularly with the demand for
                        optimal supramolecular interactions with a specific biological                    reducing the current high cost associated with the discovery
                        target and to trigger (or block) its biological response’. Apart from            and development of a new drug. This article discusses the chal-
                        this official definition, some other similar definitions, as well as                lenges of pharmacophore modeling and applications in drug
                        remarks, have been described in the literature [3–5]. The overall                discovery and reviews the most recent advances in dealing with
                        development and history of the pharmacophore concept through                     these challenges.
                        the past century has been reviewed by Gund [3] and Wermuth [4].
                           A pharmacophore model can be established either in a ligand-                  Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling
                        based manner, by superposing a set of active molecules and                       Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling has become a key com-
                        extracting common chemical features that are essential for their                 putational strategy for facilitating drug discovery in the absence of
                        bioactivity, or in a structure-based manner, by probing possible                 a macromolecular target structure. It is usually carried out by
                        interaction points between the macromolecular target and                         extracting common chemical features from 3D structures of a
                        ligands. Pharmacophore approaches have been used extensively                     set of known ligands representative of essential interactions
                        in virtual screening, de novo design and other applications such as              between the ligands and a specific macromolecular target. In
                                                                                                         general, pharmacophore generation from multiple ligands
                          E-mail address: yangsy@scu.edu.cn.                                             (usually called training set compounds) involves two main steps:

                        444   www.drugdiscoverytoday.com                              1359-6446/06/$ - see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2010.03.013
Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 11/12  June 2010                                                                                REVIEWS

                                                                      [13]. The first approach has the advantage of lower computing cost
                                                                      for conducting molecular alignment at the expense of a possible
                                                                      need for a mass storage capacity. The second approach does not
                                                                      need mass storage but might need higher CPU time for conducting
                                                                      rigorous optimization. It has been demonstrated that the pre-
                                                                      enumerating method outperforms the on-the-fly calculation
                                                                      approach [15]. Currently, a substantial number of advanced algo-
                                                                      rithms have been established to sample the conformational spaces
                                                                      of small molecules, which are listed in Supplementary Table S2.

                                                                                                                                                      Reviews  INFORMATICS
                                                                      Some of these algorithms, such as poling restraints [16], systematic
                                                                      torsional grids [17], directed tweak [18], genetic algorithms [19]
                                                                      and Monte Carlo [20], have been implemented in various com-
                                                                      mercial and academic pharmacophore modeling programs. Never-
                                                                      theless, a good conformation generator should satisfy the
                                                                      following conditions: (i) efficiently generating all the putative
                                                                      bound conformations that small molecules adopt when they
                                                                      interact with macromolecules, (ii) keeping the list of low-energy
                                                                      conformations as short as possible to avoid the combinational
                                                                      explosion problem and (iii) being less time-consuming for the
                                                                      conformational calculations. Several new or modified tools devel-
                                                                      oped recently for conformational generation seem to outperform
                                                                      the previous algorithms in some aspects. MED-3DMC, developed
                                                                      by Sperandio et al. [21], uses a combination of the Metropolis
                                                                      Monte Carlo algorithm, based on a SMARTS mapping of the
                                                                      rotational bond, and the MMFF94 van der Waals energy term.
FIGURE 1                                                              MED-3DMC has been reported to outperform Omega when
The full framework of pharmacophore architecture.                     applied on certain molecules with a low to medium number of
                                                                      rotatable bonds [21]. Liu et al. [22] developed a conformation
                                                                      sampling method named ‘Cyndi’, which is based on a multiob-
creating the conformational space for each ligand in the training     jective evolution algorithm. Cyndi was validated to be markedly
set to represent conformational flexibility of ligands, and aligning   superior to other conformation generators in reproducing the
the multiple ligands in the training set and determining the          bioactive conformations against a set of 329 testing structures
essential common chemical features to construct pharmacophore         [22]. CAESAR [23] is another conformer generator, which is based
models. Handling conformational flexibility of ligands and con-        on a divide-and-conquer and recursive conformer buildup
ducting molecular alignment represent the key techniques and          approach. This approach also takes into consideration local rota-
also the main difficulties in ligand-based pharmacophore model-        tional symmetry to enable the elimination of conformer dupli-
ing. Currently, various automated pharmacophore generators            cates owing to topological symmetry in the systematic search.
have been developed, including commercially available software        CAESAR has been demonstrated to be consistently 5–20 times
– such as HipHop [8], HypoGen [9] (Accelrys Inc., http://www.ac-      faster than Catalyst/FAST.1 The speedup is even more notable
celrys.com), DISCO [10], GASP [11], GALAHAD (Tripos Inc.,             for molecules with high topological symmetry or for molecules
http://www.tripos.com), PHASE [12] (Schrodinger Inc., http://         that require a large number of conformational samplings.
www.schrodinger.com) and MOE (Chemical Computing Group,                  Molecular alignment is the second challenging issue in ligand-
http://www.chemcomp.com) – and several academic programs.             based pharmacophore modeling. The alignment methods can be
These programs differ mainly in the algorithms used for handling      classified into two categories in terms of their fundamental nature:
the flexibility of ligands and for the alignment of molecules, which   point-based and property-based approaches [15]. The points (in
are outlined in Supplementary Table S1. There are some references     the point-based method) can be further differentiated as atoms,
in literature, such as Refs. [5,13,14], showing the differences,      fragments or chemical features [5]. In point-based algorithms,
advantages and disadvantages of these programs; however,              pairs of atoms, fragments or chemical feature points are usually
describing and analyzing the different programs is not our goal       superimposed using a least-squares fitting. The biggest limitation
here.                                                                 of these approaches is the need for predefined anchor points
   Despite the great advances, several key challenges in ligand-      because the generation of these points can become problematic
based pharmacophore modeling still exist. The first challenging        in the case of dissimilar ligands. The property-based algorithms
problem is the modeling of ligand flexibility. Currently, two          make use of molecular field descriptors, usually represented by sets
strategies have been used to deal with this problem: the first is      of Gaussian functions, to generate alignments. The alignment
the pre-enumerating method, in which multiple conformations           optimization is carried out with some variant of similarity measure
for each molecule are precomputed and saved in a database [13].
The second is the on-the-fly method, in which the conformation         1
                                                                        Catalyst is now incorporated into Discovery Studio, available from Accelrys
analysis is carried out in the pharmacophore modeling process         Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.

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                        FIGURE 2
                        Pharmacophore models of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) inhibitors. (a) Pharmacophore models of CDK2 inhibitors developed using Catalyst by Hecker et al.
                        [28], Toba et al. [29] and Vadivelan et al. [30]. (b) The basic process for the generation of multicomplex-based comprehensive pharmacophore map of CDK2
                        inhibitors. The chemical features are color coded: green, hydrogen-bond acceptor; magenta, hydrogen-bond donor; light blue, hydrophobic feature; orange,
                        aromatic ring.

                        of the intermolecular overlap of the Gaussians as the objective                 ligand complex. The protocol of structure-based pharmacophore
                        function. Conventional molecular alignment algorithms have                      modeling involves an analysis of the complementary chemical
                        been extensively reviewed elsewhere [15]. New alignment meth-                   features of the active site and their spatial relationships, and a
                        ods continue to be actively developed. Recently developed meth-                 subsequent pharmacophore model assembly with selected fea-
                        ods include stochastic proximity embedding [24], atomic property                tures. The structure-based pharmacophore modeling methods
                        fields [25], fuzzy pattern recognition [26] and grid-based interac-              can be further classified into two subcategories: macromolecule–
                        tion energies [27].                                                             ligand-complex based and macromolecule (without ligand)-based.
                           Another challenging problem lies in the practical task of proper             The macromolecule–ligand-complex-based approach is conveni-
                        selection of training set compounds. This problem, apparently                   ent in locating the ligand-binding site of the macromolecular
                        being simple and non-technical, often confuses users, even experi-              target and determining the key interaction points between ligands
                        enced ones. It has been demonstrated that the type of ligand                    and macromolecule. LigandScout [31] is an excellent representa-
                        molecules, the size of the dataset and its chemical diversity affect            tion that incorporates the macromolecule–ligand-complex-based
                        the final generated pharmacophore model considerably [13]. In                    scheme. Other macromolecule–ligand-complex-based pharmaco-
                        some cases, completely different pharmacophore models of                        phore modeling programs include Pocket v.2 [32] and GBPM [33].
                        ligands interacting with the same macromolecular target could                   The limitation of this approach is the need for the 3D structure of
                        be generated from the same algorithm and program that uses                      macromolecule–ligand complex, implying that it cannot be
                        different training sets. For example, Hecker et al. [28], Toba                  applied to cases when no compounds targeting the binding site
                        et al. [29] and Vadivelan et al. [30] have independently generated              of interest are known. This can be overcome by the macromole-
                        three pharmacophore models of cyclin-dependent kinase 2                         cule-based approach. The structure-based pharmacophore (SBP)
                        (CDK2) inhibitors. They used the same program, Catalyst, but                    method2 implemented in Discovery Studio3 is a typical example of
                        different training sets. The three pharmacophore models are found               a macromolecule-based approach. SBP converts LUDI [34] inter-
                        to be totally different from one another in terms of the feature                action maps within the protein-binding site into Catalyst phar-
                        categories, as well as the location constraints of features (Fig. 2a),          macophoric features: H-bond acceptor, H-bond donor and
                        for which a further discussion is presented in a subsequent section             hydrophobe. The main limitation of the SBP flowchart is that
                        of this review.                                                                 the derived interaction maps generally consist of a large number of

                        Structure-based pharmacophore modeling                                          2
                                                                                                          SBP is now incorporated into Discovery Studio, available from Accelrys Inc.,
                        Structure-based pharmacophore modeling works directly with the                  San Diego, CA, USA.
                        3D structure of a macromolecular target or a macromolecule–                       Discovery Studio available from Accelrys Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.

                        446   www.drugdiscoverytoday.com
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unprioritized Catalyst features, which complicates its application      between known CDK2 inhibitors and the molecules of focused
in such tasks as 3D database searches. To overcome this problem,        inactive dataset but also that it is capable of correctly predicting
Barillari et al. [35] recently proposed a fast knowledge-based          the activities of a wide variety of CDK2 inhibitors in an external
approach, hot-spots-guided receptor-based pharmacophores (HS-           active dataset [38].
Pharm). This approach enables the prioritization of cavity atoms
that should be targeted for ligand binding, by training machine         Pharmacophore-model-based virtual screening
learning algorithms with atom-based fingerprints of known                Once a pharmacophore model is generated by either the ligand-
ligand-binding pockets. Tintori et al. [36] have also reported          based or the structure-based approach, it can be used for querying
another apoprotein-based approach. With this approach, the              the 3D chemical database to search for potential ligands, which is

                                                                                                                                                 Reviews  INFORMATICS
GRID [37] molecular interaction fields (MIFs) are first calculated        so-called ‘pharmacophore-based virtual screening’ (VS). Pharma-
by using different probes for the binding site of interest, followed    cophore-based VS and docking-based VS represent the mainstream
by the selection and subsequent conversion of the points of             of VS tools at the present time. In contrast to its counterpart, the
minimum of MIFs into pharmacophoric features.                           docking-based VS method, pharmacophore-based VS reduces the
   A frequently encountered problem for structure-based pharma-         problems arising from inadequate consideration of protein flex-
cophore modeling, not only the macromolecule-based approach,            ibility or the use of insufficiently designed or optimized scoring
is that too many chemical features (generally not prioritized) can      functions by introducing a tolerance radius for each pharmaco-
be identified for a specific binding site of the macromolecular           phoric feature.
target. However, a pharmacophore model composed of too many                In the pharmacophore-based VS approach, a pharmacophore
chemical features (for example, 7 chemical features) is not            hypothesis is taken as a template. The purpose of screening is
suitable for practical applications, such as 3D database screening.     actually to find such molecules (hits) that have chemical features
Thus, it is necessary to select a limited number of chemical features   similar to those of the template. Some of these hits might be
(typically three to seven features) to construct a practical pharma-    similar to known active compounds, but some others might be
cophore hypothesis, although this is not an easy task in many           entirely novel in scaffold. The searching for compounds with
cases. Another problem is that the obtained pharmacophore               different scaffolds, while sharing a biological activity is usually
hypothesis cannot reflect the quantitative structure–activity rela-      called ‘scaffold hopping’ [39]. The screening process involves two
tionship (QSAR) because the model is derived just based on a single     key techniques and difficulties: handling the conformational flex-
macromolecule–ligand complex or a single macromolecule. In an           ibility of small molecules and pharmacophore pattern identifica-
attempt to overcome these problems, we, in a recent study, have         tion. The strategies for handling the flexibility of small molecules
suggested using a multicomplex-based comprehensive map and              in pharmacophore-based VS are very similar to those used in
most-frequent pharmacophore model [38]. In that study, a multi-         pharmacophore modeling. Again, the flexibility of small mole-
complex-based method was used to generate a comprehensive               cules is handled by either pre-enumerating multiple conforma-
pharmacophore map of CDK2 based on a collection of 124 crystal          tions for each molecule in the database or conformational
structures of human CDK2 inhibitor complex. The chemical fea-           sampling at search time. Pharmacophore pattern identification,
tures for each complex were first identified by LigandScout, fol-         usually called ‘substructure searching’, is actually to check
lowed by clustering all the features to form a comprehensive            whether a query pharmacophore is present in a given conformer
pharmacophore map. The established pharmacophore map con-               of a molecule. The frequently used approaches for substructure
tains almost all the chemical features important for CDK2–inhi-         searching are based on graph theory, which include Ullmann [40],
bitor interactions (Fig. 2b). We found that, with the exception of a    the backtracking algorithm [41], and the GMA algorithm [42].
feature of aromatic ring (orange) in Hecker model, every pharma-           Pharmacophore-based VS can be very time-consuming, espe-
cophore feature in the reported ligand-based models (Hecker             cially in cases of screening large chemical databases with flexible
model, Toba model and Vadivelan model; Fig. 2a) can be matched          molecules, which is currently a key challenge in pharmacophore-
to a feature in our comprehensive map, suggesting that these            based VS. A commonly used method to speed up the screening
ligand-based models are subgraphs of our comprehensive map.             process is the multilevel searching approach [5]. In this approach,
The only exception (the aromatic ring feature in Hecker model)          a series of screening filters are applied to the molecules in an
seems to occur in ligand scaffolds. A chemical feature occurred in      increasing order of complexity so that the first filters are fast and
small molecular scaffolds, which should be a pseudo-pharmaco-           simple, whereas successive ones are more time-consuming but are
phore feature because it does not represent a ligand–macromole-         applied only to a small subset of the entire database.
cule interaction, cannot be detected by a structure-based                  However, the most challenging problem for pharmacophore-
pharmacophore modeling approach. Because the comprehensive              based VS is that in many cases, few percentages of the virtual hits
pharmacophore map is too restrictive and not suitable for the           are really bioactive; in other words, the screening results bear a
virtual screening, a reduced model is needed for a real application.    higher ‘false positive’ rate and/or a higher ‘false negative’ rate.
A feasible solution is to select the most-frequent features that were   Many factors can contribute to this problem, including the quality
recognized as the features important to the activity of the CDK2        and composition of the pharmacophore model and whether and
inhibitors. Thus, the top-ranked seven features, which are present      how much the macromolecular target information is involved.
in the 124 complexes with more than 25% probability, have been          First, the most apparent factor is associated with the deficiency of a
selected and combined to form a most-frequent-feature pharma-           pharmacophore hypothesis. To address this problem requires a
cophore model. Validation studies of the most-frequent-feature          comprehensive validation and optimization to the pharmaco-
model have shown not only that it can discriminate successfully         phore model. Various validation methods such as cross-validation

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Recommended for you

Virtual screening techniques
Virtual screening techniquesVirtual screening techniques
Virtual screening techniques

This document summarizes various virtual screening techniques used in drug discovery. It discusses ligand-based methods like similarity searching using 2D and 3D fingerprints, pharmacophore mapping. It also discusses structure-based methods like protein-ligand docking to predict binding poses and scores. Hybrid methods combining different techniques are also used. The document provides an overview of key virtual screening methods and their applications to enrich hit rates and select compounds for further testing from large libraries in an efficient manner during the drug discovery process.

Pharmacophore mapping
Pharmacophore mapping Pharmacophore mapping
Pharmacophore mapping

The document discusses pharmacophores, which are abstract descriptions of molecular features necessary for molecular recognition between a ligand and biological macromolecule. A pharmacophore consists of 3D structural features like hydrophobic groups and hydrogen bond donors/acceptors. Pharmacophore mapping is used to define pharmacophoric features and align molecules to identify common binding elements responsible for biological activity. Pharmacophore models can be used in virtual screening to filter large databases and identify new compounds that may bind similarly to known active molecules. The document provides details on different approaches for pharmacophore generation and searching compound libraries.

kinjal gamit

In this slide I presented the Computer Aided Drug Design and its type : 1.Structure based Drug Design 2. Ligand based Drug Design and its Applications.

cadddrug design
REVIEWS                                                                                             Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 11/12  June 2010

                        FIGURE 3
                        Schematic representation of the relationship between the full pharmacophore map identified by the structure-based approach and the pharmacophore models
                        established by the ligand-based method. The upper schematically shows the chemical features in the ligand-binding site of a macromolecular target. The middle
                        indicates the various pharmacophore models established by a ligand-based pharmacophore modeling method. The lower schematically depicts several possible
                        cases in pharmacophore-based virtual screening. A tick (H) means that the selected molecule conforms to the requirements of pharmacophore and the shape of
                        ligand-binding site. A cross (Â) indicates that the selected molecule does not satisfy the requirements of either pharmacophore or the shape of ligand-binding site
                        (because of the atomic bumping).

                        and test set method have been suggested, which were reviewed                        addition, most of the interactions between ligand and protein are
                        recently by Triballeau et al. [43]. The validation process is usually               distance sensitive – particularly the short-range interactions, such
                        associated with model optimization. Lately, Sun et al. [44] have                    as the electrostatic interaction, for which a pharmacophore model
                        developed a genetic algorithm-guided pharmacophore query opti-                      is difficult to account for. An efficient approach is the synergistic
                        mization program, in which the optimization is carried out by                       combination of pharmacophore-based VS and docking-based VS.
                        automatically adjusting the position and tolerance radius of each                   Because inherent limitations of each of these screening techniques
                        pharmacophoric feature. The final query has been validated by                        are not easily resolved, their combination in a hybrid protocol can
                        using a test set method, which shows a considerably improved hit                    help to mutually compensate for these limitations and capitalize
                        rate. Second, because the pharmacophore model used for 3D query                     on their mutual strengths. Various combined virtual screening
                        is generally one of the subgraphs of the full pharmacophore map,                    strategies and their validity have been well reviewed by Talevi et al.
                        screening with this pharmacophore query might not retrieve                          [47], Kirchmair et al. [48] and Muegge [49]. This approach has also
                        molecules that match other subgraphs except for the selected                        been routinely used in our group, with which we have successfully
                        one, which is probably an important reason for the higher false                     obtained several real hits validated experimentally for inhibition
                        negative rate in some studies (Fig. 3). Third, the flexibility of target             against protein kinases Aurora-A [50], Syk [51] and ALK5 [52].
                        macromolecule in pharmacophore approaches is handled by
                        introducing a tolerance radius for each pharmacophoric feature,                     Pharmacophore-based de novo design
                        which is unlikely to fully account for macromolecular flexibility in                 Besides the pharmacophore-based VS described above, another
                        some cases. Some recent attempts [45,46] to incorporate molecular                   application of pharmacophore is de novo design of ligands. The
                        dynamics simulations in pharmacophore modeling have sug-                            compounds obtained from pharmacophore-based VS are usually
                        gested that the dynamics pharmacophore models generated from                        existing chemicals, which might be patent protected. In contrast
                        MD simulation trajectories show considerably better representa-                     to pharmacophore-based VS, the de novo design approach can be
                        tion of the flexibility of pharmacophore.                                            used to create completely novel candidate structures that conform
                           Another factor that might lead to the high false positive rate is                to the requirements of a given pharmacophore. The first pharma-
                        that the steric restriction by the macromolecular target is not                     cophore-based de novo design program is NEWLEAD [53], which
                        sufficiently considered in pharmacophore models, although it is                      uses as input a set of disconnected molecular fragments that are
                        partly counted for by the consideration of excluded volumes. In                     consistent with a pharmacophore model, and the selected sets of

                        448   www.drugdiscoverytoday.com
Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 11/12  June 2010                                                                                                                  REVIEWS

disconnected pharmacophore fragments are subsequently con-                                      Concluding remarks
nected by using linkers (such as atoms, chains or ring moieties).                               Pharmacophore approaches have evolved to be one of the most
Actually, NEWLEAD can only handle the cases in which the                                        successful concepts in medicinal chemistry through the collective
pharmacophore features are concrete functional groups (not                                      efforts of many researchers in the past century. In particular, con-
abstract chemical features). Other shortcomings of the NEWLEAD                                  siderable progress of pharmacophore technology in the past two
program include that the sterically forbidden region of the binding                             decades has made pharmacophore approaches one of the main tools
site is not considered and that, as in traditional de novo design                               in drug discovery. Despite the advances in key techniques of phar-
programs, the compounds created by the NEWLEAD program                                          macophore modeling, there is still room for further improvement to
might be difficult to chemically synthesize. Other programs such                                 derive more accurate and optimal pharmacophore models, which

                                                                                                                                                                                            Reviews  INFORMATICS
as LUDI4 and BUILDER [54] can also be used to combine identi-                                   include better handling of ligand flexibility, more efficient mole-
fication of structure-based pharmacophore with de novo design.                                   cular alignment algorithms and more accurate model optimization.
They, however, need the knowledge of 3D structures of the macro-                                Lower efficiency (computational time cost) and poor effect (lower
molecular targets.                                                                              hit rate) of pharmacophore-based VS seriously obstructs the appli-
   To overcome drawbacks of the current pharmacophore-based de                                  cations of pharmacophore in drug discovery. The former, however,
novo design software, we have developed a new program, PhDD (a                                  will be further reduced and diminished by the increasing capacity
pharmacophore-based de novo design method of drug-like mole-                                    and reducing cost of computer hardware. ‘Synergistic’ combination
cules) [55]. PhDD can automatically generate drug-like molecules                                of pharmacophore method and other molecular modeling
that satisfy the requirements of an input pharmacophore hypoth-                                 approaches such as docking is a good strategy to further improve
esis. The pharmacophore used in PhDD can be composed of a set of                                the effect. Compared with pharmacophore-based VS, pharmaco-
abstract chemical features and excluded volumes that are the                                    phore-based de novo design shows a unique advantage in building
sterically forbidden region of the binding site. PhDD first generates                            completely novel hit compounds. In addition to virtual screening
a set of new molecules that completely conform to the require-                                  and de novo design, the applications of pharmacophore have also
ments of the given pharmacophore model. Then a series of assess-                                been extended to lead optimization [56], multitarget drug design
ments to the generated molecules are carried out, including                                     [57], activity profiling [58] and target identification [59]. The
assessments of drug-likeness, bioactivity and synthetic accessibil-                             increasing application ranges of pharmacophore, together with
ity. PhDD was tested on three typical examples: pharmacophore                                   success stories in drug discovery, enable further enrichment of
hypotheses of histone deacetylase, CDK2 and HIV-1 integrase                                     the pharmacophore concept and promote the development and
inhibitors. The test results showed that PhDD was able to generate                              application of pharmacophore approaches.
molecules with completely novel scaffolds. A similarity analysis
with the use of Tanimoto coefficients demonstrated that the                                      Appendix A. Supplementary data
generated molecules should have similar biological functions to                                 Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the existing inhibitors, although they are structurally different.                              the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2010.03.013.

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  • 1. REVIEWS Drug Discovery Today Volume 15, Numbers 11/12 June 2010 Pharmacophore modeling and Reviews INFORMATICS applications in drug discovery: challenges and recent advances Sheng-Yong Yang State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, West China Medical School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China Pharmacophore approaches have become one of the major tools in drug discovery after the past century’s development. Various ligand-based and structure-based methods have been developed for improved pharmacophore modeling and have been successfully and extensively applied in virtual screening, de novo design and lead optimization. Despite these successes, pharmacophore approaches have not reached their expected full capacity, particularly in facing the demand for reducing the current expensive overall cost associated with drug discovery and development. Here, the challenges of pharmacophore modeling and applications in drug discovery are discussed and recent advances and latest developments are described, which provide useful clues to the further development and application of pharmacophore approaches. Introduction lead optimization and multitarget drug design (Fig. 1). A variety of The concept of pharmacophore was first introduced in 1909 by automated tools for pharmacophore modeling and applications Ehrlich [1], who defined the pharmacophore as ‘a molecular appeared constantly after the advances in computational chem- framework that carries (phoros) the essential features responsible istry in the past 20 years; these pharmacophore modeling tools, for a drug’s (pharmacon) biological activity’. After a century’s together with their inventor(s) and typical characteristics, are development, the basic pharmacophore concept still remains summarized in Supplementary Table S1. Many successful stories unchanged, but its intentional meaning and application range of pharmacophore approaches in facilitating drug discovery have have been expanded considerably. According to the very recent been reported in recent years [6,7]. The pharmacophore approach, definition by IUPAC [2], a pharmacophore model is ‘an ensemble however, still faces many challenges that limit its capability to of steric and electronic features that is necessary to ensure the reach its expected potential, particularly with the demand for optimal supramolecular interactions with a specific biological reducing the current high cost associated with the discovery target and to trigger (or block) its biological response’. Apart from and development of a new drug. This article discusses the chal- this official definition, some other similar definitions, as well as lenges of pharmacophore modeling and applications in drug remarks, have been described in the literature [3–5]. The overall discovery and reviews the most recent advances in dealing with development and history of the pharmacophore concept through these challenges. ¨ the past century has been reviewed by Gund [3] and Wermuth [4]. A pharmacophore model can be established either in a ligand- Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling based manner, by superposing a set of active molecules and Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling has become a key com- extracting common chemical features that are essential for their putational strategy for facilitating drug discovery in the absence of bioactivity, or in a structure-based manner, by probing possible a macromolecular target structure. It is usually carried out by interaction points between the macromolecular target and extracting common chemical features from 3D structures of a ligands. Pharmacophore approaches have been used extensively set of known ligands representative of essential interactions in virtual screening, de novo design and other applications such as between the ligands and a specific macromolecular target. In general, pharmacophore generation from multiple ligands E-mail address: yangsy@scu.edu.cn. (usually called training set compounds) involves two main steps: 444 www.drugdiscoverytoday.com 1359-6446/06/$ - see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2010.03.013
  • 2. Drug Discovery Today Volume 15, Numbers 11/12 June 2010 REVIEWS [13]. The first approach has the advantage of lower computing cost for conducting molecular alignment at the expense of a possible need for a mass storage capacity. The second approach does not need mass storage but might need higher CPU time for conducting rigorous optimization. It has been demonstrated that the pre- enumerating method outperforms the on-the-fly calculation approach [15]. Currently, a substantial number of advanced algo- rithms have been established to sample the conformational spaces of small molecules, which are listed in Supplementary Table S2. Reviews INFORMATICS Some of these algorithms, such as poling restraints [16], systematic torsional grids [17], directed tweak [18], genetic algorithms [19] and Monte Carlo [20], have been implemented in various com- mercial and academic pharmacophore modeling programs. Never- theless, a good conformation generator should satisfy the following conditions: (i) efficiently generating all the putative bound conformations that small molecules adopt when they interact with macromolecules, (ii) keeping the list of low-energy conformations as short as possible to avoid the combinational explosion problem and (iii) being less time-consuming for the conformational calculations. Several new or modified tools devel- oped recently for conformational generation seem to outperform the previous algorithms in some aspects. MED-3DMC, developed by Sperandio et al. [21], uses a combination of the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm, based on a SMARTS mapping of the rotational bond, and the MMFF94 van der Waals energy term. FIGURE 1 MED-3DMC has been reported to outperform Omega when The full framework of pharmacophore architecture. applied on certain molecules with a low to medium number of rotatable bonds [21]. Liu et al. [22] developed a conformation sampling method named ‘Cyndi’, which is based on a multiob- creating the conformational space for each ligand in the training jective evolution algorithm. Cyndi was validated to be markedly set to represent conformational flexibility of ligands, and aligning superior to other conformation generators in reproducing the the multiple ligands in the training set and determining the bioactive conformations against a set of 329 testing structures essential common chemical features to construct pharmacophore [22]. CAESAR [23] is another conformer generator, which is based models. Handling conformational flexibility of ligands and con- on a divide-and-conquer and recursive conformer buildup ducting molecular alignment represent the key techniques and approach. This approach also takes into consideration local rota- also the main difficulties in ligand-based pharmacophore model- tional symmetry to enable the elimination of conformer dupli- ing. Currently, various automated pharmacophore generators cates owing to topological symmetry in the systematic search. have been developed, including commercially available software CAESAR has been demonstrated to be consistently 5–20 times – such as HipHop [8], HypoGen [9] (Accelrys Inc., http://www.ac- faster than Catalyst/FAST.1 The speedup is even more notable celrys.com), DISCO [10], GASP [11], GALAHAD (Tripos Inc., for molecules with high topological symmetry or for molecules ¨ http://www.tripos.com), PHASE [12] (Schrodinger Inc., http:// that require a large number of conformational samplings. www.schrodinger.com) and MOE (Chemical Computing Group, Molecular alignment is the second challenging issue in ligand- http://www.chemcomp.com) – and several academic programs. based pharmacophore modeling. The alignment methods can be These programs differ mainly in the algorithms used for handling classified into two categories in terms of their fundamental nature: the flexibility of ligands and for the alignment of molecules, which point-based and property-based approaches [15]. The points (in are outlined in Supplementary Table S1. There are some references the point-based method) can be further differentiated as atoms, in literature, such as Refs. [5,13,14], showing the differences, fragments or chemical features [5]. In point-based algorithms, advantages and disadvantages of these programs; however, pairs of atoms, fragments or chemical feature points are usually describing and analyzing the different programs is not our goal superimposed using a least-squares fitting. The biggest limitation here. of these approaches is the need for predefined anchor points Despite the great advances, several key challenges in ligand- because the generation of these points can become problematic based pharmacophore modeling still exist. The first challenging in the case of dissimilar ligands. The property-based algorithms problem is the modeling of ligand flexibility. Currently, two make use of molecular field descriptors, usually represented by sets strategies have been used to deal with this problem: the first is of Gaussian functions, to generate alignments. The alignment the pre-enumerating method, in which multiple conformations optimization is carried out with some variant of similarity measure for each molecule are precomputed and saved in a database [13]. The second is the on-the-fly method, in which the conformation 1 Catalyst is now incorporated into Discovery Studio, available from Accelrys analysis is carried out in the pharmacophore modeling process Inc., San Diego, CA, USA. www.drugdiscoverytoday.com 445
  • 3. REVIEWS Drug Discovery Today Volume 15, Numbers 11/12 June 2010 Reviews INFORMATICS FIGURE 2 Pharmacophore models of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) inhibitors. (a) Pharmacophore models of CDK2 inhibitors developed using Catalyst by Hecker et al. [28], Toba et al. [29] and Vadivelan et al. [30]. (b) The basic process for the generation of multicomplex-based comprehensive pharmacophore map of CDK2 inhibitors. The chemical features are color coded: green, hydrogen-bond acceptor; magenta, hydrogen-bond donor; light blue, hydrophobic feature; orange, aromatic ring. of the intermolecular overlap of the Gaussians as the objective ligand complex. The protocol of structure-based pharmacophore function. Conventional molecular alignment algorithms have modeling involves an analysis of the complementary chemical been extensively reviewed elsewhere [15]. New alignment meth- features of the active site and their spatial relationships, and a ods continue to be actively developed. Recently developed meth- subsequent pharmacophore model assembly with selected fea- ods include stochastic proximity embedding [24], atomic property tures. The structure-based pharmacophore modeling methods fields [25], fuzzy pattern recognition [26] and grid-based interac- can be further classified into two subcategories: macromolecule– tion energies [27]. ligand-complex based and macromolecule (without ligand)-based. Another challenging problem lies in the practical task of proper The macromolecule–ligand-complex-based approach is conveni- selection of training set compounds. This problem, apparently ent in locating the ligand-binding site of the macromolecular being simple and non-technical, often confuses users, even experi- target and determining the key interaction points between ligands enced ones. It has been demonstrated that the type of ligand and macromolecule. LigandScout [31] is an excellent representa- molecules, the size of the dataset and its chemical diversity affect tion that incorporates the macromolecule–ligand-complex-based the final generated pharmacophore model considerably [13]. In scheme. Other macromolecule–ligand-complex-based pharmaco- some cases, completely different pharmacophore models of phore modeling programs include Pocket v.2 [32] and GBPM [33]. ligands interacting with the same macromolecular target could The limitation of this approach is the need for the 3D structure of be generated from the same algorithm and program that uses macromolecule–ligand complex, implying that it cannot be different training sets. For example, Hecker et al. [28], Toba applied to cases when no compounds targeting the binding site et al. [29] and Vadivelan et al. [30] have independently generated of interest are known. This can be overcome by the macromole- three pharmacophore models of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 cule-based approach. The structure-based pharmacophore (SBP) (CDK2) inhibitors. They used the same program, Catalyst, but method2 implemented in Discovery Studio3 is a typical example of different training sets. The three pharmacophore models are found a macromolecule-based approach. SBP converts LUDI [34] inter- to be totally different from one another in terms of the feature action maps within the protein-binding site into Catalyst phar- categories, as well as the location constraints of features (Fig. 2a), macophoric features: H-bond acceptor, H-bond donor and for which a further discussion is presented in a subsequent section hydrophobe. The main limitation of the SBP flowchart is that of this review. the derived interaction maps generally consist of a large number of Structure-based pharmacophore modeling 2 SBP is now incorporated into Discovery Studio, available from Accelrys Inc., Structure-based pharmacophore modeling works directly with the San Diego, CA, USA. 3 3D structure of a macromolecular target or a macromolecule– Discovery Studio available from Accelrys Inc., San Diego, CA, USA. 446 www.drugdiscoverytoday.com
  • 4. Drug Discovery Today Volume 15, Numbers 11/12 June 2010 REVIEWS unprioritized Catalyst features, which complicates its application between known CDK2 inhibitors and the molecules of focused in such tasks as 3D database searches. To overcome this problem, inactive dataset but also that it is capable of correctly predicting Barillari et al. [35] recently proposed a fast knowledge-based the activities of a wide variety of CDK2 inhibitors in an external approach, hot-spots-guided receptor-based pharmacophores (HS- active dataset [38]. Pharm). This approach enables the prioritization of cavity atoms that should be targeted for ligand binding, by training machine Pharmacophore-model-based virtual screening learning algorithms with atom-based fingerprints of known Once a pharmacophore model is generated by either the ligand- ligand-binding pockets. Tintori et al. [36] have also reported based or the structure-based approach, it can be used for querying another apoprotein-based approach. With this approach, the the 3D chemical database to search for potential ligands, which is Reviews INFORMATICS GRID [37] molecular interaction fields (MIFs) are first calculated so-called ‘pharmacophore-based virtual screening’ (VS). Pharma- by using different probes for the binding site of interest, followed cophore-based VS and docking-based VS represent the mainstream by the selection and subsequent conversion of the points of of VS tools at the present time. In contrast to its counterpart, the minimum of MIFs into pharmacophoric features. docking-based VS method, pharmacophore-based VS reduces the A frequently encountered problem for structure-based pharma- problems arising from inadequate consideration of protein flex- cophore modeling, not only the macromolecule-based approach, ibility or the use of insufficiently designed or optimized scoring is that too many chemical features (generally not prioritized) can functions by introducing a tolerance radius for each pharmaco- be identified for a specific binding site of the macromolecular phoric feature. target. However, a pharmacophore model composed of too many In the pharmacophore-based VS approach, a pharmacophore chemical features (for example, 7 chemical features) is not hypothesis is taken as a template. The purpose of screening is suitable for practical applications, such as 3D database screening. actually to find such molecules (hits) that have chemical features Thus, it is necessary to select a limited number of chemical features similar to those of the template. Some of these hits might be (typically three to seven features) to construct a practical pharma- similar to known active compounds, but some others might be cophore hypothesis, although this is not an easy task in many entirely novel in scaffold. The searching for compounds with cases. Another problem is that the obtained pharmacophore different scaffolds, while sharing a biological activity is usually hypothesis cannot reflect the quantitative structure–activity rela- called ‘scaffold hopping’ [39]. The screening process involves two tionship (QSAR) because the model is derived just based on a single key techniques and difficulties: handling the conformational flex- macromolecule–ligand complex or a single macromolecule. In an ibility of small molecules and pharmacophore pattern identifica- attempt to overcome these problems, we, in a recent study, have tion. The strategies for handling the flexibility of small molecules suggested using a multicomplex-based comprehensive map and in pharmacophore-based VS are very similar to those used in most-frequent pharmacophore model [38]. In that study, a multi- pharmacophore modeling. Again, the flexibility of small mole- complex-based method was used to generate a comprehensive cules is handled by either pre-enumerating multiple conforma- pharmacophore map of CDK2 based on a collection of 124 crystal tions for each molecule in the database or conformational structures of human CDK2 inhibitor complex. The chemical fea- sampling at search time. Pharmacophore pattern identification, tures for each complex were first identified by LigandScout, fol- usually called ‘substructure searching’, is actually to check lowed by clustering all the features to form a comprehensive whether a query pharmacophore is present in a given conformer pharmacophore map. The established pharmacophore map con- of a molecule. The frequently used approaches for substructure tains almost all the chemical features important for CDK2–inhi- searching are based on graph theory, which include Ullmann [40], bitor interactions (Fig. 2b). We found that, with the exception of a the backtracking algorithm [41], and the GMA algorithm [42]. feature of aromatic ring (orange) in Hecker model, every pharma- Pharmacophore-based VS can be very time-consuming, espe- cophore feature in the reported ligand-based models (Hecker cially in cases of screening large chemical databases with flexible model, Toba model and Vadivelan model; Fig. 2a) can be matched molecules, which is currently a key challenge in pharmacophore- to a feature in our comprehensive map, suggesting that these based VS. A commonly used method to speed up the screening ligand-based models are subgraphs of our comprehensive map. process is the multilevel searching approach [5]. In this approach, The only exception (the aromatic ring feature in Hecker model) a series of screening filters are applied to the molecules in an seems to occur in ligand scaffolds. A chemical feature occurred in increasing order of complexity so that the first filters are fast and small molecular scaffolds, which should be a pseudo-pharmaco- simple, whereas successive ones are more time-consuming but are phore feature because it does not represent a ligand–macromole- applied only to a small subset of the entire database. cule interaction, cannot be detected by a structure-based However, the most challenging problem for pharmacophore- pharmacophore modeling approach. Because the comprehensive based VS is that in many cases, few percentages of the virtual hits pharmacophore map is too restrictive and not suitable for the are really bioactive; in other words, the screening results bear a virtual screening, a reduced model is needed for a real application. higher ‘false positive’ rate and/or a higher ‘false negative’ rate. A feasible solution is to select the most-frequent features that were Many factors can contribute to this problem, including the quality recognized as the features important to the activity of the CDK2 and composition of the pharmacophore model and whether and inhibitors. Thus, the top-ranked seven features, which are present how much the macromolecular target information is involved. in the 124 complexes with more than 25% probability, have been First, the most apparent factor is associated with the deficiency of a selected and combined to form a most-frequent-feature pharma- pharmacophore hypothesis. To address this problem requires a cophore model. Validation studies of the most-frequent-feature comprehensive validation and optimization to the pharmaco- model have shown not only that it can discriminate successfully phore model. Various validation methods such as cross-validation www.drugdiscoverytoday.com 447
  • 5. REVIEWS Drug Discovery Today Volume 15, Numbers 11/12 June 2010 Reviews INFORMATICS FIGURE 3 Schematic representation of the relationship between the full pharmacophore map identified by the structure-based approach and the pharmacophore models established by the ligand-based method. The upper schematically shows the chemical features in the ligand-binding site of a macromolecular target. The middle indicates the various pharmacophore models established by a ligand-based pharmacophore modeling method. The lower schematically depicts several possible cases in pharmacophore-based virtual screening. A tick (H) means that the selected molecule conforms to the requirements of pharmacophore and the shape of ligand-binding site. A cross (Â) indicates that the selected molecule does not satisfy the requirements of either pharmacophore or the shape of ligand-binding site (because of the atomic bumping). and test set method have been suggested, which were reviewed addition, most of the interactions between ligand and protein are recently by Triballeau et al. [43]. The validation process is usually distance sensitive – particularly the short-range interactions, such associated with model optimization. Lately, Sun et al. [44] have as the electrostatic interaction, for which a pharmacophore model developed a genetic algorithm-guided pharmacophore query opti- is difficult to account for. An efficient approach is the synergistic mization program, in which the optimization is carried out by combination of pharmacophore-based VS and docking-based VS. automatically adjusting the position and tolerance radius of each Because inherent limitations of each of these screening techniques pharmacophoric feature. The final query has been validated by are not easily resolved, their combination in a hybrid protocol can using a test set method, which shows a considerably improved hit help to mutually compensate for these limitations and capitalize rate. Second, because the pharmacophore model used for 3D query on their mutual strengths. Various combined virtual screening is generally one of the subgraphs of the full pharmacophore map, strategies and their validity have been well reviewed by Talevi et al. screening with this pharmacophore query might not retrieve [47], Kirchmair et al. [48] and Muegge [49]. This approach has also molecules that match other subgraphs except for the selected been routinely used in our group, with which we have successfully one, which is probably an important reason for the higher false obtained several real hits validated experimentally for inhibition negative rate in some studies (Fig. 3). Third, the flexibility of target against protein kinases Aurora-A [50], Syk [51] and ALK5 [52]. macromolecule in pharmacophore approaches is handled by introducing a tolerance radius for each pharmacophoric feature, Pharmacophore-based de novo design which is unlikely to fully account for macromolecular flexibility in Besides the pharmacophore-based VS described above, another some cases. Some recent attempts [45,46] to incorporate molecular application of pharmacophore is de novo design of ligands. The dynamics simulations in pharmacophore modeling have sug- compounds obtained from pharmacophore-based VS are usually gested that the dynamics pharmacophore models generated from existing chemicals, which might be patent protected. In contrast MD simulation trajectories show considerably better representa- to pharmacophore-based VS, the de novo design approach can be tion of the flexibility of pharmacophore. used to create completely novel candidate structures that conform Another factor that might lead to the high false positive rate is to the requirements of a given pharmacophore. The first pharma- that the steric restriction by the macromolecular target is not cophore-based de novo design program is NEWLEAD [53], which sufficiently considered in pharmacophore models, although it is uses as input a set of disconnected molecular fragments that are partly counted for by the consideration of excluded volumes. In consistent with a pharmacophore model, and the selected sets of 448 www.drugdiscoverytoday.com
  • 6. Drug Discovery Today Volume 15, Numbers 11/12 June 2010 REVIEWS disconnected pharmacophore fragments are subsequently con- Concluding remarks nected by using linkers (such as atoms, chains or ring moieties). Pharmacophore approaches have evolved to be one of the most Actually, NEWLEAD can only handle the cases in which the successful concepts in medicinal chemistry through the collective pharmacophore features are concrete functional groups (not efforts of many researchers in the past century. In particular, con- abstract chemical features). Other shortcomings of the NEWLEAD siderable progress of pharmacophore technology in the past two program include that the sterically forbidden region of the binding decades has made pharmacophore approaches one of the main tools site is not considered and that, as in traditional de novo design in drug discovery. Despite the advances in key techniques of phar- programs, the compounds created by the NEWLEAD program macophore modeling, there is still room for further improvement to might be difficult to chemically synthesize. Other programs such derive more accurate and optimal pharmacophore models, which Reviews INFORMATICS as LUDI4 and BUILDER [54] can also be used to combine identi- include better handling of ligand flexibility, more efficient mole- fication of structure-based pharmacophore with de novo design. cular alignment algorithms and more accurate model optimization. They, however, need the knowledge of 3D structures of the macro- Lower efficiency (computational time cost) and poor effect (lower molecular targets. hit rate) of pharmacophore-based VS seriously obstructs the appli- To overcome drawbacks of the current pharmacophore-based de cations of pharmacophore in drug discovery. The former, however, novo design software, we have developed a new program, PhDD (a will be further reduced and diminished by the increasing capacity pharmacophore-based de novo design method of drug-like mole- and reducing cost of computer hardware. ‘Synergistic’ combination cules) [55]. PhDD can automatically generate drug-like molecules of pharmacophore method and other molecular modeling that satisfy the requirements of an input pharmacophore hypoth- approaches such as docking is a good strategy to further improve esis. The pharmacophore used in PhDD can be composed of a set of the effect. Compared with pharmacophore-based VS, pharmaco- abstract chemical features and excluded volumes that are the phore-based de novo design shows a unique advantage in building sterically forbidden region of the binding site. PhDD first generates completely novel hit compounds. In addition to virtual screening a set of new molecules that completely conform to the require- and de novo design, the applications of pharmacophore have also ments of the given pharmacophore model. Then a series of assess- been extended to lead optimization [56], multitarget drug design ments to the generated molecules are carried out, including [57], activity profiling [58] and target identification [59]. The assessments of drug-likeness, bioactivity and synthetic accessibil- increasing application ranges of pharmacophore, together with ity. PhDD was tested on three typical examples: pharmacophore success stories in drug discovery, enable further enrichment of hypotheses of histone deacetylase, CDK2 and HIV-1 integrase the pharmacophore concept and promote the development and inhibitors. The test results showed that PhDD was able to generate application of pharmacophore approaches. molecules with completely novel scaffolds. A similarity analysis with the use of Tanimoto coefficients demonstrated that the Appendix A. Supplementary data generated molecules should have similar biological functions to Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the existing inhibitors, although they are structurally different. the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2010.03.013. References 1 Ehrlich, P. (1909) Ueber den jetzigen Stand der Chemotherapie. Ber. Dtsch. Chem. 10 Martin, Y.C. (2000) DISCO: what we did right and what we missed. In Ges. 42, 17–47 ¨ Pharmacophore Perception, Development, and Use in Drug Design (Guner, O.F., ed.), pp. 2 Wermuth, C.G. et al. (1998) Glossary of terms used in medicinal chemistry (IUPAC 49–68, International University Line Recommendations 1997). Annu. Rep. Med. Chem. 33, 385–395 11 Jones, G. and Willet, P. (2000) GASP: genetic algorithm superimposition program. In ¨ 3 Gund, P. 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