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“Digital Marketing”
With special reference to
“ValueProp Corporate Solutions”
For the partial fulfilment of degree of


I, here by declare that this project report entitled “a study on digital marketing” at “ValueProp
Corporate Solutions” is bonafide record of Research Work done by me during 2010 for the partial
fulfilment of requirement of award of Master of Business Administration of JNTUH under the
guidance of

I also declare that the project work is either fully or partially have not previously formed the basis for the
award of any degree, diploma, fellowship or other similar title of any society or University.

I, declare that this project titled ―“Study on Digital Marketing” of
Solutions ‘

‘ValueProp Corporate

in Ameerpeta Hyderabad under the guidance faculty guide, SathishManadava sir

company guide Value Prop Corporate Solutions , I further declare that this is my original work
as part of my academic course.


1.1.Company profile
1.2.Introduction to Digital marketing.
1.3 Objective of study
1.4.Scope of study

2.1.Advantages of Digital marketing
2.2.History of Digital marketing
2.3.Overview of Digital marketing
2.4.Strategies in Digital marketing

3.1. Bussiness strategies in Digital marketing
3.2. Digital marketing tools and benfits
3.3.Digital marketing trends for the year 2010

4.1.Bussiness models in Internet maketing
4.2.Advantages and limits of Internet marketing
4.3.6 Effects of Internet marketing on industries

5.1. Key definitions
5.2.Source of confusion in Web analytics
5.3.Web analytics methods
5.1.6.Five steps to online karketing success

5.2.1.Comarission to the traditional marketing
5.2.2.Opt-in e-mail advertising
5.2.3.Legal requirements

6.1.Market structure
6.2.History of SEM

7.1.History of SEO
7.2.Relationships with search engines
7.3.SEO methods

8.2.Types of Mobile ads
8.3.Handset display and corresponding ad images
8.4.Mobile as media
8.5.Mobile device issues
9.1.History of SMS
9.2.Comparission between SMS marketing and Traditional marketing

11.1 Methodology
11.2 Data Collection
11.3 sources of data
11.4 Area of Sampling
Bibliography :
Value Prop Corporate Solutions
"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can
overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is
yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to
travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure."- Mary
Kay Ash

About Value Prop
Value Prop Corporate Solutions, a start up proprietary enterprise, on its own and through a
web of consultants & tie-ups operates in different business segments which are detailed in
the ‘services’ division. ‘Value Prop’ is the shorter version word ‘Value Proposition’, which
means ‘an analysis and quantified review of the benefits, costs and value that organizations
can deliver to customers.’ For Value Prop customer interest is the top priority. Each client
will have his own requirement and we cater to their needs in the customized pattern. Value
Prop believes and takes pride in maintaining strategic long-term relationship with the clients.

Value Prop’s Team
Satish Mandava-Founder,Associate Financial Planner
Krishna Pradeep Lingala - technical analyst,
Yasaswy Devineni - business development manager


Research Services - Commodities

Practical Education in Financial Markets


Placement Services


Commodities Trading


Internet and Digital Solutions


Digital Marketing


Proprietary Web Portals


Web Site Designing


Domain/ Domain Hosting


Customized SMS Solutions

Introduction of digital marketing:
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital
distribution channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The basic
advantage in this form of advertising lies in its low cost model
Digital Marketing can be classified into Pull and Push marketing.
Pull digital marketing technologies involve the user having to seek out and directly grab (or
pull) the content via web searches. Web site/blogs and streaming media (audio and video)
are good examples of this. In each of these examples, users have a specific link (URL) to
view the content.
Push digital marketing technologies involve both the marketer (creator of the message) as
well as the recipients (the user). Email, SMS, RSS are examples of push digital marketing.
In each of these examples, the marketer has to send (push) the messages to the users
(subscribers) in order for the message to be received.
Web Site Designing
Value Prop through its tie up venture www.hanuinfo.com offers a complete package
of affordable website design and ecommerce web development. From the initial process of
taking inputs from clients, planning on the basis of such inputs to final implementation and
testing – all are done using latest web designing techniques and skills. Our services have the
advantage of offering clarity in its design style, which is backed up with an easy and free
flowing content and latest technical know-how. Not only we provide affordable web site
design and ecommerce web development services but also search engine friendly designs.
Our Service Includes

Website Design


Website Redesign


Shopping Cart Web Design


Detailed and Advanced Page Layout


Custom Logo Design


Banner Ads


Custom Graphics Design using advanced design tools.

Push Pull strategy:
A push-pull-system in business describes the movement of a product or information between
two subjects. On markets the consumers usually "pulls" the goods or information they
demand for their needs, while the offerers or suppliers "pushes" them toward the
consumers. In logistic chains or supply chains the stages are operating normally both in
push- and pull-manner.[5] The interface between push-based stages and pull-based stages are
called push-pull boundary or decoupling point.[5]

 1 Marketing
1.1 Push strategy
1.2 Pull strategy
 2 Supply chains
 3 Push Pull Music Marking Future
 4 See also
1.1 Push strategy

Another meaning of the push strategy in marketing can be found in the communication
between seller and buyer. In dependence of the used medium, the communication can
be either interactive or non-interactive. For example, if the seller makes his promotion
by television or radio, it's not possible for the buyer to interact with. On the other hand,
if the communication is made by phone or internet, the buyer has possibilities to
interact with the seller. In the first case information is just "pushed" toward the buyer,
while in the second case it is possible for the buyer to demand the needed information
according to his requirements.


Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is relatively


Production & distribution decisions are based on long term forecasts


Based on past orders received from retailer’s warehouse (may lead to Bullwhip effect)


Inability to meet changing demand patterns


Large and variable production batches


Unacceptable service levels


Excessive inventories due to the need for large safety stocks


less expenditure on advertising than pull strategy

1.2 Pull strategy

In a "pull" system the consumer requests the product and "pulls" it through the delivery
channel. An example of this is the car manufacturing company Ford Australia. Ford
Australia only produces cars when they have been ordered by the customers.


Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is high


Production and distribution are demand driven


No inventory, response to specific orders


Point of sale (POS) data comes in handy when shared with supply chain partners


Decrease in lead time


Difficult to implement
Supply chains

With a push-based supply chain, products are pushed through the channel, from the
production side up to the retailer. The manufacturer sets production at a level in
accord with historical ordering patterns from retailers. It takes longer for a pushbased supply chain to respond to changes in demand, which can result in
overstocking or bottlenecks and delays (the bullwhip effect), unacceptable service
levels and product obsolescence.


In a pull-based supply chain, procurement, production and distribution are demanddriven so that they are coordinated with actual customer orders, rather than forecast


A supply chain is almost always a combination of both push and pull, where the
interface between the push-based stages and the pull-based stages is known as the
push–pull boundary.[5] An example of this would be Dell's build to order supply
chain. Inventory levels of individual components are determined by forecasting
general demand, but final assembly is in response to a specific customer request. The
push-pull boundary would then be at the beginning of the assembly line.

Objectives of digital marketing:

Lead generation/quick response /conversion


Increase awareness/visibility/brand building


Drive traffic/engage people/easily accessible


Cost effective


Effective to target youth

Chapter 2
Advantages of Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing has proven recession-proof in the times of global economic
slowdown. Digital marketing strategies gave a respite to marketing companies during
recession when traditional marketing tools proved helpless.


Digital media marketing strategies are far more cost-effective than the traditional
marketing media tools.


Online marketing strategies don’t require long-standing commitments. Instead,
online media marketing tools like PPC ads can be changed on a daily basis.


Online media marketing output is easily trackable. Digital marketing media
strategies have a high degree of measurability. Thus, designing a target-oriented
digital media marketing program becomes easier.


Digital media marketing has transformed the marketing industry. Online marketing
includes use of mobile phone and internet technology provides a cheap medium to
establish direct contact with the customers.


Digital media marketing tools are more accessible. Therefore, the rate of response is
far higher in comparison to the traditional media.


Focused digital media marketing campaigns most likely attract the prospects that
later convert into leads.


Cost-effective nature and target-oriented approach of online marketing strategies
enable the digital media marketer to hit the prospects regularly and repeatedly. This
helps in leaving a long-lasting impact on the marketing clients



DMX512 Market Overview and Analysis-Aarkstore Company

Announced our plans to release a summary report, highlighting market trends and
analysis DMX5controllers and components / devices.


This Executive White Paper will focus on the competitive environment with the
profiles of competition, the share and market analysis.


The report will also provide ElectroniCast's market review and forecast (2009-2014)
the number of units, prices average sales (ASPs) and the value of consumption for
DMX512 controllers.


Forecasting trends in communication networks and products and components used in
networks. Conducts studies and provides forecasts on products industries worldwide
network. This includes technology forecasting, markets and applications forecasting
strategic planning, competitive analysis and sales and marketing consultation.

History of digital marketing:

major Search Engines are always evolving, and organizations involved in SEO do
have to be able to adapt their strategies quickly and effectively to keep getting results


The history of Digital Marketing is to a large extent a product of the history of the
Internet in general and Search Engines in particular, as marketers have adapted to
keep abreast of changes and keep up with the way the major Search Engines rank
web pages. Major changes include, in chronological order:


1991 - Introduction of a network protocol called "Gopher", one of the very first
network query and search tools. Gopher was for a couple of years widely used, but
usage has now fallen off, with barely 100 Gopher servers now indexed.


1994 - Launch of Yahoo, which was formerly known as "Jerry's Guide to the World
Wide Web" after one of its founders, Jerry Yang. Within its first year, Yahoo
received over 1 million hits. Lycos also launched in 1994. The same year saw the
first meeting of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which is now the main
international standards body for the Internet, and which sets many of the architecture
and coding standards that Search Engines use when assigning a quality score to a
website. It was also about this time that companies first began optimizing their
websites to attain higher Search Engine rankings.

1995 - Launch of Infoseek, a popular early Search Engine that has since closed down.
Launch of Inktomi, which has since been acquired by Yahoo. AltaVista became the
exclusive provider of search results to Yahoo in 1995; but this situation has now been
reversed, with AltaVista currently using Yahoo technology. Also in 1995, Excite
acquired two Search Engines (Magellan and WebCrawler) and went public.


1996 - More new Search Engines and search tools launched, including HotBot,
LookSmart and Alexa.


1998 - The launch of even more Search Engines, with some big new names appearing
for the first time. Google was incorporated as a private company in September 1996
by Larry Page and Segey Brin; 8 years later when Google went public it was valued
at US$23 billion. Microsoft launched its MSN Search Engine in 1998, whilst Yahoo
launched Yahoo Web Search.


2001 - The Internet bubble burst, wiping out a number of smaller Search Engines and
leaving the field free for more successful organizations such as Google and Yahoo to
consolidate their position.


2004 - The first Web 2.0 Conference was held, at which a new direction for the
Internet was mapped out, with an emphasis on user-generated content and openness
of information. An explosion in the number of websites meant that Google's index
contained over 8 billion web pages by 2004.


2006 - Search Engine traffic grew to an astonishing 6.4 billion searches in the month
of March alone. Microsoft launched Live Search, to replace MSN Search and to
compete with Google and Yahoo. New hybrid websites combining both directories
and online articles first appeared, among them DexterB.com, a clear indication of the
rising importance of syndicated content in Digital Marketing. 2006 also saw one of

the biggest upsets in SEO history, when Google banned BMW Germany and
Ricoh.de for one week for using "black-hat" SEO techniques.


2007 - The rise of Social Media is currently changing the landscape of the Internet,
with the predictions of the first Web 2.0 conference now becoming a reality as usergenerated content becomes increasingly important, influencing both consumer
opinion and Search Engine rankings. The way users access the Internet is also
changing, with mobile devices becoming increasingly prevalent, allowing Internet
usage on the move.
Strategies in digital marketing:
Two basic digital marketing strategies used by current and potential customers. These
two types of digital marketing are called the “Push” and the “Pull.” Their
methodology for providing information to customers works as follows:

Pull digital marketing – the customer seeks information about products and/or services by
visiting the company’s sources f information searching for the specific product or service

They are basically requesting to view this specific content. These are typically located
in websites, blogs, streaming audio and video sources. Customers have found related
information on other websites or been directed to the company’s sources by a referring
website to find the information.

Push digital marketing – customers are provided information by receiving or viewing
€advertisements digitally, such as: SMS, RSS, cellphone calls, etc., as subscribers of the
latest product and service information provided by the company.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example:
Pull advantages – no restrictions on file size, no opt-in requirements, and low
technology requirements for the company.


Pull disadvantages – marketing required, little tracking of visitors, and no
personalization to keep the visitors coming back.


Push advantages – personalization of messages, high conversation rate, and detailed
tracking of customer choices.


Push disadvantages – requires Can Spam Act 2003 compliance, most customers must
opt-in, can be blocked, simply opt-out, and requires delivery technology
Chapter 3
Business strategies:

Proven Recession Proof Home Business Marketing System


Online Small Business Marketing


Physicians Use Social Media To Generate Business


SEO Or SEM Deciphering Online Marketing Double Speak


Common problems in implementing of Digital marketing strategies:

Lack of understanding what image they are trying to project


No path to acquire and grow an audience


No cohesion of content


Placating executives by executing their bad ideas


Living and dying by data


Having to dumb things things down for the team


Trying to reach the wrong group


Misunderstanding the importance of content


No plan to actually reach anyone in the first place


No difference from others


. Lack of influencers on your team


No forming of relationships/alliances

Tools and benefits of digital marketing:

. Digital Marketing in broader terms is the practice of promoting products and
services using digital distribution Medium to reach to maximum consumers in a
timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner.

Tools or Channels:
1) Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Delicious)

When you social network, you can prescreen potential customers. You learn what
your prospects like and what they don’t. That personal relationship you gain when
you connect with your potential customer is more valuable than what you would get
had you advertised.


The Most Important Features that attracts the most in Social Networks are a Profile ,
A Profile Image, Instant Chatting with friends and people in the Network, scalability
to add and interact with like-minded people, Groups discussion etc.


Social Networks like facebook, twitter, Myspace, Delicious, technorati etc has
become the most important social Networks that once should explore with great
Interest. The Most Important part of Social Network Marketing is that they allow a
lot more space and functionality to market a person, product or services to greater

Social networking web sites:

Yahoo :
Twitter :


hi 5:

Ning :

Top 20 Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | July 2010:
1 | facebook
2 - eBizMBA Rank | 250,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2 - Compete Rank | 2 Quantcast Rank | 2 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

2 | MySpace
16 - eBizMBA Rank | 122,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 16 - Compete Rank |
16 - Quantcast Rank | 17 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

3 | twitter
27 - eBizMBA Rank | 80,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 39 - Compete Rank | 31
- Quantcast Rank | 11 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

4 | LinkedIn
47 - eBizMBA Rank | 50,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 61 - Compete Rank | 50
- Quantcast Rank | 29 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

5 | Ning
143 - eBizMBA Rank | 42,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 180 - Compete Rank |
120 - Quant cast Rank | 128 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websites | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA
6 | Tagged
225 - eBizMBA Rank | 30,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 382 - Compete Rank |
151 - Quantcast Rank | 141 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

7 | classmates
228 - eBizMBA Rank | 29,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 487 - Compete Rank |
*425* - Quantcast Rank | 969 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

8 | hi5
479 - eBizMBA Rank | 27,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 983 - Compete Rank |
392 - Quantcast Rank | 62 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

9 | my yearbook
617 - eBizMBA Rank | 12,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 522 - Compete Rank |
293 - Quantcast Rank | 1,036 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

10 | Meet up
635 - eBizMBA Rank | 8,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 644 - Compete Rank |
732 - Quantcast Rank | 528 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

11 | bebo
655 - eBizMBA Rank | 7,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 944 - Compete Rank |
434 - Quantcast Rank | 588 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

12 | mylife
865 - eBizMBA Rank | 6,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 118 - Compete Rank |
688 - Quantcast Rank | 1,789 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

13 | friendster
955 - eBizMBA Rank | 5,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,920 - Compete Rank |
643 - Quantcast Rank | 301 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

14 | myHeritage
1,097 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,800,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 707 - Compete Rank |
595 - Quantcast Rank | 1,989 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

15 | Multiply
1,136 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,600,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,446 - Compete
Rank | 677 - Quantcast Rank | 285 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

16 | orkut
1,303 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,219 - Compete
Rank | *1,630* - Quantcast Rank | 59 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA
17 | badoo
1,329 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,400,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 3,187 - Compete
Rank | *650* - Quantcast Rank | 152 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

18 | gaiaonline
1,334 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,350,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,781 - Compete
Rank | 733 - Quantcast Rank | 1,489 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

19 | BlackPlanet
1,952 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,322 - Compete
Rank | *1,721* - Quantcast Rank | 2,814 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

20 | SkyRock
2866 eBizMBA Rank | 3,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |7,380 - Compete Rank
| *980* - Quantcast Rank | 237 - Alexa Rank.
Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA

2) Article Marketing
 Article Marketing has become one of the most essential tools of online Marketing.
 Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles
related to their respective industry.
 With the rise of internet marketing, article marketing has subsequently moved up on
the ladder and made a move to the online world as well.
 As in traditional forms of media, online article marketing has served the dual role of
providing publishers with what amounts to free content, and advertisers with
similarly free advertising.

3) Blog
 Blogging evolved to be as the most important tool of digital Marketing over the
Internet which gives a target Audience.
 A blog or weblog is an online diary of events arranged in reverse chronological
order. The author of a blog is known as a blogger and writing or maintaining a blog
is referred to as blogging.
 An individual entry or article is called a post and is available in the form of a blog
page for the public to read.
 A blog may have a commentary box for readers to leave comments or opinions.
These comments act as stimulus for further conversations.

4) RSS

RSS is a new Face of Online Marketing/ Digital Marketing. RSS emerged as a
creative idea to share the Internet Information with its freshness as Information on
Internet became huge to search and distribute.

RSS (“Really Simple Syndication” or “Rich Site Summery”), is widely used to
deliver content to your website users without any restriction.


Using RSS for result oriented marketing can help you integrate your website with
your other marketing initiatives, develop winning strategies to drive targeted users to
your site and in the process increase overall traffic and sales.

5) Online Brand Monitoring

The internet provides an opportunity for your customers and potential customers to
talk freely about your business, your services, your brands and your products through
the proliferation of blogs, forums, chat rooms, community , groups , discussion, and
news sites.


These tools are specifically used to Monitor a brand and its maintain its reputation on
the internet.


Online Brand Monitoring has really become a key ingredient in Online Marketing
6) SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the traffic of visitors
to the website from search engines via organic means using different algorithms via
natural or un-paid ways


Most Popular SEO platforms are Google and Yahoo Search Engines. People perform
various strategies to appear on the front pages of theses search engines which are
widely used by customers all over the world.


Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more
visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of
search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific
vertical search engines.


This gives a web site web presence.

7) PPC (aka search engine advertising)

Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on websites for
Advertisement, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked.


With search engines like Google and Yahoo, advertisers typically bid on keyword
phrases relevant to their target market.


Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding

Pay Per Click has become the most popular Advertisement Model for website
owners to get target traffic or clicks to their website and pay accordingly per click. A
wide range of PPC strategies are used on the Internet to get maximum result through
PPC Campaign.

9) E-mail

With the high use of internet worldwide, e-mail marketing has become the easiest
way to promote your business worldwide.


It is considered as the most quickest and reliable way of promoting a business


Email Marketing is the most cheapest and efficient way to promote products &
10) Wiki

Wikipedia has become the source for knowledge on anything from scientific facts to
iconic pop culture art.


It started as an Encyclopedia but later proved to be an ocean for getting information
of various and diverse topics that exists in the Universe.


Wiki Marketing started in a way that people posted information about then or their
business and made editable pages.


There are ways to promote your business on Wikipedia. In Wiki Marketing You
can’t be as straightforward as you are in your landing page or banner ad, but there is
a way to tap into the marketing potential of this unparalleled source of information.

11) Website

A website is the best place to put the Information about a business and could be
easily available all the time when a user can access internet. Website has become the
virtual office of a business over the internet and has become must to have if you
want to survive in the hard-shell completive business world.


People are spending huge Investment for the design, development, updating and
promotion of a website. A highly Interactive, Informative and


user centric Website is in heavy demand

12) Banner Ads

When Internet Marketing Started and was in infancy, Banner marketing evolved like
a major player on the internet.


Banner Advertisement proved to be really popular task in Digital Marketing as they
allowed campaignstobeplanned,evaluated,within a matter of days instead of weeks.

Business on the Internet developed with these ads and publishing them with various
strategy involvements like PAY-PER-CLICK, Click through rates, Statistical
Analysis etc. Banner Ads also proved to be the Most Important Factor in building
huge and rapid traffic.

13) Instant Messaging through Mobile Phones

Instant Messengers are very popular on computers, now with the advancement of
cellular technology it has become possible to connect to MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ and
other instant messenger services through mobile phones.


Instant Messaging allows a target user to see the benefits or products & Services
Instantly creating an Impact on the user. Instant Messaging has really proved to be a
winner in Marketing World and is getting high exposure worldwide.

14) SMS/ MMS

Short Message Service became available in 1996 for the first time for commercial use.
Since then it has become a very useful tool to Promote Products & Services worldwide.


The use of SMS will continue to grow as companies turn the service into a critical
business function.

One of the most important features of SMS/Text messaging is the ability to
immediately reach a customer anywhere and its low cost offer the ability to reach
customers (external and


Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2010:

As 2010 fast approaches, digital marketers are gearing up for yet another r of
changes that will incorporate both the transformational and the incremental.


From the economy's influence on the burgeoning "do-it-yourself" culture to an
increasing reliance on collective wisdom, information-based art, and remote
computing, digital experts have put together the following list of top digital
marketing trends they believe will play out in the year ahead.

1. Facebook Replaces Personal Email: As Facebook becomes increasingly used as a
verb (e.g."I Facebooked you today") in ways that Hotmail and gmail never were, it will
be interesting to see the extent to which it will displace personal email as a
communication tool. It’s already completely permission based, there is no spam (yet),
and no address book required - your friends are already there.
2. The Cloud Helps Open-Source Software Make Proper Money: Open-source
software projects that were typically the purview of programmers and technophiles are
now available to the masses.

In one example, Beanstalk, a fully hosted, version-controlled code repository that
uses the Subversion open-source project has created a subscription based service that
- for a small fee - removes the hassle of setting up Subversions and maintaining


Services like this can really only be financially viable with cloud computing
infrastructure - so companies such as Beanstalk don't have the huge upfront capital
outlay for servers.


With the right skills any open-source project can be commercialized this way.

3. Mobile Commerce - The Promise That Has Never Delivered, Yet: Though mobile
phones have, for a while now, delivered real benefits to global societies by facilitating
the transfer of money, only recently has mobile device use extended to payment for
goods and services. The game changer has - and will continue to be - the iPhone/iTunes
platform. In-app purchases on the iPhone can tempt users to buy small items, upgrades,
updates, etc, while iTunes holds their precious credit card information. All, of course, is
done in seamless fashion, enough to promote impulse purchases. It would seem like an
easy task for this to be extended to other platforms with PayPal or Google Checkout, but
so far it has not been done.
4. Fewer Registrations - One Sign-in Fits All: As consumers grow increasingly
frustrated and resentful about registering yet again on another website, juggling different
IDs and remembering a dizzying array of passwords, information-managing services
such as Facebook Connect and OpenID will becoming even more useful and will
continue to be adopted at great speed through 2010.
5. Disruption vs. Continuity - Alternatives to the "Big Idea": As the significance of
social networks continues to grow, businesses are investing more in community building
as a marketing driver. According to the recent Tribalization of Business study released
by Deloitte, 94% of businesses will continue or increase their investment in online
communities and social media and, for the majority of these companies, their marketing
function will drive this investment. At the same time, as evidenced by Google's recent
release of "free floating" social tools, such as Google Waves and Sidewiki, there is an
increasing shift toward online identity and social activity being an integrated part of the
network as a whole, rather than concentrated within discrete platforms such as
 With the increasing emphasis on marketing and advertising through social networks
and the increasing pervasiveness of social tools, marketing objectives come into
conflict with advertising techniques.
6. Self-Sufficiency: The Continuing Evolution of Web-Driven, Open-Source
DIY Culture:

Much has been said about the power and potential of collective intelligence, and many
of the breakthrough solutions of tomorrow appear to lie in more effectively pooling the
resources and intelligence of our increasingly networked world. On the other side of
the equation, the power of pooled intelligence and networked resources has empowered
individuals to take on more and more complex undertakings themselves.


From drawing on the collective intelligence of blogs and university open courseware to
educate themselves, to services like ponoko, spoonflower and cafe press that facilitate
small-scale production, to offline resource pooling like pop- up retail and collective
office spaces, individuals are discovering that it has never been easier to try doing it
7. Info-Art: Where we once had pop-psychologists and pop-philosophers, we now
appear to have pop-statisticians and pop-economists. The growing wealth of data and
the access to rich and diverse data sources that are significant by-products of
information networks have made the art of data analysis a defining skill of our time.
8. Crowd Sourcing: Across many industries and organizations, crowd sourcing will
become a growing tool as part of various outsourcing strategies. Organizations will
mobilize the passionate special-interest groups to not only carry a message but also
to lead and take part in activities on their behalf. From political canvassing to
software development, from people journalism to environmental activism, expect to
see huge growth in crowdsourcing models provoked and led, in large part, by digital
social media strategies.
9. More Flash, Not Less: Outside of the obvious brand sites, micro-sites and media
sites (video, games, etc.) where it appears absolutely necessary, Flash has often been
looked down upon if not completely discounted by both techies and search engine
optimizers. It seemed to face an uncertain future as a viable tool for serious websites
Internet marketing:

Internet marketing, also referred to as i-marketing, web-marketing, onlinemarketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or e-Marketing, is the marketing of
products or services over the Internet.


The Internet has brought media to a global audience. The interactive nature of
Internet marketing in terms of providing instant response and eliciting responses, is a
unique quality of the medium.


Internet marketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope because it not
only refers to the Internet, e-mail, and wireless media, but it includes management of
digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM)


Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet,
including: design, development, advertising, and sales.


Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media along many different stages
of the customer engagement cycle through search engine marketing (SEM),


search engine optimization (SEO),


banner ads on specific websites,


e-mail marketing,

In 2008 The New York Times, working with comScore, published an initial estimate
to quantify the user data collected by large Internet-based companies.


Counting four types of interactions with company websites in addition to the hits
from advertisements served from advertising networks, the authors found the
potential for collecting data upward of 2,500 times on average per user per month.

Bussiness models of d.m:
Internet marketing is associated with several business models:

e-commerce — this is where goods are sold directly to consumers (B2C) or businesses


Publishing — this is the sale of advertising


lead-based websites — this is an organization that generates value by acquiring sales
leads from its website


Affiliate marketing — this is the process in which a product or service developed by
one person is sold by other active sellers for a share of profits. The owner of the
product normally provide some marketing material (sales letter, affiliate link, tracking


local internet marketing - this is the process of a locally based company traditionally
selling belly to belly and utilizing the Internet to find and nurture relationships, later to
take those relationships offline.


black hat marketing - this is a form of internet marketing which employs deceptive,
abusive, or less than truthful methods to drive web traffic to a website or affiliate
marketing offer. This method sometimes includes spam, cloaking within search engine
result pages, or routing users to pages they didn't initially request.


There are many other business models based on the specific needs of each person or
the business that launches an Internet marketing campaign.

Advantages and limits of digital marketing:

Internet marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against
the reach of the target audience.


Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising
budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase
products and services at their own convenience.


Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that
can bring results quickly.


The strategy and overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns depend on business
goals and cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis.


Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and
inexpensively. Nearly all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced,
measured, and tested.


The advertisers can use a variety of methods: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per
play, or pay per action. Therefore, marketers can determine which messages or
offerings are more appealing to the audience.


The results of campaigns can be measured and tracked immediately because online
marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, visit a website,
and perform a targeted action.


Such measurement cannot be achieved through billboard advertising, where an
individual will at best be interested, then decide to obtain more information at a later


Because exposure, response, and overall efficiency of Internet media are easier to track
than traditional off-line media—through the use of web analytics for instance—Internet
marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers.


Marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the
collaborative effects of marketing (i.e., how the Internet affects in-store sales) rather
than siloing each advertising medium.

The effects of multichannel marketing can be difficult to determine, but are an
important part of ascertaining the value of media campaigns.


Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies rather than traditional


Low-speed Internet connections are another barrier. If companies build large or overlycomplicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet via dial-up connections or
mobile devices experience significant delays in content delivery.


From the buyer's perspective, the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or "try on"
tangible goods before making an online purchase can be limiting. However, there is an
industry standard for e-commerce vendors to reassure customers by having liberal
return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services.


A survey of 410 marketing executives listed the following barriers to entry for large
companies looking to market online: insufficient ability to measure impact, lack of
internal capability, and difficulty convincing senior management.[2]

Effects :

The number of banks offering the ability to perform banking tasks over the internet has
also increased.


Online banking appeals to customers because it is often faster and considered more
convenient than visiting bank branches.


Currently over 150 million U.S. adults now bank online, with increasing Internet
connection speed being the primary reason for fast growth in the online banking
industryOf those individuals who use the Internet, 44 percent now perform banking
activities over the Internet.


Internet auctions have become a multi-billion dollar business. Unique items that could
only previously be found at flea markets are now being sold on Internet auction
websites such as eBay.

Specialized e-stores sell an almost endless amount of items ranging from antiques,
movie props, clothing, gadgets and much more.


As the premier online reselling platform, eBay is often used as a price-basis for
specialized items.


Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets; the
price shown on eBay often becomes the item's selling price. It is increasingly common
for flea market vendors to place a targeted advertisement on the Internet for each item
they are selling online, all while running their business out of their homes.

Web analytics:

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data
for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.


Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool
for business research and market research.


Web analytics applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional
print advertising campaigns.


It helps one to estimate how the traffic to the website changed after the launch of a new
advertising campaign.


Web analytics provides data on the number of visitors, page views etc to gauge the
popularity of the sites which will help to do the market research.


There are two categories of web analytics; off-site and on-site web analytics.

Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you
own or maintain a website.

It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of
voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole.

On-site web analytics measure a visitor's journey once on your website. This includes its
drivers and conversions; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a

On-site web analytics measures the performance of your website in a commercial
context. This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for
performance, and used to improve a web site or marketing campaign's audience

Historically, web analytics has referred to on-site visitor measurement. However in
recent years this has blurred, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span
both categories.


The remainder of this article concerns on-site web analytics.

There are no globally agreed definitions within web analytics as the industry bodies have been
trying to agree definitions that are useful and definitive for some time.
Hit - A request for a file from the web server. Available only in log analysis. The number of hits
received by a website is frequently cited to assert its popularity, but this number is extremely
misleading and dramatically over-estimates popularity. A single web-page typically consists of
multiple (often dozens) of discrete files, each of which is counted as a hit as the page is

Page view - A request for a file whose type is defined as a page in log analysis. An
occurrence of the script being run in page tagging. In log analysis, a single page view
may generate multiple hits as all the resources required to view the page (images, .js
and .css files) are also requested from the web server.


Visit / Session - A visit is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely
identified client with a time of no more than 30 minutes between each page request.


A session is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely identified
client with a time of no more than 30 minutes and no requests for pages from other
domains intervening between page requests.


In other words, a session ends when someone goes to another site, or 30 minutes elapse
between pageviews, whichever comes first.


A visit ends only after a 30 minute time delay.


If someone leaves a site, then returns within 30 minutes, this will count as one visit but
two sessions.


In practise, most systems ignore sessions and many analysts use both terms for visits.

Because time between pageviews is critical to the definition of visits and sessions, a
single one pageview event does not constitute a visit or a session (it is a "bounce").


First Visit / First Session - A visit from a visitor who has not made any previous


Visitor / Unique Visitor / Unique User - The uniquely identified client generating
requests on the web server (log analysis) or viewing pages (page tagging) within a
defined time period (i.e. day, week or month). A Unique Visitor counts once within the
timescale.. Identification is made to the visitor's computer, not the person, usually via
cookie and/or IP+User Agent. Thus the same person visiting from two different
computers will count as two Unique Visitors.


Repeat Visitor - A visitor that has made at least one previous visit. The period
between the last and current visit is called visitor recency and is measured in days.


New Visitor - A visitor that has not made any previous visits. This definition creates a
certain amount of confusion (see common confusions below), and is sometimes
substituted with analysis of first visits.


Impression - An impression is each time an advertisement loads on a user's screen.
Anytime you see a banner, that is an impression.


Singletons - The number of visits where only a single page is viewed. While not a
useful metric in and of itself the number of singletons is indicative of various forms of
Click fraud as well as being used to calculate bounce rate and in some cases to identify
automatons bots).


Bounce Rate - The percentage of visits where the visitor enters and exits at the same
page without visiting any other pages on the site in between.


% Exit - The percentage of users who exit from a page.


Visibility time - The time a single page (or a blog, Ad Banner...) is viewed.


Session Duration - Average amount of time that visitors spend on the site each time
they visit. This metric can be complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not
measure the length of the final page view[8].


Page View Duration / Time on Page - Average amount of time that visitors spend on
each page of the site. As with Session Duration, this metric is complicated by the fact
that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view unless they
record a page close event, such as onUnload().

Active Time / Engagement Time - Average amount of time that visitors spend
actually interacting with content on a web page, based on mouse moves, clicks, hovers
and scrolls. Unlike Session Duration and Page View Duration / Time on Page, this
metric can accurately measure the length of engagement in the final page view.


Page Depth / Page Views per Session - Page Depth is the average number of page
views a visitor consumes before ending their session. It is calculated by dividing total
number of page views by total number of sessions and is also called Page Views per
Session or PV/Session.


Frequency Session per Unique - Frequency measures how often visitors come to a
website. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions (or visits) by the total
number of unique visitors. Sometimes it is used to measure the loyalty of your


Click path - the sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a
given site.


Click - "refers to a single instance of a user following a hyperlink from one page in a
site to another". A growing community of web site editors use click analytics to
analyze their web sites.

Site Overlay is a techniques in which graphical statistics are shown besides each link on the
Five Steps to Online Marketing Success:
Using competitive intelligence strategies and tools will be key to launching successful email
marketing campaigns in 2010, according to a new white paper from Compete.
In the white paper "Five Simple Steps to Online Marketing Success," Compete recommends
that marketers take the five following steps to integrate competitive marketing into their
online campaigns, MarketingCharts reports.
1. Know the Competition:

First, Compete advises email marketers to create a list of competitors in their space
and identify the specific reasons each poses a competitive threat.


After identifying their competitive set, marketers are advised to dig into metrics and
figure out their standing in the ones that matter most.

Frequently used metrics include unique visitors, page views, time on site, average
stay, and pages per visit.


All of these will give marketers a sense of real norms for their competitive
landscape, thus allowing them to make logical business decisions and maximize

2. Cover Search Marketing Bases:

Increase search traffic and campaign performance through analysis of competitors'
search marketing trends and keywords.


In addition, using local web analytics tools, marketers can see what keywords are
sending traffic to their sites, how much of that traffic is paid as compared to natural,
and what percentage of traffic the individual search engines contribute to a site


Through optimization and testing of paid search campaigns, SEO keyword research,
and content creation, marketers can maximize conversions and increase search ROI.

3. Copying is a Sign of Flattery:

Identify what websites are sending competitors traffic and get in on the action.


Competition for web traffic will continue to grow as more everyday activities move


Just like there are a few keywords that drive most of the traffic to a site (the head) and
thousands of other keywords that drive a little (the long tail), traffic to websites works
much in the same way.


There are millions of websites out there, however only a small percentage account for
the bulk of traffic.


The relationships marketers forge with other online businesses can determine the fate of
their marketing success.

4. Fix Your Leaky Bucket:

Local web analytics tools will let marketers identify which websites are sending
traffic to their sites. Based on page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates, they
can easily identify which websites deliver the most benefit. Thinking of a website as
a bucket, using various marketing tactics, marketers can scoop up site visitors that
may be interested in their products or services.

Then by creating conversion funnels, they can attempt to lead users to perform a
specific action.

5. Stay on Top:

Marketers should monitor, set benchmarks, and realize how their site enhancements
and marketing strategies impact their competitors.


In order to stay on track and continue to grow their business, marketers need an
online marketing strategy that can adjust to ever-changing economic, technological,
and social environments.


Incorporating competitive intelligence into that marketing strategy can give them the
critical information they need to minimize risk and ensure success.

Email marketing:

E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means
of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience.


In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be
considered e-mail marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to:


sending e-mails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its
current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business,


sending e-mails with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current
customers to purchase something immediately,


adding advertisements to e-mails sent by other companies to their customers, and


sending e-mails over the Internet, as e-mail did and does exist outside the Internet (e.g.,
network e-mail and FIDO).


Researchers estimate that United States firms alone spent US$400 million on e-mail
marketing in 2006.


Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a form of Internet marketing that seeks to
promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs)
through the use of search engine optimization, paid placement, contextual advertising,
and paid inclusion..

Usage of the term "search engine marketing" has been inconsistent. The trade
association Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) includes
search engine optimization (SEO), and SEO is also included in the industry definitions
of SEM by Forrester Research, eMarketer, Search Engine Watch, and industry expert
Danny Sullivan.. However, the New York Times restricts the definition to 'the practice
of buying paid search listings'.

1 Market structure
2 History
3 Ethical questions
Market structure

In 2008, North American advertisers spent US$13.5 billion on search engine
marketing. The largest SEM vendors are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search
Marketing and Microsoft adCenter.


As of 2006, SEM was growing much faster than traditional advertising and even
other channels of online marketing.[4] Because of the complex technology, a
secondary "search marketing agency" market has evolved.


Many marketers have difficulty understanding the intricacies of search engine
marketing and choose to rely on third party agencies to manage their search


As the number of sites on the Web increased in the mid-to-late 90s, search engines
started appearing to help people find information quickly.


Search engines developed business models to finance their services, such as pay per
click programs offered by Open Textin 1996 and then Goto.com in 1998.


Goto.com later changed its name to Overture in 2001, and was purchased by Yahoo!
in 2003, and now offers paid search opportunities for advertisers through Yahoo!
Search Marketing.

Google also began to offer advertisements on search results pages in 2000 through
the Google AdWords program. By 2007, pay-per-click programs proved to be
primary money-makersfor search engines.


In a market dominated by Google, in 2009 Yahoo! and Microsoft announced the
intention to forge an alliance. The Yahoo! & Microsoft Search Alliance eventually
received approval from regulators in the US and Europe in February 2010.


Some of the latest theoretical advances include Search Engine Marketing
Management (SEMM). SEMM relates to activities including SEO but focuses on
return on investment (ROI) management instead of relevant traffic building (as is the
case of mainstream SEO).

Ethical questions

Paid search advertising has not been without controversy, and the issue of how search
engines present advertising on their search result pages has been the target of a series
of studies and reports by Consumer Reports WebWatch.


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also issued a letter in 2002 about the importance
of disclosure of paid advertising on search engines, in response to a complaint from
Commercial Alert, a consumer advocacy group with ties to Ralph Nader.


Vested interests appear to use the expression SEM to mean exclusively Pay per click
advertising to the extent that the wider advertising and marketing community have
accepted this narrow definition. Such usage excludes the wider search marketing
community that is engaged in other forms of SEM such as Search Engine Optimization
and Search Retargeting.


Webmasters and content providers began optimizing sites for search engines in the
mid-1990s, as the first search engines were cataloging the early Web.


Initially, all a webmaster needed to do was submit the address of a page, or URL, to the
various engines which would send a "spider" to "crawl" that page, extract links to other
pages from it, and return information found on the page to be indexed.

The process involves a search engine spider downloading a page and storing it on the
search engine's own server, where a second program, known as an indexer, extracts
various information about the page, such as the words it contains and where these are
located, as well as any weight for specific words, and all links the page contains, which
are then placed into a scheduler for crawling at a later date.


Site owners started to recognize the value of having their sites highly ranked and
visible in search engine results, creating an opportunity for both white hat and black hat
SEO practitioners. According to industry analyst Danny Sullivan, the phrase "search
engine optimization" probably came into use in 1997.


Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as
the keyword meta tag, or index files in engines like ALIWEB.


Web content providers also manipulated a number of attributes within the HTML
source of a page in an attempt to rank well in search engines.


webmasters had already developed link building tools and schemes to influence the
Inktomi search engine, and these methods proved similarly applicable to gaming
PageRank. Many sites focused on exchanging, buying, and selling links, often on a
massive scale. Some of these schemes, or link farms, involved the creation of
thousands of sites for the sole purpose of link spamming.


By 2004, search engines had incorporated a wide range of undisclosed factors in their
ranking algorithms to reduce the impact of link manipulation. Google says it ranks sites
using more than 200 different signalsThe leading search engines, Google and Yahoo,
do not disclose the algorithms they use to rank pages.


Notable SEOs, such as Rand Fishkin, Barry Schwartz, Aaron Wall and Jill Whalen,
have studied different approaches to search engine optimization, and have published
their opinions in online forums and blogs.


SEO practitioners may also study patents held by various search engines to gain insight
into the algorithm


In 2005 Google began personalizing search results for each user. Depending on their
history of previous searches, Google crafted results for logged in users


in 2007 Google announced a campaign against paid links that transfer PageRank. On
June 15,

In 2008, Bruce Clay said that "ranking is dead" because of personalized search. It
would become meaningless to discuss how a website ranked


in 2009, Google disclosed that they had taken measures to mitigate the effects of
PageRank sculpting by use of the nofollow attribute on links.


Preventing crawling


White hat versus black hat


As a marketing strategy


International markets


Legal precedents:


Increasing prominence

Mobile advertising:
Mobile advertising is a form of advertising via mobile (wireless) phones or other mobile
devices. It is a subset of mobile marketing

Some see mobile advertising as closely related to online or internet advertising, though its
reach is far greater - currently, most mobile advertising is targeted at mobile phones, that
came estimably to a global total of 4.6 billion as of 2009.


Notably computers, including desktops and laptops, are currently estimated at 1.1 billion


It is probable that advertisers and media industry will increasingly take account of a bigger
and fast-growing mobile market, though it remains at around 1% of global advertising


Mobile media is evolving rapidly and while mobile phone will continue to be the mainstay,
it is not clear whether mobile phones based on cellular backhaul or smartphones based on
WiFi hot spot or WiMAX hot zone will also strengthen. However, such is the emergence
of this form of advertising, that there is now a dedicated global awards ceremony organised
every year by Visiongain.

As mobile phones outnumber TV sets by over 3 to 1, and PC based internet users by over 4
to 1, and the total laptop and desktop PC population by nearly 5 to 1, advertisers in many
markets have recently rushed to this media. In Spain 75% of mobile phone owners receive
ads, in France 62% and in Japan 54%.


D2 the biggest mobile advertising agency of Japan announced in November 2009 at the
Mobile Asia Congress, that mobile advertising was worth 900 million dollars in Japan


According to the research firm Berg Insight the global mobile advertising market that was
estimated to € 1 billion in 2008. Furthermore, Berg Insight forecasts the global mobile
advertising market to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 43 percent to € 8.7 billion
in 2014

Types of mobile ads

In some markets, this type of advertising is most commonly seen as a Mobile Web Banner
(top of page) or Mobile Web Poster (bottom of page banner), while in others, it is
dominated by SMS advertising (which has been estimated at over 90% of mobile
marketing revenue worldwide).


Other forms include MMS advertising, advertising within mobile games and mobile
videos, during mobile TV receipt, full-screen interstices, which appear while a requested
item of mobile content or mobile web page is loading up, and audio advertisements that
can take the form of a jingle before a voicemail recording, The Mobile Marketing
Association has published mobile advertising guidelines, but it is difficult to keep such
guidelines current in such a fast-developing area.

Handsets display and corresponding ad images:

There are hundreds of handsets in the market and they differ by screen size and
supported technologies (e.g. MMS, WAP 2.0). For color images, typically PNG, JPG,
GIF and BMP, with WBMP being the most basic communication.


Following gives an overview of various handset screen sizes and a recommended
image size for each type





Screen Size (px W x






Ad Size


Example Handsets












320 x 320

Palm Treo 700P, Nokia E70












240 x 320


Samsung MM-A900, LG VX-8500
Chocolate, Sony Ericsson W910i










176 x 208



Motorola ROKR E1













128 x 160

Motorola V195






Mobile as media

This unobtrusive two-way communications caught the attention of media industry and
advertisers as well as cellphone makers and telecom operators. Eventually, SMS
became a new media - called the seventh mass media channel by several media and
mobile experts - and even more, it is a two-way mobile media, as opposed to one-way
immobile media like radios, newspapers and TV.


Besides, the immediacy of responsiveness in this two-way media is a new territory
found for media industry and advertisers, who are eager to measure up market response


Additionally, the possibility of fast delivery of the messages and the ubiquity of the
technology (it does not require any additional functionality from the mobile phone, all
devices available today are capable of receiving SMS), make it ideal for time- and
location-sensitive advertising, such as customer loyalty offers (ex. shopping centres,
large brand stores), SMS promotions of events, etc.


To leverage this strength of SMS advertising, timely and reliable delivery of messages
is paramount, which is guaranteed by some SMS gateway providers.


Mobile media has begun to draw more significant attention from media giants and
advertising industry since the mid-2000s, based on a view that mobile media was to
change the way advertisements were made, and that mobile devices can form a new
media sector.


Despite this, revenues are still a small fraction of the advertising industry as a whole.
Informa reported that mobile advertising in 2007 was worth $2.2 billion.


This is less than 0.5% of the approximately $450 billion global advertising industry.

Mobile device issues

Coincidentally, however, mobile devices are encountering technological bottlenecks in
terms of battery life, formats, and safety issue


In a broad sense, mobile devices are categorically broken down into portable and
stationary equipment. Technically, mobile devices are categorized as below:


Handheld [portable]

Laptop, including ultraportable [portable]


Dashtop, including GPS navigation, satellite radio, and WiMAX-enabled dashtop
mobile payment platforms[fixed on dashboards]


The battery life and safety issues will perhaps combine to eventually push mobile
equipment’s inroads into vehicle dashtops.


However, satellite-based GPS navigation and satellite radio may already hit a snag
because of their part-time usage and technological hierarchy.


Put differently, people want more functions than GPS navigation and satellite radios.
The trend indicates an ongoing convergence into all-in-one dashtop mobile devices
incorporating GPS navigators, satellite radios, MP3 players, mobile TV, mobile
Internet, MVDER (vehicle black box), driving safety monitors, smartphones and even
video games.

Short Message Service:

Short Message Service is a universally available service that has become a key part of
people's lives from both personal and business perspectives.


Since its global launch at the end of 90’s, it has grown steadily before registering a
huge increase during the last two years.


This unprecedented growth is expected to jump to even higher levels especially with
businesses starting to realize the strategic importance of SMS as a medium for direct

SMS History:

When the Short Message Service emerged worldwide as an accidental success in 1999,
few believed that it would turn into the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective form
of one-to-one communication just a few years later.


The history of this social phenomenon is short, but record-breaking.


Its usage growth rate has soared about 800 percent for a period of six years!!! And
experts predict that this upward growth of SMS use will accelerate to even greater
levels, reaching almost 4 trillion messages sent annually within the upcoming five

Methodology is the systematic and objective identification, collection analysis,
dissemination, and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making
related to the identification and solution of problem.
During the course of conducting the study the information were gathered mainly
through the primary sources.


Conducting field survey by talking to the retailer and the methodology used in the
survey was personal observation and interview with the customer with the help of

• The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and
research design has been chalked out.

While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the
research should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and Secondary

a) Primary Data.
b) Secondary Data.
The observation method is the most commonly used method especially in studies relating to
behavioral sciences.
Questionnaire method is also very widely used in order to give a structure to the entire study.
The secondary data regarding the company which was list of schools,institutions,colleges,retail
outlets,shoppingmalls,hotels and etc…..
These all the categories of the methodology under above the processs

Kukatpally ,
Kukatpally housing board
Vivekananadha nagar colony,

 Schools ,

Educational consultants,






Retail outlets,


Clinics ,


Social organizations,

 Coaching centres..
Survey analysis:
The survey was conducted in surroundings ameerpeta ,kukatpally, Hyderabad
1) Do you know the website?
2) Do you use only email or do you also host website?
3) Do you require any website?


4) What is the potential timeline do you want to buy the websites?
(A) 1 month, (B) 3months.
5) Why do you not buying the website?
a) High cost-80%
b) Regular maintenance-20
6) What domain name would you like, for example?
A) www.yourwebsite.com,
B) www.yourwebsite.org
C) www.yourwebsite.net
7) what type of content changes do you like to follow?
7) Do you like a (A) journal,(B) culture , (C) style type of web design?
8) How often do you want update your website?
a) daily -32%
9) Do you want to place any advertisements in websites?
10) Do you want to place advertisement in social networking websites or individual websites?
11.what type of content changes will occur?
a)copy changes
b)media changes
12.How often will these changes occur?
13.do you a specific journal,culture or style in mind?

A) , b),c)

14.do you want only email or do you also need to host a website?
A )email b)both
15) 11.who is the primary audience for the website?
c)single people
1) Do you know the website?
Yes -90%
No -10%

2) Do you use only email or do you also host website?
3) Do you require any website?


YES – 25%
NO – 75%

4) What is the potential timeline do you want to buy the websites?
(A) 1 month, (B) 3months.
5) Why do you not buying the website?
a) High cost-80%
b) Regular maintenance-20%

6) What domain name would you like, for example?
A) www.yourwebsite.com,
B) www.yourwebsite.org
C) www.yourwebsite.net
A) 76%
B) 15%
C) 9%

7) Do you like a (A) journal,(B) culture , (C) style type of web design?
B) 20%
C) 50%

8)) what type of content changes do you like to follow?
A) Copy changes-35%
B) Media changes-65%

9) How often do you want update your website?
a) daily -32%

10) Do you have the staff to respond to email?
No -20%

11) Do you want to place any advertisements in websites?
No -35%

12) Do you want to place advertisement in social networking websites or individual websites?
Social networking sites-73%
Individual websites-27%
Chapter 5
Conclusions :
 The first research analysed the effectiveness of SMS advertising, in terms of attitude
 the advertisement, attitude towards the brand and purchase intention. On the basis of
the research results we could conclude that the variable ‘location and time’ influences
the attitude
 towards the ad. In addition, the advertising’s appeal seemed to play an important role:
 emotional appeal leads to a more positive attitude towards the ad, whereas a rational
 leads to a more positive attitude towards the brand and to higher purchase intentions.
 Theresearch results also showed that, in the case of SMS advertising, it is better to
advertise lowinvolvement products.

Finally, giving incentives appeared to be effective in terms of purchaseintentions.
Based on these results, we can confirm that SMS advertising is effective. In

 addition, we also studied the effectiveness of advertising through newspapers, also in
terms of attitude towards the advertisement, attitude towards the brand and purchase
 Nevertheless, the factors (location and time, interactivity, advertising appeal,
productinvolvement and incentive) did not appear to be success factors for this form of
 Finally, both types of advertising (SMS advertising and advertising through
newspapers) were compared.
 SMS advertising appeared to be more interactive than advertising through newspapers
and this interactivity had a positive impact on the attitude towards theadvertisement,
the attitude towards the brand and the consumer’s purchase intention.
 However, as indicated previously, we ought to deal with some caution with these
results,because our additional research showed that incentives are necessary to increase
 willingness to accept commercial messages on their mobile phone.
Suggestions :
 In INDIA the Digital marketing is a new and emerging concept in the present scenario of
global competitive world.
 The small scale industries are the best beneficiary of this concept, but they don’t have the
awareness about the digital marketing usage.
 So that the Digital marketing agencies should give the awareness to them in order utilize
the best way to advertising, to promote sales and as well as to build their brand……
Objective of the study:

 To undertake a study in order to guage the future of digital marketing
Bibliography :
 Internet
 Books :

News papers

Digital media-Dave Chaffey

Research :

Digital Marketing Jerry Wind,&VijayMahajan

Direct Digital Marketing-Drayton Bird

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Digital marketing project

  • 1. A STUDY ON “Digital Marketing” With special reference to “ValueProp Corporate Solutions” For the partial fulfilment of degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUBMITTED BY UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF
  • 2. DECLARATION I, here by declare that this project report entitled “a study on digital marketing” at “ValueProp Corporate Solutions” is bonafide record of Research Work done by me during 2010 for the partial fulfilment of requirement of award of Master of Business Administration of JNTUH under the guidance of I also declare that the project work is either fully or partially have not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, fellowship or other similar title of any society or University.
  • 3. DECLARATION I, declare that this project titled ―“Study on Digital Marketing” of Solutions ‘ ‘ValueProp Corporate in Ameerpeta Hyderabad under the guidance faculty guide, SathishManadava sir company guide Value Prop Corporate Solutions , I further declare that this is my original work as part of my academic course. Date: Place: (Signature)
  • 4. INDEX CHAPTER-1: 1.1.Company profile 1.2.Introduction to Digital marketing. 1.3 Objective of study 1.4.Scope of study CHAPTER_2: 2.1.Advantages of Digital marketing 2.2.History of Digital marketing 2.3.Overview of Digital marketing 2.4.Strategies in Digital marketing CHAPTER 3: 3.1. Bussiness strategies in Digital marketing 3.2. Digital marketing tools and benfits 3.3.Digital marketing trends for the year 2010 CHAPTER 4: INTERNET MARKETING
  • 5. 4.1.Bussiness models in Internet maketing 4.2.Advantages and limits of Internet marketing 4.3.6 Effects of Internet marketing on industries WEB ANALYTICS 5.1. Key definitions 5.2.Source of confusion in Web analytics 5.3.Web analytics methods 5.1.6.Five steps to online karketing success E-mail MARKETING 5.2.1.Comarission to the traditional marketing 5.2.2.Opt-in e-mail advertising 5.2.3.Legal requirements SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING 6.1.Market structure 6.2.History of SEM SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION 7.1.History of SEO 7.2.Relationships with search engines 7.3.SEO methods MOBILE ADVERTISING 8.1.Overview 8.2.Types of Mobile ads 8.3.Handset display and corresponding ad images 8.4.Mobile as media 8.5.Mobile device issues
  • 6. SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE 9.1.History of SMS 9.2.Comparission between SMS marketing and Traditional marketing CHAPTER-5 10.1.Conclusion 10.2.Suggitions CHAPTER 6: 11.1 Methodology 11.2 Data Collection 11.3 sources of data 11.4 Area of Sampling Bibliography :
  • 7. Value Prop Corporate Solutions "When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure."- Mary Kay Ash About Value Prop Value Prop Corporate Solutions, a start up proprietary enterprise, on its own and through a web of consultants & tie-ups operates in different business segments which are detailed in the ‘services’ division. ‘Value Prop’ is the shorter version word ‘Value Proposition’, which means ‘an analysis and quantified review of the benefits, costs and value that organizations can deliver to customers.’ For Value Prop customer interest is the top priority. Each client will have his own requirement and we cater to their needs in the customized pattern. Value Prop believes and takes pride in maintaining strategic long-term relationship with the clients. Value Prop’s Team Satish Mandava-Founder,Associate Financial Planner Krishna Pradeep Lingala - technical analyst, Yasaswy Devineni - business development manager Services • Research Services - Commodities
  • 8. • Practical Education in Financial Markets • Placement Services • Commodities Trading • Internet and Digital Solutions • Digital Marketing • Proprietary Web Portals • Web Site Designing • Domain/ Domain Hosting • Customized SMS Solutions Introduction of digital marketing: Digital Marketing Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital distribution channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The basic advantage in this form of advertising lies in its low cost model Digital Marketing can be classified into Pull and Push marketing. Pull Pull digital marketing technologies involve the user having to seek out and directly grab (or pull) the content via web searches. Web site/blogs and streaming media (audio and video) are good examples of this. In each of these examples, users have a specific link (URL) to view the content. Push Push digital marketing technologies involve both the marketer (creator of the message) as well as the recipients (the user). Email, SMS, RSS are examples of push digital marketing. In each of these examples, the marketer has to send (push) the messages to the users (subscribers) in order for the message to be received. Web Site Designing Value Prop through its tie up venture www.hanuinfo.com offers a complete package of affordable website design and ecommerce web development. From the initial process of taking inputs from clients, planning on the basis of such inputs to final implementation and testing – all are done using latest web designing techniques and skills. Our services have the
  • 9. advantage of offering clarity in its design style, which is backed up with an easy and free flowing content and latest technical know-how. Not only we provide affordable web site design and ecommerce web development services but also search engine friendly designs. Our Service Includes • Website Design • Website Redesign • Shopping Cart Web Design • Detailed and Advanced Page Layout • Custom Logo Design • Banner Ads • Custom Graphics Design using advanced design tools. Push Pull strategy: A push-pull-system in business describes the movement of a product or information between two subjects. On markets the consumers usually "pulls" the goods or information they demand for their needs, while the offerers or suppliers "pushes" them toward the consumers. In logistic chains or supply chains the stages are operating normally both in push- and pull-manner.[5] The interface between push-based stages and pull-based stages are called push-pull boundary or decoupling point.[5] Contents  1 Marketing 1.1 Push strategy 1.2 Pull strategy  2 Supply chains  3 Push Pull Music Marking Future  4 See also
  • 10. Marketing: 1.1 Push strategy • Another meaning of the push strategy in marketing can be found in the communication between seller and buyer. In dependence of the used medium, the communication can be either interactive or non-interactive. For example, if the seller makes his promotion by television or radio, it's not possible for the buyer to interact with. On the other hand, if the communication is made by phone or internet, the buyer has possibilities to interact with the seller. In the first case information is just "pushed" toward the buyer, while in the second case it is possible for the buyer to demand the needed information according to his requirements. • Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is relatively small • Production & distribution decisions are based on long term forecasts • Based on past orders received from retailer’s warehouse (may lead to Bullwhip effect) • Inability to meet changing demand patterns • Large and variable production batches • Unacceptable service levels • Excessive inventories due to the need for large safety stocks • less expenditure on advertising than pull strategy 1.2 Pull strategy • In a "pull" system the consumer requests the product and "pulls" it through the delivery channel. An example of this is the car manufacturing company Ford Australia. Ford Australia only produces cars when they have been ordered by the customers. • Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is high • Production and distribution are demand driven • No inventory, response to specific orders • Point of sale (POS) data comes in handy when shared with supply chain partners • Decrease in lead time • Difficult to implement
  • 11. Supply chains • With a push-based supply chain, products are pushed through the channel, from the production side up to the retailer. The manufacturer sets production at a level in accord with historical ordering patterns from retailers. It takes longer for a pushbased supply chain to respond to changes in demand, which can result in overstocking or bottlenecks and delays (the bullwhip effect), unacceptable service levels and product obsolescence. • In a pull-based supply chain, procurement, production and distribution are demanddriven so that they are coordinated with actual customer orders, rather than forecast demand. • A supply chain is almost always a combination of both push and pull, where the interface between the push-based stages and the pull-based stages is known as the push–pull boundary.[5] An example of this would be Dell's build to order supply chain. Inventory levels of individual components are determined by forecasting general demand, but final assembly is in response to a specific customer request. The push-pull boundary would then be at the beginning of the assembly line. Objectives of digital marketing: • Lead generation/quick response /conversion • Increase awareness/visibility/brand building • Drive traffic/engage people/easily accessible • Cost effective • Effective to target youth Chapter 2
  • 12. Advantages of Digital Marketing: • Digital marketing has proven recession-proof in the times of global economic slowdown. Digital marketing strategies gave a respite to marketing companies during recession when traditional marketing tools proved helpless. • Digital media marketing strategies are far more cost-effective than the traditional marketing media tools. • Online marketing strategies don’t require long-standing commitments. Instead, online media marketing tools like PPC ads can be changed on a daily basis. • Online media marketing output is easily trackable. Digital marketing media strategies have a high degree of measurability. Thus, designing a target-oriented digital media marketing program becomes easier. • Digital media marketing has transformed the marketing industry. Online marketing includes use of mobile phone and internet technology provides a cheap medium to establish direct contact with the customers. • Digital media marketing tools are more accessible. Therefore, the rate of response is far higher in comparison to the traditional media. • Focused digital media marketing campaigns most likely attract the prospects that later convert into leads. • Cost-effective nature and target-oriented approach of online marketing strategies enable the digital media marketer to hit the prospects regularly and repeatedly. This helps in leaving a long-lasting impact on the marketing clients Overview digital marketing: of
  • 13. DMX512 Market Overview and Analysis-Aarkstore Company • Announced our plans to release a summary report, highlighting market trends and analysis DMX5controllers and components / devices. • This Executive White Paper will focus on the competitive environment with the profiles of competition, the share and market analysis. • The report will also provide ElectroniCast's market review and forecast (2009-2014) the number of units, prices average sales (ASPs) and the value of consumption for DMX512 controllers. • Forecasting trends in communication networks and products and components used in networks. Conducts studies and provides forecasts on products industries worldwide network. This includes technology forecasting, markets and applications forecasting strategic planning, competitive analysis and sales and marketing consultation. History of digital marketing: • major Search Engines are always evolving, and organizations involved in SEO do have to be able to adapt their strategies quickly and effectively to keep getting results • The history of Digital Marketing is to a large extent a product of the history of the Internet in general and Search Engines in particular, as marketers have adapted to keep abreast of changes and keep up with the way the major Search Engines rank web pages. Major changes include, in chronological order: • 1991 - Introduction of a network protocol called "Gopher", one of the very first network query and search tools. Gopher was for a couple of years widely used, but usage has now fallen off, with barely 100 Gopher servers now indexed. • 1994 - Launch of Yahoo, which was formerly known as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" after one of its founders, Jerry Yang. Within its first year, Yahoo
  • 14. received over 1 million hits. Lycos also launched in 1994. The same year saw the first meeting of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which is now the main international standards body for the Internet, and which sets many of the architecture and coding standards that Search Engines use when assigning a quality score to a website. It was also about this time that companies first began optimizing their websites to attain higher Search Engine rankings. • 1995 - Launch of Infoseek, a popular early Search Engine that has since closed down. Launch of Inktomi, which has since been acquired by Yahoo. AltaVista became the exclusive provider of search results to Yahoo in 1995; but this situation has now been reversed, with AltaVista currently using Yahoo technology. Also in 1995, Excite acquired two Search Engines (Magellan and WebCrawler) and went public. • 1996 - More new Search Engines and search tools launched, including HotBot, LookSmart and Alexa. • 1998 - The launch of even more Search Engines, with some big new names appearing for the first time. Google was incorporated as a private company in September 1996 by Larry Page and Segey Brin; 8 years later when Google went public it was valued at US$23 billion. Microsoft launched its MSN Search Engine in 1998, whilst Yahoo launched Yahoo Web Search. • 2001 - The Internet bubble burst, wiping out a number of smaller Search Engines and leaving the field free for more successful organizations such as Google and Yahoo to consolidate their position. • 2004 - The first Web 2.0 Conference was held, at which a new direction for the Internet was mapped out, with an emphasis on user-generated content and openness of information. An explosion in the number of websites meant that Google's index contained over 8 billion web pages by 2004. • 2006 - Search Engine traffic grew to an astonishing 6.4 billion searches in the month of March alone. Microsoft launched Live Search, to replace MSN Search and to compete with Google and Yahoo. New hybrid websites combining both directories and online articles first appeared, among them DexterB.com, a clear indication of the rising importance of syndicated content in Digital Marketing. 2006 also saw one of
  • 15. • the biggest upsets in SEO history, when Google banned BMW Germany and Ricoh.de for one week for using "black-hat" SEO techniques. • 2007 - The rise of Social Media is currently changing the landscape of the Internet, with the predictions of the first Web 2.0 conference now becoming a reality as usergenerated content becomes increasingly important, influencing both consumer opinion and Search Engine rankings. The way users access the Internet is also changing, with mobile devices becoming increasingly prevalent, allowing Internet usage on the move. Strategies in digital marketing: Two basic digital marketing strategies used by current and potential customers. These two types of digital marketing are called the “Push” and the “Pull.” Their methodology for providing information to customers works as follows: Pull digital marketing – the customer seeks information about products and/or services by visiting the company’s sources f information searching for the specific product or service information. • They are basically requesting to view this specific content. These are typically located in websites, blogs, streaming audio and video sources. Customers have found related information on other websites or been directed to the company’s sources by a referring website to find the information. Push digital marketing – customers are provided information by receiving or viewing €advertisements digitally, such as: SMS, RSS, cellphone calls, etc., as subscribers of the latest product and service information provided by the company. • • Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example: Pull advantages – no restrictions on file size, no opt-in requirements, and low technology requirements for the company. • Pull disadvantages – marketing required, little tracking of visitors, and no personalization to keep the visitors coming back. • Push advantages – personalization of messages, high conversation rate, and detailed tracking of customer choices. • Push disadvantages – requires Can Spam Act 2003 compliance, most customers must opt-in, can be blocked, simply opt-out, and requires delivery technology
  • 16. Chapter 3 Business strategies: • Proven Recession Proof Home Business Marketing System • Online Small Business Marketing • Physicians Use Social Media To Generate Business • SEO Or SEM Deciphering Online Marketing Double Speak 12 Common problems in implementing of Digital marketing strategies: • Lack of understanding what image they are trying to project • No path to acquire and grow an audience • No cohesion of content • Placating executives by executing their bad ideas • Living and dying by data • Having to dumb things things down for the team • Trying to reach the wrong group • Misunderstanding the importance of content • No plan to actually reach anyone in the first place • No difference from others • . Lack of influencers on your team • No forming of relationships/alliances Tools and benefits of digital marketing: • . Digital Marketing in broader terms is the practice of promoting products and services using digital distribution Medium to reach to maximum consumers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner. Tools or Channels:
  • 17. 1) Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Delicious) • When you social network, you can prescreen potential customers. You learn what your prospects like and what they don’t. That personal relationship you gain when you connect with your potential customer is more valuable than what you would get had you advertised. • The Most Important Features that attracts the most in Social Networks are a Profile , A Profile Image, Instant Chatting with friends and people in the Network, scalability to add and interact with like-minded people, Groups discussion etc. • Social Networks like facebook, twitter, Myspace, Delicious, technorati etc has become the most important social Networks that once should explore with great Interest. The Most Important part of Social Network Marketing is that they allow a lot more space and functionality to market a person, product or services to greater depth. Social networking web sites: Google: Yahoo :
  • 19. hi 5: Ning : Top 20 Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | July 2010:
  • 20. 1 | facebook 2 - eBizMBA Rank | 250,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2 - Compete Rank | 2 Quantcast Rank | 2 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 2 | MySpace 16 - eBizMBA Rank | 122,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 16 - Compete Rank | 16 - Quantcast Rank | 17 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 3 | twitter 27 - eBizMBA Rank | 80,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 39 - Compete Rank | 31 - Quantcast Rank | 11 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 4 | LinkedIn 47 - eBizMBA Rank | 50,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 61 - Compete Rank | 50 - Quantcast Rank | 29 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 5 | Ning 143 - eBizMBA Rank | 42,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 180 - Compete Rank | 120 - Quant cast Rank | 128 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websites | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA
  • 21. 6 | Tagged 225 - eBizMBA Rank | 30,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 382 - Compete Rank | 151 - Quantcast Rank | 141 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 7 | classmates 228 - eBizMBA Rank | 29,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 487 - Compete Rank | *425* - Quantcast Rank | 969 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 8 | hi5 479 - eBizMBA Rank | 27,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 983 - Compete Rank | 392 - Quantcast Rank | 62 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 9 | my yearbook 617 - eBizMBA Rank | 12,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 522 - Compete Rank | 293 - Quantcast Rank | 1,036 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 10 | Meet up 635 - eBizMBA Rank | 8,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 644 - Compete Rank | 732 - Quantcast Rank | 528 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 11 | bebo 655 - eBizMBA Rank | 7,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 944 - Compete Rank |
  • 22. 434 - Quantcast Rank | 588 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 12 | mylife 865 - eBizMBA Rank | 6,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 118 - Compete Rank | 688 - Quantcast Rank | 1,789 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 13 | friendster 955 - eBizMBA Rank | 5,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,920 - Compete Rank | 643 - Quantcast Rank | 301 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 14 | myHeritage 1,097 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,800,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 707 - Compete Rank | 595 - Quantcast Rank | 1,989 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 15 | Multiply 1,136 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,600,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,446 - Compete Rank | 677 - Quantcast Rank | 285 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 16 | orkut 1,303 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,219 - Compete Rank | *1,630* - Quantcast Rank | 59 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA
  • 23. 17 | badoo 1,329 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,400,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 3,187 - Compete Rank | *650* - Quantcast Rank | 152 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 18 | gaiaonline 1,334 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,350,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,781 - Compete Rank | 733 - Quantcast Rank | 1,489 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 19 | BlackPlanet 1,952 - eBizMBA Rank | 4,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,322 - Compete Rank | *1,721* - Quantcast Rank | 2,814 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 20 | SkyRock 2866 eBizMBA Rank | 3,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |7,380 - Compete Rank | *980* - Quantcast Rank | 237 - Alexa Rank. Most Popular Social Networking Websitess | Updated 7/01/2010 | eBizMBA 2) Article Marketing  Article Marketing has become one of the most essential tools of online Marketing.  Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry.  With the rise of internet marketing, article marketing has subsequently moved up on the ladder and made a move to the online world as well.  As in traditional forms of media, online article marketing has served the dual role of
  • 24. providing publishers with what amounts to free content, and advertisers with similarly free advertising. 3) Blog  Blogging evolved to be as the most important tool of digital Marketing over the Internet which gives a target Audience.  A blog or weblog is an online diary of events arranged in reverse chronological order. The author of a blog is known as a blogger and writing or maintaining a blog is referred to as blogging.  An individual entry or article is called a post and is available in the form of a blog page for the public to read.  A blog may have a commentary box for readers to leave comments or opinions. These comments act as stimulus for further conversations. 4) RSS • RSS is a new Face of Online Marketing/ Digital Marketing. RSS emerged as a creative idea to share the Internet Information with its freshness as Information on
  • 25. Internet became huge to search and distribute. • RSS (“Really Simple Syndication” or “Rich Site Summery”), is widely used to deliver content to your website users without any restriction. • Using RSS for result oriented marketing can help you integrate your website with your other marketing initiatives, develop winning strategies to drive targeted users to your site and in the process increase overall traffic and sales. 5) Online Brand Monitoring • The internet provides an opportunity for your customers and potential customers to talk freely about your business, your services, your brands and your products through the proliferation of blogs, forums, chat rooms, community , groups , discussion, and news sites. • These tools are specifically used to Monitor a brand and its maintain its reputation on the internet. • Online Brand Monitoring has really become a key ingredient in Online Marketing Strategies.
  • 26. 6) SEO • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the traffic of visitors to the website from search engines via organic means using different algorithms via natural or un-paid ways • Most Popular SEO platforms are Google and Yahoo Search Engines. People perform various strategies to appear on the front pages of theses search engines which are widely used by customers all over the world. • Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines. • This gives a web site web presence. 7) PPC (aka search engine advertising) • Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on websites for Advertisement, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. • With search engines like Google and Yahoo, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. • Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding
  • 27. system. • Pay Per Click has become the most popular Advertisement Model for website owners to get target traffic or clicks to their website and pay accordingly per click. A wide range of PPC strategies are used on the Internet to get maximum result through PPC Campaign. 9) E-mail • With the high use of internet worldwide, e-mail marketing has become the easiest way to promote your business worldwide. • It is considered as the most quickest and reliable way of promoting a business Worldwide. • Email Marketing is the most cheapest and efficient way to promote products & Services.
  • 28. 10) Wiki • Wikipedia has become the source for knowledge on anything from scientific facts to iconic pop culture art. • It started as an Encyclopedia but later proved to be an ocean for getting information of various and diverse topics that exists in the Universe. • Wiki Marketing started in a way that people posted information about then or their business and made editable pages. • There are ways to promote your business on Wikipedia. In Wiki Marketing You can’t be as straightforward as you are in your landing page or banner ad, but there is a way to tap into the marketing potential of this unparalleled source of information. 11) Website • A website is the best place to put the Information about a business and could be easily available all the time when a user can access internet. Website has become the virtual office of a business over the internet and has become must to have if you want to survive in the hard-shell completive business world. • People are spending huge Investment for the design, development, updating and promotion of a website. A highly Interactive, Informative and • user centric Website is in heavy demand 12) Banner Ads • When Internet Marketing Started and was in infancy, Banner marketing evolved like a major player on the internet. • Banner Advertisement proved to be really popular task in Digital Marketing as they
  • 29. allowed campaignstobeplanned,evaluated,within a matter of days instead of weeks. • Business on the Internet developed with these ads and publishing them with various strategy involvements like PAY-PER-CLICK, Click through rates, Statistical Analysis etc. Banner Ads also proved to be the Most Important Factor in building huge and rapid traffic. 13) Instant Messaging through Mobile Phones • Instant Messengers are very popular on computers, now with the advancement of cellular technology it has become possible to connect to MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ and other instant messenger services through mobile phones. • Instant Messaging allows a target user to see the benefits or products & Services Instantly creating an Impact on the user. Instant Messaging has really proved to be a winner in Marketing World and is getting high exposure worldwide. 14) SMS/ MMS • Short Message Service became available in 1996 for the first time for commercial use. Since then it has become a very useful tool to Promote Products & Services worldwide. • The use of SMS will continue to grow as companies turn the service into a critical business function.
  • 30. • One of the most important features of SMS/Text messaging is the ability to immediately reach a customer anywhere and its low cost offer the ability to reach customers (external and • Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2010: • As 2010 fast approaches, digital marketers are gearing up for yet another r of changes that will incorporate both the transformational and the incremental. • From the economy's influence on the burgeoning "do-it-yourself" culture to an increasing reliance on collective wisdom, information-based art, and remote computing, digital experts have put together the following list of top digital marketing trends they believe will play out in the year ahead. 1. Facebook Replaces Personal Email: As Facebook becomes increasingly used as a verb (e.g."I Facebooked you today") in ways that Hotmail and gmail never were, it will be interesting to see the extent to which it will displace personal email as a communication tool. It’s already completely permission based, there is no spam (yet), and no address book required - your friends are already there. 2. The Cloud Helps Open-Source Software Make Proper Money: Open-source software projects that were typically the purview of programmers and technophiles are
  • 31. now available to the masses. • In one example, Beanstalk, a fully hosted, version-controlled code repository that uses the Subversion open-source project has created a subscription based service that - for a small fee - removes the hassle of setting up Subversions and maintaining servers. • Services like this can really only be financially viable with cloud computing infrastructure - so companies such as Beanstalk don't have the huge upfront capital outlay for servers. • With the right skills any open-source project can be commercialized this way. 3. Mobile Commerce - The Promise That Has Never Delivered, Yet: Though mobile phones have, for a while now, delivered real benefits to global societies by facilitating the transfer of money, only recently has mobile device use extended to payment for goods and services. The game changer has - and will continue to be - the iPhone/iTunes platform. In-app purchases on the iPhone can tempt users to buy small items, upgrades, updates, etc, while iTunes holds their precious credit card information. All, of course, is done in seamless fashion, enough to promote impulse purchases. It would seem like an easy task for this to be extended to other platforms with PayPal or Google Checkout, but so far it has not been done. 4. Fewer Registrations - One Sign-in Fits All: As consumers grow increasingly frustrated and resentful about registering yet again on another website, juggling different IDs and remembering a dizzying array of passwords, information-managing services such as Facebook Connect and OpenID will becoming even more useful and will continue to be adopted at great speed through 2010. 5. Disruption vs. Continuity - Alternatives to the "Big Idea": As the significance of social networks continues to grow, businesses are investing more in community building as a marketing driver. According to the recent Tribalization of Business study released by Deloitte, 94% of businesses will continue or increase their investment in online communities and social media and, for the majority of these companies, their marketing
  • 32. function will drive this investment. At the same time, as evidenced by Google's recent release of "free floating" social tools, such as Google Waves and Sidewiki, there is an increasing shift toward online identity and social activity being an integrated part of the network as a whole, rather than concentrated within discrete platforms such as Facebook.  With the increasing emphasis on marketing and advertising through social networks and the increasing pervasiveness of social tools, marketing objectives come into conflict with advertising techniques. 6. Self-Sufficiency: The Continuing Evolution of Web-Driven, Open-Source DIY Culture: • Much has been said about the power and potential of collective intelligence, and many of the breakthrough solutions of tomorrow appear to lie in more effectively pooling the resources and intelligence of our increasingly networked world. On the other side of the equation, the power of pooled intelligence and networked resources has empowered individuals to take on more and more complex undertakings themselves. • From drawing on the collective intelligence of blogs and university open courseware to educate themselves, to services like ponoko, spoonflower and cafe press that facilitate small-scale production, to offline resource pooling like pop- up retail and collective office spaces, individuals are discovering that it has never been easier to try doing it themselves. 7. Info-Art: Where we once had pop-psychologists and pop-philosophers, we now appear to have pop-statisticians and pop-economists. The growing wealth of data and the access to rich and diverse data sources that are significant by-products of information networks have made the art of data analysis a defining skill of our time. 8. Crowd Sourcing: Across many industries and organizations, crowd sourcing will become a growing tool as part of various outsourcing strategies. Organizations will mobilize the passionate special-interest groups to not only carry a message but also
  • 33. to lead and take part in activities on their behalf. From political canvassing to software development, from people journalism to environmental activism, expect to see huge growth in crowdsourcing models provoked and led, in large part, by digital social media strategies. 9. More Flash, Not Less: Outside of the obvious brand sites, micro-sites and media sites (video, games, etc.) where it appears absolutely necessary, Flash has often been looked down upon if not completely discounted by both techies and search engine optimizers. It seemed to face an uncertain future as a viable tool for serious websites Internet marketing: • Internet marketing, also referred to as i-marketing, web-marketing, onlinemarketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or e-Marketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. • The Internet has brought media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing in terms of providing instant response and eliciting responses, is a unique quality of the medium. • Internet marketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope because it not only refers to the Internet, e-mail, and wireless media, but it includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems. • Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including: design, development, advertising, and sales. • Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media along many different stages of the customer engagement cycle through search engine marketing (SEM), • search engine optimization (SEO), • banner ads on specific websites, • e-mail marketing,
  • 34. • In 2008 The New York Times, working with comScore, published an initial estimate to quantify the user data collected by large Internet-based companies. • Counting four types of interactions with company websites in addition to the hits from advertisements served from advertising networks, the authors found the potential for collecting data upward of 2,500 times on average per user per month. Bussiness models of d.m: Internet marketing is associated with several business models: • e-commerce — this is where goods are sold directly to consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B) • Publishing — this is the sale of advertising • lead-based websites — this is an organization that generates value by acquiring sales leads from its website • Affiliate marketing — this is the process in which a product or service developed by one person is sold by other active sellers for a share of profits. The owner of the product normally provide some marketing material (sales letter, affiliate link, tracking facility). • local internet marketing - this is the process of a locally based company traditionally selling belly to belly and utilizing the Internet to find and nurture relationships, later to take those relationships offline. • black hat marketing - this is a form of internet marketing which employs deceptive, abusive, or less than truthful methods to drive web traffic to a website or affiliate marketing offer. This method sometimes includes spam, cloaking within search engine result pages, or routing users to pages they didn't initially request. • There are many other business models based on the specific needs of each person or the business that launches an Internet marketing campaign. Advantages and limits of digital marketing:
  • 35. Advantages • Internet marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. • Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. • Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly. • The strategy and overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns depend on business goals and cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis. • Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively. Nearly all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested. • The advertisers can use a variety of methods: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play, or pay per action. Therefore, marketers can determine which messages or offerings are more appealing to the audience. • The results of campaigns can be measured and tracked immediately because online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, visit a website, and perform a targeted action. • Such measurement cannot be achieved through billboard advertising, where an individual will at best be interested, then decide to obtain more information at a later time.. • Because exposure, response, and overall efficiency of Internet media are easier to track than traditional off-line media—through the use of web analytics for instance—Internet marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers. • Marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the
  • 36. collaborative effects of marketing (i.e., how the Internet affects in-store sales) rather than siloing each advertising medium. • The effects of multichannel marketing can be difficult to determine, but are an important part of ascertaining the value of media campaigns. Limitations • Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies rather than traditional media. • Low-speed Internet connections are another barrier. If companies build large or overlycomplicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet via dial-up connections or mobile devices experience significant delays in content delivery. • From the buyer's perspective, the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or "try on" tangible goods before making an online purchase can be limiting. However, there is an industry standard for e-commerce vendors to reassure customers by having liberal return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services. • A survey of 410 marketing executives listed the following barriers to entry for large companies looking to market online: insufficient ability to measure impact, lack of internal capability, and difficulty convincing senior management.[2] Effects : • The number of banks offering the ability to perform banking tasks over the internet has also increased. • Online banking appeals to customers because it is often faster and considered more convenient than visiting bank branches. • Currently over 150 million U.S. adults now bank online, with increasing Internet connection speed being the primary reason for fast growth in the online banking industryOf those individuals who use the Internet, 44 percent now perform banking activities over the Internet. • Internet auctions have become a multi-billion dollar business. Unique items that could
  • 37. only previously be found at flea markets are now being sold on Internet auction websites such as eBay. • Specialized e-stores sell an almost endless amount of items ranging from antiques, movie props, clothing, gadgets and much more. • As the premier online reselling platform, eBay is often used as a price-basis for specialized items. • Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets; the price shown on eBay often becomes the item's selling price. It is increasingly common for flea market vendors to place a targeted advertisement on the Internet for each item they are selling online, all while running their business out of their homes. Web analytics: • Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. • Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for business research and market research. • Web analytics applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional print advertising campaigns. • It helps one to estimate how the traffic to the website changed after the launch of a new advertising campaign. • Web analytics provides data on the number of visitors, page views etc to gauge the popularity of the sites which will help to do the market research. • There are two categories of web analytics; off-site and on-site web analytics. Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or maintain a website. • It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole. On-site web analytics measure a visitor's journey once on your website. This includes its drivers and conversions; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase. • On-site web analytics measures the performance of your website in a commercial
  • 38. context. This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for performance, and used to improve a web site or marketing campaign's audience response. • Historically, web analytics has referred to on-site visitor measurement. However in recent years this has blurred, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span both categories. • The remainder of this article concerns on-site web analytics. Contents There are no globally agreed definitions within web analytics as the industry bodies have been trying to agree definitions that are useful and definitive for some time. Hit - A request for a file from the web server. Available only in log analysis. The number of hits received by a website is frequently cited to assert its popularity, but this number is extremely misleading and dramatically over-estimates popularity. A single web-page typically consists of multiple (often dozens) of discrete files, each of which is counted as a hit as the page is downloaded • Page view - A request for a file whose type is defined as a page in log analysis. An occurrence of the script being run in page tagging. In log analysis, a single page view may generate multiple hits as all the resources required to view the page (images, .js and .css files) are also requested from the web server. • Visit / Session - A visit is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely identified client with a time of no more than 30 minutes between each page request. • A session is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely identified client with a time of no more than 30 minutes and no requests for pages from other domains intervening between page requests. • In other words, a session ends when someone goes to another site, or 30 minutes elapse between pageviews, whichever comes first. • A visit ends only after a 30 minute time delay. • If someone leaves a site, then returns within 30 minutes, this will count as one visit but two sessions. • In practise, most systems ignore sessions and many analysts use both terms for visits.
  • 39. • Because time between pageviews is critical to the definition of visits and sessions, a single one pageview event does not constitute a visit or a session (it is a "bounce"). • First Visit / First Session - A visit from a visitor who has not made any previous visits. • Visitor / Unique Visitor / Unique User - The uniquely identified client generating requests on the web server (log analysis) or viewing pages (page tagging) within a defined time period (i.e. day, week or month). A Unique Visitor counts once within the timescale.. Identification is made to the visitor's computer, not the person, usually via cookie and/or IP+User Agent. Thus the same person visiting from two different computers will count as two Unique Visitors. • Repeat Visitor - A visitor that has made at least one previous visit. The period between the last and current visit is called visitor recency and is measured in days. • New Visitor - A visitor that has not made any previous visits. This definition creates a certain amount of confusion (see common confusions below), and is sometimes substituted with analysis of first visits. • Impression - An impression is each time an advertisement loads on a user's screen. Anytime you see a banner, that is an impression. • Singletons - The number of visits where only a single page is viewed. While not a useful metric in and of itself the number of singletons is indicative of various forms of Click fraud as well as being used to calculate bounce rate and in some cases to identify automatons bots). • Bounce Rate - The percentage of visits where the visitor enters and exits at the same page without visiting any other pages on the site in between. • % Exit - The percentage of users who exit from a page. • Visibility time - The time a single page (or a blog, Ad Banner...) is viewed. • Session Duration - Average amount of time that visitors spend on the site each time they visit. This metric can be complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view[8]. • Page View Duration / Time on Page - Average amount of time that visitors spend on each page of the site. As with Session Duration, this metric is complicated by the fact
  • 40. that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view unless they record a page close event, such as onUnload(). • Active Time / Engagement Time - Average amount of time that visitors spend actually interacting with content on a web page, based on mouse moves, clicks, hovers and scrolls. Unlike Session Duration and Page View Duration / Time on Page, this metric can accurately measure the length of engagement in the final page view. • Page Depth / Page Views per Session - Page Depth is the average number of page views a visitor consumes before ending their session. It is calculated by dividing total number of page views by total number of sessions and is also called Page Views per Session or PV/Session. • Frequency Session per Unique - Frequency measures how often visitors come to a website. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions (or visits) by the total number of unique visitors. Sometimes it is used to measure the loyalty of your audience. • Click path - the sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a given site. • Click - "refers to a single instance of a user following a hyperlink from one page in a site to another". A growing community of web site editors use click analytics to analyze their web sites. Site Overlay is a techniques in which graphical statistics are shown besides each link on the web Five Steps to Online Marketing Success: Using competitive intelligence strategies and tools will be key to launching successful email marketing campaigns in 2010, according to a new white paper from Compete. In the white paper "Five Simple Steps to Online Marketing Success," Compete recommends that marketers take the five following steps to integrate competitive marketing into their online campaigns, MarketingCharts reports. 1. Know the Competition: • First, Compete advises email marketers to create a list of competitors in their space and identify the specific reasons each poses a competitive threat. • After identifying their competitive set, marketers are advised to dig into metrics and
  • 41. figure out their standing in the ones that matter most. • Frequently used metrics include unique visitors, page views, time on site, average stay, and pages per visit. • All of these will give marketers a sense of real norms for their competitive landscape, thus allowing them to make logical business decisions and maximize ROI. 2. Cover Search Marketing Bases: • Increase search traffic and campaign performance through analysis of competitors' search marketing trends and keywords. • In addition, using local web analytics tools, marketers can see what keywords are sending traffic to their sites, how much of that traffic is paid as compared to natural, and what percentage of traffic the individual search engines contribute to a site overall. • Through optimization and testing of paid search campaigns, SEO keyword research, and content creation, marketers can maximize conversions and increase search ROI. 3. Copying is a Sign of Flattery: • Identify what websites are sending competitors traffic and get in on the action. • Competition for web traffic will continue to grow as more everyday activities move online. • Just like there are a few keywords that drive most of the traffic to a site (the head) and thousands of other keywords that drive a little (the long tail), traffic to websites works much in the same way. • There are millions of websites out there, however only a small percentage account for the bulk of traffic. • The relationships marketers forge with other online businesses can determine the fate of their marketing success. 4. Fix Your Leaky Bucket: • Local web analytics tools will let marketers identify which websites are sending traffic to their sites. Based on page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates, they
  • 42. can easily identify which websites deliver the most benefit. Thinking of a website as a bucket, using various marketing tactics, marketers can scoop up site visitors that may be interested in their products or services. • Then by creating conversion funnels, they can attempt to lead users to perform a specific action. 5. Stay on Top: • Marketers should monitor, set benchmarks, and realize how their site enhancements and marketing strategies impact their competitors. • In order to stay on track and continue to grow their business, marketers need an online marketing strategy that can adjust to ever-changing economic, technological, and social environments. • Incorporating competitive intelligence into that marketing strategy can give them the critical information they need to minimize risk and ensure success. Email marketing: • E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. • In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be considered e-mail marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to: • sending e-mails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, • sending e-mails with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, • adding advertisements to e-mails sent by other companies to their customers, and • sending e-mails over the Internet, as e-mail did and does exist outside the Internet (e.g., network e-mail and FIDO). • Researchers estimate that United States firms alone spent US$400 million on e-mail marketing in 2006. SEM: • Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a form of Internet marketing that seeks to
  • 43. promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of search engine optimization, paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion.. • Usage of the term "search engine marketing" has been inconsistent. The trade association Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) includes search engine optimization (SEO), and SEO is also included in the industry definitions of SEM by Forrester Research, eMarketer, Search Engine Watch, and industry expert Danny Sullivan.. However, the New York Times restricts the definition to 'the practice of buying paid search listings'. Contents 1 Market structure 2 History 3 Ethical questions Market structure • In 2008, North American advertisers spent US$13.5 billion on search engine marketing. The largest SEM vendors are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft adCenter. • As of 2006, SEM was growing much faster than traditional advertising and even other channels of online marketing.[4] Because of the complex technology, a secondary "search marketing agency" market has evolved. • Many marketers have difficulty understanding the intricacies of search engine marketing and choose to rely on third party agencies to manage their search marketing. History • As the number of sites on the Web increased in the mid-to-late 90s, search engines started appearing to help people find information quickly. • Search engines developed business models to finance their services, such as pay per click programs offered by Open Textin 1996 and then Goto.com in 1998. • Goto.com later changed its name to Overture in 2001, and was purchased by Yahoo!
  • 44. in 2003, and now offers paid search opportunities for advertisers through Yahoo! Search Marketing. • Google also began to offer advertisements on search results pages in 2000 through the Google AdWords program. By 2007, pay-per-click programs proved to be primary money-makersfor search engines. • In a market dominated by Google, in 2009 Yahoo! and Microsoft announced the intention to forge an alliance. The Yahoo! & Microsoft Search Alliance eventually received approval from regulators in the US and Europe in February 2010. • Some of the latest theoretical advances include Search Engine Marketing Management (SEMM). SEMM relates to activities including SEO but focuses on return on investment (ROI) management instead of relevant traffic building (as is the case of mainstream SEO). Ethical questions • Paid search advertising has not been without controversy, and the issue of how search engines present advertising on their search result pages has been the target of a series of studies and reports by Consumer Reports WebWatch. • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also issued a letter in 2002 about the importance of disclosure of paid advertising on search engines, in response to a complaint from Commercial Alert, a consumer advocacy group with ties to Ralph Nader. • Vested interests appear to use the expression SEM to mean exclusively Pay per click advertising to the extent that the wider advertising and marketing community have accepted this narrow definition. Such usage excludes the wider search marketing community that is engaged in other forms of SEM such as Search Engine Optimization and Search Retargeting. History • Webmasters and content providers began optimizing sites for search engines in the mid-1990s, as the first search engines were cataloging the early Web. • Initially, all a webmaster needed to do was submit the address of a page, or URL, to the various engines which would send a "spider" to "crawl" that page, extract links to other pages from it, and return information found on the page to be indexed.
  • 45. • The process involves a search engine spider downloading a page and storing it on the search engine's own server, where a second program, known as an indexer, extracts various information about the page, such as the words it contains and where these are located, as well as any weight for specific words, and all links the page contains, which are then placed into a scheduler for crawling at a later date. • Site owners started to recognize the value of having their sites highly ranked and visible in search engine results, creating an opportunity for both white hat and black hat SEO practitioners. According to industry analyst Danny Sullivan, the phrase "search engine optimization" probably came into use in 1997. • Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tag, or index files in engines like ALIWEB. • Web content providers also manipulated a number of attributes within the HTML source of a page in an attempt to rank well in search engines. • webmasters had already developed link building tools and schemes to influence the Inktomi search engine, and these methods proved similarly applicable to gaming PageRank. Many sites focused on exchanging, buying, and selling links, often on a massive scale. Some of these schemes, or link farms, involved the creation of thousands of sites for the sole purpose of link spamming. • By 2004, search engines had incorporated a wide range of undisclosed factors in their ranking algorithms to reduce the impact of link manipulation. Google says it ranks sites using more than 200 different signalsThe leading search engines, Google and Yahoo, do not disclose the algorithms they use to rank pages. • Notable SEOs, such as Rand Fishkin, Barry Schwartz, Aaron Wall and Jill Whalen, have studied different approaches to search engine optimization, and have published their opinions in online forums and blogs. • SEO practitioners may also study patents held by various search engines to gain insight into the algorithm • In 2005 Google began personalizing search results for each user. Depending on their history of previous searches, Google crafted results for logged in users • in 2007 Google announced a campaign against paid links that transfer PageRank. On June 15,
  • 46. • In 2008, Bruce Clay said that "ranking is dead" because of personalized search. It would become meaningless to discuss how a website ranked • in 2009, Google disclosed that they had taken measures to mitigate the effects of PageRank sculpting by use of the nofollow attribute on links. Methods: • Preventing crawling • White hat versus black hat • As a marketing strategy • International markets • Legal precedents: • Increasing prominence Mobile advertising: Mobile advertising is a form of advertising via mobile (wireless) phones or other mobile devices. It is a subset of mobile marketing Overview: • Some see mobile advertising as closely related to online or internet advertising, though its reach is far greater - currently, most mobile advertising is targeted at mobile phones, that came estimably to a global total of 4.6 billion as of 2009. • Notably computers, including desktops and laptops, are currently estimated at 1.1 billion globally. • It is probable that advertisers and media industry will increasingly take account of a bigger and fast-growing mobile market, though it remains at around 1% of global advertising spent. • Mobile media is evolving rapidly and while mobile phone will continue to be the mainstay, it is not clear whether mobile phones based on cellular backhaul or smartphones based on WiFi hot spot or WiMAX hot zone will also strengthen. However, such is the emergence of this form of advertising, that there is now a dedicated global awards ceremony organised
  • 47. every year by Visiongain. • As mobile phones outnumber TV sets by over 3 to 1, and PC based internet users by over 4 to 1, and the total laptop and desktop PC population by nearly 5 to 1, advertisers in many markets have recently rushed to this media. In Spain 75% of mobile phone owners receive ads, in France 62% and in Japan 54%. • D2 the biggest mobile advertising agency of Japan announced in November 2009 at the Mobile Asia Congress, that mobile advertising was worth 900 million dollars in Japan alone. • According to the research firm Berg Insight the global mobile advertising market that was estimated to € 1 billion in 2008. Furthermore, Berg Insight forecasts the global mobile advertising market to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 43 percent to € 8.7 billion in 2014 Types of mobile ads • In some markets, this type of advertising is most commonly seen as a Mobile Web Banner (top of page) or Mobile Web Poster (bottom of page banner), while in others, it is dominated by SMS advertising (which has been estimated at over 90% of mobile marketing revenue worldwide). • Other forms include MMS advertising, advertising within mobile games and mobile videos, during mobile TV receipt, full-screen interstices, which appear while a requested item of mobile content or mobile web page is loading up, and audio advertisements that can take the form of a jingle before a voicemail recording, The Mobile Marketing Association has published mobile advertising guidelines, but it is difficult to keep such guidelines current in such a fast-developing area. Handsets display and corresponding ad images: • There are hundreds of handsets in the market and they differ by screen size and supported technologies (e.g. MMS, WAP 2.0). For color images, typically PNG, JPG, GIF and BMP, with WBMP being the most basic communication. • Following gives an overview of various handset screen sizes and a recommended image size for each type
  • 48. H A a n Approx d Screen Size (px W x s d Handset H) U Ad Size n Example Handsets (pixels) i e t t X X - - L L a 320 x 320 Palm Treo 700P, Nokia E70 a r r g x 50 g e L 300 e L a r 240 x 320 g Samsung MM-A900, LG VX-8500 Chocolate, Sony Ericsson W910i a r g e M x 36 e M e 216 e d i 176 x 208 Motorola RAZR, Motorola ROKR E1 LG VX-8000, d 168 i 28 u u m S x m S m a ll 128 x 160 Motorola V195 m 120 a 20 ll x
  • 49. Mobile as media • This unobtrusive two-way communications caught the attention of media industry and advertisers as well as cellphone makers and telecom operators. Eventually, SMS became a new media - called the seventh mass media channel by several media and mobile experts - and even more, it is a two-way mobile media, as opposed to one-way immobile media like radios, newspapers and TV. • Besides, the immediacy of responsiveness in this two-way media is a new territory found for media industry and advertisers, who are eager to measure up market response immediately. • Additionally, the possibility of fast delivery of the messages and the ubiquity of the technology (it does not require any additional functionality from the mobile phone, all devices available today are capable of receiving SMS), make it ideal for time- and location-sensitive advertising, such as customer loyalty offers (ex. shopping centres, large brand stores), SMS promotions of events, etc. • To leverage this strength of SMS advertising, timely and reliable delivery of messages is paramount, which is guaranteed by some SMS gateway providers. • Mobile media has begun to draw more significant attention from media giants and advertising industry since the mid-2000s, based on a view that mobile media was to change the way advertisements were made, and that mobile devices can form a new media sector. • Despite this, revenues are still a small fraction of the advertising industry as a whole. Informa reported that mobile advertising in 2007 was worth $2.2 billion. • This is less than 0.5% of the approximately $450 billion global advertising industry. Mobile device issues • Coincidentally, however, mobile devices are encountering technological bottlenecks in terms of battery life, formats, and safety issue • In a broad sense, mobile devices are categorically broken down into portable and stationary equipment. Technically, mobile devices are categorized as below: • Handheld [portable]
  • 50. • Laptop, including ultraportable [portable] • Dashtop, including GPS navigation, satellite radio, and WiMAX-enabled dashtop mobile payment platforms[fixed on dashboards] • The battery life and safety issues will perhaps combine to eventually push mobile equipment’s inroads into vehicle dashtops. • However, satellite-based GPS navigation and satellite radio may already hit a snag because of their part-time usage and technological hierarchy. • Put differently, people want more functions than GPS navigation and satellite radios. The trend indicates an ongoing convergence into all-in-one dashtop mobile devices incorporating GPS navigators, satellite radios, MP3 players, mobile TV, mobile Internet, MVDER (vehicle black box), driving safety monitors, smartphones and even video games. Short Message Service: • Short Message Service is a universally available service that has become a key part of people's lives from both personal and business perspectives. • Since its global launch at the end of 90’s, it has grown steadily before registering a huge increase during the last two years. • This unprecedented growth is expected to jump to even higher levels especially with businesses starting to realize the strategic importance of SMS as a medium for direct marketing. SMS History: • When the Short Message Service emerged worldwide as an accidental success in 1999, few believed that it would turn into the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective form of one-to-one communication just a few years later. • The history of this social phenomenon is short, but record-breaking. • Its usage growth rate has soared about 800 percent for a period of six years!!! And experts predict that this upward growth of SMS use will accelerate to even greater
  • 51. levels, reaching almost 4 trillion messages sent annually within the upcoming five years. METHODOLOGY: • • Methodology is the systematic and objective identification, collection analysis, dissemination, and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification and solution of problem. During the course of conducting the study the information were gathered mainly through the primary sources. • Conducting field survey by talking to the retailer and the methodology used in the survey was personal observation and interview with the customer with the help of questionnaire DATA COLLECTION: • The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design has been chalked out. • While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the research should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and Secondary SOURCES OF DATA a) Primary Data. b) Secondary Data. PRIMARY DATA: The observation method is the most commonly used method especially in studies relating to behavioral sciences. Questionnaire method is also very widely used in order to give a structure to the entire study. SECONDARY DATA: The secondary data regarding the company which was list of schools,institutions,colleges,retail outlets,shoppingmalls,hotels and etc….. These all the categories of the methodology under above the processs
  • 52. AREA OF RESEARCH • • • • • Kukatpally , Kukatpally housing board Vivekananadha nagar colony, Ameerpeta, Maitrivanam TYPES OF RESPONDENTS :  Schools ,  Educational consultants,  Colleges,  Shopingmalls,  Retail outlets,  Clinics ,  Social organizations,  Coaching centres.. Analysis: Survey analysis: The survey was conducted in surroundings ameerpeta ,kukatpally, Hyderabad 1) Do you know the website? 2) Do you use only email or do you also host website? 3) Do you require any website? Yes/no 4) What is the potential timeline do you want to buy the websites? (A) 1 month, (B) 3months. 5) Why do you not buying the website? a) High cost-80% b) Regular maintenance-20 6) What domain name would you like, for example? A) www.yourwebsite.com,
  • 53. B) www.yourwebsite.org C) www.yourwebsite.net 7) what type of content changes do you like to follow? 7) Do you like a (A) journal,(B) culture , (C) style type of web design? 8) How often do you want update your website? a) daily -32% b)weekly-20% c)monthly-30% d)quarterly-16% e)yearly-2% 9) Do you want to place any advertisements in websites? 10) Do you want to place advertisement in social networking websites or individual websites? 11.what type of content changes will occur? a)copy changes b)media changes 12.How often will these changes occur? a)dailtb)weeklyc)monthlyd)quarterlye)yearly 13.do you a specific journal,culture or style in mind? A) , b),c) 14.do you want only email or do you also need to host a website? A )email b)both 15) 11.who is the primary audience for the website? A)teenages b)female c)single people
  • 54. 1) Do you know the website? Yes -90% No -10% 2) Do you use only email or do you also host website? Email-85% Both-15%
  • 55. 3) Do you require any website? Yes/no YES – 25% NO – 75% 4) What is the potential timeline do you want to buy the websites? (A) 1 month, (B) 3months. A-71% B-29%
  • 56. 5) Why do you not buying the website? a) High cost-80% b) Regular maintenance-20% 6) What domain name would you like, for example? A) www.yourwebsite.com,
  • 57. B) www.yourwebsite.org C) www.yourwebsite.net A) 76% B) 15% C) 9% 7) Do you like a (A) journal,(B) culture , (C) style type of web design? A)30% B) 20% C) 50% 8)) what type of content changes do you like to follow?
  • 58. A) Copy changes-35% B) Media changes-65% 9) How often do you want update your website? a) daily -32% b)weekly-20% c)monthly-30% d)quarterly-16% e)yearly-2% 10) Do you have the staff to respond to email? Yes-80%
  • 59. No -20% 11) Do you want to place any advertisements in websites? Yes-65% No -35% 12) Do you want to place advertisement in social networking websites or individual websites?
  • 61.
  • 62. Chapter 5 Conclusions :  The first research analysed the effectiveness of SMS advertising, in terms of attitude towards  the advertisement, attitude towards the brand and purchase intention. On the basis of the research results we could conclude that the variable ‘location and time’ influences the attitude  towards the ad. In addition, the advertising’s appeal seemed to play an important role:  emotional appeal leads to a more positive attitude towards the ad, whereas a rational appeal  leads to a more positive attitude towards the brand and to higher purchase intentions.  Theresearch results also showed that, in the case of SMS advertising, it is better to advertise lowinvolvement products.  Finally, giving incentives appeared to be effective in terms of purchaseintentions. Based on these results, we can confirm that SMS advertising is effective. In  addition, we also studied the effectiveness of advertising through newspapers, also in terms of attitude towards the advertisement, attitude towards the brand and purchase intention.  Nevertheless, the factors (location and time, interactivity, advertising appeal, productinvolvement and incentive) did not appear to be success factors for this form of advertising.
  • 63.  Finally, both types of advertising (SMS advertising and advertising through newspapers) were compared.  SMS advertising appeared to be more interactive than advertising through newspapers and this interactivity had a positive impact on the attitude towards theadvertisement, the attitude towards the brand and the consumer’s purchase intention.  However, as indicated previously, we ought to deal with some caution with these results,because our additional research showed that incentives are necessary to increase consumers.  willingness to accept commercial messages on their mobile phone. Suggestions :  In INDIA the Digital marketing is a new and emerging concept in the present scenario of global competitive world.  The small scale industries are the best beneficiary of this concept, but they don’t have the awareness about the digital marketing usage.  So that the Digital marketing agencies should give the awareness to them in order utilize the best way to advertising, to promote sales and as well as to build their brand…… Objective of the study:  To undertake a study in order to guage the future of digital marketing
  • 64. Bibliography :  Internet www.digitalbuzzblog.com www.digitalmarketing.com www.scribd.com www.marketingtom.com www.googlebooks.com  Books :   Magazines News papers Etc…… Digital media-Dave Chaffey  Research : Digital Marketing Jerry Wind,&VijayMahajan Direct Digital Marketing-Drayton Bird