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August | Happiness Happens
10 Keys to a Happier Life............ 1
On the Menu: Zucchini................ 3
Back-to-School Tips
for Parents ................................. 4
Mindful Minute ........................... 4
App in a Snap: 5 Minute
Journal ....................................... 5
Get Some Satisfaction................ 5
Financial Focus: How to Buy
Happiness................................... 6
In This Issue
10 Keys to Living a Happier Life
Think you are unhappy by nature? Miserable because
of your life circumstances? Think again! Research
has shown that we do indeed operate around a
happiness “set point.” However, only 50 percent of
this set point is due to genetics and upbringing. A
mere 10 percent is related to life circumstances, and
the other 40 percent is purely under our control (e.g.,
our activities, relationships, how we choose to live
our life). Many people state that simply being happy is
one of their biggest life goals. The good news is that
extensive research has yielded consistent findings on
how to achieve it. The following 10 keys put improving
happiness in your hands!
Continued from page 1
CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016	 Page 2	
GIVING: Generosity is strongly bound to the reward center
in our brain; if you want to feel good, do good! Giving
also helps us build stronger connections with others and
creates happier communities on a large scale.
RELATING: People with strong social relationships are not
only happier, they also live longer. Take the time to nurture
the relationships in your life that bring you a sense of
support and belonging. Remember, we become more like
the people we spend time with, so choose carefully!
EXERCISING: Our body and our mind are strongly
connected. Being active will instantly improve your mood
and is a miracle worker for your overall happiness. View
physical activity as a tool for happiness instead of a chore
to accomplish; you may be surprised with the difference
this little change in mindset can make.
APPRECIATING: Take the time to notice the little things
and appreciate the beauty around you. Tuning in to the
present moment throughout the day can help us cope
better with daily life and keep us rooted in the here
and now.
TRYING OUT: Keep a healthy curiosity in daily life and try
to learn something new every day. This helps keep us
engaged in daily life, builds self-confidence and resilience,
and has a host of other benefits, all depending on what
you choose to learn about.
DIRECTION: Setting goals is an important part of
maintaining motivation, a sense of direction and purpose,
and feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction. Set
both short-term and long-term goals for yourself that are
personally meaningful and challenging enough to excite
you yet also realistic and achievable.
RESILIENCE: Although we may not have the power to
control what happens to us, we always have the power to
choose how to respond. It is important for our happiness
that we develop ways to bounce back during trying times.
Remember, if you can’t change it, change the way you
think about it.
EMOTION: Regularly experiencing positive emotions such
as joy, gratitude, inspiration and pride can create an
upward spiral of happiness over the long-term. Make an
effort to acknowledge the good things in life (no matter
how small) and what you are grateful for on a daily basis.
ACCEPTANCE: Self-acceptance is an important key to
happiness. Avoid comparing yourself to others as much as
possible, and focus on building up your strengths instead
of fixating on your flaws. Remember to be kind to yourself.
MEANING: People who feel they are a part of something
bigger and have a purpose and meaning outside of
themselves are happier, feel more in control and get more
out of what they are doing.
Learn more at actionforhappiness.org
Keys to a Happier Life: GREAT DREAM
CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016	 Page 3	
On the Menu
Due to its mild flavor and fairly
inexpensive price, zucchini is the
perfect summer staple. It’s ideal for
sneaking veggies into any meal as it’s
easily tossed into baked goods and
casseroles for a nutritional boost.
Give grilled zucchini center stage by
adding any of your favorite seasonings
for an easy crowd-pleasing side dish.
It boasts more than versatility with
impressive nutritional benefits.
Zucchini is high in water content and
rich in fiber, making it a very low-
calorie friend that aids in digestion.
One cup of sliced zucchini has only
about 19 calories while delivering
substantial amounts of antioxidants,
Vitamin C, manganese, potassium
and lutein. In general, zucchini is
great for:
• Heart health
• Eyesight
• Digestion
• Weight management
Keep It Fresh
When selecting a zucchini look for
firm, small to medium sizes and shiny
skin. You can find this squash in a
variety of colors from yellow to dark
green. The color will not affect the
taste much as long as the fruit is still
firm and there are no pits or wrinkling
in the skin. It’s best to store zucchini
in the fridge in a loose plastic bag and
eat within four days.
This fresh, healthy pasta substitute
has taken the world by storm! Zucchini
noodles, or “zoodles,” are a fun and
tasty way to increase your veggie
intake! Zoodles contains ¹/8
calories of pasta and ¹/10
the carbs!
• Whole zucchini – however much you
would like to prepare
You can prepare zoodles using a
counter-top spiralizer, hand-held
spiralizer, julienne peeler or vegetable
peeler. An actual spiralizer of some
sort is faster and creates prettier
zoodles, but if you want to try zoodles
before investing in a new kitchen
utensil, use a peeler. Zoodles can
be eaten raw, steamed, sautéed or
roasted. Use them as a substitute
for pasta or add them to your favorite
salad or soup. The possibilities
are endless.
If you do not want your zoodles to
have a crunch to them, it is wise to
prepare them at least one day prior to
eating. Store them in the refrigerator
in a sealed plastic container lined with
paper towels to allow them to sweat
out most of their water. To speed this
process up, you may also choose to
lay your zoodles on a pan and sprinkle
them with sea salt which will draw
the moisture out more quickly (20-30
minutes). Zoodles will stay fresh in the
fridge for up to five days, but freezing
them will ruin their texture so plan to
use them the week you make them.
Nutrition Info
Per 1 cup serving
Calories 18
Carbohydrates 3.8g
Fiber 1.2 g
Protein 1.4g
Sodium 11mg
CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016	 Page 4
Back-to-School Tips
for Parents
Getting off to a good start each
school year can tremendously
influence a child’s attitude for the
entire year. This transition from
summer can be difficult for parents
as well, but a little planning can
go a long way. Here are a few
suggestions to help ease the
adjustment and prepare your
child (and you) for a successful
school year.
• 	Mark your calendar. Schedule out
doctor appointments in advance,
including sports physicals and
necessary immunizations. Mark
your calendar with any important
dates provided by the school.
• 	Meet the teacher and tour the
school. Meeting the teacher
ahead of time can greatly ease
any anxiety your child may have
about starting a new year and
help you establish a parent-
teacher relationship early on.
Touring the school can help them
feel more comfortable and give
you a good visual for when you
hear about their day. Make sure
your child practices opening their
locker and locates all of his or
	 her classrooms.
• Re-establish a routine.
Oftentimes, routine goes out the
window for summer vacation,
but a well-respected bedtime
routine will help your child get the
quality sleep needed to succeed
at school. Have your family ease
back into the routine at least
a week in advance of school
starting. When school starts,
have your child get their backpack
and outfit (including shoes) ready
for the next day.
• Plan ahead for healthy meals.
Prioritize a healthy breakfast. Just
like adults, kids need protein and
healthy fat in the morning. Egg
muffins are a great go-to. Simply
scramble eggs with your favorite
meats and/or veggies, pour into
a muffin tin, bake at 350 degrees
for 20 minutes, then let cool
and refrigerate. Pop them in the
microwave for 20-30 seconds for
a quick and healthy breakfast on
the go.
• Prepare a study area. Set up
a special area for homework.
Remove distractions while
keeping the area inviting.
For example, keep it out of
earshot of the television but
include interesting colors and a
comfortable place to sit.
• Avoid overscheduling. The
first couple weeks of school,
especially for younger kids, may
be exhausting. Be mindful of
piling on too many afterschool
activities until they are adjusted.
• Check in. It can be like pulling
teeth to get kids to open up
and share how their day went.
Give kids a chance to unwind
after school before asking them
twenty questions. Rather than
asking yes/no questions, find
creative ways to learn about their
experiences, friendships and
challenges, and be sure to share
how your day went too.
Mindful Minute
The power of positive thinking is
profound! Regularly experiencing
positive emotions such as joy, pride,
gratitude and inspiration is predictive
of overall human flourishing,
including longer life span, less stress
and better psychological and physical
health. Optimism and pessimism
are not personality traits that are
entirely out of our control. In fact,
optimism is an emotional skill that
takes consistent practice to create
a lasting habit. Here are some tips
to start transforming yourself into a
more positive thinker:
•	Smile. The physical act of smiling,
even if we aren’t happy, can greatly
impact our mood and outlook.
•	Look for the learning opportunity
in every failure and bad
experience. If it helps to talk
things out with a friend, do it!
•	Start small by identifying a
specific area of your life you
tend to have negative thoughts
about. Recognize and replace the
negative with a positive thought.
•	Repeat affirmations that inspire
and motivate you. Post sticky
notes or reminders that keep this
in the forefront of your mind.
•	Don’t ruminate on negative things
that are out of your control.
Practice the art of letting go.
Get Some Satisfaction
Name: 	Five Minute Journal
Price: 	 Free
Focus: 	Happiness & Wellbeing
App in a Snap
The Five Minute Journal, designed
using the principals of positive
psychology, promotes
itself as a “toothbrush for the
mind”— use the app a few minutes,
twice a day, to
Each morning,
log in to note
three things
that you
are grateful
for and
how you
will make
the day
There is
also space
to affirm
how you will
embrace the
days’ joys and tasks. At
the end of the day, “brush
again,” this time reflecting on
three positive things that
happened and how you could have
made the day even better. Daily
quotes and weekly challenges keep
users motivated to create a habit of
using the tool.
Through the Five Minute Journal,
Emily Noll, National Director of CBIZ
Wellbeing Solutions, sets a morning
and evening reminder to log in for a
daily dose of inspiration and to
document, through words and
pictures, the best moments of each
day. She says it’s a simple tool that
busy professionals can use to get
their day started on the right foot,
express gratitude and optimize
CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016	 Page 5	
Five specific character traits have been identified as the most highly related to
life happiness and satisfaction. They are hope, zest, gratitude, curiosity and
love. Here are some simple activities that can help you boost these traits in
your everyday life to get more satisfaction.
Hope: Hope is a combination of setting goals, having the tenacity and
perseverance to pursue them, and believing in our own abilities. In order to
cultivate more hope, start by visualizing the best possible version of yourself.
What does it look like and what are the next achievable steps you can take
toward this goal? Write down your answers. This will help you create a logical
structure for the future and can help you identify concrete possibilities for
improvement. Lastly, always remember that your track record for surviving tough
days so far is 100 percent, which should certainly give you hope!
Zest: Zest is approaching life with vigor and enthusiasm. The winning
combination for cultivating more zest is a mix of exercise, social connection
and savoring the moment. In order to feel fully energized in the world around
you, plan a hike with a friend, join a recreational sports league or engage in any
other new physically active adventure while enjoying the company of others.
Gratitude: When it comes to maintaining a sense of gratitude and appreciation,
practice makes perfect. We must make an effort to acknowledge, reflect on and
emphasize the good things in life and watch carefully for negative self-talk. A
gratitude journal can help keep yourself accountable. Each day, write down the
best part of your day and one person you are grateful for. If you feel inclined,
you could even reach out to that person directly to let them know.
Curiosity: Curious how curiosity leads to happiness? It’s the fastest route to a
profoundly satisfying sense of accomplishment. Curiosity helps us tap into our
intellectual potential, master new tasks and reap social rewards. Reawaken your
curiosity by reframing boring situations. Look for details in everyday situations
you wouldn’t normally notice and seek to learn more about them.
Love: Whether or not you subscribe to the notion that love is all you need, it is
at least an important part of a happy life. Take time each day to cultivate more
love by sitting quietly for a moment and wishing yourself and others happiness
and peace. Try something simple like “may my sister find happiness and love”
or “may my son be strong and healthy.” Also, look for opportunities every day to
offer small gestures or words of kindness to those you encounter.
The Wellbeing Insights Newsletter is prepared for you by CBIZ ESO.
The contributions included in this newsletter do not specifically
reflect your employer’s opinions. Consult your health care provider
before making any lifestyle changes.
Contributing Writers
Abby Banks............Wellbeing Account Manager
Emily Noll...........National Director of Wellbeing
Visit the CBIZ Wellbeing website at www.cbiz.com/wellbeing
Financial Focus
CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016	 Page 6
How to Buy Happiness
Did you know that in the past 50 years the average amount
of personal space (e.g., the size of your house, car, etc.)
has tripled? At the same time, our debt and environmental
footprints have increased, yet general levels of happiness
have stayed the same. So what gives? It is apparent that
spending money to have more “stuff” doesn’t necessarily
make us happier. However, if you believe money can’t buy
happiness, you may just be spending it wrong. Here are
some proven purchases that increase happiness:
Charity: Studies show a positive link between charity and
happiness. Time and time again, those who spend money
on others become happier than those who spend the
same amount on themselves. Gallup research confirms
that the happiness people experience from giving to charity
occurs worldwide despite variance in disposable income.
Consider reallocating a portion of the money you typically
(or impulsively) spend on ‘stuff’ to a charity or community
initiative that has special meaning—the return on investment
of doing good is warm and fuzzy feelings that will outlast a
new a pair of shoes or the latest electronic gadget.
Experiences: When it comes to treating ourselves, spending
money on experiences will increase happiness much
more than buying items. If you don’t have the funds for a
grandiose vacation, don’t worry, as a variety of experiences,
from day trips to local festivals, cost less and improve your
quality of life. It is our life experiences and the people we
share them with that will lead to happiness. In addition
to lasting memories, new experiences enable personal
development and growth which also increases happiness.
Where you spend your time: When it comes to actually
purchasing items, spend your money where you spend your
time. If you are budgeting for more “stuff,” it may help you
prioritize if you consider where you actually spend your
time and which purchases may truly make your life more
enjoyable. For example, if you spend every evening on your
deck, invest in a nice patio set and some plants or flowers.
Time: Buy yourself more time to do the things you love by
hiring a babysitter, a housecleaner, etc. Purchases that afford
you more time to enjoy life are a luxury worth the investment
for many.

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CBIZ Wellbeing Insights August 2016

  • 1. ISSUE 13 AUGUST|2016 Continued on next page August | Happiness Happens 10 Keys to a Happier Life............ 1 On the Menu: Zucchini................ 3 Back-to-School Tips for Parents ................................. 4 Mindful Minute ........................... 4 App in a Snap: 5 Minute Journal ....................................... 5 Get Some Satisfaction................ 5 Financial Focus: How to Buy Happiness................................... 6 In This Issue 10 Keys to Living a Happier Life Think you are unhappy by nature? Miserable because of your life circumstances? Think again! Research has shown that we do indeed operate around a happiness “set point.” However, only 50 percent of this set point is due to genetics and upbringing. A mere 10 percent is related to life circumstances, and the other 40 percent is purely under our control (e.g., our activities, relationships, how we choose to live our life). Many people state that simply being happy is one of their biggest life goals. The good news is that extensive research has yielded consistent findings on how to achieve it. The following 10 keys put improving happiness in your hands!
  • 2. Continued from page 1 CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016 Page 2 GIVING: Generosity is strongly bound to the reward center in our brain; if you want to feel good, do good! Giving also helps us build stronger connections with others and creates happier communities on a large scale. RELATING: People with strong social relationships are not only happier, they also live longer. Take the time to nurture the relationships in your life that bring you a sense of support and belonging. Remember, we become more like the people we spend time with, so choose carefully! EXERCISING: Our body and our mind are strongly connected. Being active will instantly improve your mood and is a miracle worker for your overall happiness. View physical activity as a tool for happiness instead of a chore to accomplish; you may be surprised with the difference this little change in mindset can make. APPRECIATING: Take the time to notice the little things and appreciate the beauty around you. Tuning in to the present moment throughout the day can help us cope better with daily life and keep us rooted in the here and now. TRYING OUT: Keep a healthy curiosity in daily life and try to learn something new every day. This helps keep us engaged in daily life, builds self-confidence and resilience, and has a host of other benefits, all depending on what you choose to learn about. DIRECTION: Setting goals is an important part of maintaining motivation, a sense of direction and purpose, and feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction. Set both short-term and long-term goals for yourself that are personally meaningful and challenging enough to excite you yet also realistic and achievable. RESILIENCE: Although we may not have the power to control what happens to us, we always have the power to choose how to respond. It is important for our happiness that we develop ways to bounce back during trying times. Remember, if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. EMOTION: Regularly experiencing positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, inspiration and pride can create an upward spiral of happiness over the long-term. Make an effort to acknowledge the good things in life (no matter how small) and what you are grateful for on a daily basis. ACCEPTANCE: Self-acceptance is an important key to happiness. Avoid comparing yourself to others as much as possible, and focus on building up your strengths instead of fixating on your flaws. Remember to be kind to yourself. MEANING: People who feel they are a part of something bigger and have a purpose and meaning outside of themselves are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they are doing. Learn more at actionforhappiness.org “IT’S NOT HOW MUCH WE HAVE, BUT HOW MUCH WE ENJOY THAT MAKES HAPPINESS.” – CHARLES SPURGEON Keys to a Happier Life: GREAT DREAM
  • 3. CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016 Page 3 On the Menu Zucchini Due to its mild flavor and fairly inexpensive price, zucchini is the perfect summer staple. It’s ideal for sneaking veggies into any meal as it’s easily tossed into baked goods and casseroles for a nutritional boost. Give grilled zucchini center stage by adding any of your favorite seasonings for an easy crowd-pleasing side dish. It boasts more than versatility with impressive nutritional benefits. Zucchini is high in water content and rich in fiber, making it a very low- calorie friend that aids in digestion. One cup of sliced zucchini has only about 19 calories while delivering substantial amounts of antioxidants, Vitamin C, manganese, potassium and lutein. In general, zucchini is great for: • Heart health • Eyesight • Digestion • Weight management Keep It Fresh When selecting a zucchini look for firm, small to medium sizes and shiny skin. You can find this squash in a variety of colors from yellow to dark green. The color will not affect the taste much as long as the fruit is still firm and there are no pits or wrinkling in the skin. It’s best to store zucchini in the fridge in a loose plastic bag and eat within four days. Zoodles This fresh, healthy pasta substitute has taken the world by storm! Zucchini noodles, or “zoodles,” are a fun and tasty way to increase your veggie intake! Zoodles contains ¹/8 the calories of pasta and ¹/10 the carbs! Ingredients: • Whole zucchini – however much you would like to prepare Directions: You can prepare zoodles using a counter-top spiralizer, hand-held spiralizer, julienne peeler or vegetable peeler. An actual spiralizer of some sort is faster and creates prettier zoodles, but if you want to try zoodles before investing in a new kitchen utensil, use a peeler. Zoodles can be eaten raw, steamed, sautéed or roasted. Use them as a substitute for pasta or add them to your favorite salad or soup. The possibilities are endless. If you do not want your zoodles to have a crunch to them, it is wise to prepare them at least one day prior to eating. Store them in the refrigerator in a sealed plastic container lined with paper towels to allow them to sweat out most of their water. To speed this process up, you may also choose to lay your zoodles on a pan and sprinkle them with sea salt which will draw the moisture out more quickly (20-30 minutes). Zoodles will stay fresh in the fridge for up to five days, but freezing them will ruin their texture so plan to use them the week you make them. Nutrition Info Per 1 cup serving Calories 18 Carbohydrates 3.8g Fiber 1.2 g Protein 1.4g Sodium 11mg
  • 4. CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016 Page 4 Back-to-School Tips for Parents Getting off to a good start each school year can tremendously influence a child’s attitude for the entire year. This transition from summer can be difficult for parents as well, but a little planning can go a long way. Here are a few suggestions to help ease the adjustment and prepare your child (and you) for a successful school year. • Mark your calendar. Schedule out doctor appointments in advance, including sports physicals and necessary immunizations. Mark your calendar with any important dates provided by the school. • Meet the teacher and tour the school. Meeting the teacher ahead of time can greatly ease any anxiety your child may have about starting a new year and help you establish a parent- teacher relationship early on. Touring the school can help them feel more comfortable and give you a good visual for when you hear about their day. Make sure your child practices opening their locker and locates all of his or her classrooms. • Re-establish a routine. Oftentimes, routine goes out the window for summer vacation, but a well-respected bedtime routine will help your child get the quality sleep needed to succeed at school. Have your family ease back into the routine at least a week in advance of school starting. When school starts, have your child get their backpack and outfit (including shoes) ready for the next day. • Plan ahead for healthy meals. Prioritize a healthy breakfast. Just like adults, kids need protein and healthy fat in the morning. Egg muffins are a great go-to. Simply scramble eggs with your favorite meats and/or veggies, pour into a muffin tin, bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, then let cool and refrigerate. Pop them in the microwave for 20-30 seconds for a quick and healthy breakfast on the go. • Prepare a study area. Set up a special area for homework. Remove distractions while keeping the area inviting. For example, keep it out of earshot of the television but include interesting colors and a comfortable place to sit. • Avoid overscheduling. The first couple weeks of school, especially for younger kids, may be exhausting. Be mindful of piling on too many afterschool activities until they are adjusted. • Check in. It can be like pulling teeth to get kids to open up and share how their day went. Give kids a chance to unwind after school before asking them twenty questions. Rather than asking yes/no questions, find creative ways to learn about their experiences, friendships and challenges, and be sure to share how your day went too. Mindful Minute The power of positive thinking is profound! Regularly experiencing positive emotions such as joy, pride, gratitude and inspiration is predictive of overall human flourishing, including longer life span, less stress and better psychological and physical health. Optimism and pessimism are not personality traits that are entirely out of our control. In fact, optimism is an emotional skill that takes consistent practice to create a lasting habit. Here are some tips to start transforming yourself into a more positive thinker: • Smile. The physical act of smiling, even if we aren’t happy, can greatly impact our mood and outlook. • Look for the learning opportunity in every failure and bad experience. If it helps to talk things out with a friend, do it! • Start small by identifying a specific area of your life you tend to have negative thoughts about. Recognize and replace the negative with a positive thought. • Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you. Post sticky notes or reminders that keep this in the forefront of your mind. • Don’t ruminate on negative things that are out of your control. Practice the art of letting go.
  • 5. Get Some Satisfaction Name: Five Minute Journal Price: Free Focus: Happiness & Wellbeing App in a Snap The Five Minute Journal, designed using the principals of positive psychology, promotes itself as a “toothbrush for the mind”— use the app a few minutes, twice a day, to increase happiness. Each morning, log in to note three things that you are grateful for and specify how you will make the day amazing! There is also space to affirm how you will embrace the days’ joys and tasks. At the end of the day, “brush again,” this time reflecting on three positive things that happened and how you could have made the day even better. Daily quotes and weekly challenges keep users motivated to create a habit of using the tool. Through the Five Minute Journal, Emily Noll, National Director of CBIZ Wellbeing Solutions, sets a morning and evening reminder to log in for a daily dose of inspiration and to document, through words and pictures, the best moments of each day. She says it’s a simple tool that busy professionals can use to get their day started on the right foot, express gratitude and optimize wellbeing. CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016 Page 5 Five specific character traits have been identified as the most highly related to life happiness and satisfaction. They are hope, zest, gratitude, curiosity and love. Here are some simple activities that can help you boost these traits in your everyday life to get more satisfaction. Hope: Hope is a combination of setting goals, having the tenacity and perseverance to pursue them, and believing in our own abilities. In order to cultivate more hope, start by visualizing the best possible version of yourself. What does it look like and what are the next achievable steps you can take toward this goal? Write down your answers. This will help you create a logical structure for the future and can help you identify concrete possibilities for improvement. Lastly, always remember that your track record for surviving tough days so far is 100 percent, which should certainly give you hope! Zest: Zest is approaching life with vigor and enthusiasm. The winning combination for cultivating more zest is a mix of exercise, social connection and savoring the moment. In order to feel fully energized in the world around you, plan a hike with a friend, join a recreational sports league or engage in any other new physically active adventure while enjoying the company of others. Gratitude: When it comes to maintaining a sense of gratitude and appreciation, practice makes perfect. We must make an effort to acknowledge, reflect on and emphasize the good things in life and watch carefully for negative self-talk. A gratitude journal can help keep yourself accountable. Each day, write down the best part of your day and one person you are grateful for. If you feel inclined, you could even reach out to that person directly to let them know. Curiosity: Curious how curiosity leads to happiness? It’s the fastest route to a profoundly satisfying sense of accomplishment. Curiosity helps us tap into our intellectual potential, master new tasks and reap social rewards. Reawaken your curiosity by reframing boring situations. Look for details in everyday situations you wouldn’t normally notice and seek to learn more about them. Love: Whether or not you subscribe to the notion that love is all you need, it is at least an important part of a happy life. Take time each day to cultivate more love by sitting quietly for a moment and wishing yourself and others happiness and peace. Try something simple like “may my sister find happiness and love” or “may my son be strong and healthy.” Also, look for opportunities every day to offer small gestures or words of kindness to those you encounter.
  • 6. The Wellbeing Insights Newsletter is prepared for you by CBIZ ESO. The contributions included in this newsletter do not specifically reflect your employer’s opinions. Consult your health care provider before making any lifestyle changes. Contributing Writers Abby Banks............Wellbeing Account Manager Emily Noll...........National Director of Wellbeing Visit the CBIZ Wellbeing website at www.cbiz.com/wellbeing ©Copyright2016.CBIZ,Inc.NYSEListed:CBZ.Allrightsreserved.CBIZ-228,Rev.13 Financial Focus CBIZ Wellbeing Insights – August 2016 Page 6 How to Buy Happiness Did you know that in the past 50 years the average amount of personal space (e.g., the size of your house, car, etc.) has tripled? At the same time, our debt and environmental footprints have increased, yet general levels of happiness have stayed the same. So what gives? It is apparent that spending money to have more “stuff” doesn’t necessarily make us happier. However, if you believe money can’t buy happiness, you may just be spending it wrong. Here are some proven purchases that increase happiness: Charity: Studies show a positive link between charity and happiness. Time and time again, those who spend money on others become happier than those who spend the same amount on themselves. Gallup research confirms that the happiness people experience from giving to charity occurs worldwide despite variance in disposable income. Consider reallocating a portion of the money you typically (or impulsively) spend on ‘stuff’ to a charity or community initiative that has special meaning—the return on investment of doing good is warm and fuzzy feelings that will outlast a new a pair of shoes or the latest electronic gadget. Experiences: When it comes to treating ourselves, spending money on experiences will increase happiness much more than buying items. If you don’t have the funds for a grandiose vacation, don’t worry, as a variety of experiences, from day trips to local festivals, cost less and improve your quality of life. It is our life experiences and the people we share them with that will lead to happiness. In addition to lasting memories, new experiences enable personal development and growth which also increases happiness. Where you spend your time: When it comes to actually purchasing items, spend your money where you spend your time. If you are budgeting for more “stuff,” it may help you prioritize if you consider where you actually spend your time and which purchases may truly make your life more enjoyable. For example, if you spend every evening on your deck, invest in a nice patio set and some plants or flowers. Time: Buy yourself more time to do the things you love by hiring a babysitter, a housecleaner, etc. Purchases that afford you more time to enjoy life are a luxury worth the investment for many.