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Presented By:
Ritik Kumar Singh
B.S.c-6th Semester
Roll no- US-211-222-0118
Reg No- 21026916
Study Area
Material & Methods
List of birds found in Abhoota Beel
Result & Discussion
Impact of wetland on local Community
 Birds are the only living creature that can fly.
 They are sensitive to environment change so they can be used to monitor
ecosystem health.
 Wetland like Abhoota beel plays a significant role in supporting wide variety of
birds species due to their rich ecosystems that offer abundant food
resources,nesting sites and migratory stopover.
 The wetland's unique ecosystem, comprising of water bodies, vegetation, and soil,
supports a wide variety of bird species, each with their specific needs
and adaptations.
It’s Unique Ecological Characteristics Creates an Ideal
Environment for Birds.
This Beel Plays an essential role in sustaining Various
Avian Species.

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This document discusses various topics related to living corners in schools, including pisciculture (fish farming), bird watching, and rearing animals. It covers different methods of fish farming such as cage and pond systems. It also provides a history of bird watching as a hobby and details common bird watching activities. The document recommends maximizing animal survival rates in rearing and discusses both parent and artificial rearing methods.

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The document summarizes information about the pileated woodpecker, including its habitat, diet, breeding behaviors, predators, role in food chains and webs, and how environmental factors can affect its population. The woodpecker lives in deciduous forests with older trees, builds nests in rotting trees, and eats insects and fruits. Its eggs hatch in 12-14 days, and both parents share incubation duties and care for the young. Predators include sharp-shinned hawks and parasites like lice. The woodpecker's population is dependent on the health of the forest ecosystem and aquatic environments where it finds food.

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Unit 3: Orange Bellied Parrot

Tracey Gray, fropm Port Fairy Consolidated School, delivered this presentation to VCE Environmental Science stuednts in May, 2008 as part of the Unit 3: Biodiversity course.

The Objective of Studying Birds Diversity at Abhoota
Beel Seeks to Catalog the rich Avian Species Inhabiting
in the Area.
To see for any migratory birds found in the area.
 Abhoota Beel is located in sootea and the
South western Direction from Biswanath
 The beel is 7-8 km from sootea police station.
 The Beel is about 575 Hectors.
Fig:- Abhoota beel of sootea
 Digital Camera, Binocular & Gps From Phone was used.
 Field Surveys Were Conducted In Early Morning & in the Evening
 Point Count methods were used.
 The Birds are then arranged in a table Consisting of common Name,
Scientific Name, Family & IUCN Status.
Family Common Name Scientific Name IUCN Status
1. Strigidae Spotted owlet Athene brama Least concern
2. Podicipedida Lesser whistling duck Dendrocygna javanica Vulnerable
3. Anatidae Indian spot billed duck Anas poecilorhyncha Least concern
4. Anatidae Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea Least concern
5. Rallidae Whitebreasted waterhen Halcyon smyrnensis Least concern
6. Sturnidae Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Least concern
7. Passeridae House Sparrow Passer domesticus Least concern
8. Columnidae Green Imperial Pigeon Dacula aenea Least concern
9. Columnidae Rock Pigeon Columba livia Least concern
List and status of some of the birds found in Abhoota beel

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Avifauna associated with palash (butea monosperma), the state flower of uttar...

ABSTRACT- Butea monosperma is a moderate sized deciduous tree, which is widely distributed throughout India, Burma and Ceylon, popularly known as 'dhak' or 'palash', commonly known as ‘Flame of forest’. Bearing many qualities it is rightly selected as the State Flower of Uttar Pradesh as well as Jharkhand. The study was undertaken during January 2015-2017 in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. For this study 15 sites were selected in Jhansi area. Observations were done from 6:00 am to 10:00 am and 3:00 pm to 7 pm. Direct observations were made using Bushnell Falcon 10x50 mm Binocular. The study was supported with photographs taken by 7 D Canon SLR Camera. Observations indicated that the bird species were attracted towards the flowers of Palash. The birds were also used the trees of nesting and roosting. A total of 70 bird species belonging to 27 families were associated with Palash either for feeding, nesting or roosting. The maximum species (12) belonged to family Corvidae followed by Sturnidae (6), Columbidae (5), Musciapidae (5) and Sylviindae (5). It was concluded that the State flower of Uttar Pradesh is obligatory for the local bird community. Initiatives have been taken to create awareness amongst the local people with the help of press media. The conservation of the existing plant species and the plantation of more trees particularly in educational institutes are important. Butea monosperma is very dry resistant and helps in controlling soil erosion. Therefore planting and managing the tree will be beneficial for local farmers also. Key-words- Palash, Bird species, Conservation, Butea monosperma

"Influence of Trees to Biodiversity"
"Influence of Trees to Biodiversity""Influence of Trees to Biodiversity"
"Influence of Trees to Biodiversity"

"When trees burn, they leave the smell of heartbreak in the air." Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life. Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter.


The document discusses biodiversity, flora, and fauna found in India. It notes that India is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species due to its varying climate and habitats. However, many species are now endangered, vulnerable, or extinct due to habitat loss, invasive species, climate change, pollution, overhunting, and development projects. Conservation of forests and wildlife is important for ecological balance, economic benefits, and maintaining biodiversity, yet forest cover in India has significantly declined. The document outlines strategies that can help conserve remaining forests and wildlife, including reserved forests, protected areas, reforestation, controlling forest fires, and community involvement in protection efforts like Project Tiger.

Family Common Name Scientific Name IUCN Status
10. Ardeidae Little Egret Egretta garzetta Least concern
11. Ardeidae Indian Pond heron Ardeola grayii Least Concern
12. Corvidae Large Billed crow Corovus
Least Concern
13. Corvidae House Crow Corvus splendens Least Concern
14. Alcedinide Common Kingfisher Acedo atthis Least Concern
15. Picidae Fulvous breasted
Dendrocopos macei Least Concern
16. Ciconiidae Asian Openbill Anastomus oscitans Least Concern
17. Ciconiidae Lesser adjutant stork Leptoptilos
18. Meropidae Blue tailed Bee eater Merops philippinus Least concern
Figure 3:- Lesser whistling duck Figure 4:- Whitebreasted waterhen
Figure 5:- Ruddy Shelduck Figure 2:- Common Kingfisher
Some images of birds founds in the beel
Figure 6:- Lesser Moor Hen Figure 7:- Striated Heron
Figure 9:- Little Egret Figure 10:- Lesser Adjutant Stork
Figure 12:- White wagtail
Figure 18:- Pheasent Tailed Jacana
Figure 20 :-Grey Headed Lapwing

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Aquatic macrophytes functions in several ways in water bodies, they are critical to Niger Delta inland waters because they enhance the physical structure of the habitat which serves as living space for small aquatic animals and play a vital role in fisheries production. Macrophytes play an important role in the aquatic environment but unfortunately very little attention is being directed towards the conservation of these aquatic resources and they can get out of control and create problems when they are not properly managed. This paper examines common aquatic macrophytes in Niger Delta in Nigeria with emphasis on benefits, problems and also proffers best practices for adequately managing the macrrophytes in Niger Delta inland waters.

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It gets very helpful as we can understand about how to conserve our Enviornment and what is all about Forest and Wildlife.

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The document discusses wildlife habitat management and conservation. It begins by defining wildlife and wildlife management. Wildlife management aims to manipulate habitat to improve conditions for wildlife through practices like conservation. The document outlines different habitat types including biomes, stages of habitat succession, and the basic requirements of food, cover, water and space for wildlife. It provides examples of management practices that can be used for small areas of habitat, such as vegetation management, creating clearings, thinning areas, establishing food plots, providing water sources, and using carefully planned fires. The goal of habitat management is to provide for both specific wildlife species and species diversity.

 From the above studys total of 50 species of birds were found in the beel
belonging to 12 famalies.
 Some of the migratory birds species like Bar-headed geese, Common teal and
Northern pintail etc are found.
 Threats from Human activities-Pollution, illegal settlement near the beel cause a threat to
the health of the beel resulting in reduced number of flora and fauna.
 Hunting of the birds illegally leads to the loss of birds habitat.
 One of the tools used for hunting birds is sling shot
 In some areas nets are tied above the water bodies to catch the birds
 Climate change- Raising temperature and changing of climate also effect the wetland
Figure- sling short
 Wetlands supports a local Fishery/fisheries.
 It provides natural foods , such as vegetables , aquatic seeds , fish, mollusca
 Beels serve as natural water reservoirs, especially during the monsoon
season, helping to recharge groundwater and providing irrigation of water
for agricultural fields in the dry season.
 Abhoota beel has a rich biodiversity and vital ecological functions,stand as a
testament to nature’s balance.
 The beel supports a group of species from migratory birds to unique aquatic
plants,playing a crucial role in maintaining regional biodiversity.
 The beel acts as a natural water source in maintaining environmental stability
and supporting local agriculture

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This document discusses the importance of natural resources like forests, mangroves, wetlands, and sacred groves for science teaching and learning. It provides details on each resource, including their ecological and economic value. Forests store biodiversity and provide timber, fuelwood and nontimber forest products. Mangroves act as buffers between land and sea and support fisheries. Wetlands regulate floods and filter pollution while providing habitat. Sacred groves in India preserve biodiversity and local cultural practices. Conserving these natural resources through measures like reforestation and restricting overexploitation supports the environment, livelihoods and education.

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This document discusses the importance of natural resources like forests, mangroves, wetlands, and sacred groves for science teaching and learning. It provides details on the definition, features, economic and ecological values of each resource. Forests store a large variety of life and provide timber, influence climate, and protect soil. Mangroves are salt-tolerant trees found along coasts that provide wood, filter water, and support wildlife. Wetlands are home to many species and store floodwater and filter pollution. Sacred groves are forests protected for religious significance that conserve biodiversity and support local communities. Conserving these natural resources through practices like reforestation and restricting development is important for environmental protection.

 Kakati, R. (2019, June). To Study the diversity of Avian fauna found in Kodomoni Beel,
Biswanath Chariali, Assam, India. Retrieved from Journal of Emerging
Technologies and Innovative Research:
 BORAH, D. ( 2022, May 4 ). Behali Wildlife Sanctuary. Retrieved from
 Biswajit Chakdar, P. C. (2016, January 26). Avifaunal diversity in Assam
University Campus, Silchar, India. Retrieved from Journal of Threatened Taxa :
Some images of the beel

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  • 1. Presented By: Ritik Kumar Singh B.S.c-6th Semester Roll no- US-211-222-0118 Reg No- 21026916
  • 2. Introduction Objective Study Area Material & Methods List of birds found in Abhoota Beel Result & Discussion Threats Impact of wetland on local Community Conclusion Reference
  • 3.  Birds are the only living creature that can fly.  They are sensitive to environment change so they can be used to monitor ecosystem health.  Wetland like Abhoota beel plays a significant role in supporting wide variety of birds species due to their rich ecosystems that offer abundant food resources,nesting sites and migratory stopover.  The wetland's unique ecosystem, comprising of water bodies, vegetation, and soil, supports a wide variety of bird species, each with their specific needs and adaptations.
  • 4. It’s Unique Ecological Characteristics Creates an Ideal Environment for Birds. This Beel Plays an essential role in sustaining Various Avian Species.
  • 5. The Objective of Studying Birds Diversity at Abhoota Beel Seeks to Catalog the rich Avian Species Inhabiting in the Area. To see for any migratory birds found in the area.
  • 6.  Abhoota Beel is located in sootea and the South western Direction from Biswanath Chariali.  The beel is 7-8 km from sootea police station.  The Beel is about 575 Hectors. Fig:- Abhoota beel of sootea
  • 7.  Digital Camera, Binocular & Gps From Phone was used.  Field Surveys Were Conducted In Early Morning & in the Evening Time.  Point Count methods were used.  The Birds are then arranged in a table Consisting of common Name, Scientific Name, Family & IUCN Status.
  • 8. Sl No. Family Common Name Scientific Name IUCN Status 1. Strigidae Spotted owlet Athene brama Least concern 2. Podicipedida Lesser whistling duck Dendrocygna javanica Vulnerable 3. Anatidae Indian spot billed duck Anas poecilorhyncha Least concern 4. Anatidae Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea Least concern 5. Rallidae Whitebreasted waterhen Halcyon smyrnensis Least concern 6. Sturnidae Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Least concern 7. Passeridae House Sparrow Passer domesticus Least concern 8. Columnidae Green Imperial Pigeon Dacula aenea Least concern 9. Columnidae Rock Pigeon Columba livia Least concern List and status of some of the birds found in Abhoota beel
  • 9. Sl No. Family Common Name Scientific Name IUCN Status 10. Ardeidae Little Egret Egretta garzetta Least concern 11. Ardeidae Indian Pond heron Ardeola grayii Least Concern 12. Corvidae Large Billed crow Corovus macrorhynchos Least Concern 13. Corvidae House Crow Corvus splendens Least Concern 14. Alcedinide Common Kingfisher Acedo atthis Least Concern 15. Picidae Fulvous breasted woodpecker Dendrocopos macei Least Concern 16. Ciconiidae Asian Openbill Anastomus oscitans Least Concern 17. Ciconiidae Lesser adjutant stork Leptoptilos javanicus Vulnerable 18. Meropidae Blue tailed Bee eater Merops philippinus Least concern
  • 10. Figure 3:- Lesser whistling duck Figure 4:- Whitebreasted waterhen Figure 5:- Ruddy Shelduck Figure 2:- Common Kingfisher Some images of birds founds in the beel
  • 11. Figure 6:- Lesser Moor Hen Figure 7:- Striated Heron Figure 9:- Little Egret Figure 10:- Lesser Adjutant Stork
  • 12. Figure 12:- White wagtail Figure 18:- Pheasent Tailed Jacana Figure 20 :-Grey Headed Lapwing
  • 13.  From the above studys total of 50 species of birds were found in the beel belonging to 12 famalies.  Some of the migratory birds species like Bar-headed geese, Common teal and Northern pintail etc are found.
  • 14.  Threats from Human activities-Pollution, illegal settlement near the beel cause a threat to the health of the beel resulting in reduced number of flora and fauna.  Hunting of the birds illegally leads to the loss of birds habitat.  One of the tools used for hunting birds is sling shot  In some areas nets are tied above the water bodies to catch the birds  Climate change- Raising temperature and changing of climate also effect the wetland ecosystem. Figure- sling short
  • 15.  Wetlands supports a local Fishery/fisheries.  It provides natural foods , such as vegetables , aquatic seeds , fish, mollusca etc.  Beels serve as natural water reservoirs, especially during the monsoon season, helping to recharge groundwater and providing irrigation of water for agricultural fields in the dry season.
  • 16.  Abhoota beel has a rich biodiversity and vital ecological functions,stand as a testament to nature’s balance.  The beel supports a group of species from migratory birds to unique aquatic plants,playing a crucial role in maintaining regional biodiversity.  The beel acts as a natural water source in maintaining environmental stability and supporting local agriculture
  • 17.  Kakati, R. (2019, June). To Study the diversity of Avian fauna found in Kodomoni Beel, Biswanath Chariali, Assam, India. Retrieved from Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research: https://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR1906L76  BORAH, D. ( 2022, May 4 ). Behali Wildlife Sanctuary. Retrieved from Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behali_Wildlife_Sanctuary.  Biswajit Chakdar, P. C. (2016, January 26). Avifaunal diversity in Assam University Campus, Silchar, India. Retrieved from Journal of Threatened Taxa : https://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/article/view/2524/3533#:~:text=In%20 Assam %2C%20more%20than%20900,which%20contained%20lists%20of%20birds.
  • 18. Some images of the beel