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Plot # 2, Survey # 13/2, Sagar Society, NDA-Pashan Road, Bavdhan, 
Pune – 411021 Maharashtra India 
Phone No.: 020-66854700 | Fax No.: 020-66854712 
URL: www.aimsinstitute.in
Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 
1. Introduction 3 
2. Overview of Project 4 
3. Guidelines & Requirements for the Project 5 
4. Choosing a Topic 6 
5. Scope of the Project 7 
6. General Guidelines for the Project 8 
7. Organizing Project Report 9 
8. Guidelines for Content 10 
9. Technical Specifications of Project Report 14 
10. Plagiarism 15 
11. You & Your Project Guide 16 
12. Do’s and Don’ts during Internship Period 17 
13. A Few Tips 19 
 Annexure A: Specimen – Cover Page 
 Annexure B: Specimen – Title Page 
 Annexure C: Specimen – Table of Contents 
 Annexure D: Specimen – List of Tables & Figures 
 Annexure E: Specimen – Harvard Referencing 
Guidelines – Project Report 2 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
You are required to undertake a major individual piece of research work - the Project. The aim of the 
Project is to give you an opportunity to learn independently and show that you can identify, define and 
analyze problems and issues; and integrate knowledge in a business context and arrive at an 
implementable solution for the benefit of the organization. It is an important part of the Post-Graduate 
Program that tests your ability to understand and apply the theory, the concepts and the tools of analysis 
to a specific situation. This handbook has been compiled to clarify the framework of the project and 
suggest some ways of assuring success. 
The only precise rule on what constitutes an acceptable project is that it should be an ordered critical 
exposition, which affords evidence of reasoning power and knowledge of the relevant literature in an 
approved field falling within the subject matter of the programme - Management. The emphasis 
should be on applied research and the investigation of some practical problem or issue related to the 
situation in which an organisation or system operates. 
Please note that the project must not be treated as just another assignment. The Project provides an 
opportunity to judge the student’s time and self-management skills and his/her ability to successfully 
undertake a long and in-depth study. Hence, it is not only the product that is important, but also the 
process itself. Students must, therefore, ensure that they maintain regular contact with their Project 
Guide and also that they provide the Project Guide with drafts of their work at regular intervals. Finally, 
to keep yourself up-to-date and under control as regards your project, it is imperative that you meet your 
Project Guide regularly. 
Guidelines – Project Report 3 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
The project is a practical, in-depth study of a problem, issue, opportunity, technique or procedure – or 
some combination of these aspects of business. Typically, you will be required to define an area of 
investigation, carve out research design, assemble relevant data, analyse the data, draw conclusions and 
make recommendations. Your project should demonstrate organisational, analytical and evaluative skills, 
and, where appropriate, an ability to design a suitable implementation and review procedure. 
The project is the longest and most original piece of work you will undertake in your post-graduate study. 
It reflects a strong sense of responsibility and commitment towards project undertaken. 
Guidelines – Project Report 4 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Your project report should make clear what you have attempted and why you have attempted it; the 
methods that you have used to collect, collate and analyze the information obtained; and how you have 
evaluated it. Any recommendations made should be supported by the evidence presented and by logical 
argument using deductive and inductive reasoning. For a Project to be of a high quality it is imperative to 
avoid detailed description devoid of analytical content. 
Guidelines – Project Report 5 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Choosing your topic is probably the most important thing you will do as it decides the direction of your 
efforts, during the entire Internship period. The choice of topic is up to you, with guidance from your 
Project Guide, but, he/ she is not there to make the decision for you. To a large extent, your ideas will 
be influenced by your situation. The initial ideas are likely to originate in a vague form and may lack a 
clear focus. These then need to be developed into something manageable and practical by consideration 
of available literature/ texts and discussion with your Project Guides once allocated. 
Most Project ideas come from: 
 Personal experience: this is an obvious starting point for the project because in every 
organization there would be some issue that can be researched into. 
An example of a project originating from this way could be an evaluation of the Training 
Department of your organization or an evaluation of the performance appraisal systems used for 
salesmen in your organization. 
 Observation of events: Personal observation of events in the organization/ environment can serve 
as a starting point for a project idea. An example of this could be that you observe that the 
employee turnover in your organization is very high and as your project you could research into 
the reasons for this and make suitable recommendations. 
 Issues of current interest: Reviewing key issues of broader relevance may be another useful 
indicator for a project idea. Considering the global perspective with relevance to current business 
practices of the organization. You need to take care when dealing with issues such as these. It may 
be necessary to confine yourself to an aspect of the issue or you could find yourself tackling 
something that is too big to handle effectively and gives you a very wide project area, which 
inevitably lacks depth of analysis. 
Whatever the source of your project idea, familiarity with the area is imperative for the successful 
completion of the project. 
Guidelines – Project Report 6 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
An acceptable project will normally fall into one of the following categories: 
 Exploratory- a study that involves carrying out original research in order to meet the 
organization’s continual need for new information for forward decision-making. The main issues 
may be human, economical, functional etc, but the construction and/or application of some kind 
of research instrument are the focus of the study. The analysis of the research findings (e.g. 
client’s responses to questionnaire about changing product specifications) should take place, 
resulting in proposals about how to manage relevant aspects of the organisation’s future. 
 Explanatory- a study, which would involve studying relationships between different variables 
like a cause & effect relationship study. 
 Descriptive- a study that would need an in-depth portrayal of an accurate profile of events or 
situations from the business environment. 
Guidelines – Project Report 7 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 The students will have to undergo Internship of 60-days after the completion of 2nd Semester. 
 The Project MUST be certified by Authorized signatory from the Organization. The Certificate 
MUST to be printed on Organization’s Letterhead and carry impression of Organization’s Seal. 
 The students are required to submit the Project Report on or before the deadline. 
 The students will be assessed on the basis of the quality of work done, dedication and sincerity 
during the entire project report. 
 No two students can have the same research objectives and target audience. 
 No two students undergoing Internship at the same organization can have the same Project Title. 
 The students Project Report must have own contribution and must be approved by their Project 
Guide as original work. 
 The size of project report should not exceed 60 pages of typed matter reckoned from the first page 
of Introduction to the last page. 
Guidelines – Project Report 8 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
This section presents some of the norms associated with a project. It is strongly recommended that you 
follow these guidelines. The final report should be presented in the following sequence: 
1. Title Page 
2. Acknowledgements 
3. Certificate from Company 
4. Executive Summary 
5. Table of Contents 
6. Introduction 
7. Organization Overview 
8. Objectives 
9. Research Methodology 
10. Data Analysis , Results and Interpretation 
11. Conclusions 
12. Recommendations 
13. Appendices 
14. Bibliography 
Guidelines – Project Report 9 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 Title Page (1 Page): 
Keep it very simple. Do not describe the contents. Have a working title and then decide a final title 
when you have finished the Project. Annexure B is the standard format of the Title Page that every 
student is expected to use. 
 Acknowledgement (1 Page): 
Here you have the opportunity to thank the various people who have helped in the development of the 
project. It might include specific individuals who have given information, offered insights, or 
generally been supportive. Do remember to include official designations of the people you wish to 
acknowledge. Gratitude may be expressed to groups of people, like those who were studied, or 
fellow students. Try not to be too flippant or too “soppy”! 
 Executive Summary (1-2 Pages): 
This is a summary of about 300 words (not more than one side of 1.5-spaced A4) that describes the 
topic; explains the aims and methods of the study and gives a brief resume of the main conclusions 
and recommendations. 
 Table of Contents (1 Page): 
The contents page gives the reader the first view of how the project is structured and how the author 
attempted to develop the topic. It lists sequentially the sections and major sub-divisions of the 
sections; each identified by a heading and located by a page number. Annexure C gives an example. 
 List of Tables and Figures (1 Page): 
Throughout the project, it is likely that you will want to present material in tabulated or diagrammatic 
form. Some such presentations will bear only indirectly or partially on your arguments, and in such 
cases you will need to decide about their proper location. Additional or less relevant information may 
be better placed in an appendix. 
Whether you decide to locate your tables/figures in the main body of the report or the appendices, it is 
conventional to provide special “contents pages” so that readers can easily find the information. 
Tables and figures should be listed on a separate page. Annexure D is an example of the same. 
Guidelines – Project Report 10 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 Introduction (Not more than 3-4 Pages): 
The introduction is crucial, since it sets the tone and context for the rest of the project. In the 
introduction, it is important to outline the reasons behind the study – your motives or rationale for 
conducting the study. You must give a broad introduction to the topic under review and types of 
issues it raises. 
Central to this part of the project is the setting of clear objectives, which you intend to achieve by the 
end of the study. Your statement of objectives should be concise and precise, and should be carefully 
considered in the light of your original aims and what you have been able to achieve in your study. 
Finally, you should include a summary of how you are going to treat the chosen topic, running briefly 
through the sections to show how the structure of the project allows you to explore the topic in your 
selected way. 
The flow can be maintained as: 
 What is the project 
 Purpose of the project 
 Scope of the project 
 Salient Contributions of the project 
 Outline of the project report 
 Organization overview (Not more than 3-4 Pages): 
 Brief historical retrospect about the entity of your study. 
 Research Methodology 
 Research Objectives 
 Type of Research Design 
 Data (Primary and Secondary) 
 Research Instrument (if it is a questionnaire, you have to write what type of questionnaire. 
However, do not assume always that you need to have questionnaire to start the research. One of 
the greatest sins you will commit is to think designing questionnaire to start your research will 
convent your research putting cart before the horse.) Always remember that you need not have 
questionnaire to do research. You have different methods and use them to enrich your thought 
 Research Plan 
Guidelines – Project Report 11 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 Sample Design 
o Sample Unit 
o Sample Frame 
o Time and Place 
o Type of Sampling 
o Sample Size 
 Data Analysis, Results and Interpretation 
 Data classification 
 Data Analysis and results 
 Interpretation of results 
 Conclusions: 
Your Conclusion should include a summary of your main arguments, drawing together the various 
themes and issues so that they can be brought to bear on the defined objectives of the study. As with 
all reports, there should be no new information introduced in this section. Your Recommendations 
should be feasible, practical and must place your conclusions within a concrete and practical 
framework. You need to consider your recommendations in the context of their possible human, 
financial, political, managerial, etc, implications. Your recommendations should be justified. 
The flow can be maintained as: 
 Salient conclusions from the work 
 Give an overview of the project, conclusions, implications and recommendations 
 specify the limitations of your study 
 Recommendations 
 Guidelines for the implementation based on conclusions 
 Procedure for implementation 
 Expected outcome from the recommendations 
 Scope for future work 
 Appendices 
You should locate in the appendices all that information which gives an additional, quasi-relevant 
support to the arguments you are constructing. It is important that you put all the information you 
require the reader to attend to, in the main body of the text. Appendices should be consistently 
Guidelines – Project Report 12 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
signified by letter (e.g. APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B) or by number (Roman) and give titles that 
indicate their contents. Do remember to source information in appendices appropriately. 
 Bibliography and Referencing: 
References should be made to sources of material throughout the report. Various conventions are used 
for referencing but you must use Harvard Referencing, as shown in Annexure E, throughout your 
Proper referencing is a crucial aspect of your project. You are therefore strongly advised to talk to 
your Project Guide about this, in order to make sure that your project report follows the appropriate 
referencing system. 
Guidelines – Project Report 13 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 The project should be typed on A4 white paper, and be 1.5-line spaced. 
 The Page Margins should be: 
Top edge: 40 mm Bottom edge: 40 mm 
Left side: 50 mm Right side: 30 mm 
 Fonts should be as under 
General Text: 
Font Size: 12 Font Type: Times New Roman 
 Uniformity in the font of letters in the same project report must be observed. 
 The impression on the typed copies should be BLACK in colour. 
 All pages should be numbered, and numbers should be placed at the centre of the bottom of the 
page, not less than 10 mm above the edge. 
 The last word of any page should not be split using a hyphen. 
 Single spacing should be used for typing: 
o Long Tables 
o Long quotations 
o Foot notes 
o Multiline captions 
o References 
 All tables, figures and appendices should be consecutively numbered or lettered, and suitably 
 The preliminary pages of the project report (such as Title page, Acknowledgement, Table of 
Contents etc.) should be numbered in lower case Roman numerals. The title page will be 
numbered as (i) but this should not be typed. 
 2 Hard Bound copies with golden embossing & a soft-copy should be handed in to the 
Institute at the time of submission. Annexure A gives a specimen of Cover Page. 
 The project report should be prepared on good quality white paper, not lower than 80 gms 
Guidelines – Project Report 14 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Any attempt to copy from another (present or previous) student or to copy large chunks from academic or 
other sources without appropriately referencing those sources will trigger the full weight of plagiarism 
procedures. If there is any doubt concerning the authenticity of your work, the institute reserves the 
right to demand an individual presentation before a panel at which you will be required to reply to 
spontaneous questions. 
All the material that relates to your project, including completed questionnaires or tapes from 
interviews, should be shown to your Project Guide and be kept until the examination board has 
confirmed your results. Do not throw this material away once your project is submitted, as you 
might be asked to present it as part of the viva voce, before your project results are confirmed. 
Guidelines – Project Report 15 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
The Project Guide's role is one of guidance - providing advice and pointing out possible problems that 
may arise. The Project Guide's role is to appraise your ideas and work. You must take overall 
responsibility for both the content of your project and its management. This includes selection of an 
appropriate subject area (with the approval of the Project Guide), setting up meetings with the 
Project Guide, devising and keeping to a work schedule (to include contingency planning), and providing 
the Project Guide with samples of your work. It is your responsibility to make contact with your 
Project Guide and arrange meetings at appropriate times. You should use the time with the Project 
Guides wisely. 
You should spread your workload over the entire time available for carrying out your project. Draw up a 
realistic work schedule with in-built slack to allow for problems. Be sure you are aware of your specific 
hand-in dates. 
You must exchange contact details with your Project Guide, and make sure that he or she has your 
relevant contact information. Note that if the records show that your contact with your Project Guide 
is not good; your project may not be marked. 
Be sure you are clear about the assessment criteria for the project. Note that a significant proportion of 
the grade is allocated to presentation and style. A high level of communication skills is expected. 
However, it is not within the role or the duties of your Project Guide to correct your grammar and 
Your Project Guide will comment upon samples of your work but will not pre-mark the whole 
document, or substantial portions of it. If asked, you must present a sample of your written work prior to 
a meeting with your Project Guide, at an agreed time. Under no circumstances will your Project 
Guide give you an indication of your expected final grade. 
You must keep hard copies of each version of your work, and save copies of the current version on 
a main and a backup disk (preferably kept apart from each other). Disks should regularly be virus-checked. 
Also, make sure to keep printed copies of working documents, and the raw data from any 
questionnaires or other data collection. 
Guidelines – Project Report 16 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 Be wary if you are relying upon organizations to provide you with information. They will not give 
you confidential or sensitive information and you must not expect them to respond as promptly as 
you would like. 
 From the synopsis to your final report constantly fine tune your project report. It will be rich 
experience for you to cherish. 
 Be enthusiastic to listen, to learn, to talk 
 Be curious 
 Be honest 
 Show your integrity 
 Define your body language 
 Make a statement 
 Trying to take breaks while doing project ( you cannot have holidays during your project work). 
 Trying to miscommunication with organizations by telling that institute wants a review. We are 
sending your schedule of project report to all the organizations. You do not have any reviews in 
 While taking to the organization personnel do not degrade your institute or teachers by making 
statements that are reduce your self-image. 
 Talking negative and trying to be certain about everything. No organization or person likes 
negative talk and people who ask too may question to be certain of everything. 
 Let us give some examples 
i. I want marketing project, I am in a finance organization. Do not ask the manager this 
question. You are going to an organization to know its business and business do not have 
functional silos. However, ask questions relating to your project, show enthusiasm. Smile, 
enjoy hard work. 
Guidelines – Project Report 17 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
ii. If some urgent work is to be done by the organization, do it willingly. For example the office 
has no power and your manager finds that the electricity bill is not paid, volunteer to do the 
task. MBA is not management by arrogance. Never show that this is not my work. You will 
be surprised to know that there is no such work as not your work. The organizations are 
boundary less organizations. 
iii. Do not take campus culture to organization. Leave letters, excuses, concessions etc. Inculcate 
organizations culture and come to institute with all ideas to change the way in which you 
work in institute. Share experience with your classmates and teachers. It is an opportunity to 
professionalize with you. 
iv. Be dressed in formal attire and go to organization. Some organizations have informal 
environment. They may not insist on your attire. That does not mean that you go with 
Guidelines – Project Report 18 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 Do not write history of statistical tools what you have to write is what appropriate tools you have 
used and reason for using the tools please cross tabulate your data in order to further 
 Get organized; give yourself time to think about your project. Look at the information available – 
there is enough information available for you to be able to produce a good project. 
 You should ensure that you have covered all the major issues pertinent to the topic by the end of 
the main body of the project. 
 Depending on the nature of your project, it might be appropriate to include a summary of your 
findings before embarking on your conclusions. 
 It is worthwhile investing in some reliable storage devices for storing your project - related 
documents. Keep at least two copies (updated). Remember to virus check your storage devices. 
 The final printing and binding of your project can be the most frustrating time. Allow five 
working days. Numbering pages, re-arranging pagination and putting together the Contents page 
takes a deal of time – do not underestimate this part of your task. So, to save your time and 
frustration, allow yourself five working days for this part of the task. 
 Finally, remember to print and keep a copy of the project report for your own use, as no 
copy of the report submitted will be returned to you. 
Guidelines – Project Report 19 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Annexure A 
(A typical Specimen of Cover Page) 
<Font Style - Times New Roman – Bold> 
Hard Bound – Golden Embossing 
Guidelines – Project Report 20 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
<Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing> 
<Font Size 14> 
Submitted by 
<Font Size 14><Italic> 
<Font Size 16> 
in partial fulfillment for the 
Submitted to 
<Font Size 14> 
Guidelines – Project Report 21 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Annexure B 
(A typical Specimen of Title Page) 
<Font Style - Times New Roman – Bold> 
Guidelines – Project Report 22 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
<Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing> 
<Font Size 14> 
Submitted by 
<Font Size 14><Italic> 
<Font Size 16> 
in partial fulfillment for the 
<Font Size 14> 
Submitted to 
<Font Size 14><Italic> 
Plot # 2, Survey # 13/2, Sagar Society, NDA-Pashan Road, Bavdhan, 
Pune – 411021 Maharashtra India 
Phone No.: 020-66854700 | Fax No.: 020-66854712 
URL: www.aimsinstitute.in 
Guidelines – Project Report 23 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Annexure C 
(A typical Specimen of Table of Contents) 
<Font Style - Times New Roman > 
<Font Size – Heading: 16 > 
<Font Size – General Text: 12 > 
Your precise structure will have to be tailored to the needs of your 
own projects. If in doubt, discuss with your Project Guide at an 
early stage. 
Guidelines – Project Report 24 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 
a. List of Tables 
b. List of Figures 
1. Introduction 1 
2. Organization Overview 6 
3. Objectives 10 
4. Research Methodology 19 
Data Analysis , Results and Interpretation 
 Presentation & Analysis 
 Interpretations 
 Summary 
 Limitations of the study 
7. Recommendations 53 
8 Bibliography 57 
 Annexure A: Organizational Structure 
 Annexure B: 
Guidelines – Project Report 25 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Annexure D 
(A typical Specimen of List of Tables & Contents) 
<Font Style - Times New Roman > 
<Font Size – Heading: 16 > 
<Font Size – General Text: 12 > 
Different pages for 
i. List of Tables 
ii. List of Figures 
Guidelines – Project Report 26 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Sr. No. Table Page No. 
I. Redundancies in the Food Industry, by age, 1980-1987 3 
II. Employee’s Attitudes to Motivational Factors, by occupation 6 
III. Employee’s Attitudes to Motivational Factors, by gender 15 
Sr. No. Table Page No. 
I. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 9 
II. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory 11 
Guidelines – Project Report 27 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Annexure E 
Harvard Referencing 
Please note that all sources referenced in the main text should also 
be fully detailed in the reference and bibliography section. 
Guidelines – Project Report 28 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
Referencing is a standardized method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have 
used in your report in a way that uniquely identifies their source. Direct quotations and figures, as well as 
ideas and theories, both from published and unpublished works must be referenced. 
This appendix provides a brief guide to the Harvard Referencing style. 
For Textbooks: 
In the references and bibliography sections of the Project report, the referencing to material used from 
text should appear as follows: 
The Author>Year of Publication>Title of the Textbook in Italics>Publisher>Location of the Publisher 
Saunders, M. et al (2003), Research Methods for Business Students (3rd edition), Pearson Education, 
In the text of the Project report the reference would appear as follows: 
………………being identified by Saunders (2003) …………………… 
If a direct quote is included in the text the page number where it can be found should also be included 
while referencing. 
“When drafting your literature review you therefore need to focus on your research question(s) and 
objectives.” (Saunders 2003, p47) 
For journal articles: 
In the references and bibliography sections of the Project report, the referencing to material used from 
journals should appear as follows: 
The Author>Year of Publication>Title Article>Journal Name>Volume Number>Page Numbers 
Storey, J, Cressy, P, Morris, T and Wilkinson, A (1997) ‘ Changing employment practices in UK 
banking; case studies’, Personnel Review, 26:1, pp24-42. 
Guidelines – Project Report 29 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
 In the text of the project report the same reference would appear as follows: 
………………being identified by Storey et al (1997) and …………. 
For websites: 
In the references and bibliography sections of the Project report, the referencing to material used from 
websites should appear as follows: 
If you are referring to a specific article, it should be detailed as for journal articles as mentioned above, 
but with the additional information as to where it is available on the Internet. 
Jones A and Smith A (eds) 2001 ‘What exactly is the Labour Force Survey?’ (online) (cited 20 December 
2001). Available from URL: 
A typical BIBLIOGRAPHY is given hereunder for a better understanding: 
Guidelines – Project Report 30 AIMS Institute of Management Studies

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Aims internship project - presentation & preparation - guidelines

  • 1. GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PROJECT REPORT Plot # 2, Survey # 13/2, Sagar Society, NDA-Pashan Road, Bavdhan, Pune – 411021 Maharashtra India Phone No.: 020-66854700 | Fax No.: 020-66854712 URL: www.aimsinstitute.in
  • 2. INDEX Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 1. Introduction 3 2. Overview of Project 4 3. Guidelines & Requirements for the Project 5 4. Choosing a Topic 6 5. Scope of the Project 7 6. General Guidelines for the Project 8 7. Organizing Project Report 9 8. Guidelines for Content 10 9. Technical Specifications of Project Report 14 10. Plagiarism 15 11. You & Your Project Guide 16 12. Do’s and Don’ts during Internship Period 17 13. A Few Tips 19 13. Appendices  Annexure A: Specimen – Cover Page  Annexure B: Specimen – Title Page  Annexure C: Specimen – Table of Contents  Annexure D: Specimen – List of Tables & Figures  Annexure E: Specimen – Harvard Referencing 20 22 24 26 28 Guidelines – Project Report 2 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 3. INTRODUCTION You are required to undertake a major individual piece of research work - the Project. The aim of the Project is to give you an opportunity to learn independently and show that you can identify, define and analyze problems and issues; and integrate knowledge in a business context and arrive at an implementable solution for the benefit of the organization. It is an important part of the Post-Graduate Program that tests your ability to understand and apply the theory, the concepts and the tools of analysis to a specific situation. This handbook has been compiled to clarify the framework of the project and suggest some ways of assuring success. The only precise rule on what constitutes an acceptable project is that it should be an ordered critical exposition, which affords evidence of reasoning power and knowledge of the relevant literature in an approved field falling within the subject matter of the programme - Management. The emphasis should be on applied research and the investigation of some practical problem or issue related to the situation in which an organisation or system operates. Please note that the project must not be treated as just another assignment. The Project provides an opportunity to judge the student’s time and self-management skills and his/her ability to successfully undertake a long and in-depth study. Hence, it is not only the product that is important, but also the process itself. Students must, therefore, ensure that they maintain regular contact with their Project Guide and also that they provide the Project Guide with drafts of their work at regular intervals. Finally, to keep yourself up-to-date and under control as regards your project, it is imperative that you meet your Project Guide regularly. Guidelines – Project Report 3 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 4. OVERVIEW OF PROJECT The project is a practical, in-depth study of a problem, issue, opportunity, technique or procedure – or some combination of these aspects of business. Typically, you will be required to define an area of investigation, carve out research design, assemble relevant data, analyse the data, draw conclusions and make recommendations. Your project should demonstrate organisational, analytical and evaluative skills, and, where appropriate, an ability to design a suitable implementation and review procedure. The project is the longest and most original piece of work you will undertake in your post-graduate study. It reflects a strong sense of responsibility and commitment towards project undertaken. Guidelines – Project Report 4 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 5. GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT Your project report should make clear what you have attempted and why you have attempted it; the methods that you have used to collect, collate and analyze the information obtained; and how you have evaluated it. Any recommendations made should be supported by the evidence presented and by logical argument using deductive and inductive reasoning. For a Project to be of a high quality it is imperative to avoid detailed description devoid of analytical content. Guidelines – Project Report 5 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 6. CHOOSING A TOPIC Choosing your topic is probably the most important thing you will do as it decides the direction of your efforts, during the entire Internship period. The choice of topic is up to you, with guidance from your Project Guide, but, he/ she is not there to make the decision for you. To a large extent, your ideas will be influenced by your situation. The initial ideas are likely to originate in a vague form and may lack a clear focus. These then need to be developed into something manageable and practical by consideration of available literature/ texts and discussion with your Project Guides once allocated. Most Project ideas come from:  Personal experience: this is an obvious starting point for the project because in every organization there would be some issue that can be researched into. An example of a project originating from this way could be an evaluation of the Training Department of your organization or an evaluation of the performance appraisal systems used for salesmen in your organization.  Observation of events: Personal observation of events in the organization/ environment can serve as a starting point for a project idea. An example of this could be that you observe that the employee turnover in your organization is very high and as your project you could research into the reasons for this and make suitable recommendations.  Issues of current interest: Reviewing key issues of broader relevance may be another useful indicator for a project idea. Considering the global perspective with relevance to current business practices of the organization. You need to take care when dealing with issues such as these. It may be necessary to confine yourself to an aspect of the issue or you could find yourself tackling something that is too big to handle effectively and gives you a very wide project area, which inevitably lacks depth of analysis. Whatever the source of your project idea, familiarity with the area is imperative for the successful completion of the project. Guidelines – Project Report 6 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 7. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT An acceptable project will normally fall into one of the following categories:  Exploratory- a study that involves carrying out original research in order to meet the organization’s continual need for new information for forward decision-making. The main issues may be human, economical, functional etc, but the construction and/or application of some kind of research instrument are the focus of the study. The analysis of the research findings (e.g. client’s responses to questionnaire about changing product specifications) should take place, resulting in proposals about how to manage relevant aspects of the organisation’s future.  Explanatory- a study, which would involve studying relationships between different variables like a cause & effect relationship study.  Descriptive- a study that would need an in-depth portrayal of an accurate profile of events or situations from the business environment. Guidelines – Project Report 7 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 8. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT  The students will have to undergo Internship of 60-days after the completion of 2nd Semester.  The Project MUST be certified by Authorized signatory from the Organization. The Certificate MUST to be printed on Organization’s Letterhead and carry impression of Organization’s Seal.  The students are required to submit the Project Report on or before the deadline.  The students will be assessed on the basis of the quality of work done, dedication and sincerity during the entire project report.  No two students can have the same research objectives and target audience.  No two students undergoing Internship at the same organization can have the same Project Title.  The students Project Report must have own contribution and must be approved by their Project Guide as original work.  The size of project report should not exceed 60 pages of typed matter reckoned from the first page of Introduction to the last page. Guidelines – Project Report 8 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 9. ORGANISING THE PROJECT REPORT This section presents some of the norms associated with a project. It is strongly recommended that you follow these guidelines. The final report should be presented in the following sequence: 1. Title Page 2. Acknowledgements 3. Certificate from Company 4. Executive Summary 5. Table of Contents 6. Introduction 7. Organization Overview 8. Objectives 9. Research Methodology 10. Data Analysis , Results and Interpretation 11. Conclusions 12. Recommendations 13. Appendices 14. Bibliography Guidelines – Project Report 9 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 10. GUIDELINES FOR CONTENTS  Title Page (1 Page): Keep it very simple. Do not describe the contents. Have a working title and then decide a final title when you have finished the Project. Annexure B is the standard format of the Title Page that every student is expected to use.  Acknowledgement (1 Page): Here you have the opportunity to thank the various people who have helped in the development of the project. It might include specific individuals who have given information, offered insights, or generally been supportive. Do remember to include official designations of the people you wish to acknowledge. Gratitude may be expressed to groups of people, like those who were studied, or fellow students. Try not to be too flippant or too “soppy”!  Executive Summary (1-2 Pages): This is a summary of about 300 words (not more than one side of 1.5-spaced A4) that describes the topic; explains the aims and methods of the study and gives a brief resume of the main conclusions and recommendations.  Table of Contents (1 Page): The contents page gives the reader the first view of how the project is structured and how the author attempted to develop the topic. It lists sequentially the sections and major sub-divisions of the sections; each identified by a heading and located by a page number. Annexure C gives an example.  List of Tables and Figures (1 Page): Throughout the project, it is likely that you will want to present material in tabulated or diagrammatic form. Some such presentations will bear only indirectly or partially on your arguments, and in such cases you will need to decide about their proper location. Additional or less relevant information may be better placed in an appendix. Whether you decide to locate your tables/figures in the main body of the report or the appendices, it is conventional to provide special “contents pages” so that readers can easily find the information. Tables and figures should be listed on a separate page. Annexure D is an example of the same. Guidelines – Project Report 10 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 11.  Introduction (Not more than 3-4 Pages): The introduction is crucial, since it sets the tone and context for the rest of the project. In the introduction, it is important to outline the reasons behind the study – your motives or rationale for conducting the study. You must give a broad introduction to the topic under review and types of issues it raises. Central to this part of the project is the setting of clear objectives, which you intend to achieve by the end of the study. Your statement of objectives should be concise and precise, and should be carefully considered in the light of your original aims and what you have been able to achieve in your study. Finally, you should include a summary of how you are going to treat the chosen topic, running briefly through the sections to show how the structure of the project allows you to explore the topic in your selected way. The flow can be maintained as:  What is the project  Purpose of the project  Scope of the project  Salient Contributions of the project  Outline of the project report  Organization overview (Not more than 3-4 Pages):  Brief historical retrospect about the entity of your study.  Research Methodology  Research Objectives  Type of Research Design  Data (Primary and Secondary)  Research Instrument (if it is a questionnaire, you have to write what type of questionnaire. However, do not assume always that you need to have questionnaire to start the research. One of the greatest sins you will commit is to think designing questionnaire to start your research will convent your research putting cart before the horse.) Always remember that you need not have questionnaire to do research. You have different methods and use them to enrich your thought process.  Research Plan Guidelines – Project Report 11 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 12.  Sample Design o Sample Unit o Sample Frame o Time and Place o Type of Sampling o Sample Size  Data Analysis, Results and Interpretation  Data classification  Data Analysis and results  Interpretation of results  Conclusions: Your Conclusion should include a summary of your main arguments, drawing together the various themes and issues so that they can be brought to bear on the defined objectives of the study. As with all reports, there should be no new information introduced in this section. Your Recommendations should be feasible, practical and must place your conclusions within a concrete and practical framework. You need to consider your recommendations in the context of their possible human, financial, political, managerial, etc, implications. Your recommendations should be justified. The flow can be maintained as:  Salient conclusions from the work  Give an overview of the project, conclusions, implications and recommendations  specify the limitations of your study  Recommendations  Guidelines for the implementation based on conclusions  Procedure for implementation  Expected outcome from the recommendations  Scope for future work  Appendices You should locate in the appendices all that information which gives an additional, quasi-relevant support to the arguments you are constructing. It is important that you put all the information you require the reader to attend to, in the main body of the text. Appendices should be consistently Guidelines – Project Report 12 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 13. signified by letter (e.g. APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B) or by number (Roman) and give titles that indicate their contents. Do remember to source information in appendices appropriately.  Bibliography and Referencing: References should be made to sources of material throughout the report. Various conventions are used for referencing but you must use Harvard Referencing, as shown in Annexure E, throughout your report. Proper referencing is a crucial aspect of your project. You are therefore strongly advised to talk to your Project Guide about this, in order to make sure that your project report follows the appropriate referencing system. Guidelines – Project Report 13 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 14. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PROJECT  The project should be typed on A4 white paper, and be 1.5-line spaced.  The Page Margins should be: Top edge: 40 mm Bottom edge: 40 mm Left side: 50 mm Right side: 30 mm  Fonts should be as under Heading: Font Size: 16 Font Type: TIMES NEW ROMAN (BOLD / CAPITAL /UNDERLINED) General Text: Font Size: 12 Font Type: Times New Roman  Uniformity in the font of letters in the same project report must be observed.  The impression on the typed copies should be BLACK in colour.  All pages should be numbered, and numbers should be placed at the centre of the bottom of the page, not less than 10 mm above the edge.  The last word of any page should not be split using a hyphen.  Single spacing should be used for typing: o Long Tables o Long quotations o Foot notes o Multiline captions o References  All tables, figures and appendices should be consecutively numbered or lettered, and suitably labeled.  The preliminary pages of the project report (such as Title page, Acknowledgement, Table of Contents etc.) should be numbered in lower case Roman numerals. The title page will be numbered as (i) but this should not be typed.  2 Hard Bound copies with golden embossing & a soft-copy should be handed in to the Institute at the time of submission. Annexure A gives a specimen of Cover Page.  The project report should be prepared on good quality white paper, not lower than 80 gms Guidelines – Project Report 14 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 15. PLAGIARISM Any attempt to copy from another (present or previous) student or to copy large chunks from academic or other sources without appropriately referencing those sources will trigger the full weight of plagiarism procedures. If there is any doubt concerning the authenticity of your work, the institute reserves the right to demand an individual presentation before a panel at which you will be required to reply to spontaneous questions. All the material that relates to your project, including completed questionnaires or tapes from interviews, should be shown to your Project Guide and be kept until the examination board has confirmed your results. Do not throw this material away once your project is submitted, as you might be asked to present it as part of the viva voce, before your project results are confirmed. Guidelines – Project Report 15 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 16. YOU AND YOUR PROJECT GUIDE The Project Guide's role is one of guidance - providing advice and pointing out possible problems that may arise. The Project Guide's role is to appraise your ideas and work. You must take overall responsibility for both the content of your project and its management. This includes selection of an appropriate subject area (with the approval of the Project Guide), setting up meetings with the Project Guide, devising and keeping to a work schedule (to include contingency planning), and providing the Project Guide with samples of your work. It is your responsibility to make contact with your Project Guide and arrange meetings at appropriate times. You should use the time with the Project Guides wisely. You should spread your workload over the entire time available for carrying out your project. Draw up a realistic work schedule with in-built slack to allow for problems. Be sure you are aware of your specific hand-in dates. You must exchange contact details with your Project Guide, and make sure that he or she has your relevant contact information. Note that if the records show that your contact with your Project Guide is not good; your project may not be marked. Be sure you are clear about the assessment criteria for the project. Note that a significant proportion of the grade is allocated to presentation and style. A high level of communication skills is expected. However, it is not within the role or the duties of your Project Guide to correct your grammar and syntax. Your Project Guide will comment upon samples of your work but will not pre-mark the whole document, or substantial portions of it. If asked, you must present a sample of your written work prior to a meeting with your Project Guide, at an agreed time. Under no circumstances will your Project Guide give you an indication of your expected final grade. You must keep hard copies of each version of your work, and save copies of the current version on a main and a backup disk (preferably kept apart from each other). Disks should regularly be virus-checked. Also, make sure to keep printed copies of working documents, and the raw data from any questionnaires or other data collection. Guidelines – Project Report 16 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 17. DO’S AND DON’TS DURING INTERNSHIP PERIOD WHAT YOU SHOULD DO  Be wary if you are relying upon organizations to provide you with information. They will not give you confidential or sensitive information and you must not expect them to respond as promptly as you would like.  From the synopsis to your final report constantly fine tune your project report. It will be rich experience for you to cherish.  Be enthusiastic to listen, to learn, to talk  Be curious  Be honest  Show your integrity  Define your body language  Make a statement WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO  Trying to take breaks while doing project ( you cannot have holidays during your project work).  Trying to miscommunication with organizations by telling that institute wants a review. We are sending your schedule of project report to all the organizations. You do not have any reviews in between.  While taking to the organization personnel do not degrade your institute or teachers by making statements that are reduce your self-image.  Talking negative and trying to be certain about everything. No organization or person likes negative talk and people who ask too may question to be certain of everything.  Let us give some examples i. I want marketing project, I am in a finance organization. Do not ask the manager this question. You are going to an organization to know its business and business do not have functional silos. However, ask questions relating to your project, show enthusiasm. Smile, enjoy hard work. Guidelines – Project Report 17 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 18. ii. If some urgent work is to be done by the organization, do it willingly. For example the office has no power and your manager finds that the electricity bill is not paid, volunteer to do the task. MBA is not management by arrogance. Never show that this is not my work. You will be surprised to know that there is no such work as not your work. The organizations are boundary less organizations. iii. Do not take campus culture to organization. Leave letters, excuses, concessions etc. Inculcate organizations culture and come to institute with all ideas to change the way in which you work in institute. Share experience with your classmates and teachers. It is an opportunity to professionalize with you. iv. Be dressed in formal attire and go to organization. Some organizations have informal environment. They may not insist on your attire. That does not mean that you go with casuals. Guidelines – Project Report 18 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 19. A FEW TIPS  Do not write history of statistical tools what you have to write is what appropriate tools you have used and reason for using the tools please cross tabulate your data in order to further understanding.  Get organized; give yourself time to think about your project. Look at the information available – there is enough information available for you to be able to produce a good project.  You should ensure that you have covered all the major issues pertinent to the topic by the end of the main body of the project.  Depending on the nature of your project, it might be appropriate to include a summary of your findings before embarking on your conclusions.  It is worthwhile investing in some reliable storage devices for storing your project - related documents. Keep at least two copies (updated). Remember to virus check your storage devices.  The final printing and binding of your project can be the most frustrating time. Allow five working days. Numbering pages, re-arranging pagination and putting together the Contents page takes a deal of time – do not underestimate this part of your task. So, to save your time and frustration, allow yourself five working days for this part of the task.  Finally, remember to print and keep a copy of the project report for your own use, as no copy of the report submitted will be returned to you. Guidelines – Project Report 19 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 20. Annexure A (A typical Specimen of Cover Page) <Font Style - Times New Roman – Bold> Hard Bound – Golden Embossing Guidelines – Project Report 20 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 21. TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing> A PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 14> Submitted by <Font Size 14><Italic> NAME OF THE CANDIDATE <Font Size 16> in partial fulfillment for the POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME (Marketing) Submitted to AIMS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, PUNE MONTH & YEAR <Font Size 14> Guidelines – Project Report 21 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 22. Annexure B (A typical Specimen of Title Page) <Font Style - Times New Roman – Bold> COLOR PRINT OUT Guidelines – Project Report 22 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 23. TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing> A PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 14> Submitted by <Font Size 14><Italic> NAME OF THE CANDIDATE <Font Size 16> in partial fulfillment for the POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME (Specialization) MONTH & YEAR <Font Size 14> Submitted to <Font Size 14><Italic> Plot # 2, Survey # 13/2, Sagar Society, NDA-Pashan Road, Bavdhan, Pune – 411021 Maharashtra India Phone No.: 020-66854700 | Fax No.: 020-66854712 URL: www.aimsinstitute.in Guidelines – Project Report 23 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 24. Annexure C (A typical Specimen of Table of Contents) <Font Style - Times New Roman > <Font Size – Heading: 16 > <Font Size – General Text: 12 > Your precise structure will have to be tailored to the needs of your own projects. If in doubt, discuss with your Project Guide at an early stage. Guidelines – Project Report 24 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 25. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. No. Particulars Page No. a. List of Tables b. List of Figures i ii 1. Introduction 1 2. Organization Overview 6 3. Objectives 10 4. Research Methodology 19 5. Data Analysis , Results and Interpretation  Presentation & Analysis  Interpretations 31 6. Conclusion  Summary  Limitations of the study 45 7. Recommendations 53 8 Bibliography 57 9. Appendices  Annexure A: Organizational Structure  Annexure B: 61 62 Guidelines – Project Report 25 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 26. Annexure D (A typical Specimen of List of Tables & Contents) <Font Style - Times New Roman > <Font Size – Heading: 16 > <Font Size – General Text: 12 > Different pages for i. List of Tables ii. List of Figures Guidelines – Project Report 26 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 27. LIST OF TABLES Sr. No. Table Page No. I. Redundancies in the Food Industry, by age, 1980-1987 3 II. Employee’s Attitudes to Motivational Factors, by occupation 6 III. Employee’s Attitudes to Motivational Factors, by gender 15 LIST OF FIGURES Sr. No. Table Page No. I. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 9 II. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory 11 Guidelines – Project Report 27 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 28. Annexure E Harvard Referencing Please note that all sources referenced in the main text should also be fully detailed in the reference and bibliography section. Guidelines – Project Report 28 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 29. Referencing is a standardized method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in your report in a way that uniquely identifies their source. Direct quotations and figures, as well as ideas and theories, both from published and unpublished works must be referenced. This appendix provides a brief guide to the Harvard Referencing style. For Textbooks: In the references and bibliography sections of the Project report, the referencing to material used from text should appear as follows: The Author>Year of Publication>Title of the Textbook in Italics>Publisher>Location of the Publisher Example: Saunders, M. et al (2003), Research Methods for Business Students (3rd edition), Pearson Education, Harlow. In the text of the Project report the reference would appear as follows: ………………being identified by Saunders (2003) …………………… If a direct quote is included in the text the page number where it can be found should also be included while referencing. Example: “When drafting your literature review you therefore need to focus on your research question(s) and objectives.” (Saunders 2003, p47) For journal articles: In the references and bibliography sections of the Project report, the referencing to material used from journals should appear as follows: The Author>Year of Publication>Title Article>Journal Name>Volume Number>Page Numbers Example: Storey, J, Cressy, P, Morris, T and Wilkinson, A (1997) ‘ Changing employment practices in UK banking; case studies’, Personnel Review, 26:1, pp24-42. Guidelines – Project Report 29 AIMS Institute of Management Studies
  • 30.  In the text of the project report the same reference would appear as follows: ………………being identified by Storey et al (1997) and …………. For websites: In the references and bibliography sections of the Project report, the referencing to material used from websites should appear as follows: If you are referring to a specific article, it should be detailed as for journal articles as mentioned above, but with the additional information as to where it is available on the Internet. Example: Jones A and Smith A (eds) 2001 ‘What exactly is the Labour Force Survey?’ (online) (cited 20 December 2001). Available from URL: http//www.statistics.gov.uk/nbase/downloads.theme_labour/what_exactly_isLFS1.pdf A typical BIBLIOGRAPHY is given hereunder for a better understanding: Guidelines – Project Report 30 AIMS Institute of Management Studies