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NFPs Online Community Briefing GreatMystery14Suresh S.soodysoodywww.facebook.com/sureshsoodssoodHero5!twitter.com/soodywww.bravenewtalent.com/talent/suresh_soodwww.linkedin.com/in/sureshsoodscuzzy55GeektoidMangalasuresh.sood@uts.edu.auhttp://www.slideshare.net/ssood/nfp
Agenda0. 	Informality of social media and social gestureWhy blog?The social CRMPrimal Forces and power of storytellingSocial networking and social network analysisBuilding a community and benefits of “house” communitySocial objects and Index of Online Giving NFP social network benchmark study (2011) Launching a social network serviceCommunity Manager and how to engage in conversations New NFP social networks and wiki usage  Power of video and widgetsImportance of authenticity and motivation for fund raisingHow social media helps the disabled youth
Wine Communities
Nfp prezzo april 2011
Nfp prezzo april 2011
Social Gesture @BlockBookmarkCheck-in (Foursquare)Comments#tags(Un)FollowLike (Facebook)SharePokesRetweetReblogStatus update(Un)Subscribe
Nfp prezzo april 2011
Nfp prezzo april 2011
	…Blogs are like conversations with friends. You share what you feel and what excites you about certain things. It's almost as good as being there. The fact that others can Google your topic and read is like tuning into a television station.	We all want to know what's out there. Who's doing what, shopping where and what products help others. Blogs are just another way to share all the great things, not so great things and just a part of who we are. An outlet if you will. The blogisphere community is all connect and we make contacts in many ways. Through posts, through twitter conversations, through smaller nit community's, live web casts, and through conferences that we met in person. We make many friends and help each other with lot of topics. Many of us are Mom bloggers who stay at home and have no way of making new friends or communicating with others until we found blogging. Blogging creates friendships and that's what makes us real and connected.40 year old Mom blogger “nightowlmama” (#260)
Nfp prezzo april 2011
Theory and Research on Consumers’ Reports of Interactions with Brands and Experiencing Primal Forces, Suresh Sood, 2010
Relationships # TechnologiesSocial architectureconversationsrelationshipsWhat happens when you tell stories? Two magical things: You build trust with other people in your network, and from there you build empathy…is when you share the emotions that other people have and express. It’s a powerful, deeply primal experience.ShareThis! Deanna Zandt, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010
Nfp prezzo april 2011
Nfp prezzo april 2011
Key Network MeasuresDegree CentralityBetweenness CentralityCloseness CentralityEigenvector CentralityDiana’sCliquekrackkite.##h  (modified labels)Connector(hub)VendorContractor ?BrokerBoundary spanners
The benefits of a Windgap“own” COMMUNITYSocial commerceDonations, gifts, e-coupons…Brand equitybuild enduring and intimate brand relationships in Australiaand globallyResearch & Developmentgenerate ideas, develop insights, test strategiesKnowledge management generate, aggregate, disseminate organisational knowledge
“…why social objects are the future of marketing.” (MacLeod 2008)Social Networks form around Social Objects**, not the other way around.(** Term attributed to JyriEngstrom)                MacLeod Hugh (2008)  GapingVoid.com
Social Object
The Blackbaud Index of Online Givinghttp://www.blackbaud.com/bb/index/bb-online-index.aspx
Key Findings -NFP Social Networks US Benchmark Report 2011Facebook89% of NFPs (97% of international service organisations)Average community 6,376 (environmental/animal groups 8,490) 46% contribute $1 to 10k 0.2% generate  >$100k“Master Social Fundraisers” with 100,000 members dedicate 2+ employees Twitter57% of NFPsAverage community size 1,822 LinkedIn30% of NFPsNew SocialFoursquare(4% of NFPs)Jumo philanthropy/volunteering (1%) House Social Network i.e. white labelAverage community size 5,967
Analysis of online messaging, fundraising and advocacy metrics for non profits
Launching a Social Network Service0.   Mobile Photos, Videos, Latest Activity, Members, and EventsKeywords for discoverabilityWelcome centreFAQsModeration e.g. suspend members, own user moderationKick start with champions/evangelists/passionatesLatest activityGiveaways e.g. book from authors/guest visiting libraryMonitor registrationsMembers/volunteers as moderatorsLink to main web sitePromote content via email, Twitter & FacebookShare content on Facebook
March 2011 “Online Australians Shift To Social Networks”Most Online Australian Adults Use Social Media Regularly
Community Manager Serve customers through listening and responding to needs vs marketing or advertising.  Focus on launching and growing the community through:  Invite creators and influencers to become charter members of the community Create evangelists through providing exclusive access to new information,  attendance at pre-launch party and have them provide feedback for future initiativesStart community with conversations and have community manager encourage sharing stories of problems, overcoming issues and successes Ensure community can be readily found with links from web sites, blogs  and other popular social media. Accelerate community adoption through existing marketing efforts including emails newsletters and create a sense of urgency.
How to Participate in ConversationsConversational calendarKeywords/Vocabulary online & offline What topics do your customers care about ?What topics are trending in your industry Monitor existing social media via dashboard e.g. Facebook or TwitterUse complaints or opportunity to discuss solutionsBecome an expert providing service through social exchange
Nfp prezzo april 2011
“…Packard Foundation would like to bring the wisdom of crowds to bear on the development of a possible grantmaking strategy…”https://nitrogen.packard.org/default.aspx
Blendtech & Old Spice 700,884Susan Boyle62,169,017“United Breaks Guitars”10,177,221Old Spice The Man Your Man Could Smell Like30,796,471 ** views current as at 25 March 2011
Check out http://www.youtube.com/t/creators_corner e.g. 3D, cloud editor
Interview people, have a talk show, do a video blog with commentary, make short films, be creative
Embed the video on your blog. Embed code is readily available to the right of your videos on YouTube
Username becomes a channel
Tag videos with appropriate key terms to help others find your content
Explore and post other video sites, like Vimeo, ViddlerUser generated video reviews show strong presence of strategic advertising elements
Comparing User Engagement Across Different Ad Types			(Psychster and allrecipes.com, 2010)Sponsored Content ads, in which individuals viewed a holiday page that was “brought to you by” a leading brand, were the most engaging but produced the least purchase intent of the 7 ad types tested.Corporate Profiles on social-networking sites produced greater purchase intent and more recommendations when users could become a fan and add the logo to their own profiles than when they could not.Give and Get Widgets in which individuals could create and customize something (a car or a dinner menu) and then either send it to a friend (“give” widget) or keep it for themselves (“get” widget) were more engaging than traditional banner advertisements but no more likely to produce an intent to purchase.Above conclusions held across brands (a leading soup brand and a leading car brand) and publishers (on Allrecipes.com and on Facebook.com), but like traditional ads, widgets had increased success if the brand was relevant to the website (i.e a soup brand on a cooking website).
Purpose Motive Linux-Apache-WikipediaDrive #1: Eat when we’re hungry. Drink when we’re thirsty. Etc.      Drive #2: Respond to rewards and punishments in our environment.      Drive #3: We do things because they’re interesting and because they’re engaging and because they’re the right things to do and because they contribute to the world. (!!!)“Our Third Drive, intrinsic motivation, is the most powerful.”Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink, Riverhead 2009

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Nfp prezzo april 2011

  • 1. NFPs Online Community Briefing GreatMystery14Suresh S.soodysoodywww.facebook.com/sureshsoodssoodHero5!twitter.com/soodywww.bravenewtalent.com/talent/suresh_soodwww.linkedin.com/in/sureshsoodscuzzy55GeektoidMangalasuresh.sood@uts.edu.auhttp://www.slideshare.net/ssood/nfp
  • 2. Agenda0. Informality of social media and social gestureWhy blog?The social CRMPrimal Forces and power of storytellingSocial networking and social network analysisBuilding a community and benefits of “house” communitySocial objects and Index of Online Giving NFP social network benchmark study (2011) Launching a social network serviceCommunity Manager and how to engage in conversations New NFP social networks and wiki usage Power of video and widgetsImportance of authenticity and motivation for fund raisingHow social media helps the disabled youth
  • 6. Social Gesture @BlockBookmarkCheck-in (Foursquare)Comments#tags(Un)FollowLike (Facebook)SharePokesRetweetReblogStatus update(Un)Subscribe
  • 9. …Blogs are like conversations with friends. You share what you feel and what excites you about certain things. It's almost as good as being there. The fact that others can Google your topic and read is like tuning into a television station. We all want to know what's out there. Who's doing what, shopping where and what products help others. Blogs are just another way to share all the great things, not so great things and just a part of who we are. An outlet if you will. The blogisphere community is all connect and we make contacts in many ways. Through posts, through twitter conversations, through smaller nit community's, live web casts, and through conferences that we met in person. We make many friends and help each other with lot of topics. Many of us are Mom bloggers who stay at home and have no way of making new friends or communicating with others until we found blogging. Blogging creates friendships and that's what makes us real and connected.40 year old Mom blogger “nightowlmama” (#260)
  • 11. Theory and Research on Consumers’ Reports of Interactions with Brands and Experiencing Primal Forces, Suresh Sood, 2010
  • 12. Relationships # TechnologiesSocial architectureconversationsrelationshipsWhat happens when you tell stories? Two magical things: You build trust with other people in your network, and from there you build empathy…is when you share the emotions that other people have and express. It’s a powerful, deeply primal experience.ShareThis! Deanna Zandt, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010
  • 15. Key Network MeasuresDegree CentralityBetweenness CentralityCloseness CentralityEigenvector CentralityDiana’sCliquekrackkite.##h (modified labels)Connector(hub)VendorContractor ?BrokerBoundary spanners
  • 17. The benefits of a Windgap“own” COMMUNITYSocial commerceDonations, gifts, e-coupons…Brand equitybuild enduring and intimate brand relationships in Australiaand globallyResearch & Developmentgenerate ideas, develop insights, test strategiesKnowledge management generate, aggregate, disseminate organisational knowledge
  • 18. “…why social objects are the future of marketing.” (MacLeod 2008)Social Networks form around Social Objects**, not the other way around.(** Term attributed to JyriEngstrom) MacLeod Hugh (2008) GapingVoid.com
  • 20. The Blackbaud Index of Online Givinghttp://www.blackbaud.com/bb/index/bb-online-index.aspx
  • 21. Key Findings -NFP Social Networks US Benchmark Report 2011Facebook89% of NFPs (97% of international service organisations)Average community 6,376 (environmental/animal groups 8,490) 46% contribute $1 to 10k 0.2% generate >$100k“Master Social Fundraisers” with 100,000 members dedicate 2+ employees Twitter57% of NFPsAverage community size 1,822 LinkedIn30% of NFPsNew SocialFoursquare(4% of NFPs)Jumo philanthropy/volunteering (1%) House Social Network i.e. white labelAverage community size 5,967
  • 22. Analysis of online messaging, fundraising and advocacy metrics for non profits
  • 23. Launching a Social Network Service0. Mobile Photos, Videos, Latest Activity, Members, and EventsKeywords for discoverabilityWelcome centreFAQsModeration e.g. suspend members, own user moderationKick start with champions/evangelists/passionatesLatest activityGiveaways e.g. book from authors/guest visiting libraryMonitor registrationsMembers/volunteers as moderatorsLink to main web sitePromote content via email, Twitter & FacebookShare content on Facebook
  • 24. March 2011 “Online Australians Shift To Social Networks”Most Online Australian Adults Use Social Media Regularly
  • 25. Community Manager Serve customers through listening and responding to needs vs marketing or advertising.  Focus on launching and growing the community through:  Invite creators and influencers to become charter members of the community Create evangelists through providing exclusive access to new information, attendance at pre-launch party and have them provide feedback for future initiativesStart community with conversations and have community manager encourage sharing stories of problems, overcoming issues and successes Ensure community can be readily found with links from web sites, blogs and other popular social media. Accelerate community adoption through existing marketing efforts including emails newsletters and create a sense of urgency.
  • 26. How to Participate in ConversationsConversational calendarKeywords/Vocabulary online & offline What topics do your customers care about ?What topics are trending in your industry Monitor existing social media via dashboard e.g. Facebook or TwitterUse complaints or opportunity to discuss solutionsBecome an expert providing service through social exchange
  • 28. “…Packard Foundation would like to bring the wisdom of crowds to bear on the development of a possible grantmaking strategy…”https://nitrogen.packard.org/default.aspx
  • 29. Blendtech & Old Spice 700,884Susan Boyle62,169,017“United Breaks Guitars”10,177,221Old Spice The Man Your Man Could Smell Like30,796,471 ** views current as at 25 March 2011
  • 31. Interview people, have a talk show, do a video blog with commentary, make short films, be creative
  • 32. Embed the video on your blog. Embed code is readily available to the right of your videos on YouTube
  • 34. Tag videos with appropriate key terms to help others find your content
  • 35. Explore and post other video sites, like Vimeo, ViddlerUser generated video reviews show strong presence of strategic advertising elements
  • 36. Comparing User Engagement Across Different Ad Types (Psychster and allrecipes.com, 2010)Sponsored Content ads, in which individuals viewed a holiday page that was “brought to you by” a leading brand, were the most engaging but produced the least purchase intent of the 7 ad types tested.Corporate Profiles on social-networking sites produced greater purchase intent and more recommendations when users could become a fan and add the logo to their own profiles than when they could not.Give and Get Widgets in which individuals could create and customize something (a car or a dinner menu) and then either send it to a friend (“give” widget) or keep it for themselves (“get” widget) were more engaging than traditional banner advertisements but no more likely to produce an intent to purchase.Above conclusions held across brands (a leading soup brand and a leading car brand) and publishers (on Allrecipes.com and on Facebook.com), but like traditional ads, widgets had increased success if the brand was relevant to the website (i.e a soup brand on a cooking website).
  • 37. Purpose Motive Linux-Apache-WikipediaDrive #1: Eat when we’re hungry. Drink when we’re thirsty. Etc. Drive #2: Respond to rewards and punishments in our environment. Drive #3: We do things because they’re interesting and because they’re engaging and because they’re the right things to do and because they contribute to the world. (!!!)“Our Third Drive, intrinsic motivation, is the most powerful.”Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink, Riverhead 2009
  • 38. The largest funding platform for creative projects in the world
  • 39. How Social Media Helps Social Media Use At Imagine! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8epw_s4RVMBrand AwarenessFundraising http://twitter.com/imaginecoloradohttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Imagine-SmartHomes/86609388388Service Enhancement http://www.facebook.com/pages/Imagine-Behavioral-Health-Services/253730855681Community Involvement http://corereviewers.livejournal.com/http://twitter.com/reviewerspage
  • 40. Digital Divide for People with Disabilities Pew: Americans living with disability and their technology profile27% of American adults live with a disability that interferes with activities of daily living.2% of American adults say they have a disability or illness that makes it harder or impossible for them to use the internet.54% of adults living with a disability use the internet, compared with 81% of adults who report none of the disabilities listed in the survey.41% of adults living with a disability have broadband at home, compared with 69% of those without a disability.pewinternet.org/Reports/2011/Disability.aspx, Jan 21,2011
  • 41. TecAccess Trains Disabled Youth For Social Media CareersFebruary 23, 2011,Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are transforming how businesses develop new products and improve services — and the need for tech-savvy people to run social media for companies is growing by leaps and bounds…with students between ages 19 and 24 with disabilities ranging from autism and Down syndrome to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Social media is a niche that can easily be filled by high functioning people with these types of disabilities, because it doesn’t require an as-intense level of social or customer interaction as other jobs might. The focus on information technology also appeals to many people with disabilities who have grown up with technology that helps them learn and communicate, and tend to be more tech-savvy as a whole.Class instructors are already reporting progress. One of the interns with Aspergers’ who came into the first class was very hesitant and withdrawn, and didn’t connect with other members of the group, says instructor Chris Hagerman. The intern had difficulty speaking when asked a question in class, but she could write “furiously” and had no trouble reading her answers out loud. “There was much less pressure writing down her answer and then reading it to the class,” Hagerman says. “Now she can’t wait to get started.”abledbody.com/newswatch/2011/02/23/tecaccess-trains-disabled-youth-for-social-media-careers/

Editor's Notes

  1. Social graph in the following order: you, your social network friends, friends-of-friends, your followers, and the overall community.Wall Street feed – simple way to navigate social network of friends social gestures and your –efficient, increased engagement , increases importance of attention info c.f. banking – remember fuss around news feedGoogle Open Social Attention Streams (already included in Plaxo Pulse) - MySpace Friends Updates -Netvibes Activities-LinkedIn Network UpdatesHigh social engagement vs traditional media (radio, tv, print, outdoor) with low engagement. This is about dialogue, interactivity, informality, people + technology & niche NOT Tradigital for mass using push, automation & technology only. Social Media Marketing practice centres around – networks, communities, blogs and microblogging. Traditional business functions can be socialised e.g. legal, supply chain, R&D, HR…Social Strategy (Media) - through sharing; engaging; building relationships and influencingincrease our reach, influence and relevancecreate ambassadors to support and promote what we dopersonalise interactionsencourage and grow communities through a critical mass of active cultural and scientific participants maximise revenuechange our work models from one-to-one communication to many-to-many communicationmove from providing information to creating shared meaning with audiences
  2. Diana – max links (degree centrality) most connected – connector or hub – number of nodes connected – high influence of spreading info or virusHeather – best location powerful figure as broker to determine what flows and doesn’t –single point of failure – high betweeness = high influence – position of node as gatekeeper to exploit structural holes (gaps in network)Fernado & Garth – shortest paths = closeness – the bigger the number the less centralEigenvector = importance of node in network ~ page rank google is similar measure
  3. For participation on Amazon see: http://www.amazon.com/review/top-reviewers-classic
  4. Social Objects:Books --- AmazonVideo ---- YouTubePhotos --- Flickr