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SESSION: 2022-2023
In vivo studies
 In vivo is the Latin word which means with in the living body.
 When effects of various biological entities are tested on whole, living organism or cells, usually animals
including humans and plants.
 Animal testing and clinical trials are major elements of in-vivo research.
 In vivo testing is often employed over in vitro because it is better suited for observing the overall effects of
an experiment on a living subject in drug discovery.
 example, verification of efficacy in vivo is crucial, because in vitro assays can sometimes yield misleading
results with drug.
 Harry Smith found that sterile filtrates of serum from animals infected with Bacillus anthracis were lethal
for other animals, whereas extracts of culture fluid from the same organism grown in vitro were not.
 In microbiology Once cells are disrupted and individual parts are tested or analyzed, this is known as in
In vitro studies
 In vitro studies within the glass, i.e., in a laboratory environment using test tubes, petri dishes, etc.
Examples of investigations in vivo include: the pathogenesis of disease.
In vitro toxicology:-
 The bridge exists between new drug discovery and drug development.-
 Provide information on mechanism of action of a drug
 Provides an early indication of the potential for some kinds of toxic effects, allowing a decision to terminate or to
proceed further.
In vitro methods are widely used for:-
 Screening and ranking chemicals
 Get a platform for animal studies for physiological actions
 Studying cell, tissue, or target specific effects
 Improve subsequent study design
Advantages and Disadvantages:-
 Faster than in vivo studies
 Less expensive to run
 Less predictive of toxicity in intact organisms
Preclinical trials:-
A laboratory test of a new drug or a series of chemicals, usually done on animal subjects, to see if the hoped-for
treatment really works and if it is safe to test on humans.
Several steps of preclinical trials:-
Identify a Drug
a Bioassay
Screen the
Drug in the
Effective and
Toxic Doses
File for
approval as an
New Drug

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Screening methods of immunomodulators
Screening methods of immunomodulatorsScreening methods of immunomodulators
Screening methods of immunomodulators

The document summarizes various screening methods used to evaluate immunomodulators. It discusses in vivo methods like acute systemic anaphylaxis in rats and delayed type hypersensitivity reaction in rats. It also discusses in vitro methods like inhibition of histamine release from mast cells and neutrophil locomotion assays. The document provides details of various protocols used for screening immunomodulators.

Screening Models Of Anti Cancer Drugs
Screening Models Of Anti Cancer DrugsScreening Models Of Anti Cancer Drugs
Screening Models Of Anti Cancer Drugs

Introduction to Screening Models Of Anti Cancer Drugs Need for novel anti cancer drugs, In - vitro methods, In - vivo methods, Advantages and disadvantages Presented by T. Niranjan Reddy Department of Pharmacology

Screening methods of immunomodulatory drugs
Screening methods of  immunomodulatory drugsScreening methods of  immunomodulatory drugs
Screening methods of immunomodulatory drugs

The document summarizes the immune system and how it distinguishes self from nonself through innate and adaptive immunity. It then discusses immunomodulators which can suppress or stimulate the immune response, dividing them into immunosuppressants and immunostimulants. Several screening methods for evaluating immunomodulatory activity are also presented, including acute systemic anaphylaxis in rats, anti-anaphylactic activity, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, Arthus type hypersensitivity, delayed type hypersensitivity, and carbon clearance tests for phagocytic response measurement. Modifications to these screening methods are also noted.

Preclinical studies
In vitro In vivo
l studies
Determination of
starting dose
 Receptor Characterization
 Receptor binding assay
 Enzyme inhibition
 2° Messenger analysis
 Cytotoxic activity
A route map of
preclinical studies
Preclinical Research can fall short in 3 ways:-
1. Failure to predict human risks
2. Clinical benefits that fail to materialize in humans
3. Prediction of non-existent risks in humans
Extrapolation of in vitro data to preclinical to humans:-
Estimating the first in human (FIH) dose is one of the initial steps in the clinical development of any molecule
that has successfully gone through all of the hurdles in preclinical evaluations.
MABEL is the ”anticipated dose level leading to minimal biological effect level in humans”. In general, MABEL can be
used to determined a starting dose when conventional toxicology testing may not be sufficient to predict serious adverse
reactions in clinical trials.
NOAEL No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level:- The no observed adverse effect level is defined as the highest dose where the
effects observed in the treated group do not imply an adverse effect to the subject
LOAEL lowest observed adverse effect level is defined as the lowest dose where the effects observed in the treated group
imply an adverse effect to the subject

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Assignment on Limitation of animal experimentation
Assignment on Limitation of animal experimentationAssignment on Limitation of animal experimentation
Assignment on Limitation of animal experimentation

This document discusses 5 key causes for why animal studies do not reliably predict human outcomes: 1) Interspecies differences in disease susceptibility, drug metabolism, and other factors; 2) Stressful laboratory environments and common procedures that alter animal physiology; 3) False positives from chronic high-dose rodent studies that overwhelm natural defenses; 4) Poor methodological quality in many animal experiments lacking randomization, blinding, and other controls; 5) Publication and other biases that skew available data.

assignment on limitation of animal experimentation
pre clinical Screening for anti asthmatic drugs
pre clinical Screening  for anti asthmatic drugspre clinical Screening  for anti asthmatic drugs
pre clinical Screening for anti asthmatic drugs

This document describes various pre-clinical screening methods for anti-asthmatic drugs, including in vitro, isolated organ, and in vivo models. In vitro methods include the CULTEX technique using bronchial epithelial cell cultures and histamine receptor binding assays using guinea pig brain membranes. Tests in isolated organs involve measuring spasmolytic activity in guinea pig lung strips. In vivo models include tests in anesthetized guinea pigs to evaluate bronchospasmolytic effects and protection against anaphylactic shock or serotonin/histamine-induced asphyxia. Overall, the document outlines the most common pre-clinical tests used to evaluate potential anti-asthmatic effects prior to clinical trials.

anti-asthmaticpre-clinical screening
Pharmacological screening of Anti-psychotic agents
Pharmacological screening of Anti-psychotic agentsPharmacological screening of Anti-psychotic agents
Pharmacological screening of Anti-psychotic agents

This document provides information on screening models used to evaluate potential antipsychotic drugs. It begins with an introduction to psychosis and classification of antipsychotic agents. It then describes several in vivo and in vitro models used for screening including tests measuring catalepsy in rodents, inhibition of amphetamine-induced stereotypy, and D2 receptor binding assays. The in vivo models assess behaviors relevant to antipsychotic effects while the in vitro assays measure binding to specific receptors like the D2 receptor that contribute to antipsychotic mechanisms of action.

Calculations based on:
1) Animal pharmacokinetic
2) Administered doses
3) Observed toxicity
4) Algorithmic calculation
ESTIMATING THE MRSD-METHODS (maximum recommended starting dose)
1) NOAEL Method
2) MABEL Method.
3) Similar Drug Comparison Method
4) Pharmacokinetic Guided Approach
5) PK/PD Modelling Guided Approach
NOAEL method:- The NOAEL method is based on selecting a dose with minimal risk of toxicity, rather than
selecting one with minimal pharmacologic activity in humans
Steps using animal toxicology data:
1) Determine No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) %0
2) Convert NOAEL to Human Equivalent Dose (HED) %0
3) Select most appropriate species %0
4) Apply Safety Factor %0
5) Consider Pharmacologically Active Dose
NO OBSERVED ADVERSE EFFECT LEVEL DETERMINATION The NOAEL is a generally accepted benchmark for
safety when derived from appropriate animal studies
After the NOAELS in the relevant animal studies have been determined, they are converted to human equivalent doses
(HEDS) using appropriate scaling factors. The most appropriate method for extrapolating the animal dose to the
equivalent human dose should be decided.
doses scaled (1:1) between species when doses are normalized to body surface area (mg/m²).
These are recommended as the standard values to be used for interspecies dose conversions for NOAELS.
HED = Animal NOAEL x (W animal/W human)(1-b)
Conversion factors = (W animal/W human)(1-b)
Conventionally, for a mg/m² normalization b would be 0.67, but studies have shown that MTDs scale
best across species when b=0.75
Conversion factors are calculated over a range of animal and human weights using (W animal/W
human)0.330r (W animal/W human o.25 to assess the effect on starting dose selection of using b = 0.75
instead of b = 0.67
The "mg/kg" scaling will give a 12-,6- & 2-fold higher HED than the default mg/m² approach for
mice, rats, and dogs, respectively
mg/m² = km x mg/kg
where km = 100/K x W0.33 where K is a value unique to each species
Factors that could influence the choice of the most appropriate species. Differences in the absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of the therapeutic between the species
Categories Evaluated in First In Human Trials:-
 Local tolerance studies
 Genotoxicity studies
 Carcinogenicity studies
 Reproduction toxicity studies
 Photo safety testing
 Nonclinical abuse liability
 Other toxicity studies
 Clinical trials in paediatric populations
 Combination drug toxicity testing
 Immunotoxicity

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Screening methods for anti angina
Screening methods for anti anginaScreening methods for anti angina
Screening methods for anti angina

Screening methods for anti-anginal agents include in vivo and in vitro models. In vivo models involve inducing ventricular failure in animals through repeated injections of plastic microspheres into the left ventricular artery. In vitro models screen agents using isolated tissues like heart muscle to assess effects on coronary blood flow, oxygen consumption, and mechanical activity. Common classifications of anti-anginal agents are nitrates, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, potassium channel openers, and others like dipyridamole and trimetazidine.

Screening Methods of Parkinson's Disease
Screening Methods of Parkinson's DiseaseScreening Methods of Parkinson's Disease
Screening Methods of Parkinson's Disease

Screening Methods of Parkinson's Disease Submitted To - Dr. Saumya Das,Asst.Professor NIET(Pharmacy Institute) Submitted By- Neeraj Rana NIET(Pharmacy Institute)

screening modelsptsm-iparkinson's disease
Screening of antiparkinson agent
Screening of antiparkinson agentScreening of antiparkinson agent
Screening of antiparkinson agent

This document summarizes screening methods for potential antiparkinson agents. It describes several in vivo and in vitro models used to test compounds. The key in vivo models discussed are: 1. Tremorine and oxotremorine antagonism in mice, which tests a compound's ability to reduce tremors induced by these muscarinic agonists. 2. The MPTP model in monkeys and mice, which uses MPTP to damage dopaminergic neurons and induce Parkinson's-like symptoms that can be reversed or reduced by test compounds. 3. Reserpine antagonism in rats, which tests if a compound can reduce sedation and motor impairment caused by reserpine depletion of cate

MABEL Method:-
• TheMABEListheanticipateddoselevelleadingto aminimal biological effect level in humans.
• In general, MABELcan be used to determined a starting dose when conventional toxicology testing may not
be sufficient to predict serious adverse reactions inclinical trials.
• Proposed by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)/Bioindustry Association
(BIA) Early Stage Clinical Trial Task Force (2006)
• Relativelysafedosewithsomelevelofpharmacologyactivity
• No single method for calculation
• Use all available data
• Binding endpoints (e.g.,bindingaffinity, receptor occupancy)
• Functional endpoints (e.g., cytotoxicity, cytokine release, immune cell activation, intracellular
MABEL General Factors to Consider:-
1. Mode of action
Novelty of pharmaceutical and target
Plausibility and extent of knowledge of MOA
Concentration/dose response
2. Pharmacology of the target
Tissue distribution and pharmacology of the target in normal and pathological states
3. Relevance of animal models
Compare available data in animals species to humans
Degree of species-selectivity for both target binding and FcyR binding
4.Patient population
Minimize dosing at sub-therapeutic levels in patients
Calculating aMABEL
• ThereisnouniversalapproachfordeterminingaFIHdosebasedona MABEL
• Examples for supporting data:
Invitropharmacologydatafromtargetcellsfromhumanandtoxicology species
Evaluation of MOA (agonistic vs antagonistic activity), potential for cytokine release, receptor occupancy,
concentration response data
If using animal data, then provide a comparison of
• Animal-human differences in exposure/drug distribution, differences in expressionlevelanddistributionoftarget,
andaffinityoftargetbinding and intrinsic efficacy
• Duration and reversibility of biologic effect
• Dose-exposure relationship (PK/PD)
Clinical ProtocolConsiderations:-
• Clinical trial population
• Number ofsubjects per cohort (e.g.,single-patientcohorts at potentially sub- therapeutic levels)
• Timeinterval between dosingsubjects withinthesame cohort (e.g., staggered enrollments within cohort)
• Doseescalationincrements(e.g.,acceleratedtitrationmaybeacceptableon a case-by-case basis)
• Criteria andtime interval for escalation tonext cohort (e.g.,extended observation period for dose limitingtoxicities)
• Clinicaltrialsite(availability oftreatments formedicalemergencies and intensive care unit facilities)
Animal preclinical
Ethics committee
National authority
clinical trials
EU first-in-man approval steps
7 months from first communication to certification approval

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Preclinical screening models of copd
Preclinical screening models of copdPreclinical screening models of copd
Preclinical screening models of copd

This document summarizes preclinical screening models of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It describes exposing mice to cigarette smoke over both acute (6 weeks) and chronic (5 days, 3 cigarettes/day) periods to model the effects of cigarette smoke, the main cause of COPD. For the acute study, mice are divided into groups exposed to air, smoke, or smoke with low- or high-dose test drugs. For the chronic study, groups are exposed to air, drugs and air, smoke, or smoke with low- or high-dose drugs. After exposure, the mice are sacrificed and their lungs examined to measure emphysema and macrophage volume as indicators of COPD pathology.

Screening of anti anxiety drugs
Screening of anti anxiety drugsScreening of anti anxiety drugs
Screening of anti anxiety drugs

The document discusses various screening methods for evaluating potential anxiolytic drugs, including in vitro receptor binding assays and in vivo behavioral tests in animals like the elevated plus maze test, light-dark box test, and social interaction test, which measure anxiety-like behaviors that can be reduced by anxiolytic drug administration. Classification of anxiolytics and theories of anxiety involving neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin and norepinephrine are also covered.

Screening Methods for behavioural and muscle Coordination
 Screening Methods for behavioural and muscle Coordination Screening Methods for behavioural and muscle Coordination
Screening Methods for behavioural and muscle Coordination

Screening Methods for behavioural and muscle Coordination A. Motor activity and behaviour 1. Method of intermittent observation 2.Open field test 3.Hole board test 4.Combined open field test B.Test for muscle coordination 1.Inclined plane method 2.Chimny test 3.Grip strength 4.Rotarod method

method of intermittent observationopen field testhole board test
Methods of scaling drugs (methods of extrapolation of data)
1. Linear extrapolation/simple scaling/isometric scaling method
2. Non linear extrapolation/allometric scaling method
1. Linear extrapolation:-
mg/kg dose established for one species is applied across all species.
• Simple
• Dosage and weight are directly (linearly) proportional.
• Problems arise when this method is applied to other species
• This method assumes that any differences in species PK/PD are not clinically relevant
• This method tends to overdose large animals and underdose small animals, which may be very clinically significant.
• Typically, this method is only effective with drugs that have large margins of safety and wide therapeutic ranges.
2. Allometric scaling:-
• Drug pharmacokinetics has a nonlinear (allometric) relationship to weight.
• Allometric scaling has become the method of choice for inter species extrapolation in drug discovery and
• It is the study of size and its consequences Based on the principle that major physiologic processes are
related to body weight raised to allometric exponent
Interspecies difference between PK phase:-
 Body metabolic rate
 Species difference (size independent)
 Rate of drug distribution
 Protein binding
 Drug metabolism
 Drug elimination
In vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) refers to the qualitative or quantitative transposition of experimental results or
observations made in vitro to predict phenomena in vivo, biological organisms.
The problem of transposing in vitro results is particularly acute in areas such as toxicology where animal experiments are
being phased out and are increasingly being replaced by alternative tests.
Results obtained from in vitro experiments cannot often be directly applied to predict biological responses of organisms to
chemical exposure in vivo.
Therefore, it is extremely important to build a consistent and reliable in vitro to in vivo extrapolation method.
Two solutions are now commonly accepted:
• Increasing the complexity of in vitro systems where multiple cells can interact with each other in order recapitulate cell-
cell interactions present in tissues (as in "human on chip" systems).
• Using mathematical modeling to numerically simulate the behavior of a complex system, whereby in vitro data provides
the parameter values for developing a model.
The two approaches can be applied simultaneously allowing in vitro systems to provide adequate data for the development
of mathematical models. To comply with push for the development of alternative testing methods, increasingly
sophisticated in vitro experiments are now collecting numerous, complex, and challenging data that can be integrated into
mathematical models

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Pre clinical screening of atherosclerosis
Pre clinical screening of atherosclerosisPre clinical screening of atherosclerosis
Pre clinical screening of atherosclerosis

This document summarizes pre-clinical screening models for atherosclerosis. It discusses several in vivo and in vitro models, including triton wistar rat induced hyperlipidemia, cholesterol diet induced atherosclerosis in rabbits, and hereditary hyperlipidemia in rats. The triton model involves inducing hyperlipidemia in rats through triton injection and evaluating changes in serum lipid levels. The cholesterol diet model feeds rabbits a high cholesterol diet for 10-12 weeks then examines the aorta for lesions. The hereditary model uses rabbits genetically predisposed to hyperlipidemia to study the effects of potential drugs.

screening methodsatherosclerosisdyslipidemia
Screening methods of anxiolytics
Screening methods of anxiolyticsScreening methods of anxiolytics
Screening methods of anxiolytics

Screening Methods for Anxiolytic drugs. A very useful description about screening methods and usefool tool to understand.

Alternative animal experimentation technique
Alternative animal experimentation techniqueAlternative animal experimentation technique
Alternative animal experimentation technique

This document discusses several alternative methods that can be used instead of animal experiments for pharmacological and toxicological screening. It describes the full thickness skin model method which uses skin tissue to evaluate the effects of substances instead of live animals. It also mentions in silico methods which use computer programs and knowledge of similar substances to predict properties without testing. The document outlines the cell line technique using continuous cell lines to screen for effects like anticancer drugs. Finally, it explains the patch clamp technique which studies individual ion channels in isolated cells and kidney tubules as an alternative to testing on whole animals.

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  • 2. In vivo studies  In vivo is the Latin word which means with in the living body.  When effects of various biological entities are tested on whole, living organism or cells, usually animals including humans and plants.  Animal testing and clinical trials are major elements of in-vivo research.  In vivo testing is often employed over in vitro because it is better suited for observing the overall effects of an experiment on a living subject in drug discovery.  example, verification of efficacy in vivo is crucial, because in vitro assays can sometimes yield misleading results with drug.  Harry Smith found that sterile filtrates of serum from animals infected with Bacillus anthracis were lethal for other animals, whereas extracts of culture fluid from the same organism grown in vitro were not.  In microbiology Once cells are disrupted and individual parts are tested or analyzed, this is known as in vitro. In vitro studies  In vitro studies within the glass, i.e., in a laboratory environment using test tubes, petri dishes, etc. Examples of investigations in vivo include: the pathogenesis of disease.
  • 3. In vitro toxicology:-  The bridge exists between new drug discovery and drug development.-  Provide information on mechanism of action of a drug  Provides an early indication of the potential for some kinds of toxic effects, allowing a decision to terminate or to proceed further. In vitro methods are widely used for:-  Screening and ranking chemicals  Get a platform for animal studies for physiological actions  Studying cell, tissue, or target specific effects  Improve subsequent study design Advantages and Disadvantages:-  Faster than in vivo studies  Less expensive to run  Less predictive of toxicity in intact organisms
  • 4. Preclinical trials:- A laboratory test of a new drug or a series of chemicals, usually done on animal subjects, to see if the hoped-for treatment really works and if it is safe to test on humans. Several steps of preclinical trials:- Identify a Drug Target Develop a Bioassay Screen the Drug in the Assay Establish Effective and Toxic Doses File for approval as an Investigational New Drug (IND)
  • 5. Preclinical studies In vitro In vivo Pharmacologica l studies Efficacy Dose conversion Determination of starting dose Toxicological studies Safety  Receptor Characterization  Receptor binding assay  Enzyme inhibition  2° Messenger analysis  Cytotoxic activity A route map of preclinical studies
  • 7. Preclinical Research can fall short in 3 ways:- 1. Failure to predict human risks 2. Clinical benefits that fail to materialize in humans 3. Prediction of non-existent risks in humans Extrapolation of in vitro data to preclinical to humans:- Estimating the first in human (FIH) dose is one of the initial steps in the clinical development of any molecule that has successfully gone through all of the hurdles in preclinical evaluations.
  • 8. MABEL is the ”anticipated dose level leading to minimal biological effect level in humans”. In general, MABEL can be used to determined a starting dose when conventional toxicology testing may not be sufficient to predict serious adverse reactions in clinical trials. NOAEL No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level:- The no observed adverse effect level is defined as the highest dose where the effects observed in the treated group do not imply an adverse effect to the subject LOAEL lowest observed adverse effect level is defined as the lowest dose where the effects observed in the treated group imply an adverse effect to the subject
  • 9. Calculations based on: 1) Animal pharmacokinetic 2) Administered doses 3) Observed toxicity 4) Algorithmic calculation
  • 10. ESTIMATING THE MRSD-METHODS (maximum recommended starting dose) 1) NOAEL Method 2) MABEL Method. 3) Similar Drug Comparison Method 4) Pharmacokinetic Guided Approach 5) PK/PD Modelling Guided Approach NOAEL method:- The NOAEL method is based on selecting a dose with minimal risk of toxicity, rather than selecting one with minimal pharmacologic activity in humans Steps using animal toxicology data: 1) Determine No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) %0 2) Convert NOAEL to Human Equivalent Dose (HED) %0 3) Select most appropriate species %0 4) Apply Safety Factor %0 5) Consider Pharmacologically Active Dose STEP 1: NO OBSERVED ADVERSE EFFECT LEVEL DETERMINATION The NOAEL is a generally accepted benchmark for safety when derived from appropriate animal studies
  • 11. STEP 2: HUMAN EQUIVALENT DOSE CALCULATION. After the NOAELS in the relevant animal studies have been determined, they are converted to human equivalent doses (HEDS) using appropriate scaling factors. The most appropriate method for extrapolating the animal dose to the equivalent human dose should be decided. doses scaled (1:1) between species when doses are normalized to body surface area (mg/m²). These are recommended as the standard values to be used for interspecies dose conversions for NOAELS. HED = Animal NOAEL x (W animal/W human)(1-b) Conversion factors = (W animal/W human)(1-b) Conventionally, for a mg/m² normalization b would be 0.67, but studies have shown that MTDs scale best across species when b=0.75 Conversion factors are calculated over a range of animal and human weights using (W animal/W human)0.330r (W animal/W human o.25 to assess the effect on starting dose selection of using b = 0.75 instead of b = 0.67 BASIS FOR USING Mg/Kg CONVERSIONS. The "mg/kg" scaling will give a 12-,6- & 2-fold higher HED than the default mg/m² approach for mice, rats, and dogs, respectively mg/m² = km x mg/kg where km = 100/K x W0.33 where K is a value unique to each species
  • 12. STEP 3: MOST APPROPRIATE SPECIES SELECTION Factors that could influence the choice of the most appropriate species. Differences in the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of the therapeutic between the species STEP 4: APPLICATION OF SAFETY FACTOR STEP 5: CONSIDERATION OF THE PHARMACOLOGICALLY ACTIVE DOSE(PAD) Categories Evaluated in First In Human Trials:-  Local tolerance studies  Genotoxicity studies  Carcinogenicity studies  Reproduction toxicity studies  Photo safety testing  Nonclinical abuse liability  Other toxicity studies  Clinical trials in paediatric populations  Combination drug toxicity testing  Immunotoxicity
  • 13. MABEL Method:- • TheMABEListheanticipateddoselevelleadingto aminimal biological effect level in humans. • In general, MABELcan be used to determined a starting dose when conventional toxicology testing may not be sufficient to predict serious adverse reactions inclinical trials. • Proposed by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)/Bioindustry Association (BIA) Early Stage Clinical Trial Task Force (2006) • Relativelysafedosewithsomelevelofpharmacologyactivity • No single method for calculation • Use all available data • Binding endpoints (e.g.,bindingaffinity, receptor occupancy) • Functional endpoints (e.g., cytotoxicity, cytokine release, immune cell activation, intracellular signaling)
  • 14. MABEL General Factors to Consider:- 1. Mode of action Novelty of pharmaceutical and target Plausibility and extent of knowledge of MOA Concentration/dose response 2. Pharmacology of the target Tissue distribution and pharmacology of the target in normal and pathological states 3. Relevance of animal models Compare available data in animals species to humans Degree of species-selectivity for both target binding and FcyR binding 4.Patient population Minimize dosing at sub-therapeutic levels in patients
  • 15. Calculating aMABEL • ThereisnouniversalapproachfordeterminingaFIHdosebasedona MABEL • Examples for supporting data: Invitropharmacologydatafromtargetcellsfromhumanandtoxicology species Evaluation of MOA (agonistic vs antagonistic activity), potential for cytokine release, receptor occupancy, concentration response data If using animal data, then provide a comparison of • Animal-human differences in exposure/drug distribution, differences in expressionlevelanddistributionoftarget, andaffinityoftargetbinding and intrinsic efficacy • Duration and reversibility of biologic effect • Dose-exposure relationship (PK/PD) Clinical ProtocolConsiderations:- • Clinical trial population • Number ofsubjects per cohort (e.g.,single-patientcohorts at potentially sub- therapeutic levels) • Timeinterval between dosingsubjects withinthesame cohort (e.g., staggered enrollments within cohort) • Doseescalationincrements(e.g.,acceleratedtitrationmaybeacceptableon a case-by-case basis) • Criteria andtime interval for escalation tonext cohort (e.g.,extended observation period for dose limitingtoxicities) • Clinicaltrialsite(availability oftreatments formedicalemergencies and intensive care unit facilities)
  • 16. Animal preclinical test Ethics committee approval National authority notification First-in-man clinical trials PROCESS OF EVALUATION OF DATA EU first-in-man approval steps 7 months from first communication to certification approval
  • 17. Methods of scaling drugs (methods of extrapolation of data) 1. Linear extrapolation/simple scaling/isometric scaling method 2. Non linear extrapolation/allometric scaling method 1. Linear extrapolation:- mg/kg dose established for one species is applied across all species. Advantage:- • Simple • Dosage and weight are directly (linearly) proportional. • Problems arise when this method is applied to other species • This method assumes that any differences in species PK/PD are not clinically relevant Drawbacks:- • This method tends to overdose large animals and underdose small animals, which may be very clinically significant. • Typically, this method is only effective with drugs that have large margins of safety and wide therapeutic ranges.
  • 18. 2. Allometric scaling:- • Drug pharmacokinetics has a nonlinear (allometric) relationship to weight. • Allometric scaling has become the method of choice for inter species extrapolation in drug discovery and development. • It is the study of size and its consequences Based on the principle that major physiologic processes are related to body weight raised to allometric exponent Interspecies difference between PK phase:-  Body metabolic rate  Species difference (size independent)  Rate of drug distribution  Protein binding  Drug metabolism  Drug elimination
  • 19. In vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) refers to the qualitative or quantitative transposition of experimental results or observations made in vitro to predict phenomena in vivo, biological organisms. The problem of transposing in vitro results is particularly acute in areas such as toxicology where animal experiments are being phased out and are increasingly being replaced by alternative tests. Results obtained from in vitro experiments cannot often be directly applied to predict biological responses of organisms to chemical exposure in vivo. Therefore, it is extremely important to build a consistent and reliable in vitro to in vivo extrapolation method. Two solutions are now commonly accepted: • Increasing the complexity of in vitro systems where multiple cells can interact with each other in order recapitulate cell- cell interactions present in tissues (as in "human on chip" systems). • Using mathematical modeling to numerically simulate the behavior of a complex system, whereby in vitro data provides the parameter values for developing a model. The two approaches can be applied simultaneously allowing in vitro systems to provide adequate data for the development of mathematical models. To comply with push for the development of alternative testing methods, increasingly sophisticated in vitro experiments are now collecting numerous, complex, and challenging data that can be integrated into mathematical models