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UFC 182 Results: ‘Jones vs. Cormier’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the MGM Grand Garden Arena at approximately 7 p.m. ET with live UFC 182 results and round-by-round scoring.

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Alexis Dufresne vs. Marion Reneau

Round 1

Dufresne steps into the pocket and gets popped back out by a jab from Reneau. Dufresne connects with a leg kick, lands a right hand, but eats a couple more jabs from the shorter woman in the process. Reneau is whipping her punches, rocking Dufresne’s head a few more times in the first two minutes until the “Sneaky Zebra” shoots for a takedown against the fence. Reneau defends the shot and shoves away Dufresne, who’s now leaking blood from her nose. A push-kick knocks Dufresne off balance but she stays vertical and keeps walking forward, flicking out low kicks. Dufresne is telegraphing her punches as she staggers forward, and she walks into a couple of big overhand rights from Reneau. The 135ers tie up and Reneau connects with a couple standing elbows on the split. Now it’s an uppercut from Reneau as the round enters its final minute; Dufresne keeps inching forward, eating right hands and not offering much in return. Reneau uses the Thai plum to land a couple knees to the body of Dufresne as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Reneau
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Reneau
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Reneau

Round 2

Reneau gets back to landing right hands over the top, immediately re-bloodying Dufresne’s nose. Dufresne throws a couple low kicks, feints with a few punches but doesn’t land anything significant. Reneau keeps her taller opponent out of range with a few push kicks as Dufresne continues to try and walk her down. Reneau scores with a pair of punches and grabs for another Thai clinch, and this time Dufresne tries to pull her into guard. Reneau backs out and wants Dufresne to stand as well. Reneau is still scoring at will with overhand rights and hooks; Dufresne looks spent, walking forward with no real purpose and throwing the occassional countershot, her grill now coated with blood.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Reneau
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Reneau
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Reneau

Round 3

Dufresne tries to come out swinging with a big overhand of her own, but her progress is stopped by the quicker, tighter punches of Reneau. After an uppercut scores for Reneau, Dufresne gets one back with a right hook. The small victory is short-lived, as “The Bruiser” puts a kick across Dufresne’s body and goes back to work with her right hands. A four-punch combination snaps back Dufresne’s head and pushes her across the cage. Reneau backs out, waits for her spot and then tags Dufresne with another big right hand. Dufresne shoots a desperate shot in the center of the cage, then pulls guard when Reneau shuts her down. Reneau wants her back up with 90 seconds on the clock. Reneau switches to the left hand, popping Dufresne with jabs in the final minute. Reneau finishes the fight backing up Dufresne to the cage, landing punch after punch on her stationary opponent.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Reneau (30-25 Reneau)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Reneau (30-26 Reneau)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Reneau (30-27 Reneau)

The Official Result

Marion Reneau def. Alexis Dufresne via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-25) R3 5:00

Omari Akhmedov vs. Mats Nilsson

Round 1

Akhmedov sends a couple punches off the high guard of Nilsson, then changes levels and brings the Swede to the ground. Nilsson tries to keep his opponent in guard, but Akhmedov stands over him and drops heavy right hands to Nilsson’s body. Driving forward on a single-leg, Nilsson powers back to his feet and pushes Akhmedov against the cage. The welterweights separate and Akhmedov lands a pair of cracking leg kicks. Nilsson advances, walking Akhmedov toward the fence, but it’s Akhmedov scoring with an overhand right and left hook. A level change from Akhmedov goes by the wayside, and now it’s Nilsson’s turn to shoot a high double-leg. Nilsson gets the takedown with just over two minutes left in the round. Akhmedov is back on his feet a few seconds later, pressing forward on Nilsson with power punches which come up short. Akhmedov scores a double-leg takedown against the fence but can’t hold Nilsson down. A pair of overhand rights are partially deflected by Nilsson’s gloves, though one gets through and bloodies his nose. Akhmedov puts a pair of punches on Nilsson’s body, causing Nilsson to shoot and score another takedown in the final 15 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov

Round 2

Nilsson walks straight across the cage to get in the face of Akhmedov, who’s still sending power punches off the Swede’s gloves. Nilsson scores with a body kick and begins connecting with a few straight punches right before Akhmedov changes levels and floors him in the center of the cage. Nilsson looks to be hunting for a triangle or armbar, tying up Akhmedov’s hands while the Dagestani drops sporadic ground-and-pound. Nilsson switches from butterfly guard to an armbar attempt but doesn’t really come close to isolating Akhmedov’s right arm. Now, Akhmedov opts to stand and allows Nilsson to do the same with about 2:10 on the clock. Nilsson pops his man with a right hand down the center, and now Akhmedov plows him down with another double. Akhmedov lands a few left hands, but Nilsson gets the better of the ground striking exchange with sharp elbows to the side of Akhmedov’s head. After a few hammer fists from Akhmedov, Nilsson powers forward, looking for a takedown of his own. He shoves Akhmedov against the cage for a moment and then backs away. Akhmedov glances at the clock, grabs a single-leg and spins Nilsson to the canvas with under 30 seconds left. Nilsson gets back up just before the horn, though not before absorbing a few more hammer fists.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov

Round 3

Nilsson once again presses the action at the start of the round, closing the gap to make Akhmedov step backward toward the cage. Akhmedov steps out with a couple punches to Nilsson’s body and then sprawls on a double-leg to stand up Nilsson and deliver some hard knees to the gut. Akhmedov releases, cracks Nilsson with an uppercut and circles away to reset. Akhmedov lands a right hand counter to a Nilsson low kick as the Swede inches him toward the fence again. Nilsson shuts down a takedown attempt in the middle of the cage with just over half a round remaining in the fight. Now it’s Nilsson hunting for and landing a trip takedown, landing in half guard on Akhmedov’s left side, the Russian’s right side flush to the cage. Akhmedov turns left, creates some space and stands, only to be whipped back to the ground by Nilsson, who once again passes to half guard. Akhmedov stands again, Nilsson stays glued to him, and the fighters are ordered to work by referee Yves Lavigne as they engage in a slow-paced clinch. Akhmedov reverses to take the outside position and shoots for a single-leg of his own, but Nilsson sits down on it and attempts a kimura as he pulls guard. Nilsson gives up his back as he tries to stand, but Akhmedov can’t capitalize and the welterweights stand. Nilsson rolls Akhmedov to the ground and slaps on a guillotine choke from guard, then rolls to the top and changes to a brabo choke just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nilsson (29-28 Akhmedov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nilsson (29-28 Akhmedov)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Nilsson (29-28 Akhmedov)

The Official Result

Omari Akhmedov def. Mats Nilsson via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rodrigo Damm vs. Evan Dunham

Round 1

Damm counters the first leg kick from Dunham with a clean overhand right and follow-up left hook. The lightweights circle the cage, Damm on the outside, catching a body kick but unable to trip Dunham to the ground. Dunham snaps back Damm’s head with a pair of stiff jabs, then catches the backpedaling Brazilian with a right straight on the jaw. Ducking a pair of punches from Damm, Dunham lands a left-right combo as he continues to chase down Damm midway through the round. Damm blocks a left high kick, takes a couple right hooks on the nose and then a knee to the body. An overhand right puts a dazed look on the face of Damm, though he quickly recovers. The right hook continues to land for Dunham in the final minute, bloodying Damm’s nose a bit.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dunham
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dunham
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Dunham

Round 2

Dunham keeps his hands in Damm’s face, and now a right hand appears to have caused some bleeding from the Brazilian’s left ear. Catching Damm near the fence, Dunham grabs hold of a single-leg and roughs him up in the clinch for a moment before releasing. Damm counters the incoming Dunham with a short left hand, but Dunham catches a kick and hustles Damm to the ground a few seconds later. Dunham stands and Damm follows, and now they resume the familiar striking pattern, with Dunham walking down the smaller man, using his range to land long punches and kicks. A right high kick catches Damm on the side of the head but doesn’t land flush. Damm staggers a bit after a hard right hook but he just keeps standing in front of Dunham, absorbing strikes in the last 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dunham
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dunham
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Dunham

Round 3

Dunham walks Damm toward the fence as the American continues to land rangy strikes. Damm keeps looking to counter but Dunham’s momentum is too much at this point, and the UFC veteran just keeps landing combinations on Damm’s face. Damm gets Dunham backing up for a moment, though it’s only a moment before Dunham presses forward again, worsening the damage to Damm’s bloody left ear with more straight right hands. Damm walks into a three-punch combo, then slaps his face with both hands and waves Dunham forward. With 80 seconds left, Damm is coming alive, jumping at Dunham with a flying knee. Dunham stays composed and puts four or five punches on Damm’s face in quick succession, and that seems to have taken the bravado out of the Brazilian. Damm is bloody but still swinging in the final 15 seconds, but Dunham gets the last word with an uppercut to the face just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dunham (30-27 Dunham)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dunham (30-27 Dunham)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Dunham (30-27 Dunham)

The Official Result

Evan Dunham def. Rodrigo Damm via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Jared Cannonier vs. Shawn Jordan

Round 1

Jordan dodges a front kick and pushes Cannonier backward with a right hook. After waiting for most of the opening minute, Jordan steps into the pocket with an uppercut and follows up with a left hook. Cannonier is scoring with outside low kicks as he waits on the outside, looking to counter. Midway through the round, Cannonier is starting to find the range with his punches, but he walks into a grazing overhand right on the temple from Jordan and goes crashing to the ground. Jordan leans over his downed opponent and pounds Cannonier unconscious with jackhammer left hands until referee John McCarthy intervenes.

The Official Result

Shawn Jordan def. Jared Cannonier via KO (Punches) R1 2:57

Marcus Brimage vs. Cody Garbrandt

Round 1

Garbrandt slaps up high with a pair of head kicks while the southpaw Brimage stays on the outside, pumping his jab and looking for an entrance. An inside low kick catches Garbrandt square on the cup, but the Team Alpha Male fighter is quick to recover and lands a quick hook that puts Brimage off-balance soon after they resume. The bantamweights trade hooks in close quarters, then Garbrandt deflects a high kick from Brimage. Leaping into the air, Garbrandt misses on a flying knee but comes out unscathed as Brimage gets turned around. Brimage tags the incoming Garbrandt with a left hand on the next exchange, but then another low kick hits Garbrandt on the cup. Referee Herb Dean gives Brimage another warning, and the fight soon gets going again. Garbrandt opens up with strikes and seems to hurt Brimage with punches against the fence, but the round ends in the middle of the exchange.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt

Round 2

Brimage ducks under a high kick and blitzes Garbrandt with punches, but not many in the flurry appear to connect and Garbrandt circles out to the center of the cage, seemingly unscathed. Garbrandt steps into range with a hard left hand, then counters Brimage’s next combo with a sweeping right. Brimage times a low kick and catches Garbrandt upstairs with a left hook. Garbrandt lands a left, raises his right hand and lands it again, but Brimage connects with one of his own simultaneously. Midway through the round, Brimage cracks Garbrandt with a high left hook, then tries a Superman punch and catches only air. The pace slows in the latter half of the round, the 135ers circling and feinting. Brimage is finding the mark with his left hand when he throws it, but his combos come up short when he tries to chase down Garbrandt. The Team Alpha Male fighters slips throwing a kick in the last 20 seconds but Brimage can’t capitalize before Garbrandt pops back to his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Brimage

Round 3

Brimage whips a right hand up top and lands it to counter a Garbrandt low kick as the bantamweights fight near the fence. “The Bama Beast” puts a left hook on Garbrandt’s body, then eats an uppercut as he tries to step into range with his head down. Garbrandt throws a kick and has it caught by Brimage, who dumps Garbrandt to the ground and follows him down. As soon as Garbrandt threatens with a triangle choke, Brimage lifts him to slam and escapes back to his feet as Garbrandt releases. Garbrandt puts a kick on the body of Brimage, who answers with a straight right. A left hook from Garbrandt causes a mouse to pop up on Brimage’s right eye, and Garbrandt adds an uppercut soon after. Garbrandt shuts down a takedown attempt. As Brimage chases after him with strikes, Garbrandt drops him with a three-punch combination. Brimage gets back to his feet in a daze, staggering around the cage while Garbrandt tries to tee him up for the homerun shot. Garbrandt connects with another combo that sends Brimage back to the mat, and now referee Dean steps in to rescue Brimage from further damage.

The Official Result

Cody Garbrandt def. Marcus Brimage via TKO (Punches) R3 4:50

Danny Castillo vs. Paul Felder

Round 1

The lightweights spend the opening minute in a feeling-out pattern, Felder landing a few low kicks as he sticks on the outside. An inside leg kick catches Castillo on the cup, and referee Yves Lavigne pauses the action. Castillo is ready to resume after a few seconds, and when he does, he shoots a single-leg for a takedown. Felder shuts him down and shoves Castillo off balance after a leg kick. More kicks connect for Felder, including a spinning back kick to the gut which backs up Castillo momentarily. A right hand counter to a low kick stuns Castillo, but the Team Alpha Male product pops back up and keeps pressing forward. Now it’s Felder on the offensive, moving ahead to pick at Castillo with inside low kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Felder
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Felder
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Felder

Round 2

Felder gets into range and pops Castillo with a couple punches, then backs just out of range to avoid Castillo’s counter fire. “The Irish Dragon” catches Castillo coming in and bangs him with a couple knees to the jaw. Castillo bites on a leg kick feint from Felder, then Felder throws and connects with one for real. The lightweights get into an exchange in the center of the cage, and just as Castillo winds up for a big left hand, Felder spins around with a perfectly timed spinning fist. The shot lands flush on the ear and knocks Castillo out cold, and referee Lavigne waves off the bout shortly after Castillo’s unconscious body crumbles to the canvas.

The Official Result

Paul Felder def. Danny Castillo via KO (Spinning Back Elbow) R2 2:09

Hector Lombard vs. Josh Burkman

Round 1

Burkman lands a quick right hand and pushes Lombard away with a side kick to the body. Lombard keeps walking forward in the lefty stance while Burkman backpedals, switching between southpaw and orthodox. Lombard catches a kick and hustles Burkman to the ground, but Burkman pops back up immediately and pops Lombard with another overhand right. As he did once before, Burkman looks to push off the fence for a Superman punch, but he aborts it this time. Lombard presses ahead, chopping at Burkman with low kicks, and then steps back to dodge a high kick. Lombard sprawls on a takedown attempt and puts a few punches on Burkman’s body as they inch around the cage. A few shots land upstairs for Lombard in the relatively uneventful closing minute.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lombard
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lombard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lombard

Round 2

Lombard again marches forward on Burkman and catches him with a pair of hooks. “The People’s Warrior” is leaning over, dashing away, but Burkman is scoring with punches once Lombard catches up to him. After being dropped to the mat, Burkman pops back up and gets shoved against the cage, where Lombard drills him with an uppercut and a few more power shots. Burkman strolls away and tries to catch Lombard with a tricky elbow, but Lombard just keeps coming, teeing up Burkman with his right hand and following through with blasting lefts. Midway through the round, Burkman has lost some pep in his step, backing up a little slower now as Lombard walks him down. Lombard swings and misses with a big right hook and takes a counter right from Burkman for his trouble. Burkman’s hands are by his waist, trying to lure Lombard in, but Lombard is doesn’t bite and takes his time scoring with more hooks and uppercuts when Burkman finally throws. Burkman eats a right hand and steps off to his left, leaving Lombard swinging and falling against the cage on the follow-up punch. Lombard finishes the round throwing leg kicks and popping Burkman with a couple punches near the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lombard
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lombard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lombard

Round 3

Burkman blocks a left high kick and shoots for Lombard’s legs, but the judoka stuffs the shot and grabs hold of Burkman instead. “Showeather” pulls Burkman to the canvas and sits up in half guard, laying a forearm across Burkman’s throat and socking his face with a couple right hands. Lombard passes to side control, but Burkman rolls to the other side and scrambles to his feet, and the welterweights reset with three minutes on the clock. Burkman eats some more punches in the clinch but the veteran doesn’t buckle. He takes a kick from Lombard to the groin but doesn’t take any time to recover. Lombard walks his man down and cracks Burkman with an uppercut, then a left cross and another uppercut. Burkman comes alive in the final 10 seconds, trading hands with Lombard in the center of the cage, but it’s Lombard who gets the last word with a left hook that knocks Burkman sideways.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lombard (30-27 Lombard)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lombard (30-27 Lombard)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lombard (30-27 Lombard)

The Official Result

Hector Lombard def. Josh Burkman via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Kyoji Horiguchi vs. Louis Gaudinot

Round 1

Gaudinot opens up with some inside leg kicks, including one which nearly knocks Horiguchi to the ground. The Japanese prospect keeps his balance and resets in the center of the cage, switching from southpaw to orthodox stance. Horiguchi flashes some kicks of his own, using a push kick to the stomach to send Gaudinot backwards. Horiguchi lands a right hand to the body of Gaudinot, who counters with a kick to the gut, then another a few seconds later. Horiguchi has a pair of punches blocked, so he uses another push kick to back up the American. Gaudinot keeps a high guard to block Horiguchi’s punches but keeps taking hard shots to the gut. Horiguchi instigates a clinch on the cage and drags Gaudinot to the ground, but “Goodnight” is back up a second later and finishes the round on his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Gaudinot
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Horiguchi puts together a body kick-right hand combination that knocks Gaudinot backward to the fence. Gaudinot recovers quickly and steps forward on Horiguchi, who hits him with an unintentional kick to the cup. Referee Herb Dean calls time but Gaudinot only needs a few seconds to recover. As Horiguchi rushes into range, Gaudinot tries to jump guard with a standing arm-triangle choke. Horiguchi seems unconcerned as he throws short punches at Gaudinot’s head until the New Yorker releases the choke and drops back to his feet. Horiguchi keeps the green-haired flyweight pressed on the fence for a few seconds, then backs out. With 1:40 left in the round, Horiguchi strikes with a pair of punches and a left high kick. Gaudinot circles the outside until Horiguchi catches up to blast him with a straight right hand. The right-handed counter is there for Horiguchi the next two times Gaudinot gets into range. Horiguchi catches a kick and slugs Gaudinot with a right straight before dumping him to the ground to end the second period.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi

Round 3

Gaudinot backs up Horiguchi with an early right hand, but the Krazy Bee fighter recovers quickly and comes back to launch a couple kicks in Gaudinot’s direction. Horiguchi comes down the center with a hard right, then cracks Gaudinot’s body with a loud kick. Good work from Horiguchi on both ends now, as he explodes forward with short bursts of offense -- right straights and body kicks -- and then sits back to answer Gaudinot’s advances with left-handed counterpunches. The flyweights clash kicks and Gaudinot apologizes for a possible low blow, but Horiguchi wants to fight on. Gaudinot looks to jump guard with a guillotine in the final 70 seconds but can’t get Horiguchi’s neck. Instead, they wind up in a clinch on the fence, Horiguchi on the outside. They break and wind up back in the center of the cage, trading strikes as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi (30-27 Horiguchi)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi (29-28 Horiguchi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Horiguchi (30-28 Horiguchi)

The Official Result

Kyoji Horiguchi def. Louis Gaudinot via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Nate Marquardt vs. Brad Tavares

Round 1

Tavares strikes first with a low kick, then shoves away Marquardt as “Nate the Great” tries to close the gap and clinch up. Marquardt is on his bicycle early, backpedaling when Tavares throws hands. The Elevation Fight Team product gets Tavares back with a hard low kick of his own. Tavares explodes forward twice with bursts of punches and catches Marquardt near the fence. Marquardt responds with a front kick to the face which Tavares eats. With one minute to go in the opening frame, it’s still a tense fight, neither man letting his hands go. The middleweights finish the round clashing kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tavares
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tavares
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tavares

Round 2

Marquardt shoots for a leg and gets kneed, sprawled on, then socked in the head with right hands until he gives up on the shot. Tavares walks his man down with leg kicks both inside and out, catches Marquardt rushing in with an uppercut and shoves him away from the clinch. Tavares sticks a jab, whips Marquardt with another big leg kick inside and lands the jab again. The crowd grows restless as the 185ers continue to fight cautiously through the middle of the round. Marquardt goes looking for a takedown, can’t spin Tavares to the ground and takes some more punches before releasing the Hawaiian’s leg. More jabs and short punches punctuate the end of the round for Tavares.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tavares
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tavares
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tavares

Round 3

Tavares opens the final round with a jab-uppercut combination and then shuts down another Marquardt takedown attempt. This time, Marquardt pushes Tavares against the fence and lands a knee to the face before Tavares can stand upright. Marquardt keeps him pinned on the cage with an underhook and puts a couple punches on Tavares’ body before the clinch is broken up by ref Yves Lavigne. Tavares is pressing forward again, jabs and uppercuts and leg kicks working as they have been for much of the fight. Tavares limp-legs away from a single-leg attempt and makes Marquardt pay with a fast combination. Marquardt is trying to counter late, waiting to snipe back with right hands, but Tavares is too fast. Tavares turns it on with combinations in the final 30 seconds, putting Marquardt on the fence with punches and a spinning back kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tavares (30-27 Tavares)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tavares (30-27 Tavares)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tavares (30-27 Tavares)

The Official Result

Brad Tavares def. Nate Marquardt via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Donald Cerrone vs. Myles Jury

Round 1

Jury takes to the outside, cutting angles and circling both directions while Cerrone walks him down, throwing out leg kicks. A quick takedown for Jury lands about 40 seconds into the round, but Cerrone lands in position for an omoplata, hanging off Jury’s left arm. Jury has to slow down and extract the arm, and he sacrifices top position to escape the submission. Cerrone winds up on top, then catches Jury turning over and jumps on the prospect’s back. Securing the back-mount with a body triangle, Cerrone tries to fish for a rear-naked choke but gets his left hand tied up at the wrist. Cerrone gets both hands free with two minutes remaining in the round, and Jury sits back to punch over his shoulder, still mindful of the RNC threat, grabbing at Cerrone’s hands. Cerrone whips on a choke with 40 seconds on the clock, and though it’s under the chin, Jury arches backward to alleviate the pressure and peel away Cerrone’s hands. Just before the horn, Cerrone swings his legs around and finishes the round trying for an armbar.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Cerrone
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cerrone

Round 2

Jury shoots for another early takedown and this time is sprawled on. Cerrone pushes ahead and picks at “The Fury” with inside leg kicks. Cerrone’s most effective strikes through the midway point of the fight are his kicks, while Jury is having trouble connecting with any regularity. Jury puts a couple solid kicks on Cerrone’s stomach but gets stuffed once again on his next shot. Referee John McCarthy warns Jury to watch his outstretched hand, which has come close to poking Cerrone in the eye a few times. Cerrone is still advancing at the end of the round, backing Jury toward the fence with more leg kicks and right hands.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cerrone

Round 3

Jury sends a one-two over the top to start the round, then kicks Cerrone on the ribs. A high kick from Cerrone is caught under Jury’s left arm, then Cerrone narrowly dodges a spinning back fist. Cerrone keeps the hard low kicks coming, marking up the thigh on Jury’s lead leg. Jury switches stances a few times, prompting Cerrone to throw a low kick which Jury catches and turns into a takedown attempt on the fence. Jury changes from a single- to a double-leg, can’t find the takedown and backs up. A head kick knocks Jury backward toward the fence and Cerrone comes stalking, measuring his shots as Jury circles away, clearing the cobwebs. Body shot lands for Cerrone, then a stiff jab and another leg kick. Cerrone shuts down a shot, chops at Jury’s left leg and kneels down on another single from Jury. Cerrone sprawls against the fence with 65 seconds to go, pushes Jury to the ground and wants him back up. Jury grabs another single with 30 seconds on the clock and Cerrone escapes easily. Jury tries to grab hold and Cerrone throws him to the ground with anger, then stands over Jury and blasts his damaged leg with huge, wound-up kicks to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone (30-27 Cerrone)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cerrone (30-26 Cerrone)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cerrone (30-27 Cerrone)

The Official Result

Donald Cerrone def. Myles Jury via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

UFC Light Heavyweight Title Fight:
Jon Jones vs. Daniel Cormier

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight’s championship main event, with judges Marcos Rosales, Cardo Urso and Tony Weeks scoring at cageside. The champion puts up both gloves for the challenger to touch during final instructions. When the fight starts, Jones throws an axe kick and hits Cormier with a knee to the gut. Cormier clinches up and throws a few uppercuts which don’t seem to hurt Jones before he escapes. Now it’s Jones in the tie-up connecting with an uppercut and a knee to the gut. He trips up Cormier and sends the wrestler face-first to the ground, but Cormier quickly works back to his feet at the end of a busy opening minute. Jones wraps up the incoming Cormier and tries to trip him to the mat. Cormier stands strong this time, separating from Jones to continue walking down the taller man. An overhand left from Jones knocks Cormier backward a few steps, but the 205ers tie up in the center and Cormier is able to score with a few quick uppercuts midway through the round. The champ lands a step-in knee to the body, eats a couple jabs from Cormier and threatens with a Superman punch. Instead, Jones hurls a blistering left hand to Cormier’s body. Cormier keeps coming ahead and eventually tags Jones with some reaching left hands, but the shorter man is having some difficulty navigating Jones’ range so far. Cormier finishes the round with an uppercut in the tie-up, answered by a left hook from Jones.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 2

Jones begins round two firing kicks at his challenger’s body, then backs up and catches Cormier coming forward with another shot to the gut. When Cormier gets in clinching range, Jones grabs for a guillotine but can’t get hold of Cormier’s neck. Cormier comes over the top with a right hand and gets pushed against the fence, where he briefly attempts a guillotine of his own. Jones slips his head out and backs away. Cormier continues to find success with uppercuts in close quarters when he can get inside on the champ. Jones takes a couple level elbows and gives Cormier a knee to the body in return. Another uppercut scores for Cormier with about two minutes on the clock in the round. Cormier throws a knee to the body in the clinch, then a pair of uppercuts to the midsection. Jones escapes the tie-up and backs away to throw a high kick, blocked by Cormier. Back to the fence they go, Jones on the outside with an underhook, and Cormier reverses the position by arm-dragging Jones toward the cage. More solid clinch work from Cormier late in the round, a particularly hard uppercut catching Jones in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cormier
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cormier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cormier

Round 3

The light heavyweights trade leg and body kicks in the first 30 seconds of the frame, still with Cormier moving forward, pressing the action. Cormier gets into range with a right hook, then pops Jones with an uppercut as the champ leans over in a defensive pose. Jones catches Cormier in the right eye with an outstretched hand; referee Herb Dean warns Jones to mind his fingers while striking. Cormier takes a minute to recover, denies a visit from the doctor, and the fight gets going again. Cormier grabs for a single-leg and gets Jones hopping around the cage. The fighters wind up on the fence, Jones reversing to take the outside position and decking Cormier with an elbow on the break. As Cormier gets hold of Jones again, Jones is warned by Dean not to grab inside the challenger’s gloves. Jones turns the clinch around and does some body work on the fence. They fight back to the center and Jones hits Cormier with a knee to the body, but Cormier is tenacious and finishes the round with a hard combination before Jones tries to pull guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cormier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 4

Jones hits Cormier with a kick up top, wraps his right arm around Cormier’s head and throws left hands to the body. The champion ragdolls Cormier to the ground, though the former Olympic wrestler is quick to get back to his feet. Jones just holds Cormier in the clinch until he can throw him back down to the ground, and now “Bones” sits up to fish for a choke while Cormier struggles to stand again. Cormier does get back to his feet, but he’s held in place for the better part of a minute while Jones thuds his body with hard punches and knees. Shortly after they separate, Cormier grabs Jones with over-unders in the middle of the cage. Jones throws a knee to the body and escapes, then turns Cormier toward the fence. Jones gets one last takedown, tossing Cormier to the ground near the fence just as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 5

Cormier eats a couple strikes to hook under Jones’ arms and work for a takedown away from the fence. Jones defends and pushes Cormier against the fence again, holding his right wrist while pinning him to the cage with a right underhook. As this tactic stalls out, Jones throws knees at Cormier’s legs before trying to jump on the American Kickboxing Academy fighter’s back. Cormier continues to try and use double underhooks to take Jones down, but Jones is just too powerful and keeps shoving his challenger to the fence. With 70 seconds to go, Cormier changes levels and turns Jones against the cage to try a single-leg. Jones counters with body shots before Cormier lifts him into the air and tosses him to the ground. Jones pops right back up and hits Cormier with a spinning elbow. Cormier drops levels again and finishes the fight going for a single-leg. He releases just before the final horn and eats a left hand from Jones, and Cormier tries to throw some late shots in relatiation, prompting a “crotch chop” from the champion as Jones strides away.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones (49-46 Jones)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones (48-47 Jones)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones (49-46 Jones)

The Official Result

Jon Jones def. Daniel Cormier via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46) R5 5:00
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