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Act on Political Parties

(Political Parties Act)

[of 24 July 1967]

In the version published on 31 January 1994 (Federal Law Gazette I 1994, p. 149),
last amended by the Article 5a of the Act facilitating electronic registration for the register of
associations and other amendments to the law of associations of 24 September 2009 (Federal Law
Gazette I 2009, p. 3145).

Table of Contents

Part I
General Provisions

Section 1 Constitutional status and functions of political parties

Section 2 Definition of 'political party'
Section 3 Capacity to sue, and liability to be sued, as the proper party [legitimation]
Section 4 Name
Section 5 Equal treatment

Part II
Internal Organization

Section 6 Statutes and party programme

Section 7 Organizational structure [regional subdivisions]
Section 8 Bodies
Section 9 Members and delegates assemblies (party convention, general assembly)
Section 10 Members rights

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Section 11 Executive Committee
Section 12 General party committees
Section 13 Composition of delegates assemblies
Section 14 Party arbitration tribunals
Section 15 Decision-making and policy formation within the partys bodies
Section 16 Sanctions against regional/local branches [dissolution, exclusion, removal from office]

Part III
Nomination of Candidates

Section 17 Nomination of candidates for election

Part IV
Public Funding

Section 18 Principles and extent of public funding

Section 19 Applying for partial public funding
Section 19a Procedure for determining the rate of funding
Section 20 Part payments
Section 21 Provision of federal funds and disbursement procedure, and audit by the Bundes-
rechnungshof (BRH - Germany's Supreme Audit Institution)
Section 22 Intra-party financial compensation

Part V

Section 23 Obligation to submit a public statement of accounts

Section 23a Verification of the statement of accounts
Section 23b Obligation to report inaccuracies in the statement of accounts
Section 24 Statement of accounts
Section 25 Donations
Section 26 Definition of 'income'

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Section 26a Definition of 'expenditure'
Section 27 Individual types of income
Section 28 Asset and liability statement
Section 29 Audit of the statement of accounts
Section 30 Audit report and audit certificate
Section 31 Auditors

Part VI
Procedures in case of inaccurate statements of accounts, and Penal Provisions

Section 31a Reclaiming disbursed public funds

Section 31b Inaccuracy of the statement of accounts
Section 31c Illegally obtained or undisclosed donations
Section 31d Penal provisions

Part VII
Enforcement of the ban on unconstitutional parties

Section 32 Enforcement of judgement

Section 33 Ban on follow-up/substitute organizations

Final Provisions

Section 34 ( Amendment of the Income Tax Act [Einkommensteuergesetz] )

Section 35 ( Amendment of the Corporation Tax Act [Krperschaftsteuergesetz] )
Section 36 ( Application of tax law provisions )
Section 37 Non-applicability of a provision of the Civil Code
Section 38 Coercive measures by the Federal Returning Officer
Section 39 Provisions on final and transitional arrangements
Section 40 ( deleted )
Section 41 ( Entry into force )

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Part I
General Provisions

Section 1

Constitutional status and functions of political parties

(1) Political parties are integral to the free democratic basic order and required under the Con-
stitution. Through their free and continuous participation in the formation of the peoples political
will, they perform a public function that is required of them and guaranteed by the Basic Law.

(2) Political parties shall participate in forming the peoples political will in all fields of public life,
in particular by exerting an influence on the shaping of public opinion; encouraging and enhancing
civic education; promoting citizens active participation in political life; educating citizens capable
of assuming public responsibilities; participating in elections at the federal, Land and local levels by
nominating candidates; influencing political developments in parliaments and governments;
contributing the political aims they have developed to the public decision-making and policy
formation process; and ensuring a continuing active interrelationship between the people and the
state institutions.

(3) Political parties shall specify their aims in political programmes.

(4) Political parties shall use their funds exclusively for performing the functions incumbent on them
under the Basic Law and the present Act.

Section 2

Definition of 'political party'

(1) Political parties are associations of citizens which, on a continuing basis or for a longer period of
time, wish to influence the development of informed political opinion at the federal level or in any of

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the Lnder and to participate in representing the people in the German Bundestag or a Land
parliament (Landtag), provided that they offer a sufficient guarantee of their sincerity in pursuing
that aim, as evidenced by their actual overall situation and standing, especially as regards the size
and strength of their organization, their membership numbers, and their visibility in public. Only
natural persons may be members of a political party.

(2) Such an association shall lose its legal status as a political party if it has not participated, with
its own nominations of candidates, in either an election to the German Bundestag or a Landtag
election for six years.

(3) Political associations shall not be deemed political parties if

1. the majority of their members or of the members of their executive committee are foreigners, or
2. their registered seat or their executive office is located outside the territorial scope of appli-
cation of the present Act.

Section 3

Capacity to sue (so-called active legitimation),

and liability to be sued (so-called passive legitimation

A political party may, on its own behalf, take legal action and be sued. The same shall apply to its
regional/local branches of the respective highest level, unless otherwise provided by the party

Section 4


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(1) The name of a political party must be clearly distinct from the name of any other party already in
existence; the same shall apply to short forms of the partys name. In canvassing and the election
process, only the registered name or its shortened form may be used; additional descriptive
designations may be omitted.

(2) Regional/local branches shall bear the name of their political party, with an indication of their
organizational status. Such additional designation for subdivisions may be used only if placed after
the partys name. In general advertising and in canvassing, that additional designation may be

(3) Regional/local branches which withdraw from a party shall lose the right to use that partys
name. A new name chosen by such a subdivision may not consist merely of an addendum to the
partys previous name. The same shall apply to shortened forms.

Section 5

Equal treatment

(1) Where a public authority makes facilities available to political parties or provides them with
other public contributions and services, equal treatment shall be accorded to all political parties.
The extent to which such facilities or services will be provided may be scaled back, in accordance
with the respective importance of the various parties, to the minimum extent required for achieving
the given partys purpose. The importance of a political party will, in particular, be assessed on the
basis of the results obtained in previous parliamentary elections. For a political party represented in
the German Bundestag by a parliamentary group, the extent of such facilities, contributions or
services must amount to at least half of those granted to any other political party.

(2) As regards provision of public contributions and services in connection with an election,
paragraph 1 shall, for the duration of the election campaign, apply only to political parties which
have submitted nominations of candidates.

(3) Public contributions and services under paragraph 1 may be made subject to certain conditions
to be met by all political parties.

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(4) Part IV shall remain unaffected.

Part II
Internal Organization

Section 6

Statutes and party programme

(1) A political party must have written statutes and a written programme. Regional/local branches
shall regulate their affairs by statutes of their own, unless provided otherwise by the statutes of the
respective next-higher branch.

(2) The statutes must contain provisions on:

1. the political partys name and any short form used, its registered seat and field of activities;
2. joining and leaving the party;
3. the rights and duties of members;
4. permissible sanctions against members, and their exclusion from the party (Section 10 paras. 3
to 5);
5. permissible sanctions against regional/local branches;
6. the partys general structure;
7. the composition and powers of the Executive Committee and of other bodies;
8. matters exclusively subject to decision-making by the assemblies of members or delegates as
provided under Section 9 below;
9. the reasons, the form and time limit for convening members and delegates assemblies, and
official recording of the resolutions passed;

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10. those regional/local branches and bodies that are authorized to submit (sign) nominations of
candidates for parliamentary elections, where this has not been regulated by legal provisions;
11. a basic policy vote by all members and the procedure to be applied when a party convention
has, pursuant to Section 9 para. 3, passed a resolution to dissolve the political party or any of
its regional/local branches or to merge with another party or other parties. That resolution shall
be deemed confirmed, amended or rescinded according to the result of the policy vote;
12. the form and substance of a financial regulation complying with the provisions of Part V of the
present Act.

(3) The Executive Committee shall notify the Federal Returning Officer of
1. the statutes and the party programme;
2. the names and functions of the members of the Executive Committees of the party and its Land
3. the dissolution of the party or any of its Land branches.
Amendments to the 1st sentence, nos. 1 and 2, above shall be notified by 31 December of the given
calendar year. These records shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Federal
Returning Officer. Copies of such records shall be provided free of charge upon request.

(4) The provisions set out in the present Act for parties organized nationwide shall also apply to
political parties that are established only in a particular Land ("Land parties").

Section 7

Organizational structure [federal, Land, and local levels]

(1) Political parties shall be organized in regional and/or local branches. The size and level of
regional/local branches shall be laid down in the partys statutes. Such territorial subdivisions must
be extensive enough to allow individual members to participate, on an adequate scale, in the
partys policy and decision-making processes. A political party whose organization is confined to
the territory of a city-state is not required to establish regional branches; it shall constitute a party
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within the meaning of the present Act. Several regional/local branches may form an association in
organizational terms, provided that this does not substantially impair the branch structure of the
partys organization.

(2) Where a political party does not have any Land branches, the provisions set out in the present
Act for Land branches shall apply to the regional/local branches of the next level below that of the
party itself.

Section 8


(1) The assembly of members and the Executive Committee are indispensable bodies of a political
party and its regional/local branches. The statutes may stipulate that in supra-local branches, the
members assembly may be replaced by a delegates assembly whose members shall be elected, for
a maximum of two years, by the members or delegates assemblies of the subordinate branches.
Land parties without any regional/local branches (cf. Section 7 para. 1, 4th sentence) may replace
the members assembly by a delegates assembly provided that they have more than 250 members.
Delegates assemblies may also be established for local branches that have more than
250 members or cover a large geographical area.

(2) The statutes may provide for additional institutions (bodies) that will support the policy
formation and decision-making processes of the respective regional/local branch. Such institutions
shall be explicitly designated as such in the statutes.

Section 9

Members and delegates assemblies (party convention, general assembly)

(1) The assembly of members or delegates (party convention, general assembly) is the supreme
body of the respective regional/local branch. It is called a "party convention" in the case of higher-
level branches, and a "general assembly" at the lowest level; the provisions below on party
conventions shall also apply to general assemblies. Party conventions shall be held at least once
every two calendar years.

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(2) Members of the Executive Committee, members of other bodies of the regional/local branch and
any persons as defined in Section 11 para. 2 may, pursuant to the statutes, be members of a
delegates assembly, but in this case the number of those who are entitled to vote must not exceed
one-fifth of the total number of assembly members as provided under the statutes.

(3) In accordance with the competences assigned within the party to a regional/local branch, the
party convention shall decide on party programmes, the statutes, rules on membership dues, rules
on arbitration procedures, the partys dissolution and its merger with other parties.

(4) The party convention shall elect the chairperson of the regional/local branch, his/her deputies
and the other members of the Executive Committee, the members of any other bodies, and the
delegates elected to the bodies of higher-level regional branches, unless the present Act permits
another procedure.

(5) The party convention shall, at least every two years, receive a progress report from the Executive
Committee and shall pass a resolution on it. Before the report is submitted, its financial part shall
be reviewed by auditors elected by the party convention.

Section 10

Members rights

(1) Pursuant to the pertinent detailed provisions of the statutes, the competent bodies of the party
shall freely decide on the admission of members. No reasons need to be given for rejecting an
application for membership. No general refusal to admit new members, even if of limited duration,
shall be permissible. Persons who, by judicial decision, have been deprived of their right to stand
for election or their right to vote, may not be members of a political party.

(2) Party members and delegates represented on the partys bodies shall have equal voting rights.
Pursuant to the pertinent detailed provisions of the statutes, the exercise of voting rights can be
made conditional on members having paid their membership dues. A member shall be entitled at
any time to end his/her party membership with immediate effect.

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(3) The statutes shall contain provisions on:
1. the permissible sanctions against members;
2. the reasons justifying such sanctions;
3. the party bodies which may authorize such sanctions.
If a member is removed from party offices or is disqualified from holding such offices, the reasons
for such a decision shall be stated.

(4) A member may be expelled from the party only if he/she deliberately violates the party statutes
or commits a major violation of the partys principles or agreed rules, thereby inflicting serious
damage on the party.

(5) Decisions on expulsion from the party shall be made by the arbitration tribunal defined as
competent in the rules on arbitration procedures. The right of appeal to a higher arbitration tribunal
shall be guaranteed. The reasons for the tribunals decisions shall be stated in writing. In urgent and
serious cases calling for immediate action, the Executive Committee of the party or any of its
regional/local branches may bar a member from exercising his/her rights until the arbitration
tribunal has reached a decision.

Section 11

Executive Committee

(1) The Executive Committee shall be elected every two calendar years at least. It shall comprise at
least three members.

(2) The Executive Committee may, pursuant to the statutes, include members of parliament and
other high-ranking persons in the party if they hold an office or a mandate as a result of an election.
The proportion of members not elected under the provisions of Section 9 para. 4 must not exceed
one-fifth of the total number of Executive Committee members. The chairperson and the treasurer of
a political party may not perform comparable functions in any political foundation close to that

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(3) The Executive Committee shall manage the respective party branch and conduct its affairs in
accordance with the law and the statutes and with the resolutions passed by the partys higher-level
bodies. It shall represent that party branch in accordance with Section 26 para. 1 sentences 2 and 3
of the Civil Code, unless the statutes provide otherwise.

(4) A managing executive committee ("Presidium") may be formed from among the members of the
Executive Committee to implement the resolutions of the latter and to carry out regular as well as
particularly urgent Executive Committee business. Its members may also be elected by the Executive
Committee or be appointed as stipulated in the statutes.

Section 12

General party committees

(1) The members of general party committees and similar institutions entrusted, under the statutes,
with extensive powers for deliberating or deciding on questions of party policy and organization may
also be elected by lower-level regional/local branches.

(2) The Executive Committee and members of the group of persons defined in Section 11 para. 2
may, by virtue of the statutes, also belong to such a body. The proportion of non-elected members
must not exceed one third of the bodys total number of members; it may be augmented by non-
voting members participating in an advisory capacity, but even in this case the proportion of non-
elected members must still be less than half of the total number of members.

(3) Elected members of the bodies specified in paragraph 1 above shall hold office for a maximum of
two years.

Section 13

Composition of delegates assemblies

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The composition of a delegates assembly or of any other body entirely or partly comprising
delegates from regional/local branches shall be laid down in the statutes. The number of delegates
from a regional/local branch shall primarily be calculated on the basis of the number of members
represented. The statutes may stipulate that the remaining number of delegates no more than half
of the total number be distributed among regional/local branches in proportion to the number of
votes obtained in the area covered by the given regional/local branch in previous parliamentary
elections. Exercise of this right to vote may be made conditional on actual payment of the
membership dues by that regional/local branch.

Section 14

Party arbitration tribunals

(1) Arbitration tribunals shall be set up at least at the level of the party itself and of the top-level
regional branches to settle, and decide on, disputes between the party or a regional/local branch,
on the one hand, and individual members, on the other, as well as disputes over the interpretation
and implementation of the statutes. Joint arbitration tribunals may be set up for several Kreis level

(2) The members of the arbitration tribunals shall be elected for a maximum of four years. They must
not be members of the Executive Committee of either the party or any of its regional/local branches;
nor be employed by the party or any of its branches; nor receive regular income from them. They
shall be independent and not be bound by instructions.

(3) The statutes may allow the parties to the dispute, either in general or on a case-by-case basis, to
nominate equal numbers of assessors to the arbitration tribunals.

(4) The functions of such arbitration tribunals shall be governed by rules on arbitration procedures
designed to guarantee litigants a legal hearing, fair proceedings and the possibility to reject any
member of the arbitration tribunal for partiality.

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Section 15

Decision-making and policy formation within the partys bodies

(1) The partys bodies shall adopt their resolutions by a simple majority vote unless a higher
majority is prescribed by law or by the party statutes.

(2) Elections of the members of the Executive Committee and of the delegates to delegates
assemblies and to bodies of higher-level regional branches shall be secret. For all other elections,
voting may be open provided that voters raise no objections when asked.

(3) The right to propose motions shall be designed in such a way as to ensure democratic policy
formation and decision-making processes, and, in particular, adequate discussion also of the
proposals submitted by minorities. At the assemblies of higher-level regional branches, at least the
delegates from the branches of the two next lower levels shall be granted the right to propose
motions. For elections and polls, any commitment to resolutions passed by other bodies shall not
be permitted.

Section 16

Sanctions against regional/local branches

(1) Dissolution and exclusion of lower-level regional/local branches or the dismissal from office of
entire bodies of these branches shall be permissible only in cases of serious infringement of the
partys principles or agreed rules. The party statutes shall specify
1. the reasons for which such sanctions shall be permissible;
2. the higher-level regional branch and the body of that branch which are entitled to impose such

(2) The Executive Committee of the party or of a higher-level regional branch shall obtain en-
dorsement of a sanction under paragraph 1 from a higher-ranking body. The sanction shall be
repealed if such endorsement is not given at the next party convention.

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(3) Appeal to an arbitration tribunal against sanctions imposed under paragraph 1 above shall be

Part III
Nomination of Candidates

Section 17

Nomination of candidates for election

Nomination of candidates for elections to parliaments must be by secret ballot. The nomination
procedure shall be regulated by the electoral laws and by the statutes of the political parties.

Part IV
Public Funding

Section 18

Principles and extent of public funding

(1) Political parties shall receive funds as partial financing of the activities generally assigned to
them under the Basic Law. The criteria for the allocation of public funds shall be the proportion of
votes won by a political party in European, Bundestag and Landtag [State parliament] elections; the
total amount of its membership dues and contributions from holders of elected public office, and
the amount of donations received.

(2) The maximum total amount of public funds which annually may be allocated among the political
parties shall be 133 million euros (absolute upper limit).

(3) Political parties shall, within the framework of partial public funding, receive an annual amount

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1. 0.70 euro for each valid vote cast for the respective party list; or
2. 0.70 euro for each vote cast for the respective party in a constituency or polling district if a list
for that party was not admitted at the Land level; and
3. 0.38 euro for each euro received from other sources (membership dues, contributions from
elected office-holders, or lawfully obtained donations); only donated amounts of up to 3,300
euros per natural person will be taken into account.
In derogation of numbers 1 and 2 above, a party shall receive 0.85 euro per vote for up to four
million valid votes received.

(4) Political parties which, according to the final result of the most recent elections to the European
Parliament or to the Bundestag, received at least 0.5 per cent or, in an election to a Landtag,
received 1 per cent of the valid votes cast for party lists shall be entitled to public funds pursuant to
para. 3, nos. 1 and 3; in order to qualify for payments under para. 3, 1st sentence, no. 1, and 2nd
sentence, a party must meet these requirements in the election concerned. Parties which, according
to the final election result, obtained 10 per cent of the valid votes cast in a constituency or polling
district shall be entitled to public funds pursuant to para. 3, no. 2. The 1st and 2nd sentences shall
not apply to political parties of national minorities.

(5) The amount of partial public funding must not exceed the sum of a partys annual income as
specified in Section 24 para. 4, nos. 1 - 7 (relative upper limit). The total amount of funds granted to
all parties must not exceed the absolute upper limit.

(6) After the statements of accounts submitted by the political parties represented in the German
Bundestag have been published by the President of the German Bundestag as provided under
Section 23 para. 2, 3rd sentence, the Bundestag shall decide whether to adjust the amount of the
absolute upper limit (Section 18 para. 2). To this effect, the President of the Federal Statistical Office
(Statistisches Bundesamt) shall, by 30 April of every year, submit a report to the German Bundestag
on the development of the price index for a partys typical expenditures as compared to the
preceding year. This price index shall be based, with a weighting factor of 70 per cent, on the
general consumer price index and, with 30 per cent, on the standard monthly salaries of employees
of central, regional and local governments.

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(7) The Federal President may appoint a committee of independent experts on matters of poli-
tical party funding.

(8) If a political party is dissolved or banned, it shall, from the date of its dissolution, no longer be
eligible for partial public funding.

Section 19

Applying for partial public funding

(1) Political parties shall, by 30 September of the 'year of entitlement' within the meaning of the
present Act, submit an application in writing to the President of the German Bundestag for the
assessment of the amount and disbursement of public funds for the year of entitlement. This
application must be filed by a member of the partys Executive Committee who, under the party
statutes, is responsible for the partys financial matters, and must contain the serviceable address
and bank account details. A single application submitted by the partys national-level ["federal"]
branch shall be sufficient. Partial applications shall be permissible. If a political party received
public funds already for the year preceding the year of entitlement, the President of the German
Bundestag will determine the amount without any further application by the party. A party shall
immediately notify the President of the German Bundestag of any changes affecting the assessment
procedure. If a party fails to give such notification, it shall be held liable.

(2) An application for part payments shall be submitted in writing to the President of the German
Bundestag by the 15th of the month preceding the next part payment. An application may be filed for
several instalments for the given year at the same time. Paragraph 1, 5th to 7 th sentences, shall
apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 19a

Procedure for determining the rate of funding

(1) The President of the German Bundestag shall, by 15 February of every year, determine the rate of
public funds to be allocated to each eligible political party for the preceding year ('year of
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entitlement'). The President may allot and disburse public funds to a party pursuant to Sections 18
and 19a only on the basis of a statement of accounts that complies with the provisions of Part V
below. If the President of the German Bundestag, with regard to a statement of accounts submitted
within the set time limit, initiates the procedure under Section 23a para. 2 before determining the
rate of funding, he/she shall only provisionally determine the amount of public funds for the party
concerned on the basis of its statement of accounts and shall disburse these funds against a
security deposit equivalent to the amount of possible financial liabilities of that party (Sections 31a
to 31c). Once the aforementioned procedure has been concluded, the Bundestag President shall
definitively determine the amount of funding.

(2) The basis for calculating the rate of public funding shall be the number of valid votes won by the
eligible political parties in the most recent elections to European Parliament and/or to the
Bundestag and in the most recent Landtag elections during the period ending on 31 December of
the year of entitlement, and the contributions (Section 18 para. 3, 1st sentence, no. 3) received
during the preceding year (accounting year) as published in the statements of accounts. The
President of the German Bundestag shall compile the valid votes won by each party that meet the
criteria under Section 18 para. 4 in a votes account and shall regularly update this account.

(3) A political party shall submit its statement of accounts to the President of the German Bundestag
by 30 September of the year following the accounting year. The President of the German Bundestag
may extend this time limit by up to three months. If a party does not submit its statement of
accounts within the set time limit, it shall definitively forfeit its claim to public funding based on
contributions (forfeiture of the contribution-based share). If a party has not submitted its statement
of accounts by 31 December of the year following the year of entitlement, it shall forfeit its claim to
public funding for the year of entitlement (forfeiture of the electoral vote share). The time limits shall
be deemed met irrespective of the accuracy of the statement of accounts, if the statement complies
with the form and structure specified in Section 24 and bears an audit certificate pursuant to
Section 30 para. 2. The amounts determined for, and disbursements to, the other political parties
shall remain unaffected.

(4) Calculation of the relative upper limit (Section 18 para. 5) shall be based on the income as
specified under Section 24 para. 4, nos. 1 to 7 and published in the statements of accounts for the
respective accounting year.

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(5) Determination of the respective amounts must first comply with the absolute upper limit
(Section 18 para. 2) and then the relative upper limit for each party (Section 18 para. 5). If the sum
of public funds thus computed exceeds the absolute upper limit, the parties shall only be entitled to
public funds to an amount corresponding to their respective proportional share.

(6) Public funds allocated for valid votes won in Landtag elections shall be disbursed to the partys
Land branch at the rate of 0.50 euro per vote; any reductions made under paragraph 5 above shall
be left out of consideration if they can be included in the disbursements to be made by the
Federation (Section 21 para. 1, 1st sentence, 2nd alternative). The remaining public funds shall be
paid to the partys national-level ["federal"] branch; if a party is only represented at the Land level,
they shall be paid to the Land branch.

Section 20

Part payments

(1) Parties entitled to public funding shall be paid in instalments on the amount to be determined by
the President of the German Bundestag. Such payments shall be calculated on the basis of the
amounts allocated to each party in the previous year. Instalments shall be paid on 15 February,
15 May, 15 August and 15 November; no instalment may exceed 25 per cent of the total amount of
funds allotted to the party concerned for the preceding year. If there are any indications that a party
might subsequently be obliged to repay any funds, payment may be made conditional on a security

(2) Part payments must be refunded by a political party immediately if they exceed the determined
amount or if an entitlement did not exist in the first place. If any excess payment has been made,
the President of the German Bundestag shall, as part of the administrative act comprising the

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assessment of allocations, determine the amount to be reclaimed and directly pass this amount to

(3) Section 19a para. 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 21

Provision of federal funds and disbursement procedure, and audit by the Bundesrechnungshof
(BRH - Germany's Supreme Audit Institution)

(1) Funds as specified in Sections 18 and 20 shall, in the case of Section 19a para. 6, 1st sentence,
be disbursed to the political parties by the Lnder, and in other cases by the Federation through the
President of the German Bundestag. The President of the German Bundestag shall provide the
Lnder with binding information on the amounts allotted to the parties Land branches.

(2) The Bundesrechnungshof (BRH - Germanys Supreme Audit Institution) shall verify whether the
President of the German Bundestag as the agency responsible for the administration of financial
resources has determined and disbursed the respective amounts of public funds in accordance with
the provisions of this Part, and whether the procedures specified in Section 23a have been carried
out properly.

Section 22

Intra-party financial compensation

The parties national-level ["federal"] branches shall ensure adequate financial compensation for
their Land branches.

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Part V

Section 23

Obligation to submit a public statement of accounts

(1) At the end of the calendar year (accounting year), the partys Executive Committee shall,
truthfully and to the best of its knowledge and belief, publicly account for the origin and use of
funds and the partys assets in a statement of accounts. Before being submitted to the President of
the German Bundestag, the statement of accounts shall be discussed by the partys Executive
Committee. The Executive Committee of the partys national-level ["federal"] branch, the Executive
Committees of the Land branches and the Executive Committees of regional branches comparable
to Land branches shall be responsible for rendering their respective accounts. Their statements of
accounts shall be signed by the chairperson and an Executive Committee member responsible for
financial matters and elected by the party convention, or by an Executive Committee member
elected by a body responsible, under the statutes, for the partys financial matters. These Executive
Committee members shall, by their signature, affirm that the information in their statements of
accounts has been given truthfully and to the best of their knowledge and belief. The statement of
accounts for the entire political party shall be compiled and signed by a member of the national
Executive Committee responsible for financial matters and elected by the party convention, or by a
member of the national Executive Committee who has been elected by a body responsible, under
the statutes, for the partys financial matters.

(2) The statement of accounts must be audited by a certified auditor or an auditing firm in
accordance with the provisions of Sections 29 to 31. In the case of political parties which do not
meet the requirements specified in Section 18 para. 4, first part of the 1st sentence, the statement of
accounts may also be audited by a sworn accountant or an accountancy firm. The statement shall,
within the time limit specified in Section 19a para. 3, first part of the 1st sentence, be submitted to
the President of the German Bundestag who shall circulate it as a Bundestag printed paper. If a
political party does not meet the requirements specified in Section 18 para. 4, first part of the
1st sentence, and its income or own assets in the accounting year does not exceed 5,000 euros, it
may submit an unaudited statement of accounts to the President of the German Bundestag. The
latter may publish statements of accounts submitted in unaudited form. The partys statement of

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accounts shall be submitted for discussion to the next national party convention following its

(3) The President of the German Bundestag shall, pursuant to Section 23a below, check whether the
statement of accounts complies with the provisions of Part V. The respective finding shall be
included in the report to be submitted under paragraph 4 below.

(4) The President of the German Bundestag shall, every two years, report to the German Bundestag
on the trend of the parties financial situation and on the statements of accounts submitted by the
parties. In addition, the President shall prepare a brief annual overview of the parties income and
expenditure and their assets. These reports shall be circulated as Bundestag printed papers.

Section 23a

Verification of the statement of accounts

(1) The President of the German Bundestag shall check whether the submitted statement of
accounts is accurate and meets the formal requirements. He/she shall determine whether the
statement of accounts complies with the provisions of Part V. Repeated verification shall be
permissible only within the time limit stipulated in Section 24 para. 2 below.

(2) If the President of the German Bundestag has concrete evidence that any information contained
in a partys statement of accounts is inaccurate, he/she shall give the party concerned an
opportunity to comment. The President may require the political party to have its certified auditor or
auditing firm, its sworn accountant or accountancy firm confirm that its comments are correct.

(3) If the partys comments required under paragraph 2 above do not disprove the concrete evidence
available to the President of the German Bundestag as regards inaccuracies in the statement of
accounts, the President of the German Bundestag may, in agreement with the party concerned,
commission a certified auditor or an auditing firm of his/her choice to check whether the partys
statement of accounts complies with the provisions of Part V. The political party shall permit the
certified auditor appointed by the President of the German Bundestag to access and inspect the

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records and supporting documents required for the audit. The costs of this procedure shall be borne
by the President of the German Bundestag.

(4) After the conclusion of this procedure, the President of the German Bundestag shall issue a
notice identifying any inaccuracies in the statement of accounts and, if applicable, stating the
amount of the item/s concerning which inaccurate information has been provided. The notice shall
specify whether the inaccuracy is due to an infringement of the provisions regarding in-
come/expenditure accounting, the asset and liability statement or the explanatory part (Section 24
para. 7).

(5) If a statement of accounts contains inaccuracies, the political party concerned shall correct that
statement and, as decided by the President of the German Bundestag, shall resubmit part or all of
its statement of accounts. This resubmitted statement must be confirmed by an audit certificate
issued by a certified auditor or an auditing firm, a sworn accountant or an accountancy firm. If the
amount to be corrected does not exceed 10,000 euros in a single instance or 50,000 euros for all of
the respective accounting year per party, the correction may, in derogation from the 1st and
2nd sentences of this paragraph, be included in the statement of accounts for the following year.

(6) Corrected statements of accounts shall, in their entirety or in part, be published as Bundestag
printed papers.

(7) Any other information revealed in the course of this procedure that does not refer to the partys
rendering of account itself shall not be published or passed on to other public authorities of the
Federal Republic of Germany. Such information must be destroyed by the Bundestag President
immediately upon conclusion of this verification process.

Section 23b

Obligation to report inaccuracies in the statement of accounts

(1) If a political party becomes aware of any inaccuracies in a statement of accounts already
submitted to the President of the German Bundestag on time and in the proper form, the party shall
immediately notify the President of the German Bundestag of such inaccuracies in writing.

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(2) With regard to an inaccuracy reported by a party, that party shall not be subject to the legal
consequences specified in Section 31b or Section 31c, provided that, on the date of receipt of the
notification, no concrete information suggesting such inaccuracies was publicly known, or had
neither come to the knowledge of the President of the German Bundestag nor been revealed to exist
in the course of an official procedure, and that the party concerned fully discloses and corrects the
relevant facts and figures. Any unlawfully received financial benefits shall be remitted to the
President of the German Bundestag within a time limit to be specified by the latter.

(3) Section 23a paras. 5 and 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 24

Statement of accounts

(1) The statement of accounts shall consist of an accountancy summary prepared on the basis of an
income/expenditure tabulation complying with the provisions of the present Act, a related
asset and liability statement, and an explanatory part. The statement of accounts shall, in com-
pliance with the principles of proper bookkeeping and on the basis of the actual facts and cir-
cumstances, provide information on the origin and use of funds and on the partys assets.

(2) The commercial law regulations applying to all merchants which govern the rendering of
accounts, especially the assessment and valuation of assets, shall be applied mutatis mutandis
unless provided otherwise by the present Act. Accounting records, books, balance sheets and
statements of accounts shall be held for ten years. The retention period shall commence when the
respective accounting year ends.

(3) The statement of accounts of the party as a whole shall incorporate separate statements of
accounts for the partys national-level ["federal"] branch and the Land branch(es) as well as the
statements of accounts of lower-level regional/local branches of each Land branch. Land branches
and their subordinate regional/local branches shall attach to their statements of accounts a
complete list of all contributions and donations received, together with the names and addresses of
the donors. The partys national branch shall compile these lists to determine the annual total

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amount of donations per donor. The Land branches shall keep the various statements of their
subordinate regional/local branches together with their accounting records.

(4) Income accounting shall cover:

1. membership dues;
2. contributions paid by elected office-holders and similar regular contributions;
3. donations from natural persons;
4. donations from legal persons;
5. income from business activities and participating interests in companies;
6. income from other assets;
7. receipts from organized events, distribution of printed material and publications and from
other income-yielding activities;
8. public funds;
9. any other receipts;
10. grants received from party branches; and
11. total income, as an aggregate of nos. 1 to 10.

(5) Expenditure accounting shall cover:

1. personnel-related expenditure;
2. operating expenditure
a) on day-to-day business,
b) on general political work,
c) on election campaigns,
d) on asset management, including any interest accruing therefrom,
e) other interest,
f) other expenses;
3. grants payable to party branches; and
4. total expenditure, as an aggregate of nos. 1 to 3.

(6) The asset and liability statement shall cover:

1. assets owned:
A. capital assets:
I. tangible assets:
1. real estate,

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2. branch office furnishings and equipment,
II. financial assets:
1. participating interests in companies,
2. other financial investments;
B. working assets:
I. receivables from party branches,
II. amounts receivable under state-provided partial funding,
III. money holdings,
IV. other types of assets;
C. total of assets owned (sum of A and B);

2. accounts payable:
A. reserve funds:
I. reserves for pensions,
II. other reserves/provisions;
B. liabilities:
I. amounts owed to party branches,
II. repayment obligations with regard to state-provided partial funding,
III. amounts owed to credit institutions,
IV. amounts owed to other lenders,
V. other liabilities;
C. total debits (sum of A and B);

3. net assets (positive or negative).

(7) An explanatory part shall be appended to the asset and liability statement which must cover the
following items, in particular:
1. a list of the participating interests in companies under paragraph 6 no. 1 A II 1 above, as well as
the companies direct and indirect participating interests as recorded in their annual financial
statements, including the following information for each case: name and address, the share
and the amount of the nominal capital and, in addition, the share in the capital, the equity
capital, and the results recorded by these companies during the last business year for which an
annual financial statement has been prepared. Information on participating interests listed in
the companies annual financial statements shall be included in the explanatory part as
contained in the respective annual financial statement. Participating interests within the

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meaning of the present Act are shares as defined in Section 271 para. 1 of the Commercial
2. designation of the main products of media enterprises if the respective political party has any
participating interests in such enterprises;
3. at five-year intervals, a valuation of the real estate property and of the participating interests in
enterprises as stipulated in the Property Valuation Act (buildings and unimproved property
pursuant to Sections 145 seqq. of the Property Valuation Act [Bewertungsgesetz - BewG]).

(8) The sum of contributions made by natural persons up to the amount of 3,300 euros per person
and the sum of those contributions by natural persons which exceed the amount of 3,300 euros
shall be shown separately in the statement of accounts.

(9) The statement of accounts shall be preceded by a summary as follows:

1. receipts by the political party as a whole as listed in paragraph 4 nos. 1 to 9 above, and the
total income;
2. expenditure by the political party as a whole as listed in paragraph 5 nos. 1 and 2 above, and
total expenditures;
3. indication of surpluses or deficits;
4. assets owned by the political party as a whole as listed in paragraph 6 no. 1 A I and II and B II to
IV above, and their total;
5. debits of the political party as a whole as listed in paragraph 6 no. 2 A I and II and B II to IV
above, and their total;
6. net assets of the political party as a whole (positive or negative);
7. total income, total expenditure, surpluses or deficits, and the net assets of the three organ-
izational tiers: national-level [federal] branch, Land branches and their subordinate re-
gional/local branches.
In addition to the absolute figures for numbers 1 and 2 above, the percentage of total income under
no. 1 and of total expenditure under no. 2 shall be indicated. For better comparison, the respective
figures for the preceding year shall be given as well.

(10) The number of members as of 31 December of the accounting year shall be indicated.

(11) The political party may attach additional explanatory comments to its statement of accounts.

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(12) Public grants allotted to the parties political youth organizations for a specific purpose shall be
disregarded when defining the absolute upper limit. Such grants shall be listed, for information
only, in a partys statement of accounts but shall not be included in its income/expenditure

Section 25


(1) Political parties are entitled to accept donations. Donations of up to 1,000 euros may be made in
cash. Party members who receive donations on behalf of their party shall immediately pass them on
to an Executive Committee member who, under the party statutes, is responsible for the partys
financial matters. Donations shall be considered acquired by a party when an Executive Committee
member responsible for the partys financial matters or a full-time staff member of that party has
obtained power of disposal over them; donations that are returned to the donor immediately after
their receipt shall not be deemed as having been acquired by the party.

(2) The following shall be excluded from the right of political parties to accept donations:
1. donations from public corporations, parliamentary parties and groups and from parliamentary
groups of municipal councils (local assemblies);
2. donations from political foundations, corporate entities, associations of persons and from
estates which under the statutes, the foundation charter or other dispositions governing the
constitution of such entities, and by the actual business conducted by such entities, are
exclusively and directly intended for non-profit, charitable or church purposes (Sections 51
to 68 of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung, AO);
3. donations from sources outside the territorial scope of this Act unless:
a) these donations accrue directly to a political party from the assets of a German as defined
by the Basic Law, of a citizen of the European Union, or of a business enterprise, of whose
shares more than 50 per cent are owned by Germans as defined by the Basic Law or by a
citizen of the European Union or whose registered office is located in a Member State of the
European Union;
b) they are donations transferred to parties of national minorities in their traditional settle-
ment areas from countries which are adjacent to the Federal Republic of Germany and
where members of their ethnic group live; or

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c) it is a donation not exceeding 1,000 euros made by a foreigner;
4. donations from professional organizations, which were made to the latter subject to the proviso
that such funds be passed on to a political party;
5. donations from enterprises that are fully or partly in public ownership or are managed or
operated by public agencies if the states direct participation amounts to more than 25 per
6. any donations exceeding 500 euros each, which are made by an unidentified donor or which
evidently are passed on as a donation by unnamed third parties;
7. donations evidently made in the expectation of, or in return for, some specific financial or
political advantage;
8. donations solicited by a third party against a fee to be paid by the political party and amounting
to more than 25 per cent of the value of the solicited donation.

(3) If the total amount of donations made, and contributions paid by elected representatives/offi-
cials, to a political party or to one or more of its regional/local branches exceeds 10,000 euros in
any one calendar year (accounting year), they shall be recorded, together with the names and
addresses of the donors and the total amount, in the statement of accounts. Single donations in
excess of 50,000 euros shall be reported immediately to the President of the German Bundestag.
The latter shall in a timely manner publish the donation, together with the donors name, as a
Bundestag printed paper.

(4) Political parties shall hand over any donations that are not allowed under paragraph 2 above to
the President of the German Bundestag at once or no later than the time of the submission of the
statement of accounts for the respective year (Section 19a para. 3).

Section 26

Definition of income

(1) Income is any payment of money or any benefit of monetary value obtained by a political party
unless special provisions apply to specific types of income (Section 24 para. 4). Likewise, income
shall be understood to include exemption from payment of liabilities arising customarily;

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assumption of responsibility by others for organized events and activities explicitly aimed at
canvassing for a political party; liquidation of reserves; and appreciation in value for capital assets.

(2) All items of income shall be entered in full in the appropriate place and shall be included in the
asset and liability statement.

(3) Non-monetary assets shall be assessed at the usual prices in ordinary business transactions for
identical or comparable goods or services.

(4) Voluntary work for a political party shall, as a matter of principle, be performed without payment.
Performance in kind, work performance and services provided by party members on a non-
commercial basis and usually free of charge shall not be counted as income. Reimbursement of
costs shall remain unaffected.

(5) Contributions and public funds earmarked from the outset for quota allocation among several
regional/local branches shall be accounted for in the records of the branch that will ultimately
receive them.

Section 26a

Definition of expenditure

(1) Expenditure is any cash payment made, or benefit of monetary value provided, by a political
party as well as the use of income, obtained by the party, as defined in Section 26 para. 1, 2nd
sentence, unless special provisions apply to specific types of expenditure (Section 24 para. 5).
Likewise, expenditure shall be understood to include scheduled and non-scheduled depreciation of
assets and the formation of a liability reserve.

(2) Section 26 para. 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(3) At the time of disposal, sale or transfer, assets shall be booked as expenditures at their book

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(4) Expenditure arising from internal transfers among party branches shall be accounted for in the
records of the branch that defrays the respective expenses.

Section 27

Individual types of income

(1) Membership dues shall only be those regular money payments that a member makes in
accordance with the pertinent provisions of the party statutes. Contributions paid by elected
representatives shall be regular money payments made by a holder of an elected public office
(elected representative/official) in addition to his/her membership dues. Donations shall be
payments exceeding the aforementioned dues and contributions. This shall also include special
contributions levied for shared cost coverage, income from fund-raising and all kinds of con-
tributions/services of monetary value unless they are customarily provided free of charge by party
members on a non-commercial basis.

(2) Other income as defined in Section 24 para. 4 no. 9 shall be itemized and annotated if receipts
for any of the items listed in Section 24 para. 3 amount to more than 2 per cent of the total income
as defined in Section 24 para. 4 no. 1 to 6. In addition, income exceeding a value of 10,000 euros
per contribution shall be disclosed. Inheritances and bequests, if their total value exceeds
10,000 euros, shall be recorded in the statement of accounts, together with the amount, the
testators name and last known address.

Section 28

Asset and liability statement

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(1) The asset and liability statement shall list assets having an acquisition value of more than
5,000 euros each (including turnover tax).

(2) Assets shall be assessed at their acquisition and manufacturing costs, less any scheduled
depreciation. Scheduled depreciation cannot be claimed for real assets.

(3) Party branches below the level of Land branches may book income and expenditure in the year of
receipt or payment, respectively, even if the relevant receivables or payables already arose in the
preceding year. Sections 249 to 251 of the Commercial Code may be disregarded in the drafting of
the statements of accounts for such party branches.

Section 29

Audit of the statement of accounts

(1) The audit specified in Section 23 para. 2, 1st sentence, shall apply to the partys national-level
[federal] branch, its Land branches and to at least ten lower-level regional/local branches as
selected by the auditor. The audit shall also cover bookkeeping. The audit shall verify compliance
with the relevant legal provisions. The audit method used shall be aimed at ensuring that
inaccuracies and infringements of legal provisions will be detected if the audit is performed with
due professional care.

(2) The auditor may require the Executive Committees and the persons duly authorized by them to
furnish clarifying information and documentary proof needed for diligent performance of his/ her
auditing duty. To this end, the auditor shall also be allowed to examine the records used for
compiling a statement of accounts, the accounting books and written documents as well as the cash
holdings and existing assets.

(3) The Executive Committee of the regional/local branch to be audited shall provide the auditor
with a written affirmation that all income, expenditure and assets to be accounted for are included
in the statement of accounts. Reference may be made to such affirmation as provided by the
Executive Committees of lower-level branches. An affirmation provided by the Executive Committee
member who is responsible for the partys financial matters shall suffice.

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Section 30

Audit report and audit certificate

(1) The result of the audit shall be set out in writing in an audit report to be delivered to the partys
Executive Committee and to the Executive Committee of the audited regional/local branch.

(2) If the final result of the audit does not give any reason to raise objections, the auditor shall
confirm by means of a certificate that, as established by an audit properly performed to the extent
required (Section 29 para. 1) and based on the partys account books and documents and on the
clarifying information and documentary proof furnished by the Executive Committees, the statement
of accounts complies with the provisions of the present Act. If the audit result gives reason to raise
objections, the auditor shall either refuse to provide, or shall qualify, such confirmation in his/her
audit certificate. The names of the regional/local branches audited shall be stated in the audit

(3) The audit certificate shall be attached to the statement of accounts to be submitted and be
published in full, together with the statement as provided in Section 23 para. 2, 3rd sentence.

Section 31


(1) A certified auditor or sworn accountant may not be an auditor if he/she

1. holds an office or discharges a function within or for the given political party or has performed
such duties of an office or such a function during the past three years;
2. has, in addition to his/her auditing duties, also taken part in bookkeeping or in the drafting of
the statement of accounts submitted for auditing;
3. is a legal representative, an employee, a member of the supervisory board or a partner of a legal
or natural person or of a partnership, or the owner of an enterprise if such legal or natural
person or partnership or one of its partners or the enterprise concerned is not allowed, under
number 2, to be the auditor for that political party;
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4. employs a person for the audit who, under numbers 1 to 3 above, is not allowed to be an

(2) An auditing firm or an accountancy firm may not be an auditor if

1. it may not be an auditor, pursuant to paragraph 1 no. 3 above, for being the partner of a legal
person or of a partnership, or for the reasons given in paragraph 1 no. 2 or 4 above;
2. any of its legal representatives or partners may not be an auditor pursuant to paragraph 1 no. 2
or 3 above.

(3) The auditors, their assistants and the legal representatives of an auditing company who take part
in the audit shall be obliged to discharge their duties conscientiously and impartially and to
maintain confidentiality. Section 323 of the Commercial Code shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Part VI
Procedures in case of inaccurate statements of accounts,
and penal provisions

Section 31a

Reclaiming disbursed public funds

(1) If contributions and donations (Section 18 para. 3, 1st sentence, no. 3) were untruthfully stated in
the statement of accounts and, as a result, the amount of public funds to be allotted to the political
party was wrongly determined, the President of the German Bundestag shall revoke the decision
made pursuant to Section 19a para. 1 on the amount of public funds to be disbursed. This shall not
apply if the pertinent rectification is included in the statement of accounts for the following year
(Section 23a para. 5, 3rd sentence). Section 48 para. 2 of the Administrative Procedure Act
(Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz) shall not apply.

(2) After the time limit fixed in Section 24 para. 2 has expired, revocation shall be barred.

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(3) In the revocation notice, the President of the German Bundestag shall, by an administrative act,
set the amount to be reimbursed by the political party. If, in the further course of the public funding
procedure, it is found that offsetting of payments and receipts is required, the difference (surplus or
deficit) shall be taken into account in the next instalment paid to the party.

(4) The amounts determined for, and disbursed to, the other political parties shall remain un-

(5) Political parties shall include provisions in their statutes to provide against the eventuality that
any action pursuant to paragraph 1 above might be caused by Land branches or their subordinate
regional/local branches.

Section 31b

Inaccuracy of the statement of accounts

If the President of the German Bundestag, in the course of the verification pursuant to Section 23a,
detects inaccuracies in the statement of accounts, the political party shall be liable to pay twice the
amount of the wrongly stated sum, except in the case of donations as provided under Section 31c. If
inaccuracies in the asset and liability statement or in the explanatory part refer to real assets or to
participating interests in companies, the partys liability shall amount to 10 per cent of the value of
the assets not included or listed inaccurately. The President shall determine the partys liability to
pay the respective amount by an administrative act. Section 31a, paras. 2 to 5, shall apply mutatis

Section 31c

Illegally obtained or undisclosed donations

(1) A political party which, in contravention of Section 25 para. 2, has accepted donations and not
remitted them to the President of the German Bundestag in accordance with Section 25 para. 4 shall
be liable to pay three times the amount of the illegally obtained sum of money; donations already
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remitted shall be deducted from the payable amount. A party which fails to publish donations in its
statement of accounts in accordance with the provisions of the present Act (Section 25 para. 3) shall
be liable to pay twice the amount of the sum not disclosed as prescribed by the present Act. The
President shall, by an administrative act, determine the partys liability to pay the respective
amount. Section 31a paras. 2 to 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(2) By agreement with the Presidium of the German Bundestag, the President of the German
Bundestag shall, at the beginning of the following calendar year, transfer the funds received within a
calendar year to institutions serving charitable, church, religious or scientific purposes.

Section 31d
Penal provisions

(1) Whosoever, with the intent of concealing the origin or the use of the partys funds or assets or
evading the obligation to render public account,
1. causes inaccurate data on the partys income or assets to be included in a statement of
accounts submitted to the President of the German Bundestag, or submits an inaccurate
statement of accounts to the President of the German Bundestag; or
2. as a recipient, divides a donation into smaller amounts and enters them into the books or has
them posted by others; or
3. in violation of Section 25 para. 1, 3rd sentence, does not remit a donation;
shall be liable to imprisonment of up to three years or to a fine. No one shall be subject to a penalty
as stipulated under the 1st sentence of this paragraph if, under the conditions set forth in
Section 23b para. 2, they report the fact on behalf of the party pursuant to Section 23b para. 1 or
help to report the fact.

(2) Whosoever, as an auditor or an auditors assistant, gives a false report on the result of the audit
of a statement of accounts, fails to disclose relevant facts in the audit report or issues an audit
certificate containing false information shall be liable to imprisonment of up to three years or to a
fine. If offenders act against payment or with the intent of enriching themselves or a third person or
of harming another person, the penalty shall be imprisonment of up to five years or a fine.

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Part VII
Enforcement of the ban on unconstitutional parties

Section 32

Enforcement of judgement

(1) Where a political party or a subdivision of a political party has been declared unconstitutional
pursuant to Article 21 para. 2 of the Basic Law, the authorities designated by the Land Governments
shall, within the law, adopt all measures required for enforcing the judgement and any additional
enforcement procedures stipulated by the Federal Constitutional Court. To this end, the supreme
Land authorities shall have unrestricted authority to give instructions to those Land agencies and
services that are responsible for maintaining public safety or order.

(2) Where the organization or activities of a political party or of the party branch declared un-
constitutional extends beyond the territory of any one Land, the Federal Minister of the Interior shall
issue the directives necessary to ensure uniform enforcement.

(3) In derogation of paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the Federal Constitutional Court may regulate the
details of enforcement in accordance with Section 35 of the Act on the Federal Constitutional Court

(4) An objection to, and action to rescind, enforcement measures shall have no suspensive effect.
Where administrative court proceedings pertain to a matter of fundamental importance for the
enforcement of a judgement, the proceedings shall be discontinued, and a Federal Constitutional
Court decision shall be sought. The Federal Constitutional Court shall also decide on objections
raised against the manner in which special enforcement measures ordered by the Court are to be
carried out.

(5) In case of asset confiscation, Sections 10 to 13 of the Act on Associations (Vereinsgesetz) of

5 August 1964 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 593) shall be applied mutatis mutandis. The authority

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imposing the ban shall be the supreme Land authority or, if paragraph 2 above applies, the Federal
Minister of the Interior.

Section 33

Ban on follow-up/substitute organizations

(1) Establishing organizations which continue to pursue the unconstitutional aims and activities of a
political party banned pursuant to Article 21 para. 2 of the Basic Law in conjunction with Section 46
of the Act on the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz) (follow-
up/substitute organizations) or continuing existing organizations as substitute organizations shall
be prohibited.

(2) Where the follow-up/substitute organization is a political party that already existed before the
original party was banned or is a party represented in the Bundestag or in a Landtag, the Federal
Constitutional Court shall declare by judgement that it is a banned substitute or follow-up
organization; Sections 38, 41, 43, 44, and 46 para. 3 of the Act on the Federal Constitutional Court
and Section 32 of the present Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(3) Section 8 para. 2 of the Act on Associations (Vereinsgesetz) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to
other political parties and to associations as defined in Section 2 of the Act on Associations which
are follow-up/substitute organizations of a banned party.

Final Provisions

Section 34
( Amendment of the Income Tax Act [Einkommensteuergesetz] )

Section 35
( Amendment of the Corporation Tax Act [Krperschaftsteuergesetz] )

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Section 36
( Application of tax law provisions )

Section 37
Non-applicability of a provision of the Civil Code
Section 54, 2nd sentence, of the Civil Code shall not be applied to political parties.

Section 38

Coercive measures by the Federal Returning Officer

The Federal Returning Officer may, by imposing a penalty payment, force the Executive Committee of
a political party to take the action specified in Section 6 para. 3. The provisions of the Administrative
Enforcement Act (Verwaltungs-Vollstreckungsgesetz - VwVG) shall apply mutatis mutandis; the
Federal Returning Officer shall in such cases act as the enforcement and implementing authority.
The penalty shall be no less than 250 euros and no more than 1,500 euros.

Section 39

Provisions on final and transitional arrangements

(1) Land legislation based on Section 22, 1st sentence, of the present Act as applicable until
1 January 1994, shall no longer apply.

(2) Calculation of public funds pursuant to Section 18 para. 3 no. 3 and of the relative upper limit
shall, for the amounts to be fixed for the years 2003 and 2004, be based on the contributions and
donations as shown in the statements of accounts pursuant to (former) Section 24 para. 2 nos. 1
and 2 of the present Act as contained in the version applicable until 31 December 2002. This shall
apply likewise to the preparation of the statements of accounts for 2002.

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(3) Section 23a para. 3 shall apply to the audit of statements of accounts submitted from the
accounting year 2002 onwards. Statements of accounts for 2003 may be prepared on the basis of
Sections 24, 26, 26a and 28 in the version applicable from 1 January 2004.

(4) If, for the first-time application of Section 28 para. 2 in the version applicable from 1 January
2003, the acquisition or manufacturing cost of an asset cannot be established without excessive
cost or delay, the book values of these assets as given in the statement of accounts for the
accounting year 2002 may be stated as the original acquisition and manufacturing costs and be
carried forward. If the book values have been determined on the basis of commercial law provisions,
the same shall apply to assets for which no scheduled depreciation can be claimed as provided in
Section 28 para. 2. A reference to this effect shall be included in the explanatory part.

Section 40
( deleted )

Section 41
( Entry into force )

Bundesministerium des Innern, Berlin March 2009

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