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Working Families for Gray

Young Professionals for Gray

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Posted by Vince Gray on May 26, 2010 at 12:36 pm

I strongly support streetcar development, and remain committed to seeing it become a reality here in the
District of Columbia. I’ve visited Portland, Oregon, twice in recent years, seen first-hand the positive
economic impact and transportation impact on communities, and I am firmly committed to a new streetcar
system in the District which brings about similar benefits to our city.

But we owe it to ourselves to have a well thought out planning process. We can’t afford the Mayor’s
approach of “build now and plan later,” which only results in poor outcomes and much higher costs in the
end. There needs to be proper planning, comprehensive transportation and engineering work, which is why
we allocated $5 million to complete the planning process. Streetcars aren’t scheduled for completion until
2030, and over the next year, we’ll do the kind of planning that’s necessary to give us the most efficient use
of our dollars.

I have full intention to move forward with streetcars, however, while we do the planning over the next year,
we can take some of the dollars for desperately needed and more immediate capital projects, like renovation
of middle schools, while our dollars are dwindling. This approach, which passed Council by a vote of 11-2,
will allow for better collaboration and cooperation with residents, business owners, and other stakeholders,
and result in a much stronger streetcar system in the end.

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Mike 53 minutes ago

6 people liked this.

I will be visiting all my neighbors with Gray signs in ward 6 to discuss how you are responsible for the death of the streetcar project.

Rudy Knudsen 56 minutes ago

6 people liked this.

Disgusting, and more importantly, disingenuous. You have lost the election before June with this nonsense, Councilman Gray. So much for
"transparency" and "commitment" with your 3am charade.

What about the 250 jobs created via streetcar construction, or the countless locally-owned businesses on H Street that will suffer for your short-

I look forward to discussing this issue with you if you choose to campaign in Ward 6.

A Concerned Resident 35 minutes ago

5 people liked this.

My first call was to your office to ask for streetcar funding to be reinstated. My second call was to Mayor Fenty's re-election campaign to request
a sign for my front yard.

John 35 minutes ago

5 people liked this.

This is a slap in the face to all of us who have moved our families into the area in large part based on the streetcar plan. I cannot describe how
disgusting this middle of the night budget decision that risks all of the development in an area that has seen nothing but blight for the last 40 years
makes me feel.

Please expect any claim that you support a streetcar program in DC to be met with as much belief in your ability to fly, leap tall buildings in a
single bound or run a city for that matter.
Jamie 48 minutes ago

5 people liked this.

How well thought out is a process whereby you yank the rug out from Northeast DC residents in the dead of night, right before the vote? We
already have tracks laid down, H Street is already torn up, and neighborhood residents contribute a ton in taxes with little in return. Now you take
away the most important thing to happen to H Street since it burned down in 1968. This isn't the kind of leadership I'm looking for.

Lost my vote 23 minutes ago

4 people liked this.

Ironic, that just last week I was having an informed discussion with my neighbor about how we both (as 25 and 35 year residents of DC) feared a
Gray win in the mayor's race a return to the era of Marion Barry's "leadership" in that office. It appears that chairperson Gray decided to make a
head start -- and now has cemented my vote.

John N. 29 minutes ago

4 people liked this.

Desperately needed capital projects -- such as playgrounds for Georgetown and Ward 8? You have betrayed the residents of DC with your late
night Machiavellian maneuver Mr. Gray. Your actions are nothing but repugnant and disingenuous by pulling the funding in the dead of night and
then lying about how you support the streetcar development the next morning. This development would have resulted in hundreds of jobs in DC
along the H Street corridor (to start) and improved transportation throughout the city. But you chose to spend the money on playgrounds...for

Put simply, I will do everything I can to ensure you never win another election for the conduct you showed here today.

Cliff 31 minutes ago

4 people liked this.

What a disgrace.. does anybody buy this BS fluff?? What are you talking about?? You don't seem to take your own meticulous planning advice on
any other project in DC. The quicker you get the project done, the quicker the economic development of the area will take hold, which will result
in more revenue for the District. The fact that you did this at 2am clearly demonstrates you have something to hide. I hope this move has sealed
your fate for DC Mayor. What a fraud..

Kevit 42 minutes ago

4 people liked this.

if this were the case, why wait until the last last minute? Why tear up the street, lay down track, buy train cars and then decide to put the project
aside for more planning. And this shows that the council is responsible how? Do you repair the street now only to tear it up again later? And what
about sections already being functional as early as next year? This all just leads to more questions and I'm just getting started. Oh well, your
Jon 27 minutes ago

3 people liked this.

You are not getting my vote! I will also make sure that everyone I know does not vote for you as well! Have a good day, sir.

Brian 34 minutes ago

3 people liked this.

Cutting funding for the H Street/Benning Road streetcar in the dead of night now that the tracks are already laid and the cars purchased? Are you
kidding? How does this serve anyone, much less the long-suffering residents and commuters who have been underserved by public transportation
options for decades?

You have just lost any shot you had to be mayor.

Brian Fisher 37 minutes ago

3 people liked this.

Lets see:

Character? NOPE
Integrity? NOPE
Leadership? NOPE

K. Dodge 41 minutes ago

3 people liked this.

Unbelievable to me how you have decided to take away funding from the streetcar program on H St. NE. in favor of parks in Georgetown and
Ward 8. Moving forward with the first portion of the city wide streetcar program would help to secure federal funding for the remainder of the
This move was very short sighted and will not be forgotten come November. You have just made the choice very easy for this undecided voter.

Fred 10 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

I had planned to support your mayoral bid, as I was previously impressed by your performance in office and reputation, but will no longer do so,
based on your role in the streetcar fiasco. The secretive manner in which you stripped these funds in the dead of night makes a mockery of the
democratic deliberative process, which you clearly have no respect for, or for your constituents. Absent a change in your position, you have not
only lost my vote and my respect; like many others, I look forward to working actively to helping others campaign against you in any future
political campaigns you mount.

Todd Wolf 12 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

I was going to vote for you, but unless this funding gets restored, you have lost my vote.

Joe 18 minutes ago

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read the comments there...

Ash 19 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

Mr. Gray, you have displayed all the opposite qualities you are campaigning on in killing the streetcar project that have a chance to greatly
revitalize wards 5 and 6. I will absolutely be supporting Fenty in the upcoming election with both manpower and money and will do everything in
my power to ensure that you are out of a job after this election.

AnonOne 21 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

A very foolish decision by a man that has clearly sealed his fate this November. Hiding behind the claim that we need to do more "studies" is
absolutely ridiculous. You have single-handedly stunted the development of Ward 6. You should realize that your decision will result in an
immediate loss of jobs, but more importantly, will hurt the greater-DC economy for decades to come.

Ron 25 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

Very disappointed in your decision and its timing!! I've moved into this area based on promises of development, but your decision on cutting the
streetcar may adversly affect this (I hope not). It is time for this area (Ward 6 and 5) to get some respect and be revitalized. There are great people
in these wards, and we deserve better. I was an undecided voter by your decision has made my decision easier. FENTY!!
Jonathon 26 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

Extremely disappointing, and note the lack of any timeline. You are a disgrace and I've now made it a personal goal to speak with all neighbors
with Gray signs as well. Fantastic idea Mike. I'd like to make sure they're fully informed on this matter. Would a group be interested in getting
together to make a formal effort of this?

Sam Rapwell 26 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

Nice going, Vince. I thought you actually wanted a shot at the Mayor's comfy chair. Guess not, eh? Classy move--3am, no publicity, no input.
Character? Honesty? Integrity? None of the above. You've just handed Mayor Fenty a boatload of highly-motivated supporters.

Robert 32 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

very disappointed!

Brian Fisher 38 minutes ago

2 people liked this.

If this is the kind of leadership that you and the DC Council are providing to this city, I say we should bring back the Financial Control Board.

Brant 5 minutes ago

1 person liked this.

I am thoroughly disappointed with your actions regarding the future of the streetcar project in the District. This project had the potential to put DC
on the map as a progressive and transit oriented city. I fear that once cut this project will never get going again. This decision should have been
instituted in a more transparent way and shows a serious lack of judgment on your part.

As such, I will be voting for and donating to Mayor Fenty in the upcoming election and intend to lobby my friends to do so as well.

Terry 0 minutes ago

SHAME ON YOU Vince! This dead of night move to eliminate funding for a vital transportation project in a developing neighborhood is abhorrent
and certainly not an example of the kind of leadership this city needs either on Council or in the Mayor's office. And on top of it, to issue a press
release stating that you support streetcars is disingenuous. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I have e-mailed to with Stephen Glaude, your director of constituent services (sglaude@dccouncil.us), to find out your plan for the now half
completed construction project on H Street, NE. It seems that your staff has no answer.

Anyone who has traveled on H street over the last 3 years knows that this is a MAJOR construction project encompassing 12 city blocks from 3rd
Street NE through the starburst intersection at 15th Street NE. The corridor is lined with jersey barriers and heavy equipment. Metrobus stops are
relocated, temporary sidewalks can be treacherous and business are suffering from the ongoing construction.

What is your plan for this are in the immediate future?

You say that you support bringing streetcars to DC by 2030-- so do you mean that the current construction should be halted for 20 years? What
will happen with this construction project?

It's easy to cut a line in the budget-- but what will life be like in our neighborhood for the next TWENTY years as a result. If someone from your
staff -- or maybe even the honorable chairman himself! -- could answer that question, the neighborhood would greatly appreciate it.

Frank 1 minute ago

What a horrible disappointment. You have just shown how out of touch with reality you are and how much damage you could do to the District if
you were mayor.

Katherine Ferry 2 minutes ago

Chairman Gray,

I was willing to listen to all of your ideas about the future of our city during this election cycle. I want nothing but the best for DC and I feel very
strongly that one of the best ways forward is through the street car project. It will help with the ongoing traffic congestion problem, with the
continued revitalization of the Benning Road/H Street NE Corridor and will distinguish our city as environmentally conscious.

Your decision to remove the streetcar funding, and at such an unusual and inappropriate time of day, defies logic.

You no longer have any chance of getting my vote this year. I am hugely disappointed in this shady, underhanded attempt to "play politics" with
so many people's neighborhoods and businesses.

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