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Unit Five Big Question: How did conflicts over national expansion

lead to Civil War?

Section 1: Short-answer questions (30 points)

A. Texas was not the only Mexican territory that became a part of
the United States in the mid-1800s. Answer the following
questions about California and the people who lived in it. Write a
sentence or two for each answer. (11 points total)

1. What role did John C. Frémont play in establishing an

American presence in California? (2 points)

The role that John C. Fremont took in establishing a presence in

California for America was becoming a military governor in 1846.
However, he was court-martialled for mutiny and insubordination.

2. How did the California gold rush of 1849 affect the growth of
California? (4 points)

Highly populated, San Francisco grew to become a center of

banking, manufacturing, shipping and trade. Sacramento became
the center of farming. Most importantly, California became a state.

3. What effect did the growth of California have on Mexicans who

had lived there for a long time? (4 points)
The growth of California had various effects on Mexicans who had
lived there for a long time. For example, many lost their jobs.

B. In a clearly written sentence, identify and describe how the

following examples show African American resistance to slavery.
(9 points total)

1. Maroon colonies (3)

The African Americans carefully built villages with disguises. They

used different kinds of traps as a defence to the villages. They
also developed extraordinary battle skills as time passed by and
they mostly communicated with horns and drums. Combining all
those amazing techniques, they hid very well in their own villages
from the colonists, showing strong resistant to slavery.

2. The Underground Railroad (3)

The underground railroad was a network of people to help the

enslaved African Americans to escape from the South. Roughly, it
operated from the late 18th century to the Civil War.

3. Nat Turner's rebellion (3)

Nat Turner’s rebellion is a rebellion of enslaved African Americans

in the South, in Virginia. Following the discrimination against the
blacks, vexatious declarations and unreasonable laws, the
enslaved people were inflamed with anger, causing a riot to
oppose slavery by no means.

C. In 1860, South Carolina voted to secede from the Union. This

was the first major action in the path toward the Civil War. Answer
the following questions to help explain why South Carolina took
that step. Write a sentence for each question. (10 points total)

1. Define secede. (2 points)

To withdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an

alliance, or a political or religious organization.

2. Explain why South Carolina wanted to secede after the election

of 1860. (4 points)

South Carolina opposed the idea to minimize slavery. Others

were already moving on from the enslavement and pointing on
towards the other factors, such as taxations or the principle of
States’ rights.

3. Explain why South Carolina believed that it was legal for it to

secede. (4 points)

Due to the failure to keep the Fugitive Slave Act in the North,
South Carolina stated that it was legal for them to secede.
Section 2: Extended writing (30 points)

There were many people who made contributions to the Civil War,
• Women
• African Americans
• Working-class men

Write a three-paragraph essay discussing how each of these

groups was affected by the Civil War, and describing actions
which they took.

Many people were greatly affected by the Civil War back in

1861. If you didn’t know, the Civil War started because of the
unfair practice of slavery. During those times, the people that
were most affected were women, African Americans and
working-class men. These people made large contributions
which, of course, had helped a lot during the war. Times were
tough but due to the things they did, there was such a great
impact made out of it at the end which led to a brighter future
for millions of people! 
To begin with, back then, women did not have any rights
although many of the women activists already existed and they
have helped a lot. For example, Clara Barton, a nurse and a
women activist, risked her life to bring supplies and support the
soldiers in the battlefield. The women activist group also called
for the immediate end of slavery and to grant full citizenship to
the black people. Aside from the activists, women in general
helped care for the soldiers, made their uniforms, gave blankets,
washed clothes, mended their shoes and also cooked for them.
Not to forget, they were also providing medical care for sick and
injured soldiers. Additionally, apart from women, African
Americans who were fighting for their rights also put in an
insane amount of effort that brightened the pathway for the
future. However, piles of blood were shed as a result of the war.
More than 300,000 Union soldiers died while The Confederacy
lost over 200,000 of their people. Many got wounded and it is
said that some may remain with that injury for life which is
heartbreaking. Last but definitely not least, we must not forget
the working-class men. They had to work during the war
without any payments. 
The lives of the soldiers lost from both sides is truly painful,
especially for their families. However, more than 4 million
slaves were freed and it also established a more powerful and
centralized federal government. Taking the good out of these
traumatizing moments, I would conclude that the Civil War had
made a great change that allowed everyone to stand in unity

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