Extended Data Fig. 1: Comparison of previous reconstructions to this work. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Comparison of previous reconstructions to this work.

From: Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes

Extended Data Fig. 1

Many more synapses are scored primarily because the reconstruction method using Elegance enabled the marking of synapses on images, facilitating an exhaustive annotation (Methods). a, Maps of AIML and AIMR from reconstruction of the hermaphrodite series N2U as presented previously1 (left) and the present study (right). The map from the present reconstruction, as given at http://wormwiring.org/, has been redrawn to have the same projection as the previous study (laying out the portion that extends around the nerve ring). Furthermore, as in the previous study, only the target cells at polyadic chemical synapses at which AIML and AIMR are presynaptic are shown. However, co-recipients at synapses in which AIML or AIMR are postsynaptic may be obtained by moving over the synapse on the online map at http://wormwiring.org/. The small branches on the skeleton backbone are not neurite branches or spines, but rather are locations where a protrusion or bulging out of the neurite resulted in EM profiles separated from the main profile for a few sections. In the scoring method, all profiles are marked by a point object. The skeleton map is created by joining these objects, resulting in the short extensions from the backbone at the bulges. b, Comparison of the number of edges in the adjacency matrices and the number of synapses scored in the present and previous studies1,18. c, The edges in the present study that are not present in the previous study are mostly small.

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