Extended Data Fig. 6: Chemical and gap junction networks. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Chemical and gap junction networks.

From: Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes

Extended Data Fig. 6

ad, The hierarchical networks of Fig. 2 are shown with chemical and gap junction edges separated. e, Left, gap junction output of sensory neuron classes. The touch neurons (SN3) have a higher proportion of gap junctional connectivity than the other classes. Middle, gap junctions are distributed fairly uniformly throughout the network. The category 4 interneurons, which cannot be placed at a particular level in the otherwise hierarchical structure, are also distinguished by making remarkably few gap junctions. (The number of category 4 interneurons is a quarter to a half the number of neurons in each of the other categories.) Right, the fraction of connectivity due to gap junctions is similar throughout the network.

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