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PKGBUILD is the Arch Linux package build description file, which we inherit by using pacman. See https://man.archlinux.org/man/PKGBUILD.5 for details on the format. We have some minor extensions to the format, which are documented here.

Extra Metadata

Variables starting with msys2_ and mingw_ can be used to add additional metadata to a package, which will be read and used by our tools. The following variables are recognized:

Variable Type Description
mingw_arch array A list of MSYS2 environments the package is built for. Defaults to an empty list.
msys2_references mapping Maps the package to external resources, such as other package repositories.
msys2_changelog_url string NEWS file in git or the GitHub releases page. In case there are multiple, the one that is more useful for packagers.
msys2_documentation_url string URL to the documentation for the API, tools, etc., in case it's a different website than the homepage.
msys2_repository_url string URL to the web view of the repository, e.g., on GitHub or GitLab.
msys2_issue_tracker_url string URL to the bug tracker, mailing list archive, etc.
msys2_pgp_keys_url string URL to a website containing which keys are used to sign releases.
msys2_ignore_vulnerabilities array A list of CVE and/or GHSA IDs which should be ignored.

For msys2_references the following keys are recognized:

Defining a key without a value means there is no mapping and the package shouldn't be linked.

The following datatypes are supported:

  • string: msys2_myvar="example" 🠆 {"myvar": "example"}
  • array: Arrays of strings: msys2_myvar=("example1" "example2") 🠆 {"myvar": ["example1", "example2"]}
  • mapping: Mappings of strings to optional other strings, separated by ":", values are stripped: msys2_myvar=("example1: value1" "example2") 🠆 {"myvar": {"example1": ["value1"], "example2": [null]}}
  • boolean: either true or false: msys2_myvar=true 🠆 {"myvar": true}