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We default to pkgconf as our pkg-config implementation. This page lists some Windows specific topics/issues/challenges for working with pkg-config on Windows.

Environment Variables

By default, the MSYS2 shells set the following environment variables with paths for the active environment to support pkgconf:

  • PKG_CONFIG_PATH - e.g. /ucrt64/lib/pkgconfig:/ucrt64/share/pkgconfig
  • PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH - e.g. /ucrt64/include
  • PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH - e.g. /ucrt64/lib

Prefix / Relocation

The first few lines of a .pc file usually look something like this:


As you can see /ucrt64 is not a proper Windows path, but that's not a problem because by default prefix will be ignored, or rather re-defined by pkgconf/pkg-config based on the location of the .pc file itself. It will strip off /<...>/pkgconfig from the directory of the .pc file and use the resulting path as the new prefix (as documented here, which is sightly outdated as the second parent doesn't have to be (lib|share) but can be anything)

So if the file is at C:/msys64/ucrt64/lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc it will take the directory C:/msys64/ucrt64/lib/pkgconfig, then strip of the last two parts, leading to C:/msys64/ucrt64 and use that as the new prefix. This way you will get the right output independent of where MSYS2 is installed. You can disable this feature by passing --dont-define-prefix to pkgconf if wanted.

Relocation depends on all other variables being relative to prefix by using ${prefix} like in the example above. But some projects use absolute paths and in theory don't support relocation, which looks something like:


Luckily both pkg-config and pkgconf include a hack which replace all values that start with the value of prefix with ${prefix}, so /ucrt64/include becomes ${prefix}/include, making them relocatable anyway. So, despite prefix normally being ignored it might still be useful for such broken .pc files. Ideally all projects would only use relative paths, as absolute paths can also lead to problems on other platforms, see https://www.bassi.io/articles/2018/03/15/pkg-config-and-paths/.

The above relocation logic sadly breaks down when you install the .pc into a different custom location, like /lib/mylib-1.2/pkgconfig as it will derive the wrong prefix value for them. See https://github.com/pkgconf/pkgconf/issues/286 for a more detailed summary of the problem. The only workaround there is to patch the .pc file with the wrong prefix in mind, like in this example: https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/blob/9d4a713ce27c363a0ec63877775e229e7e4f36cb/mingw-w64-ffmpeg4.4/PKGBUILD#L215-L217

Syntax, Paths & Escaping

pkg-config values can be dumped as is into a Unix shell, so if you want to use backslashes or spaces you need to escape them with \. So for example:

mypath=C:\\my\ path\ with\ spaces\\file.txt

Since this is rather uncommon on Unix systems and tools might not expect it, it's recommended to avoid spaces in paths and use forward slashes instead of backslashes instead. Ideally both should work though.

Cflags.private / Static Libraries

pkgconf, unlike pkg-config, supports an additional field called Cflags.private which is especially relevant on Windows.

Many projects require that you define a specific C macro when statically linking against it on Windows, something like -DMYLIB_STATIC, or they define a macro via Cflags and require that you unset it when linking statically like -UMYLIB_DLL.

Cflags.private allows you to add extra CFLAGS that are only emitted via --cflags when --static is passed, making static builds work automatically.

$ pkgconf --cflags libxml-2.0
$ pkgconf --cflags --static libxml-2.0
-IC:/msys64/ucrt64/include/libxml2 -DLIBXML_STATIC
$ pkgconf --cflags x264
$ pkgconf --cflags --static x264