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Revised: 22 February 2023

About Medsafe

About This Site

Site Owner

This site is owned and maintained by Medsafe, New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority a business unit of the Ministry of Health.

25 June 2012

Information on Medsafe's web site (other than Data sheets, Consumer Medicine Information, and the Suspected Medicine Adverse Reaction Search (SMARS) database) is subject to Crown copyright. Information subject to Crown copyright may be reproduced for personal, academic or clinical use without formal permission or charge. Use or publication of these data must acknowledge the Medsafe web site as the source.

Information from the Medsafe web site must not be used in a commercial context without the written permission of Medsafe.

Medicine Data sheets and Consumer Medicine Information (CMI)

Data sheets and CMI published on the Medsafe web site remain the property of the sponsor (pharmaceutical company) who owns the rights to distribute the medicine.

Reproduction of data sheets and CMI for personal, clinical, or academic use is encouraged provided the content is not changed in any way. Users should acknowledge the Medsafe web site as the source of the material, or include a link to the Medsafe web site. Any person wishing to use the information for commercial purposes (such as on-selling) should contact the medicine sponsor for permission.


The information presented in the Suspected Medicine Adverse Reactions Search (SMARS) database is extracted from information collected by the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM) under a contract between the Ministry of Health and the University of Otago.

Any person wishing to use this information for personal use may do so provided they acknowledge the SMARS database as the source of the information.

Any person wishing to use this information for academic or commercial purposes (such as publication) must seek the permission of Medsafe and the CARM.

Pharmaceutical companies wishing to include this information in their regulatory databases may do so without seeking permission.

Citing material from the Medsafe web site:

How to cite pages from the Medsafe web site:
Medsafe. Title of page. URL (date accessed)

For example:
Medsafe. Classification of Medicines - Classification Process. www.medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/class/classificationprocess.htm (accessed 16 May 2012).

How to cite data sheets from the Medsafe web site:
Name of medicine sponsor. [Name and dose form of product] data sheet [date of preparation]. URL (date accessed).

For example:
Health Pills Ltd. Get-well tablets data sheet 2 January 2011. www.medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/Datasheet/g/Get-well.htm (accessed 16 May 2012).

How to cite Prescriber Update articles from the Medsafe web site:
Author. Title of article. Prescriber Update [year];[volume](issue number):[page numbers]. URL (date accessed).

For example:
Medsafe Pharmacovigilance Team. Prescribing and Buying Medicine on the Internet - A Risky Business. Prescriber Update 2006;27(1):page numbers. www.medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/PUarticles/InternetRx.htm (accessed 16 May 2012).

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The information contained on this Website is derived from many different sources. While the Ministry of Health has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that all the information is from a reliable and reputable source and is accurate, it accepts no liability or responsibility for any acts or omissions, done or omitted in reliance, in whole or in part, on the information. The Ministry of Health takes no responsibility for the manner in which this information is subsequently used.

Any views or statements in relation to any person or product which are not specifically attributed to Medsafe or the Crown do not necessarily reflect the views of Medsafe or the Crown, and should not be taken as such.

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