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A Strange Loop by Michael R. Jackson

A Strange Loop (edition 2021)

by Michael R. Jackson (Author)

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461560,187 (4.75)3
Usher is a Black, queer writer, working a day job he hates while writing his original musical: a piece about a Black, queer writer, working a day job he hates while writing his original musical. This blistering musical follows a young artist at war with a host of demons-not least of which are the punishing thoughts in his own head-in an attempt to understand his own strange loop.… (more)
Title:A Strange Loop
Authors:Michael R. Jackson (Author)
Info:Theatre Communications Group (2021), 120 pages
Collections:Your library, LGBTQ, Favorites
Tags:musical theatre, musical, Pulitzer Prize, African-American literature, lgbtqia, mental health

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A Strange Loop by Michael R. Jackson


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I would love to see this musical play staged. How would they do it? Essentially there is one character a small, pudgy, gay, black man who is an usher at a Disney theater and is writing a play in his hours off. The other "characters" are six different thought voices in the usher's head. The usher has been brought up in a strict religious home and his career and homosexuality are a struggle especially with his mother who wants him to find a girl and write Tyler Perry type plays which he doesn't. His are raw. I get the acclaim but this play will be shocking to many. ( )
  muddyboy | Jan 29, 2021 |
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Usher is a Black, queer writer, working a day job he hates while writing his original musical: a piece about a Black, queer writer, working a day job he hates while writing his original musical. This blistering musical follows a young artist at war with a host of demons-not least of which are the punishing thoughts in his own head-in an attempt to understand his own strange loop.

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