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Thomas M. Cooley Law School - Brief Overview

published August 17, 2010

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The spirit of the law is in the human heart -Words to live by for those who choose the legal profession.

Thomas M. Cooley Law School, for the past four decades, has lived by this motto as it seeks to instill it in every law student that becomes a part of the Thomas M. Cooley legacy. The largest law school in the U.S., Thomas M. Cooley Law School is home to more than 1,400 graduates across its four campuses. The website is one of the easiest to use for those students looking to apply. With clear and easy to follow menus, one can easily find his required and elective courses, an academic calendar and detailed instructions, tips and stacking orders. On one page alone, a potential student may apply for scholarships, financial aid, expenses and other financial considerations while also applying for the LSAT tests. A convenient calendar keeps these students focused while a detailed open house/visitors schedule ensures students, parents and potential students miss none of the many goings-on around the campuses.

Currently, enrollment hovers around the 550 mark for those attending full time while those who attend on a part time basis are around 3,200. There are close to one hundred faculty and Thomas M. Cooley Law School is a tier four school. The law school is named for a nineteenth century Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, who was also a Dean at the University of Michigan Law School. Interestingly, the school was founded by judges and lawyers, including former Chief Justice Thomas E. Brennan and was ranked Number 12 in the annual ''Best Law Schools'', ahead of Number 14 UCLA and Number 18 Stanford University.

It's estimated the 2010-2011 expenses, for two semesters, will average $14,700 and is ranked number 10 in affordability among the 111 private law schools within the United States. Thomas M. Cooley is also a part of the Yellow Ribbon Program, which exists to help returning soldiers apply to and begin the process that will allow members of our military the opportunity to gain their J.D. The Montgomery GI or Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program, as well as post 9/11 educational benefits are just a few of the many ways the law school helps those who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Finally, Thomas M. Cooley Law School has several programs that allow foreign studies. Those areas include Toronto, Australia and New Zealand. Its partner schools are operating programs in London, the UK, Oxford, Madrid and Paris. Students are encouraged to see their advisors for more information on these opportunities.

Finally, the school works closely with the Innocence Project which works with those who are convicted and serving time in prison for crimes they may not have committed. Using DNA evidence and other technology, many wrongfully committed have been freed as a result of this important program.

This is truly a remarkable educational facility with a lot to offer those who choose to attend. Former U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Honorable John W. Fitzgerald are two of its well-known faculty; each has gone on to have remarkable legal careers and have returned to make their own difference for students who choose the law profession.

For more information on Thomas M. Cooley Law School, visit the site at