Emergency lights atop IPD vehicle. 

On Wednesday, April 3, the Ithaca Police Department stopped an arrested a juvenile in connection with several reported burglaries and criminal mischief complaints that occurred in the past few months. 

The departments patrol division noticed the individual while on patrol which matched the description of "previously reported crimes that were under investigation."

The crimes which the arrest was in connection with were not mentioned or clarified by IPD.

IPD says that after an "extensive investigation," the juvenile was found to be responsible for several reported burglaries and criminal mischief complaints that occurred during the months of March and April of 2024.

IPD said that these incidents included the theft of significant items from a local business that were necessary for daily operations and extensive property damage caused by vandalism.

The individual was charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors, which include: 

- Burglary in the second degree, a class C felony- 3 counts

- Burglary in the third degree, a class D felony- 1 count

- Criminal mischief in the second degree, a class D felony- 4 counts

- Possession of burglar’s tools, a class A misdemeanor- 3 counts

- Petit larceny, a class A misdemeanor- 2 counts

The individual was initially arraigned in front of the Tompkins County Youth Part Court on Thursday, May 9 on the most serious charges, as a juvenile offender. IPD says that due to their age, the juvenile is not being identified.

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