[Sun Gazette endorsements represent the viewpoint of Sun Gazette Newspapers, which provides content to, but is otherwise unaffiliated with, InsideNoVa or Rappahannock Media LLC.]

Our general view of endorsements over the years has been that those challenging incumbents need to make their case why those in office should be replaced. So far this year, we’ve applied that standard both to the U.S. Senate race and the 8th and 11th District U.S. House of Representatives races.

Our view is that the incumbents in those races (Democrats Tim Kaine, Don Beyer and Gerald Connolly) are representing their constituents – perhaps not perfectly, but well enough – and that their challengers offered no solid reasons to send them packing.

We mull the 10th District race through the same prism. The question is not whether U.S. Rep. Barbara Comstock (R) has been perfect, but whether her Democratic challenger, state Sen. Jennifer Wexton, has made the case to send the incumbent packing.

As this race began, after Wexton easily rose to the top during a Democratic nomination process that besides her wasn’t brimming with well-known talent, we viewed Wexton as a formidable candidate, in part due to her own record and in part because changing demographics in the 10th District have endangered Comstock’s standing – a standing that hasn’t been helped by the incumbent’s not being a visible presence at times in the sprawling district, and her attempts to be all things to all people, an effort that has required some fancy political gymnastics.

When this race began in earnest over the summer, we were leaning Wexton. But in the intervening period she’s been underwhelming – neither her campaign advertising nor her stump appearances has showcased the depth that we suspect Wexton has. We’re guessing she’s listening to consultants, never a particularly good strategy for a candidate who has solid roots in the community.

Just as we believe that candidates who run flaccid campaigns often turn out to be uninspired office-holders, we further believe that challengers must clearly enunciate why an incumbent needs to go. Maybe Wexton’s messaging will get there by Nov. 6, but so far, it’s been lacking.

In 2014, when she was the Republican nominee to succeed longtime incumbent Frank Wolf, we opined that Comstock “has the right mix of conservative principles and a can-do attitude, along with the ability to build relationships on both sides of the aisle,” and noted that she would provide balance to a Northern Virginia delegation that included two Democrats.

Perhaps we were a little more enthusiastic about Comstock back then. And the demographics of the 10th District are changing in a hurry. All of which means Wexton, who we believe has the ability and gravitas to serve in Congress, could well upend Republicans’ 38-year control of the seat. Had she been more aggressively specific in trying to seal the deal, we well might have endorsed her.

But Wexton has not yet made the case, and with absentee ballots now being cast left and right across the district, the sand in our hourglass has run out.

It’s a very, very close call, closer than in either 2014 or 2016, yet on balance we believe BARBARA COMSTOCK merits another term.

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(4) comments

William May

At the heart of democracy lies the ballot box. Help stop the madness. If you are sick, tired, and afraid of trump and his Republican enablers then please vote BLUE on November 6.


Comstock has proven time and time again that she doesn't care about her constituents. Her district wants and needs a representative that will listen and stand up to all the BS in Washington.

Wexton gets my vote!

Hal Donahue

New to Comstock's district, I was shocked to discover that she smiled and said the right things but in the big votes that actually mattered Comstock voted against healthcare. Comstock twice voted to repeal the ACA in full without passing any protections for Americans with preexisting conditions. She claims otherwise but the record is clear.

She abandons our and our children's basic safety by voting for the NRA extremist agenda against even the most basic gun safety legislation while reaping big NRA donations.

The final deciding point for me is integrity; Comstock appears to lack it. When called on advertising accusing Jennifer Wexton of voting for the biggest Virginia tax hike (she was not even in office at the time), Comstock ignored it. When called upon accusing Jennifer Wexton of supporting outrageous I-66 tolls (Wexton strongly opposed them), Comstock continues to spread that lie. For a final outrageous lie to the voters, Comstock accuses Wexton of refusing to debate. It is Comstock who forced a scheduled debate to be canceled because Comstock refused to accept or reply, a well-known tactic for incumbents lagging behind in the polls.

More than enough lying is going on in Washington. I will vote for a candidate with integrity; I will vote for Jennifer Wexton.

Allen Muchnick

The case to repeal and replace Barbara Trumpstock is clear and compelling: Comstock has voted with Trump and the Republicans 98% of the time since 2016, supported the federal-deficit-enlarging Trump tax scam, has regularly undermined unions and affordable healthcare, and has opposed all common-sense legislation to curb gun violence as an NRA puppet.

Let's retire Congresswoman Trumpstock on November 6 and elect a Congress that will meaningfully check the power of the most corrupt and unstable president in U.S. history!

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