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Indiana election 2018 live coverage: Senator-elect Braun after win over Donnelly: 'I will not let you down'

People cheer early returns showing Mike Braun in the lead of the Indiana Senate race, at an GOP election night event at the JW Marriott, Indianapolis, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018.

Follow along live as IndyStar journalists cover Election Day in Indiana from before the time the polls open at 6 a.m. through when they close at 6 p.m. and until all the results are counted.

11:02 p.m. update

Democratic challenger J.D. Ford defeated conservative firebrand Mike Delph for a state senate seat. The AP called the race with 93 percent of precincts reporting.

Republican incumbent Jim Merritt defeated Democrat Derek Camp, according to the AP's projection. The AP called the race with 93 percent of precincts reporting. Merritt, the Marion County Republican chairman, is considered a potential candidate for mayor of Indianapolis.

10:44 p.m. update

Secretary of State Connie Lawson, who won her reelection bid, discussed the large turnout of voters.

“I think Hoosiers did an amazing job," she said. "We turned out historic numbers for the midterm election, so I consider that a huge success. We had a couple counties that had some issues but we got them straightened out. That’s not something we want, but it does happen.

"I thought this would be a long night and I was surprised how quickly things were decided. And again, Hoosiers turned out and the counties did an amazing job. The county clerks and the poll workers are to be commended for getting the results to us as quickly as they did.

10:12 p.m. update:

Noblesville voters approved a $50 million referendum for schools. Emma Kate Fittes of IndyStar reported the story.

10:08 p.m. update:

Voters approved two referendums for funding Indianapolis Public Schools. They totalled $272 million. Arika Herron of IndyStar reported the story. 

9:55 p.m. update: Braun's victory speech

Senator-elect Mike Braun addressed Republican supporters at the JW Marriott.

“I want to thank all Hoosiers for giving me a resounding victory, putting your faith in me, and I will not let you down," Braun said.

"We as conservatives being led by President Trump, we have to prove why what works in the state of Indiana will work for the rest of America. ... We need to take what works in the real world to Washington."

9:44 p.m. update:

Incumbent Republican Connie Lawson has been declared the winner of the Secretary of State race by AP. She defeated Democrat Jim Harper.

9:35 p.m. update: Donnelly speech

Donnelly's speech to Democratic supporters was less than two minutes, reports Marisa Kwiatkowski of IndyStar.

"I'm the luckiest guy in the world," Donnelly said.

He said he called Braun and pledged a smooth transition.

9:33 p.m. update: Sen. Todd Young statement

U.S. Senator Todd Young on Braun's victory: "The takeaway is this looks great for Republicans generally and it looks great for Mike Braun, more specifically. This is all a function of our economic successes over the last couple of years and the fact that Mike Braun’s run a great campaign."

9:30 p.m. update: Donnelly concedes

9:25 p.m. update: Andre Carson speaks at Democrats' gathering

9:17 p.m. update:

The AP has called Indiana's 5th District U.S. House race for incumbent Republican Susan Brooks.

9:06 p.m. update:

CBS and NBC have joined ABC in calling the U.S. Senate race for Mike Braun.

9:02 p.m. update:

With more than half of precincts reporting, Republican Mike Braun has 54 percent of the vote with Democrat Joe Donnelly at 42 percent. Libertarian Lucy Brenton has 4 percent.

8:57 p.m. update:

Incumbent Republican Trey Hollingsworth has been projected as the winner over Democrat Liz Watson in the Ninth District House race.

8:47 p.m. update:

ABC is projecting that Braun will win the U.S. Senate race over Donnelly, but the Associated Press has not yet called the race and significant numbers of votes are left to be counted in key Democratic strongholds.

Fox and CNN say the race is too close to call.

8:45 p.m. update

Incumbent Republican Jim Banks retained his House seat, the Associated Press reported.

8:42 p.m. update: U.S. Senate race

With almost 45 percent of precincts reporting, Republican Mike Braun has 55 percent of the vote with Democrat Joe Donnelly at 41 percent. Libertarian Lucy Brenton has 4 percent.

8:39 p.m. update

Democrat Andre Carson and Republican Jim Baird have been declared winners by The Associated Press in their Indiana House races.

8:36 p.m. update

The Associated Press has called the Sixth District House race for Greg Pence.

8:32 p.m. update: Balanced budget requirement wins easily

From Domenica Bongiovanni's IndyStar story:

"Hoosiers on Tuesday voted to enshrine a balanced budget requirement into Indiana’s constitution, meaning that lawmakers cannot approve state spending that exceeds revenue estimates."

8:09 p.m. update:

With more than 30 percent of precincts reporting, Republican Mike Braun has 56 percent of the vote with Democrat Joe Donnelly at 40 percent. Libertarian Lucy Brenton has 4 percent.

8:04 p.m. update:

Vice President Mike Pence called his brother Greg to congratulate him on winning a House seat. Greg Pence also delivered a victory speech. He had family on the stage, including some grandchildren who shouted "Go, Grandpa" into the microphone.

The Associated Press, however, has not called the race for Pence.

7:50 p.m. update: 

With almost 20 percent of precincts reporting, Republican Mike Braun has 57 percent of the vote with Democrat Joe Donnelly at 39 percent. Libertarian Lucy Brenton has 4 percent.

7:43 p.m. update: CNN projects Greg Pence as winner of House seat

IndyStar relies on the Associated Press for calling election races, but CNN projects that Greg Pence, brother of the vice president, will win a seat in the House.

7:30 p.m. update: Braun takes early lead for U.S. Senate seat

With slightly more than 12 percent of Indiana precincts reporting, Republican challenger Mike Braun has 55 percent of the vote, while incumbent Democrat Joe Donnelly has 41 percent. Libertarian Lucy Brenton makes up the other 4 percent.

Most of the precincts reporting are from areas where Braun was expected to do well.

Follow along on this live-updating page for results as they come in.

7:15 p.m. update: Watch election night coverage 

Live updates and commentary on Indiana 2018 election results with our news gathering partners at Fox59.

7:12 p.m. update: Still a long line to vote at Indiana State University

7:12 p.m. update: Monroe County turnout below 2016 numbers

At least 50.1 percent of registered voters in Monroe County participated in today's election, according to the Bloomington Herald-Times.

It was 53 percent in the 2016 general election.

6:54 p.m. update: A race to watch

From Politico's Steve Shepard:

"Then, I want to talk about another House race: Indiana-02, based near South Bend. While Kentucky-06 is getting all the headlines, some strategists mentioned IN-02 might actually be the better early read on the national environment. GOP Rep. Jackie Walorski won reelection by more than 20 points in 2016. But Democrat Mel Hall has mounted a real challenge here, and Democrats say they’ll be pretty excited if he’s even in the ballpark in the early vote count. It’s one to watch."

6:28 p.m. update: Stay with IndyStar for election results

Get the full Indiana election results for Marion, Hamilton counties and more at IndyStar.

6:05 p.m. update: Polls closed in most of Indiana 

Polls are closed in most of the state. Northwest Indiana and Evansville-area locations are open. Monroe County is open until 7 p.m. eastern time after a judge's order.

5:47 p.m. update:

From the Bloomington Herald-Times:

"Polling places in Monroe County will remain open until 7 p.m.

"A request to extend voting hours in Monroe County was granted by Monroe Circuit Judge MaryEllen Diekhoff."

5:35 p.m. update:

A reminder: If you get in line by 6 p.m., you get to vote.

5:30 p.m. update: Monroe County clerk asks judge to keep polls open longer

From the Bloomington Herald-Times:

"William Ellis, the Republican representative on the Monroe County Election Board, said the clerk filed a request with Monroe Circuit Judge MaryEllen Diekhoff to keep polling locations open longer.

"Ellis said the motion was filed because of delay in getting ballots to precincts so voters can vote. No order has been issued at this time.

"Voter turnout in Monroe County surpassed the total number of voters in the 2014 midterm election well before noon today."

5:17 p.m. update

5:14 p.m. update

5 p.m. update: Monroe County ran out of ballots

From Indiana Public Media:

Several Monroe County polling places ran of ballots this afternoon as voter turnout surpasses all expectations.

Monroe County Clerk Nicole Browne says her office is quickly printing and delivering more ballots as needed.  

Browne says they planned for slightly above the 2014 midterm turnout, which was 26 percent. But as of 4 p.m., turnout is already up to 45.6 percent. 

"We could never have anticipated this," Browne says. 

4:39 p.m. update

From The Times of Northwest Indiana:

"An attorney for the Republican Party said early Tuesday afternoon he planned to ask Porter Superior Court Judge Robert Bradford to reconsider an order extending polling hours at 12 locations and instead count any ballots cast after 6 p.m. as provisional." 

4:05 p.m. update

Politico has the races organized by times the polls close. Here's the analysis from fivethirtyeight.com and The Hill.

Google Trends is using voting-related searches to map election issues nationally. You can sort by state.

3:45 p.m. update: Voting issue in Tippecanoe County

The Lafayette Journal & Courier reports problems with with Tippecanoe County’s touch screen voting machines switching votes.

Shortly after noon, a video of a voter trying multiple times to check the box next to Democrat Tobi Beck’s name shows an “X” appearing next to the name of her Republican opponent, Jim Baird, for U.S. House in Indiana’s 4th District.

2:59 p.m. update: No extended hours for Johnson County voters

Despite technological issues that led to long waits for some voters, Johnson County officials have said they will not seek a court order to extend voting hours past 6 p.m.

Phil Barrow, chairman of the Johnson County Election Board, said that after interruptions, lines were moving normally once again. He said more machines would be added if required.

Barrow said the election board didn't feel it was necessary to extend the hours because things were moving smoothly.

When asked what he would say to would-be voters who left after encountering long lines, Barrow said, "We trust that you can make it back by 6."

Barrow affirmed that any voters in line at 6 p.m. will be able to vote. 

1:30 p.m. update: "We're so sorry."

Johnson County Clerk Sue Ann Misiniec apologized to voters for delays.  While voters have reported lines moving again, Misiniec said they were still working with the vendor to fully restore services.

The issue, Misiniec said, was related to their E-poll books. As other polling sites across the country started voting, the vendor's server couldn't handle the traffic, Misiniec said. That meant Johnson County wasn't able to check in voters. 

"This is my eighth year in office," Misiniec said. "Worst election I've ever dealt with. Honest."

Misniec said that while other counties in Indiana and across the country have been affected by the same issue, Johnson County seems to have the worst of it. She attributed the problem to high voter turnout. 

The vendor, ES&S, has said they will forward a patch that's expected to help with the issue, Misiniec said. But after similar slowdowns during the primary, ES&S assured the county the problem had been fixed. 

Misiniec said she was considering a court order to extend voting hours. Another update will be held at 3 p.m.

1:20 p.m. update

12:54 p.m. update: Johnson County lines moving again.

At least four Johnson County voters confirmed that lines appear to be moving again, after earlier slowdowns. The county clerk's office has not yet responded to requests for comment. 

12:48 p.m. update: You gotta plug that in.

Mechanics worked to get machines up and running at a far-westside polling place this morning when workers realized the devices hadn’t been turned on, according to Russell Hollis, deputy director of policy and communications for the Marion County Clerk’s Office.

It happened when the polling place, Westlake Elementary School, opened at around 6 a.m., Hollis said.

The poll worker was “a little overwhelmed,” Hollis told IndyStar, and never turned any of the machines on.

The polling place houses two precincts—WY-32 and WY-33, Hollis said. There are two optical scan machines and a touch screen machine at the location.

Two mechanics were sent there to help. It took them about 10 minutes to get the machines back on, Hollis said. The problem was fixed within the hour, he said.

Hollis said the paper ballots submitted during that time were still counted.

“The inspector placed their ballots in a bin, which is the proper thing to do,” Hollis said. The inspector then put the ballots through the machines.

Voters in Franklin Township wait to cast their ballots during the Indiana primary in 2016.

12:43 p.m. update: Voter describes Johnson County slow down, says things are back on track.

This is 32-year old Amie Bohannon’s first Indiana election. She had been waiting in line at the Nest Event Center in Greenwood for about 50 minutes when she spoke to an IndyStar reporter by phone. She said she had barely moved.

“One of the volunteers came out to tell us that all servers in Johnson County are essentially down,” she said. “It’s taking three to four minutes to process someone to even vote.”

Bohannon said she has been waiting in the same room for a long time, with voters snaking throughout the building in and out of rooms. She heard it’s a minimum of a two-hour wait, and noticed some elderly people, including a woman wearing an oxygen mask. Bohannon saw people who arrived at the end of the line leave after they learned what was going on, and some in the middle of line leave too.

“I think people are more determined than they are frustrated,” she said.

She said a volunteer encouraged voters not to leave, to “stay and vote” and they will “be here until midnight” if needed.

“To leave not and have to start over, and if the voting freezes again, I risk not being able to vote,” Bohannon said.

Bohannon later told IndyStar in a direct message that the line appeared to be moving. "Things are DEFINITELY back on track," she wrote. "Line moving pretty good here now. Hoping it sticks." 

12:04 p.m. update: Software company investigating in Johnson County.

Election Systems & Software, an Omaha, Nebraska-based company that works with some Indiana counties, including Johnson County, on election systems, said in an emailed statement, "We are investigating the potential issue and working with elections officials to shorten wait times."

Voters in Johnson County continue to report machines down and long lines of up to an hour and a half. Some voters said they were leaving their polling places, planning to return later. 

Elkhart County, which also uses ES&S, experienced a snag in voting around 10 a.m. when there was a delay in processing with the ballot applications, according to Wayne Kramer, a member of the county election board. The vendor, ES&S, relayed a solution and all of the polling places were contacted. Kramer said the matter was “easily resolved” in about 30 to 40 minutes, and everything was functioning normally by 11 a.m.

“We were still processing people, it just slowed down the process, Kramer said. “Everything else is fine. It looks like a pretty heavy turnout in Elkhart County.”

How to vote: Find your polling place, confirm your registration and more

IndyStar voter guide:Compare the candidates with our interactive guide

Indiana Senate race:Everything you need to know about Mike Braun, Joe Donnelly

Need a ride?: How to get to your polling place

Problems voting?: How and when to ask for a provisional ballot

Come back for updates throughout the day and into the evening.