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Extant (TV Series 2014–2015) Poster


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Intriguing but ultimately really dumb
cherold15 July 2021
After two episodes, I was intrigued although not totally sold. There are definitely some logic issues, and motivations aren't always clear, but I was really curious to see where this is all going.

But while it's kind of held my interest, the season's has proven remarkably devoid of logic. People do hugely stupid things (like go exactly where people would look for you while in hiding), Berry, her husband and her boss seem to be in some emotional fog that prevents her from thinking at all clearly. They're all supposed to be science types, yet there decisions are not just based entirely on emotion; they're based on the id emotions you would expect from a teenager. By the end of the season it would be easier to list the few things that make sense than the vast number that don't.

It's still generally watchable, and keeps me more-or-less interested, but it's quite possibly the dumbest sci-fi show ever made.
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Movie quality TV
robertemerald5 March 2017
I'm writing this review initially because my fear, with all the controversy over the series continuing, was whether the first season resolves itself sufficiently to stand alone. It does. In fact I found the ending to be the most satisfying part of the very fast and convoluted plot. The special effects throughout this series were also wonderful, and worth watching as a sci fi fan. There are comparisons with the robot series Humans (English and European versions both) which if looking to watch this show one should understand, as that is at least 40% of the story. Despite having an alien, this show does not compare with the Alien movies, but has more in common with Carrie. It's very good TV, but a little complicated.
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Sci-fi drama. Slow to start, give it a chance!
dancharus14 May 2015
A vision of a not too distant future, slow to start but some interesting things start happening in the later episodes. Give it a chance please as we are lacking good Sci-Fi at the moment.

Characters are good but they need more to work with. Interesting concept with Ethan and Molly's child but don't want to give anything away about that.

I like the understated technology uses in the everyday environment, it is used well in order to improve everyday tasks (which is why we make things in the first place).

This is not Sci-Fi on an epic scale, it's about the human condition - it's not perfect but it's got potential.
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3 episodes in and we're still interested, more than we can say for others
awdboosted9524 July 2014
We have now watched 3 episodes and this is the turning point for pretty much any new show we take up. Almost Human, Intelligence, these shows made it to exactly 3, they were good mostly and well done but there was no "Intrigue" to keep our interest so a 4th was never watched. The Strain, was bad enough 1 episode was enough, but we watched a 2nd just to be sure, terrible writing ruined that show.

So here after 3 episodes are reasons why we are still interested, its not as good as many other top notch shows, but it is "good enough" so to speak and better than many others:

STORY - So far its kept our interest, and that interest has been increasing with each episode not decreasing. I'm not going to give anything away here so will leave it at that, main thing is they give you some questions, and then slowly drop you clues to answers. I find without this element and something to link shows together, shows in general do not keep our interest. Blacklist is a prime example of a show that did a GREAT job of this, you always want to keep watching to see how things will unfold and have questions answered and so far we're on board here.

WRITING - Others have pointed out some flaws, and I see what they are pointing at but overall I think flaws are minor and writing and scripting is decent to good, certainly miles ahead of the Strain, but sure not up to the level of Dexter (very subjective however, I'm sure there are people who would point out numerous flaws in Dexter)

ACTING - Halle does seem a little "stiff", but overall we have found the acting to be good and believable from all characters, though the child really does not shows signs of his true self

DIRECTION/PRODUCTION - Good to very good, with SS (says exc producer, not sure how much he is really involved) in the mix you would not expect less, pacing seems good, budget seems decent, no issues that we found here anyway

SUMMARY - Like I mentioned in comparing two other somewhat new sci-fi type shows Almost Human and Intelligence, this one is done about as well but has the edge on them just for the reason of Intrigue. Its not as intense (yet) as something like Helix, but the ending of episode 3 ramped things up and shows it could be heading in that direction (tension-wise).

Other rating from me for reference and comparison:

Game of Thrones - 10 Dexter - 9 Blacklist - 8 Almost Human - 6 intelligence - 6 The Strain - 4
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I totally love this series!! Don't understand the overcritical comments....
Karlien196818 January 2015
I really do not understand the bad comments that I read here. In my opinion some people are too overcritical en sifting mosquitoes (as we say in Belgium).

It is highly entertaining, with a good dash of mystery and a story that can keep me interested and fascinated. In some comments I read that it is not original and done before. Well that goes for a lot of movies or series. I love the fact that it is not too fast paced,and that there are different story elements.

Well, I guess tastes are different. Normally I am very picky with my movies and series, so I do not see anything wrong with this. Quite the contrary!

Try it and just enjoy the ride!!
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A strong pilot and a promising show.
tomhg3810 July 2014
Extant is an exciting well made new show which touches on multiple common science fiction themes weaved into some of the more mundane problems in life.

Only the pilot was available at the time I wrote this, but already there is a strong sense of where the show is headed thanks to the quick introduction of the story elements.

There is a mysterious occurrence told through flashbacks that happened when Halle Berry's character was on a routine space mission she has since returned from, and a spin on the classic Science Fiction debate of Artificial Intelligence, in this case directly impacting Berry's character's immediate family.

The budget felt like it was generous, the actors scripts and effects were all more than adequate to be believable, and they told just enough of the story to whet your appetite and have you postulating wildly.

I would strongly recommend this show to anyone who likes science fiction. If you aren't married to the genre its still well worth seeing, but the pilot's pacing was the measured introspective pace of much science fiction (the movie Moon is a prime example, although this is faster) and while I don't think it will be a problem for the majority of the audience, if you're on the fence and don't think you can handle a slowly unfolding mystery this might not be for you. I personally loved it.
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Moments of suspense
rodw-77-92426811 August 2014
It has a good developing story line and I have found the early episodes built up a level of suspense.

The actors have done a good job to get you trapped into it but I have found it a bit confusing having Hiroyuki Sanada playing yet another inscrutable Japanese hate character so soon after Helix.

The series is definitely work watching but I am concerned at the very slow pace. You get to the end of each episode feeling that not much progress has been made. I can only hope that this is not due to a lack of story direction.

I am starting to feel like saving the rest of the episodes of this series and watching them all in one hit to get some sense of pace.

In all, not a bad bit of SciFi and, hopefully, it will start to progress a bit quicker as the plot broadens.
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Oh no not again, what's wrong with these people?
stuart_davies2 August 2014
This had such potential, and I was really looking forward to it. Good actors, better than usual production, multi-layered back story. Then they ruin it with cliché and lazy story telling. To make a good series you can't use plot links from movies, such as the bad guys being in total control and the good guys making all the mistakes as it gets boring very quickly. Although suspension of disbelief is a given in science fiction, not when it comes to the behaviour of characters, as it just makes them seem exceedingly stupid and the viewer will stop empathising. The first couple of times I gave the benefit of the doubt as this series had such potential, but then I just got frustrated and irritated by the crap script... It makes me wonder whether those managing such a project simply think the viewer is as stupid as the characters they present us with... underestimating the viewer will only lead to failure... a damn shame!
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emaleman3 September 2021
This was a story that should have played all the way out! Leave us all hanging! When will the next series come out? Didn't anyone catch the last few scenes? If not, re-watch the last one...
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Great Production Values, Poor Storyline
Minerva_Meybridge13 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
With bits of Caprica and AI, Extant is a muddled conspiracy sci-fi series that tries to give credibility to its storyline. Molly Woods (Halle Berry) is a astronaut just returned from a long solitary space mission, whom it turns out is inexplicably pregnant. Meanwhile, her husband, John, is a robotics designer, who apparently has designed the first AI in the form of their son, Ethan. Meanwhile again, it seems that the government or the company that sent her up in space are in on some conspiracy to maker her the brood mother for some extraterrestrial species. Meanwhile, once more, Ethan is about to go ballistic (Didn't we learn anything from the creation of Skynet, I Robot or even R.U.R. and when is THAT going to be a major motion picture coming to a theatre near you?) Obviously, the Woods are very wealthy in order for John to build robots from scratch, let alone ones that have self awareness and learn. I'm not sure how many happily married people would volunteer for a year-long space mission, or why John, having been left to his lonesome, wouldn't have built a hot 22 year old looking female robot instead. Maybe the guy's just a saint or a wannabe Catholic priest. Anyway, the coincidence of both of them being involved in conspiracies—her with the pregnancy and him with the robot kid that has been taken over—strains the plot beyond Andromeda. The aliens appear to Molly in the form of her ex-husband, whom only she and her ovaries can see, and wasn't this sort of kind of used in Contact? The kid premise started out really good, but then he turned into Damien. I'm sorry, but, with the exception of occasional comedies, American television has been formulaic and basically sucked for decades. The days of Rockford Files, The Fugitive, Route 66 and Ben Casey, when there were talented writers writing are long gone. Extant needed Halle Berry to survive, but as a space opera, I don't know that she, along with the special effects, is enough to launch it into renewal. because Battlestar Galactica it ain't. Oh, and one more thing. Why all the flashing lights on the space station computer? Does YOUR computer look like a Christmas tree?
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Cliché SciFi Horror, with no common sense.
b_imdb-912-11349710 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
They've just thrown a whole load of overused SciFi Horror cliché story lines at this, and hoped for the best.

Beyond the recycled material that they're relying on to give this show legs, a basic grasp of simple common sense really trips them up.

A solo 12 month mission in space? - Exploration missions would never have a mission with such a lack of redundancy.

Grasp a lamp head to feel the heat, and make sure you aren't dreaming? - Only works if the spaceship designers didn't think to use safer, cheaper, more compact, more efficient LEDs, and instead opted for "retro" bulbs.

Video files "deleted by accident", yet are completely unrecoverable? - Again, redundancy... plus the fact recovering deleted data is perfectly possible today, nevermind in the future.

Potential biological contamination of the population, the exact reason why Quarantine exists? - Na, the Doc likes drinking with her, let it slide.

Hiroyuki Sanada having a future in acting beyond being typecast as the enigmatic leader of an advanced group, whose agenda is obscure but likely dastardly, and whose interior decorators strongly favour bright walls? - Looking doubtful.
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Extant: Where Are We Going?
jediknight19050117 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode of "Extant" lacked a cohesive vision, in my opinion, such that it just did not really stir the imagination. However, Episode 2 was brilliant, and has made me become, now, a huge fan of the show. Essentially, "Extant" brought itself down to Earth, so to speak, by introducing more mundane elements, as well as explanations, of what could be happening to our heroine, Molly. Not only did the episode make everything seem a bit more "real," it also showed that Molly isn't necessarily the "good guy" we might think she is. There are some flaws in her thinking that have become apparent, and her relationship with her husband is getting dangerously close to becoming strained, to put it mildly.

I was concerned after episode I that the show would be the predictable "alien impregnates human" with the "star child" being the "savior" of mankind. After episode 2, however, it is no longer a given that Molly is pregnant due to alien intervention, and that, although there are clues suggesting alien involvement, nothing is a given on the show any longer. I went from being skeptical and wary, to buying into the show completely. Episode 2 is nothing short of terrific television, and I am eagerly anticipating the remaining episodes.
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Good but definitely has room for improvement.
Shopaholic3528 July 2014
Extant has an interesting premise but the execution feels clumsy and overworked. While it is still a good Sci-fi show I think it still needs some time to develop and find it's stride. The positives include the great production values and that it has a blockbuster movie feel. I also think it has the potential to be better it just needs to up the excitement level.

Personally, I'm not thrilled with the casting and find Halle Berry's performance to be quite weak. She needs drama roles to shine but doesn't fare so well with "everyday/normal" roles. It just feels too bland and forced. The rest of the cast are fine, not fantastic, but they do their job.

Overall I think as the story unfolds it will keep me interested. I have noticed that each episode is slightly more interesting than the last so that's a good sign.
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Sci Fi for Lifetime
teachermarkthailand24 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A sappy, soapy drama set in the future with the writing team from your favorite Lifetime movie along for the ride!

Remember Buck Rogers? Yep, it's almost as cheesy as that!

The boy robot is so far advanced (he even has a soul) but he can't change his batteries. The spaceship uses hot tungsten light bulbs.

The boybot flies off the handle a few times, but only Hall Berry senses that there's something wrong!

And Halle Berry cries more than Dexter's idiot sister! Not the best choice of candidate for a year long solo mission into space!

Her husband is a mad scientist who wants to flood the world with humanoid robots and sees absolutely NO consequences to anything he does at all.

Mysterious government/corporate types are on every street corner...

I'm afraid that Sci Fi fans will have to stick to books as usual. TV simply can't do this genre justice at all.
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How Extant became Extinct in Two Seasons
mike4812820 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Starting out wonderful in Season 1. Gorgeous Halle Berry having mutant "mirage" sex in lonely outer space! Terrible (first season) ending though, as the boy bursts out of his dead body then hitchhikes out into the sunset like an alien "Fugitive". Season 2 started off with "alien boy" grown into his hormonal 20's and having sex and babies with every hot chick at the "Swingers Club". Then they killed off husband John? How could they? The two part mid-season (2015) "special" was too long and very predictable, although it did tie up a lot of loose ends. Now we had an "evil" and a "saintly" Hybrid leader. Why did only some of them regenerate? It had been "leaked" that "Ethan" died in episode 9. So what? Just heat up a new unit! Molly died in Episode 8? Another fake "cliffhanger". Of course "Catwoman" has 9 lives and came back as a full-blooded "Extant". I liked the "PI" character. He's was lot like Chris Kristopherson. I wished they had a good finish for Season 2. I predicted that her "alien son" returned although he seems quite dead, at the moment. Were they setting him up as the next Intergalactic "Jesus"? (Didn't happen.) "Lucy" sure was a great evil Humanic, however. They "mucked" it up like previous bombs like: "The Gates", "Invasion" and "Resurrection". All those shows had stupid and terrible endings, didn't they? Halle Berry deserved better! Addendum: Well, they turned it into another TV disaster in Season 2. The aliens became "good" and peaceful after all the carnage that "happened" between Humans, "Extants", and "Humanics" is just forgotten and forgiven? Sure, the aliens became good little "E.T's" and now everybody applauded them? Give me a break! No where to go with this plot line. "Alien Nation" has already been done. Well, At least little Ethan got jump-started with new programming and better batteries. A new Humanic race? Not gonna happen with an eerie computer-hybrid, left over from old "Battlestar Galactica", that frequents "Starbucks"! CBS pulled the plug just in time, don't ya' think?
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This is going to be the summers new hit
muhmmad-saad10 July 2014
Extant" is a summer blockbuster from CBS that seems to take its sweet time getting interesting -- like it has a second season in mind, not some wild "event" that ends this summer. Halle Berry's made the jump to the small screen to star in CBS' new sci-fi drama, Extant, debuting Wednesday night. Berry portrays astronaut Molly Woods. She's just returned home from a 13 month solo mission in space and besides adjusting to being around humans again – including her husband and son – she also has to process a mysterious occurrence. Despite being alone for over a year, she's somehow pregnant. The first episode reveals the barest of hints about what may have happened to Molly, but it presents more questions than answers. It's a tried and true technique to make the audience come back for more but is only successful if answers are actually provided instead of a constant tease. I'm looking at you Under the Dome.

Besides the glimpse at conspiracies, the otherworldly, and some clear similarities to the Aliens franchise, Extant appears as though it will center on relationships. The characters aren't treated as the backdrop for the story about possible alien life and artificial intelligence, they're woven into the plot and so are their interactions. That's not always visible in pilots, and it seems like focusing on the shiny toys is a tempting distraction in sci-fi stories. That's not the case in Extant. Berry is intriguing as an intelligent everyday sort of woman who has to suddenly process abnormal circumstances. Molly is in a fragile state by default since she spent so long alone, but she's trying her best to insert herself back into home life and work, and Berry communicates every nuance of Molly's challenges. Not to keep going back to the Aliens references, but Berry definitely seems to channel Ellen Ripley from time to time.

She has an interesting relationship with her husband John, played by Goran Visnjic. They appear happy on the surface but clearly have what seem like longstanding issues underneath. Her inexplicable pregnancy probably isn't going to help in that arena. John's an opinionated scientist working on developing the field of artificial intelligence, and while Visnjic excels at selling the character's passion for his work, his chemistry – positive or negative - with Berry is barely there. After Molly, the most fascinating character appearing in the pilot is her and John's son Ethan. Pierce Gagnon (Looper) may be young, but he presents a convincing portrait of Ethan's mood swings and difficulties. He's adorable in one instant and frightening in the next. Ethan isn't all he appears to be, and his true nature is clearly a point of contention between John and Molly.

The pilot episode hit the right note of providing information without falling into the overload trap. We still have plenty more to learn about Molly and her family and what exactly happened while she was in space in coming episodes. The lingering questions could be the show's downfall though; they'll have to avoid stringing viewers along and be careful in balancing the mystery with character developments.


Overall, Extant is off to a strong start. The story feels a touch too familiar to make it a standout premiere, but there is promise for a fresh exploration of that material and it's supported by interesting characters.
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This well-acted and beautiful looking series is definitely worth checking out.
bryank-0484411 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's not everyday that a writer attracts the attention of Hollywood, let alone one of the biggest names in the film business. But, that's the case with Mickey Fisher, a man who won a writing contest and now is billed as the creator of a good sci-fi TV series on CBS. Not only that, Fisher's work attracted Steven Spielberg and Halle Berry to his writing. Spielberg was so impressed that he got Fisher's idea made into a TV series called 'Extant' that stars Halle Berry. It's a pretty amazing accomplishment, given that this is Fisher's first attempt at Hollywood.

'Extant' isn't the ultimate series that we've seen nor is it the best sci-fi show to come out, but it definitely stands on its own with some of the best. And with a surprisingly excellent visual style and amazing special effects, along with some very strong performances by everyone involved, 'Extant' could evolve into one of the great shows we remember and watch over and over if done well. And luckily for us, CBS has given 'Extant' a second season, which will air this year.

'Extant' centers on a woman named Molly Woods (Halle Berry), who lives on Earth in the near future. For the past thirteen months, Molly has been aboard a space station called Seraphim, orbiting Earth alone. Once she is back from her thirteen month stint in space by herself, she realizes she's pregnant. But how can that be, since she was alone in space? That's the basic plot point for 'Extant', but it has many layers, some of which you'll recognize as why Spielberg was so interested in this project. Molly does not want to cause trouble at home with her husband John (Goran Visnjuc) and son Ethan (Pierce Gagnon) with this strange and odd news.

Ethan in fact is not human, but rather an artificial intelligence robot created by John, similar to the Spielberg film 'A.I.'. Molly ties to figure out through a variety of characters what just is wrong with her, and what exactly is inside her. Without giving too much information away, the child inside of Molly may or may not be human, as a former astronaut who went through something similar tries to inform her. But there are many more layers at work here. Instead of concentrating on the whole action and science-fiction part of the story, 'Extant' examines, fairly well I might add, the dynamic between humans and the growing artificial intelligence within machines and robots.

The series dives into not just the technology of these A.I.'s, but the what our culture thinks of them and acts around them. The show itself looks incredible and looks to have a decent sized budget. Everything looks top notch and never silly or corny, which is rare for most sci-fi shows. And the use of future technology is perfectly integrated here and never hits us over the head with its absurdness, like we've seen many times before.

Halle Berry gives her all here and stays on point with her character through each episode. It's great to see an Oscar winner do this type of show and really commit to it. Everyone else in the series turns in excellent performances, though the young Pierce Gagnon (the young kid in 'Looper') is on his way to being one the greats. His performance of a life-like robot is even better than Hayley Joel Osment from 'A.I.', as Gagnon plays the character human for the most part, but gives us tons of little moments where we can see that his insides are metal and wires. 'Extant' has had a great first season run. One that answered some questions throughout the show, but also posed tons of others for future seasons. This well-acted and beautiful looking series is definitely worth checking out.
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Started off interesting, ended up becoming extremely annoying
BlockLike24 September 2014
I was intrigued at by the story and the series starts fairly well.

However, it didn't take very long to realise that not a lot was happening by the end of each episode.

It kept teasing that something would happen, but it never did. The pace of the story is too slow in my opinion and then a whole slurry of events happen all at once.

That wasn't a show stopper for me, just a minor gripe.

My biggest problem is Halle Berry's character.

She becomes increasingly annoying as the episodes progress. It came to the point where I just couldn't watch anymore as her character just became to annoying too bear anymore.

Lots of promise, but sadly poorly executed!
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A promise (pilot episode review)
temporaldisturbance11 July 2014
"Extant" can go in either the nonsensical direction of shows like "Lost" and "Under The Dome", or it can deliver. It is too early to say which.

The show takes place in a future similar to that from "Almost Human".

It also appears to be influenced by Stanislav Lem's "Solaris".

The episode sparked my interest in just the right ways. It was competently written, acted, filmed, scored. It didn't go for bombast or cheap scares, but rather for a subdued sense of unease.

It really could go either way from here, and it is impossible to tell just yet, because shows built on an overarching mystery often de-evolve into ramblings of a lunatic as the writers thrash inside the web of inconsistencies they spun from one episode to the next.

But the pilot gives me hope. This review will be updated when more episodes come out.
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This Could Be the Summer Hit
tristanp2510 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Extant revolves around a female astronaut known as Molly that goes on a 13-month solo space mission for the Yasumoto Corporation, a private sector company. She returns home to re-adjust to life with her temperamental Android son Ethan and her Atheist and scientist husband John, working for the Humanichs Project, an organization experimenting in the creation of human robots. Although she has made her return, something went terribly amiss in the space station she had spent the 13 months and it threatens her job as well as humankind.

It was Tuesday night when I was watching videos on YouTube and I just happened to come across an ad and decided I was surely going to watch it because it featured Halle Berry prominently. By the end of it all, I was pleased that I gave the show a look, as it turns out that it has some serious potential to become the summer hit. Only time will time though.

I do, however, consider the premise a bit far fetched. I mean how does one lady get sent to outer space for a mission and spend 13 months by herself? And there, she deletes incriminating video footage of something happening to her in the space station that should realistically be wired with live feed for the private firm to supervise her safety and well being up there. Hey, maybe that's just me. Other than that, I like the rest of the plot set in a futuristic time, with advanced technology like smart mirrors, smart photos, smart projectors and android robots. Coupled with the nice production values, it really gives off that cool, in-depth look into the prospects of the future of our world.

Halle Berry delivers a fantastic performance as astronaut and faithful wife, Molly Woods. Her glow and charm radiates on screen and I found myself captivated by her presence. She is a magnificent actress. Goran Visnjic plays her husband John Woods well and his character has good depth with his science over religion theory typical of a scientist, but also stands up for what he believes in, the latter which makes him likable. Pierce Gagnon is quite good in his role playing the moody Android son, Ethan Woods, who is the center piece of John's Humanichs Project and also taken in due to infertility problems between John and Molly. You also have Hiroyuki Sanada portraying Hideki Yasumoto, the Chairman of Yasumoto Corporation and Michael O'Neill as Alan Sparks, one of the top Board of Directors, both of which are very intriguing to watch.

Overall, I think this show has an immense amount of potential and I hope within the next few weeks that the show blossoms and gives us a great sci-fi drama. If we take any indication from what was offered to us with the pilot episode, I believe we're in store for some really good and entertaining TV.

Rating: 7/10 (for now)
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It's not bad; it's horrible
imdbdevil28 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The show started slow, but with some promise. Then sharks started jumping around. The show has been tanking at horrendous pace over the past three weeks. Every character seems either retarded or crazy or both. It makes no sense if these roles were people with serious scientific training.

A head NASA scientist who does not fear of a manipulative alien that can control and kill people at will? Instead of killing it off, he's going to help it grow and gain more power?

A surrogate mother of the alien baby wants to help the same alien offspring that killed a dozen heavily armed men?
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I love it!
sinisprime9 July 2014
Not a bad start. A little underwhelming as not much happened, but that is expected as it's only the first episode. Also the cast is great, Halle Berry and Goran Visnjic are great actors and Hiroyuki Sanada (one of my favourite actors) is amazing in everything he is in.

Also, I love everything Sci-Fi so will be tuning in for more. I have high hopes for this series, hope it doesn't turn into another Helix, which had a great plot and amazing actors (i.e. Hiroyuki Sanada, Billy Campbell and Kyra Zagorsky, to name but a few) but gradually became abysmal in the writing department. I am really desperate for a new Sci-Fi show I can enjoy, I am having withdrawal symptoms from not getting a good show to watch.
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A bunch of idiots are manipulated by an Extra-Terrestrial entity
Dr_Sagan14 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm now seeing the 12th episode (7th to 12th in a marathon) and I'm pretty sure I wasted my precious time for nothing.

This is a series dealing simultaneously with 2 of the most common sci-fi plots there is:

(1) An extra-terrestrial who ...controls the minds of humans!

(2) An android kid that wants to be ...human!

I'm not sure yet if these independent sub-plots are colliding somewhere (till the 12th episode there is no clue that this could happen) but ultimately the A.I. could fight the E.T.!

This is supposed to be in the not so distant future (around 2055), yet the "anachronisms" are more than ridiculous starting with the cars that are of 2010 like a ....Rolls Royce Ghost and many others with only a twirling sound as a difference from the current models.

One of the most prominent features of the series is the stupidity of the people involved. All the characters are easily manipulated by E.T. (called ...Offspring in this one!) who just projects dead loved-ones in their minds. The director of a company similar to NASA (EISA here) hasn't got a single remorse to kill many people just to see and mildly interact with the 8 y.o. version of his daughter who lost in space at the age of 25-30. His wife too!

Overall this is a pointless series and a waste of time. I can tell because I spend more than 10h to see its episodes. Sorry I didn't gave up from the start.

Steven Spielberg who acts as an executive producer MUST reinvent himself or give up entirely.
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Better than most similar shows. I found it captivating.
dwlloyd24 April 2017
I enjoyed this show. Its over-all quality was superior to most currently available shows.

That doesn't mean the show was not flawed, but I suspect a lot of the criticisms I have read here were due to overly high expectations. As pure SciFi, I did not see the inconsistencies with potential reality that has become so common in recent SciFi productions, although the show did fail, as many SciFi stories do, to keep the "magic" limited. The aliens portrayed failed to use their established abilities whenever consistent use of those abilities would have prevented more exciting stories. I also found the stark black-and-white portrayal of good and evil and the frequency with which main characters switched sides unnaturally contrived.

However, the acting was excellent, covering for many inconsistencies with nuanced changes in motivation demanded by the script so that the overall experience was still captivating.
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God grief it's god awful
ebyandsmartie10 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Any series that wants me to keep watching to find out if aliens or god is the reason for her pregnancy has lost me. And the whole robots will kill us all because they don't have souls? No, they'll kill us because were idiots. Plus didn't your film, A.I. already try to answer that question, Mr Spielberg.

Bringing religion into the series so prominently and so early had me reaching for the remote. I stayed on to see if the corporate types had impregnated her as a clone for their ageing director.

It's slow paced, been done before and done far better without so much forced exposition.

If you liked God's Not Dead, Revelation Road and Heaven Is for Real you'll eat this up.

Go watch The Unbelievers.
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