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Believe (TV Series 2014) Poster


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Harks back to the good old days, it's good...
I'll start by saying I'm not a film critic or a buff or have any desire to critique the directing or script or anything which a film student might get off on... I'm writing this because I enjoy being entertained...

This series has a lot to offer, there is a strong recurring story line running throughout but at the same time you get the immediate satisfaction of a feel good story in each episode similar to what you used to get in the littlest hobo when the dog would befriend a down and out or a depressed old woman who thinks her son has died, that kinda thing :)

In short you feel good for watching this, it's a nice show with nice characters and a cute kid.

There are so many great series out there at the moment and while this isn't current "great" it's easy to get swept up with the action on screen so long as you put reality to one side and "Believe".

Oh, plus the Asian chick is bow-chikka-wow-wow!!!
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queenbitch1323 March 2014
Fantastic show so far, Looking forward to seeing the relationship develop more with Tate and Bo. Milton has to be my favorite character so far. Didn't know what to expect from the start but has me gripped. looking forward to seeing the 3rd episode and eventually finding out who Bo's mum is. Expecting lots of plot twist and seeing Bo's "talent" develop over time. a fresh Show idea, just what was needed. I can definitely say I am waiting eagerly for episode 3, and it annoys me to wait for it, but I know it will be worth the wait as it is with The Walking Dead also. Well worth watching for fans of science-fiction, & fantasy shows. keep up the good work. keep me gripped is all i ask :)
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Like the fun chemistry but the story could use some more work
SnoopyStyle9 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
William Tate (Jake McLaughlin) is a death row inmate. Mysterious Dr. Milton Winter (Delroy Lindo) gives him a choice and breaks him out of prison. Winter puts Tate in charge of Bo (Johnny Sequoyah) who is a little girl with supernatural powers and it turns out she's actually his daughter. Winter leads a team of former colleagues who let Bo escape from the tyrannical Roman Skouras (Kyle MacLachlan). Now the powerful Skouras is using police resources and other supernaturals to track down Bo.

This show starts off with some problems. I never understood why Winter couldn't be more hands on with Tate and Bo. They're thrown to the wolves for no good reason. The good part is that Tate and Bo get to spend time alone together. Their chemistry is so much fun. The other problem is that the world is clueless to the supernatural powers. It is unlikely but more important, the show loses Believe-ability. It's also so derivative to so many other sci-fi shows. It's not a good thing to twist the show to bend the concept to fit this box. I do love the father daughter chemistry. If they could work out a simpler way to get to that point, the show would have worked out better. It's a midseason replacement that got cut rather early. I wish this could have lasted longer.
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Love this Show, Period.
jamie-6-13888120 May 2014
Unlike some other reviewers here that don't appreciate decent writing, positive, inspiring stories, and just wholesome television, I do.

I love this show.

I love that it is science fiction applied to present day. I love that the story is about helping others, and showing that human beings CAN evolve into something positive. It reminds me of the message that Star Trek tried to convey.

The current trash on TV is tiring. Reality shows and garbage filled with sex, violence, and just immorality. This show I feel comfortable watching with my kids.

It's a shame that NBC has canceled it, and hope they reconsider. There isn't a lot of good TV out there, but, this IS good TV! Could it be better? Absolutely. However, it takes time for actors to get into their characters, develop relationships, and develop stories. I hope that we can watch all of these characters develop for several more seasons.

Please don't cancel this wonderful show!
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Sci-Fi series filled with intrigue , noisy action , emotion and supernatural deeds
ma-cortes23 March 2014
Plot summary : Tate (Jake McLaughlin) is on death row and has only 30 minutes until his execution. He's visited by a priest who tells him he's there to help him break out - as long as Tate agrees to do a job for him. Tate agrees and soon finds himself employed by Milton Winter (Delroy Lindo) - who impersonated the priest - and Channing (Jamie Chung) to care for a young girl, Bo Adams (Johnny Sequoyah) who has extraordinary abilities . There are powerful forces who want to get control of her and her skills and Tate's first job is to get her out of the hospital after her , there they are chased by a cruel killer woman (Sienna Guillory). Two major groups are fighting to get to Bo and her supernatural powers . While the connection of Winter and his team to Bo was clear, the involvement of Skouras (Kyle MacLachlan) was murkier , as he is the employer of a mercenary sent to retrieve Bo . Meanwhile , FBI Agent Elizabeth Farrell (Trieste Kelly Dunn) is in charge of tracking down an escapee and Bo Adams . Later on , Bo and Tate are on their way to the safe house in Philadelphia but have to stop in Atlantic City on the way .

Entertaining TV series plenty of action , thrills , suspense and supernatural events . It is a crossover between ¨Touch¨ series and ¨D.A.R.Y.L.¨ film with a little girl and an escaped inmate being pursued by all kind of forces such as CIA , FBI , Police and other strange organizations as a group known as Orchestra . Furthermore , an enjoyable relationship between two main protagonists , the girl with fantastic skills and a death row escapee . Nice acting by Johnny Sequoyah as a little girl who has extraordinary powers , to sense the feelings of others and the ability to influence those around her and acceptable interpretation by Jake McLaughlin as a tough young who cares the child against violent enemies . The first two episodes of "Believe," viewers have seen some of Johnny Sequoyah's powers and been told that she may have even greater untapped abilities , what hasn't been explored, though, is the source of her abilities . Very good support cast such as Delroy Lindo as Milton , Sienna Guillory as a highly skilled assassin , Jamie Chung as enticing Channing , Kyle MacLachlan as nasty Skouras , Rami Malek as Dr. Adam Terry and many others .

The first part is a magnificent thriller chapter introducing the attractive characters ; the second one is a solid episode that, while lacking the visual flair of the pilot, does a good job furthering the story and adding new complications.This is a new NBC ratings hit supernatural series splendidly created by Mark Friedman and recently Oscarized Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity) . Being lavishly produced by great TV producers as Bryan Burk , Kathy Lingg , Athena Wickham and J.J. Abrams (Lost , Person of interest , Revolution , Almost human) .
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I like it!
aguirrewalter1 April 2014
Saw the first 3 episodes and we are hooked, my kids really loved it. Pilot was great, second episode was OK but third episode was also great. The plot is good and actors are credible. I usually like JJ's work and with Alfonso Cuaron's directing some episodes and also being a producer they put something really good together. We need series that are inspirational, that you can watch with the whole family and this is it. Johnny Sequoyah is a great actress, I really can't believe all the negative comments and reviews. Delroy Lindo's also great actor and the part he is playing is perfect for him. I haven't seen a perfect show so far, there is always room for improvement, and yes this show could be better also but so far we like it. Can't wait to see how the story develops but I'm sure it will be worth watching.
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Has potential - average start
akashawhisperer17 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
At first glance I felt like I was watching a young Olivia Dunham's story-ish from the show Fringe... (sorry JJ Abrams) but Bo's character is quite similar to Olive's story so far. Given that I am such a huge fan of Fringe, I cannot wait to see if more develops with THIS show than just a "running from either side that wants to use the little girl for her powers or protect her from the government" etc.

Have viewed episodes 1 and 2...am not completely enamored with any character thus far - would like to see more explanation in the "Gift" department. If there is more focus on these abilities and these abilities in "others" to also do this - then this show may make it in my eyes! Am optimistic and will continue to watch at least a couple more episodes to see how the storyline develops! - Angel
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Kristenw1730 April 2014
Its refreshing to see a show that not only isn't completely predictable, but which also gives off a vibe of being exciting and action packed. Its not all action, and its not all science fiction. Its a mix of the good qualities that any genre of television can provide. Action, humor, science fiction, etc; but without the repetitive nature that seems to come with following a specific genres motifs. Every cop show gives off the same vibe as any other cop show. Believe's vibe is one of a kind that breaks free of genre stereotypes. At least the stereotypes that I worry about. ;) In particular the best aspect of this show, in my opinion, is the innocence of its main character. Too many shows today are about the shock factor to real in viewers. Believe, like any other show, has some of the usual cliques to draw in viewers. But it still provides aspects that are refreshing and wholesome in nature. After all whats better than remembering the good in humanity while watching some cute and exciting television?
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Nice surprise twist, but little else
AtariBaby12 March 2014
It seems to me that this show does not rise above the typical supernatural/action/mystery shows being produced of late. The premise is implausible. The show's mystery is probably unknown even to the writers and creators. It has one or two fine actors, and a somewhat surprise ending, and little else.

I'm also surprised by the budget of this show. If this was an indie film on youtube, we might be more forgiving, but this is a night-time network television show. The average audience member is too sophisticated to believe that we're actually watching a man on his way to his execution, in loose handcuffs, down a darkened hallway with two guards and a priest. It seems too much to ask us to forgive the low budget, the shaky premise, the poor direction and acting and camera-work, and the lack of music soundtrack, for so little payoff.

I suspect this show will be lucky to get a second season, and so I won't invest more time watching something that is unlikely to get an ending.

I've heard it suggested that if a film or TV show has a vague spiritual message, it will score high marks on IMDb, and this seems to be the only reason for this show to garner an 8+.
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Are You Kidding?
kei_phi161817 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***May Contain Spoilers*** Though in reality I don't know what else could spoil this show more. I wish I knew whether the problem was the writing or the directing, but something is terribly wrong with this show. So, much takes place that we're just supposed to accept. Understand, the main characters, Bo (a little girl with 'special powers) and Tate (a man wrongly convicted of murder) are on the run with nothing ... no money. OK, I'm sure someone will be extra 'picky' and say they had money ... yah, but it was like only $20 or $40. Tate had left a duffel bag full of thousands of dollars behind in the 'pilot' episode. Really? And, even if he did leave it behind, once they got away from the 'bad girl' they could have gone back for it. And, from the the writing of Tate's 'character' I'm sure he would have! Yet, magically whenever they need money ... it's there. They buy bus tickets, train tickets ... kinda like the gun that never runs out of bullets. Their pictures are posted everywhere via an 'Amber Alert', so they hide in a bathroom where Tate 'magically' has electric hair clippers and shaves off his hair. Where'd they come from? What!? When they were getting ready to run and grabbed some clothes, Tate made sure he had his hair clippers? Bo has major kinetic powers ... she can move cars, but when the 'bad guy' grabs her she does nothing. In her words, "I was scared." Again ... REALLY? Tate is laying on the ground with fuel all around him ... and again, she does nothing to help him? I can go on, but what's the point. The plot isn't bad, therefore, the show 'could' be good ... but, we need the writers/director to pay a little more attention to 'believe ... able' detail, and not take us, the watchers, as being so ignorant there's no way we wouldn't BELIEVE these inconsistencies!
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This show is great and deserves a bigger fan base.
charmed_a_holic7 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I adore this show right now. I find the whole dynamic of the main protagonists relationship refreshing, a welcome break from the romantic "will-they-won't-they" (and they will) relationship that leads so many other shows. It has a great ensemble cast, with Johnny Sequoyah (Bo Adams) being a great up and coming star with such an expressive face and conviction in her acting. Add to that the connection that her and Jake McLaughlin (Tate) share that makes their story all the more (dare I say it) believable. A mention also has to be made to "Once Upon A Time"'s Jamie Chung and Delroy Lindo that make such likable and highly watchable characters in this show. "Believe" reminds me in so many ways of the TV show "Touch". And sure, it may not be the most popular, it may not have brooding thirty-year olds playing star-crossed teenage lovers, or big named stars, but it has something. It's charming. And I deeply hope that it is renewed for a second season. It deserves a much larger fan base than it has.
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Currently not living up to its potential
synthboy20008 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This review is written after the fourth episode.

"Believe" was released with much fanfare. With Alfonso Cuarón and J.J. Abrams on-board and a very pretty trailer to wet audience's appetites, it looked like this couldn't fail. However, within a few episodes the same complaint seemed to be levelled against it time and time again: too formulaic.

Now, for a TV show, formulaic isn't always a problem. Plenty of TV shows run off a formula. In fact plenty of TV shows wouldn't work if they didn't have the formula. The audience likes the formula. It comforts them, reassures them. It means that when you tune in for the show you know what you're going to get.

However, "Believe" use of the formula is flawed. Every episode has three parts to it. There's Bo and Tate's attempts to stay one step ahead of their pursuers. Then there's Bo's attempts to help someone in need. Finally there is something related to Skouras, often in the form of a flashback. There are three main problems with this. Firstly, cramming three separate story lines into a single show means there's not enough time to develop any of them properly.

Secondly, there is precious little variation in these parts, especially in what should be the most exciting part, Bo and Tate's flight from danger. A safe-house goes south, Tate has a heated phone call with Milton about getting them help, they are cornered by their pursuers, Bo uses her powers to save them, Milton comes through at the end. There's no drama or tension, no change or development in Agent Ferrel's character, nothing to make the audience intrigued.

Finally, there is no overlap between these parts. Plenty of shows have different story lines running through them. The best ones tie these story lines together, often in ways that the audience least expect. Bo's missions-of-mercy seemingly exist in a vacuum, despite everything else that is happening in her life. Agent Ferrel interacts a little with Skouras but despite all the lies she's been told and all that she's seen, she continues to act as little more than a plot device, relentlessly pursing Bo without once questioning what she's asked to do.

The other big problem "Believe" has is due to Bo's abilities. This show could work nicely if they focused on Bo's crusades and kept the other parts in the background as an ongoing storyline that could pop-up from time to time and be allowed to slowly develop over the course of the season. However, for that to succeed there needs to be some sort of mystery but with Bo's abilities that's never going to happen. She knows the resolution to the mystery even before it begins. If there was more room for Tate to play a part or if Bo's abilities weren't perfect then maybe this could work but as it stands it leaves little for the audience to engage with.

Despite all of that "Believe" isn't completely without worth. The whole concept is solid enough, the performances are good and the dialogue is better than a lot of TV shows. It's also beautiful to look at, and to listen to. It's just that, as it stands, nothing is being done with all of that. If the plot gets a work over and actually starts to develop rather than just tread water then "Believe" has the potential to be a great show. If not then this isn't going to get past season one.
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it had potential but i sucks
moosejuice55 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Believe it a story about a little girl with special powers being hunted by a big evil corporation while being protected by a small good one, paired up with a angry middle aged man they run from the evil corporation helping people along the way. Sound familiar? thats because this plots been done to death, though knowing the plot of the story from 10 minuets into the pilot doesn't necessarily make a show bad, no its the bad acting, directing and story writing that do that. Believes tactic seems to be to employ Jake McLaughlin for the lead role and hope that nobody notices the other actors. The fight scenes look like their practicing and may be decent if they were sped up two or three times. And then theirs the bad writing like how in one episode they have a bag with thousands of dollars in and in the next they have like fifty bucks, are we supposed to believe that they didn't go back for it, they know one of their characters is a ex-con right? and the girl who's apparently clairvoyant and can move cars with her mind but can't stop her self getting kidnapped or in any practical way at all really. Needless to say i will not be watching this show.
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Pleasantly surprised. Has character not just plot.
exxytocishicanon27 May 2014
This is not an untarnished genre, but I have found this show to be unique and original. Most notably, the style of the show uses the characters to tell the story, and the plot is subtly interdependent with it. It allows you to think about the plot, rather than forcing you to make singular assumptions about what exactly is going on. It doesn't isolate the viewer through needless and technically proliferous action. By the 3rd episode, I found its depth to be apparent. It is also nice that this appears to be a show that is both family oriented, and has adult themes. I think if you are the type of show goer that wants to see bullets flying everywhere and a bad guy put away at the end of each episode as it builds towards one epic and final exclamation, this is not for you.
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I want to Believe in this show !
varghesejunior14 March 2014
To be honest with you all, 'Believe' was the only show that i was looking forward to watching this year, although i must admit that 'The Goldbergs' turned out to be quite a pleasant surprise in the comedy genre.

I have loved almost all of Alfonso Cuarons work,Gravity, Children of men, the guy is a genius. The involvement of JJ Abrams only served to intensify my interest in it.

This is my honest response to watching the pilot episode a few days ago.

The premise of the show is interesting, its similar to 'Touch' but not quite the same. A girl with supernatural powers, being chased by the bad guys and being protected by the good ones.

The Good- The casting is near perfect Jake McLaughlin and Johnny Sequoyah have an amazing on screen chemistry, clearly they are the highlight of the show, Delroy Lindo fits into the scheme of things like a glove in a hand-again spot on casting.

The Bad- Katie McClellan is only partly convincing as an assassin there is a very obvious lack of character development in her case, its kind of odd to see a person kill 5 people in one episode without any remorse and all of a sudden get emotional thinking about her mother.

The Ugly- It came as a shock to me the way the action scenes were filmed in the pilot, really disappointing, the action-drama genre is not something new for Cuaron yet the pilot had a lot of sloppy direction, the hand to hand combat scenes were like a brother and sister getting into a fist fight, the prison escape scene was again totally unconvincing.

I'm going to watch the rest of the season, but i really hope they step things up, you cant blame us for coming to expect more from the guys behind this show who have set such high standards for themselves that we naturally expect more, much more.
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Fun to watch so far
seruvip17 March 2014
Liking it a lot after two episodes. I don't think it will be something dark or gory as Firestarter, even though the similarities are evident. Suitable for a family watch, so far. Nice character development as well. Sometimes funny, and even slightly heartwarming at times. I just wish they don't just cancel it after a few episodes, the way they always do when they don't get enough millions. The acting is cool. It's just good enough for this kind of story. Johnny Sequoyah somehow reminds me of a younger Chloë Grace Moretz. So I'm giving it a 10/10, not because it's the perfect show (which is not), but because it's getting harder and harder to find cool and gripping shows, and this is one of them.
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So annoying and unbelievable
my-glass-box10 April 2014
I know that these types of shows are about stretching the limits of your imagination but this show goes well above and beyond that. The main bad guy is confused - is he good, is he bad, is he just horribly written. I could wade through all the plot holes and 2 dimensional characters but I can't get through Bo. She is the most annoying protagonist. We are told time and time again how "amazing" she is, how "special" she is, how "sweet" she is. How everyone "loves" her and is "touched" by her. Actually all she is is annoying and spoiled, throwing tantrums and screaming all over the place to get her way. This gets in the way a lot of the time and ends up putting other people's lives in danger. She is supposed to be "gifted" beyond all measure - I was hoping for a more mature and nuanced performance but oh well, wishful thinking it is. I think as a character she would be more likable and "special" if she acted less like a spoiled brat.
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Yes it's like Touch, which is gone. This is better, check it out, and see.
face-819-93372612 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is going to be fun, If you liked Touch, and the only thing wrong with that one was that you knew you'd be caught by the tears every week, and that Kiefer was not going to stick with such a small show for as long as they needed They have the next season of 24 already filming. Well here we are again with a monster tear maker, that you will come begging for, and this time they have made a few changes that could see a much longer run, and maybe more viewers if you think that's important. Instead of the mute boy we have a very likable little girl who won't stop talking, and a man who is more in need of her than he could ever have imagined. The secret agency is out there trying to get her, and most likely exploit her "gifts" of which there appear to be a few. There is of course a secret group trying to protect the girl, who seem to really care for her, and over all the story plays out well. The Fight scenes are a little off, you just see timing issues all over the place, like they meant to speed up the film to fix them, and just forgot. I Enjoyed this show a lot, and can see them improving a few things that will make it a real Gem. I recommend it to you, and only warn once more you will get choked up, or you are missing something.

Edited March 17th: After episode #2 I have taken off 2 points from my original score, and I no longer think that this is going in the right direction at all. If you disagree then you need to watch more quality television.
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A Strong Pilot, and Second Episode. I Want More of Believe
jfcthejock18 March 2014
I came across Believe when an advert on British television for it was aired, as it is coming to British screens later this month. I decided to watch it online, and it was impossible to stop watching it. For a Pilot, it was a solid, stable opening to the show with the characters being introduced and their relationships kick-started. I found the special effects used good enough, as it's not about the effects. When they were needed they looked realistic enough for me, and I felt the show was not meant to be a massive Science-Fiction extravaganza, but more of a fantasy-drama. We explore relationships, the plot of the show and how they'll develop over time.

As for the cast I love the casting of Johnny Sequoyah and Jake McLaughlin and would like to see their on-screen relationship develop. I also like the casting of Jamie Chung and Delroy Lindo as supporting cast, and as the second episode showed, they have their own reasons for their actions and their reasons are quite genuine and realistic. I can definitely say I am waiting eagerly for episode 3, and it annoys me to wait for it, but I know it will be worth the wait as it is with Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead also. Well worth watching for fans of science-fiction, or fantasy shows and movies.
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it worth to watch it!
alekperovaulker15 March 2014
Review - 'Believe" (2014)

Genre; Drama/Fantasy

Director: Alfonso Guaron

Writers: Alfonso Cuaron (creator), mark Friedman (creator)


Cast: Jake McLaughlin as Tate, Johnny Sequoyah as Bo, Jamie Chung as Channing, Seinna Guillory as Moore, Kyle MacLachlan as Skouras, Delroy Lindo as Milton Winter

When I first time heard about this TV show, I told myself; "Finally, since "Fringe" we're going to see something extraordinary interesting on TV". But when that "extraordinary" comes with such big name as Alfonso Cuaron, then we all have no choice but at least to watch the Pilot episode of "Believe". and that's I exactly what I did.

Since we had so many cancelled TV shows such as 'Alcatraz", "Event", and "Park Avenue", film makers should be extra careful with picking a new idea, before making a new show. Because, it is not that easy to make us watch something ridiculously unrealistic story.

Since Alfonso Cuaron is the one who has created "Believe" I would still take a risk and watch it. Because this person is smart enough to not offer a boring story. "Believe" tells the story of a little girl Bo (Johnny Sequoyah) with extraordinary gift. And certainly, having such a power (still unknown what is her power about except a few tricks she has done in the first episode) not safe for a little girl. And to make sure that she is safe, Milton Winter (Delroy Lindo) asks Tate (Jake  McLaughlin) to take care of her from Moore (Seinna Guillory) and Skouras (Kyle Maclauglan).

In the first episode we see a few action scenes, which is mean that there are still many more are coming. It's still unclear what kind of organization is coming after Bo, but it more looks like a security agency who also wants to own/to take under control Bo's power. The story still developing, and it goes deeper so far which makes me to watch the second episode as well, just to make sure that it really worth to watch it.

It's hard to say whether I liked "Believe" or not. But in one fact I am absolutely certain; it does not matter who stays behind this story line, Alfonso Cuaron or Steven Spielberg, all what is important is a good acting. If the actors are good enough to execute their roles and makes us believe that they are the part of the show, then yes, I am in. I'll be there wit them till the end. And so far, I see a quite believable performance in "Believe" which is a good sign.
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Fake reviews aplenty.
temporaldisturbance23 March 2014
Cringingly, I watched to about half the pilot episode, counting the missed opportunities, idiotic plot points, stifled dialogue, poorly filmed action, and improbable coincidences brought together by a sloppy script.

Somehow I caught myself not really caring for either the miscast prisoner or the little girl. Well, I did care for the mystery of the girl, but it was quickly made obvious that the focus of the show is on her fixing the menial problems of people they encounter along the way, Quantum Leap-style.

But... I did like Quantum Leap, so I kept watching...

...until, in the middle, a peripheral character I completely didn't care about turned to the camera and started telling the viewer (pardon me, he was talking to himself, yes) about his problems that inevitably the little girl was going to solve by the end of the episode.

The monologue was so very awkward, and I couldn't bear the actor's suffering as he struggled with stilted, poorly written lines.

If you like crap, sorry, I mean, "Touch", then you will love this show.

If you saw "Touch" for what it was - a lazily written show with "the numbers did it" deus ex machina in every episode, then, "Believe" me, you're going to hate this one.
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an extremely high quality TV show's pilot,, salutes to ABC
Dableo13 March 2014
Now for a start I hardly give TV shows 10 or 9 from a pilot,, like ever but for this TV show it ,, was really really good from a lot of aspects, starting from the storytelling aspect and the script,, they were able to provide a whole grasp of a lot of really interesting concepts,, but most importantly they covered in a short time in the pilot and professionally delivered it so that you don't feel rushed into understanding. Also the way the script is written makes every scene really interesting, obviously I don't want to relate to any exact scenes so that I don't burn something, but it has the whole fantasy package. moving on to the camera use , it is super impressive too especially in the fast movement scenes,, it is not too low or too broad , and smooth shooting of wide places and movement between characters. Acting Wise the girl is really impressive and didnot feel immature,, and the rest of the cast were quite good,, just killer girl was a little off( Spooky! :p) . really recommend it for everyone just watch the pilot ,, sure you'll get interested
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Not a bad start
mustangguy319 March 2014
Not a bad start to a series, lets just hope it is given a fair chance to win over viewers.

So far fast paced,action and mystery everything one could ask for in a new series. i did find the story a tad rushed in some areas.

The acting at most times was decent, the biggest problem i had was with the fight scenes,seemed sloppy and not very well thought out.

I have to admit the only reason i gave this show a chance was the involvement of J.J Abrams.

overall a pleasant viewing experience. Looking forward to watching more episodes.
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Bad sound
bbmcrp17 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy the premise. I think most of the characters are reasonably well developed. The story line follows well, etc. And I feel reasonably certain that more will be done in the last two categories to round them out completely by the end of the first season. I have just one real issue that I haven't seen mentioned in other reviews. THE SOUND IS TERRIBLE!!!

No matter what adjustments I make on any TV I watch this show, the background music and activity noise over powers the dialogue to the point where the viewer is left to try to piece it together from what happens next. Especially at key twists and turns of the program where dialogue is more critical. Come on, Mr. sound man. We understand you're trying to build tension and suspense. But please, not at the price of damaging the viewers enjoyment of the show!
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Not just Paint-By-The-Numbers
Jon-8714 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Believe is like Firestarter meets Touched By An Angel – it has an adorable little girl with scary psychic powers and all the adventure associated with that, plus good deeds that no ordinary human could perform. The actress playing the show's main character is named Johnny Sequoyah, an odd name for a girl. She plays Bo, an equally odd name for a girl. But, hey, Bo knows how to read minds (maybe), Bo knows pigeons (in a way), and Bo knows the future (sort of).

Besides Bo, there are two groups of characters. One group is trying to catch Bo. We don't know why, but it can't be good. The billionaire in charge of this group doesn't have a mustache to twirl, but I'm sure he would if he had one. His main agent seems reasonably competent under normal chase and fight circumstances, but she is oddly oblivious of her ultimate quarry's powers. Didn't anyone tell her she's not chasing an ordinary child?

The other group is trying to prevent the first group from catching Bo. These are the Good guys, as in capital G good: they don't care about money, eschew the use of guns, and just generally want to make sure Bo stays free to help people. Clearly, they don't know how Bo is going to help anyone, because apparently even Bo herself doesn't understand her powers herself. But that doesn't matter, because they're Good.

The second group picks a guy named Tate to protect Bo and keep her away from the first group. Apparently, it doesn't matter that they have to pluck him off of Death Row, because, hey, he cleans up good after a shave and a haircut, and he apparently knows some Kung Fu. He also inexplicably takes an immediate shining (no pun intended) to Bo thanks to a some random butterflies, not that he would ever admit it: a recently sprung convict has to keep up his crusty, skeptical exterior (even when we can tell he has a heart of gold)!

My sarcasm may make it sound like I didn't particularly like Believe, but I did. For one thing, Alfonso Cuaron directed the first episode, and he presents us with some cinematic elements that TV rarely provides, such as an incredibly gripping car crash scene early on. But the best thing in this show is Bo. Johnny Sequoyah plays her with a wide-eyed innocence that disguises what I perceived to be a worldly and wise understanding of everything going on around her. This girl grabs your attention in every scene: I couldn't wait to see what she was going to do or say next every time she appeared on screen.

I enjoyed Believe a lot – I am very much looking forward to seeing where it goes!
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