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Guardians of Galaxy
auuwws2 November 2020
One of the funniest Marvel films is a comedy movie with distinction. A simple story. All the heroes of the film were excellent, especially Drax, Rocket, Groot, and Alcmestri among the heroes of the film was excellent. The music scene was great, especially Come And Get Your Love.
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andreascaloni1 March 2021
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy is a smart, funny, bright, weird and exciting movie. It's a dazzling spectacle of gloriously bizarre entertainment. It boasts of a talented cast, an awesome soundtrack and great special effects. Guardians feels at once both epic and intimate. James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy's one of Marvel's best films to date. Rating: 9,2
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One of the best mcu films
waqassaleem-852018 September 2020
It is a very fun and entertaining film. The story and screenplay is amazing. The direction by James Gunn is awesome. The CGI and visual effects of the film are outstanding. The film is one of the best MCU films humor wise. The performances of the cast are great. All the main characters are very likable. Definitely a must watch even if you aren't a superhero movie lover.
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One of my fav movie
rawonela22 December 2020
I don't know how marvel did that but man this movie was something, TBH I wasn't sure if that movie will success because It sounded like silly for me when I heard about talking raccoon and tree, suddenly they became one of my favorite characters in the MCU , Sorry marvel I was wrong.
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Fun, Exciting and Soulfull
risbyceonna14 June 2021
First off I just wanted to say how amazing this movie is. Everything is perfect from the soundtrack, colors, characters, visuals, storyline and tone. This movie is funny but can be serious when it needs to be, the characters have actual personalities and they grow as well. The soundtrack fits and is absolutely perfect, the color scheme completely matches the tone of the movie and the storyline connects and makes sense. My only problem is probably the villain, he could come off as cliche but he wasn't that bad and was an alright villain. 9/10, definitely recommend, you don't even have to do like marvel to like this movie it's just so fun!
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Resurrection of forgotten heroes!
Morejambo5415 April 2021
The biggest appeal of this movie, well there isn't one. There is multiple...the colours, the music, the action and the comedy all combine to create an epic and crazily fun superhero flick. The characters are really well written and all have great chemistry with on another. Along with the dialogue this allows the characters to be quite funny and have some really strong one-liners. The villain isn't terrible either but nothing special, he's pretty much just a strong guy that works for an even stronger guy. The plot is excellent, everything fits together well and moves at a good pace which means the film is very rewatchable. The action and special effects are obviously amazing, it is a high budget marvel movie after all, what do you expect? The soundtrack tho! So good, it pairs excellently with the humour and is brilliantly placed and timed with each scene. Even the actual movie theme(not the MUSIC music) is terrifically triumphant. Coming back to the characters, what makes them so special is that each one of them has a blatantly obvious flaw that means they all have competition with each other and gives so many options when it comes to humour and overall scenes and plot.
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Perfect Film Entertainment
denise-882-1390232 January 2021
This film is perfect entertainment. Sheer bliss from end to end. Watch it, laugh out loud and enjoy.
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A Visually Stunning Galaxy
CalRhys19 August 2014
With each new film they release, Marvel outdo themselves time after time, from 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' to 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' and now to this amazing and irreverent superhero space opera packed full of humour and action in a visually stunning galaxy. Admittedly, I have slowly become more and more bored with superhero films since the high point of DC's 'The Dark Knight' and Marvel's 'Avengers', however 'Guardians' was something that was truly different, something that truly blew me away and has, as a result, become what is arguably my favourite Marvel film. Previous Marvel films have tried too hard to place humour in situations that didn't require it, 'Guardians of the Galaxy' however employs it frequently and due to the constant stream of jokes it works perfectly. Chris Pratt is by far one of Marvel's best casting choices since Robert Downey Jr. as 'Iron Man', even beyond this the other acting bodies were cast perfectly. The visual effects are utterly stunning and the battle scenes are epic, 'Guardians' is a truly amazing and thrilling superhero flick full of visual splendour.
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"The Avengers" of space
Wuchakk25 December 2014
The Guardians of the Galaxy first appeared in 1969 and in various Marvel comics of the mid-70s, like The Defenders, before appearing as the main attraction in Marvel Premiere in 1976-77. The Guardians are like the Avengers (or Justice League) of space, a superhero team with a revolving door line-up.

This popular 2014 film was based on the 2008 version of the team, which includes Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), Rocket Raccoon (voice of Bradley Cooper) and Groot (voice of Vin Diesel). The movie details how these characters meet and become the Guardians of the Galaxy as they square off against Ronan (Lee Pace), Nebula (Karen Gillan) and the intimidating Thanos (Josh Brolin). Michael Rooker is also on hand as Yondu, the space redneck who kidnapped Peter Quill (Star-Lord) from earth when he was a boy.

I'm only familiar with the 70's team, which included Star-Lord, Gamora and Drax, as well as the villains Thanatos and Ronan. It was fun seeing these characters come to life on the big screen. The movie combines elements of The Avengers, Star Trek and Star Wars and is a thrilling blockbuster that's fun, but probably too goofy at times for people who prefer the dead seriousness of Nolan's Batman trilogy. As far as galaxy-traveling superheroes go, I prefer the more-serious-albeit-still-amusing tone of "Thor" and "Thor 2."

Despite that cavil, I liked the way these independent, misfit anti-heroes slowly learn to gel as a team and even care for each other as the story progresses. Their initial selfish goals morph into a noble universal cause. Gamora is my favorite character, followed by Drax, Rocket and Groot. The sinister Thanos -- Jim Starlin's knock-off of Jack Kirby's Darkseid -- is excellently depicted in his brief appearance.

The film runs 121 minutes.

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Flaws but Decent on Action and Plot
Floated216 August 2015
Guardians of the Galaxy starring Chris Pratt as Peter Quill proves to be the ideal leading man, carrying the bulk of the film and making the cocky, self-centered Quill likable enough to garner our sympathies and get us to root for his redemption without dulling the guy's edge. Saldana is the perfect foil for him, cutting Quill down to size before falling for him. It's Diesel and Cooper who steal the majority of the spotlight, however; Rocket and Groot are fascinating and wonderfully realized creations, and the two actors do a superb job of acting through the CGI "makeup" to make them stand out as flesh and blood people. Cooper's approach to the killer raccoon plumbs new levels of sarcasm. Bautista also surprises; Drax is written as an alien whose people take everything literally, setting up some choice gags that the former MMA fighter-turned- thespian delivers with perfect timing and the deadest of deadpan deliveries. In the end the film has been praised and the hype has matched the praise, however the film struggles mid way and becomes a decent action film. Perhaps a second and more viewing would be necessary.
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Pelvic sorcery saves the galaxy
utgard1415 November 2014
Like a lot of other people, I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie. To say it exceeded my expectations would be an understatement. It's a clever and fresh gem in the stable of Marvel films. One of the best they've put out so far. The script is full of funny lines but it's also got lots of good character stuff with earned emotional moments. The action and effects are nice. The cast is great, including those just doing voices. Chris Pratt does a wonderful job blending the comic relief with the superhero. The soundtrack of old pop songs is terrific and integrated into the plot perfectly. The homages to Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and more are fun. Which is the simplest and best word to describe this movie: fun. You'll have a blast watching it.
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Extremely over-rated
wahlberg-alex14 September 2014
I seem to be the only one that found this movie to childish, i think that it was a real big shame that they tried to make the movie so that children were allowed to watch it. For example, not a single human dies during the movie, Starlord just uses his electric shock thing when he fires at humans. And the movie was to "un-serious", there were jokes every minute which made it impossible to watch the movie at the cinema because everyone just laughed like hell when there was a small joke that actually wasn't funny at all, well some jokes were a little funny but none of them made me laugh. I may sound like a horrible person for doing this but the only time i laughed was at the beginning of the movie when (SPOILER ALERT) starlord's mom was lying sick in the hospital, me and my friend started laughing uncontrollably and i don't even know why. I guess that we started laughing because we knew that you aren't supposed to laugh to those things. Everyone stared at us... Anyways the movie also had lots of predictibale moments and some parts of it was a little clichè, (POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT) and the end battle that they made you look forward to was the most anti climax end to a movie i have ever seen, they killed the main villain so quick. Overall the effects and animated things in the movie were extremely good, the setting was good, the jokes were al little entertaining but there were way too many jokes in the movie and there was a lack of death and gore, the the movie was way too short and the characters didn't have time to develop, and the plot was way to predictable and cliché. You didn't see any blood or gore during the movie at all which made the movie way to comedic. I would prefer the movie to be more serious and "grown up". I would give it 6/10 but that is for people over 11 y.o, for a child this movie would be perfect, from the perspective of a child i would have given it 9.5/10. And if they had made it less childish i would switch the scores so that it was 9.5/10 for people over 11 and 6/10 for children. I hope that the sequel will be more grown up. (The sequel's plot is also very predictable, if you have seen the first one you will know exactly what will happen in the second one.)
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Pop is eating itself.
ReelLover8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In a previous review, one writer said that Marvel could have "played it safe, but went into a bold new direction".

Well I don't know about you, but filling a movie with pop culture references to hook the money-spending adult-child demographic of 30 and 40 somethings, in what is quite literally "just another sci-fi adventure", is NOT taking a risk.

From the very minute the film started I knew I was going to be manipulated in the most direct way, but even then sometimes you ask for it, like watching "Old Yeller" for example. But in the case of GOTG, it's pretty much shoveled in our mouths from the beginning, and with more than a spoonful of sugar.

Some have compared this movie to Star Wars (which it's not), and even while that film was derivative of Saturday morning serials and classic science fiction films and TV, what made Star Wars unique is the creative ways it tips it's hat at the genre, and more specifically how hard everyone worked to make it their own. There was more depth to it, and it left you wondering, "didn't we see that in something else"? However GOTG embellishes with pop culture, very much like the roller-coaster ride operator who turns on the top 40 or R&B station while he locks you in your seat. That's not creating something unique, it's hopping on the back of something that's previously established, and it takes no effort to do so, only money.

But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. In going through the other reviews, on almost every page someone writes their summary as "Hooked on a Feeling". If that doesn't resemble Pavlov's Dog, I don't know what else could.

I DID like Guardian's of the Galaxy for it's art design, effects, stunts, sound design, and the battered underscore by Tyler Bates which was brilliant. But with scenes in which we have Chris Pratt making Kevin Bacon sound like a universal liberator of man during a romantic scene with Zoe Saldana, (and who references his name later in the film like a punch line) this movie is the epitome of that age old prediction, "Pop Will Eat Itself".

Speaking of Pratt, I felt he's probably the weakest leading man I've ever encountered in a blockbuster film. He felt like a composite of Indiana Jones, Norma Rae and Oliver Twist all mixed into one. I cared not a single moment for his well being, his past or even his future.

So no, Marvel didn't play it safe. Not by a long shot. They knew what they were doing when they licensed these songs, filled the dialog with prime time nods and then threw a bunch of fireworks at us. Not having read the comic, if these same kinds of references are in there, I'm sure I will find out soon enough. But that just reinforces my argument anyway, and leaves one to ask if we should expect more depth of storytelling, character development and not-so-easy references to day to day life from big budget features (I do!), or is it safe to say that today's blockbuster films will sacrifice originality for commonality and we should just go with it?

Either way, since this is obviously the first in a new franchise, I'm sure we will find out what Marvel's priorities are in the next installment. Let's hope it's not just "The next Empire Strikes Back".
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I AM Amazed
klammi20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Guardians of the Galaxy is a pleasantly surprising SyFy thriller for this generation. The film stars Chris Pratt as Peter aka Star-Lord, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Bradley Cooper as the voice of Rocket, Vin Diesel as the voice of Groot, and Dave Bautista as Drax. This all-star cast does an amazing job bringing these characters to life. If you like any of the Marvel Avengers movies you will love the humor and action of this family-friendly film. Peter is a human from planet Earth that has a bounty on his head when Rocket, a talking raccoon that was developed in a lab, and Grout a walking tree come along and try to capture him to collect the bounty on him. In the meantime, Gamora comes along trying to steal the Orb that Peter has in his possession. This group of misfits that end up crossing paths, all at the same time, end up being put into prison where they meet Drax. Drax lost his family at the hands of Gamora's gang, therefore Drax wants revenge and to kill her. This group of enemies ends up having to rely on each other to escape prison. In the beginning, they are trying to kill one another or use each other for personal gain. In order to ensure their personal gain, they end up having to try and keep one another alive. By protecting each other they begin to create a bond. I feel that the music along with the special effects that were used for this film is what makes it great. The music speaks to what is happening in the film and the emotions that the character is feeling at that time. They were consistent and the use of the music shows the time frame in which Peter left Earth. The differences in the feeling during the scenes are also shown in the lighting and special effects. The lighting and special effects during the fight scenes show quicker cuts, as opposed to the times during the film when the characters are more relaxed, in which the director pans across the scene moving with the characters. The director and the all-star cast pull the audience in and do an excellent job bringing the characters to life while leaving them asking what could be next for this group of friends. If you like humor in your SyFy films you will love this cinematic sensation.
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the Rolling Stones of outer space
t-hf23 August 2014
So Guardians of the Galaxy is finally out and how is it?....it matches every expectation you had about it. Essentially, it is an absurdly fun, cheesy, old-fashioned space adventure with a superhero edge. For those of you who didn't know, the Guardians are pretty much the polar opposite of the Avengers - they're loud, brash, free-spirited, and most of all.....human....or as human as you can be being 4 aliens and 1 human. Unlike the Avengers, they don't play nice when it comes to saving the galaxy.

This movie has so much going for it that you can't really explain it in one paragraph but all you need to know is that the humour is great, the action is non-stop, the drama is riveting and genuinely heartwarming, the soundtrack rocks and unlike most superhero teams - everyone of the guardians are 100% awesome in their own way.

I won't spoil the plot for you but i will say that what makes Guardians work so well is that it has a genuinely good-natured, back to basics, rock n' roll approach that has swagger and style aplenty. Despite their late entry into the Marvel franchise, rest assured that the guardians are here stay and will be defending a galaxy near you soon.
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There is a lot to like
r96sk18 January 2021
When planning how I was going watch all these MCU films, this is one I earmarked as being one I thought I'd enjoy - not based on anything of note, I knew very little, but from the passing screenshots and such I had seen it seemed like one I'd enjoy. I'm happy to say I certainly did!

'Guardians of the Galaxy' is so enjoyable. It's 121 minutes of pure entertainment. It does, at least to me, have a different feel to it when compared to the nine preceding MCU films. That's not a negative for either this or those earlier productions, it just felt different to me.

I particularly enjoyed the cast, which features - as is customary at this point - a load of well known names. Chris Pratt is, probably, the perfect choice for Peter, he carries the role extremely well - his humour sticks out, but he also performs the more serious stuff nicely.

Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper and Michael Rooker are all thoroughly enjoyable too. Vin Diesel (kinda?) appears to portray Groot, which pleases me as someone who is a big fan of 'Fast & Furious'. There are a few others in there, including Djimon Hounsou and Benicio del Toro. Terrific cast!

There is a lot to like here. I look forward to seeing the follow-ups to it.
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reddiemurf818 August 2020
The MCU is putting out a movie about these 5 misfits in space called the GOTG? Eh,, I'll go see it. I've liked everything else they've done.

Well,,, I do believe the gamble that MCU rolled the dice on has paid off more than they could've imagined!! Even RDJ said this movie was the best thing to have come out of the MCU at that point, and we're not going to argue with Ironman. So take a journey with Starlord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot!
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Generally funny and entertaining, helping it get over the occasional more serious hump
bob the moo15 November 2014
A lot of articles have been written about just how many comic-book hero movies there are in the market and planned for the coming years; they talk about viewer fatigue and market saturation and other such terms. They perhaps have a point but it is hard to really pay it much mind when the genre produces films which are fun and entertaining. With its massive success and the fact that it comes with association to already successful franchises, Guardians of the Galaxy perhaps looks like an easy film, but I do wonder how much people were taking a risk when they greenlit a sci-fi film based on an pretty much unknown comic book series, with a lot of things that could potentially have been really silly; seeing Howard the Duck in here is also a reminder of how something that is quite cool in theory can fail to connect to the audience.

What makes it work though is that it is really light fun, easy to get lost in because you are laughing or smiling for the majority of it. It is at its best when the main characters are allowed to do their thing, with the best laughs coming from the banter between them (who would have thought that wrestler Bautista would have such great comic timing). The silliness is kept at bay by how tightly funny it is; it is sharp, daft, cool and engaging. The actors do well, with Pratt being charming fun, Saldana being more than just a figure, Cooper having a lot of presence with his voice, Bautista getting lots of laughs with his straight delivery, while Vin Diesel (who must have wondering if they were making fun of him with this casting) produces one of the most lovable characters with only a few lines of dialogue.

While the cast have good timing, it should also be said that the film does too – for example cutting away briefly during an action sequence for one line to get a good laugh. The film unfortunately is not quite as strong when it has more serious or narrative driven moments. The opening of the film is a good example of this, but it is just as relevant during more intense moments or serious 'franchise' moments, because it still needs to be a film. The mix just about works, and the laughs, fun and cool silliness carry it across moments where it has none of this.

It is not a work of art, and it is not as remarkable or brilliant as some would have you believe, but it is still very entertaining. In a genre filled with action-packed but overly serious films, or films that are just silly in a bad way, it is quite refreshing to be able to watch such a film, laugh all the way through it and come out having enjoyed it a lot for how well it balances, judges and delivers the humor consistently.
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Please don't feel like you HAVE to laugh.
BA_Harrison8 August 2014
There's a moment in Guardians of the Galaxy when Rocket, the film's talking raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), is accused of faking his laugh; coincidentally, there were quite a few people in the cinema I went to who I could have hurled the same accusation at. Yes, GOTG features a couple of genuinely funny moments, but it also has more than its fair share of gags that fall flat and certainly do not warrant the kind of belly laughs that I could hear (probably coming from deluded Marvel fan-boys).

However, even with its frequently-less-than-hilarious comedic moments, this big-budget dollop of sci-fi comic book silliness still manages to be quite a lot of mindless popcorn fun, delivering enough weird and wonderful characters, fantastic worlds, spectacular action set-pieces and impressive special effects wizardry to guarantee a reasonably fun time. Director James Gunn's eclectic and vibrant universe is brimming with such imagination and visual splendour, all accompanied by a poptastic '70s/'80s soundtrack, that the film proves a treat for the senses despite its obvious shortcomings elsewhere.
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A Stunning Surprise
Loving_Silence26 July 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy is nothing short of an amazing movie. If there's anything I can say, it's that it is the best superhero movie I have seen. Not only does it have the impressive set pieces and enough action to last you a lifetime, it has an emotional core and you actually get to care about each and every single character. Overall this movie is filled with all the required thrills and spills and is a first class action movie. It also has a great mixture of comedic value and a deal of seriousness.

The film's unlikely hero is Quill (Chris Pratt), an eccentric gunfighter in the Han Solo mould who we meet stealing a metal orb coveted by the evil warlord Ronan. When he dispatches his top assassin, the green- skinned Gamora (Zoe Saldana), to recover the artifact, the pair find themselves locked up, along with the galaxy's most unlikely bounty hunters – a gun-toting raccoon (Bradley Cooper) and his sidekick (Vin Diesel) who just happens to be a walking tree. All the actors do a great job at portraying there characters, they feel real beings. You get to know about them and their struggles and you become attached to them. Every character in the movie got their time to shine, especially Rocket Raccoon who is voiced perfectly by Bradley Cooper. Everyone is pitch perfect in their roles even Batista!

For those that want specifics: effects were top notch, acting was excellent, story lines were compelling, the comedy was perfect 99.5% of the time and surprise there were a lot of one line typical superhero zingers that worked really well. What really can't be stressed enough is just how insanely fun and entertaining Guardians of the Galaxy is for literally its entire two-hour-plus run-time. I still have a hard time wrestling with who was my favorite actor in this. all in all, the film is brilliantly well done, action scenes are engrossing and genuinely done, you genuinely worry about certain characters and I for one was thrilled with it. Go see this.
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Fun but nothing special
markbxnet20 August 2014
I was very excited to see this movie. I love sci-fi and super hero movies and considering the glut of them out there, this one was sure to top them all. The good thing is that this movie does not require you to know anything about the back story, the characters, or even what the heck you're getting into other than it's a sci-fi super hero fantasy world. It reminded me of a Firefly meets Indiana Jones combination.

The problem I ran into is that it was quite formulaic, quite a bit predictable and overall tried a bit too hard to be funny at times. I'm a big sci-fi geek and am able to suspend disbelief for the sake of entertainment but the character makeup made them look, well, made up, like I was watching a play as opposed to a feature film. Maybe the fidelity of films are getting so high that it's difficult to mask the makeup, but it just seemed like too much of a distraction to me.

In no way am I saying this movie is bad. It's very good. Just not great. Maybe if I was fan of the characters I would have enjoyed it more, but overall I couldn't see it as the smash hit 10/10 everyone is giving it.
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The Black Swan of the MCU
Moviedude907 February 2021
It has character, plot, plot twist, grandiosity, and most of all, resolve. In addition, it's almost unfair how much nostalgia they poured into that soundtrack. I had fun with it
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Fun family film
andyreynolds-115 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As could possibly be expected, fighting over earth was always going to become a little repetitive so now the galaxy needs to be defended, or guarded as it were by a ragtag collection of miss-fits called simply enough the Guardians of the Galaxy.

These guardians are a collection of lost souls led by earthling Peter Quill (although he prefers the more swashbuckling moniker, Star-Lord); the green skinned and highly dangerous Gamora; a vengeance fueled warrior Drax with his blue muscular body adorned in red tattoo's, a psychotic yet industrious raccoon called Rocket and his side-kick the walking tree named Groot. They are brought together by accident and happenstance to save a planet (not earth, surprisingly) from the villain of the piece, Ronan the Accuser.

The story is part Star War, part Raiders of the Lost Ark which I would prefer to consider an homage while some are suggesting a blatant rip off (although the Guardians in comic book form actually predate Lucas and Spielberg's respective films). What happens? Well in a nutshell, Quill finds an item Ronan needs. The hero is compelled to work with Gamora, Drax, Rocket & Groot to get out of trouble and before you know it we have a team with the best parts of each malcontent brought to the fore.

As far as performance is concerned who were my favourite characters? Groot and Rocket Raccoon, the animated characters voiced by Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper respectively. Some would say Mr Diesel had the simpler challenge as his walking tree didn't say a lot, in fact hardly anything. But he conveyed his emotions using only a few words which made for a truly intriguing and amusing character. Bradley Cooper continues to go from strength to strength in every role he inhabits on the screen and again here he was as lively and interesting as he was in American Hustle or Silver Linings Playbook.

Former WWE wrestler Dave Bautista acted about as well as anyone you would expect with that kind of background but his character is meant to be a moron so he's believable. Zoe Saldana as the assassin Gamora was competent as both a fighter and the romantic interest. The term "coloured actress" is never more accurate then when describing Ms Saldana given her (blue) role in Avatar and (green) in this film. Surely she would be begging her agent to find her a role in a black & white film so she can avoid arriving at the make-up trailer before sunrise? The lead and hero of the film is the "Ravager" Peter Quill (or Star-Lord) played by Chris Pratt of Parks & Recreation fame. I was surprised to see Pratt in the role as he has always seemed more of a side-kick or comic relief kind of actor. In Parks & Recreation he plays a no-hoper but I suppose he did it pretty well if I assumed he was just that? According to his bio, Chris worked out and dieted for 6 months to lose nearly 30 kilos for this role which left him with 6 pack abs and the ability to flog his exercise regimen on late night TV for the rest of his life... but I digress. In this role he was okay. Perhaps they specifically wanted someone a little rough around the edges or basically unknown? Who knows what Matt Damon or Johnny Depp could have done with this character? Alright they probably would have done it better but Chris tried hard.

Overall the acting (from the human characters) was okay but could have been better. I actually blame the director & writer James Gunn as it felt for at least half the film the actors were compelled to deliver lines with Shakespearean passion and it wasn't until the second half of the feature that they were allowed to loosen up. Special mention should go to Michael Rooker, Glenn Close and John C Reilly. The veterans played their small roles comfortably and with a charm the lead players weren't afforded.

If I have a major complaint it's with the villains. Ronan the main baddie for this effort and his superior Thanos (presumably the bad guy for the sequel) are so dreadfully one dimensional that it's impossible to understand why they would have any supporters. Why would their battalions of soldiers fight for them? Just to defeat people they didn't know? To destroy planets and ruin the lives of anyone who comes near them? Sure it's why people join the US Republican Party or the NRA but this is a fantasy realm. It's completely impossible to imagine the bad guys being anything than exactly that so as soon as we were introduced to the evil doers the result of the film was obvious. If there was a saving grace for the bad guy team it was Nebula (played by former Dr Who side-kick Karen Gillan) who as the half-sister to Gamora gave us the only evil character we could imagine changing sides and having any empathy.

The Guardians of the Galaxy is a quirky picture with plenty for everyone. There's plenty of colour and movement with loud bangs and explosions for the younger generations along with a few good laughs for the rest of us. Was it motion picture history? No. Does it stack up against the great Sc-Fi or adventure films? Not really but myself, my wife and two teenage daughters happily repeated our favourite moments on the way home from the cinema so we certainly got our monies worth from an action film that didn't take itself too seriously and will more than likely do it again when the sequel hits our screens.
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Not sure I saw the same movie that people are raving about...
alvaran-g2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The plot was predictable. The characters aren't original. I guess the younger crowd and die hard fans will probably like it but as an avid movie fan Guardians kind of disappointed me. Acting was kind of terrible too. Bautista played Drax as if Drax was TRYING to sound intelligent. He couldn't pull off the smart brute. Zoe tried too hard to be bad a$$ and it wasn't natural. The Collector... Don't get me started... What reason was there for The Collector to even open and show anybody the Infinity Stone? It's a super powerful object that he knew was very powerful, why show Thanos' daughter or the outlaw? The bad guys were the worst, so campy. Ronin reminded me of a pro wrestler during an interview. Like Ultimate Warrior on a rant. Only good acting came from Thanos and Rocket. Yep, the CGIs. The final battle was whack. The ships lined up to form a net to stop the super ship and the good guy ships were below shooting bad guy ships who we're dive bombing the city. The worst was when they tried to replicate that scene in Avengers when Hulk was slamming Loki around but instead it was Groot shooting his tendrils through a bunch of bad guys and skewering them then slamming them unnecessarily back and forth against walls. The ending was so cheesy when John C Reiley was all sappy about his wife and kid being saved who they showed in the end as a woman and her daughter who earlier was part of a scene where they were almost crushed. Booooring.... The movie wasn't terrible but after reading the super reviews on IMDb, I had to say something.
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