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Not an Adaptation
yevhenyia15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For those who read and understood Edgar Poe's stories, the new Flanagan's work would be a revelation. I agree with some other reviewers that the naming of this show is somewhat misleading, especially for viewers who are trying to compare it to "The Fall of the House of Usher" story. It is not an adaptation. It is a hommage to Poe's legacy and the ideas the author encapsulated in his works. You can easily notice the reference to at least one of Poe's stories or poems in each episode: "The Masque of the Red Death," "The Black Cat," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Gold-Bug," "The Raven." And maybe even more (I read Poe a long time ago). Flanagan captured Poe's gothic atmosphere and core ideas and translated them through the modern context and language, which many, I think, did not like.
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Quintessentially Edgar.
TheEveningSoother14 October 2023
In my opinion, polarising creations are always fascinating, and generally I don't think ill of people who happen to dislike what I enjoy very much. I'm not particularly fond of being meta in my reviews either, but I feel that in the case of "The Fall of the House of Usher" something needs to be said on this matter.

I'm not going to question personal taste when it comes to the technical aspects of this show, such as acting, directing, and production value. Personally, I think is an excellent TV series graced by some seriously spectacular money shots (the rave party's abrupt ending comes to mind), but that's just my take.

The hill I'm ready to die on is about whether or not Flanagan did justice to Poe's work, and I'm afraid I won't be very forgiving to whoever says he didn't.

Poe didn't just write Gothic literature, he added heavy personal touches to it that would eventually become genre-defying, and ultimately, the most iconic aspects of his work. If you ask Chat GPT to write like Poe, that's what you'll get.

But whilst extremely picturesque and entertaining - and tempting, from a Production's pov (the costumes, the Victorian gloomy setting, the riddles, it's a guaranteed spectacle) - those elements are the proverbial arabesques on top of something infinitely more substantial.

The deep psychological implications of his work is what makes Poe a genius, and not just a good writer. The man described illnesses and neuro-divergences centuries before there was even a name for them. He delved in universal fears and anxieties that not only have transcended his time, they couldn't be more relevant today: the unhealthy approach toward death, living in an alienating society that has lost its human touch, feeling the constant pressure of uncertainty.

The core of Poe's work is bleak and modern, and Flanagan captured it to perfection with "The Fall of the House of Usher". Above the must-have iconic references, he resisted the easy road of a shallow costume piece, and focused his script to what's underneath instead. I, for once, can't praise him enough for it.

The only reservation I may have with this TV series is about the title's choice, which may have mislead some spectator to believe that this was going to be an adaptation of the eponymous short novel instead of a broad homage to Poe's greatest hits.

Other than that, as a longtime fan of Poe's work, I won't shy from stating that "The Fall of the House of Usher" is storytelling at its best, and nothing short of one of the most quintessential Poe-esque piece of content in existence.
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A love letter to Edgar Allan Poe
joshuaanastasialove14 October 2023
Mike Flanagan is clearly a Poe fan. The fall of the house of usher is my favorite Poe story. The 1960 Vincent Price film of that story is one of my favorite movies of all time. I came into this expecting a similar story told longer. That is not what I got.

After the first episode I was actually kind of annoyed because I wasn't getting it. I didn't get how this was the house of usher. I thought it was beautiful and it definitely grabbed my attention but it wasn't what I was expecting to be. And then after a few episodes I realized what was happening. Every episode is a modern retelling of an Edgar Allan Poe story. And then tying each of those stories into the house of usher. It was genius. Some people will catch that by reading the titles of each episode but I honestly didn't pay any attention to that until I was four episodes in. Obviously the episode title does give away what the story in that episode will be but then the creative journey will show us how it ties to our main story.

I think from start to finish this entire project was so well done. The acting is outstanding. Every special effect was marvelous. The sets were beautiful and unique. The writing and the directing are top knots. There are definitely some beautiful and unique shots in this work. I could honestly write a book about how much I loved this. This is something I will watch again and again.
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A binge worthy series, once again.
Sleepin_Dragon18 October 2023
A huge family run empire at the height of its powers begins so crumble, as one by one the heirs and offspring begin to die.

It's a binge worthy eight part series, one you won't want to end. It's a twisted look at one greed and vanity can do, even among siblings.

It's dark and twisted, it gets better with every passing episode, Flanagan knows only too well how to spin a yarn, and this is another wonderful series. The final episode was perhaps my favourite segment, how rare for a series to end on such a high note, it's wonderful.

Beautifully produced as you'd expect, you get a real insight into what life is like for those that live with huge wealth, sadly they're all monstrous, every single time you think an Usher has come good, you have to think again.

It highlights what it is to have everything, and what it is to have nothing, only you have to question what exactly is worth having, does wealth amount to anything at all ultimately?

Lots of familiar faces, and they all perform, it's worth seeing for Mark Hamill alone, although it owes a great debt to the versatility of Carla Gugino, who gets some show stealing scenes.

Am already counting down for the next Flanagan series.

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A Gilded Dance with Demons
ruidanielbarrossss14 October 2023
In the vast realm of storytelling, some tales strike us silent, and this is undoubtedly one of those.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" transports us to a world of opulent elites, drowning in their vices without remorse, willing to sacrifice their own kin for vanity. They believe their wealth can shield them from consequences, but as with all tales, reckoning awaits. This series, a true marvel to my eyes, sparks deep thoughts with its superb direction and unforgettable performances.

Bruce Greenwood, already a talented actor, truly shines in this series, though he's not the only star. The entire cast delivers exceptional performances.

The writing is beyond the usual small screen fare, exquisite and captivating.

I can't definitively say if this is Mike Flanagan's best work, but it's undoubtedly among his finest.
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Ambitious. Sometimes forced. But overall engaging.
Otkon14 October 2023
It doesn't really get going until the end of the second episode. So bear with it.

Because this is monumental in its undertaking. It is no secret that this is an amalgamation of dozens of Poe stories and references that goes well beyond the titular source.

That being said, the modern updates to the principle tales are entertaining. The overall story being a Succession-like narrative of a unscrupulous family with a corporate empire and their ultimate decline. Not a spoiler - it's literally the title.

Each member of the family is then given their own chapter further inspired by another major Poe tale (or two). Within those there are even more minute details from increasingly obscurer Poe works. Like the security guard's moniker and the name of the ubiquitous pharmaceutical.

Sometimes the poetic monologues and voice-over get a little contrived, shoehorned and corny. But when all is said and done, the multi-threaded nature of the narrative meshes and resolves satisfactorily.

I enjoyed it.
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Stop comparing every new series to the haunting of hill house
krl_kat14 October 2023
I loved the show and the performances. What I don't actually love is seeing negative reviews of people that keep expecting Flanagan to make a series that's similar to the haunting of hill house. Don't get me wrong,that show was also my favorite like it was to many other people but I believe that every series should be appreciated in its own way. I would recommend everybody to give this series a try because it won't disappoint you. Also what I really enjoy is the fact that Flanagan recasts the same actors,they are all very talented and I've grown to admire them very much. I'm already waiting for Flanagan's next project(hopefully it will be as good as the others and not like midnight club which is the only one that I didn't particularly like).
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More family drama than horror.
abhijithjsocial27 November 2023
This is a series that can be in the family drama genre rather than in horror and mystery genres. It's a good drama series that used only enough violence and nudity the story demands.

The fall of an evil pharmaceutical family company known as Usher Family, the death of each of the heirs of that company and the mystery of their deaths is the summary of the series.

The heart of this series is the characters and the actors performances. It really hooks the audience rather than the horror elements of the scenarios.

A binge worthy series created by Mike Flanagan, inspired from the gothic short stories written by the American writer and poet Edgar Allen Poe in the 1800's which Flanagan developed in a way that it is related to the things happening in the present world.
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Fall Of The House of Sackler
celt00715 October 2023
It's not scary it's a mystery that takes too many episodes to spin the web of integrated Edgar Allen Poe stories and poems into a retelling of the House Of Usher . Good idea but in the end it's long and a bit boring , Bruce Greenwood is fantastic as usual a great actor , the rest of the cast also good . I just found the plot to convoluted and contrived to fit in the stories of Edgar Allen Poe. Tale Tale Heart , The Cask of Amontillado, the Black Cat ,the Gold bug. The Masque of The red death , so in and so forth ...

Great idea but I found it too slow to binge I suppose it would be better as a non binge series .

Love the nod to the Saclker family and Purdue Pharma and the opioid deaths they caused globally .

The real evil.
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There are a lot of polarized reviews here.
Evangelion_Unit_0213 October 2023
The bulk of the reviews seem to have this polarized Mike Flannagan hate going on. So you can really write off half the reviews. If you havent liked Flannagan's work, why are you people watching it?

What you need to know, is that this is a homage to all of Poe's work. Rating it poorly because it isn't a prevoius remake, seems extremely short sighted.

By now you've read the story is set around the house of Usher. Like many of Flannagan's stories, they are designed to be end to end stories. Which is what I prefer. The Usher house hold is the story of rich people, greed, and overall evil people.

Many people cite the parallels of Succession, and they feel like it's underwhelming by comparison. I, however, do not. I actually don't like Succession. Just like many of HBO's series they are drawn out wwwwaaaayyyy to long. This is not. You get what you get for the 8 episodes.

Mike gets a lot of the actors he continues to work with,and Carla Gugino absolutely kills it in this role. She uses a myriad of accents, and makes the central theme of the series take on a life of it's own.

Many persons point to predictability in the plot, but if you've read The Raven, or any of Poe's other works you'll know how things are going to go down. This is a homage again. Looking for something new and exciting other than story telling and visuals will set you up for disappointment.
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Good story and structure, but is over sexualized.
zack_gideon13 October 2023
It's a fun show I guess. It's nothing like Haunting of Hill House which is an utter masterpiece. This show is modern, thus delves into garbage like orgies, "starfishing" which I had to look up.

You quickly learn how debased and garbage all the bloodline kids are, so you look forward to watching them die. It's kind of a play maybe on how trashy society is now, but I don't think that's the point.

The point was to modernize Edgar Allen Poe's work, which is a cool idea, but impossible to really do. Definitely a good show, the acting and cinematography was top level. I just lost my interest a little with all the 2023 trash.

Society is on the down slope, sexuality is being weaponized and exploited and I felt this show really didn't allow the stories to come through, but instead cowered down to the new normal of over sexualizing things with words and images.

Overall a good show, but kids shouldn't watch it. 7/10.
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A compelling story that happens to be scary and a thriller.
schultzmben15 October 2023
Perhaps the most alluring thing about this director is how committed he is to telling a good story and this is definitely a good story. Like all his works, there are scary moments and jump scares but that isn't the point. The point is the story being told and the story being told in the House of Usher is as dark as it is mysterious.

I loved every minute of this series and binged it in one day. There's something so compelling about the story, it's narrated like Bly Manor and these characters are both relatable at point and yet so far removed from reality that you almost cheer when bad things befall them.

Given our current political climate I think it's no mistake that the family depicted here is wealthy beyond measure, own an opioid pushing drug company, and out greed above all things.

Flannigan has done it again and I cannot WAIT to see what he does after leaving Netflix. This mini series format seems to suit him and I'd love to see what his work would look like with the resources of HBO.
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Possibly more satire than horror...
newark-6108614 October 2023
The show works if you're willing to see the satirical element of it, not if you are expecting a straightforward horror story or a faithful Poe adaptation.

The characters are as over the top, as their deaths. They are evil and ruthless caricatures, who rely on fancy speech and an aristocratic act in a (failing) attempt to dress themselves up as exceptional, as genius innovators who "change the world", while none of their big "ideas" are actually theirs and their motivations are rooted in basic greed and vanity.

The fact that the marketing leans so heavily on Poe as an inspiration is ... well, questionable. The gothic horror element in this series is more of a visual, tonal backdrop and the connection to Poe's stories mostly presents itself as a wink to them, rather than a nod.
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True Poe Fan
cdanielleray-1875513 October 2023
I have read several of the reviews and wonder if most people either didn't watch the whole series or aren't as familiar with Poe as they think.

I thought this was BRILLIANT. This isn't just about The Fall of the Usher House. This is a collective work of several of Poe's writings.

Read the episode titles and then watch the show. I promise it will make it much more enjoyable and keep you wondering how a modern take on classics stories might be told.

I am a Flanagan fan. I love the use of actors from project to project. They are a perfect working group.

It was awesome to see Mark Hamill again. Although I must admit his character was very creepy.

This will be a favorite that I watch again and again. I'm sure I will see, hear and feel more of Poe each time.
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An oddly engrossing series.
obeidallahmohmmed15 June 2024
Mike Flanagan is by far one of the most iconic horror directors. Granted, it is not platonically based on the novel by Edgar Allan Poe but it has the series has its own touch. Every minute of this series worships Poe but rather than directly translating the author's tale of a man whose internal rot is symbolized by his crumbling abode, the director (M. Flanagan) uses the short story as what could almost be described as the wraparound segment in an anthology, with each chapter tackling another one of Poe's fables while mummified in the wrappings of 'The Fall of the House of Usher.' What comes out of that mummification is some of Flanagan's sharpest work. The scenes are extremely gory, and the performances are impeccable.
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Mike Flanagan has done it again
moorejw-5241512 October 2023
I absolutely loved Haunting Of Hill House and Midnight Mass, so I was REALLY looking forward to this. I am on episode two and I am not disappointed. Excellent cast (including Rahul Kohli, my crush), excellent story, and excellent scares!

Dark, mysterious, symbolic, and the perfect amount of light humor. I love that he uses the same actors throughout; it shows a lot of their versatility. And now Mark Hamill is part of the cast! I read somewhere that this might be his last show and I really hope that's not true. Mike is one of the few directors left making genuinely fantastic horror.

I recommend watching his other shows if you haven't already.
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A great modern tribute to the literature of Edgar Allan Poe
Elvis-Del-Valle7 December 2023
This series produced by Netflix is not only based on the story The Fall Of The House Of Usher, it is a series that combines several elements and plots from some of Edgar Allan Poe's most popular stories. It has references to Poe's literature both in the scenes and in the dialogues that cite some of the texts used to construct this story. What the filmmakers decided to do makes sense because The Fall Of The House Of Usher is a short enough story to adapt into a series.

Here they decided to use the same formula that was used in The Raven adaptations that starred Bela Lugosi and John Cusack or some of the other Poe adaptations that were produced by Roger Corman. The series uses the mythology of Poe's literature to construct a story that works quite well. Although Poe is known for his style of gothic literature, the series chooses to do something more modern and aimed at generation Z. Surprisingly, this series manages to create a good balance, resulting in a modern series according to today's society and preserving the essence of Poe's works. Adaptations like Two Evil Eyes or The Black Cat by Lucio Fulci or others also took their free paths to do something more according to the time, with certain creative freedoms, but maintaining what makes Poe's works so dark and terrifying.

The Fall Of The House Of Usher decides to expand and deepen the story of the Ushers to understand what is happening and would be resorting to something similar to what Roger Corman did in his film House Of Usher, where he raised the idea that the Ushers were a family of criminals and that the family was cursed. Corman even recycled that idea in his adaptation of The Pit And The Pendulum. This series uses that idea by presenting the Ushers as a millionaire family who is vain, corrupt and full of unlimited power. The plot of the series and the horrors that the family members experience are constructed through other Poe stories.

The series is packed with elements and references to Poe's works such as The Masque Of The Red Death, The Black Cat, The Raven, Goldbug, The Tell-Tale Heart, Morella, Spirits Of The Dead, Lenore, The Pit And The Pendulum, For Annie, Annabel Lee, A Dream Within A Dream, The City And The Sea, The Murders In The Rue Morgue, The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym Of Nantucket, The Spectacles, The Premature Burial, Metzengerstein, Tamerlan And Other Poems, Ligeia, Some Words with a Mummy, Never Bet The Devil Your Head and Hop Frog which are fairly easy to identify for someone who knows Poe's works. Even Roderick Usher's past life in his younger years has a couple of nods to Poe's life.

The mysterious woman played by Carla Gugino is a very clear equivalent to the raven that has always been a symbolic element in the figure of Poe. The figure of the crow has always been taken into account in the adaptations of The Raven with Bela Lugosi, Vincent Prince and John Cusack and also in the prologue of Two Evil Eyes. The animated film Extraordinary Tales also took into account the raven, using it as a representation of Poe's soul in his conversation with death. It is clear that the raven has always been symbolized as the messenger or angel of death and in this series it is the personification of death that goes after those who are hungry for power offering them everything they want at a high price.

There is no doubt that The Fall Of The House Of Usher is a series that knows how to reflect the vision of Poe's works, maintaining essential elements of these such as corruption, vanity, greed, madness, perversion and death. With good performances, a witty script, good direction and a somber soundtrack by The Newton Brothers, The Fall Of The House Of Usher is one of the best Netflix series with a great mix of drama, horror, suspense and black humor and a great homage to the works of Edgar Allan Poe that makes it one of the best adaptations of this writer. My final rating for this series is a 9/10.
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It's ok but with dumb "diverse" casting.
El_Nastro17 December 2023
It's ok. The pacing ok, editing, music, acting is all acceptable.

But OF COURSE each of the six siblings is a Diversity Checkbox. They're supposed to be siblings, but GOD FORBID we have an ensemble cast that doesn't look like a UC Berkeley College Course Catalogue Cover.

The fact that they're supposed to be a family makes it even dumber. I know, I know...."but they all have different moms!!". Whatever. That's a lame explanation they came up with after-the-fact to explain the unbelievable racial "diversity" of the "family". One of the "siblings" is a black woman with an English accent. Makes perfect sense and is totally believable.

Meanwhile, the majority of humans in this universe are some kind of sexual deviant. There's apparently no heterosexual humans in this universe. They're all bisexual or gay because OF COURSE they are.

AND THEN...all the women are All-Confident Genius's. There's a part where the main guy gives a little speech about how his sister is "a once in a generation genius". Of course she is. She's an assertive in-control Grrl Boss genius, and he's just 2nd Fiddle. All the women are Assertive In-Control Genius Grrl Bosses and the men are....not.

All these things are dumb, annoying, and ruinsmy suspension of disbelief regardless of how good all the other elements are.
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Bruce Greenwood deserves an emmy
jsplumb-2774526 October 2023
I enjoyed pretty much everything about this series. The creative way the Poe stories were integrated to each episode and then tied all together with one big Usher bow. Just great.

However, the standout for me was Bruce Greenwood's performance. He, to me, really rose above the rest. I think it lies within the fact that he played against what we normally see from him: strong, stoic, often aloof characters. Seeing him as a sometimes pathetic soul: crying, crawling on the ground in terror, etc. Was fresh, unexpected and played perfectly (In my not so humble opinion). This will be a Halloween season classic for me from now on. Loved it.
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Style Over Substance
culmo20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had higher hopes for this series, but ....

First, I'll just say Bruce Greenwood and Carla Gugino owned every scene they were in. The rest of the cast were good, including an interesting role for Mark Hamill.

Visually, this is a stunning miniseries. The music also perfectly matches each scene. There are some real great scenes, but, those good parts aren't enough to make up for the show's shortcomings.

While the series is about the Usher family, each episode is essentially a take on a classic Poe tale. Some of these are done better than others. While I appreciated this approach, I wonder if they might have done better to stick to the original story a bit more. The deaths all sort of reminded me of the "Final Destination" movies, which seemed silly when you get the reveal as to why they are happening.

I've tried to put my finger on why this series doesn't work, and I think it's because there is no protagonist. None of the Ushers are good people--they're all deeply flawed with few redeeming qualities. Yes, yes, they all get their comeuppance, but Shadow Theory still applies--you need the light in order to have the shadow ... so who is the light? Auggie? He's a neutral character who mostly is a spectator; someone who listens to the story as Usher recounts the tragedies. As such, there isn't anyone you really pull for. From the get go, you know the Ushers are bad people, so their various demises aren't as horrific as they might be if you actually cared about them. Even in the most basic of slasher movies, there's a handful of decent characters you want to se live. Not so here.

And then there's the messages. Big Pharma bad is the predominant one. Okay, fine. Rich people can get away with murder. Yep, okay. And? This has all been done before.

Also, if you had any doubt whom the producers of this show vote for, you won't after you watch even one episode. And, yeah, I get it, Hollywood skews far to the left, but at least try to veil your politics a little better than this.

It actually gets laughable throughout the show as they are just overt in showcasing their political leanings, and that's a shame. Because as much as this show wants to be seen as a serious, high-brow slow-burn horror, the political jabs cheapen all that.

And during the final episode, during what should have been a very tense moment, they throw in a few lines of dialogue that are aimed at Trump. Why? Half the audience will laugh and pump their fists, the other half will roll their eyes. It accomplishes nothing except to dilute the climax of the show. It completely removes the audience from the moment whether they support Trump or hate him. And I don't consider myself a Trump supporter. But it's this lack of restraint on the writers that comes across as petty and childish, and it really flattened the ending.

There is another message in here, ones I doubt the writers were even aware of. During a rant by one of the characters in the final episode, she decries the Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Again ... way to take your audience out of the story. But, no surprise--again, Hollywood veers far left.

But, the irony here is this: the premise of this story is about two people who willingly sacrifice their offspring for money, power, and career. The writers were just too oblivious to realize what they had done.
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Enjoyed it!
tia_howe-235-86096812 October 2023
Hubby and I are in Iceland stuck in our room because of bad wind/snow storms. We binged this in an entire day. It was the perfect creepy show to watch. A fun spin on a Poe classic! Even had some good jump scares!

I also love how some of these actors have been used in several of the writer's shows. It is one of the main reasons I am drawn to these series. The chemistry these actors have when they are in a series together, truly makes me continue to hit "next" when the episode is over.

If you are a fan of this writer and these actors, give it a shot. It is well done and worth the watch! Each episode left me wanting to know what was going to happen next!
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Review not from an Edgar fan but a Flanagan fan!
sherjan-aamir15 October 2023
Went into this with great excitement knowing this was Flanagan's last work with Netflix. An end of an era as many of us found him on this platform and fell in love with his work.

Coming to The Fall of the House of Usher, it's a good show that never touched greatness for me. It's definitely better than Flanagan's last work for Netflix, The Midnight Club but it wasn't a hard show to top. The premise is good, the writing is decent and the acting is convincing but the show itself is way too simple and predictable for it to make me intrigued about what happens next.

If you pay attention to the first episode, you can get a pretty good idea of what will happen next and the show never tries to challenge its initial premise, it's fun to watch the events play out but they play out without surprise.

I don't regret watching this at all and I believe it's definitely a worthwhile watch if you like Flanagan's previous work. Excited for whatever he does next in the future.
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Boring and Overrated
besogoginava21 October 2023
It's hard to believe that this show was created by the person behind "The Haunting of Hill House" and "The Haunting of Bly Manor." It attempts to craft a thrilling ambiance but ends up feeling dull. The attempt to develop complex characters falls short, resulting in uninteresting personalities. I found it challenging to sit through even the first two episodes. My initial expectations were high, but I couldn't persevere. Why are there so many tedious conversations, and why does it feel stretched out? I'm perplexed by what most viewers see in this show and why so many excellent shows go underappreciated. Carl Lumbly's voice was quite grating, and it seems like he plays the same character in every show. Practically all the characters are annoying and hard to connect with. The only character that stands out as worthwhile is Juno Usher.
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A short review from the point of view of an average simpleton who never read Edgar Poe
gen8613 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is brilliant, mysterious, esthetic, poetic, artistic, the soundtrack is beautiful.

Carla Gugino is an extremely enigmatic actor with soothing voice and strong presence, she is the perfect choice for this role!

If you are an average person like me, who loves movies that grab you by the throat and don't let go until you watch the last episode, you'll love it.

I have nothing to compare it to, good story, great visuals, good actor play.

You can't stop sympathizing with 'Death' in this movie. She seems evil in the begging but as the story unfolds she becomes your favourite trickster.

One of the cry worthy moments for me was when she took his niece - Lenore. A touching and sad moment, it impressed me how Death cried when saying how many lives her mother will save. Never once in the movie did Death do something unethical or something that can be considered truly evil. It was all fair and square, the deal was done beforehand.

This masterpiece definitely goes in my top 10 all time favourite series!
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I Found It Fascinating
parduet7712 October 2023
It seems to be a very polarizing series but I personally couldn't stop watching. It was very Meta and you could tell the pulling back of the curtain to show the ugly underbelly of mosern society was the real horror story. I can see why people might be disappointed because it's really more of a social commentary piece.

Bruce Greenwood absolutely kills it as the Patriarch and Mary McDonnell is cold, calculating and shrewd as always.

So happy to see Mark Hamill working again as well, he did well in his role and hope to see more from him in the future.

And Camille (Kate Siegel) (Mike Flanagan's wife) is just the worst. I mean her character is just so despicable.
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