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The Oscars (2021) Poster

(2021 TV Special)

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And the Oscar for most boring show ever goes to...
MsMovie26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so if this were a school project I can hear the teacher commenting it was too dry, not enough variety in presentation, not enough visuals.

All of this it true of The Oscars.

The location looked great, very old Hollywood. I expected to see Humphrey Bogart at every turn.

The initial opening by Regina King was great but it was pretty dry after that.

There were endless speeches and luckily a fast forward button because I was watching it on an hour delay.

There were boring descriptions of nominees - show don't tell people.

I am sure their viewing figures will be at an all time low and remember there was the Hathaway / Franco year and THAT WAS A BETTER SHOW (and it was awful).

Do better Oscars. I watch every year, but not for much longer if this is the best you can do.

You could have recorded musical numbers and other skits to put in between, but instead we got to watch the teachers dry slides and lack lustre performances in general with very few highlights.
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The 93rd Oscars
Prismark1027 April 2021
The Covid pandemic has created a challenge for awards shows. It has also led to low ratings.

The Oscars decided to ban Zoom but this was an underwhelming reworking.

The show badly needs a main presenter, one who is a comedian. This one needed laughs. There was just a lack of fun with the reworking.

Some of the speeches from the presenters were overlong and dull. The In Memoriam segment rushed through the people who died in the previous 12 months but the introduction to it needed it to be shorter.

Also when you celebrate the work of the artists and the production crew. I would like to see an example of their work. I was not enthused with a factoid that a best supporting actor nominee once worked in a fast food outlet or such like.

Then there was the change of order. There was no need for the Best Picture to be given out so early.

The emotional moment of the evening was a damp squib. The Best Actor Oscar was held last in the expectation that the late Chadwick Boseman would be the winner. He did not win. Anthony Hopkins pipped him to the post and he was in bed in his homeland of Wales by that time.
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Do Better Next Year Please
Dog-River28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a lover of film, I look forward to this every year. The person in charge of this years ceremony did a terrible job. They ruined the magic of the show. It was pretty dull throughout, but had it's good moments. It picked up when Minari's Yuh-Jung Youn gave her hilarious and sweet acceptance speech. Props to the camera operator for following her and Brad Pitt off the stage. That was such an adorable moment. I also liked Jon Batiste's speech as well. He seems like a kind and genuine person. Another bright spot was Glenn Close being hilarious.

They wasted ten minutes on a poorly run quiz game and then decided to rush through the in memoriam. You barely had time to read their names. It was very disrespectful to those lost and their families. If they wanted to save time, cut off the long acceptance speeches, don't disrespect the actors and crew we lost this past year. Other issues for me: Best picture (the biggest award) should remain the last of the night and I missed seeing the movie clips and montages throughout the show. Also, I'm glad Anthony Hopkins won best lead actor. He deserved it. This award is based on acting performance, not just because someone was popular and passed away. No Disrespect to Chadwick of course. He was a great actor.
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The Worst Oscars in Decades.
ecwfanatic9326 April 2021
This entire show was poorly mismanaged and structured in a way that made the entire night drag on more than it ever should. The way the nominees were presented had some thought to it but ultimately was made to seem more pretentious rather than illuminating. The order of awards was obviously a poor decision as the main award of the night was given out third to last not giving the Nomadland team the recognition past winners have been given. Not only that but the restructuring was clearly to pay homage to the late Chadwick Boseman who didn't win making the show seem like a big build up to a hugely deflating moment that isn't fair to the viewers, the nominees, or the winners. The In Memoriam segment was nothing short of shameful with this cheery music accompanying fleeting images of people who didn't get their moment of recognition because of the pacing.

This is the most shameful show I have seen from watching the Oscars year to year and they must do better.

If the biggest award in film is handled this way then why have it at all.
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A train station trash bin has more substance
skitofit27 April 2021
They threatened the homeless people living at the station to leave before the oscars or they would have their belongings thrown away. Then they virtue signal about oppressed minorities and the disenfranchised? Lol. Hypocrisy at its finest... that should be enough reason to tune out, but there's so much more... and I don't have time to write it all out. This oscars had the lowest viewership in history, and I think the people have decided to boycott.
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Worst show ever!
darrussek26 April 2021
No fun No intrigue No joy No comedy No tradition.

The 93rd Academy Awards had no host, no masks, no Zoom, and almost no audience.

Hollywood's biggest night wasn't exactly the movie unto itself that producers Jesse Collins, Stacey Sher and Steven Soderbergh promised. However, no one took that very seriously, and the resulting relatively fast-paced and deeply personal ceremony actually might have been something more vital - a true Hollywood reinvigoration. But it didn't go well... The big swing Academy Awards will still likely be the least-watched Oscars ever, or one of the least watched at the very least, which is a real shame.
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We stayed up all night for this??
mennivetvadjagmenar27 April 2021
Love the Oscars, and as usual we stayed up all night (in Sweden the pre-show began 12:30 am and the main show finished at 5:20 am). It's always worth it, even though I have to take some time off work. But for this?? A conference for industry people. So many dull, lifeless choises. No music, no humor, no clips or even images. I don't care how 10 people I've never heard of discover cinema - I want to see the work they're being celebrated for.
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Longing for Yesteryear.... Billy Crystal Where Are You?
Karen_M_P26 April 2021
For the last ten years The Oscars has been slowly slipping away. It doesn't seem relevant any more. Are the Pictures nominated the best? The Actors and Actresses chosen may have given a great performance when compared to one another, but are they the nominees that deserved a shot? The presentation of the whole thing as it was showcased this year really was a train wreck. Where are the laughs? Where is the spectacle? The host was not funny. Was not entertaining. Was angry.

I cannot go on it was that bad. Billy. We miss you so much!
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jjcurrie9329 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good ceremony to me, but I understand that it's not the best. I was satisfied with the winners, and if Chadwick Boseman was still alive, I'm sure he'd be proud of Anthony Hopkins winning Best Actor, the same with Anthony when he paid tribute to Chadwick, so I think that controversy needs to be ignored.

I guess if I was critical of the ceremony itself, I would have included the songs in the ceremony, and not in the preshow. Some of the ceremony also focuses too much on the social issues today, mainly racism. I know it's an important topic to talk about, but it's almost more about justice too much than just movies.

Tyler Perry's acceptance speech for his achievement award was enjoyable to watch. The little bit of the song quiz with Lil Howey Rey and Glenn Close making a guess was too risqué for me, and also a bit racy. I wouldn't be surprised if the channel ABC will be fined for almost having them mention the F word on live TV.

The whole ceremony is reasonably mediocre, but entirely the worst. Keep in mind, we just went through a very bad pandemic since the beginning of March in 2020. Netflix and Amazon has basically saved some movies to be watched, so they helped films get by to go to the ceremony. However, I can also say this. Not all streaming services can replace the big silver screen. As we become patient and wait for this horrid virus to come to a close, we must remember that our love for film is based on the tradition on seeing cinematic masterpieces in cinemas, not always at home.

The ceremony wasn't trash. But it so so. Hopefully next year's ceremony will have better effort.
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Hates gonna Hate
DjfunkmasterG7 May 2021
Every year of the Oscars there are a bunch of pinecones who run to IMDB to post their worthless opinion (like I am doing right now).

"The Oscars Suck" "Who cares?" "Worst Oscar Show Ever"

#1. Do not quit your day job. Being a critic of TV or film does not suit you and TBH the miniscule amount of people who will actually care... Pbbbbt. (thumbs down)

#2. If every year, and yes I looked at some user names for reviews, same folks, same diatribe, you watch and get the same result, why not just read the winners and losers on IMDB the next morning. It would be less disappointing and we don't have to suffer through your 2-3 paragraph short story about how the producers and crew screwed it up.

#3 Blah Blah Blah. No one really cares, I didn't even care TBH I just wanted to share my worthless opinion like everyone else has on this page. No reason to be left out, instead of piling on bashing the show I just wanted to make a general comment about the muggle lovers who have felt their opinion is the be all end all and their review is the best.

It's not, my 5 yr old writes better commentary.
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Surprisingly high-quality watch Warning: Spoilers
Okay, here we have the Oscars 2021 version, of course hugely impacted by the virus still, but not that much because in contrast to other awards shows, this was not that much of a virtual event and they basically did not allow people to accept their awards via video, except those outside America. I thought it was a good solution. It's really not impossible or irrational to travel to the location for the biggest awards show of the year. As you can see from my rating, I quite enjoyed the outcome here. I was honestly surprised how much I did because almost all other 2021 awards show were pretty much unwatchable. The music ones have sucked for years admittedly, but the film shows have been better in other years, but this year they were also lost in pretty much praising the pandemic, making political statements (which I always hate) and the winners were also pretty bad many times. It was tolerable here. We heard on one occasion (I think it was Tyler Perry) something not too pleasant and guess what it's exactly those who keep sexism, ageism and racism alive that constantly talk about it. And if you want it to be normal that females are nominated as directors, if you want it to be something ordinary, then stop talking about it. We're totally on the right track, if we're not there already yet. Speaking of female directors, Regina King did not get in and some have an irrational hate for that decision. I don't. There was no host for this awards show (which was okay, even if Gervais hosting would have been better), but King was one of those presenters with more screen time and her talking about her Black son it was I think very early on meh.. Her words on Fennell linked to being a promising young woman were also on the cringeworthy.

I'll just do some brainstorming mostly for the entire review, so forgive if it is not too nicely structured. One thing I pretty much liked was the location. The presenters were struggling a bit here and there, especially when you could see that they take themselves way too seriously all the time. Angela Bassett was the best example. Another "great" example would be Viola Davis, she is almost always unbearable and her opening with a certain quote was especially embarrassingt his time again. Then again, of they give somebody like Tyler Perry a honorary award, at least they made a good choice with whom to pick for the introduction. Unreal stuff there. As for Davis, I am glad she did not win Best Actress. Honestly, it could have happened with her recent SAG win and also with people liking her film enough to give it two Oscars earlier, but Best Actress was so wide open with probably four people an option for the win. I think I would have preferred Carey Mulligan taking it, but McDormand was okay too. Hollywood seems to like her a lot. The BAFTA win brought her back in the right place, but it surely was a surprise, especially with how the show was going. Nomadland would win Best Picture, which was almost safe, but losses in editing where it was 50-50 probably and especially in cinematography, where the film was a massive frontrunner, made me think that McDormand would probably not win the category. The BAFTAS proved crucial indeed this time as Anthony Hopkins managed the upset over the late Chadwick Boseman (and posted a cute and classy little video the following day) and Hopkins also won the BAFTA a little earlier. I think it reminded me a bit of Cotillard's Oscar win whose BAFTA win also propelled her a bit over Julie Christie back then or, much more recently, Hopkins' movie daughter from The Father, Olivia Colman, and her Oscar triumph over Glenn Close surely had a resemblance too. But these were of course on the woman's side.

These two lead acting categories strangely enough took place after the Best Picture announcement. Did not expect that and even thought they messed something up again, but no it was probably because Best Picture seemed very decided and Best Actress was not decided at all and Best Actor they planned to close the show with the ultimate honor to Boseman and his widow on stage I guess. Was not meant to be. It's okay. I would have been fine with Boseman winning too. Like him way more than Davis and he has given some pretty good performances in his life that got ignored mostly. The one thing I am still not too happy about is that he was the one whose photo we saw last during the in memoriam segment. Certainly the politically correct decision there, but there is no denying that there were probably at least ten (maybe twenty people) featured in there whose careers have been much more significant than Boseman's. One would be Connery and I would have liked him last, but even I cannot deny that he was by far not the biggest achiever from the bunch of recently fallen. May they all rest in piece. By the way, Stevie Wonder's As was a song as good as (no pun intended) it gets for the occasion. Also really like the cover by George Michael & Mary J. Blige.

Okay, what else can I say here? Brilliant night for France obviously. Not just with the writer from The Father, but also documentary short and the sound category winners from "Sound of Metal". Speaking of this movie, the one who won for Best Editing is from Denmark and this country also had a great night this way with Vinterberg's triumph. I'm happy for him, even if I did not get too emotional as I would have liked to be when he talked about his tragic loss. But I will always be happy when something associated with Mads Mikkelsen wins big and even better to hear this special applause just for him. By the way, Hopkins is now the oldest acting winner I think, but if you think that is old, take a look at the Best Costume winner and her experience. This was probably a close category too, but this time the girl from "The Queen's Gambit" did not succeed with her project. She'll be fine nonetheless with all the honors she received.

Tenet winning Visual Effects well, I saw the film (one of not too many I saw) and it was kinda meh, but yeah the effects were good. I hope Nolan finally returns to class at some point. The Nine Inch Nails guys also succeeded as expected and impressively they were nominated twice and the big win came (as expected) for Soul. Not exactly the kind of movie you would expect rock musicians to be a part of. Will be interesting to see if they keep working with Fincher. David Fincher, that is. Maybe we can also mention his dad now with the really out-of-the-ordinary screenplay nomination. Supporting actress went to the Asian lady and I am fine with that. Looking forward to Minari for sure. And she was a lot of fun during her speech, maybe the most from the entire night. Also nice to see Brad Pitt again. Bakalova could have scored an underdog win, but it wasn't meant to be really, so no upset there. I am still curious about the new Borat movie. Best documentary feature I am also curious about this octopus movie, but there are other decent nominated ones. The winner for Best Animated Short I actually saw and well, it was the expected winner. I don't think it's bad, but it is also way more about the political (anti-gun) message than about truly mesmerizing animation and that I cannot really support as a reason for giving this one the win. Story-wise or animation-wise, it is not inspired to the level where it would have deserved this crucial win.

Chloé Zhao seems pretty likable and I am glad she took home the win here, already liked her previous work that I saw. McDormand I already mentioned and who would have guessed five years ago that by now she would have as many Oscars as Meryl Streep. Actually more if we count the producing win. This is something that deserves to be mentioned too because unlike with directing, we don't see it too often that actresses produce their own movies. Well done! Her howling moment well it was a bit awkward during the show, but reading the motivation behind it, I don't think it was this bad and I'm okay with her doing it. Okay, that is pretty much it. I think you should definitely watch this show and there is not a lot I would criticize. Maybe it would have been nice to see all the nominated songs performed there. They can do that in 2022 again. This category was also among the biggest upsets of the night. H. E. R. Was a huge underdog there. Once more Diane Warren goes home empty-handed, but maybe her Golden Globe is a little bit of solace. Overall, probably the best awards show of 2021, even if the Cranston segment was a bit weird. Definitely at this point. Highly recommended.
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3.5 Stars out of 5 stars
ajneeago9628 April 2021
I didn't realize IMDb had the oscars on their database so I guess I'll start reviewing them as far back as I've watched them and remember. I was a day late watching this years oscars which is first for me since 2012. Probably wasn't going to watch it but I seen Hulu had it up there and Steven soderbergh is apparently part of the production so I had to check it out. My thoughts: how are people calling this the worst Oscar ceremony???? How?? Because Chadwick lost? Because of leftist propaganda? Chadwick lost because Hopkins performance was unbeatable. And if y'all think empathy and inclusion is propaganda then you need a reality check. And to say this was disrespectful to police officers; DID YOU NOT WATCH TYLER PERRY'S SPEECH???? Anyways, enough reading these rotten reviews; this negative community is the reason why I don't usually read other reviews. But anyways, I'm finding it difficult to call this a lackluster experience considering it was much different and aesthetically pleasing than every other Oscar ceremony. The "guess the music" bit was kinda awkward but it also got one of the funniest interactions of the night, and all of the speeches were great. Really no complaints here, but if you're expecting a masterpiece out of watching an awards show, then you need to find a new hobby.
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Worst Oscar in history
krasykova26 April 2021
Most boring and confusing show ever. Look at Bafta!!!Thats how you do it during Covid,people!
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A lame show with an absolutely hysterical "f you" at the end
TheVictoriousV26 April 2021
What do you do with The Oscars when a world-altering pandemic creates a shortage of mainstream films within a year? Look harder for the hidden gems? Search for new talent across the gulfs? Or do you just extend the eligibility period (all the effing way to February of next year) just to give the typical Oscar fare an extra shot (plus Promising Young Woman, for some reason)? Apparently, you do the latter. It's like moving the finish line a couple of meters back and also ignoring the ones who already crossed it.

In fairness, this year's Oscars ceremony (consisting of a much smaller venue and several nominees attending via satellite from England, Denmark, South Korea, et cetera) did feature some welcome titles. Thanks to the altered criteria, movies like Pieces of a Woman and Judas and the Black Messiah (which, judging from the Supporting Actor noms, has zero leads) stood a chance, not that I doubted their chances of getting nominated, say, next year. In any case, allow me to list some of the other highlights -- and yes, I will get to that phenomenal "f you" of an ending!


  • The Surreal Nature Of It All: On top of how deeply weird it felt to see this ceremony being attempted in a post-COVID world, with a minimized venue and cheaper camera work, the pacing was also utterly wild. They breezed through the screenplay nominees before I had even realized they were actually starting to hand the awards out instead of f-cking around, and yet still finding the time for a completely genuine, completely spontaneous, completely unscripted moment of levity from Glenn Close. Equally bizarre was the way the Oscar wins were ordered; the acting-award presentations were tacked on AFTER Best Picture and here's where this broadcast cemented itself as a top-tier sh-tshow:

  • Building Up To A Posthumous Win For Boseman, Only For Someone Who Snoozed At Home To Get The Vote: This was honestly the funniest sh-t to me. Despite the wide variety of different films from different countries and all the race-and-gender representation, this was one of the most predictable Oscar nights of possibly all time and the wins were mostly obvious. Most "predictable" of all was the fact that the late Chadwick Boseman would receive a posthumous acting award for Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as a final, solemn tribute.

It was just so obvious! Hell, they even had to move the Judas leads to "Supporting Actor" just to be able to hand that film an acting prize and still have one left for Boseman. And why else would they announce Best Picture early, thereby setting up a finale centered around the Best Actor announcement?

Well, it was certainly a finale to behold! Joaquin Phoenix walks out after a rushed thank-you speech from McDormand, whips out the card, announces that the winner is actually Anthony Hopkins -- who didn't even appear on any of the video feeds, let alone in person, and was probably at home napping -- before briskly ending the ceremony (since, no matter which one of the two men had won, there's nobody around to give a speech), causing both confusion and outrage on Twitter! It was absolutely hysterical.

To sum up: After all that's happened -- after all the tributes to Chadwick Boseman, all the petitioning from heartbroken fans, the arrangements for him to win without "snubbing" Judas, and the scheduling change that implied at least one person behind the scenes thought they had this one locked and was gonna end the ceremony on it -- they straight-up gave the Oscar to someone who was asleep at home and abruptly ended for the night. It was the funniest damn sh-t! And to their credit: if this was done on purpose to get some headlines, I applaud their cunning. It's also possible they knew they weren't gonna give Boseman the send-off and thought "Eh, people usually go to sleep after Best Picture so let's slap this one on at the end" but let's not be here all day.

  • Amanda Seyfried's Dress: No kink-shaming in the comments, please.

  • The In-Memoriam Music Choice: Definitely the right level of "upbeat" for that speedrun editing style. Stay classy, Oscars.

  • "Travon And Martin" Winning For A Film About Police Violence: I know people think the Oscars are rigged or at least political but this is a straight-up Matrix glitch.

  • Scandinavian Rep: Seeing Thomas Vinterberg among the Best Director noms was almost as delightful as his movie winning Best International Film. Likewise, even though I don't give one fraction of a f--k about the Eurovision Song Contest, seeing a partly Swedish song among the nominees was tons of fun too. Maybe I should watch the movie, even?

I don't really have much else to say. The show was bad but often funny-bad, and I can't really say it was as bloated as it might've otherwise been, though I did miss the song numbers and extravagance. Here's hoping that finale goes down as another epic faux pas from the Oscars and that this "safer" ceremony still becomes a notorious superspreader. Thanks for reading, folks! Wakanda forever!
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Oh wow. No words. So bad....
idrsxm27 April 2021
I guess that was 6 words... Zoomed through almost all of it. Trying to listen to the speeches and some of the awards, but it was sickening. Officially the last time we will watch them. Hollywood is problem. They bashed police for 3 hours and then have 400 police officers protecting the venue outside. Talk about the epitome of hypocrisy by Millionaires and billionaires. Any artistic value during these Awards was erased by the unbelievable overtone a political messages. When will Hollywood stop promoting their agenda and narrative. And all without even listening for 1 second to anyone else. Bye bye Oscars amd hollywood.
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An unusual experience...
livadog26 April 2021
I'm a movie fan. I love watching and reviewing films, and I love keeping track of the awards-contenders that throughout the year embryo in cinemas and on streaming platforms. 2020 was a year nobody expected would turn out the way it did. We had a massive pandemic that not only sent us to isolation in our homes; it also provided us a strange selection of movies that mostly consisted of indies. I have followed the Oscars for five years now. I always make my predictions and keep a good eye on all of the precursor awards shows. It's fun. However, no matter how much or how little I liked the slate of films that were nominated for this year's Academy Awards, the show itself felt robbed for everything that makes the Oscars special. I usually only use this profile to rate Tv-shows, shorts, and documentaries, but this year I had too many thoughts about the ceremony I had to write something down.

My main thought about the show was that it didn't feel glamorous like it usually does. It didn't bring any of the Oscar highlights that I look forward to seeing, and even though they tried to speed up the show by not having too many things in-between the categories, it felt even longer than it has done the past years. It started pretty decent; awards were giving, and the winners held their speeches. From the very first speech which Emerald Fennell held to her win in the Best Original Screenplay category for her feature debut, "Promising Young Woman," it already felt like there was something special missing. Her speech was overlong, and it created a pattern for the other winners, which either held as long and monotone or even longer speeches.

They really shot themselves in the foot by switching around some of the categories: especially having Best Picture presented before Best Actress and Actor. What was the thought with that? A lot of people on Twitter have put a lot of the blame on Hopkins for no reason. It's the producer's fault that they miscalculated the entire show and made it end on a very weird and awkward note. The show itself was just too boring. It didn't feel like we were celebrating the movies. In a normal year, we would celebrate the crafts and the extraordinary achievements the team goes through in the making of a film. I cannot quite put a finger on what was missing; except for the film part.

When it comes to the nominees and winners, I will not blame the show for having a very limited taste this year. All of the nominees felt like a bunch of Indie Spirit Awards, which doesn't make them bad, but they all felt very heavy to get through, and in a year where depression and other concerns are stuff up my head, it wasn't necessarily what I had hoped to see. Many of the films are fundamentally good ones. I love "Another Round" and "Sound of Metal." "Nomadland" was a bit plotless to me, and "Promising Young Woman" won for its script, which was the single worst thing about the film.

"Mank" surprised with two wins, taking home Production Design and Cinematography. Though it's well-deserved, the film itself is a hot, boring mess.

Many of the other titles have not been available for me yet, so maybe they would brighten me up a bit more than those mentioned. "Another Round" is the only 10/10 of all the nominees.

Nevertheless, the 93rd Academy Awards was a failure, in my opinion. It aimed for something big that could have turned into some very intersting choices, but ended up in a messy stage. The most disappointing show I have ever seen. I sincerly hope 2022 will be a far greater year in films.
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what the hell was this
wafflz-8346426 April 2021
Seriously just stop with the award shows it's so useless especially during a year with no movies.
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Best worst oscars ever
blue_angelmishu26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a mayonnaise, a salad without taste. It is the worst oscar you could watch, the worst oscar ever And the fakeness ,the pretending , mannnnn, so unatural show .

A weird and very very very cringe oscar CRINGE is the perfect description for this years oscars.
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Waste of ruining tradition
robertsmith-8770626 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't normally write reviews, but I had to when they tarnished Chadwick Boseman's legacy at the end of the show. When they left Best Actor for last, that left, probably everyone thinking they were going to end it off with Chadwick winning his (well-deserved) Oscar. Yet, they went with Anthony Hopkins (still amazing) performance in The Father. I'm not only mad that he didn't win, I'm mad at the fact that now, he cannot win an Oscar ever. Way to go, Academy. You ruined the legacy of an amazing, wonderful actor.
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Horrific in every way
ajae-5440127 April 2021
I couldn't make it through the first 20 minutes. Terrible, horrible in every way. Don't waste your time. Just read the winners online.

It was boring, pretentious, and of course, annoyingly PC. And this is coming from a liberal.
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Not deserving of a 5.2
skyfall-3340226 April 2021
As usual, you get the annoying Oscar haters, that just love to hate on The Oscars for some reason. And so far, this year's Oscars is pretty good. I'm getting most of my predictions right, and the cinematography is really good for a live show.
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Worst Oscars Ever
aasdrubal28 April 2021
Disappointed, boring, disrespectful In Memoriam!

Doesn't feels like this people are involved in the entertainment industry, no creativity, best Movie is not the last and most important award?
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Train station was so appropriate.
calmirio29 April 2021
Having the Oscars (formerly known as The Academy Awards) in a train station makes so much sense - the show was a glorious train wreck.

From 2003 when a "prenup" won the Oscar, was a continuous downhill journey and 93rd Oscar is definitely the last time for me to watch it life. Never missed one since Rocky.
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Oscars So Political
Narce28 April 2021
I am annoyed and disappointed that the Academy Awards, long a much-anticipated review of the year's most notable achievements in film, has ended up as a political soapbox for the Hollywood Glitterati.

The show was poorly conceived, as if they never expected it to go ahead until the last minute, and then had to rush the concept to an over-ripe fruition. Award recipients were allowed to ramble on in their speeches, thanking family, friends, associates, agents, managers, fellow nominees and their second-grade school teacher - well, maybe not the latter, but almost. Then there were the "filler" pieces, like the "Name That Tune" ramble through the audience - not really part of a normal Oscars show, even though it had one of the most amusing moments in the whole evening.

These "fillers" seemed to be an effort to stretch out a show that was missing the usual songs, dances, movie clips and jokes, and yet the Tribute segment seemed rushed, with many of the departed on the screen so briefly that I had difficulty reading their names and roles before they zapped off to the next person. And there was no mention whatsoever of the Technical awards, which used to get at least a passing reference among the "main" awards.

A few years ago we had the "Oscars So White" phenomenon, where people pointed out that people of colour were basically ignored in the nominations. Certainly this is no longer the case, but these Oscars were notable for ignoring entertainment as part of the show - an even more egregious omission for this industry to make.
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Goodbye Hollywood ....
paul_obe29 April 2021
Amazing how when you get money from a well paid acting job you suddenly know all ... Francis needs to learn to look like a lady ... if I wanted to see a woman not shower I'd go to Russia ...
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