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Amsterdam (2022) Poster


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Expected so much more
motz132120 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not knowing the cast and the story, the movie began promising with beautiful acting by Bale as usual but turned into a bland yet chaotic rollercoaster. Honestly the movie deserved 8 at least but seeing Bale's acting go to waste was heartbreaking. Having a great story with so many stars could have led to the best movie in the last months. Soundtrack and editing are very good but again the pace of it all leaves no time to savour and enjoy the art. There is so much dialogue and information passed around that one can not find time to live the emotions and actually dive into the movie. All in all it is ok to watch but leaves you wanting more.
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Amsterdam's uneven pacing and erratic story mishandled its amazing potential and left me wondering when it would finally end.
Paragon2406 October 2022
Amsterdam comes roaring out of the gate with a fast-paced, quirky, charming, and unique mystery of the likes of Sherlock Holmes or Knives Out. The list of celebrities and actors continues to grow as almost every face in this movie is another a-lister making an entertaining appearance. I was so excited to see what happened next and was surprised when the story suddenly screeched to a halt for a very long slow flashback that didn't offer much to the plot. I hoped the exciting pace would return when the story returned to its original narrative, but the risk and urgency had been replaced by a scattered collection of arbitrary dialogue and scenes that lingered much longer than needed. The pacing lagged almost an hour before ramping back up in the final act. Amsterdam had so much potential but floundered in its attempts to be different and unique. The film's best part was Michael Shannon and Mike Myers' quirky bird-loving spies. Every time they were on the screen, I couldn't help but laugh. Christian Bale logged another amazing performance, as expected. But even with entertaining characters, great performances, and an exciting opening and conclusion, Amsterdam fumbled all its fantastic elements and ended up making my eyes heavy and my heart yearn to go to bed early.
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WAY too many movies all thrown into one
cliftonofun4 March 2023
A quirky genre-bending caper with a political bent seems right up David O. Russell's alley. Unfortunately, this movie just never gels. At all. It feels like 10 different movies with 10 different casts, even if those casts are flat out jaw-dropping. I enjoyed some of those movies more than others (e.g. The farcical scenes when Russell pretended to be Wes Anderson), but every time I started getting interested in a plot or enjoying a performance, the whole thing swerved. And more often than not it served right off the road.

Also, was Bale doing a Peter Falk impersonation? I kept waiting for him to light a cigar and say, "Just one more thing..."
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That is the way it was in the post-war 1930s.
TxMike27 January 2023
This movie is a bit long at over 2 hours but is written, acted, and directed in a style that is interesting all the way. There is quirkiness, sometimes it reminded me of Wes Anderson's movies, like "The Grand Budapest Hotel." The character played by Christian Bale, a disheveled doctor who lost an eye in the war, reminded us of Peter Faulk's 1970s TV series Columbo in his mannerisms and his quest to find out facts.

While this is almost entirely a fictional story it is loosely based on something that was called "The Business Plot." Roosevelt was newly elected and a group of businessmen didn't like the direction things were headed. So they hatched a plan to overthrow the President.

But very little of the running time is actually devoted to that, most of it has the three main characters, accused of murdering a woman by pushing her into the street to be run over by a delivery truck, working to prove their innocence and to focus in on the real bad actors.

My wife and I watched it at home on DVD from our public library, a totally interesting and entertaining take on the times.
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Unfortunately, the script didn't measure up to the vast talent of the cast.
trinaboice18 November 2023
IN A NUTSHELL: In the 1930s, three friends witness a murder, are framed for it and uncover one of the most outrageous plots in American history.

Fun fact: The plot is based on an actual conspiracy in 1933 when American bankers and businessmen plotted a military coup to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt to replace him with Major General Smedley Butler. The film was both written and directed by David O. Russell.

THINGS I LIKED: The talented cast is almost endless and includes Hollywood A-listers and 3 Oscar winners, as well as 2 Oscar nominees ike Robert De Niro, Christian Bale, Rami Malek, Margot Robbie, John David Washington, Chris Rock, Anya Taylor-Joy, Zoe Saldana, Mike Myers, Michael Shannon, Timothy Olyphant, Andrea Riseborough, and even music icon Taylor Swift!

I didn't expect so much singing! Nice! Does anyone know if those actors were actually singing or dubbed?

It's fun to see comedian Chris Rock in this movie. Rumor has it that Christian Bale refused to talk to him because Christian was so worried Chris would make him laugh on set. Christian Bale was one of the producers of the film. In fact, the entire cast seemed to be having a ball. Watching actors enjoy their roles always makes it more enjoyable for audiences. The cast was so excited about working with the director and each other that they all lowered their regular fees.

The set designs and costumes easily set a believable tone for the period. Everything LOOKED great, including all of the actors. It's the telling of the story itself that prevented the movie from becoming a charming hit. Instead, it's expected to lose $97 million worldwide.

Trying to solve the whodunnit mystery is a fun element of the film, although most viewers won't care about the answer.

It's said that it cost $80 million to make this movie, partly because the sets had already been built in Boston but, due to the pandemic, the location had to be changed to Los Angeles.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: Unfortunately, the script didn't measure up to the vast talent of the cast. It's a matter of expectations not being met that has left most viewers deflated. When we see the impressive cast list, we naturally assume the movie is going to be great.

I've been to Amsterdam twice now. It's a beautiful city. I wish the movie had more street scenes to really get the vibe of the city. We don't even see any of the famous canals in the movie.

It's weird that even with so much star power, I was bored many times and couldn't wait for it to end.

The plot is convoluted and overstuffed. The movie felt like a patchwork quilt, stitched together with loose threads and random pieces of beautiful fabric. The parts were definitely better than the sum in this disappointing movie. It seems to be the victim of 14 different scripts that were worked on during the production.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: We see a dead body being dissected in an autopsy We see bloodied soldiers riddled with bullets that must be removed.

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Playful movie, great acting, marvelous cast!
lorie91611 October 2022
I approached "Amsterdam" with foreboding because of its many negative reviews, but it turned out to be fun, suspenseful, and with great acting performances by all. And along the way the movie highlighted the difficult path of WWI veterans after the war, and brought up a now little-know plot against Roosevelt by some big businessmen.

The period clothing, cars, and etc. Were superb. As another reviewer stated, Christian Bale was awesome, but Zoe Saldana and David Washington, along with DeNiro, made the movie special.

There were shots depicting the horrible injuries incurred in WWII, and the suffering vets continued to have when they arrived back in the States.

Altogether a surprisingly coherent movie, despite what most reviewers had said.
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Weak Plot!!
li09044262 March 2023
The movie "Amsterdam" is beautifully written and directed by David O. Russell, and often reminded me of Wes Anderson's movie style. The plot however is weak and without much depth but the description of each character is very sharp.

The movie has as its backdrop the pact of friendship between three friends who meet between the events of the first and second World wars. They are forced to meet years later to unravel a conspiracy against the American Constitution.

Mixing some real facts with fictitious ones, Russell uses black comedy to reinforce the absurdity of the events. In some scenes, it seems that he was literary inspired by the real events of January 6th in Washington and January 8th in Brasilia, Brazil.

Technically the film is perfect, especially the beautiful photography, art design and costume design.
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A complete misfire
tfonias747 August 2023
This movie is in a category, for me, created by Fantastic Beasts.

Pretty to look at, good or great actors, interesting (on paper) plot and a total mess in the execution.

The director was going for the bizzare/looney take, he ended up with a parody that does disservice to the story. Actors are laughing on irrelevant moments, stone faced on dramatic moments. We are constantly told about the "great love" of 2 of the 3 main characters and it is the most lifeless romance I have ever witnessed on the big screen. Their love consists of two pathetic kisses that seemed to me like very awkward and forced. Zero chemistry. Just going for the diversity angle.

Many viewers compare this with art, well it is true, sometimes art is truly bad..
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A conundrum
killercola19 December 2022
I could not decide if I liked this movie as I was watching it. I knew it was unique with fully loaded star power and great performances but the pacing and story had me scratching my head and even bored at times. I kept checking how much longer the movie had (HBOMax) more than a few times but didn't give up on it. I'm glad I stayed with it. It's a 2 1/2 hour movie but when I finally reached the two hour mark all of a sudden the two previous hours I invested paid off. The story came together quickly and had a surprisingly satisfying ending. This movie is definitely not for everyone. It requires a lot of patience and your full attention but I found it a worthwhile endeavor. Much of it is based on real events. A who's who of A-list actors throughout giving solid performances. Critics panned this movie unfairly in my opinion. What Director Russell created was no easy task. Beautifully filmed with many memorable scenes. I would definitely recommend watching it.
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Beautifully Cinematic
jbfksnnw28 September 2022
Gorgeous scenery and costumes... every frame a masterpiece of visual coordination, color and transcendence. Actors were great. Every one of them. Christian Bale is always brilliant, Margo was mesmerizing and so was John David. Each big named actor played their parts superbly. There were several good laughs and an overall amusement to the vibe. On the other hand, the plot was a bit convoluted and I wish I had a rewind button at the theater. But the visual treat alone kept me enthralled. I will be renting this as soon as available to connect some of the missing dots. Or I'll be staring at the costumes and scenery again, lost in 1933 NYC.
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All Style & No Substance
In the early 1930's, one-eyed doctor Burt Berendsen and his friend, lawyer Harold Woodsman, are hired by the daughter of their commander from the Great War to investigate his strange death. After she is murdered, the perpetrator frames the duo for the act. As Berendsen and Woodsman try to prove their innocence, they encounter a variety of odd characters, including the beautiful, Bohemian Valerie; a friend from the War and Woodsman's old lover. Whether or not they solve the grisly mystery, and if they all get out alive, remains to be seen in David O. Russell's 'Amsterdam.'

A stylish film that's very light on substance, 'Amsterdam'- loosely inspired by real events- is a glitzy, glamourous flick that breaks no new ground or makes any significant waves. Relying on obvious twists to provide suspense- and full of over-written and expositional dialogue- the narrative is underwhelming, exceedingly aureate and predictable. It is a shallow affair, with no genuine heart. Russell centers his tale around the kinship Berendsen, Woodsman and Valerie experienced during the war, though the reasoning behind their bond is tenuously explained at best, and feels forced throughout.

Additionally, all of the characters are caricatures of little depth, with many of the secondary ones being rather irritating. While the quirky folk Russell populated films like 'I Heart Huckabees' and 'American Hustle' with felt like genuinely off-beat personalities one might find in reality, those in 'Amsterdam' are overblown, thoroughly artificial creations that would feel ham-fisted in your average soap opera, let alone a big-budget film from a cinematic auteur. By putting them inside his weak story, Russell has concocted a devastatingly mediocre narrative cocktail.

The picture is not a complete disaster, however, containing some praiseworthy elements. For one, Emmanuel Lubezki's rich cinematography is captivating, making excellent use of space and color, giving the film a distinct atmosphere and feel which- at its' best- successfully evokes film noir and the golden age of Hollywood. Judy Becker's production design is of an exceptionally high quality, and everything on screen looks both period accurate and highly detailed. The costume design from J. R. Hawbaker and Albert Wolsky is wonderful, with their outfits for Valerie being especially striking.

One must also mention Jay Cassidy's editing, as he assuredly had a difficult job trying to make cohesive Russell's sprawling epic, and he nearly succeeds. While there are pacing issues and some scenes go on too long, Cassidy's efforts deserve credit, if not plaudits. Additionally, while Daniel Pemberton's score is quite melodramatic, it does lend the film additional suspense and atmosphere, which is most welcome and appreciated by the viewer.

Also welcome is the presence of Christian Bale, starring as Berendsen. Arguably one of the most versatile actors of all time, Bale's performance as Berendsen is joyfully, wonderfully over-the-top and easily the strongest element of the movie. He is always convincing, charming his way into viewers' hearts immediately. Had Bale not been cast in the part, there would be very little reason to watch the film, as the work of his screen partners is considerably less laudable.

Many reviewers have mentioned that John David Washington is underplaying the part of Woodsman, ostensibly in order to balance out the more theatrical performances from the rest of the cast. Perhaps that is giving him too much credit though, as he comes across as more wooden than anything else. Margot Robbie is a different story, who has been a little short-changed by Hollywood as of late, appearing in major films but getting very little to do. Tarantino wasted her talents in the egregiously overrated 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,' Jay Roach underutilized her in 'Bombshell' and now Russell has done the same. Though Robbie tries her darndest to make the free spirit Valerie interesting, Russell's paper-thin characterization nullifies her efforts.

The film features as the supporting cast a who's who of Hollywood, some of whom do very good work and most of whom are wasted. Anya Taylor-Joy and Rami Malek are the real stand outs, playing an eccentric couple reminiscent of Sandra Bernhard and Richard E. Grant from 'Hudson Hawk.' Like Bale, their delightful overacting injects some much-needed joy into the proceedings, and they work wonderfully together. Unfortunately, Russell squanders the talents of the rest (Robert De Niro, Michael Shannon and others) giving them little interesting to do but stand around and pad the cast list; truly a tragic waste of capable players.

'Amsterdam' is a muddled, missed opportunity featuring an underutilized cast and an uninspired narrative. Though visually rich and striking, the film has very little to offer the viewing audience- certainly nothing new. Fans of Christian Bale will enjoy the exuberance of his performance, but this is a lightweight movie that doesn't adequately take advantage of his- or any of the other cast members'- ability. To cut a long story short, 'Amsterdam' is a cheapskate hustle of a film that is destined to be forgotten, except as an example of movie-making folly; for which it will be eternally remembered.
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Quirky and brilliant
kathik44691-211-72558626 December 2022
I love this movie. I enjoyed every scene and I had no trouble following the plot. I read reviews by professional movie critics that made me realize not all movie critics have the intelligence and imagination we expect them to have.

It was a work of art and and important historical story. The culture of our current society is very similar to that of the period of this movie. I believe that explains why many powerful people in the movie industry would be critical of this production and of the director and writer David O Russell. I think those critics would be more impressed by the greed and influence of the Committee of the Five. Not me! I'm all in with Harold, Valerie and Burt. Art, love and beauty is what truly matters in life.
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this an odd film but it is worth seeing.
ib011f9545i12 October 2022
It was great to see a film that is not a horror or superhero film.

This is a film for adults or at least serious film goers.

But what sort of film is this? A mystery and a comedy and conspiracy drama.

I give no plot spoilers but anybody going to see the film because they like the city of Amsterdam will be very disappointed.

The ad I saw said 1930s set drama,which is true as far as it goes.

I found the film amusing and gripping.

It looks great,the production design and the costumes are great and should win awards.

The cast is great on paper and they all perform well.

Surely Bale is the best actor currently working?

Margot Robbie is great in this as well.

This is a good but challenging film.

Some viewers will wish it is not 3 kinds of film all at once but I do urge people to see it.

If people stop going to see non superhero/teen films the studios will stop making these sort of films.

It saddens me that this film has been a big flop,perhaps in time people will grow to love it?
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A train wreck
Kingslaay7 February 2023
I had some hopes for Amsterdam. It sounded unique, edgy and boasted a well known cast. But I was very disappointed. Amsterdam is a train wreck of a film. It never really takes off. It is poorly put together. The pacing is bad and it has no logical sequence to it. It is a chore to watch this film as it is ridiculously long and for the most part barely covers any ground. There is difficulty to piece together what on earth is going on. I feel there might have been a good story here but it was so badly told and adapted that it falls absolutely flat.

The worst film I have seen in 2023. I am so glad I did not waste money watching this in the cinema. I am sad however for the time that got wasted watching this disaster of a film.
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Timely and entertaining
jkhaner27 November 2022
Can't see why there are so many negative reviews unless it's right wing trolls or the typical american cluelessness about the country's past (and present) and painfully limited attention span. GREAT cast. You have to be patient with films like this and I'm sorry that that's enough to turn off so many people. The editing is a bit rough at times but not enough to warrant the negativity.

Now I have to meet the required character count so feel free to ignore the rest of this review and GIVE THIS MOVIE A CHANCE! I'd watch these actors in almost anything so I was happy the indifference to this film turned out to be unjustified.
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Tries to hide its flaws with an A-list cast
parksiet9 October 2022
When are we all going to learn that a fantastic cast does not make up for a terrible script? I know I was guilty for falling into this trap once again- heck I thought this might even be an awards contender. But alas... it's an utterly empty film. The cast is indeed stellar, and every single member delivers a pretty great performance- I really liked Christian Bale here! Unfortunately... the acting is all that keeps this movie together. The plot is held together by strings, it's a very erratic story and unevenly paced. The film felt like it never actually got to where it was going, it just felt empty, like I was watching a big bowl of nothing! It is handsomely shot at least, but I didn't think it really worked at all. The cast is the only great thing about this movie! I've never been the biggest fan of David O. Russell's films (and I definitely don't like him as a person), and this definitely fits into the "don't like" category. Came off as very "meh" to me- I've forgotten it already.
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Movie is good a - Director is trash
thelibratina30 September 2022
The only reason movie is getting bad ratings is because David O Russel is trash. Hollywood needs to stop giving abusers money to make money.

The movie has a great cast - so many A listers. Plot is amazing, movie itself is awesome. Fun, so much laugh and one or the best works or Christian Bale.

Margot Robbie and Rami Malek are my favorite actors and seeing them playing siblings is amazing. And you, people are being too hard on Taylor Swift, yet I could name many singers-turned-actors and even real actors who are way worse. Taylor ain't that bad.

Yet, I am very disappointed in Margot, Taylor and Anya for working with David O Russel.

Also I find it unfair that other movies by that man have good ratings even tho his allegations were around since 2011. The actors have won Oscars for his movies. But critics decided to be "woke" now. You were giving this man good ratings, but since more people hate him now y'all decided to be fake woke.
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A cast for the ages
FeastMode7 October 2022
This is a solid and enjoyable comedy-drama. The story is decent. I like the characters, although it would have been nice if they were more fleshed out. The aesthetics of the time are well done.

But the true value of this movie comes from this incredible cast list. I only knew the main three and was repeatedly and pleasantly surprised every time a new star popped up.

The talent on display is palpable and everyone does a great job. But, as expected from the GOAT, Christian Bale steals the show. He acts circles around everyone. The only ones that come close are Rami Malek and Anya Taylor-Joy.

I know this doesn't matter, and it has no bearing on how I felt about the movie. But I thought the screen was going to explode from beauty when Anya Taylor-Joy and Margot Robbie were in scenes together. They are both highly talented. Anya Taylor-Joy continues to prove she's a star. Put her in everything please.

Having said all that, as an overall movie this doesn't stand out to me. I had a good time with it but I doubt I'll watch it again. (1 viewing, opening Thursday UltraScreen 10/6/2022)
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Dreary Watch From Start To Finish
martimusross29 May 2023

This strange movie was riddled with problems from the start, the plot was predicated on mystery men in the background pulling the strings of society through wealth and privilege for whatever nefarious reason all to be revealed at the denouement, an outcome we had all guessed long since!

What occupied the main body of the movie were either anarchic and incomprehensible contrivances that were meant to be funny, however I didn't laugh once, medical procedures of the most graphic variety, and strange stilted dialogue between the protagonists. There was just no chemistry between the three "inseparable friends" that took the leads.

With an almost entirely black cast there was a bizarre thread of racism/outcast/underclass running throughout the movie, it was quite inexplicable.

My main concern is two fold, the under utilisation of some truly first class acting talent and the terrible editing that led to a lumbering and patchy narrative flow. The movie was 25 minutes too long.

To my mind this movie did not need to be made and overall it flopped at the box office costing 80 million to make and grossing only 15 million overall in the US......ouch!

I am struggling to give this 5 outta 10 and I remembering avoiding watching this in Cineworld after the terrible reviews.
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Not what I expected.
trevor-m-byrne6 October 2022
Amsterdam is a movie that subverts expectations. I went into it not knowing anything about the plot and simply wanting to see the ensemble cast in action. What begins as an eccentric and slightly amusing film becomes quite a serious political drama about America post WW1 and the power of a group of friends holding true to one another.

I certainly can see how the slower pace could put people off, particularly if you have no interest in the conspiracy being unearthed but for me it was an entertaining insight into a part of history I knew nothing about.

The performances are for the most part great, especially Margot Robbie who is at this stage a bone fide A lister. I would say however that the performance of John David Washington feels a little wooden.

In an era of short attention spans and superhero films there won't be nearly enough explosions for some but for those prepared to absorb this work a thought provoking film awaits.
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Great cast with a strange film.
efee_puiyi9 July 2023
The film "Amsterdam" is nicely written and directed by David O. Russell. It's the story about friendship, the relationship between an idealistic doctor, an idealistic black lawyer and a nice looking idealistic artist. Bale, Washington and Robbie is an awesome trio. Bales acting is remarkable. I actually expected more from this cast and movie but it was nice to watch. It made me laugh, it made me cry and I always like the WW II movies so thats a plus for sure. It has a good story, very well told, and the production was good. If you have some free time, you can give it a chance.

Thanks for reading.
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Love, murder and conspiracy
AfricanBro7 October 2022
Really tried to like this and with a cast that stellar you can't be blamed for having high hopes. A renowned director with a lineup so star studded I almost forgot Taylor Swift was in it. It follows a story of three veteran, life long friends tangled in a political conspiracy, based on true events. You'd think that'd make for an enticing, tense drama but the movie has an almost cartoonish feel at times. There was no tension in a plot that heavily needed one. Alludes to having a message midway through but doesn't take it anywhere, not until the end. I wasn't invested in enough for the twist to feel climactic or care for the characters. The actors did a decent job, wasn't any one of them's best work since they didn't have the script to match their talent which is annoyingly painful to watch. Apparently most of it is all true events so you could maybe find solace in that to give the movie meaning. Something I also noticed is there's a lot of eye contact with the audience especially from Margot Robbie's character, can't say if it was a positive or not. It's messy too, I was confused whether it was a whodunnit, if it's about friendship and love, war movie, was political in the end; the pacing was all over with many side stories and quests.

It's just disappointing because it promised so much more. There are so many underlying topics it was addressing but all were explored skin-deep. It's over two hours long but the lack of depth and details made it feel like I just watched a summation of a short story. That a-list lineup deserved so much more, I'm surprised they managed to fit all of them in. I once again skipped legs to watch this and I'm now reassessing my life decisions and priorities. It's not bad, it's just... there's just nothing there.
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What a great cast, what a weird yet important film
pensman21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the trailer for this at a CMX theater and decided the trailer was weird enough to make me see this film. At its start, I pegged it for a comedy in the way Taylor Swift's character, Liz Meekins, was killed, coupled with Christian Bale's glass eye popping out. Although my wife gave me a sidewise look when I laughed.

But about a third of the through, the plot line became serious, and the focused changed to watching a plot unfold that would have assassinated FDR to allow American businessmen to deal with Adolph Hitler and Mussolini so they might enrich themselves.

The cast of this film is excellent with the three principles-Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, John David Washington-turning in excellent performances, especially Christian Bale who becomes Burt Berendsen.

Regardless of the great acting, I believe the audience lost attention as they became lost in the unexplained plot curve. Even at the end as the credits begin to roll and you see and hear Robert De Niro (General Gil Dillenbeck) juxtaposed against the actual general whose testimony exposed the traitors, Marine Corps General Smedley Butler, speaking the same words, the audience is just left confused and upset.

The film's message is just as important today as it was 1934; but the history it's based upon just isn't known, and I am not sure anyone knew what they were watching. Perhaps if a company is going to make a major film based on a basically unknown piece of history, they need to inform the audience ahead of time.

I hope this film becomes a classic not only for the acting team assembled here; I don't want to forget Rami Malek, Zoe Saldana, Mike Myers, Henry Norcross, Chris Rock, and others who did such great work, but because one message is one we can't afford to ignore: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
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I Can't Stop Smiling!
jokool-211 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've just finished watching this film and I'm feeling great. I have a big smile on my face and I'm refreshed and tingling all over. Coincidentally, the last movie that made me feel this way was "The Suicide Squad" that also starred Margot Robbie.

Am I in love with Margot Robbie? Possibly. For me she's the Raquel Welch of this generation, although she is a far more talented actress. But that has little to do with my review.

This was one ambitious, star-studded movie with a message that parallels the perilous politics of the U. S. and the world today. Did the filmmakers fulfill their ambitions? No! They fell a little short. But I'm very thankful for their attempt.

I think the plethora of stars in the cast was a distraction in light of the lack of meaty and memorable roles for them. I'm a war movie buff and two star studded movies that come to mind are "The Longest Day" and "Apocolypse Now."

Decades later I clearly remember the moments and lines of the likes of John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Red Buttons, and Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, and Dennis Hopper. Of the secondary stars of "Amsterdam," I won't remember them or their lines, but I will certainly remember Taylor Swift getting thrown under a bus (car actually) early in the movie. That's about it. A waste of star power in the film, but maybe not in boosting ticket sales.

I think the primary stars did very well with what they had to work with. You know how I feel about Robbie, and I think this was the best I've seen of John David Washington. You could say the same for Anya Taylor-Joy, Rami Malek, and Andrea Riseborough too.

That brings me to Christian Bale. He was marvelous. But was he intentionally channeling Peter Falk's detective Columbo for his character? Was it me? Joke on us. I dunno. It worked.

Finally, Robert De Niro is one of my all-time favorite actors. But in my opinion, his acting has not aged well. In its stead is his political activism and that amongst other things may be the reason for some of the lower reviews. I gave the film a solid seven stars. The filmmakers shot for the stars but landed on the moon, and that's pretty good.
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Bounding between glib repartee and inane bickering
winopaul15 July 2023
It was the dialog that turned me off. The movie was chopped up and resorted to voice-overs, the last refuge of bankrupt writing. But that might be tolerable if the actors were not speaking in perfect Hollywood cocktail party repartee. It was so obvious that this was your High School drama club dressing up and playing pretend. Nobody talked like this in 1919. Nobody but preening Hollywood people talk like this, even now. It was half trying to be a comedy, but was interspersed with truly horrific scenes, images, and situations.

I know, 400 years. So it is great to put in a lot of parts for Black folks in movies. But that Black regiment fighting in WWI was more likely staffed by illiterate farm boys, not upper-middle class elites with a Master's from Oberlin.

Every single scene came with the feeling of standing with the scrum of crew surrounding the actors. I am sure they all high-fived at their great natural delivery, and laughed and had a jolly good time before hitting the craft service table.

Equally distressing was the first-world-useless disposition of the characters. Oh, they danced, oh, they laughed, oh they had an uproarious good time. How about raising some kids, or taking care of a grandparent with Alzheimers, or deciding whether to get your spouse a pair of shoes instead of paying the rent? It just exuded this careless upper-class Hollywood pretension, where nobody has to work for a living, at least nobody that is anybody.

As others have noted, cinematography is top notch, as is set design, lighting and the rest. That gets it three stars. This proves working-class Hollywood still knows what they are doing, even if the producers, directors, and writers are in some magical-thinking fantasy-land.

And please, could we move past Nazis as the boogeyman? How about making the three evil businessmen Black, trying to institute a racialist dictatorship where they can hand out reparations and pay off just the Black student loans? Don't hold your breath, too brave for Hollywood, even if it would give three more Black guys SAG cards.

That this movie bombed so badly gives me hope for humanity. If my fellow citizens can see this is shoddy senseless work, well maybe common sense is really more common than I thought.
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