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Hunger Point (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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A rare TV film with subtlety
EpiBound9 September 2011
Hunger Point got my attention because of Barbara Hershey's name. She would not lend her respected name to an ordinary tale of eating disorders. Before giving this Lifetime film a try, I can recall watching no other treatment since the major network TV movie of Karen Carpenter's tragic struggle (1989). Hershey plays a difficult role with empathy, allowing us to care for her even as we see the horror of her well-intentioned child-raising habits. How else can her younger daughter, who is so clearly torn by conflicting feelings, keep going back to her?

Other subtleties are implicit in this younger daughter's characterization: Frannie Hunter as played by Christina Hendricks. For most of the film Frannie sees wrong only in the way others live their lives, and resists all hints that she needs help too (like family members affected by someone's drinking, usually seeing the drinker as the only sick one, slow to realize they've become sick too). The eating disorder (ED) counselor was also played with subtlety: to the uninitiated, a less than ideal worker; to the experienced, doing her best in an greatly discouraging medical field.

After watching Hunger Point, I wanted to check the names of the writers, but first saw the name of the director: Joan Micklin Silver. As soon as I Googled her name I saw she's one of the outstanding directors of the last thirty years, first coming to my attention with Crossing Delancey. At the time (1988), I noticed only the critical praise, not the director's name. After reading about her list of contributions to film, I have no doubt she wanted to work on this film because it was worthy, one of the better treatments of eating disorders even if it comes seemingly late, when the general public is tired of the theme. In time, I have no doubt this film will stand out from the rest, and will be recommended viewing for many people caught up in the ED cycle.

Thanks to writers Jillian Medoff and Deborah Amelon for the novel and screenplay that attracted Barbara Hershey's talents, and the great directing skills of Joan Micklin Silver.
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Embarrassing and Pathatic
lkwinn111 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sad. Not only are the characters insufferable, they also fit every stereotype of a woman with an eating disorder. All of the characters are one-dimensional and annoying. The film is filled with clichés about how an ignorant person would perceive a girl with an eating disorder with having taken more then one look at the situation.

The character with an eating disorder is displayed as whiny, selfish, childish, and bratty. Her sister is a total stereotype: A stupid, impulsive, childish woman who is nothing without a man to guide her. The mother is the standard cookie-cutter "bad mother", vain and selfish.

I don't know if this movie is meant to "break ground" or something, but it was insulting. I am a therapist, who works with strong, intelligent women with eating disorders and i view this as an insult and a step back. None of the women i work with are like this at all, and it is clear that the lifetime channel had pre-conceived notions about how these women were.
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the movie was not bizarre but honest about a real problem
thindi318 January 2007
The comment about the movie being bizarre was probably made out of ignorance and lack of experience. This movie was very real about a very real problem. It portrayed an illness in need of treatment. Anorexia and bulimia are not just decisions and will power but life threatening illnesses. They affect the whole family and must be taken seriously. They also must be treated by professionals.. it is not an issue that can be treated at home as the movie portrays well. It is not a fun movie or lighthearted so someone who wants to be cheered up or see a light hearted romance would not enjoy it. If someone wants to see something that brings out the problem and gives information it would be good to watch. It may help someone on the verge of an eating disorder but won't touch those who are deeply into it. They need far more than a movie to get help.
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what a waste of an excellent story
carter_oliver12 May 2003
this was without a doubt one of the best books i've ever read. i just finished it this weekend and was so excited to find out that it had been made into a movie AND that it was playing today on lifetime. now i wish i hadn't found out. this is quite possibly the WORST movie i've ever seen - the acting is horrendous and they ruined an amazing book. i usually love to see other people's interpretations of books i've read (and love cheesy lifetime movies), but not in this case - don't waste your time!!
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As good as can be expected
elizabeth-323 February 2003
This movie was based on Jillian Medoff's 1997 520-page novel by the same name. The book told a beautiful, realistic story. Making it into a movie, especially a TV movie (not that they would ever release a film about eating disorders in theaters), was not a good idea. So much of the story was cut out. If I had only seen the movie and not read the book, I would have hated it. But it some ways it was nice seeing a favorite book of mine brought to life. I would have to say that was the only reason I liked this movie at all. Well, the acting was pretty good, I'll give you that. One thing I didn't like was the writers' attempt to address an issue relating to eating disorders that was not an issue at the time the book was written, and therefore was obviously not part of the book. That was the issue of pro-anorexia websites, the whole "anorexic and proud" mentality. Whether or not this is an important issue is another matter, but it was not part of the book and therefore should not have been included in the movie. The cut so much of the story out, just to add in something that wasn't originally there. I'd say this is worth checking out if you've read and liked the book, otherwise, skip it.
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A film on eating disorders, but no life lesson or moral value
lz_merrifield16 November 2009
This movie is absolute craziness! You heard, as I said, it's a film about eating disorders, and being anorexic yes, but is there a life lesson? Moral value? No. First of all, the mother in this movie insists her daughters be stick thin which is not a real body type at all (my mother's parents are the same way), and puts pressure on her daughters for how they look. With that, Shelly is driven to anorexia, and in a mental hospital and drives herself completely insane, and gets all these websites, and kills herself and is alarmingly thin. It shows no life lesson or moral value, because nobody talks to her about her anorexia. I, for one was anorexic at a young age, but I'm well now because I had the help I needed.

So, I really wouldn't recommend this movie. It can screw you up if you believe the crap that goes on in it. What this world needs to learn is positive thinking, and that magazines and junk like that aren't real. It's all airbrushing and camera angles. Not the real thing.
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For a Lifetime Movie, you can't expect a masterpiece, but
MarieGabrielle26 September 2005
this movie does address some key issues. If one compares it to other movies of this type, it is certainly much better, than say, the Lifetime movie with Lynda Carter, same subject, (forgot the name of the movie, though!!) Christina Hendricks and Susan May Pratt are the daughters of a neurotic mother who has also made her rounds through therapy, Valium addiction, etc. (The movie may have explored her pathology more, to better explain the daughters problems). Both actresses are excellent, and Barbara Hershey fits the bill, as the mother who is overbearing and vain.

Susan May Pratt is the anorexic, I will not delve into the outcome, but she is quite good in the role. We see the denial and control issues of her mother, and the selfishness of her sister (Christina Hendricks); who flirts with an intern at her sister's hospital. We also see how later she has deluded herself, and how the doctor cannot even remember the patient's name; I thought this was quite realistic, and have experienced a similar situation; the anorexic patient and family puts their trust in a physician, only to be let down.

We see the general despair, denial and blame that families have in a situation like this, especially when any psychiatric problems are addressed; the family reacts differently; Barbara Hershey throws herself into work, the father goes into denial, and the sister experiences depression.

All in all, a good movie that at least explores emotional issues, instead of the tired idea that ..."girls want to be models"...it is so much deeper than that; self-esteem, career, women's roles and societal pressures are all part of this, and it doesn't seem society has gotten any smarter in the last 20 years, since anorexia was first addressed by the media, and medical organizations as an epidemic.

The book is certainly excellent, and Jillian Medoff, the author, also has a website, I hope she will continue to write about women's issues, as she is so empathic and astute.

Finally, if you cannot talk to your daughter about these issues, have her watch; she will certainly relate to the daughters in the movie, and Frannie (Christina Hendricks) is a real character who develops into a mature healthy young adult, at the end of this film.
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Excellent Movie!
BreanneB3 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was excellent. I love Barbra Hershey, John Getz, Christina Hendricks and Susan May Pratt. I bought the book after I saw the movie, because I was so eager to read it in book form. It's sad that so many teens, especially girls, give into all this bullshit, about weight loss and being perfect. I also think it's even worse that their mother encouraged them to diet and lose weight. I also think that the part about the pro-anorexia websites was not needed. It was not in the book. Why put something there, that was not there originally? I think it's really sad that the younger sister Shelly died in the end. Kudos to the actors, cast and crew members. Two Thumbs Way Up!
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so real
loey12322 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I Love this movie! It was so incredibly real in showing the effects of a weight obsessed mother. I unfortunately can really relate to this story. It is way more than just about anorexia but the harsh reality of depression and mental illness and the strive for perfection as well. The mother doesn't understand stand what exactly she is doing to her children until it's too late. I believe those people who had negative things to say about the movie especially about the behavior of the daughters is just lucky enough to not understand what they are actually going through. I think anyone with a real interest and understanding of mental illness would appreciate this movie.
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Not what I expected....and that's not a compliment!
JanetDenise29 January 2003
When I saw the previews for this movie I was intrigued. I was expecting a movie about a young woman who was battling anorexia that delved into how it all began and followed her along her struggle. However the "background information" that would set up the childhood of this suffering character is quickly plowed through and immediately she is checking into a hospital.

There are a few heart breaking scenes that, despite some cheesy and ill-delivered lines, are haunting. When Frannie and Mother first visit Shelly, her utter anger is portrayed extremely well. This is someone who controls her eating because she feels her life is in a tailspin and everything else is out of her control. The other scenes is the two sisters in the restaurant and Shelly asks Frannie to order the sandwich and put on "more dressing" and is practically salivating.

Then 'Hunger Point' meets a fork in the road of the plot and goes in another direction. Shelly becomes an underlying theme or can even be considered a catalyst, for the rest of the film.

If you watch this movie expecting it to be centered around Shelly, it ends up being about Frannie. But if it reruns, I'll tune in. You must at least once!
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By far the The Best Movie on Lifetime
Womenunite4Power5 October 2022
Lifetime went brave in this movie. They were way ahead of their time. They took on a subject so enormous many were too afraid to touch or pretended it was not important enough to touch. Body image in young women. Obviously it is a very important subject because it is in the top mind of everyone. Kudos to the writer for crafting a screenplay far more true and interesting than the book, much of it based on her own sisters' trouble with eating disorders. The LA Times said it was THE most important movie on the subject of all time and that every mother and daughter should watch it. The Hollywood Reporter said Ms. Amelon's writing is extraordinary and she should get an Emmy for the movie. Too bad the director threw in the scene about the websites, something that wasn't in the book. Reviews have been critical on that scene and the writer was right in trying to keep it out of the movie. Over all, the movie should have been a feature and nominated instead for an Oscar.
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Only if your hungry for a Lifetime movie...
rosettarosetta16 January 2003
If you're like me, you love cheesy Lifetime movies. Well, then this is for you. Hunger Point is the story of a girl who checks herself into rehab for anorexia and how she came to be that way. As a child, her mother would encourage her two daughters to be as thin as possible. The story focuses more on the girl's older sister, who is between jobs and living with her parents during a very stressful time. It definitely follows the old Lifetime plot, but it works if you aren't expecting much. Despite the serious subject matter, I found it pretty campy, but entertaining enough. A plus (or minus for some) is the horrible hairdo Barb Hershey sports all through the movie. If you're ever bored and it's rerunning, I'd watch it just for the cheese factor.
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Accurate and stands the test of time
innerlooper9618 February 2023
I can't believe this film was made in 2003, and the world of eating disorders is still trudging along. So much of what this movie showed is still accurate, speaking as someone who understands this illness a bit too well.

This movie is strongest in its depiction of relationships and misconceptions within the family regarding blame, causation, and genetic factors. They don't really touch on this, but as much as environmental factors are at play, so are the genetic ones. Mom is absolutely stricken with a pervasive eating disorder, except she is functional; Shelley moves from functional to mental incapacitation (see: scene of hyperventilation in ED unit bed). While they both have the same problem, essentially, the mom has been able to repress the worst of it, unlike Shelley.

Franny is the older sister and has demonstrated sensibility from an early age, but even she is not immune to the pitfalls of the disorder. Nothing explains her own need to engage in behaviors, other than her genetic predisposition, although it's true her environment played a part.

What I loved: this movie does a great job of portraying the impact to the family dynamic, as well as how life can change drastically. Shelley was on her way to huge things, but the ED completely derailed her plans, to the ultimate point of no coming back.

What I disliked: The movie portrays a pretty weak therapist/MD team. This probably is realistic to a large degree, because so many of my own comrades with an ED have had massive complaints about their disconnection with their medical/therapy team. However, it would have been awesome to see how someone in that role could make a positive impact, and how they truly do great work. No one except the patient can truly make the choice to embrace recovery, but there are amazing, patient and vigilantly aware therapists who have studied the trends and understand the pitfalls of early release, for example. (Shelly was not ready - by a million miles - to be released from treatment.)

Extra points of authenticity for nailing how the ED unit of patients can be. Supportive, strong, childish, embittered, numb....those are all the things that ring common and true in an ED unit of young women.

Solid movie worth a watch, even now.
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What a BIZARRE movie
Sunshine14clr19 January 2003
Wow if I lived in a family like this and had a mother like Marsha Hunter (Hershey) i think I'd go on a rampage and kill her. "oh no!! We can't be overweight! Hell will freeze over before my daughters are overweight!! You want the boys to like you? I mean those poor girls. They had to have grown tired of this woman.....What a bizarre woman!! And to top it all off, that girl Shelley is just as bad! She always seems to be whining about something new or how "ashamed" she is. She's a freak. She has no sort of toughness within her bones. The only normal person in this family is Frannie. Poor girl. She has such a bizarre family. The acting is pretty good though. Well folks, heres your typical lifetime movie. Big bore. Depressing and terrible storyline. The anorexia/bullemic story gets a little old. 0 stars out of 10.
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