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9 Reviews
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Nostalgia Value
avalosadolfo4 January 2005
When this first aired, I could not even stand on my own. By the time I could read, Jedi hit the streets and naturally, I had to go see it. I cannot remember exactly if I saw this Making of before or after that time, but having purchased it recently, I can safely say that if you don't get it, there is no problem: almost of all its coverage already appears on the extra disc of the new DVD release. If you are a completist or really, really want to see what was on the minds of everyone involved in it, or really, really want to see Carrie Fisher (and the rest) in their usual, everyday garments commenting (with no damaging comments), or really, really want to have every Tony Daniels performance, then this one is for you.

Having bought the Spanish dubbed copy (with the awful, original 1978 dubbing!), I can only think it must be a very different experience in its original form. But I will continue to watch it every once in a while, that's for sure.
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Very nice Documentary
shawn_allen27 May 2002
I have had this particular show since the Early 80's. I believe I picked this one up in Japan at a military exchange store. Since home videos were still new then, I figured this was the only way to get a copy of anything "Star Wars" for a while.

I have always like to watch it for many reasons, none the least of which is the background on the series. (Seeing George Lucas in his early-mid thirties reminds one of watching old home movies.)

The droids bickering is still the same, amusing. Seeing Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, before all of their later work, is nice, too. Harrison Ford in particular, compares Han Solo to Bob Falfa (interesting parallel in the names, huh), because that was what he'd done at the time. Of course, no mention of Indiana Jones, Jack Ryan and other memorable Ford Characters. Another funny comment by Mark Hamill is how "George [Lucas] was so successful with the first one, he could set the next one in Redondo Beach."

One added bonus that I had forgotten about was a trailer (yea, AFTER the credits) for Empire. I had forgotten about it and only saw I because I watched end credits to see when the show was made (and couldn't find the remote.)

Hopefully, when the Original trilogy gets put onto DVD, Lucasfilm will be able to resurrect this.

Now, let's hope we can convince them to include the "Star Wars Holiday Special".....Sorry George, just kidding. :)
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The first recorded data of Star Wars to appeal to TV audiences who couldn't get into seeing the movie
justin-fencsak16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When this special debuted during the fall on ABC in 1977, millions of people paid money to see Star Wars A New Hope again and again. It was so popular that it came out on video in 1979 and in 1980 a trailer for The Empire Strikes Back was added to the video to spike interest in the sequel, which like A New Hope, had a making of, as well as the sequel Return of the Jedi, which had a special too. The documentary covers all the bases from the origin of the movie from the flash gordon roots to the world premiere at the Chinese theater. Very well done.
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Great Documentary of the first film I ever remember seeing in a theater
RogerMooreTheBestBond13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars is a such a wonderful film. It's a film the whole family can watch. Sadly, most all films now days are offensive in some way and you can't watch it with your entire family. This is a documentary from a more simple and less crazy world. I grew up in the 70's and 80's and it was a good time to grow up. This was a time where action/adventure/Sci-fi movies dominated. The documentary is a straight forward look at the making of Star Wars. I loved seeing all the shots from behind the scenes. I also love that it was made for TV in 1977. The documentaries at this time were also better than things you see today. They just seemed more real. It is great to see the young cast before they became big stars. I always like seeing people on their way up. Sometimes when people make it big, they change and are not as open and honest. The original trilogy will always have a special place in my heart. They are such great films without all the profanity, nudity, gore and nasty violence that people put up with today. That is why I have viewed so few movies after the 1980's. There are exceptions, but movies from the 1930's thru the 80's are so much better.
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Hardly a "Making Of"
13Funbags7 August 2018
While there is some behind the scenes stuff, this is basically just an explanation of the plot. A narrator just explains the unspoken things in the movie. This is great for someone who doesn't understand the movie, boring for those who do.
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A New Hope Begins.
buckaroobanzai501 June 2004
This must have been THE first making of, behind the scenes documentary that I ever saw. I vividly recall seeing it on TV sometime after watching the movie at the cinema, and I'm lucky enough to own a copy on video. After another recent viewing, it still captivated me with all the original footage LITERALLY behind the scenes and the camera on set during filming. R2D2 and C3PO act as hosts, from their control room on an unidentified ship, as they introduce the various characters involved in making the film and it's effects. Watching the very young looking principles talk about their roles with '70s hairstyles and clothing is also a hoot! Even a snake-hipped young Lucas, who now resembles Jabba in girth, is funny to watch, as he struts around in his de rigueur plaid shirt.

Documentaries on films are now commonplace thanks to the advent of DVD, and the E channel. But even some of the recent ones I've seen aren't really a patch on this. Grab a copy if you can, then have a good try at collecting the other ones.
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Worth it for the interviews and behind the scenes footage.
Marx_Bros_Fan8626 January 2006
C-3P0 and R2-D2 host this 50 minute long documentary about the making of A New Hope. I got it for Christmas in 1995, right around the last time the original trilogy was released on VHS. It is very informative; I particularly like watching how the spaceships were filmed. If you want the ultimate documentary about the making of Star Wars though, I would recommend the Empire of Dreams documentary. I have to admit I fast forward the short host segments with R2 and 3PO now. The main reason to get this is for the old interviews with Lucas, Ford, Hammill, Fisher, Guinness, and even Gary Kurtz. It's cool to see them when they were so young, and Lucas actually has a normal neck. There is also some rare behind the scenes footage. Did you know Guinness was only six feet off the ground when he shut down the tractor beam?

Die hard Star Wars fans will appreciate the footage of Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter talking on Tattooine. It is very brief though, only about five seconds, and you can't hear what they're saying. But this footage is very rare and can only be found in a few documentaries. I've found stills on some websites, but that's not the same.

On a side note, it's funny to hear Mark Hammill say "Princess Leia is a chump if she goes for Han Solo." We can forgive him, he didn't know. Most interesting is when George Lucas says "I will say Luke is more devoted to Princess Leia." It makes me wonder if he really had the whole story planned from the beginning.
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A Great, Simple Documentary
artyjeffrey17 August 2004
This documentary first aired on TV on September 16, 1977. I was only four years old at the time, but I can clearly recall watching it with my brother... it was THAT fascinating. It wasn't until 2000 that I saw this charming documentary again.

Hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2, aboard a generic starship set, this film allows the viewer a sneak peak behind the curtains. We are privy to models before a blue screen, to the then-revolutionary motion control camera system, to the early character sketches for all of the main characters, as well as interesting behind the scenes clips that will NEVER be seen anywhere else. We even get to see and hear George Lucas talk about his creation, long before it had sunk in just what a massive phenomenon he had on his hands. Gary Kurtz, producer of the first two Star Wars films, also makes a brief, rare appearance. The short interviews with Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford are also very quaint and amusing, in light of just how big they were all in the process of becoming.

As indicated in other reviews, if you have a chance to buy this documentary on Ebay or elsewhere, by all means do so. Since this film refers to the original version of the film,it is highly unlikely that it will ever be released on DVD-- consider how that the original version of Star Wars will not be available in September when the original trilogy is finally released on DVD. Sadly, only the "Special Editions" are the versions now recognized by Lucasfilm. All Star Wars fans will love this one!
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