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There's something about Vin
baumer25 June 2001
Every summer a film comes around that takes everyone by surprise. Last year it was Scary Movie and I'm sure in 1977 it was a film like Star Wars and then in 1981 it was Raiders of the Lost Ark. Now I am not saying that The Fast and the Furious is in the same class as Raiders and Star Wars, just that it surprised everyone on the same level. F&F is short on plot and dialogue and even some of the acting is lame, but what it is oozes is testosterone. It pumps your blood, increases your adrenaline and attacks you with fast cars, sexy women and that one invariable that I think it has going for it... Vin Diesel. There is just something about the guy, something that you really can't put your finger on, but he just has it. Maybe it is charisma, maybe it is charm, maybe it is just that he resembles some of the action heroes from the 80's with his chiseled triceps and his slabs of pecs. Maybe it is all those things and maybe it is none of those things, all I know is that F&F is exactly what I had hoped it would be and nothing more. This is the summer movie that I have been waiting for. It's not that the films that have been out so far aren't that great because some of them are, it's just that this is the one that epitomises what summer as a teen ager is all about. It is no wonder that exit polls for this film were around 65-70% under the age of 21. And maybe that is why I enjoyed it so much. I am pushing 30 but isn't it cool to lose yourself in a film that reminds you what it was like to be in highschool. And isn't it cool to watch street racers break 140 miles an hour wile they shoot NOS through their vehicles? Well isn't it?

F&F doesn't contain any machinations similar to a film like Mission Impossible and it doesn't dazzle us with special effects of impending doom like Armageddon did, but it takes us into a world where people live life "a quarter of a mile at a time."

Vin Diesel plays Dominic Toretto, a massive, bald mechanic that owns a garage but street races on the side to make some extra cash. Paul Walker ( The Skulls, Varsity Blues) plays Brian Spindler. He is a cop that has infiltrated the street gang to find out who is highjacking trucks and stealing all their merchandise. There are about four rival street gangs in L.A. and one of them is pulling this off. He has to figure out which one. Of course along the way he seduced by the life, but that is not what we really care about. All we want to see is lots of racing, a few crashes, some fights and some sex. F&F doesn't disappoint. If what you have seen in the trailers of the film excites and entices you, then you know exactly what you're in for. This is not going to win any Oscars for anything but what it will do is entertain you. It will expedite you for 90 minutes into a world where Honda's are souped up to look like Dragons and junkyard scraps are rebuilt from scratch to be better than they were before, better, stronger and faster. If this film appealed to you in the commercial, it will appeal to you on the screen.

And of course there is Vin Diesel. He first made a name for himself in Saving Private Ryan where he played Capparrzo. Then he jumped onto the scene with his excellent and grandiose turn as Riddick in Pitch Black. I think this is the film that got him noticed because no one had even heard of him before this. Then he did Boiler Room and he showed a different side to him. But F&F is all muscle and sheer bravado. I think Vin is going to do great things in the years to come. He is not a nobody anymore. This film will take care of that. And face it, isn't it cool to see the genesis of a new action hero?

8 out of 10- The ultimate summer rush!
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The beginning of it all
Maniac-918 January 2013
This is the movie that created a brand new mega movie franchise. Generally when there's movie franchises they make movies in the form of trilogies. But later this year when Fast and the Furious 6 comes out it'll be the sixth movie in the series which shows the level of box office appeal the series has to be able to pump out an average of 1 movie every two years is quite impressive. The only other series doing that kind of productivity with different directors on basically a once every 2 year rate is the James Bond series.

Vin Diesel who outside of his other series Riddick movies generally puts out mediocre to bad performances was basically made to play the role of Dominic Torretto. Same goes for Paul Walker, normally when I see he's going to be in a movie I don't bother watching it. But somehow when these 2 guys get together in a movie about driving fast cars with hot girls it turns into a guilty pleasure.
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Nostalgia train
bhester080628 February 2021
Is it cheesy ? Definitely. Is it corny ? Oh ya. Did anyone deserve an Oscar? What do you think.

Is it a cultural icon that has had a decades long lasting impact on pop culture worth your time ? ABSOLUTELY.

Back in 2001 this movie was the next big thing. Everyone wanted a graphic'd out rice burner to drive around town in pretending they street raced.

Everyone wanted a Mia or Letty. Everyone wanted to have Dom's muscles and Brian's hair.

There's not enough to say about how this movie changed everyone in 2001. Just watch it yourself and put yourself in the mindset of 2001.
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Surprisingly good
Vartiainen4 May 2020
Officer Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) goes undercover in the Los Angeles street racing circuits in order to find out which of the racing crews is committing crimes with their muscle cars. But going undercover is never easy, especially with such affable miscreants.

The basic premise is really nothing special. But then again, it doesn't need to be. The point of this movie is in its style. It has fast cars, lots of racing, lots of hot, greased-up babes, muscle-heavy men (and cars) and a killer soundtrack. You don't watch it to be intrigued by carefully orchestrated plot points or tragic backstories or the heaviness of its pathos. No, you watch it to kick back, relax and have a good time.

And in delivering that, the movie more than delivers. But if it was just that, I'd probably rate the film a bit lower. What actually elevates this film above its immediate peers and helped launch a huge franchise, is the fact that this film is punching above its weight class and succeeding. And it does that by having some real good actors playing roles they were born to play. Walker is one of them, but I also have to mention Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez.

The dialogue is also surprisingly snappy and memorable. The plot, while basic, succeeds in making you care for these characters, and it also manages to make itself feel novel, despite arguably being at least a little clichéd. Once again, the fact that you care for these characters matters a lot.

Not a groundbreaking movie by any means, but it has surprising quality underneath all the testosterone being forcibly pumped into your veins.
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A lot of fun (SLIGHT SPOILERS)
zetes4 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The Fast and the Furious is not a great movie by any means, but it is very entertaining. It's definitely a turn-your-brain-off-for-two-hours flick, a nice popcorn flick. The plot is your basic undercover cop conflicted by his attachment to those he is infiltrating kind of thing. No real surprises here. The acting is quite good. I'm putting my money on Vin Diesel becoming the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. Michelle Rodriguez, who was just amazing in last year's Girlfight (she is why I saw this film), is extremely sexy in it. Oh yeah, she gives a good performance, too. I hope she gets some great roles after the success of this movie. The other performers are all relatively good. There aren't any weak spots. The action, which is why most will see The Fast and the Furious, is very good. Although one might wonder why it takes five minutes, even in slow motion, for cars that go 150+ MPH, to travel a quarter of a mile, it doesn't hurt the flick too much. I generally don't like car chase movies. The Mad Max films and this are probably the only exceptions. I was clenching my teeth during several action sequences. 7/10.
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One of those underrated movies
Jashhh5 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was an actual 'movie'. The sequels were just entertainment takes. People forgot about the actual contents of this movie.

The main part of the movie is the trust-and-suspect-relationship between (undercover agent-) Brian and Dominic with his team. This is a red line in the movie and made you want to keep watching.

Somewhere along the way, you lose awareness of Brian's mission and start respecting Dominic's team. You want Brian to get into the group and be with the beautiful cute girl. It is about 'the family'.

It was also about Dom being a unique character who tells you about his past, his father's race, the 10-second-race story and all. It was exactly how a movie about cars, races and action should be. Simple but powerful and beautiful.

This was all build up really well. In a cool traditional (unforced) way, we were introduced with cool cars, cool people, street-racing and stuff.

Before the end, a series of events happened that made you very excited. These events that happened are somehow connected and brought a sort of realistic thrilling experience. Here, the acting skills were superb and the drama in the scenes were pictured in a pitch-perfect traditional way. Brian was a lot tougher here than in the sequels where he was like Dom's slave or something.

It's beautiful to see Brian and Dom at the end: Brian betrayed him and should arrest him but instead, they do the 10 second-race and don't know what to think about each other. This race was one of the most memorable scenes in film-history. After Dom hits the truck and survives the air-spinning of his car, Brian gave him the keys of his car, his car that has just also finished the 10-second-race. So, he finally gave Dom a 10-second-car and by doing that, he officially shows that he is not going to arrest him anymore.

Somehow, he knew that Dom should not be sent to jail all along, even though he appeared to be a trucker-thief after-all......
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A solid entertainment weel done action heist movie
ivo-cobra817 October 2015
The Fast and the Furious (2001) It is solid decent action film of the film franchise. I love this film it is my third favorite film in the series. I wasn't watching this film for the cars or street races this film is about robbery, as a string of high-speed electronics truck robberies rocks the area. The Team stole $1.2 million worth of major electronics and the cops doesn't have any leads who has done it. There is only one team that could be responsible, Dominic Torreto (Vin Diesel) and his gang of street racers. During the night Torreto and his crew of street racers are driving cars in Los Angeles. Brian O'Conner (Paul walker) a undercover LAPD officer under the alias "Brian Earl Spilner", is he assigned to find out who is stealing the merchandise.

This is my favorite film, it is an decent Action film about heist $1.2 million and not about the cars. Why I love this film? Because It is clever, intelligent, Entertained, fast paced and not boring film. The girls are beautiful in this team. The Action sequences are real and perfectly done. I love that late Paul Walker plays Brian O'Conner and undercover L.A. Police Officer who try's to do the right thing. I am Paul Walker fan and Brian O'Conner is my favorite character of the whole franchise and series. I am saying The Fast and the Furious is better than 2,3 and even 7 so the film is pretty good.

Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster did a terrific job playing their characters.With these players set in motion, it's up to the script to deliver the real substance of the movie. (One often sees great performances in mediocre films..here the story transcends the performances -- an impressive feat.) The script delivers. These themes are reinforced by the fine performances by Paul Walker and, particularly, Vin Diesel. Diesel's Toretto is a tough, no-nonsense, street-smart and highly-skilled racer on the outside, but as O'Conner and the audience come to know him, it is revealed that he is a human being with feelings, a troubled and hard past, and doing his best to get along, even if it means skirting or breaking the law. He's the head of a household, and the patriarch of sorts of a gang that is more family than it is a collection of members. Diesel brings hard-nosed and gritty energy to the role, but compliments that with a softer, more accessible side that makes him an odd sort of antihero, a man clearly in the wrong but not maliciously or spitefully so. Walker, too, is excellent as the undercover officer that finds the world of underground racing not-so-seedy as it seems.

On the turbo-charged streets of Los Angeles, every night is a championship race. With intense full-throttle action, awesome high-speed stunts, and full-on pedal to the metal intensity, this fast and furious assault puts you in the driver's seat and dares you to exceed all limits.Los Angeles police officer Brian O'Connor must decide where his loyalties really lie when he becomes enamored with the street racing world he has been sent undercover to destroy.

It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.

The Fast and the Furious is a gritty and gratifying cheap thrill, Rob Cohen's high-octane hot-car is a true rarity these days, a really good exploitation, the sort of thing that would rule at drive-ins if they still existed. The Fast and the Furious is a good Action movie. It offers a conventional plot but populates the story with well-developed primary characters that draw the audience in and make them care about their stories. In the movie, the line between good and bad becomes blurred to the point that, by the end, it matters not which side of the law the characters call home.

I love this film to death! It is my 3d favorite film in the series franchise. The Fast and the Furious kicks ass! Even for PG-13 film they kick ass! Brian O'Conner kicks ass!!!
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It truly is Fast and Furious
celtic_girl19909 September 2006
What makes this film so great? One of the many questions you find asking yourself as soon as you pick up the DVD or Video of this film. Well firstly before you dare to watch this film you must be one of these three types of people to be able to sit and watch this film (in my opinion) 1)A person who knows fast cars, 2)A person who likes to see these cars, and 3)A person who knows why you race them.

If you aren't one of these people and just want to watch Vin and Paul in action then I'm afraid to tell you that you won't do this film any justice (although they are great in this film). I believe that the character that Vin plays was made for him and so was Pauls' character. Vin already has the style, the mood of Dominic Tretto (we have seen this in XXX) i personally couldn't have picked a better actor for the job for no one could pull it off like what Vin does. As for Paul i think it's great that they have used a so-called "tall, lean, blonde pretty-boy" for the part of Brian O'Conner because it brings out the fact that he is an under-cover cop. He's new in the field, it's his first mission and therefore he needs to look it too. We see his character evolve in the second film, which is also truly brilliant. So from me i think that the film should be at least rated at a 7 or 8 out of 10 even though the story does seem to drag on for awhile it is still a pretty good film and i hope you will agree. So from me watch this film and enjoy it too.
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An action movie with a some-what plot, hot babes, fast cars, great action and a meet-expectations.
departed071 May 2008
The Fast and the Furious is probably the first movie to get me into cars while at the same time enjoying myself without having to worry about a plot.

Paul Walker plays Brian O'Conner, a hot shot police officer, who goes undercover as a car junkie Brian Spilner to see if a local street racer/mechanic by the name of Dominic Toretto (Vin Diseal) has anything to do with hijacking a bunch of cargo from DVD's, TV's, entertainment sets, and so forth while at the same time falling head over heels for Dominic's sister Mia (Jordana Brewster). Brian comes so close while at the same time gaining trust to the target (Dominic) itself where it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out.

The film itself has the best action sequences involving street racing and high octane action where despite a so-so plot to follow, or one that's been seen before (such as Point Break), you don't have to worry about a thing. It's just pure fun.

The film also stars Michelle Rodriguez (S.W.A.T.) as Dominic's girlfriend, Letty; Ted Levine (The Silence of the Lambs) as Sgt. Tanner, and singer Ja Rule in a small cameo as a contestant against Dominic.
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This movie made me Furious really Fast
Cheese_Detector26 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I won't say: 'What were you expecting, an Oscar performance? I was expecting crap and that's what I got, so I'm going to give this one a 10.' (You don't rate a movie on how it met your expectations, you rate them compared to OTHER MOVIES. Don't read reviews with the title "What did you expect?") If those are not what you want to hear, read on.

SPOILERS. This movie is about a hip-hop cop who infiltrates a street racing gang that hijacks trucks for fun. You've got to see the hijacking to believe it; those idiots tear up stuff worth much more than whatever is in the truck. From the very beginning it's hard to believe that this Walker dude is a police officer. He acts like a teenager; the only thing missing is those baggy pants that you can get lost in; he's got the accent and everything right. This gang leader guy, Diesel Tornado, is also a tough hip-hop punk, so they get along quite well. And the way Tornado's girlfriend acts makes me wonder is she's really a girl, or an undercover guy. She doesn't act girly and she's got a scorn on her face 24/7 - not pretty. Somebody tell me why a 1/4 mile race lasts a few minutes with 10 second cars. Oh, and the last guy to hit the tiny red button on the steering wheel wins. If you read some of the other reviews, you'll probably notice that every second one says it's a clone of 'Point Break'.

Here's how you make a really cool movie: 1. Get pretty actors, and... that's it. It doesn't need to be original. As long as all the viewers fall in love with the actors, they're going to love everything about the movie. So what if a floodboard magically comes back into the car? So what if the cop doesn't do his job, just to get the respect of his fellow hip-hop buddy? Who cares?

The music was okay. (I had to say something good.)

Now here's how you know if you'll like the movie or not. You'll like it if any of the following is true:

  • You find anyone in the cast you're in love with. - You call your friends 'brothers' and 'sisters' (and not because you're a priest). - You only pull your pants halfway up and you cover the rest with 5 layers of shirts (longer one at the bottom). - You're a car enthusiast. - You're pretty stupid and you like your movies the same way.

If you're into hip-hop, this movie will make you feel good. Be proud of the time you spent in jail, support your friends who break the law and go practise your special handshake with your buddies.

Look for an increase of street racing in your area and thank the people who made this garbage.

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Solid movie... Worth renting
skternate21 June 2006
Today I saw Tokyo drift and yesterday I saw 2 fast 2 furious for the fifth time, but I still find myself drawn toward the original. It stars Paul Walker as an undercover cop who infiltrates the street racing underworld of LA to catch a crook who has been hijacking millions of dollars worth of electronics from 18wheelers, causing the truckers to take matters into their own hands, ultimately ending in deaths and multitudes of money stolen. Now, you would think that because of the semi weak plot, this movie wouldn't be that good, however, the main storyline is just a small part of this movie, the other elements being action and some interesting relationships regarding vin diesels character. Diesel plays a street racing god, one of the best in the LA scene. Walkers character, Brians, way into the world is through Dominic Toretto (Diesel). Toretto has an air about him which draws other in, and Brian is no different. Throughout the movie, Brian is getting to know Dom, earning his trust, etc, but at the end of the movie, both Dom and Brian are forced to make a decision about each other... The whole relationship is interesting to watch. As for the action, there is plenty of it. Besides the many races, there is also some gunplay and some hand to hand fighting, and some interesting hijacking sequences.

All in all the cars are hot, the girls are hotter, the cars are fast, the guns are loaded, and for the more serious, the relationship between Dom, Mia, Vince, Letty, and the others is amazing.

If you haven't seen this movie, rent it tonight
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Cars look cool and Babes look hot
SnoopyStyle2 November 2013
Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) leads a group of friends and family to street race in the LA night. Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) is a cop working undercover to infiltrate his gang of suspected truck robberies. However he finds himself falling under Dominic's charisma and for Dominic's sister Mia (Jordana Brewster).

There is a lot of silly action, and unrealistic story lines. This is purely style winning over substance. The cars look cool and babes look hot. But it's the Vin Diesel presence and Paul Walker pretty boy looks that provide the heart of this movie. The boys have amazing chemistry and the gang feels like a real family. The story is almost unnecessary.
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Cunning Cops
daveisit23 May 2005
Could there be a movie made in this world worse than this one? Of course there is but this is still a shocking movie. What chance does a remake of "Point Break" seriously have? Neither contained a script worth performing, let alone an idea with originality. They both produced ordinary performances from the cast of alleged actors. They also both contained action scenes that were so ridiculous you could only smile at the the disgraceful way money is handed out to pretenders, sorry producers to make this crap.

At least "Point Break" mixed the action scenes between sky diving and surfing rather than the mundane street racing over an over. Maybe they could have towed someone on roller skates behind the cars for extra adrenaline.
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Hot Cars, Hot Girls, Hot Action, What more could you want?
daniel_velker22 May 2013
I don't remember when the first time was that I saw The Fast and the Furious but it dosen't matter because it gets better with each viewing. This movie is filled with what guys want to see; Hot and fast tricked out cars, beautiful women, and kick ass action sequences. The world that the characters live in in this film is the world we can only dream of, to race in cool tricked out cars with dozens of beautiful women surrounding you and cheering you on. All of this is what I love most about this film but I also love the cast; Vin Diesal, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster all clinch their roles. If I were to pick my favorite cast member I would have to go with Michelle Rodriguez because not only is she a talented actress she is beautiful and bad ass in everything she's ever been in and this is probably my favorite role of hers. This is a movie were you really don't have to care about the plot because all the eye-candy and fun of this movie is the cars, girls, and action which is enough to pull you into the driver's seat. The cars are fast the action is furious and that's why this movie rocks.
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First drive-in movie of the millenium
preppy-328 April 2003
Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) wants to join the family of the head of California street racing (Vin Diesel)...but why?

The plot is comic book level; the dialogue is very VERY bad...but who really cares? This is a throwback of those dumb 1970s drive-in movies...it's for people who like loud, fast films filled with mindless action, attractive women, cars...and nothing else. I didn't like the film. It was too loud, too silly and way too long for a dumb action flick. What saves it is some truly incredible action sequences (the "hijacking" sequence towards the end was unbelievable), some very nice, innovative direction, a cast that manages to be good despite the script and a very good performance by Vin Diesel. This was supposed to be Walker's breakthrough film but Diesel steals it away. Also it looks kind of silly to have tall, lean, pretty boy Walker against tall, muscular, severe-looking Diesel.

See it for the action and Diesel. During the slow spots admire the cars or the women.
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Still "Fast" after all these years
ryanskywalker-8740212 April 2017
Rob Cohen's "The Fast and the Furious" has no business being as great as it is. A film about fast cars, undercover cops, and highway robbery should provide limited, perhaps dimwitted thrills, but Cohen's colorful and swift-paced action outing provides such likable characters, slick stunts, and buoyant spirit that the whole affair elevates itself to the highest levels of lively, well-assembled fun. It is a surprisingly robust and satisfying experience.

The film follows an undercover police officer working to infiltrate the world of street racing to bust a low-level crime syndicate. While undercover, he develops an affinity toward the racers and inconvenient brotherhood is established. Between the cars, busts, and friendships, a token crime story becomes a tale of family. It is simply compelling and effortlessly entertaining.

Cohen creates a multi-ethnic world of sunshine, turbo charged technology, and well-rendered characters. It is a Los Angeles of beautiful paint jobs, palm trees, and lived-in locations. Color, verve, and speed burst forth from Cohen's frames in layered and lively compositions. Editing, design, and music create an always- pulsing energy that permeates every sequence.

Though the film is about racing and the thrills that drive the sport, Cohen cast actors that earn as much attention as the horse- powered rockets. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster, Chad Lindberg, and Michelle Rodriguez form the family unit the inspires the film's themes and emotions. Each actor builds a solid character, with the leads being especially memorable. Diesel glowers and Walker exudes a naive charm. They form a charismatic duo.

A slick and undeniably entertaining action gem, "The Fast and the Furious" soars with its combination of character and thrills. Set pieces are exciting, character beats are affecting, and the stunts are electrifying. It is a remarkable, sweat, oil, and sun-soaked piece of work.
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It's more than just an action movie.
PWNYCNY24 October 2011
This is a great movie. Far from being superficial pulp, this movie has a complex plot. Vin Diesel's performance is tremendous; his screen presence is dominating. He succeeds in carrying the movie. Although the movie contains lots of glitz, it also tells a story that deals with themes such as loyalty and betrayal. The rest of the cast is excellent too, especially Jordana Brewster and Paul Walker. Michelle Rodriguez is as usual wonderful. It would be easy to dismiss this movie as being little more than a live action cartoon, but the movie really is full of surprises. It has several intensely dramatic scenes, some of the most incredible car chase scenes, and some deeply esoteric verbal exchanges fraught with emotion. Whether it's Vin Diesel pouting or Paul Walker being heroic, the results are same: nonstop action, intense dialog, and interesting characters, all of which together produce great entertainment. It's more than just about automobiles.
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Smallest and most personal instalment in the series
briancham19941 June 2020
This film is a humble introduction to the world of The Fast and The Furious, a far cry from what the series would become. It starts off with some lovable characters and some street races. The scale of this film is smaller than most of the sequels but it has more heart.
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Damn I miss Paul Walker!
UniqueParticle29 December 2019
The most traumatizing installment but very enjoyable none the less! I love so much of the film, the colors, cars, dialogue, and the fun vibes. Such a great movie, it's been many years since I've seen it. The motorcycle gang is such an annoyance to the plot would've been better without them.
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My first action and crime movie
terence9823 December 2017
I watched this movie in my christmas time. It overwhelmed me with its fast speed. Immediately watched the next 6.
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Kid stuff for gearheads
=G=16 January 2002
"The Fast and Furious", adapted from a magazine article, could have been adapted from a comic book. With a simple minded plot, some pretty awful acting by just about everyone (Diesel excepted), and the usual Hollywood excesses pushing the PG-13 envelope, "The Fast..." gets off on high octane street racing. From cool cars to hot babes this flick is made with one goal in mind: to separate the teen male from the price of admission. Not for mature audiences.
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Great modern classic!
Bruce7221 June 2013
There aren't many movies over the last dozen years to have a bigger impact on society than this one. The Fast and the Furious glorified street racing and made the Honda Civic and the other cars featured in the film must buys for teenage boys across America. The reason is pretty obvious, the movie is outstanding. The cast of Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Jordana Brewster, and others is outstanding and the story is really interesting and unique. The plot and characters are all really well developed, creating an immersive viewing experience not often seen in movies under two hours. The cars and race scenes are fantastic and the action has you sitting on the edge of your seat. The only negative for me was some of the cinematic effects. The director tried to get cute and a lot of those effects actually hurt the scenes, not helped. Nonetheless, those few sequences aren't enough to ruin the film and the entertainment value for the movie is still sky high.
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One of the worst movies I ever saw in the theater.
benestine14 May 2002
I know this movie isn't supposed to be a work of art. It's just supposed to be a mindless roller coaster ride with car chase scenes. I can respect shallow entertainment sometimes. THIS MOVIE IS AWFUL. I'm not going to go into detail about the horrible acting; predictable, unoriginal plot; and the complete absence of any kind of meaning. This is a dumb action movie that is just supposed to appeal to a person's shallow senses. The running time of this movie is 106 min. Maybe 15 min of this movie actually has car chase scenes or action happening on the screen. A mindless action movie should be at least 1/3 action. Most of this movie is filled with unlikeable characters in their 20's, who act like they're in junior high, just conversing with each other like morons. The only character in this movie I liked was the truck driver towards the end of the movie trying to kill all the main characters with a shotgun. (2 out of 10)

(If you want to see a movie with great car chase scenes, see the movie RONIN)
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0U23 February 2020
A mindlessly entertaining film, The Fast and the Furious features fun action, sexy cars and women as well as having some cool characters. Don't go into this film expecting it to engage your brain though or any Fast and Furious film for that matter. Thank you Rob Cohen for starting this franchise!
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