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Edward Norton owned this movie
behbehseta6 August 2019
I give this movie a 10 because

1) Edward Norton was the meaning of masterful acting, you could just look at his eyes and understand every little pain he felt and caused. His smile and manner switching before and after was so distinguishing that if you did not speak English you could just follow him.

2) cinematography : not only the black and white phase was amazing some other shots was masterful

3) the cause , I watched this movie in 2019 and it is as important and as relevant as it was 21 years ago
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This is a fantastic movie....
jmchnwth7 January 2006
This is a fantastic movie because no matter what side you're on in life, this movie shows them all, good and bad, right or wrong. I also agree with the point in the movie that proves that people can change for the better and straighten things out in their head to do the right things in life. Yes, things in our world have changed, some for the good, some for the bad, but just because you might not agree with some of it, doesn't mean you can play God and try to make things "your way" and this shows exactly what happens when you try. This movie talks about all walks of life and the struggles we all have in what beliefs are right and wrong. Yes this movie is brutal and violent, but also truthful to the past and unfortunately still sometimes the present. This movie is about race, but not only 1 race is singled out and fed to the dogs, they all are. So, go into this movie with an open mind and your mind will come out full.
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Changed My Life.
seventhsamurai19547 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
American History X really opened my eyes to the world of racism and how cruel human beings can be sometimes. This story follows a violent extreme skin-head (Norton) that spends three years in jail for killing two black people and how he changed through jail. He then tries to help his younger brother, who idolizes him, not to go down the same path he did. You really can't find a more powerful movie than this. This movie forces you to open your eyes through harsh realism and although some things are disturbing, it makes you take notice. Everything about this movie is so incredible I can't even find words for it. All I can say is that if you have not seen this movie, it really is a must to see because it teaches you something and is really powerful.

Norton's best performance and a must for everyone.
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Had It Been Longer
xiaoli737729 July 2022
I loved this movie, it's terrific. Edward Norton is great here, all the acting performances are good. A very important social message.

I would have given it a 10 if it were longer. I wish there were more scenes of his thought process of leaving the skinhead movement, and more scenes of him bonding with his little brother (Edward Furlong) and slowly getting him to rework his worldview and frame of reference as well. The ending is also a little abrupt.

I just wish for more of the film. Nothing wrong with what we got. It's already a phenomenal work of art that I implore every person of every race to watch. Obviously the subject matter is skinheads, but the theme of de-radicalizing your brain is universal and is much needed in today's world.
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A masterpiece! Truly one of the best film I have ever seen
exa5626 January 2006
I have been wanting to see this movie for a long time, since my English teacher mentioned it in our class in grade ten. Gosh I wished I wouldn't have waited all this time to finally watch it, although maybe it's a good thing cause I would have probably been a little bit more traumatized at 14... This movie is exceptional!!! Makes u think, makes you frustrated, makes you wanna scream and even makes you cry! Edward Norton is just phenomenal playing the role of a freak skin head and even more so playing this skin head who finally realizes how stupid he was and tries to protect his younger brother. Edward Furlong also does an amazing job!!! This film is moving in so many ways...I can't even describe how real and heartfelt it felt. I definitely think Edward Norton should have won the Oscar for his performance, cause he was absolutely terrific! I can't get why they didn't gave it to him... This movie will surely stay on my mind for a while now... just thinking that some place in the world things like that still happen...it crushes my heart. This is a wonderful movie that every single person should see at least once in his life... Watch American History X, it totally worth it!
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"Has anything you've done made your life better?"
classicsoncall7 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of movies and have seen a lot of violence in them - war films, Westerns, horror and even some of those slasher/gore flicks that go so way over the top. For the most part, the violence depicted is far removed from any sense of reality, because after all, it's a movie and the director can be as unrealistic as he wants to get with flying bodies, severed limbs and the like. However the curb stomp by Edward Norton's character on the black hood in the street was probably as visceral an experience that one can get from simply watching the event on screen. I think that comes from internalizing the impact such a trauma can have if it was personally done to you. It's a little hard to put into words, but I hope you can catch my meaning.

What I think the film does effectively is show how a hardened racist like Derek Vinyard (Norton) can slowly come to terms with his prejudices when forced to confront them in a restricted environment. Not only is Derek influenced by his co-worker Lamont (Guy Torry) in the laundry, but also the hypocrisy of the segregated racial groups in the prison yard who break those boundaries for self expediency and personal profit. It's also noteworthy to remark on the character of Cameron Alexander (Stacy Keach), who foments racism and violence from a safe distance, never forcing a confrontation for himself, but only through surrogates like Derek and Seth (Ethan Suple).

If the film does anything, it should help instruct the viewer to rely on one's own life and experiences to see the humanity and good in all people, regardless of race or ethnic background. I'll never understand why racists and haters focus on what's 'different' about others instead of seeing what makes all people the 'same' - a desire to amount to something, be part of a family and have a sense of belonging to a larger community of mankind.
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The Most Dangerous Person To Us Is Ourselves
alexkolokotronis1 February 2009
American History X is a movie of its own. It has a little bit of everything in the way it touches you. This of course making it a very though provoking film. There isn't a genre you can place this film in because it is a not a crime story, action or even a simple drama instead it is a humanistic thriller. What it is about, is the battle over ourselves.

Who better than to display these wild but common complexities within people than Edward Norton. The range he shows here is astounding in only his fifth movie. Norton plays Derek Vinyard, a skin head that realizes through cruel yet necessary events in his life that he has gone down the wrong path. When he comes out of jail he attempts to stop his brother played Edward Furlong from going down the same road he had done. Through all his efforts though some things just prove to be inevitable. Avery Brooks also gives a great performance as Derek Vinyard's former teacher and now principal of his former school. His words may not be of the most inspiring but his actions and messages sent across are subtle yet strong and to the point.

Norton's performance though wasn't just about range but exploring different dimensions of life. Whether it proved to be psychological, social or even political on a certain level. It is a transforming performance revealing something mind blowing and eye opening. That we, and this includes anyone, can take a devastating turn in life no matter how intelligent we are or thoughtful. That the person that determines the outcome of your life is yourself whether it is good or bad. Norton's realizations aren't through teachings such as the ones that got him in jail but they are through the events in the time he spent in jail. He saw the truth for himself realizing then what is false and what is real.

The screenplay written by David McKenna is about as versatile as the performance Norton gives. Not only because of the Derek Vinyard character but because of the characters involved in his life. For example the root of his evil did not come from the murder of his father but rather his father himself. Through just a conversation at breakfast did his negative thoughts get really embedded eventually then leading to them dramatically taking over his mind and way of life. Only when his father got killed did these negative thoughts seem justified. The way this screenplay and direction was able to display this message in just a plethora of other underlying tones was spectacular.

What makes this movie great though is that you can truly find yourself in the messages delivered. As much as the main character might not seem relevant or connected to many people it his emotions and functioning of his mind that all of us are able to connect with. Yet what makes a movie great is not simply the message or messages sent across but how powerfully they are delivered. American History X delivers its multiple and intertwining messages about as powerfully as I've seen from a film.
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One of the most powerful movies I have ever seen.
Boba_Fett113819 July 2005
I was expecting a kind of a moralistic movie with an overly present, almost preaching like message. The movie however turned out to be extremely powerful mainly due to the professionalism it was made with.

The movie its story is told 'beautifuly' in black & white and color. The quite original directing from Tony Kaye gives the movie a nice visual style and certain atmosphere. The story itself isn't that complicated or extremely original on its own and perhaps at most points even predictable but the way the story is told is phenomenal. This is not a movie with an happy ending or a movie that provides a solution to the racial discrimination problems. It shows what is NOT the solution to the problems and that everything that is occurring is like a vicious circle. The movie does not give a hopeful message but instead shows the dangers and pain you're causing to yourself and your close environment when you're thinking as a white supremacist.

As an anti Neo-Nazi movie this movie works really powerful. I think that its a really good and important thing that this movie is often shown in classrooms.

Edward Norton is truly fantastic in his role. He is very well believable as a Neo-Nazi as well as the reformed person he later turns into in the movie. It's almost like he's playing 2 different characters and he does that so extremely well. Also really good was Edward Furlong who we all long had not seen in a big production. Furlong and Norton are both acting well together in their scene's are highly believable as two brothers.

Also surprising good was the musical score by Anne Dudley who had already won an Oscar for "The Full Monty", the year before.

This was a movie that surprisingly impressed me. As a movie its extremely powerful and important.


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All Time Favorite
lisa-1312128 August 2019
I have LOVED this movie since the day I saw it! I own it & will never sell or give it away! It's topic will ALWAYS be relevant & controversial. I can watch it every few years or so & still love it as much as the first time!
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An amazing film
jerry_bear332 April 2000
A good friend of mine suggested this film, and I really didnt know what to expect going in, but after this film was over, I sat in stunned silence. I knew that racism was horrible, but I found through this film that it does not come without a terrible price..the loss of love, friends, family...and the realization that everything that you believed to be true isnt always the way things are. Edward Norton's performance takes the viewer through this journey, and its not a pretty one. He goes from an bright young man, to a vengeful bigot, to a remorseful excon with a brothers life in jeopardy, and you feel as though you are looking in on someones life in the course of 2 hrs. All of the acting in this film is first rate, and the ending wasnt quite as predictable as others might have you believe...it is quite shocking, as is much of the film. It causes quite a debate on the way people view others whos skin color is not the same. As Dr. King said, judge me not on the color of my skin, but on the content of my character. I live with racism, because I am a black man living in America...it exists, but if we educate ourselves like the main character in AHX, it wont stay around for much longer. Hopefully it wont be too late, as it was for him. Peace and Love, JB33 Rating 5 stars
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Highly compelling, but not entirely convincing
kylopod13 March 2006
The concept of a reformed neo-Nazi is so intriguing that it's a wonder there haven't been more movies on this topic. Once you see "American History X," however, you will understand why. The movie's racial themes are provocative and unsettling, far outside the comfort zone of the average viewer, and the movie additionally has the challenging task of explaining how a violent criminal changed his ways. Does the movie convincingly explain that transition? Not entirely.

It's an engrossing movie, nonetheless. It uses a device more common in literature than in the movies: inter-cutting between several story-lines. First we see Derek (Ed Norton) as a free man, newly released from prison, and having developed a conscience. Then we see earlier points in his life when he was a white supremacist, and finally the prison experience that changed him. The non-chronological approach is very effective, making the movie about as engaging as any thriller, even though the plot itself offers few surprises. Had the film followed a more conventional timeline, we'd have quickly grown impatient waiting for plot developments that were inevitable. With the way it's structured, our focus is on the process more than the outcome: How did a bright kid like Derek become a racist? And what turned him around?

The movie takes great pains to show how articulate the younger Derek is when he justifies his hatred of blacks by citing the statistics of black crime. (His more personal motive is that blacks murdered his father.) His arguments hit upon common politically conservative themes as he finds fault with affirmative action, glorification of criminals like Rodney King, and liberals who blame (white) society for the problems facing blacks. But Derek takes this reasoning a step further and argues that blacks have a "racial commitment to crime." Of course, by taking that step, he undermines his own arguments. For example, how does his harping about "personal responsibility" square with his belief in judging people for factors beyond their control, like their race? Responsibility requires choice. If race were the reason for black crime, then black criminals would be morally blameless. But no character points out such contradictions in Derek's views. When he debates a liberal teacher played by Elliot Gould, the gentle Gould character acts like a milquetoast, unable to provide a strong rebuttal. It's a powerful scene, and more than plausible: as in real life, people aren't always prepared with eloquent answers, even when confronted by someone with indefensible views.

Still, it's disconcerting that the film never fully addresses the "intellectual" side of his bigotry. The main impetus for Derek's change is internal: once he learns to respect himself, he starts respecting others--a nice thought, no doubt, but I'm not sure it would be a strong enough fulcrum for change in this character's racial views. Although some would assume that Derek is too intelligent to remain racist, I would assume he's too intelligent not to come up with yet more rationalizations.

There are other factors at work, too, including his treatment by white inmates and his befriending of a charming black inmate (Guy Torry). But all this seems to provide, at most, an emotional response to the earlier scenes. The movie made me realize how much the public attitude toward race has changed since the late 1960s, when optimistic films like "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" confronted racism by creating immensely likable African-American characters and ignoring any other social and cultural tensions that might pose a barrier to interracial relationships. In AHX, almost all the black characters are gang members and criminals, and there seems to be an underlying cynicism in the film's reluctance to provide a clear-cut refutation to Derek's right-wing arguments. Implicitly, the movie argues that there's a cycle of hatred going on between white and black gangs, and that the white racists aren't solely to blame for this situation. Aside from his relationship with Dr. Sweeney (Avery Brooks) and his prison friend, the basis for Derek's turnaround is largely negative: he realizes that he's no better than the black outlaws he so despises. That isn't exactly the most inspiring message about race relations.

My main reason for wanting to watch this movie in the first place was to understand better how an extremist hatemonger could change. But that turns out to be the least convincing aspect of the film. The root of the problem probably lies in the conception. The filmmakers started with the intelligent skinhead character, then they thought, "What sorts of events will lead this character to transform?" That's why the conclusion feels just a tad contrived. It's a good film, overall, but ironically where it's weak is in the very area that makes the story the most interesting.
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One of the best films about racism
Movie_Buff_Brad16 July 2007
One of the reasons I like the film is that the racism isn't shoved down your throat. It's subtle and believable. There's no characters standing around screaming about "Those goddamn Mexicans, I don't want THEM changing my locks so THEY can rob the place with their little essays!", right in front of them.

The acting is great all around, and Edward Norton gives one of the best performances of all time. I can't believe he didn't win best actor. While I haven't seen Benji's performance, I doubt he was half as good as Norton. The film is also highly inspirational and moving.

How is it that this wasn't even nominated for best picture, while Crash was AND won? Crazy.

This should be shown in schools.
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Not all that it's cracked up to be...disappointing.
Manthorpe6 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Derrick Vinyard (Norton) is thrown in jail because he brutally murdered two black men one fateful evening when they tried to steal his car. He is a monster of a Nazi and is quite well known around the community as such. While in prison, Derek has had time to think and he realizes that his reasons for believing in what he does are complete and total frauds. His younger brother Danny (Furlong) seems to be heading down the same path. Can Derek convince his brother to change his ways before it's too late?

Ed Norton deserves all the credit he receives as a talented actor, and he definitely shows off his skills here. It's hard to believe that he's the same skinny weakling that he portrayed in Fight Club. He's a big muscle bound monster filled with hate for the first portion of the film and is then transformed into a man that has seen the light and faults in his ways. Top notch actor. Edward Furlong, despite being in only a few films, also shows off his acting abilities...however, neither one of them could save this film.

Minor Spoilers:

The premise of the movie itself would make it worthy of being in the Top 250, however it has serious flaws in execution and especially the script, as it's filled with entirely unbelievable situations. Too bad because I really wanted to like this one. Nazis playing basketball with local black gangs? Um, yeah m'kay? But a bigger flaw has to be Derek's reasons for having the beliefs he does and the reasons he changed them. His racist beliefs stem from his father's dislike for minorities and from his death in which he is killed by black people while trying to put out a fire in a crackhouse. The latter is believable but the look into his father's beliefs in the dinner scene was entirely unnecessary and laughable at best. Once in the slammer, he makes friends with a black inmate who enlightens Derek's view by telling him sex jokes. And although Derek has had the Nazi beliefs he has had for many years, a simple joke or two and getting rammed in the bootay by fellow Nazis in prison sway his opinion to the opposite. It could happen right?

The ending was what really put me off though and is the main reason why the movie showed itself, to me, to be pretentious. It would have made infinitely more sense had Derek been killed, but having Danny killed for simply blowing smoke in some black kids face is a serious flaw concocted by the makers, and is again, unbelievable. It makes me wonder what they actually thought when they first read the script. I guess they figured it would blow the audience away as there would be no way for them to foresee the final events. I believe that most people fell for this simple trick and is most of the reason why this film has such a lofty rating here at IMDB. Ideally, Danny's life should have been spared for Derek's redemption. Sure, it would've been a "happy" ending, but what we are left with is much worse. Groan.

This film left me very disappointed as I was looking forward to it's story and had heard many good things about it. However, the movie is simply not believable. A movie dealing with real issues needs to be, I don't know, more realistic.

Great acting, decent camera work, but terrible script.

Generously, 7/10
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Weak, shambles, facile moralising.
Youngman_Grand15 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Making a movie about racism is a very easy way to tap into an audiences pre-existing righteous anger without the need to really explore the subject, treat it with respect or develop any kind of understanding around it. AHX knows this, so advances a paper thin plot with any number of ludicrous clichés, cardboard characters and dopy narrative devices. Edward Norton is no longer the Universes least convincing skinhead (stand up, Elijah Wood), but this movie stretches credibility way past breaking point.

The movie doesn't actually try to analyse racism on the more subtle, insidious way in which it exists in most peoples lives. Sure, there are neo-nazi and black power groups around, but this isn't most people's experience of racist behaviour. Only at the end of the movie do we get any hint this, when we see Dereks father discussing his pejudices over the dinner table. But this is very fleeting and it doesn't really give adequate justification for why Derek decided to go down this road in the first place. The movie should have spent far more time looking responsibly at the root causes of such peoples actions and ideologies - but that isn't as easy or as sensationalist as portraying all racists as maniacal cult-heads or separationists. The presence of characters like Stacy Keach's Manson-esquire demagogue serves the questionable purpose of allowing audience members to distance themselves entirely from these kinds of beleifs. Most people I think struggle to some degree with inherited prejudices as a result of ethnicity, class, geography, economic status etc, but films like this pander to our solipsistic view of ourselves as utterly non-judgemental by suggesting that racism only occurs amongst the lunatic fringe.

Additionally Tony Kaye more or less disowned the finished product, claiming that Edward Norton used his star clout to have the film re-edited so that it was more to his liking. The main point of contention seems to have been that Kaye felt the film should have had 'an adequate black voice'. I'm not quite sure what was exactly meant by 'adequate', but I can totally agree that the films narrow scope shifts sympathy onto the white protagonists in a confusing and dubious way. Because almost all of the black characters are so unlikeable, aggressive and one dimensional, with no context to explain their actions, and because one of them ends the film by murdering Furlongs character (a child) for pretty much no discernible reason, it's hard not to feel like we are expected to empathise with Derek and possibly feel like his original agenda was justified. AS well as this, when a 'liberal' character like Murray is portrayed as an ineffectual, idealistic fool, you begin to wonder why the film is so intent on making a violent, near-psychopathic skinhead into some kind of marginalised voice of reason.

Films that attempt to tackle the race issue in modern society will always fail to deliver as long as they are content to sit back and simply push buttons in order to generate a calculated response. The overwhelming majority of people in society know racism is a bad thing, but most ignore how endemic it is. Pinning it all on some gun totin' extremist hooligans, then not even being able to properly decide who you are sympathising with is not the mark of accomplished, mature filmmaking.
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When Norton ruled the world
bhester080628 June 2022
Anyone who missed the 90's and early 00's never will know how big Edward Norton was, he ruled the world. But two movies were a step above all else and this is the second one. He owns this movie role and character in a spectacular fashion. After you watch this go watch the rest of the gold he was apart of in the 90's-00's. Fight club, Primal Fear, Rounders, The Score, Red Dragon, Italian Job, the illusionist, the Incredible Hulk, Pride and Glory, Stone. Watch them all.
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A devastating film
juanmellosa11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
American History X also has one of the most shocking endings ever. But its ambiguity is what makes it more dreadful. It's an ending that can make you question the protagonist's fate, and that's more than horrifying!
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Why can't we just stop hating each other?
Smells_Like_Cheese27 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, got to me! I mean got under my skin got to me. It is so effective, the performances were just perfect. We have Edward Norton and Edward Furlong, two fine actors, they play two skin head Nazi racist brothers who are very violent. We start off at a very disturbing scene where we see how Edward Norton's character is put in jail for killing an African American very violently. When he comes back, he has just learned so much that no school, no white man could ever teach him: self respect, respect for others, respect for life, for his family, and knowing that "We can't live our lives p*ssed off". He is touched when he learns that his brother's teacher is asking him to write a paper about racism and how it effects today's society called "American History X". But when Eddie just gives a wrong look to the black kid in school, some things go terribly wrong.

First off, Ed Norton's old "friends" turn on him because he wishes not to be part of their very racist gang. Even his own brother who followed his footsteps hates him for turning on the gang. But Ed Norton takes Eddie and tells him his passionate and harrowing experience in prison. Eddie seems to start to see the light, but there is an extremely powerful ending that will make even the toughest guy shed a tear. I highly, very much highly, recommend this movie for everyone. Even for the kids, though you might want to turn them away for a few scenes, but that's how powerful this movie is. Trust me, this movie should not be missed and it sends a message.

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It's a synthesis of American culture and cultural anxieties
AlsExGal4 February 2024
Along with questions of morality, with Greek tragedy blended in. It's the sort of story that you absorb and get the sense that you've seen before, but still very powerful, raw, and moving. Still, it's not without its faults.

I really loved Norton's performance here as Derek, but when it comes to the film's exploration of racism, its reasons, and why someone might turn away from it, I felt I wasn't learning anything new. In the scenes that provide background for why Derek is a skinhead, the blacks are portrayed as, overall, not characters I'd define as admirable (the basketball scene, breaking into his car, the general tone and feel of his introduction to prison).

When Derek is a skinhead, he is articulate in defense of his views, which are quite detailed. His firefighter father is killed by a black drug dealer in the line of duty - He was putting out a fire at the dealer's house. This does not improve Derek's mood. In spite of his intelligence and leadership qualities he can suddenly lose control, and become violent, and this leads to actions out of all proportion to the situation - killing two black men who were breaking into his car - that put him in prison for three years.

In prison is where Derek reverses course, but the reasons seem rather shallow. It boils down to being exposed to and befriending one funny likeable black guy that he works with in the prison laundry and two other very prison specific situations. Given the ardent nature of Derek's racism, it is hard to believe that this alone would turn him around or keep him turned around once he left prison and is out in the world again among his old influences.

Its good points? It shows that such virulent racism can happen in normal families, to pretty normal looking people who have met with some tragedies and want to blame the "other". It also shows that change can occur through education - Once out of the Aryan brotherhood group in prison, Derek spends his time reading. I'd recommend this one, just understand there is lots of violence, sexual content, and strong language. It will never be on TV - It would only be 20 minutes long!
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Edward Norton delivers a staggering performance as an extremely intelligent white supremacist who realizes the wrongness of his views and must then try to prevent his younger brother form going down the same
Anonymous_Maxine28 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
American History X is one of the most powerful movies released in years. Not since Schindler's List has the subject of racism been so potently presented. The use of black and white cinematography to portray painful flashbacks is amazing, and the settings, while not necessarily pretty, fit the story flawlessly.

Derek Vineyard's (Edward Norton) transition from a white supremacy leader's protege to a gang leader himself to a changed man is shown mainly through a series of flashbacks to the time before he was sent to prison. The character development and story are amazingly well done, and this is largely a factor of the high quality of the acting. Edward Norton especially, but also Edward Furlong, Beverly D'Angelo, and all of the rest of the cast down to Avery Brooks as Bob Sweeney, the African American high school teacher who comes up with the term American History X, and Stacy Keach as the wonderfully hateable Cameron Alexander. Keach, by the way, would have been the perfect choice to play Francis Dolarhyde in Manhunter, the film the precedes The Silence of the Lambs, but oh well.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that American History X is one of the best films in years, it is horribly underrated. Much like Norton's last film, Primal Fear, which was also a great movie, this movie did not get nearly the recognition that it deserves.
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Gutsy and compelling
Leofwine_draca31 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
American History X is a real surprise, a searing look at racism in America today, told from the point of view of members of a skinhead gang. It's a lengthy film that's punctuated with moments of unflinching brutality, and yet it keeps you hooked to the screen throughout. And the reason for that? Edward Norton. Norton burns up the screen in this film; he's even better than he was in FIGHT CLUB, his big break-out picture. He somehow makes his Neo-Nazi character frightening, compelling and sympathetic in equal measure, a fully realised human being rather than a caricature. Furlong isn't bad, and supporting players like Gould and Keach are great, but let's not kid ourselves here. This is Norton's movie, and he owns it.

This film works well because it isn't judgemental in the slightest. It presents all the sides of a situation without ever TAKING sides. It refuses to preach to the viewer, too, which is something to be commended. It gradually draws you into the plot, and for once the many and lengthy flashbacks are more interesting than the present-time story; the prison flashbacks are among the most powerful I've seen presented. It's not quite a perfect film - I'm not too sure about that ending, when it comes down to it, it feels forced and disconnected from the rest of the movie - but it's certainly up there with the best that Hollywood had to offer during the 1990s.
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Controversial, yet very amazing & moving film
dmaul71119 April 2000
When I first heard of "American History X," I thought it was going to be "just another movie." Man, was I wrong! The first time I watched it, I sat there as it ended, and I was just completely in a state of shock. This movie, more than any other movie I had seen on the subject of racism, really made me think twice about how I treated people of a different race. The way that Derek Vinyard's family was almost completely split apart and destroyed due to his racist beliefs should be a wake-up call to those people who have any racist beliefs whatsoever. I believe that this movie was a whole lot more than just a ground-breaking, controversial drama; it was a portrayal of exactly how much damage can be done to a family and a nation simply because of the hate for a person or people of a different color, for almost no reason at all. The Bible says that "God created man in his own image." It also says to, "Love your neighbor as yourself," which, right there, implies that racism is not something people should even consider. I wouldn't recommend that anyone under the age of 16 see this movie due to its graphic content and language; however, I believe that everyone who is over the age of 16, should see this movie at least once. This way, more people will get a chance to see the true consequences of racism, and how it can easily tear apart a family.
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A flawed film
argimlumani15 January 2020
The alternate ending to this film was derrick shaving his head and reverting back to nazisim which makes sense considering his brother was murdered in cold blood by a black kid for nothing but the film ends saddly with a mixed message which is be nice to black people or you'll get shot none of what derrick went through matterd because his brother was murdered I undertsand the director disowned the film because it wasn't his original vision which I would of been curious to see
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I not only recommend this movie, I cannot recommend it strongly enough
pmikejaqua-674805 October 2022
While this was a tremendous movie, I have to say that many parts of it were extremely difficult to watch. Ed Norton did an incredible job of acting. His depiction of a violently racist skinhead was so convincing as to be terrifying and more than a little sickening. I actually had trouble remembering that this really was acting and that had Norton was in fact not really an angry, despicable skinhead. That's one hell of an accomplushment for any actor.

Without giving anything away about the ending of the movie, I will simply say two things.

  • I thought I knew what was coming, but I was wrong.

  • The ending brought home the point of the whole movie with a power like to the fall of a giant hammer; and that point was not what one might have expected.
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Smart Lead Character ...
Vic_max6 December 2006
The one reason to watch this movie is for the acting - it is intense - esp. concerning the lead character.

The lead character is immediately interesting because he has a good mind - he is bright, clever, consistent and intense. He is impressionable yet searching for his own answers.

From this character, we see how it is possible to uncover deep understandings - not about others, but about one's own self. Watching the lead character go through this process is what makes this movie so interesting.

The rest of the movie doesn't quite match the interest level of the lead character, but it is still good. Because it involves racial tensions and Nazi references, it's easy to get drawn into the story quickly. Overall, I recommend watching the movie.
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A series of cliches
orlo17 April 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I found it hard to enjoy this film due to the overuse of tacky advertising techniques like slow motion (that were too slow), black and white for the flashbacks and general obvious editing and camera work - like when he has been raped in the shower and is lying on the floor. We see a close up of his Nazi Swastika (as if to hammer home the obvious point). This film tries to be poetic but doesn't succeed. After leaving the cinema, I had forgotten everything. This film doesn't even get close to a film such as The Haine, which had a much stronger build up of characters and story, and leaves a significant impact on the viewer, who can identify with the characters. They seem real. In American History X even the characters seem like cliches picked out from other films.
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