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A well made fantasy horror comedy featuring a great physical performance by David Harbour and genuine heart.
IonicBreezeMachine24 February 2023
Set in a house in the Chicago area, one year after the previously family fled without explanation, the house is now occupied by the Presley family consisting of father Frank (Anthony Mackie), mother Melanie "Mel" (Erica Ash), and Fulton (Niles Fitch) and Kevin (Jahi Winston) the older and younger sons respectively. Kevin is none too thrilled at the prospect of having moved yet again as Frank has made a habit of going for ill-advised business ventures that necessitate their moving from place to place. While exploring the attic Kevin encounters a ghost of a man in a bowling shirt with the name "Ernest" (David Harbour) stitched on the breast who tries in vain to scare Kevin who records the apparition on his phone. As Kevin tries to communicate with Ernest in the hopes of getting to know him better, the two strike up a friendship. However Kevin's brother and father soon find the video on his phone and posting the video on the internet turns Ernest into a social media sensation much to Kevin's annoyance. As Ernest can't remember anything from when he was alive, Kevin works with his next door neighbor Joy Yoshino (Isabella Russo) to track down clues to Ernest's identity as Dr. Leslie Monroe (Tig Notaro), an agent of the CIA paranormal program "Wizard Clip" attempts to get Ernest into CIA custody.

We Have a Ghost is the latest film from writer director Christopher Landon who had previously made a name for himself with the two Happy Death Day films as well as the body switch slasher Freaky. Based on the short story Ernest by Geoff Manaugh, Landon taps into more high concept territory as he takes the familiar premise of comic haunted house movies (such as 95's Casper and especially Burton's Beetlejuice) and puts his own spin on it for the modern age. Like Landon's previous efforts, he takes a well trodden formula and makes it feel fresh thanks to a smart script, strong direction, and good performances from the ensemble.

At the center of the film is undeniably David Harbour as the titular ghost and it's a fantastic performance from Harbour in spite of the fact he can't speak. Harbour was hesitant to take on the role as it would be challenging to create a compelling character without words, but Harbour shows just how versatile and charismatic of a presence he is not only scoring big laughs from his physicality and the pantomime nature of his performance, but also eliciting some strong emotional resonance and a sense of sadness and tragedy that makes you really care about him. Outside of Harbour, the movie is supported by a terrific ensemble. Jahi Winston is very good as the co-lead and he makes a solid audience proxy whom we enjoy seeing go through the supernatural shenanigans. Winston does a good job of making his interactions with Ernest and his neighbor and love interest Joy played by Isabella Russo very endearing and when the three of them are together in the movie they play off nicely against each other. Anthony Mackie, Erica Ash, and Niles Fitch get some good mileage playing Kevin's family and their varying reactions to how the ghost affects their lives with Frank booking TV appearances, Fulton using it for popularity and Mel at her wits end with the crowds of Ernest fans and TikTokers camped outside their house leads to some fantastic comic set pieces. Tig Notaro is also very good as Dr. Leslie Monroe who serves as our primary antagonist and serves as a more nuanced take on the role Walter Peck played in Ghostbusters. Tig brings a lot of humanity to the role and does well playing a driven and quirky CIA agent.

At it's core the movie is essentially a mash-up of Beetlejuice by way of Starman or E. T. (particularly in the second half). While the stuff around centered around the house is very good with the satire of internet fame and haunted house trappings, Landon takes the action on the road in a creative way as Kevin, Joy and Ernest search for more clues to Ernest's identity and we get some really creative and humorous sequences that often had me giving solid belly laughs. We Have a Ghost runs strongly for a good 75% of the runtime, but around the last 25% I started to notice some things began to drag. I personally think the movie runs a little long at two hours, and while it does stay funny there is a "flabbiness" in the structure that made the comic rhythm stumble a bit. I also felt like the movie had two different ideas of how it wanted to end because they introduce a secondary antagonist towards the end of the second act and it feels like it deviates a bit too far from the established pieces in my opinion and it probably could've been tied up better by having a singular antagonistic force.

We Have a Ghost is a strong high concept comedy that features a great comedic performance by Harbour and a likable ensemble strongly directed by Landon. Landon's script remains funny for a good chunk of the running time, but does feel like it loses some integrity around the 90 minute mark and feels like the third act could've done with a bit of tweaking. A solid recommendation especially if you've an affinity for the likes of Beetlejuice, Ghostbusters, or Starman.
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It has the gentle feel of Touched By an Angel rather than horror
AlsExGal2 June 2024
. I had actually thought this was going to be a series, but it ended up being a 2-hour movie.

The story was that very good-kids discover a ghost in the attic of their new home, the Father & older son exploit the haunting, the younger son tries to help the ghost & the Mom is terrified, avoiding the ghost at all costs. That's about it.

Well this movie is full of the usual tropes found in any movie of this genre, but the special effects of the ghost and the guy who plays the ghost (David Harbour) are outstanding. The younger son is a typical withdrawn teenager in a new school and he quickly pairs up with the adorable but wacky girl next door. The mystery of the ghost's story is easy to figure out & wraps up nicely in 127 min.

Kids, teens are definitely the target audience here, since so much of the story is completely implausible-and I don't mean the "ghost" part but the real-life part. For example, when the cop's car gets wrecked during a chase scene & he stands in the middle of the road shaking his fist as the kids get away. Sorry, there's no way police would simply give up without pursuing 2 teens on the run!

One aspect that rang so true was how fast social media stories spread & how info is distorted & editorialized by idiots.

Overall it was fun & cute, all actors were excellent (although the adult women were EMACIATED & skeletal) the sets were great and the lighting, photography & editing top notch.

This was written & directed by Christopher Landon, Michael Landon's son. He seems to be interested in the paranormal genre and this one has the gentle feel of Touched By An Angel moreso than haunting/horror.
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Bring back the 90 minute movie
mennivetvadjagmenar24 February 2023
It seems Netflix are determined to releasing new weekly movies that are mediocre and too long. This easily, just like other Netflix-films like the recent Jason Mamoa films Slumberland and Sweet Girl or the very recent Your place or mine, could have been 90 minutes. I'm confident I would have enjoyed this film much more if it was shorter - now I just feel numb.

Sometimes a light comedy can be just what I crave. It can have medium reviews but in a certain mood, a "medium" film can be perfect. But for two hours? Landons previous films in the Happy Death Day-franchise + Freaky are much more succesful in being enjoyable.
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Really fun 80s throwback
masonsaul4 March 2023
It's overly long and goes to some very random places narratively but We Have a Ghost is still a really fun 80s Amblin throwback that has plenty of charming moments and humour that hits more than it misses. It's definitely Christopher Landon's weakest film in a while but thankfully still isn't bad by any means.

The cast are all good in their undemanding roles that require them to go through the usual stereotypes and motions and David Harbour is obviously the standout with the hardest job. He has to be extremely innocent and emotive purely through movement and he pulls it off effortlessly.

Christopher Landon's direction is really good, the film has some fun set pieces combined with the right songs to make them even better and the overall earnesty of the film wins you over by the end. The CG isn't anything spectacular but it's convincing enough and rarely pushes its own limitations.
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Fun family feel-good film.
arttender24 February 2023
This movie was fun, touching, well filmed and a tad bit silly. The mix of mystery and action felt well timed and the pacing made a 2 hr movie feel like a lot less. The story was a fun version of the typical ghost story and the characters were endearing enough to keep you interested until the end. And most of the acting was solid even the over the top roles of the government sector. Anthony Mackey was solid as always. To be fair... David Harbour is my favorite actor, so I may be a bit biased. That being said... he hit this role on the head and did an amazing sell of a script without saying a single word. Enjoyed it for what it is.
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Ghost for the entire family
RedKidBytes25 February 2023
From the well-known writer-director Christopher Landon, who has showcased films such as Freaky, Disturbia, Happy Death Day 1, Happy Death Day 2, Scouts Guide to Zombie Apocalypse, Viral, and 5 of the Paranormal Activity films under his belt, comes the supernatural thriller We Have a Ghost. He is the son of the infamous actor Michael Landon who became famous in the 70s through early 90s with Tv series such as Little House on the Prarie, Bonanza, and Highway to Heaven.

Unlike his earlier films that have more intensity and heightened elements of fear and horror, We Have a Ghost is a much more tapered-down version of his somewhat uniquely unhinged style typical with wistful turns.

The story is much similar in spirit to one of the most-known iconic films "Ghost", directed by Jerry Zucker and played by Patrick Swayze and Debbie Moore. Although Jerry Zucker's Ghost is a love story, Christopher Landons' We Have a Ghost is a story of young adults who are struggling with their identities in a brutally judgemental harsh social world, that is instantaneously connected to everyone. And such displays the disparity between the parents who were raised in a world that does not exist today and the children who grow much faster and more maturer than their parents did thus, they feel disconnected and do not understand their parents as well as their reasonings. And they are dealing with a silent Ghost in their house in their own ways.

It is very well-acted, directed, and written. It may not be everyone's cup of tea because the targeted age group is young adults and it is a film that you can be watch with the entire family.
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I'll watch anything with David Harbour in it
tankboy-4685128 February 2023
So, the movies "alright".

It's competently directed, acted, and it looks decent. The issue I have is it's waaaaaay long. For what the movie was presented to be, it should've been about and hour and forty five minutes TOPS. With a running time of two hours and six minutes... the film is extremely difficult to get through.

And... the tone is all over the place. Is it a comedy? A drama? A thriller? A mystery? It tried to be all of these things. I've seen a lot of movies on Netflix like this recently. Is it a Netflix thing? Or just something Hollywood is trying on for size. Hopefully they cut the crap because it doesn't work.

The main hero, Kevin, is really likeable. And I appreciate that. Performances are good, but the jumbled mess is not the casts fault. It rests with the filmmakers. Netflix should've advertised this as more of a drama revolving around a family. There ARE funny moments, but the preview makes it seem like this will carry throughout the entirety of the movie and it doesn't.

It's average and gets a higher rating for me because I'm a fan of David Harbour.
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Much better then I thought
elsvaneijkjutte25 February 2023
I didn think I woud like it, but it was pretty good.

The characters were very likable, they weren't funny just to be funny but really believable.

No over the top scary stuff, just super entertaining to watch. I did wonder about the ages of some of the characters .....he looks more like a granddad, but okay I guess, it is possible for a man to have a child later in life. I'm not a great fan of Tig, as she is usually acting the same grumpy person... but I really liked her in this movie. Same goes for Jennifer, she was as I was expecting her to be, but perfect for the role.

I would love to see more movies like this on Netflix. From start to finish a great watch.
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Light, entertaining, one time good watch
rehmankhilji26 February 2023
Guess, the subject of the review should have been sufficient but these word's limit literally kills the speech. David Harbour, the HELL BOY, coming in a very light, soft, good family watch movie over the Netflix. It is not something extra ordinary, it is not something very different, you can easily guess the ending, but still worth your time. Reviewers calling it like another Casper movie, perhaps in a way true, just that no white tailed ghosts in this one.

You will enjoy it surely watching, it will not bore you, though from a very critical point, there are many flaws that could have been covered, but leave that aside, just enjoy.
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I don't get people who rate this over 5 stars.
theodksylo26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has near to zero story, and what little story is executed poorly. The characters are bad... I mean really bad... the olny one who could've probably redeem this, can't talk...

The writing is just terrible, I mean at one point the do all this thing about Ernest getting out the house and end up going to bar alone...

Pointless chasing, when Ernest can just be invisible.

I mean I get Hollywood thinks people who watch movies like this are stupid, but come on give us a the benefit of the doubt.

Also a bit heavy on the racial remarks, "we are not going to be like every stuuuupid white family in every horror movie" ?

And finally stop casting Tig Notaro, I mean the woman can't act. Maybe she has stock on Netflix, who knows.
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This movie was fun, I recommend it
johnc-54 March 2023
What a surprisingly funny, solid movie. Wasn't expecting much, to be sure, but it actually had a great plot and mystery. Plus, all of the actors were great, with one exception.

I loved the mom and dad, although Mackie's treatment of his son was kind of weird because he hated his son but didn't seem to mind the other son. There weren't a lot of reasons for that, at least that the movie explained.

But overall, it was fun and funny and extremely interesting, too. David Harbor was phenomenal as the ghost. Tough role and he just crushed it.

The notable exception is Tig Natoro, who presents as so smug and unwieldy in everything, including this. Her scenes were painful, took me out of the movie every time.

Otherwise, this is a Netflix winner and it gets 8 stars because 1 star comes off for Tig.
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David Harbour Made This
marymcfarland-0186626 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a decent watch.

I would have never watched this if David Harbour wasn't cast.

David Harbour was amazing as the mute ghost. I seriously want his ghost to haunt me. His character's story is what kept me watching.

The not ghost family could have been likable, but for the most part they were written poorly. The likable kid and his girlfriend who loved the ghost could have been more developed. The brother didn't even need to be there. The father was horrible, the mother was mostly uninvolved...the backstory of the family should have been played up better.

I gave this a 6 because David Harbour and his character's back story was amazing. Everyone else was a bit forgettable. Both family stories should have been played up equally.
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Not for me
turdymac25 February 2023
Look, the movie actually started off alright. I thought it began entertaining, especially with seventies and eighties references to movies and music. It had potential until it started making reference to race. I went into this hoping for a quaint comedy and what I got made me shut it off at 30 minutes. The crazy white families line turned me off. I'll admit it. This movie had potential but it failed in racial identity politics. So I'll pass but give marks for casting and direction. I'm sure the rest of the movie may have been alright but I was unwilling to endure it because I just can't sit and watch a movie that goes out of it's way to insult ANY race. So sorry, for the first five it was ok, after that I have better things to watch. This script sucked, No fault in the actors.
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Charming, but overstays its welcome
sanguineartificer24 February 2023
We've seen the typical story before; family moves in, family meets ghost, family battles ghost. This movie takes a unique take on it however, and I appreciated the parody that ensued - we are treated to multiple scenes of TikTok users doing what they do best in regards to Ernest, and it amused me greatly.

Unfortunately, the inserted plot of the government crack team of ghost hunters greatly overstays its welcome and could be removed without damaging the overall plot of the film. Still, for a Netflix original, this is a surprisingly fresh take on some old cliches, and I enjoyed it.

All in all, if you have some free time one afternoon, and care for a rather refreshing take on an old clichéd story concept, this is worth having on - even if only in the background!
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Almost, but too long
Turbs197722 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This started out quite well, and does have some genuinely touching moments but would have benefitted with half of it being left on the cutting room floor.

I saw no benefit at all to the silly government agency plot at all. This could have played out much better and been a more appropriate length if that entire section had been cut out. The search for whatever happened to "Ernest" and the reveal would have been just fine without any need for the running from the police and escaping from the government facility nonsense. That section made me tune out a bit in the mid portion of the film.

For me, this could have almost been a 7 due to the endearing performances of the main young lad actor and David Harbour, but it fell short because they just tried to cram too much in and it felt like a bit of a muddled mish mash of genres. As a touching drama about a ghost in limbo yes, add in the action comedy . . not so much. I also found it a little odd that at the climax of the film they seemed to put too much emphasis on the relationship between the ghost and the boy when his actual daughter is standing back watching his final moments as an entity on earth.
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Ernest, your friendly neighborhood ghost
shassan-7331624 February 2023
From Christopher Landon, the man behind films such as Happy Death Day and Freaky, comes a funny and moving ghost story, with great cast and cool car chases as well. The story follows a family of four who moves into a new house, only to find out that it's haunted by the ghost of a guy (David Harbour) who wears a bowling shirt with the name Ernest on it. The first to come into contact with him, is the younger sensitive son, Kevin (played by Jahi Di'Allo Winston), who feels all alone and can't connect with his family, especially his father (Anthony Mackie). When Kevin sees Ernest, he bonds with him and makes it his mission to find out his story and help him cross over to the other side, but naturally it's not that simple, as the family find themselves targeted by the CIA (Tig Notaro and Steve Coulter), who want to capture Ernest and do experiments on him. Kevin teams up with the girl next door (Isabella Russo) in order to uncover the mystery behind Ernest and help him out. Even though there are so many ghost stories, this one does offer something fun and new, first of all seeing David Harbour playing a ghost (with unattractive hair cut) and not being able to say any words, is truly impressive. The rest of the cast does good job all around (too bad Jennifer Coolidge had such a short time on screen though). I especially loved a moving scene between Kevin and his father, where he becomes honest and tells him that he's proud of him. Also the visuals and soundtrack are also great. The films discusses many topics such as family, social media and the power of friendship (even with a ghost).
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Wanted to like it, but no
Movieshepherd5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The father was verbally and physically abusive, the older brother is an a-hole and mom is too weak to stand up for the youngest son. The best friend is an obnoxious bully, that is passed off as progressive and quirky. She yells at a guy for asking for privacy when going to the bathroom? I didn't know that had anything to do with gender norms. But she doesn't mind touching Ernest without permission not once but twice just because she wanted to. The only characters that were remotely likable were Ernest and Kevin. Why would the cops be shooting at the kidnap victim? Come on. Jennifer Coolidge was in the movie for like 2 sec and really added nothing to the story and I'm a fan of hers. Good idea, poor execution.
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Good viewing for almost any mood
lynne-grummitt24 February 2023
I really enjoyed this movie. It has a bit of everything for everyone. Some good humour, a touch of horror, a pinch of drama, a tiny bit of action (queue police car chase), a dollop of crime/thriller and a smidge of romance.

What's not to love?

The sound track was good. The acting was enjoyable. The script was well thought out. It's a very clever production in my personal opinion. Great casting.

Was it perfect? No. Does that matter? Also no. For me, it was just right. I didn't know what to expect going into it, but I was pleasantly surprised and happy with my choice within the first 3 minutes into the movie. Not once did I consider if I wanted to turn it off.

They can be proud of this movie. Well done!
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some feel-good
SnoopyStyle26 February 2023
Frank (Anthony Mackie) and Melanie Presley (Erica Ash) move into their newly purchased house with their kids. They have a ghost, Ernest (David Harbour). Their grumpy teenager Kevin (Jahi Di'Allo Winston) encounters him and doesn't find him scary at all. In fact, he tries to befriend him. Dr. Leslie Monroe (Tig Notaro) had led a CIA team investigating supernatural ghosts and she intends to capture the spirit.

This has some feel-good moments. I like the two kids. I really like them with Ernest going on the road. It's generally too long for what the movie intends to be. The plot meanders a bit. This could have been better.
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Divisive dialog
peacebarry26 February 2023
Line from the movie "stupid white"...REALLY?

What is the purpose of this other than to divide and make people hate people. Stupid would have been sufficient. If we said stupid black people or stupid Asian people or something else there would be an all-out war about this. Remove it. For as much as the movie tries to make everyone inclusive It sure does try to make people exclusive. As there are several other lines and those of you that wrote the movie and have anything to do with the production of the movie know exactly what I'm talking about. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21223. It's always dumb that we have some sort of requirement for review.
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A Lost Soul & A Lost Son . . . .
sundayatdusk-9785925 February 2023
Kevin is a pensive 16-year-old dealing with moving to yet another new house, and having a father who often has harebrained schemes that lead to nothing but broken promises. The new house they move into is a huge historical one that was strangely priced low. Shortly after moving in, the family finds out why. There is a ghost! His name is apparently Ernest, as shown on the bowling shirt he is wearing. He cannot speak. Kevin befriends Ernest, films him with his cell phone, and his brother and father soon see the video he took.

His father immediately thinks what a great, money-making social media sensation Ernest will be! Many more videos are taken and put online. Kevin, on the other hand, wants to find out why Ernest won't leave the earth, as he should. What happened to him that keeps him haunting around? Those two clashing motives create a very funny and poignant movie. Kevin, his dad, brother and mom are extremely likable characters, too. No one seems stereotypical. Ernest is also likable and it's easy to care about him. The reaction to the crowds outside the house and other places when they see him is often extremely funny, as is when others try to imitate what they see Ernest doing online, such as crashing through walls.

Usually, I'm no fan of movies where a character becomes a social media sensation, but this one was a cut above the rest. It unfortunately did have totally predictable happenings, though, such as a government agency wants to capture Ernest and study him, and car chases with the police. Plus, the teenage girl next door who befriends Kevin is vulgar at times. She's Asian, Kevin is black and Ernest is white. Some may see this movie as being too politically correct, but I saw it as having absolutely nothing to do with race or politics. It had to do with caring for a lost soul, as well as caring about the lost love for a father by a disillusioned son.

The film did have one big problem, however--profanity. There was no need for all that profanity. There was no need for any profanity. If that had been left out, along with any vulgar comments, this movie could have been a perfect family movie all members could watch and enjoy. It's beyond me how many individuals who make movies don't realize profanity and vulgarity are not the norms in countless families. Are they so tainted that they can't grasp that fact? Or are they so tainted that they want everyone, including children, to be as tainted as they are?
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Nice idea, shame about the blatant racism
vdbk8120 August 2023
So, before watching this film, I had high hopes that it would bring something new to the table and as a huge fan of David Harbour, was happy to give this film a chance.

Unfortunately before too long, the white bashing began, including the line "stupid white families". So it seems that this "reverse racism" is becoming increasingly popular when the leading actors are black. As people before have said, if these comments were reversed, there would be total uproar.

It's very unfortunate as I actually enjoyed the relationship between Kevin and Ernest. David Harbour was very convincing as a man that been wronged. The film was definitely funny in places and an easy family watch.

However, it is NOT acceptable that this kind of racism is being mainstreamed as acceptable. Very worrying indeed.
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tsteve7082 March 2023
With such a great cast I really expected better, story was slow and just to racially biased 'we're not going to end up like those stupid white families!' Was unnecessary and would never be tolerated if it was aimed at any other ethnicity. It was a thinly veiled morality tale with a weak plot, poor writing and sub par special effects. I thought the whole dead lives matter was the best part of the film but a comedy this isn't. I barely passes as an adventure movie and I'm glad it was free as I would have been very annoyed if I had wasted cash on paying to watch this. I cannot see how this reached number 1 streaming on Netflix.
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Trailer told the story
m-ramanan26 February 2023
RATED 7/10 Language: English Source: Netflix

The trailer told the story and cap your expectations based on trailer. Then you will enjoy this movie. Other than ghost inro scene there is nothing new in the movie... Everything is already told multiple times in other movies....

David Harbour as ghost make this more realistic and watchable one. Mackie is bit overcast for this simple drama. Director's previous movies touch is really missing in this one.

But still it presented in such a interesting way and no lagging moments... I enjoyed my weekend with this one time watchable horror comedy. If they cut around 20 minutes of sentiment scenes this would be little bit more racier.
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A few edits short of a good movie.
jellopuke18 March 2023
A family moves into a house haunted by a ghost. The youngest son befriends him while the dad exploits him for fame. Then the government gets involved and the man who murdered the ghost comes back to make sure nobody finds out he did it.

This was ALMOST a good movie. The concept was interesting, with the family exploiting the ghost while the son tries to help him but then it goes and tries to add too much, taking it from a simple story into something way more than it needed to be. You can smell producer interference. The entire plot with the government, the way too convenient killer, the car chases, none of that was necessary and actively ruined the story. All they had to do was focus on what mattered and avoid the trappings of a big budget movie and they might have had something. It's not unwatchable, just overlong and bloated.
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