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Exciting monster fights with an incredibly dumb plot
We all know why we're here, don't we?

Of course - we want mindless destruction with awesome monsters and great visuals, and if it was only about that, this film deserves some praise, indeed. I very much liked the wrestling component of the fights, with some of the highlight moves being some of the most satisfying examples that ever graced the screen.

However, with all the monster madness there is something that most of these movies seem to get wrong almost every time: the overall plot and characters.

Now, I certainly don't expect grand drama and acting excellence from a flick like this, but GODZILLA VS. KONG is a remarkably bad example for both of these aspects. All characters were pretty bad, and the plot... oh boy.

Let me put it this way: when the movie is trying to be smart, it's pretty stupid. But when the movie is stupid, it's absolutely brainmeltingly stupid. The techno babble is annoyingly idiotic, down to a point where it completely took me out of the film, laughing hard at the audacity the writers had when typing these lines. The acting is at best alright, but Rebecca Hall's overacting and the astonishingly unlikeable attitude of Millie Bobby Brown's character ruined a lot of the already unbearably inept plot. Alexander Skarsgård's talent was pretty much wasted here, while all the others seem to come directly from that direct-to-video sequel to Roland Emmerich's Godzilla that never happened - for good reason.

All in all, I can only recommend this film if you're able to leave your brain far, far behind and to focus only on the action itself. This is basically a script from 1997, made with today's technical possibilities - a script that probably even Roland Emmerich might have thought was too stupid.

Also noteworthy: when the Tom Holkenborg score isn't the worst part of a movie, you know that something's off. Although, to be fair, this was actually a pretty decent score for our less talented Hans Zimmer clone.

Don't believe the hype though. Instead, get drunk before starting to watch this, and you might have a good time.
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Great action, cool visuals and that's about it.
ThomDerd3 April 2021
I am glad I watched this film for 3 reasons: 1-good runtime of 1h 50m, 2-never gets boring, 3-relentless impressive action sequences. Don't expect much from the plot but prepare yourselves for some epic monster fight scenes and some great ideas on visuals. If you have seen the previous kong and godzilla films then you will like this a tad more. But if you haven't, it doesn't matter; it will keep you invested throughout. Its at least a 7 because they kept it relevant to what it is. Its just a fun movie 7/10.
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Thank goodness for the children.
movieliker14 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is another movie where children save the day from evil and/or incompetent adults.

  • Kong is not happy in Kong biosphere.

  • Incompetent human adults kidnap Kong to bring him to Antartica where there is an entrance to the center of the Earth.

  • Kong's naval escort is intercepted by Godzilla. Godzilla and Kong have an epic battle. Godzilla wins round one.

  • Kong is air lifted to Antarctica. He and humans fall through a wormhole to the center of the Earth.

  • The center of the Earth is replete with light, oxygen, plants, trees, rivers, lakes, waterfalls and of course, dinosaurs.

  • Kong is king in the center of the Earth. He even has a throne down there.

  • Godzilla burns a hole down to the center of the Earth. Kong climbs up that hole from the center of the Earth, to the surface of the Earth.

  • Kong and Godzilla have epic battle. Kong wins round two.

  • Kong and Godzilla have another epic battle. Godzilla wins round three.

  • Apparently King Kong is controlled by an eight year old deaf child. He virtually does whatever she says. (Thank goodness for the children.) She tells him, "Godzilla is not your enemy. He is your friend. By the way, he needs your help."

  • Kong looks over to see Godzilla battling mechanical Godzilla created by evil human corporation run by evil adults.

  • Two other children break into the evil corporation and get control of the mechanical Godzilla control board. (Thank goodness for the children.)

  • They can't override mechanical Godzilla's program. So one kid pours a drink on the control board to short out mechanical Godzilla. (Thank goodness for the children.)

  • Kong and Godzilla decide they cannot be friends. But they will settle for Godzilla controlling the water. And Kong controlling the land.

  • Kong returns to the center of the Earth. But he needs human supervision.

This is a movie for kids, and adults who can suspend disbelief.

There is plenty of action and violence. No nudity or sex. Couple of curse words.

I gave it a 10 for action and special effects. A 1 for plot. Halfway between 1 and 10 is my rating of 5.
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Am i the only one who thought this was overhyped?
brycetulloch-1360426 March 2021
I liked the action but once again, The story and characters were unbelievably bland.
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Epic battles with an uninspired plot.
kenzibit1 April 2021
Rating basically for the epic battles in this movie, great special effects that blend perfectly with the environment accompanied by immersive sounds to rumble your speakers. Kudos to all those responsible for that. On the other hand, this movie does a poor job of character personalization and story plot. Had a lot of fake smiles and poor dialogues, did a poor job of making you feel for any character's situation and wanting more from them, it's like the movie pauses when scenes switch from the Kaijus to humans. Characters were introduced for no particular purpose or reason. Story was dull and uninspiring. Wouldn't recommend this movie for the plot or character performances but will recommend it for the epic Kaiju battles and CGI.
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Where's the 'no humans' edit?
bowmanblue6 June 2023
Oh, my was I disappointed with this one. I'm not sure what I want from a 'giant monster' movie, but this wasn't it - for the most part. I have a chequered past with the franchise. I hated the original 'Godzilla' as there wasn't enough of the monster (or Bryan Cranston) then the 'King of Monsters' sequel was little more than colours and noise before me, yet the - much maligned 'Kong: Skull Island' was quite an enjoyable romp.

Here we have a film about humans. A lot of humans. Occasionally a giant ape or lizard show up and punch each other. That's about it. It's like 2007's 'Transformers' film all over again. I know that focusing a story on either giant monster would be difficult, so humans would have to be a major part of it - I don't know - it's just it felt too centred around pointless stuff. If the main cast of humans wasn't enough, they feel the need to include a totally redundant sub-plot about Millie Bobby Brown leading a pair of other wise-cracking, yet still bland, sidekicks around a secret facility. This whole aspect could have been left on the cutting room floor and the movie would be all the better for not seeing this - supposedly - secret base. Yes, this is the most secure facility that just allows any old Tom, Dick or Harry to simply wander in and nose around.

And that's just one of the plot holes. I swear if a modern movie exists that has more leaps of faith in it than 'Godzilla vs Kong' then I haven't seen it yet. To even hope of enjoying this film you really can't afford to allow yourself to actually think too deeply about what you're watching, because nothing really holds up when put under any form of scrutiny.

The humans are annoying, but the monsters are - reasonably - cool. Yeah, even for a big budget film like this they're still kind of CGI-looking, but they at least do more than their human counterparts. Naturally, our titular beasties have to team up to fight some 'greater evil' - if you've seen 'Batman vs Superman' it's almost a play for play re-enactment and I kept expecting it to be Doomsday. Don't worry - it's not just the - obviously evil - human baddie in this film who wears a coat over his shoulder just to prove what a cad he really is.

It's a film. It's way too long. It's not terrible, but I got through it by not watching it at the cinema and therefore in the comfort of my living room I was able to fast-forward every time I saw Millie Bobby Brown come on.
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Amusement Park Ride Cinema
Sean Kerr6 December 2021
Martin Scorsese could have been referring to this film when he said that modern action movies have more in common with theme park rides than filmmaking.

Horrendous plot, terrible acting... all it had was great sound and some impressive CGI. Not enough for me...
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GOD 🦍 Of The Apes vs. KING 🐊 Of The Monsters: If You ENJOY Watching ...Way 😅 Overblown, Plot-hole Riddled 🧀 Action Fare, Then Prepare To Be, Well... { BLOWN-AWAY } 🌠 👍❗. Warning: Spoilers

Madison Russell : " ...There's something provoking him -{ referring to Godzilla }- that we're not seeing here... " .


" A Good, Old-fasioned, -{ Big }- Screen Review " .

So here's the thing. How is it that ...{ Evidently }... Maya, Lind, and Eileen & Jia, & the others, need 'Specially Constructed Deep Earth Crafts 🚀' to blitz thru the so called "Gravity Inversion" point-of-contact on their way to 'Hollow Earth' ( in order to prevent them from turning into something akin to 'instant-ketchup' ) ; but the -( " essentially just as ORGANIC " )- Kong needs no such parameter of enhanced fortification❓In the final analysis, 'twas... " the ( Not ) so little things " such as -{ This }- in "Godzilla vs. Kong", aka "G.v.K", that left me feeling a little bit like the limits of 👉{ Even }👈 this very decidedly, er... dicey, murky, & malleable thing known as " Movie-Science " , had, in this particular case, been stretched, well ...Way, Way { 🤔❗} past the point of acceptable, well, er . . . . . " Thin-Ness " .

But one thing is for certain. Director Adam Winguard { 'Outcast', 'The Guest', 'Blair Witch' } has mostly definitely exploited the living daylights out of his USD 200,000,000 { 💣💥 } budget, to create a picture that is -{ Atleast }- as huge in Scope, as well as dynamism, as the monstrous & -( Utterly )- behemoth "Titans" that it pits against one another. Furthermore, ( & needless-to-say, almost, for those of you who've watched the trailers already ), most of the Artistic & Technical aspects of the production -( Cinematography, V.f.x, S.p.f.x, C.g.i, Music, Set-pieces, Casting )- are entirely "Par-Excellence", to say the -Least- . And -{ Yes }- , the Giga-dramatic & " beautifully-Evocative " Score from composer Tom Holkenborg literally sets an -{ already }- 'super-explosive' film... " Aflame { 🔥❗} " with an anticipatory fervour that is all but impossible to stave off. Franchise 'newcomer' Rebecca Hall ( Ironman-3 ), 'monsterverse-favourites' Millie Bobby Brown & Kyle Chandler, and Demiân Bichir, Alexander Skarsgård, Eiza Gonzáles, & Julian Dennison were all well & truly -{ Fantastic ✅ }- .

Although this time it was the two 'super-fresh' faces that really stood out for me. The first being the -{ Phenomenal }- African American comedic talent Bryan Tyree Henry , who -Literally- carries the film 🌠 for the first 7½ minutes or so, "almost single-handedly". The latter is a -{ Brand New }- entrant to the very world of big-screen performance itself, an absolutely, positively Angel-Faced Youngster from ( U.s )-Georgia named Kylee Hottle 🌠 , who's -( Actually )- deaf in real life, -And- skilled in A.s.l, { or American Sign Language } ; & who was only, get this, 9 Years Old when GvK was filmed. She brings an 'Utterly Irrepressible' sense of Beauty, Innocence & Humanity to the entire movie, & -{ All }- her scenes with 'the great Kong' are just... { " Darling 🌺❗" } ...and that's -Not- an exaggeration. In fact, she -{ More Than }- makes up for the emotional depth that Godzilla-1's lead protagonist for the better part of the film, Aaron Taylor Johnson's 'Lieutenant Ford Brody'..... sadly 😔 .....{ -Lacked- } .

Overall, I think this is a picture that would make the " Kaiju 👉{ Japanese term of endearment for its subculture recognized the world over for 'Reveling' in giant monsters }👈 Crowd " as a collective... { -Pretty- } darn proud ...Indeed. However, as regards the " mechagodzilla ghithora Goliath " : I'm going to -Have- to say that I -Don't- think that I quite " Felt " that, for whatever reason. The film's creators might { actually } have been 👉( Far )👈 better off employing some sort of " Much more Terrifying " .....( than 'Even' the undeniably fearsome 'Original' 3-headed gargantuar Ghithora from Godzilla-2 )..... -{ Cloned 🔴 }- monster, with -{ A Few }- mechanical 'Enhancements' made to it ; as opposed to going " Full-Blown Robot " on us. & Finally, to end on a positive note, I can't even -{ Begin }- to describe to you how " delightfully-Ecstatic ( 💥 🤣 ) " an experience it was, to watch that whole "bleach-Satire" episode play out .....( you'll -instantly- get what I mean, when you see it )..... referring, Of Course, to the -{ Thorough }- , & indeed 'bare naked' swipe the filmmakers took at one of ( " a certain " ) Donald. J. Trump's -{ Particularly }- infamous shenanigans in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, during the latter part of 2020 .

Summary : The film 👉{ Didn't }👈 have the impact that " Godzilla " { 1 & 2 }, -{ Or }- indeed, " Kong : Skull Island " had on me .... but-then-again.... I suppose it's incumbent & obligatory on my part to remind you, the reader, ( at -this- point ), that the 'all-crucial' "Novelty-Factor" within ( Any ) given movie franchise is -{ Bound 🤷‍♂️ }- to diminish... ( & Very-Significantly, At That ) ...with the advent of each new instalment, -Of- said franchise. So. -{ All }- things considered, I'm giving the picture " A Loud, Supportive 7.50 Marks Out Of 10 👏 💥❗" .
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Very entertaining but plot is ruining it
fredericktanjaya28 March 2021
I love Godzilla, I love Kong. Face to face they fight like there is no tomorrow for one of them. The battle is very entertaining and breathtaking. Visual are the best of all other monster verse by WB.

The weakness is in the plot and story telling. They should paid a bit more attention on the story and human characters to make them at least interesting.

Battle is 10/10 Story and plot 4/10.
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Great CGI can't compensate for awful story.
alfredsmith2 April 2021
This is a mindless, plotless action flick with great action and effects but not much else. The plot is mundane, ridiculous and predictable. Much of it didn't even make any sense, because nothing is adequately explained. The acting is mostly awful. The editing made it difficult to follow what little plot there was. Actually the whole series of movies in this rebirth have all been really bad and this just continues that tradition. I am at a complete loss to explain the high ratings some people have given it and cannot recommend it all. Seriously don't bother with this.
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Jaw dropping visual affects and action!
chalitha1624 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best popcorn flix you'll ever witness. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. This might get an Oscar for the best visual affects. Definitely worth our money and a great blockbuster! Don't miss this one guys..
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Nobody wanted a plot
ratpackaustin4 April 2021
I guarantee 99% of viewers just wanted to see two titans go at it. Nobody cared about the humans in this movie. So why does WB keep trying to force humans down our throat in these movies? In an hour and 50 ish minutes were forced to watch people for 80 of those minutes. There's way too much time trying to make a plot here that I don't want to see.
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Kong bows to no one.
nogodnomasters28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They took the Kong from Skull Island, an excellent film plus the recent less than excellent Godzilla film and smashed them together into a confused mess. They simply tried to do too much. They take the basic titan fight and added "Journey to the Center of the Earth", "Upside Down" Kong as Indian Jones, "Transformers", a light saber Ax, teens save the world, and a little girl saves the world. The company Apex are the bad guys who are trying to do something good. Good visuals. Just a messed up plot.
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Delivers exactly what it says on the poster - a pair of iconic monsters duking it out in the most epic way possible ...and very little else
MrDHWong25 March 2021
"Godzilla vs. Kong" is the fourth film in Legendary Pictures' "MonsterVerse" and the fourth Godzilla film produced in the west. Starring Millie Bobby Brown, Julian Dennison, and Alexander Skarsgård, it delivers exactly what it says on the poster - a pair of iconic monsters duking it out in the most epic way possible ...and very little else.

Sometime after the events of "Godzilla: King of the Monsters", the giant ape Kong is being kept under surveillance inside a large simulated habitat, forming a bond with a deaf girl who communicates with him through sign language. One day, Godzilla attacks a city in Florida for seemingly no reason and this sparks an international debate over whether or not these huge monsters are a threat to humanity's future. A team of experts soon deduce that Godzilla was actually tracking Kong's energy signal and decide to transport him somewhere secret in an effort to prevent the two of them from fighting each other and causing even more collateral damage.

When it comes to giant monster movies, you can't go too wrong with the ones featuring the undisputed king of the monsters himself - Godzilla. Since 1954, this giant reptilian has been stomping his way through cities battling various monsters of similar size with his brute strength and trademark atomic breath. Every time I hear Godzilla's signature roar, it gives me chills like the first time hearing a lightsaber turning on in "Star Wars" or the DeLorean from "Back to the Future" reaching 88 miles per hour. Likewise, the enormous gorilla Kong has also had his fair share of time in the spotlight, debuting all the way back in 1933 in the classic film "King Kong". With this in mind, it seems fitting that these two iconic titans of east and west should face off against each other at some point, having previously done so in 1962's "King Kong vs. Godzilla". Now in 2021, we have a brand new reimagining of such a rivalry, complete with better special effects and destruction galore. There's something so mindlessly satisfying in seeing giant monsters beating the hell out of each other while leaving heavy destruction in their wake. I guess it's all just part of the entertainment value we can take away knowing it's all in good fun and that we can be thankful such colossal creatures don't exist in real life. However, if you are expecting to be treated to anything else beyond this, you will be greatly disappointed. Regardless, if fighting monsters and gratuitous demolition of skyscrapers is what you crave, then this movie certainly delivers.

In addition to this, the film also touches on the mythology of these strange beasts (known as "Kaiju" in Japanese), with particular focus placed on Kong and his origins. I'm no expert on Kaiju lore or anything like that but I did enjoy that we got to see how these towering figures aren't evil beings with a lust for destroying everything, but rather neutral parties trying to establish their place at the top of the monster food chain. Of course, the level of neutrality varies for each of the two, with Kong perhaps being "True Neutral" and Godzilla being "Chaotic Neutral". For example, Kong is seen attempting to live peacefully on Skull Island under the pretense that he is in charge and nothing else can take that away from him. Later on, when Godzilla arrives to challenge this notion, an all out brawl ensues, much like how predator animals like big cats would fight one another to establish dominance. We are informed it has been like this for thousands of years and that human civilisation has only popped up recently, just being on the brink of learning how to co-exist among all this ongoing conflict.

There's not much to say about the film's human characters, as they are only there to help move the small remnants of the plot along. Most of them were either generic military personnel marked for death or scientific minds trying to make sense of all this madness. I suppose Millie Bobby Brown was the only actor in the film with some dimension to her, as anyone who saw 2019's "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" will recall her character and her importance in that story. I did also like the film's scenes with the deaf girl talking to Kong via sign language, as this reminded me of the famous gorilla Koko who was taught how to communicate with her trainers through similar means. In spite of all this, by the end of the movie, I couldn't recall a single name of anybody other than the titular monsters, remembering them by the actor's real names instead of their characters. At the same time though, it didn't really matter because at the end of the day we don't pay to see a giant monster movie for the human characters for the same reason we don't go to McDonald's to order a filet mignon. Godzilla and Kong's names are in the film's title and it should be obvious by now that they are the real stars here, not the humans.

As far as giant monster movies go, "Godzilla vs. Kong" does a serviceable job at entertaining us with frequent action and great special effects. It's mind numbingly simplistic but I wouldn't expect anything less. At this stage, it is unknown if there will be any more films in this "MonsterVerse" but I do see potential in the franchise continuing for as long as the demand is there. Since there are still plenty of threatening monsters out there to be dealt with, I remain hopeful.

I rate it 6.5/10
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SnoopyStyle3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Kong is being kept under-the-dome living on Skull Island and he's not happy about it. Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall) is trying to keep him safe and away from Godzilla. Her adopted deaf daughter Jia communicates with him. Meanwhile, conspiracy blogger Bernie Hayes (Brian Tyree Henry) is investigating and working at Apex Cybernetics. Madison Russell (Millie Bobby Brown) is a fan and she tracks him down with Josh. Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgård) is a Hollow Earth expert. Oh yeah! There is the Hollow Earth, a magical axe, and a surprise villain.

Honestly, I don't remember the previous movies. I don't know any of these characters. Non of them really matters anyways. I do like the idea of the little girl communicating with Kong. The movie should do more of that. BTH is a little fun as the conspiracy nut. His little Scooby gang has potential but it's not that great. The Hollow Earth is rather silly but whatever. It's stupid but kinda cool at the same time. The TRON ships are out of place. It's a tech mishmash. I don't really need a lot of the human story especially if it's not doing anything interesting. At the end of the day, this is a mindless popcorn flix and it's fine for being that.
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Good enough
habikok28 March 2021
I hope the monsterverse keeps going after this one.
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Kong deserves far more than this
palemale-721832 April 2021
Withoubt doubt this has to be the worst Kong film ever made. The story-line was nonsense, the acting was just awful, and the "connection" between Kong and the lovely little deaf and mute girl was pure saccharine too sickly to stomach.
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Titans great,humans not so great!
dev-4950929 March 2021
Although the human characters were kinda dull for a bit but the movie did gave us the spectacle which was promised. I am very pleased with titan brawl,vfx, and amazing soundtrack. I would be very happy if the monsterverse gets a green light to continue it's saga. Kudos to everyone is involved.

Watch the film in the biggest screen possible.
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Hail the God and the King!
iamianiman24 March 2021
Three colossal blockbuster movies, Godzilla (2014), Kong: Skull Island (2017) and Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) have set the pace for Godzilla vs Kong (2021). After years of waiting these two iconic characters to appear on the big screen facing off one another, this long-awaited sequel is finally here to rumble but will it be a gigantic pay off or a gargantuan turn off?

Question #1: Are there a lot of action-packed scenes?

I know the majority of the audience who wants to watch this film is expecting a non-stop action packed scenes. With a runtime of approximately 1 hour 52 mins including credits, the film offers a few action scenes but not as plenty as to how the critics are referring to. I feel that Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla: King of the Monsters offer more action scenes than Godzilla vs Kong though this latest film is not left far behind as the final act provides a visual pleasing jaw-dropping fighting scenes. As my expectation is high, to say that the film offers 'enough' action scenes is an overstatement but it still manages to be enjoyable overall.

Question #2: Are there any fighting monsters other than Godzilla and Kong?

Yes, there are a few but it serves more as a filler than getting a part in the main storytelling. Without mentioning which or who, there is an appearance of a monster during the final battle of the movie but I feel that there is much more that can be done with it. It lacks any development and it is hard not to think that the monster is there just to be there without moving forward its story or origin. It leaves an impression that other than Godzilla and Kong, other monsters serve mainly to remind the audience that this is a Monster Verse.

Question #3: Is the visual effect as outstanding as what the critics are saying?

Oh yes, the visual effect is outstanding. You can witness the figure of the monsters with dazzling spectacle. It feels very much real and alive and it is difficult to spot the flaws in terms of its visual. I can bet high that this film will receive a nomination for next year's awards like Oscars and Golden Globes for Best Visual Effects of the year.

Question #4: What do I like about Godzilla vs Kong?

The best thing about Godzilla vs Kong for me is the cinematography during the ongoing action scenes. It lets you witness the event by means of a point-of-view technique as if you are about to go to an amusement park ride. It is effectively entertaining, it buckles you on your seat to let you experience the ride and immerse yourself in the experience. The choreography of the action scenes between the monsters is also left to be amazed. It shows you never-before-seen battle movements that are eye-pleasing to watch alongside the color palette which is mesmerizing, it is hard not to think the Pacific Rim universe when you see the colorful and bright neon lights showering the Monster Verse world. I also love the intrinsic and humane expression of Kong and the grisly horrific images of Godzilla, it shows both ends of spectrum, complementing Yin & Yang.

Question #5: What do I dislike about Godzilla vs Kong?

Other than what I feel that it contains only a few action scenes, the plot moves towards uninteresting territory. This is the problem with the Godzilla films for me, instead of capturing the audience with an appealing plot, it shows you on the process of fighting against or helping the monsters. It establishes the idea to guide you through the journey of survival if we were being attacked with the monsters which sets aside its storytelling. I get it, it is a film about fighting monsters but there is a reason why the first Godzilla film does not receive much appraisal as it lacks both storytelling and action scenes. Furthermore, I also feel that the middle part of the film feels a bit draggy and over-the-top ridiculous with no sci-fi boundaries. I also feel disengaged by the chemistry between Godzilla and Kong because it seems that there were there to only fight without a proper explanation. Godzilla is only present when he is about to battle, no more and no less.

Question #6: Who should watch Godzilla vs Kong?

Those who:-

  • Have invested in the previous Monster Verse films.
  • Want to watch brainless popcorn flicks and can suspend their disbelief.
  • Want to be impressed by its jaw-dropping visual spectacle.
  • Want to witness monsters fight.

Question #7: Is there any end credits scene?

Unfortunately, there is no end credits scenes after or during the credits roll.

Question #8: Rate the Monster Verse films from Best to Good (There's no worst, every film is entertaining and good.)

  • Godzilla: King of the Monsters
  • Kong: Skull Island
  • Godzilla vs Kong
  • Godzilla

Verdict: Godzilla vs Kong sets to shake the world with its massive fighting scenes and dazzling visual effect and while those succeed, it seems that the roaring rumble is stepped down by the lack of action scenes in the first two acts and the uncharted exploration of its mythology that makes Godzilla vs Kong an only substantially sizeable monster mayhem film.
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Boring 2 Hour CGI slog
reaveryankee15 April 2021
Incomprehensible plot. Dialogue that makes Marvel look like Shakespeare. It must've taken a lot of talent to make a film about monsters battling over city skylines so boring. Oh wait we can't forget about the compulsory side plot of a teenager breaking into a high security evil corporation, we never fully find out what that was all about but rest assured knowing it was necessary for marketing purposes. So if you want a fun popcorn movie to see in theaters with friends run the other way from this monster fighting monstrosity.
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Absolutely Great.
paul-868103 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Five years after Godzilla defeated King Ghidorah, Kong is monitored by Monarch within a giant dome on Skull Island. Kong is visited by Jia, the last Iwi native and Kong expert Ilene Andrews' adopted daughter, who is deaf and communicates with Kong via sign language.

Bernie Hayes, an employee of Apex Cybernetics and host of a Titan conspiracy theory podcast, extracts data suggesting sinister activities at a Pensacola facility. However, Godzilla suddenly attacks the facility; during the rampage, Bernie stumbles on a massive device. Madison Russell, a fan of Bernie's podcast, enlists her friend Josh to investigate Godzilla's attacks. Apex CEO Walter Simmons recruits Nathan Lind, a Hollow Earth theorist, to guide a search for a power source into the Hollow Earth, the homeworld of the Titans. Nathan is initially hesitant as his brother died on an expedition to Hollow Earth due to a strong reverse-gravitational effect. He agrees after Walter reveals that Apex has developed HEAVs, specialized crafts able to withstand the pressure exerted by the gravity field.

Nathan meets with Ilene and convinces her to let Kong guide them through the Hollow Earth via an outpost in Antarctica. Nathan, Ilene, and an Apex team led by Walter's daughter Maia board a modified barge escorted by the U. S. Navy that carries a sedated and restrained Kong. Godzilla attacks the convoy and defeats Kong, but retreats after the ships disable their power and trick him into thinking they are destroyed. To avoid alerting Godzilla, Kong is airlifted to the Hollow Earth entrance, and Jia convinces him to enter the tunnel while the team follows him in the HEAVs.

Madison and Josh find Bernie, who joins their investigation. They sneak into the wrecked Apex base, discover a secret facility underground, and are inadvertently locked into an underground monorail transport to an Apex facility in Hong Kong, where they unwittingly stumble on a test of Mechagodzilla. It is telepathically controlled by Ren Serizawa, the son of the late Ishiro Serizawa, through the neural networks from a severed head of Ghidorah, but is hobbled by its power supply's limitations. Walter intends to harness the Hollow Earth's energy to overcome Mechagodzilla's limitations.

Inside the Hollow Earth, Kong and the team find an ecosystem similar to Skull Island. They discover his species' ancestral throne room, where they find remains of an ancient war with Godzilla's kind and a glowing axe made from another Godzilla's dorsal plates. As they find the power source, the Apex team sends its signature back to their Hong Kong base despite Ilene's protests. Attracted by Mechagodzilla's activation, Godzilla arrives in Hong Kong, and sensing Kong, he directly drills a shaft to the throne room with his atomic breath. In the ensuing mayhem, Maia and the Apex team attempt to escape but their HEAV is crushed by Kong. Kong, Ilene, Jia, and Nathan ascend to Hong Kong, where Godzilla and Kong battle. Godzilla is initially overpowered by Kong, but Godzilla emerges victorious while Kong loses consciousness.

Madison, Josh, and Bernie are caught by security and taken to Walter. Despite Ren's concerns over the power source's volatility, Walter orders him to activate Mechagodzilla. They lose control of Mechagodzilla, who kills Walter and electrocutes Ren, and then attacks Hong Kong. Godzilla and Mechagodzilla battle, but Godzilla is overwhelmed. Nathan revives Kong by destroying the HEAV, and Jia convinces him to help Godzilla. As Mechagodzilla overpowers both Titans, Josh short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls with Bernie's flask of liquor, momentarily interrupting the mech. Godzilla supercharges Kong's axe with his atomic breath, allowing Kong to destroy Mechagodzilla. Madison, Bernie, and Josh reunite with Mark Russell, while Godzilla and Kong acknowledge each other before the two go their separate ways. Sometime later, Monarch has established an observation post in the Hollow Earth, where Kong now rules.
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Dumb plot and bad science but cool monsters
catschasemice95945 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The human section of this film wasn't great. Too many stock characters in too many hinky plots. Incredibly weird and un sciencey explanations for doofy events. However, the monsters put on a series of entertaining bar fights. Kong gets Thor's magic axe. Zilla gets anger therapy. Will there be a Mrs Kong? Where were Gamera and Mothra?
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Nothing but visuals
mythos-2024 July 2022
Watch it only for the visuals, I you've never seen CGI before in your life. Don't expect any story or acting or anything. If you want any of those, watch another movie instead.
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New versions of these stories getting old.
TxMike18 August 2021
My wife and I watched it at home on BluRay from our public library. This appears to be a highly updated remake of the 1963 "King Kong vs Godzilla" which itself was a Japanese movie edited for American audiences. This current one uses updated themes, like use satellite signals and a virtual reality device to control the Mechagodzilla.

It has lots of deep bass, lots of well done computer graphics, and a somewhat entertaining story that requires Kong to be brought out of his protected habitat on Skull Island to battle Godzilla who seems to want to destroy Hong Kong.

Mildly entertaining especially for those who enjoy action overload.
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Full of useless characters
tylermatthew-397422 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie would have been much better served with about 1/3 of the characters it had. Kong, Godzilla, the Robot Godzilla and maybe like 4 humans with very little storyline would have served a much better movie. The action was co bit Jesus the characters were really really bad. Especially the trio with the girl from Stranger Things.
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