Hearst RISE (Reinforcing Inclusion, Supporting Equity) is a commitment to invest in initiatives aimed at advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. In an inclusive culture, everyone must listen, learn and take action, and through training and education, outreach and recruiting, internships, employee resource groups and more, the entire Hearst community will RISE together.

Diversity strengthens innovation, creativity and collaboration across the company's businesses, content and partnerships. Therefore, Hearst values recruiting and retaining talent from underrepresented communities, including people of color, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, veterans and others.


Empowering Leadership
By investing in further training and networking for employee resource group (ERG) leaders, HR colleagues, DE&I council members, management and leadership, Hearst continues to accelerate its efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace.

Evolving Talent Processes
By pursuing excellence in performance management, development programs, and promotion and succession approaches, Hearst works to ensure that its leadership ranks reflect the best of the company.

Engaging With Communities
By continuing to invest in best-in-class journalism and entertainment that reflects a diversity of perspectives, supporting suppliers from a broad range of backgrounds and providing thought leadership on environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics, Hearst uses its influence to be a catalyst for change.

Message From the CEO
“We are steadfast in our commitment to a fully inclusive workplace as the best way to fulfill our mission and ensure excellence in all we do.”

Steven R. Swartz
President & CEO, Hearst

explore DE&I

Lifting Talent

Learn more about Hearst’s professional development and allyship programming.

Diverse & Inclusive Workplace

See how Hearst prioritizes partnerships with ERGs and has been recognized for being an inclusive workplace.

Content Spotlights

Explore highlights from Hearst’s newspapers, magazines, and television properties featuring stories of diverse communities.

Supporting Our Communities

Read the 2023 Community Engagement report.


Hearst published its first RISE report in 2021 to share the many efforts to advance DE&I — both new and longstanding — across its business units, as well as to publicly report on changes in employee composition.

Since the first RISE report (comparing 2020 to 2023 data), women managers increased from 42% to 44%; people of color grew from 27% to 32%; managers of color rose from 22% to 24%; and among new hires, people of color increased from 36% to 40%.

The data is U.S. only. All demographic data is self-reported.

Gender Summary
Ethnicity Summary
the company

Hearst is one of the nation’s largest global, diversified information, services and media companies. Hearst has been innovating for more than a century, leading with purpose, integrity and a culture of care, with a mission to inform audiences and improve lives.

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