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Welcome to
Mangiare and Co.
Welcome Home.

In Italy, good food is a feast for the senses, an expression of love, comfort and the endless joy of living.For us it is all about this feeling and this experience. We are clebrating it with a unique Italian art of cooking that merges the tradition of classic dishes with the modern culinary art of Italy.


Our Head chef Guido Vinci represents the new Italian Creative Cuisine that honors the culinary tradition of his home while advancing it independently. A fine crowd of regulars from all over the world including Hollywood celebrities like Robert Redford, Tom Cruise and Quentin Tarantino are testament of Vinci‘s achievements.

Enjoy our Italian Creative Cuisine that combines tradition with the modern culinary arts.

Fine Dining

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Cooking Events

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Are you interested in our locations? Contact us.

Sales  for your requests 
Email: Info@fabrik23.com 
Tel: 030 658 37 695

Event  for booked events
Email: event@fabrik23.com
Tel: 030 138 840 72

Bankett  for deliveries and logistics
Email: bankett@fabrik23.com
Tel: 030 29 775 575

Office  for cooperations and other requests
Email: office@fabrik23.com
Tel: 030 644 332 43

E-Mail: buchhaltung@fabrik23.com

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