Corporal Lovell, 29,who gave lifesaving first aid to the victim of a stabbing, has received a Chief of the General Staff’s Commendation.

British Corporal Who Gave Lifesaving First Aid Honoured

Corporal Lovell, 29,who gave lifesaving first aid to the victim of a stabbing, has received a Chief of the General Staff’s Commendation.

A Corporal from 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment, who gave life-saving first aid to a stabbing victim has received a Chief of the General Staff’s Commendation.

Corporal Lovell, 29, gave the victim first aid on the night of 7 April 2017.

He said: “I was heading back from a night out and saw a fight break out in front of me and a young man got stabbed in the neck three times.

"It was a stressful situation, but my training took over and I just got involved and did what I could to stop his bleeding."

Corporal Lovell received the commendation after his regiment celebrated its 15th anniversary.

The award citation stated: "His actions undoubtedly prevented loss of life that night and were in the highest traditions of the Army."

To celebrate its 15th anniversary, 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment exercised its Freedom of Woodbridge

To celebrate its 15th anniversary, 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment exercised its Freedom of Woodbridge.

Lieutenant Colonel Simon Carvel, Commanding Officer of 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment, said: "It’s a huge privilege for the regiment to exercise the Freedom of Woodbridge and it has been a wonderful occasion to mark our 15th anniversary.

"We have a wonderful relationship with Woodbridge and draw strength from the public support received today, and every day from the local community."

To celebrate its 15th anniversary, 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment exercised its Freedom of Woodbridge

Major General Chris Tickell, Chief Royal Engineer and the Regiment’s founding commanding officer, and Mayor of Woodbridge Councillor David Mortimer took the salute with The Band of The Parachute Regiment setting the event to music.

23 Parachute Engineer Regiment, which has been based at Rock Barracks, Woodbridge since 2006, was formed in 2003 for the Iraq War.

The airborne sappers have since deployed on three tours of Afghanistan, supported peacekeeping in the Sinai Peninsula and carried out hurricane relief in the Caribbean.

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