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Hemp / Marijuana / Marihuana / Cannabis

General Information on Marijuana/Hemp

A Fiscal Analysis of Marijuana Decriminalization in California --

An analysis of the impact of the Moscone Act on the criminal justice system in California. A very big report with lots of fiscal and financial detail.

Savings in California Marijuana Law Enforcement Costs Attributable to the Moscone Act, A Summary -- An analysis of the costs and benefits of marijuana decriminalization.

Exposing Marijuana Myths: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - Lynn Zimmer, Dr. John P. Morgan, October 1995

Alternative Systems of Cannabis Control in New Zealand A Discussion Paper Drug Policy Forum Trust, Wellington July 1997

The Decriminalisation of Cannabis in the A.C.T. (Australian Capital Territory) - Use Among University Students - By Jill M McGeorge, 1996 Paper presented at the 1996 International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm - Hobart

Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis Hemp - By Brian S. Julin

Cannabis 1988 Old Drug, New Dangers, The Potency Debate, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol 20(1), Jan-Mar, 1988 pg 47. Mikuriya, Tod H. and Aldrich, Michael.

This is a summary of an article discussing the myth of the increase in marijuana potency over the last couple of decades. As this article and others have pointed out, the strongest forms of marijuana have been available since the dawn of recorded history. Readers are invited to make reference to the various historical documents below regarding the historical use of hashish.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Marijuana Use.

This is an excellent summary of many of the questions regarding marijuana. It is very well-documented. Contributed by Christopher Reeve.

The Myth of Marijuana's Gateway Effect by John P. Morgan, M.D. and Lynn Zimmer, Ph.D.

This is a good review of the myth that marijuana leads to harder drugs.

Pharmacology of Marijuana: Just Another Sedative by Frederick H. Meyers, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, Ca.

A Review of the Scientific Literature Re Amotivational Syndrome

This is an excellent synopsis of the information regarding the "amotivational syndrome" and marijuana. Complete with citations for further reference. Contributed by Brian of DRCNet.

Notes on Marijuana and the Amotivational Syndrome

Pot's Tab in the War on Drugs -- The Arkansas Times, September 16, 1993

The Legalization Of Marijuana: by Dennis M. Yates

The human toxicity of marijuana: a critique of a review by Nahas and Latour.

This is an abstract of an article which reviewed the work of Dr. Gabriel Nahas regarding his claims about the dangers of marijuana.

Marijuana and the Human Brain - By John Gettman, with NORML

Marijuana and the Human Body -- The Common Sense Series, a publication of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

Detecting Marijuana Through Urine Testing -- Approximate times for testing positive versus frequency of use.

The Interaction Between Alcohol and Marijuana -- A Dose Dependent Study of the Effects on Human Moods and Performance Skills --

A summary of a 1986 study from Australia regarding the effects of marijuana and alcohol on driving skills.

Marijuana (Cannabis) Fact Sheet - Issues Study Committee of the Bruin Humanist Forum Copyrighted by the Bruin Humanist Forum 1967

The Effects of Marijuana on Consciousness -- From: Altered States of Consciousness, edited by Charles T. Tart, Doubleday & Co., 1972, Chapter 22

Cannabis: the brain's other supplier by Rosie Mestel - reprinted from the New Scientist 31 July 1993

This is an article about natural chemicals in the brain which are very closely related to THC.

Chemical Constituents of Cannabis - Report of a Study by a Committee of the INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE, National Academy Press, Washington, DC 1982

Marijuana and Actual Driving Performance, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration by Hindrik W. J. Robbe and James F. O'Hanlon Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20590 -- Published November, 1993

An Indian Bhang (Marijuana) Shop (Picture)

A Picture of the THC Molecule

Motion to Dismiss: Statute Unconstitutional, District Court, County of El Paso, State of Colorado Case No. 97CR1969 Division 8 Courtroom 305  -- A motion to declare the Colorado state marijuana laws unconstitutional.  The motion was denied.

Arizona Marijuana Tax Stamps -- currently on sale from the Arizona State Department of Revenue

Wisconsin Marijuana Tax Stamps

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