Glyn takes a leap of faith as he climbs the Big Brother roof

Last updated at 08:07 14 August 2006

It's torment knowing the only thing separating you from your old chums is a plywood wall, some cavity insulation and the wrath of Big Brother. And for Glyn, that torment was too much.

Taking matters into his own hands, the teenager made a dash for it, scaling the big green rabbit in the garden and heading out onto the roof to head for the secret house.

Two very different houses

An emotional reunionBB evictees return

Looking like an escaped prisoner who was about to have a nasty fall Richard, Jennie and Pete ran into the garden to talk him down, but Glyn ignored their calls and disappeared over the fence in an attempt to break in next door.

"He's gone. He's gone over the top," said a stunned Pete.

"Glyn. You idiot," said Richard under his breath. "I want to find them," shouted Glyn, disappearing out of view.

Imogen went to the garden to try and encourage her mate down, as Big Brother demanded Glyn get off the roof in case he had a nasty fall. "I don't know how to get down," he said, realising he might have made a grave mistake.

Meanwhile, Big Brother had another twist in store for the beleaguered housemates as Imogen and Richard were booted out of the main house and moved into the House Next Door.

The pair joined former evictees Grace, Nikki, Mikey and Lea and following the public vote on Friday, either Imogen or Richard will return to the main house with a former evictee.