If Boumsong was worth £8m, then Cuellar could go for ten, says Novo


Last updated at 08:05 14 August 2007

Nacho Novo believes Rangers have landed a £10million asset in Carlos Cuellar - but he hopes his fellow Spaniard lasts longer at Ibrox than Jean-Alain Boumsong.

The French international was a Bosman free when he arrived in the summer of 2004 but, by mid-December, he was a Newcastle United player following an £8m exit that has since caught the attention of Lord Stevens and his 'bung enquiry' team.

Carlos Cuellar

Cuellar cost Rangers just over £2m when arriving from Osasuna five weeks ago but has looked rock solid in a defence yet to concede a goal in four competitive games, plus a friendly with Chelsea.

And Novo, while admitting a natural bias on behalf of his countryman, echoed former defender John Brown's suggestion that, one day, Cuellar may prove to be worth even more in the Premiership's inflated market.

"I think Carlos is better than Jean-Alain Boumsong and worth more," said Novo. "If Boumsong went for £8m, then Carlos could be worth £10m - and I am not just saying that because he is Spanish!

"He is a good all-round player and the more complete defender. He has passion and power and, when the strikers put pressure on him, he isn't bullied. He can play the ball out, too.

"Rangers sold Boumsong very quickly indeed, after just a few months. I hope Cuellar stays a good bit longer and we are here together. He's my pal, after all. You never know in football, though.

"If something was to happen, it would be between him and the club but I'd rather he stayed and did really well for Rangers. Carlos has settled from the first day and I think he will get better and better.

"There's a good relationship between him and David Weir and it makes the players in front of them feel that bit more comfortable. We have struggled a bit in defence for the past couple of years but we are better off now."

How long Novo will be around in these parts himself is a moot point. He has 11 months left on the original four-year deal he signed when Alex McLeish brought him in from Dundee but, as yet, a new contract has not been offered.

Four successive substitute appearances have seen him make a huge contribution to a winning start for Walter Smith's side, but he won't knock on the manager's door just yet to demand a starting berth.

"Of course I think I should be in the starting line-up, but the manager has to make the choices," added the little Spaniard. "I know that I just need to keep working away and doing my best for Rangers. The other way to look at it is that the manager has used me in every game so far.

"I have not spoken to him about it. It is not the right time, with so many big matches coming thick and fast for the club."

Rangers are shooting for the most significant 'midweek league' of all against Red Star Belgrade - a place among Europe's elite - and Novo insisted it would be good for Scottish football if both halves of the Old Firm qualified for the group stages of the competition.

As it happens, if one qualifies and the other is eliminated, the extra 'bounty' is a cool £2.25m from UEFA.

"We have to fight for the honour to play in the Champions League," he said.

"There are players all over the world and only a small number get to appear at that level of competition. So we are all aware it is a massive game for the club. We are aware of the money at stake and what it means for the club. I also think it is important for Scotland as a footballing nation to have teams in the Champions League.

"All over Europe they know about Rangers and Celtic after the past couple of seasons and that's a good thing for our league here. You could say our game against Red Star is like a semi-final, but I like that kind of pressure."

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