How talking about your bad back can take the pain away

Woman with backache Woman with backache

Struggle: But research suggests you could talk your way out of back pain

Talking about your bad back can help ease the pain, researchers have revealed.

A study of hundreds of adults with chronic back trouble found that those given a short-course of talking therapy were still reaping the benefits a year later.

Just nine hours of discussion and advice significantly eased both pain and stiffness and improved quality of life, the Lancet reports.

With the treatment judged better value for money than physiotherapy or acupuncture, it could provide a relatively cheap and easy way of helping the millions of Britons whose backs cause them daily pain.

The condition is the single biggest cause of sick days and the Health Service spends around half a billion pounds on drugs, operations, physiotherapy, acupuncture and other treatments each year.

Lost productivity and sickness benefit cost another £10billion.

A team of doctors from Warwick University recruited 700 men and women with bad backs. Almost half rated the pain as very painful or extremely troublesome.

All were given some general advice about avoiding bedrest, keeping active and taking painkillers.

Two-thirds were then assigned to six sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy, in which they were encouraged to talk and think about their pain and disability differently.

For instance, those who avoided playing sport in case it hurt their back were told that not exercising would lead to them becoming less and less fit – with the result their back would actually get worse.

They were encouraged to think positively and gradually become more active, taking up sports and hobbies they had enjoyed in the past. 

Having the treatment in groups allowed the volunteers to meet others with the same problem, as well as cutting costs.

The others continued life as normal.

A year later, many were in less pain and more mobile. However, the improvements were twice as great in those who had the cognitive behavioural therapy.

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Crucially, at £187 for six 90-minute sessions, the CBT was cost-effective.

Researcher Professor Sarah Lamb said: ‘Effective treatments that result in sustained improvements in low-back pain are elusive.

This trial shows that a bespoke cognitive behavioural intervention package is effective in managing subacute and chronic low-back pain.’

In an accompanying article, Dr Laxmaiah Manchikanti, a back pain expert from the U.S., described the results as ‘rather impressive’.

He added: ‘Cost-effectiveness of this intervention is thought to be better than that for acupuncture, exercise, manipulation and postural approaches.

‘Overall, the results suggest that cognitive behavioural therapy is an excellent option for primary care physicians before they seek speciality consultations for their patients.'