Three arrested over schoolboy's death

Last updated at 09:30 26 June 2004

Three teenage boys have been arrested over the murder of 15-year-old street robbery victim, Kieran Rodney-Davis, police said today.

Two 16-year-olds and another youth aged 17 were arrested at 1.30am today at their home addresses in south-west London, Scotland Yard revealed.

They are all in custody.

Kieran was killed while out on a shopping errand for his mother in Fulham, London, on Wednesday afternoon.

He died after being stabbed in the chest in what was believed to be a mobile phone street robbery.

A post mortem examination showed he died as a result of a single stab wound to the chest.

Three black youths wearing balaclavas or bandana-style scarves over their faces were seen running away after the attack.

Pointless murder

Detective Chief Inspector Dave Little, heading the investigation, said: "We are fairly certain that this started out as a robbery, and ended up as the pointless murder of an innocent youngster yet to reach the prime of his life.

"From what we know so far, Kieran was stopped by the gang and searched, then stabbed even though he offered no resistance."

Detectives have also questioned a 16-year-old girl in connection with the inquiry.

The girl was not arrested but was treated as a witness, police said.

After the killing Kieran's devastated mother Antoinette Rodney, 37, said: "I'm waiting for him to walk through the door. I'm still in shock.

"He was A1, the perfect son."

She had kept Kieran off school because he had an upset stomach and his new teeth braces were hurting.

But he was fed up and she allowed him to go to the shops for something to treat his gums and some computer discs from PC World nearby.

Kieran was on his way home when attacked.

Kieran 'died in my arms'

His best friend Lewis Kelleher, 16, ran to help him after the stabbing but Kieran "died in my arms" Lewis said.

"It was awful. There was blood everywhere. There was nothing anyone could do.

"He lay there dying in front of me. Another friend had dialled 999 and when the ambulance arrived they took him away - but we knew it was too late.

"I can't believe this has happened. Kieran was a nice, friendly guy. He wouldn't hurt anyone and wasn't violent. He never started fights but would stand up for himself if had to."

An incident room has been set up at Barnes police station. Anyone with information should ring 020 8247 7821 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.