On the road to Syria: Three jihadi bride schoolgirls are spotted on CCTV at Turkish bus station on same day they fled England

  • Teenagers are believed to have been spotted at Istanbul bus station
  • Girls - aged 15 and 16 - disappeared from London 10 days ago 
  • Footage shows the three calmly carrying luggage as they await bus 
  • CCTV images suggest the girls were at the bus station for almost 18 hours
  • Trio believed to be travelling overland to marry Islamic State fighters
  • 22 women and girls fled Britain to join Islamic extremists in Syria last year

They could be any other young tourists arriving for a winter holiday in Turkey.

But instead of heading towards a local hostel, these three girls are preparing to board a bus for the 17-hour trip to the Syrian border.

This image shows Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and 15-year-old Amira Abase on their way to become ‘jihadi brides’ for Islamic State terrorists.

Spotted: New CCTV footage shows the three UK schoolgirls waiting at Bayrampasa bus station in Istanbul
Spotted: New CCTV footage shows the three UK schoolgirls waiting at Bayrampasa bus station in Istanbul

Spotted: New CCTV footage shows the three UK schoolgirls waiting at Bayrampasa bus station in Istanbul

The teenagers sparked an international manhunt last month by slipping out of their East London homes to join extremists fighting a so-called ‘holy war’.

Grainy CCTV footage shows the GCSE pupils waiting at Bayrampasa bus station, in a suburb on the west side of Istanbul, before the final leg of their treacherous trip. 

Hours earlier, on February 17, they had landed on a Turkish Airlines flight from Gatwick after telling their families they were going out for the day.

The images were released as the UK’s top counter-terrorism officer revealed about 60 British women, including at least 18 teenagers, had travelled to Syria to join the barbaric Muslim fanatics. 

Kadiza Sultana
Kadiza Sultana
Left the country: Shamima Begum (pictured) is one of the girls feared to have fled Britain to join Islamic State
Left the country: Shamima Begum (pictured) is one of the girls feared to have fled Britain to join Islamic State

'Groomed': Shamima Begum (right) is thought to have been contacted directly using Twitter by a female IS fighter. She later flew from Gatwick Airport to Turkey with friends Kadiza Sultana, left, 16, and Amira Abase

Amira Abase (L) and Shamima Begum (R) were spotted on grainy CCTV footage alongside Kadiza Sultana

Spotted: The trio were seen entering Istanbul's Esenler bus station in the early hours on February 18, just hours after they disappeared from their homes in London
Spotted: The trio were seen entering Istanbul's Esenler bus station in the early hours on February 18, just hours after they disappeared from their homes in London

Spotted: The trio were seen entering Istanbul's Esenler bus station in the early hours on February 18, just hours after they disappeared from their homes in London

Crowds: The three teenagers are seen mingling amongst crowds at the bus station. They are believed to now have been smuggled into Syria
Crowds: The three teenagers are seen mingling amongst crowds at the bus station. They are believed to now have been smuggled into Syria

Crowds: The three teenagers are seen mingling amongst crowds at the bus station. They are believed to now have been smuggled into Syria

Detective Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball, of the Metropolitan Police, said the youngest were just 15. Campaigners said the schoolgirls had been the victims of ruthless ‘ideological grooming’ by IS using social media websites.


Almost 20 teenage girls fled Britain to join Islamic extremists in Syria last year.

At least 60 women and girls have travelled to join ISIS altogether.

The stream of young women covertly leaving their families in the UK to live in the Islamic State is a 'growing problem' of 'real concern'.

Figures were revealed by Deputy Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball.

The Met's National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism added that police are in talks with the Government about getting 'extra resources' to combat the worrying trend.

Ms Ball told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show in the last year 22 young women have travelled to Syria.

Of those, all but four of the 22 were aged 20 or younger.  

She said: 'The last five who've travelled were aged 15 and 16.

'This is a growing problem and it's one of real concern.'

Yesterday’s footage shows the latest three, all pupils at Bethnal Green Academy, waiting 17 hours at the station after buying tickets to Urfa, near the Syrian border.

Calmly carrying their luggage and chatting among themselves, they seem composed and confident as they move between the crowds. They also appear to have changed from the clothes they were wearing when leaving Gatwick to more traditional Islamic dress.

The five images of the girls were taken between 8.27pm local time (6.27pm GMT) on February 17 and 1.22pm local time (11.22am GMT) the following day.

A week after the trio left their homes, Scotland Yard said they were believed to have entered Syria. Smugglers in the Turkish border town of Akcakale said they had crossed the border using false Syrian IDs, accompanied by a man claiming to be their father.

Police believe they are currently in the terror stronghold of Raqqa, where they face being married off to foreign fighters.

Neither Turkish Airlines nor the UK Border Force reported that the girls were intending to travel unaccompanied to the region, despite it being a key staging post on the journey to Syria.

Scotland Yard has also denied taking three days to inform officials in Turkey about the girls’ planned journey, insisting it was liaising with the Turkish authorities a day after the girls vanished.

MPs have called for an inquiry into the effectiveness of border controls in stopping British youngsters travelling to the war zone.

Flight to terror: Clutching their luggage, the three teenage friends Shamima Begum, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase 15, prepare to board a flight to Istanbul last year as the number of jihadi brides rose
Flight to terror: Clutching their luggage, the three teenage friends Shamima Begum, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase 15, prepare to board a flight to Istanbul last year as the number of jihadi brides rose

Flight to terror: Clutching their luggage, the three teenage friends prepare to board a flight to Istanbul last week. Police believe they have now been smuggled into Syria 

Kadiza Sultana
Kadiza Sultana
Shamima Begum
Shamima Begum
Amira Abase
Amira Abase

Lured to jihad: Kadiza Sultana, 16, left, Shamima Begum, 15, centre, and Amira Abase, 15, right, at Gatwick Airport. There are fears they are to be married off as 'jihadi brides' to Islamic State terrorists

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Miss Ball said police were increasingly concerned about the growing trend of young women planning to make the journey from Britain – many of whom are disguised to avoid suspicion.

She said: ‘This is a growing problem and it’s one of real concern. The more everybody involved in travel can be alert and be vigilant and look out for people the better. 

'This is about vigilance of everyone who is working in the industry … some of those women and girls are very carefully prepared for their travel so that they don’t stand out. They take unusual routes and it is very hard to spot them.’

Kalsoom Bashir, co-director of the counter-extremism organisation Inspire, said it was ‘shocking but not surprising’ that young girls were being lured to Syria.

She said IS had a ‘very specific campaign’ to target young and vulnerable women by ‘hooking into their vulnerabilities’. She said the women who were being ‘ideologically groomed’ were getting younger and younger.  

Route to hell: The three teenagers are believed to have travelled over ground from Istanbul to Gaizantep, before crossing the border into Syria near the Kilis crossing
Route to hell: The three teenagers are believed to have travelled over ground from Istanbul to Gaizantep, before crossing the border into Syria near the Kilis crossing

Route to hell: The three teenagers are believed to have travelled over ground from Istanbul to Gaizantep, before crossing the border into Syria near the Kilis crossing

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