Hilarious Histagrams: What might have happened if famous figures from the past including The Beatles, Fidel Castro and Darth Vader had INSTAGRAM

  • Artists imagine how iconic moments in history might have been documented if those behind them had Instagram
  • Altered photographs are displayed alongside humourous comments posted by other invented social media users
  • Images are curated on website Histagrams, set up by designer Gavin Alaoen and an artist known as Gusto NYC


The Wright brothers' first flight, the unveiling of Michelangelo's David and the Greeks' invasion of Troy - these are just some of the historic events that could have been shared with the world if famous faces from the past had used Instagram.  

The clever pictures were created by website Histagrams, which imagines how iconic moments in history might have been shared if the people behind them had been on social media users.

And the two men behind the site, designer Gavin Alaoen and an artist known as Gusto NYC, add comments and 'likes' that bring a touch of humour - and valuable historical context - to the photos.

 An image posted by Napoleon Bonaparte, shows tiny toy soldiers standing on a map of the world taken from a boardgame. 

The caption from the French Revolution leader reads: 'Planning my next conquest', to which a user name 'DukeofWellngtn' responds, 'Ha, see you soon lil guy!'

In an interview with petapixel.com in 2013, Gusto NYC said the idea came to him while on the New York subway. He said: 'Swiping through Instagram, [I] wondered what it would have been like if it was around 5 years ago, then I thought 10, 20 years ago, but why stop there?' 

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Flashback: Fidel Castro, left, posts a photo of his younger self, which is commented on by popstar Pitbull. Michelangelo, right, shares a photo of his David sculpture, which is 'liked' by fellow Italian artists Andrea del Verrocchio and Donatello - and the man who inspired the piece

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