Three children left orphaned after mother hangs herself from SAME TREE where boyfriend hanged himself a week earlier because she ended seven-year romance

  • Raymond Oswell, 31, hanged himself after split with Victoria Donovan, 24
  • She was so devastated she hanged herself from the same branch of tree
  • Coroner calls the tragedy the 'modern day equivalent of Romeo and Juliet'
  • Between them the couple, who were together 7 years, leave three children

Raymond Oswell’s former partner was wracked with guilt when he hanged himself after she began another relationship.

Victoria Kish-Donovan slept surrounded by his pictures and spent hours sobbing at the tree where he died, leaving flowers and notes.

Eventually, unable to cope with the grief any longer, she hanged herself from the same branch of the same tree.

Facebook picture from open profile of Victoria Donovan Facebook picture from open profile of Victoria Donovan
Facebook picture from an open profile of Raymond Oswell Facebook picture from an open profile of Raymond Oswell

Romeo and Juliet: Builder Raymond Oswell 31, was found hanged after girlfriend Victoria Donovan, 24, ended their romance and started dating someone else. She then took her own life, a Manchester inquest has heard

An inquest heard how Mr Oswell, 31, moved out of the couple’s home after their seven-year relationship broke down.

The former builder, however, killed himself after becoming inconsolable when he discovered 24-year-old Miss Kish-Donovan had begun seeing another man after spotting messages posted on Facebook.

Mother-of-three Miss Kish-Donovan committed suicide at the same spot just two weeks later leaving a note on the ground saying: ‘Together forever. I love you Ray.’

The couple left their two children, a son aged six and a daughter aged five, along with Miss Kish-Donovan’s eight-year-old son from a previous relationship.

Their families wept as Manchester coroner Nigel Meadows read out details of the tragedy. He said: ‘This is almost a repetition of a very famous play by Shakespeare called Romeo and Juliet – it could be the modern equivalent.

‘Victoria was so traumatised by Raymond’s death she wanted to take her own life, even though it would mean leaving her children and family behind. It must have been a similar consideration for Raymond.’

He added: ‘This is a very sad set of circumstances for both Victoria and Raymond and their families. They may well have had their ups and downs but they must have had a very committed relationship.’

Miss Donovan left a suicide note on the ground reading 'Together forever. I love you Ray' and in the run up to her death would lie in her bed surrounded by photos of her former partner (pictured) Miss Donovan left a suicide note on the ground reading 'Together forever. I love you Ray' and in the run up to her death would lie in her bed surrounded by photos of her former partner (pictured)

Miss Donovan left a suicide note on the ground reading 'Together forever. I love you Ray' and in the run up to her death would lie in her bed surrounded by photos of her former partner (pictured)

The couple met in 2005 when Miss Kish-Donovan was 17 and Mr Oswell was 24. They set up home together in Wythenshawe, Manchester, and had two children but after seven years their relationship came to an end in March last year.

The body of the ‘distraught’ father was found on June 21, hanged from a tree in Hatchett’s Wood near his home.

Tragic: The couple left their two children, along with Victoria's eight-year-old son from a previous relationship Tragic: The couple left their two children, along with Victoria's eight-year-old son from a previous relationship

Tragic: The couple left their two children, along with Victoria's eight-year-old son from a previous relationship

He was discovered by his sisters after they went to search for him when he failed to return home.

Following his death, Miss Kish-Donovan’s family said, she was devastated and spiralled into depression after she became unable to cope with the guilt.

She would regularly be found at the tree where Mr Oswell died, which had become a shrine to him surrounded by photographs and flowers.

Her mother Paula Donovan, 43, said: ‘She would go to the tree and I would try and take her away, but she would not stay away. She just never stopped crying; she blamed herself for what had happened to Ray and felt responsible.

‘She said she wouldn’t do anything to herself because of the kids but I felt it inside. I worried about her. She would lay on her bed with Ray’s pictures around her.’

On July 7 last year Miss Kish-Donovan was found hanged in the same secluded wood as Mr Oswell by a group of boys.

She still had faint signs of life but police and paramedics called to the scene were unable to save her.

Goodbye notes to her children and family and a love letter to Mr Oswell were later found in her bedroom.

Miss Kish-Donovan’s sister, Simone, 29, said: ‘Victoria and Raymond really were truly in love. They were always so close.

‘You have never met parents like them – they were never away from the kids and would try and bring all the family together by cooking meals. Just from one mistake, two families have been ripped to pieces.’

Recording a verdict of suicide, Mr Meadows said he was satisfied that the couple had intended to kill themselves when they died.

He said: ‘She wrote two notes – one was a declaration of love for Ray and the other a note of guilt and regret. This is a very sad set of circumstances for both Victoria and Raymond and their families.’

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