Move over Harry Potter! The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is now the most popular show in Guantanamo

  • Detainees at notorious prison clamor for re-runs of the  '90s sitcom starring as well as The Hunger Games
  • Former favorites include the Harry Potter saga and bits of Americana like The Cosby Show
  • One prisoner panned the vampire romance Twilight: 'He wasn't a huge fan,' says his attorney
Who knew: Apparently the American-hating jihadists imprisoned at Gitmo are clamoring for re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Who knew: Apparently the American-hating jihadists imprisoned at Gitmo are clamoring for re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Who knew: The American-hating jihadists imprisoned at Gitmo are clamoring for re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are clamoring for a most unlikely diversion from their monotony: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air re-runs.

The 90s TV show starring Will Smith has replaced the Harry Potter books and The Cosby Show repeats as the inmates' favorites.

And The Hunger Games books are also said to be a firm favourite with prisoners.

'I just ordered all six seasons,' camp librarian Milton told The Miami Herald of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air series in response to many of Guantanamo's 168 detainees' requests for the show. 

Milton is a U.S. Defense Department contractor who gave only his first name.

And while Harry Potter and The Hunger Games were a hit, one  alleged former jihadist who read tweenie vampire thriller Twilight, panned the book, according to his attorney, who spoke with the Florida newspaper.

'He read Twilight, too,' lawyer Wells Dixon reportedly said of his client, a 45-year-old English-speaking Algerian. 'But (he) wasn't a huge fan.'

Milton offered no explanation for the sudden popularity of the Fresh Prince saga, which is a  half-hour sitcom about an inner-city Philadelphia kid who moves in with his affluent cousins in California.

Gitmo prisoners, like these at Camp Iguana, wile away their time in cell blocks of up to 20 men, equipped with a flat-screen television bolted to the wall inside a plexiglass box. Gitmo prisoners, like these at Camp Iguana, wile away their time in cell blocks of up to 20 men, equipped with a flat-screen television bolted to the wall inside a plexiglass box.

Gitmo prisoners, like these at Camp Iguana, wile away their time in cell blocks of up to 20 men, equipped with a flat-screen television bolted to the wall inside a plexiglass box.

However, he did say that comedies are widely popular among requested items from the detention center’s 28,000-book-and-video library.

Prisoners who had formerly gone gaga over British author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, the saga about a boy wizard who discovers a secret world among 'muggles,' are now going elsewhere for their daily dose of entertainment.   

'They’re over that; it’s been more than a year,' the librarian said.

A civilian, Milton maintains the multilingual collection of books that mostly circulate in Arabic, Pashto, English and French that reach the four Gitmo lock-ups.

But the librarian leaves it to the uniformed military to distribute the books, magazines and video material on the cell blocks.

Panning Twilight: It wasn't prison officials who censured the ultra-popular Twilight  book, as one prisoner reportedly didn't like it nearly as much as his mates dug The Cosby Show Panning Twilight: It wasn't prison officials who censured the ultra-popular Twilight  book, as one prisoner reportedly didn't like it nearly as much as his mates dug The Cosby Show

It wasn't prison officials who censured the book, Twilight, as one prisoner reportedly didn't like it nearly as much as his mates dug The Cosby Show

Instead he detects trends by demand and noted that before surging interest in Fresh Prince — the show that first aired Sept. 10, 1990 — The Cosby Show had a period of popularity.

Cooperative captives, who make up the majority of prisoners, can watch T.V. communally in their medium security lock-ups, pretty much around the clock.

The prisoners wile away their time in cell blocks of up to 20 men, which are equipped with a flat-screen television bolted to the wall inside a plexiglass box.

Meanwhile, maximum security captives, who represent about 15 per cent of the prisoner population, can watch the show alone for perhaps an hour or two a day.

The Herald reports that they get a special solo viewing cell that lets them watch their favored American sitcoms from a recliner, with one ankle shackled to a bolt on the floor.

Prison commanders favor activities — like TV, books, art classes and outdoor recreation like soccer — for keeping captives distracted, and reducing friction among them and the guard force, The Herald reports.

Detainees are apparently using the material to hone their English, favoring novels that feature side-by-side translation, Milton told the paper. In addition, he said, he has ordered 10 copies of the Oxford English Dictionary, one each for nearly every cellblock.

Also, Army Cpt. Jennifer Palmeri told The Herald two hardcover sets of the popular Hunger Games trilogy are in circulation in the detention center this Ramadan. All the versions are in English, she said.

In addition, one captive has been furnished with an audio version of Suzanne Collins' three books -- The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Palmeri, a public affairs officer, would not elaborate.

So passe: Prisoners who had gone gaga over author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, are now going elsewhere.  'They¿re over that; it¿s been more than a year,¿ the prison librarian reportedly said this week So passe: Prisoners who had gone gaga over author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, are now going elsewhere.  'They¿re over that; it¿s been more than a year,¿ the prison librarian reportedly said this week

So passe: Prisoners who had formerly gone gaga over J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, are now avidly flipping through The Hunger Games