Second major art theft in a week: Picasso work among paintings stolen from French villa

Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso: A painting by the Spanish master was among 30 taken from the private collection

Art thieves have raided the south of France for the second time in a week.

Following a theft at a museum in Marseilles on Wednesday, around 30 paintings have been stolen in nearby La Cadiere d'Azur, including a work by Pablo Picasso.

The works were taken from a private collection at a villa in Provencal, less than 30 miles from Marseilles.

The haul, which also included a drawing by post-impressionist Henri Rousseau, is thought to be worth nearly £900,000.

Police said the owner was cutting short a holiday in Sweden, following the discovery of the theft by a caretaker on Thursday.

Spanish master Picasso is regarded as one of the greatest artists of modern times.

He lead the surrealist and cubist movements in the early 20th century and his painting 'Boy with a Pipe' sold for a record £65million in 2004.

Despite their geographical proximity, detectives say there is no evidence the two thefts are linked.

Police are still searching for the drawing by impressionist master Edgar Degas, stolen from the Cantini Museum in Marseilles on Wednesday night.

'The Chorus' is worth an estimated £710,000.

A guard at the museum was detained for questioning on Friday but released without charge.

Boy with a pipe Boy with a pipe

Boy with a pipe: Picasso's masterpiece sold for a record $104million in 2004

The Musee d'Orsay had loaned The Chorus to the Cantini gallery for an exhibition on the work of Degas. The show was due to close on Sunday before touring to Italy and Canada.

The local press said the painting was worth £26million, but the Musee d'Orsay in Paris valued it at £710,000.

The chorus The chorus

The chorus: Worth £710,000, the Degas painting was on loan to the Cantini Museum when it disappeared

The Chorus, which dates from 1877,  is a small work in bright pastels portraying a row of male choir singers on stage.

It was one of many works loaned out by the Musee d'Orsay in recent months to raise money.

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